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英语手抄报:关于pollution的句子英语手抄报:关于pollution 的句子On the contrary, the pollution problem will be solved only with the help of modem science and technology.


来自:污染,一个社会问题Pollution: a Social Problem

This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable.


来自:生存和死亡Live and Die

Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.



The pollution of water is equally harmful.


来自:人类和环境Man and His Environment

This causes the white pollution to our environment, which is very harmful because plastic bags can not disappear by natural decomposition.


来自:一次性方便塑料袋的问题The Problems of Plastic Bags Buses give rise to serious air pollution and traffic jam.


来自:公共汽车和地铁The Bus and the Subway Train

Second, because of the development of industry, lots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of all kinds.


来自:科学与人类生活Science and Human Life

Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect.


来自:汽车与环境空气污染Car and Pollution



英语手抄报简单又好看四年级 Aladywenttoahatshoptobuyahat.Asshewasveryfussy,ittookher alongtimetopickonone。 一位妇女到一家帽子店买帽子。她很挑剔,用了很长时间才选好了一顶。 Alreadyattheendofhispatiencethesalesmanwasafraidthatshem ightchangehermindagainsohetriedtoflatterher:"Anexcellentcho ice,madam.Youlookatleasttenyearsyoungerwiththishaton!" 已经忍耐到极限的售货员害怕她再改变主意,便恭维她:“你做了极好的选择,夫人。你戴上这顶帽子看上去起码年轻十岁!” Tohisdismay,theladytookoffherhatatonceandsaid:"Idon'twan tahatthatmakesmelooktenyearsolderassoonasItakeitoff.Showmes omemorehats!" 但令他沮丧的是,这位女士马上摘下了她的帽子说:“我不想要一顶摘下来便使我立刻显得老十岁的帽子。多拿一些帽子给我看看!” 四年级英语手抄报图一 四年级英语手抄报图二 四年级英语手抄报图三 四年级英语手抄报图四 四年级英语手抄报图五 1、Adayisaminiatureofeternity.(Emerson) 一天是永恒的缩影。(爱默生)

2、 Miraclessometimesoccur,butonehastoworkterriblyforthem.(C.We izmann) 奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命蒂努力。(魏茨曼) 3、Ittakestwotomakeaquarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响。 4、singlesparkcanstartaprairiefire. 星星之火,可以燎原。 5、Afriendinneedisafriendindeed. 患难见真情。 6、Eachmanisthearchitectofhisownfate. 每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。 7、Don'ttroubletroubletilltroubletroublesyou. 麻烦没有来找你,不要去找麻烦。 8、Agoodnameisbetterthanriches. 声誉胜于财富。 9、Timeisabirdforeveronthewing.(T.W.Robertson) 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。(罗伯逊) 10、Anopenenemyisbetterthanahollowfriend. 宁有公开的敌人,不要虚伪的朋友。


英语手抄报的内容怎么写 篇一:英语手抄报内容 内容一: goingsouthbyDrivingthechariotnorth onceamanwantedtogotothesouth,buthiscarriagewasheadingnorth.A passer-byaskedhim:'Ifyouaregoingtothesouth,whyisyourchariotheadingnorth?'Themananswered,'myhorseisgoodatrunning,mydriverishighlyskilledatdrivingacarriage,andIhaveenoughmoney.'Themandidn'tconsiderthatthedirectionmightbewr ong;thebetterhisconditionswere,thefurtherhewasawayfromhisdestination.译文 从前有个人要到南方去,他坐的车子却向北方行驶。过路人说:“你去南方,车子怎么向北行驶呢?”他回答说:“我的马很能跑路,我的车夫驾车的技术也很高明,加上我又带了充足的路费。”这个人没有考虑到,方向弄反了,他的条件越好,离他要去的地方就越远。 内容二:格言 Amother'sloveneverchanges. 母爱永恒。 Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

Anewbroomsweepsclean. 新官上任三把火。Aneyeforaneyeandatoothforatooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。Anhourinthemorningisworthtwointheevening. 一日之计在于晨。Anolddogcannotlearnnewtricks. 老狗学不出新把戏。Anounceofluckisbetterthanapoundofwisdom. 聪明才智,不如运气。Anounceofpreventionisworthapoundofcure. 预防为主,治疗为辅。Arollingstonegathersnomoss. 滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。Asamansows,soheshallreap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Asingleflowerdoesnotmakeaspring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。Asnowyear,arichyear. 瑞雪兆丰年。Asoundmindinasoundbody. 健全的精神寓于健康的身体。


be healthy, eat noodles or rice and some vegetables, not Healthy drink has a lot of, too. Among which juice, water and milk are healthy drinks, but Coke isn’t a healthy drink. To be healthy, drink some juice, water and

Today,I want to tell you how to keep healthy.It is very important

H1N1 is a very important problem at the moment.Everyone wants to keep healthy .Now,let me tell you how to keep healthy. First,you should exercise very often.And you must eat fruit after meals.You should drink too much milk and water every day.You shouldn't drink coffee and other unhealthy drinks. Next,you should eat vegetables and other healthy foods.You shouldn't eat junk food and other unhealthy foods like hamburgers,chicken and more.Maybe you want to keep healthy,you must go to bed early and get up early. In a world,have a good health is very important for us. 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


英语手抄报版面设计图-英语手抄报版面设计图大全精选 好看的英语电影推荐 爱丽丝梦游仙境 剧情简介 从“仙境”回到现实世界的爱丽丝·金斯利(米娅·华希科沃斯卡饰),对自己曾经有过的奇幻遭遇早就忘了个一干二净,即使如此,已经长成19岁的漂亮女人的她,仍然认为生活本身就是一场充满着意想不到的转折和惊奇的梦幻冒险。 爱丽丝在参加父母在维多利亚花园专门为自己举办的派对上,惊讶地发现原来自己竟然也有了仰慕者,而且还向

她发出了结婚的请求--对方是哈米什·爱斯科特(利奥·比尔饰),他是爱斯科特先生(蒂姆·皮戈特-史密斯饰)和太太(杰拉尔丁·詹姆斯饰)的儿子,虽然家财万贯,却有着富家子惯有的在过于养尊处优的环境下养成的愚笨和木讷。被哈米什吓了一跳的爱丽丝,还来不及对他的求婚做出反应,就迅速地逃离了正在进行中的宴会现场……随后,她惊讶地看到了一只穿着马夹、带着表袋的兔子正在前方迅速地奔跑。 紧紧地跟随着“兔子先生”(麦克·辛配音)穿越了一大片哥哥看一看关于草地,爱丽丝眼睁睁地看着他消失在一个兔子洞里。然后,突然之间,她发现自己竟然也一起跌落进去,不断地翻着跟头通过了一条奇怪、有如梦境般朦胧的通道,最终抵达一个圆形的大厅里,四周座落的是数不清的门--在“吃下我”的蛋糕,紧接着她的身体又重新长大了……最终,爱丽丝选好了自己要走进去的那扇门,她进入的一个令人惊奇的

幻想世界当中,居住在那里的人和生物将这片土地称为“地下生活”。 在这里,她见到的是有如动物园般丰富多彩的各色人物,从一只喜欢恃强凌弱、虚张声势的睡鼠(芭芭拉·温莎配音)到精神错乱的“疯帽子先生”(约翰尼·德普饰);从一只“常露齿嬉笑的猫”(斯蒂芬·弗雷配音)到一只喜欢抽水烟袋、名叫阿布索伦(阿伦·瑞克曼配音)的毛毛虫;从让人感到毛骨悚然的“白色皇后”(安妮·海瑟薇饰)到她那一直怀恨在心的姐姐“红桃皇后”(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特饰)--虽然她脾气又坏且喜欢使性子,但她却是“地下生活”真正的主宰者。在经历了一连串险象环生的意外事故之后,爱丽丝将会在这片有如童话般虚幻的奇妙世界里重新找到那个迷失了的自我。 英语幽默故事 园艺手套 几个月以来,我一直在向丈夫暗示我需要一枚新的结婚戒指,因为我对黄金有点过敏。生日那天,我正在干园艺


英语常用祝贺语 Congratulations! 祝贺您!Happy birthday! 生日快乐!Happy new year! 新年快乐!Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!Have a nice holiday! 假日快乐!Wish you every success! 祝您成功!

英语常用语 Could you do me a favor? 能请你帮个忙吗? Happy Birthday!生日快乐! Happy new year! 新年快乐 r congratulations to you ! 祝贺你! Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 英语小短文 Enjoy that uniquenesss1. You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else. You were meant to be different. Nowhere, In all of history, will the same things be going on in anyone’ s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours 英语自我介绍 Good morning , everybody(大家早上 好!) I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in the future. I won't let you down!(我很喜欢学习) hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.(大家 好,很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。) 英文歌曲 This is the way. Are you sleeping? Rain, rain, go away.Pat-A-cake ,Cradle Song , Five Big Dump Trucks ,Hokey Pokey ,Old MacDonald Had a Farm , Hush, Little Baby ,Bingo ,Good night ,Down by the station


英语手抄报内容大全带翻译 Park There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there. 我家附近有一个公园.哪里有很多美丽的树、花和小鸟.所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末.他们喜欢在公园里散步或是野餐.但是我喜欢和我姐姐在那里放风筝. Bedroom I have a small bedroom.There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room.And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed.Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom.It is small,but it gives me much happiness. 我有一间小小的卧室.那里有一张小小的床、小小桌子和一把小小的椅子.而且还有一个漂亮的娃娃在我那张蓝色的小床上.我每天都在房间里写作业,看书和与我的娃娃玩.虽然房间很小,但是他给了我很多欢乐. My father My father is a tall and handsome man.He is a policeman. Everyday he comes back home very late,because he must help the others.He doesn't have time to examine my homework and take me to the park.But I like my father,because he is a good policeman.


英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮 Oneday,afatherandhislittlesonweregoinghome.Atthisage,the boywasinterestedinallkindsofthingsandwasalwaysaskingquestio ns.Now,heasked,"What'sthemeaningoftheword'Drunk',dad?""Well ,myson,"hisfatherreplied,"look,therearestandingtwopolicemen .IfIregardthetwopolicemenasfourthenIamdrunk." "But,dad,"theboysaid,"there'sonlyONEpoliceman!" Alorrydriver,Davidisdriving200penguinstoLondonZoo.Buthis lorrybreaksdownonthemotorway,whenanotherlorrydriver,Roberts topsinthefrontofhim,Davidasksforhelp,andexplainsthatheistak ingthepengu instothezoo.Robertsays,“Ok.Icanhelpyou.” Somehourslater,RobertdriversbackandpassesDavid.Davidisst illonthelorry,andlookhappy. “IthoughtItoldyoutotakethosepenguinstothezoo.”Davidsay s. Robertreplies,“Idid,butIhadsomemoneyleft,soI’mgoingtot hecinemanow.” 看过“英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮”的人还看了:


五年级英语手抄报资料 整理的五年级英语手抄报内容,欢迎阅读。 I was accompanying my husband on a business trip. He carried his portable computer with him, and the guard at the airport gate asked him to open the case. It was locked, and the man waited patiently as my embarrassed spouse struggled to remember the combination . At last he succeeded.'Why are you so nervous?' I asked him.'The numbers are the date of our anniversary.' my usband confessed. 我陪丈夫一起出差,他带着他的手提式计算机。机场出口处检

查员要他打开包。他耐心的等着我那窘迫的丈夫设法回想起暗锁的密码。最后他终于想起来了。 “你为什么那么紧张呢?”我问他。 “这密码是我们结婚纪念日。”他承认道 Mary was so disgusted at her husband's cigarette smoking that she complained to him one day. 'I hope that all the cigarette factories will catch fire someday.' 'Don't worry, dear. All the cigarettes will be on fire sooner or later.' He said with a smile.


关于保持健康的英语手抄报精美图片 健康的身体是很多人期盼的,健康是无价之宝,是我们最珍贵的财富,也是用金钱买不来的。下面是为大家带来的关于保持健康的英语手抄报,希望大家喜欢。 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图片欣赏 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图一 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图二 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图三 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图四 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图五 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图六 关于保持健康的英语手抄报图七关于保持健康的英语手抄报资料1健康的饮食习惯 You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our healt h was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly. In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy. What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends. By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy. 关于保持健康的英语手抄报资料2健康的生活习惯 healthy eating habits are very important for our health. We should build healthy eating habits. We should eat fresh vegetables and fruits everyday.They supply rich and the necessary vitamins for us. We also should eat less meat


英语手抄报图片大全四年级 学习状态是一种意识层面的状态,是与文化相关联的社会意识品质,分析的是学生是否拥有和怎样使学生拥有接纳英语语言学习并内化为相应的意识品质的内在意识前提。做手抄报会提高学生的英语兴趣。下面是为大家带来的英语手抄报图片大全四年级,希望大家喜欢。 英语手抄报图片大全四年级1:铁匠与小狗Those who will not work deserve to starve. A Blacksmith had a little Dog, which used to sleep when his master was at work, but was very wide awake indeed when it was time for meals. One day his master pretended to be disgusted at this, https://www.doczj.com/doc/3e4992102.html, and then he had thrown him a bone as usual, he said, “What on earth is the good of a lazy cur like you?”When I am hammering away at my anvil, you just curl up and go to sleep: but no sooner do I stop for a mouthful of food than you wake up and wag your tail to be fed. 不卖力工作的人理应挨饿。 铁匠家有一条小狗,小狗常常在主人打铁时睡觉,但是一到了吃饭时间,便异常清醒起来。有一天,铁匠假装对此很生气,一边像往


英语手抄报简单又漂亮a4纸 蝮蛇常常到泉水边饮水。住在那里的水蛇对蝮蛇不满足自己的领地而跑到别人的领地里来喝水的行为十分生气,出来阻拦他。他们 的争吵愈演愈烈,并约定互相交战,谁赢了,就把这水陆领地全都 交给谁。 Viperoftentothefountainofdrinkingwater.Livetheresnakesof theViperdoesnotmeettheirterritoryandotherswenttotheterritor ytodrinkingbehaviorisveryangry, outtostophim.Theirquarrelintensified,andagreedtofighteachother,whowon,putthelandterritorytowhomall. Afterthedecisiontodateofthewar,thosewhohatesnakesfrogs,rantotheViperthereinspiredhim,andpromisedhimahelpinghand.Thefightingbegantosnake,Viperonslaught,thefrogcancallin, whatalsocan'tdo.Afterthevictoryoftheviper,thefrogispromisedtogivehimtheblamehim,butdidnothelp,onlysang. 青蛙对他说道:“啊,朋友,你知道,我们不是用手助战,而是用声音。” Thefrogsaidtohim:"Oh,friend,youknow,wedonothandhim,butwiththesound."


【篇一】小学六年级英语手抄报内容 1、动词变为动名词的规则: 动词变为动名词,即是动词加ing。一般要遵循以下三条规则: (1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing。如:play—playing read—reading do—doing go—going (2)以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,要去掉不发音的字母e,再加ing。如:write—writing ride—riding make—making dance—dancing (3)以单元音加单辅音结尾的重读闭音节,要双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing。如:run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting 2、关于第三人称单数: 动词变为第三人称单数形式的规则: (1)在一个句子中,如果主语人称既不是你,也不是我,而是另外的一个人,这时的人称叫做第三人称单数。 (2)在第三人称单词的句子中,动词要使用第三人称单词形式。 (3)动词变为第三人称单数形式,要遵循以下规则: ①一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加s。如: read--reads make—makes write—writes ②以字母s, x, o , sh , ch结尾的动词,在词尾加es。如:do—does wash—washes teach—teaches go—goes pass—passes ③以y结尾的动词分为两个情况,以元音字母加y结尾的动词,在词尾直接加s。如:play—plays buy--buys 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,要把y变为i,再加es.如:study--studies ④以f , fe结尾的名词,先把f,fe变为v,再加-es. ⑤特殊变化:have--has (4)在一个第三人称单数的句子中,只要句子中出现了does或者其否定形式doesn’t.该句子中的其他动词就要使用原形。


小学生关于健康的英语手抄报 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《小学生关于健康的英语手抄报》的内容,具体内容:小学生常常做关于健康的手抄报,一些提醒人们健康的标语,下面是我整理的一些用英语告诉大家的手抄报内容,希望大家有所收获:关于英语对话-健康知识Two colleagues,... 小学生常常做关于健康的手抄报,一些提醒人们健康的标语,下面是我整理的一些用英语告诉大家的手抄报内容,希望大家有所收获: 关于英语对话-健康知识 Two colleagues, Bill and Mary, are having lunch in their office cafeteria. 比尔和玛丽是同事,他们正在公司的自助餐厅吃午餐。 Mary: I cant believe my eyes, Bill. Are you having a salad for lunch? No hamburger? 玛丽:比尔,我真不敢相信我的眼睛。你午餐只吃沙拉?不吃汉堡? Bill:Get used to it, Mary. Im off burgers for good. Most fast food is loaded with sodium. 比尔:玛丽,你得开始习惯喽。我已经决定永远不吃汉堡了。大部分快餐,钠的含量都很高。 Mary: I know. But why your sudden interest in lessening your salt intake? 玛丽:这我知道。但你为什么突然想减少盐的摄取量?

Bill:My doctor says I should cut back on sodium-rich foods to lower my blood pressure. 比尔:医生说我必须少吃高钠盐的食物以降低血压。 Mary: Do you have hypertension? I would have thought you were too young. 玛丽:你有高血压?你还这么年轻。 Bill:Actually, my blood pressure isnt that high yet, but they say it increases with age. 比尔:事实上我的血压也没有那么高,但据说血压会随年龄的增长而增高。 Mary: Well, Im glad youre starting to pay more attention to your diet. 玛丽:啊,真高兴看到你开始比较注意饮食了。 Bill:I want to lower my risk of heart attack and stroke, too.比尔:我也想降低得心脏病和中风的危险。 Mary: So do I. Thats why Ive been trying to lower my cholesterol level. 玛丽:我也是,这就是为什么我一直想降低胆固醇指数的原因。 Bill:Ive noticed youve been munching4 away on lots of fruits and vegetables recently. 比尔:我注意到你最近大吃蔬菜水果。 Mary: Thats right. I could stand to lose a few pounds, too.

英语手抄报大全-英语手抄报大全 英语手抄报图片大全

英语手抄报大全-英语手抄报大全英 语手抄报图片大全 全世界75%的电视节目是英语,四分之三的邮件是用英语书写,电脑键盘是英语键盘,任何一个会议敢号称是国际会议,其会议工作语言一定要用英语,也是联合国的正式工作语言。英语是全世界的主要交流语言。下面是我们为大家带来英语手抄报图片大全,欢迎大家阅读。 英语手抄报图片大全篇一:表示理想的13句英语名言 1 Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British

dramatist) 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家莎士比亚.W.) 2 Don’t part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer) 不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。(美国作家马克”吐温) 3 I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happiness of man . I don”t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor) 我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。(美国发明家爱迪生. T.) 4 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal ,


英语手抄报资料 prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. 富贵结朋友, 患难见真情 if you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter. 吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人 self-trust is the first secret of success. 自信心是成功的首要关键 the secret of success is constancy of purpose. 成功的秘绝在于目标坚定有恒 success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. 成功源于努力去克服困难 experience is the extract of suffering. 经验是受苦的结晶 经典故事译文 A crow, ready to die with thirst, flew with joy to a pitcher which he saw at a distance. But when he came up to it, he found the water so low that with all his stooping and straining he was unable to reach it. Thereupon he tried to bread the pitcher, then to overturn it, seeing some small pebbles at hand, he dropped a great many of them, one by one, into the pitcher, and so raised the water to the brim, and quenched his thirst. 译文


初中英语手抄报图片大全 Failureissocommoninourlife.Noonecanavoidit.Whenwefailind oingsomething,weoftenfeelsodepressedthatwehavenointerestino therthings.Sometimesfailurecanalsomakeusloseheart.Therefore ,noonewantstobeafailure. 失败是生活中是很常见的。没有人能避免失败。当我们做某事失败的时候,我们经常觉得很沮丧,而提不起兴趣去做其他的事情。有时失败会使我们丧失信心。所以,没有人想成为失败者。 Successiswhatweallhopefor,becauseitcanbringusasenseofpri deandagoodreputation.Themomentwesucceed,wealwaysfeelsoproud ,asifhavingeverythinginourhands.Ifoneenjoyshiscontinuoussuc cessinhiscareer,hewillbefamousandworshipedbyothers. 成功是我们所希望的,因为它能够给我们带来的自豪感和良好的信誉。成功的那一刻我们都感到很自豪,就好像我们拥有了一切。如果一个人喜欢在他的职业生涯中不断取得成功,他就会出名,被别人崇拜。 However,failureisthemotherofsuccess.Onefailuredoesn’tme anyoucanneverbesuccessful.Itdependsonwhatwedotodealwithfail ure.Thosewhoarealwaysafraidoffailureandcan’tgothroughitwil lneverwin.Butaslongaswecangetsomelessonsandexperiencefromou rfailure,we’llbesuretosucceed. 不过,失败是成功之母。一次失败并不意味着你永远不能成功。这取决于我们如何面对失败。那些总是害怕失败,不能克服这个心理的人永远都不会成功。但只要我们能吸取教训,我们一定会成功的。


英语手抄报图片简单又漂亮一年级 1.字母:26个字母的大小写 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2.语音:元音的发音 五个元音字母:AEIOU 12个单元音:长元音:/ɑ:/,/?:/,/?:/,/i:/,/u:/ 短元音:/?//e//i//?//∧//u//?/ Acatgoestoarivereveryday.Hewantstogofishing.Buthecan’tc atchanyfish. Oneday,hegoestotheriverasusual.Suddenlyafishcomesout.Hec atchesthefish.Heisveryhappy.Heforgetstoputthefishinthebaske t.Hedancesandsings.Heshouts,“Ihaveafish!Ihaveafish!”Allhi sfriendscometoseehim. 一天,他像往常一样去了河边。突然一条鱼浮出了水面。他捉到了那条鱼。他非常开心。他忘记把鱼放到篮子里去了。他又唱又跳,叫道:“我捉到一条鱼!我捉到一条鱼!”他所有的朋友都过来看。 “Whereisyourfish?Letushavealookatit.”hisfriendssay. “你的鱼在哪儿?让我们看一看。”他的朋友们说。

“It’sthere,nearthebank.”thecatanswers.Buthecan’tfind thefish.Whenhesingsanddances,thefishjumpsbackintotheriver. “在那儿,河岸附近。”猫回答道。但是他找不到那条鱼。当他又唱又跳的时候,鱼跳回了河里。


贺词: Good luck, good health, hood cheer、 I wish you a happy New Year、祝好运、健康、佳肴伴您度过一个快乐新年。 With best wishes for a happy New Year!祝新年快乐,并致以良好得祝福。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year、谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 With the pliments of the season、祝贺佳节。 May the season's joy fill you all the year round、愿节日得愉快伴您一生。 Season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year、祝福您,新年快乐。 Please accept my season's greetings、请接受我节日得祝贺。 To wish you joy at this holy season、 Wishing every happiness will always be with you、恭祝新年吉祥,幸福与欢乐与您同在 Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year、恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。 May the joy and happiness around you today and always、愿快乐幸福永伴您左右。 Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year、 I hope you will continueto enjoy good health、请接受我诚挚得新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。 Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend toyou all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity、恭贺新禧,祝身体健康、事业发达。 Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year、恭贺新禧,万事如意。 诗词: Hope you will join with me in bringing in the new spring、愿与您一起迎春接福。 The ing of spring means the ing of new hopes、春天得来临,象征新希望得到来。 May you have many dreams fulfilled、祝您许多美梦都能成真。 We wish you a renewed hope in life、我们祝福您再度燃起生命得希望。 Please join us to light off firecrackers、让我们一起来燃放爆竹除旧岁。 We hope your family and my family can get together for a celebration like last year、我们希望您们全家与我们家能像去年一样,聚在一起共同庆祝新年。 Wishing you and your family peace and prosperity for the ing year、祝福您与家人吉祥平安。 May the people of the nation live happily and wealthily this uping year、愿新得一年里国富民安。 短文: Park There is a park near my home、There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park、So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends、They like walking or having a picnic in the park、But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there、 我家附近有一个公园。哪里有很多美丽得树、花与小鸟。所以很多人都喜欢到那里去度周末。她们喜欢在公园里散步或就是野餐、但就是我喜欢与我姐姐在那里放风筝。 Bedroom I have a small bedroom、There are only a small bed,a small desk and a small chair in the room、And there is a beautiful doll on my blue bed、Everyday I do my homework,read books and play games with the doll in my bedroom、It is small,but it gives me much happiness、 我有一间小小得卧室。那里有一张小小得床、小小桌子与一把小小得椅子。而且还有一个漂亮得娃娃在我那张蓝色得小床上。我每天都在房间里写作业,瞧书与与我得娃娃玩。虽然房间很小,但就是她给了我很多欢乐。 My father My father is a tall and handsome man、He is a policeman、 Everyday he es back home very late,because he must help the others、He doesn't have time to examine my homework and take me to the park、But I like my father,because he is a good policeman、 我得爸爸就是一个高大帅气得男人。她就是一个警察。她每天都很晚才回家,因为她要帮助其她得人。她没有时间给我检查作业与带我去公园。但就是我仍然很喜欢我得爸爸,因为她就是一个好警察。 A Fox, just at the time of the vintage, stole into a vine-yard where the ripe sunny Grapes were trellised

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