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Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.

2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。

The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.

3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。

Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.

4. 当全部乘客都向出口处 (exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。

While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.

5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。

The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.

6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。

While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.

7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?

What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?

8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下 (lay) 的陷阱 (trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。

The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid.


1) action

2) obtain

3) humble

4) origins

5) go out of one's way

6) conflict

7) acted on

8) owe much to

9) left behind

1) before

2) aged

3) following

4) Now

5) lying

6) for

7) that

8) as

9) in

10) that

11) might

12) life

13) away

14) saved

15) was

16) given

17) does

18) the

20) more

21) in

22) and


1) 会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。

It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution.

2) 这些青年科学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一手资料。

By making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work.

3) 他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍。

It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.

4) 委员会成员在新机场最佳选址 (location) 这一问题上持有不同意见。

The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport.

5) 亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好。

Henry's works of art are superior in many respects to those of his brother's. 6) 我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于设备有所改进。

The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.

7) 吉姆本想按照自己的判断行事,但他没有这样做,因为作为军人他得服从命令。

Jim would have preferred to act on his own judgment, but he didn't because as a soldier he had to obey the order.

8) 如果让我来决定我们是要一个没有自行车的城市呢,还是要一个没有汽车的城市,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.


1) advertised

3) slim

4) apply

5) disapproval

6) consisted of

7) attached importance

8) Obviously

9) in common

10) salary

11) prospect

1) Out

2) apply

3) others

4) know

5) preferred/chose/select

6) single

7) a

8) at

9) behind

10) careful

11) to

12) considerate/thoughtful

13) when

14) questions

15) polite

16) rest/others

17) floor

18) placed

19) turn

20) When

21) noticed

22) brushed

23) nails

24) excellent


1. She got a post as a cashier at a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved to be incompetent.


2. It is obviously/clearly his young assistant who is running the book store. 很明显是他的年轻助手在经营这家书店。

3. No sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet to protest.


4. Bill has applied to Harvard University for a teaching assistantship, but his chances of getting it are slim.


5. Being short of funds, they are trying to attract foreign capital.


6. The room smells of stale air. It must have been vacant for a long time.


7. As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister have little in common. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。

8. It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.




大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2Unit1答案上海外语教育出版社 一) 1. bare 2. empty 3. empty 4. bare 5. empty 6.empty 二) 1. shortly 2.track down 3.faint 4.motioned 5.at the sight of 6.feel like 7.slamming 8.rang out 9.contract 10.made for 11.heated 12.emerged 三) 1. host 2. sprang up/rang out 3. impulse 4. came to 5. track down 6. unexpected 7. outgrow 8. widened 9. shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. crisis 14. colonial 四) 1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago. 2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation? 3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit. 4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent? 5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.


大学英语精读 3 课后答案【篇一:大学英语精读第三版第三册课后答案(含 close 原文)】 >1) accent 2) turn against 3) a couple of 4) takes his time 5) fate 6) confirmed 7) witness 8) subsequent 9) stands a chance 10) trial 1) belief 2) brilliant 3) employment 4) has saved up 5) stood a chance 6) were awarded 7) presumably 8) conducted 9) casual 10) around (which student life) revolves 1) joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness. 2) despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening. 3) traffic was held up for several hours by the accident. 4) called (up) on to speak at the meeting, i couldnt very well refuse. 5) mrs. stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left. 6) it was the rumor that turned joe against his twin brother. 7) we wondered how sara was getting on in her new job. 8) although anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in. 9) visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.


UNIT1 1.我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience / receive us the next day. 2.我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn’t seem to remember his own birthday. 3.学期论文最迟在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4.看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5.在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6.该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. UNIT2 1.比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2.这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3.工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4.他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5.我们有充实的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 We have ample time for leisurely lunch. 6.地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机。 The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis. UNIT3 1.萧伯纳在他一个剧本的前言中提出这样的看法:今天人们比在中世纪时更加迷信。 In the preface to one of his plays, Bernard Shaw advances the idea that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Ages. 2. 丈夫死后,她只好独自挑起扶养五个孩子的经济重担。 After her husband died, she had to bear the severe financial burden of raising five children by herself. 3.证明或驳斥某个论点的最好办法之一是从亲身经历中举出例子。 One of the best ways to prove or refute a point is to cite examples from your own experience. 4.亨特说贝蒂老是夸大他的缺点,这话很可能会引起一场争吵。 Hunt’s statement that Betty always exaggerates his faults may well lead to a quarrel. 5.我当时对她绝对信任,无论她告诉我什么,我都会相信。 I trusted her so much that I would have swallowed any story she told me.


1.idle adj.闲置的;懒惰的;停顿的 vt.虚度;使空转 vi.无所事事;虚度;空转 Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are idle. 通常努力工作的学生比聪明却懒惰的学生做得更好。 2.wield vt. 使用;行使;挥舞 had her car windows smashed by a gang wielding baseball bats。 的车窗被一群挥舞着棒球棒的暴徒砸碎了。 3.adapt vi. 适应 vt. 使适应;改编 The world will be different,and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change。世界将会变得不同,我们将不得不做好准备以适应这种变化。 4.donate vt. vi. n. 捐赠;捐献 It seems that more and more people are willing to donate their organs for use after death。似乎越来越多的人愿意死后捐献自己的器官 5.scratch vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂 n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写 adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的 vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛Ralph got scratched all over when he was running through the bushes。 拉尔夫在通过灌木丛的时候浑身都被刮伤了 6.swing vt. 使旋转;挥舞;悬挂 vi. 摇摆;转向;悬挂;大摇大摆地行走 n. 摇摆;摆动;秋千;音律;涨落 adj. 旋转的;悬挂的;强节奏爵士音乐的 the idle young man lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table,one leg swinging。那个悠闲的年轻男子点了一支烟,坐在桌上,一条腿摆来摆去。 7.sideways adj. 向侧面的;一旁的 adv. 向侧面地;向一旁 if you would move sideways to the left,I can get everyone on the picture。 如果你能往左边移一下,我就可以让每个人都出现在画面中。 8.plot . 密谋;绘图;划分;标绘 n. 情节;图;阴谋 we’re plotted our projected costs for the coming year,and they show a big increase。我们在策划未来一年的计划成本,显示的结果是大幅增加 9.kneel vi. 跪下,跪 Jane knelt down to pull a weed from the flowerbed。简从花圃跪下来把杂草除掉。 10.recycle vt. vi. n. 再循环;重复利用 companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products。公司现在正试图将他们的废料回收或找到其他的方式处理他们的副产品 11.tag n. 标签;名称;结束语;附属物 vt.尾随,紧随;连接;起浑名;添饰 vi. 紧随 where’s the price tag on this dress这件衣服的价格标签在哪儿 12.executive n. 总经理;执行委员会;执行者;经理主管人员 adj. 行政的;经营的; 执行的,经营管理的 Amy is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company。 Amy通过自己的努力,现在已经是公司的一名高级管理人员了。 13.outlet n.出口,排放孔;[电] 电源插座;销路;发泄的方法;批发商店


翻译 Unit1 1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。 Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word. 2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。 The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American. 3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。 Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone. 4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。 While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane. 5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。 The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself. 6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。 While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth. 7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他? What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home? 8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay) 的陷阱(trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。 The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid. Unit 2 1) 会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。 It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution. 2) 这些青年科学家通过现场观察,获得了研究工作所需的第一手资料。 By making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work. 3) 他很可能会因视力不好而被拒收入伍。 It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.


大学英语精读第三版第四册答案 Unit1 翻译 1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2 翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4) 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5) 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 We have ample time for a leisurely lunch. 6) 地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机。


1. Accordingly adv.因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地; Mine sweeping(扫雷) is a difficult and dangerous job and the engineer(工兵)who perform the job should be paid accordingly相应地. 扫雷是一项既艰难又危险的工作,所以承担这项工作的工兵应该得到相应的报酬。 2.credits n.学分; 节目前后字幕; 信任,信用,声望,荣誉,[财务]贷方,银行存款; 信任( credit的名词复数); 存款; (借钱偿还的)信誉; link-v.相信,信任,把…归给; She took too few courses in her first two years at college and now she does not have enough ____(credits学分)____ to get her degree. 她在大学头两年里几乎没上什么课,所以现在她因为拿不到足够的学分而无法得到学位。 3.Ideal adj.理想的,完美的; 被认为是最好的; 完全或相当令人满意的; 想象的,假设的; n.理想; 典范,典型; 目标,高尚的、有价值的原则或目标; She’s spent her whole life in pursuit of an unattainable ___(ideal理想)___, and so she’s been totally disappointed. 她用尽一生来追寻一个无法实现的理想,结果她已经失望之极。 4. honorable adj.可敬的,荣誉的,光荣的 I believe he was an ___(honorable值得尊敬的)___ man, dedicated to the people and his country. 我相信他绝对是受人尊敬, (因为)他把自己献给了他的国家和人民。 5. conceive of 想象,设想…; He could never ___(conceive of 想象出)____ such a thing happening to himself. 他怎么也没想到这样的事情竟然会发生在了他自己身上。 6. Defect n.瑕疵,毛病; 欠缺,缺点vi.叛逃; 背叛; Lack of confidence in his own abilities is the chief ___(defect缺陷,缺点)___ in Mike’s character. 麦克的性格上的主要缺陷就是对自己的能力缺乏自信。


北京师范大学网络教育 《大学英语精读三》作业答案 客观题部分: 选择题(每题1分,共20题) 参考答案: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. A 主观题部分: 翻译题(每题1分,共10题) 1. The park is located right in the center of town. 2. If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure. 3. That hairstyle is in fashion this year, but I am afraid it will be out of fashion next year. 4. She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in. 5. Never before have I met such a kind person. 6. The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it. 7. Social activities never get in the way of her studies. 8. He’s working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year. 9. In pursuit of a healthier diet, people are eating more fish than they used to. 10.The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk. 1


unit 1 1.我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to meet us the next day. 2.我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn’t seem to remember his own birthday. 3.学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是大部分学生却至今几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4.看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。 It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5.在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普通起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6.该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 the company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in river. unit2 1.比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他作主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2.这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3.工程师们依靠工人们的智慧,发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4.他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5.我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。


大学英语精读第三版第三册课后习题答案Unit1 1) accent 2) turn against 3) a couple of 4) takes his time 5) fate 6) confirmed 7) witness 8) subsequent 9) stands a chance 10) trial 1) belief 2) brilliant 3) employment 4) has saved up 5) stood a chance 6) were awarded 7) Presumably 8) conducted 9) casual 10) around (which student life) revolves 1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness. 2) Despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening. 3) Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident. 4) Called (up) on to speak at the meeting, I couldn't very well refuse. 5) Mrs. Stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left. 6) It was the rumor that turned Joe against his twin brother. 7) We wondered how Sara was getting on in her new job. 8) Although Anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in. 9) Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission. 10) Whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrow's weather. 1) uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal; 2) unanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected; 3) unhappily,unskillfully,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably; 4) unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unload。 1) reliable 2) changeable 3) enjoyable 4) exhaustible 5) permissible 6) regrettable 7) breakable 8) imaginable 9) workable 10) applicable 1) countercharge 2) counterattack 3) counterpart 4) counteract 5) countermeasures 6) Counterculturists 1) Liz sang perfectly in the town hall yesterday afternoon. 2) I saw your brother and his girlfriend walking arm in arm in the park the other day. 3) It began to blow quite hard before midnight. 4) They moved the piano into another room upstairs last evening. 5) Come to my office at ten o'clock.

大学英语精读第二册Reading Aloud and Memorizing答案

The American does not join in the argument but watches the other guests. As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is s taring straight ahead, her muscles contracting slightly. She motions to the nat ive boy standing behind her chair and whispers something to him. The boy's eyes widen: he quickly leaves the room. Of the guests, none except the American notices this or sees the boy place a bo wl of milk on the veranda just outside the open doors. The American comes to with a start. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thi ng -- bait for a snake. He realizes there must be a cobra in the room. Unit2 Jefferson's courage and idealism were based on knowledge. He probably knew more than any other man of his age. He was an expert in agriculture, archeology, an d medicine. He practiced crop rotation and soil conservation a century before t hese became standard practice, and he invented a plow superior to any other in existence. He influenced architecture throughout America, and he was constantly producing devices for making the tasks of ordinary life easier to perform. Of all Jefferson's many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and ti reless writer. His complete works, now being published for the first time, will fill more than fifty volumes. His talent as an author was soon discovered, and when the time came to write the Declaration of Independence at Philadelphia in 1776, the task of writing it was his. Millions have thrilled to his words: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…" Unit3 While I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fe aring as I did so, that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were slim. However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an i nterview. It proved an awkward journey: a train to Croydon station; a ten-minut e bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter to feel nervous. Unit 4 As a boy and then as an adult,I never lost my wonder at the personality that was Einstein .He was the only person i knew who had come to terms with himself and the world around him .He knew what he wanted and he wanted only this :to understand within his limits as a human being the nature of the universe and the logic and simplicity in its functioning .He knew there were answers beyond his intellectual reach .but this did not frustrate him .He was content to go as far as he could.


大学英语精读4课后答案 Unit1翻译 1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。


1.idle adj.闲置的;懒惰的;停顿的vt.虚度;使空转vi.无所事事;虚度;空转Average students who work hard usually do better than clever students who are idle. 通常努力工作的学生比聪明却懒惰的学生做得更好。 2.wield vt. 使用;行使;挥舞 Mis.Parker had her car windows smashed by a gang wielding baseball bats。 Mis.Parker的车窗被一群挥舞着棒球棒的暴徒砸碎了。 3.adapt vi. 适应vt. 使适应;改编 The world will be different,and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change。世界将会变得不同,我们将不得不做好准备以适应这种变化。 4.donate vt. vi. n. 捐赠;捐献 It seems that more and more people are willing to donate their organs for use after death。似乎越来越多的人愿意死后捐献自己的器官 5.scratch vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写 adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛 Ralph got scratched all over when he was running through the bushes。 拉尔夫在通过灌木丛的时候浑身都被刮伤了 6.swing vt. 使旋转;挥舞;悬挂vi. 摇摆;转向;悬挂;大摇大摆地行走 n. 摇摆;摆动;秋千;音律;涨落adj. 旋转的;悬挂的;强节奏爵士音乐的 the idle young man lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table,one leg swinging。 那个悠闲的年轻男子点了一支烟,坐在桌上,一条腿摆来摆去。 7.sideways adj. 向侧面的;一旁的adv. 向侧面地;向一旁 if you would move sideways to the left,I can get everyone on the picture。 如果你能往左边移一下,我就可以让每个人都出现在画面中。 8.plot vt.vi. 密谋;绘图;划分;标绘n. 情节;图;阴谋 we’re plotted our projected costs for the coming year,and they show a big increase。我们在策划未来一年的计划成本,显示的结果是大幅增加 9.kneel vi. 跪下,跪 Jane knelt down to pull a weed from the flowerbed。简从花圃跪下来把杂草除掉。 10.recycle vt. vi. n. 再循环;重复利用 companies are now trying to recycle their waste or find other ways of disposing of their by-products。公司现在正试图将他们的废料回收或找到其他的方式处理他们的副产品11.tag n. 标签;名称;结束语;附属物vt.尾随,紧随;连接;起浑名;添饰vi. 紧随 where’s the price tag on this dress?这件衣服的价格标签在哪儿 12.executive n. 总经理;执行委员会;执行者;经理主管人员adj. 行政的;经营的; 执行的,经营管理的 Amy is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the company。 Amy通过自己的努力,现在已经是公司的一名高级管理人员了。 13.outlet n.出口,排放孔;[电] 电源插座;销路;发泄的方法;批发商店 the water could not get away from the tank because the outlet was blocked。水不能从水槽放出去,因为出口被堵住了

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