当前位置:文档之家› 测量学英文专业术语


测绘 Surveying
测定 survey
测设 layout
普通测量学 General survey
大地测量学 geodetic survey
摄影测量与遥感学 Photogrammetry and remote sensing
海洋测绘学 Marine surveying
工程测量学 Engineering surveying
制图学 cartography
测量基准面 datum plane
大地水准面 Geoidal surface
水准面 level plane
参考椭球面 reference ellipsoid
旋转椭球 Rotating ellipsoid
大地坐标系 Geodetic coordinate system
空间直角坐标系 spatial rectangular coordinates
独立平面直角坐标系 Independent plane rectangular coordinate system
高斯平面直角坐标系 Gauss plane rectangular coordinate system
高斯投影 Gaussian projection
高程系统 Vertical system
曲率 curvity/Curvature
平面控制测量 The plane control survey
高程控制测量 Elevation control survey

水准测量 Leveling Surveying
水平视线 horizontal sight
高程 elevation height
高差 Difference of height
后视 backsight
前视 foresight
水准尺 Leveling rod
水准仪 The Level(instrument)
尺垫 turning point plate
微倾式水准仪 slightly leaning level(instrument)
望远镜 telescope
水准气泡 bubble
基座 base
物镜 objectives
目镜 eyepieces
聚焦透镜 the focus lens
十字丝分划板 the cross partition board
目镜调焦螺旋 eyepiece optical screw
物镜调焦螺旋 objectives optical screw
管水准器 tube level bubble
圆水准器 round level bubble
三脚架 The tripod
视差 parallax
视准轴 Collimation axis
水准点 Bench mark
水准路线 Leveling line
闭合水准路线closed level route
附合水准路线annexed level route
支水准路线 spur level route
转点(Turning point)
闭合差 misclosures
闭合差允许误差:Misclosure allowable error
检核 check
校正 Calibration
补偿器 compensator

角度测量 Angles surveying
水平角 Horizontal angle(HA)
竖直角 The vertical angle(VA)
光学经纬仪 optical theodolite
照准部 Collimation device
望远镜 Telescope,
竖直度盘 vertical dish, vertical circle
水准管 Level bubble
读数设备 Readings equipment
水平度盘 Horizontal dish
测微尺 Micro-distance measuring sensor
垂球 Plumb bob
对中 centring
整平 level
光学对中器 optical centering device
侧回法 Observation set method
方向观测法 direction observation method
竖直角指标误差 Index error of vertical angle
竖轴 The vertical axis VV
水平轴 The horizontal axis HH
望远镜视准轴 The telescope collimation CC
对中误差 Plummet error
目标偏心差 Target eccentric error
电子经纬仪 Electronic theodolite

距离测量 Distance surveying
直线定向 line orientation
钢尺 Steel tape
定线 Fixing line
视距测量 Stadia measurement
电磁波测距仪 Electromagnetic rangefinder

微波测距仪 Microwave rangefinder
光电测距仪 Photoelectric rangefinder
激光测距仪 Laser rangefinder
红外测距仪 Infrared rangefinder
相位测距仪 Phase type rangefinder
脉冲式测距仪 Pulsed rangefinder
全反射棱镜 Total reflecting prisms
真北方向 True north direction
磁北方向 Magnetic north direction
坐标北方向 Coordinates north direction
方位角 Azimuth
真方位角 True azimuth (A)
磁方位角 Magnetic azimuth(Am)
坐标方位角 Grid azimuth(α)
磁偏角 Magnetic declination
子午线收敛角 meridian convergence
罗盘 compass

水平制动、微动螺旋 Horizontal motion clamp, Horizontal tangent screw
光学对中器 Optical plummet telescope
粗瞄镜 Sighting collimator
物镜Objective lens
整平脚螺旋 Leveling screw
竖直制动、微动螺旋 Vertical motion clamp, Vertical tangent screw
目镜 Telescope eyepiece
管水准器Plate level
圆水准器 Circle level
单棱镜组Single prism system
超站仪(Smart station) Automatic total station , ultra station instrument
交会测量 Resection measurement
放样测量 Setting-out survey
对边测量 Missing Line Measurement (MLM)
悬高测量 Remote Elevation Measurement (REM)

测量平差:Surveying Adjustment
测量误差:surveying errors
系统误差:Systematic error
偶然误差:random error;accidental error
最或是值:The most probable value
多余观测:Redundant observation
算术平均值:arithmetic average ;Arithmetic means
精度指标:Accuracy index
中误差:Root mean square error (RMSE)
允许误差:Allowable error
相对误差:Relative error
观测值改正数:Observation correction value
误差传播定律:Law of errors propagation
全微分:Total differential
加权平均值:The weighted average (mean)
权倒数传播定律:Weight reciprocal propagation law

控制测量:Control surveying
碎部测量:detailed surveying
平面控制网:Plane control network
高程控制网:Elevation control network
小区域控制网:Small area control network
控制点:control points
国家控制网:State Control net
GPS测量:GPS surveying
导线测量:traverse surveying
三角测量:trigonometric survey
三边测量:trilateral surveying
光电测距仪:photoelectric rangefinder
闭合导线:Closed traverse;
附和导线:Connecting traverse;
支导线:Open traverse.
野外勘察:Field reconnaissance
坐标方位角:Coordinates azimuth
交会定点:Intersection fixed-point
测边交会:Side-surveying intersection

大比例尺地形图测绘:Topographic Surveying and Mapping in Large Scale
地物:Ground feature
依比例符号:Proportional symbols

非比例符号:Disproportional symbols
半比例尺符号(线性符号):Semi- Disproportional symbols (Linear symbols )
地形图图式:map schemata
地貌符号:Landscape symbols
等高线:Contour line
注记符号:Note symbols
等高距:contour interval
等高线平距:contour horizontal distance
示坡线:slope line
与山谷: valley
合水线:Close waterline
分水线:watershed line
首曲线(又称基本等高线):intermediate contour
计曲线(又称加粗等高线):index contour
间曲线(又称半距等高线):half-interval contour
地形图分幅与编号:Subdivision and index
梯形分幅与编号:Trapezoid subdivision and index
平板仪及其使用:Plane table
视距丝:Stadia silk
竖直角的竖盘:Perpendicular plate

图号、图名和接图表:map number, map name, adjacent map chart
图廓:Map border
坡度比例尺:Slope scale
横断面:transverse section
纵断面: Longitudinal section, Vertical section, Longitudinal profile
汇水面积:catchment area
土方量估算:Earthwork estimating
Highway route slection:高速路选线
数字地面模型:Digital terrain model (DTM)


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