当前位置:文档之家› 大学英语跨文化交际双语课程水平测试题(一)




I. Multiple Choice (20 points, 2 points each)

Directions: There are some statements in this section. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, D, choose the ONE that best complete the statement.

1.In the United States continues to welcome a large number of immigrants each year

and has referred to as a melting-pot society. This trend can reflect the theory of _____.

A. macroculture

B. microculture

C. globalization

D. modernization

2. A teenager dresses like and talks like a gang member but not a member of any

gang. This case reflects the _______ characteristic of subgroup.

A. deviant label

B. temporality

C. wanna-be behavior

D. unexamined

3.When you talk with your friends about Picasso, Beethoven, you are talking about

culture from ______ perspective.

A. anthropologic

B. intellectual

C. social

D. psychological

4.The dialogues at the United Nations, for example, would be termed _________.

A. interracial communication

B. interethnic communication

C. international communication

D. interpersonal communication

5.There is a Chinese belief that “One is good in nature with different characteristics

but similar habits. However, if he is not well educated, his nature changes”. This belief can reflect that_______.

A. Human nature is evil but perfectible.

B. Human nature is a mixture of good and evil.

C. Human nature is good but corruptible.

D. None of the above.

6.Mr. Wang, a Chinese immigrate in U.S, has adapted himself so well to American

culture that he gradually lost his Chinese cultural identity. This process is called_____.

A. separation and segregation

B. integration

C. assimilation

D. marginalization

7.Liming, a Chinese student, just began his study in a university in the United States.

In his first week in U.S, he thought everything was new and exciting, and he enjoyed himself a lot. Liming is in_____ stage of culture shock.

A. honeymoon

B. crisis

C. reintegration

D. gradual adjustment

8._____ is the process of putting an idea into a symbol.

A. Decoding

B. Channel

C. Encoding

D. Source

9._____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.

A. Noise

B. Message

C. Source

D. Context

10._____ refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has

knowledge and to which the source attends and assigns meaning.

A. Receiver

B. Decoding

C. Encoding

D. Feedback

II. Terms (15 points, 3 points each)

Directions: There are five terms in this section. Try to explain the following terms in your own words. Then write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.

11.Intercultural communication

12.Culture (from intercultural communication perspective)




III. Case Analysis (20 points, 5 points each)

Directions: In this section you are supposed to analyze the following cases from the perspective of intercultural communication. Then write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.

16.At a reception for a U.S. political candidate, the guests appear to be divided into

groups. People in some groups are all African Americans, others are Latin Americans, and others are Asians. Explain the cultural phenomena that are operating at this political gathering.

17.The U.S. automotive manufacturers have complained about Japanese automotive

imports and that the U.S. car firms are locked out of the Japanese market. The Japanese have countered that the U.S. firms have not done their homework; they offer cars that are too big or are not fuel efficient. While U.S. car sales have

decreased in the United States, Japanese car sales have increased. Japanese manufacturers have begun to assemble cars in the United States; many U.S. firms are moving part of their operations to Mexico. Discuss the implications to these firms as they globalize.

18.The United States has globalized faster than it has paid attention to mindsets that

differ from U.S. mindset. The world is connected by news satellites, and that allowed the Gulf War Crisis to be viewed as it unfolded ----- the world literally watched the war happen. Explain how the world and public opinion have been affected by mass media, including how world negotiations have changed for governments, diplomats, politicians, and businesses.

19.The origin of the hand salute is uncertain. Some historians believe it began in late

Roman times when assassinations were common. A citizen who wanted to see a public official had to approach with his right hand raised to show that he did not hold a weapon. Knights in armor raised visors with the right hand when meeting a comrade. The practice gradually became a way of showing respect and, in early American history, sometimes involved removing the hat. By 1820, the motion was modified to touch the hat, and since then it has become the hand salute used today.

IV. Answer the Following Questions. (30 points, 5 points each) Directions: In this section you are supposed to answer the following questions with the knowledge of intercultural communication. Then write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.

20.What are the elements contributing to the globalization?

21.How is culture learned?

22.What does the power distance measure according to Hofstede?

23.What shall be considered in planning business messages?

24.How have been individualism and collectivism associated with direct and indirect

styles of communication?

25.Explain high-context culture and low-context-culture.

V. English —— Chinese Translation (30 points, 3 points each) Directions: In this section you are supposed to translate the underlined sentences into Chinese. Then write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.

26.American restaurant customs are somewhat different from those in other countries. Elsewhere , it may be appropriate to get a waiter or waitress’ a ttention by

calling, whistling , or snapping the fingers. 27.In America, you put up a finger to catch his or her eye. In many parts of the world a fixed service charge is added to restaurant bills. 28.In most American restaurants it is common to tip the waiter or waitress about 15% of the total bill. If the service was very good, you can leave a larger tip. If it was bad, you may leave less. 29. The tip is usually left on the table , but you can also give it directly to the waiter or waitress. In better restaurants you pay your bill through the waitress or waiter. 30. In inexpensive ones, you pay at the cash register. Finally , if you are not able to finish your food, it is perfectly acceptable to ask for a “doggie bag” for the extra food.


第一章跨文化语言交际概述 第一节文化、语言和交际 一、关于文化的概念 (一)文化的内涵和特性 1、关于文化的内涵 概括地讲,文化即是人们所思、所言(言语和非言语)、所为、所觉的总和。在不同的生态或自然环境下,不同的民族创造了自己特有的文化,也被自己的文化所塑造。交际即文化,文化即交际,如果没有交际,文化是难以形成的。科学的提法是:“文化是冻结了的人际交流,而交际是流动着的文化。” 2、关于文化的特性 (1)文化由人们的内稳和外显的行为组成。 (2)文化是通过符号被人们习得和传授的知识。 (3)文化是群体行为规则的集合。 (4)文化与社会是潜在现实中两种类型或两个层面上的概念。 (5)文化是历史所衍生及选择的传统观念。 (6)文化和交际具有同一性。 (7)文化是动态多变的。 (8)文化具有选择性。 (9)文化是群体或民族中心主义的意识产物。 (10)文化是个非常复杂的系统。 (二)文化定势、群体文化、亚文化 1、文化定势和群体文化 世界上大多数社会中都可能存在着若干群体或社团,这些群体或社团对地域、历史、生活方式、世界观,以及价值观等方面的共享,使其成员形成并发展和强化了自己独特的文化和与其相关的交际文化。存在两种不同类型的文化范畴:一是全民族的文化,即整体的文化形象,二是具体的个性文化,即是按个人的社会情况或个人所属文化群体为基础的文化,有的学者把这种文化称之为群体文化或副文化。 2、亚文化与亚群体 在跨文化交际研究中,对文化分类的一种较为传统的做法是把文化分成主流文化和亚文化。亚文化是指存在于某一主流文化之中的一种非主流文化,某一少数群体的文化,这一文化中的行为模式区别于主流文化的行为模式。 二、关于语言的概念 (一)语言是交际工具 1、交际媒介 言语交际是人类社会中必需的另一种交换活动,交换的是信息、思想、情感。语言就是一个符号系统,一个人脑子里贮存了符号和符号的组合规则,他就可以和别人交际,传情达意,沟通信息。 2、符号功能 符号是用某种能感知的形式来代表某种事物或现象的结合体。符号由两个要素构成:一个是形式,必须是人们可感知的途径,如听觉、视觉、嗅觉、触觉等等;另一个是意义,即这个形式所代表的事物或现象。形式和意义结合,就成了“符号”。人类语言是一种有声语言,用声音形式来表示意义,通过听觉途径来感知和理解话语。 (二)语言是思维工具 “思维”和“思想”不完全相同:思维是人们认识现实世界的过程;而思想是人们对现实世


Unit 9 Intercultural Adaptation Some Ideas Related to Culture Shock and Adaptation Strategies 1. Culture Shock What is culture shock Culture shock is a common experience of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. It refers to phenomena ranging from mild irritability to deep psychological panic and crisis. It is associated with feelings in the person of estrangement (being unfriendly or hostile to others; alienation), anger, hostility, indecision, frustration, unhappiness, sadness, loneliness, homesickness, and even physical illness. The person undergoing culture shock views his new world out of resentment, and alternates between being angry at others for not understanding him and being filled with self-pity. Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols or social contact. Those cues or sighs include various ways in which we adapt ourselves to the situation of daily life: When to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to buy things, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, or customs, are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the


《大学英语》试卷及答案 学号:姓名:专业层次: 分数: 一.单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 1. The Business Banking Department is on_____C_______second floor. A. / B. a C. the 2. Maria often has a walk with______C______parents in the morning. A. she B. their C. her 3. There_____B_______four children in the picture. A. is B. are C. have 4. I’d like______A______oranges, please. A. some B. any C. / 5. ______B______does the flat cost a month? A. How many B. How much C. How about 6. I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is_____B_______than me. A. bad B. worse C. less 7. He______B______in Beijing, but his parents____________in Hangzhou. A. live, lives B. lives, live C. live, live 8. - I’m enjoying the long summer evenings. -____A________am I. A. So B. Neither C. Nor 9. I usually get up_____A_______7 o’clock in the moring. A. at B. in C. on 10. It often______B______in winter in the north of China. A. snow B. snows C. is snowing 11. —The second bedroom isn’t big enough. —Yes, I agree. It is______B______. A. small B. too small C. enough small 12. This is his book. Could you give it_____A_______him? A. to B. with C. for 13. I’m interested _____A_______cooking. A. in B. to C. at 14. I’d like to_______B_____you to a party this Saturday. A. join B. invite C. leave 15. When_______A_____for London? A. is she flying B. she flies C. she is going to fly 二.阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


《跨文化交际》课程教学大纲 课程编号:ENGL2046 课程类别:专业选修课程 授课对象:英语专业、俄英双语、法英双语学生 开课学期:英语第6学期、双语第8学期 学分:2 学分 主讲教师: 指定教材:《跨文化交流入门》,浙江大学出版社,许力生主编,2004年。《文化与交际》,暨南大学出版社,胡穗鄂编。 教学目的: 目前我国经济快速增长,文化交流、旅游业蓬勃发展。江、浙、沪地区外国独资、合资企业数量增多,与国际人员的经济文化交往日益增多。跨文化交际现象已经成为苏州本地文化的一个重要方面。但是,在众多的跨文化交际中,一些人员出现文化误解,或者表现出不自信,降低了交际的效益,直接的后果往往导致经济效益的降低。苏州大学作为本地的人才高地,有责任、有条件在教学中培养学生的跨文化交际能力。我们的毕业生主要从事文化、教育、经济活动,我们的课程也应适应这社会需要,帮助学生通过知识的获取、情感的开放和技能的培养形成以自我文化又和他国文化保持一定距离的跨文化意识,也就是说一种能以局外者的眼光看待自己文化的能力;局内者的眼光理解自己和他人的文化意识;培养学生在交际中对他国文化和本土文化怀有好奇、开放和宽容的态度。从而在国际交往中提高交际的效益,提升个人的自信心。 本课程采用课堂教学、学期作业和网络平台相结合的教学形式。课堂教学采用多种教学法综合进行教学。课堂语言为英语。采用理论与实践活动相结合的方式,与学生互动探讨理论。参插角色扮演、小组讨论、全班讨论的活动方式,进行情景模拟实验、引导学生发表观点。另外有录音、录像供学生观摩讨论。学期作业的形式是一篇千字以上的论文,内容是运用学到的某些跨文化交际的理论概念对现实生活案例、本土文化和外国文化进行阐释、分析、比较和反思。学生必须自己选题、规划。文章材料包括文字、图片、音频和视频,教师的工作是建议、修改、监督和评估,创造机会,帮助学生完成学期论文。 该课程有两个网站:一个是在外国语学院服务器上的课程资源网站,网站上有该课程的教学大纲、进度表、备课教案,另设有通知板、网上跨文化交际咖啡俱乐部、学习工具等帮助学生完成科目的服务性网站。另一个网站是新浪博客上的学期作业网站。所有学生的学期作业从开题、大纲创建开始,就直接与课程教师、同班同学见面。所以,学生论文的完成过程,也是教师不断地修改、同学建议、学生本人反馈、修正的过程,直至最后作业完成。 此外,该课程联系了国外大学跨文化交际专业的师生,进行网络实时联合授课,每学期四次,让师生们有真实的跨文化交际体验。 此教学设计的目的是提高发挥教师的主动创造性,提高学生的学习动机、发展他们的自主学习能力,培养具有开阔视野的具有跨文化交际意识的外语专业人才。 考试方式: 学期论文(70%)(课本内容)+平时成绩(30%)(上课讨论发言、出勤率、网上参与率) 第一课Communication in Global Village 课时:第一周,共2课时 教学内容Introduction to Communication


期末考试范围 ? 1. 阅读理解2篇(20%) ? 2. 选词填空:15个句子(15个备选项,课后的key concepts,概念的词为主。(15%) ?eg: ———the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. ? 3. 简答题:课后comprehension questions和case study( 课内或者稍微改动的)。(25%) 4. 实用写作:一封信什么的(格式)(10%) 5. 写作:给出某个文化现象观点,运用所学文化差异进行评论 (comment)。(30%) 如: 说给一个关于教育的话题(文化现象),我们要用所学的中 美教育差异进行评论,议论文形式。 价值观,家庭观,社会关系朋友观,饮食观,教育观,时间观等 篇目:Unit1: A B C Unit2 A Unit3 A B Unit5A Unit6A Unit7 A Unit10 B Unit1 A Key concepts reservation: 谦逊的coldness: 冷静的 modesty:谦虚的 humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神 Q1、what is a reserved person like? Answer: A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen? Answer: reserved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship. Q3、what is sportsmanship? Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while al so showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Case study Q、What made the British feel quite unhappy in this situation?


《大学英语》试卷考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. 11. Take your camera with you. We’d like to take some of the beautiful park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported 17. The number of people invited _________ fifty, but a number of them


1 Translation 纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。在这种情况下,跨文化交际作为一个特定的研究领域得以形成和发展。值得注意的是,人类文明在发展过程中所遭受的许多挫折,既是个人的,又是全球性的;人类历史进程总是充满了个人间的直接冲突和民族间的误解——从骂骂咧咧到孤立主义直至到武装冲突,大大小小争端不绝。 很显然,文化间以及亚文化间的交往比以前多了,这迫切要求我们共同努力,去理解有着不同信仰和文化背景的人们,并与之和睦相处。通过加深认识和理解,我们能够与生活方式、价值观念不同的人们和平共处;这不但有益于我们周遭环境的安定,也是维护世界和平的决定性因素。 2 Translation 文化有时候被称为我们的心智程序,我们“头脑的软件”。但是,我们可以进一步引申这个用电脑所做的类比,把文化看作是支持运行的操作环境。文化就像电脑使用的DOS或者Unix或者“视窗”(Windows)等操作系统一样,使我们能在各种各样的实际应用中处理信息。用“视窗”这个比喻来描述文化似乎也很有吸引力。文化就是我们心灵的视窗,透过它我们审视生活的方方面面。一个社会中不同个体的视窗是不大一样的,但都有着一些重要的共同特征。 文化就好像是鱼畅游于其中的水一般,人们想当然地把文化看成是客观存在的事实,因而很少去研究它。文化存在于我们所呼吸的空气之中,文化对于我们了解我们自身之为何物是必不可少的,就正如生命离不开空气一样。文化是特定群体的共有财产,而不单是个体的特征。社会按照文化设定的程序运作,这种程序来自于相似的生活体验以及对这种生活体验之含义的相似阐释。 如果文化是一种心智程序,那么它也是现实的心灵地图。从我们很小的时候开始,文化就告诉我们应该看重什么、偏好什么、规避什么和做些什么,文化还告诉我们事物应该是什么样。文化为我们提供超越个体经验可能的理想典范,帮助我们决定应该优先考虑的人或事。文化为我们建立起行为准则,并视遵守这些准则的行为为正当、合法。 3 Translation 43


《大学英语跨文化交际课程》讨论问题及答案第一套: 1 There are organizations devoted to Ford cars and trucks. Some people are preoccupied with that for a while and then lose interest and hence relinquish membership in the group. 2 Army personnel in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize persons entitled (by grade) to salute except when it is inappropriate or impractical (in public conveyances such as plans and buses , in public places such as inside the theaters, or when driving a vehicle). 3. Li Lan had an American friend Susan. They usually had lunch together and Li Lan often asked Susan for advice on problems she faced adjusting to American society. Susan gave Li Lan a lot of advice and helped her to improve her English. Once Li Lan needed urgently a big sum of money to pay her tuition fee. Since she has no other friends in the States, she turned to Susan for help and promised that she would return the money soon. To Li Lan's great disappointment, this time Susan didn't seem happy to lend the money to her. Though Li Lan returned the money as she promised, they didn't get along well from then on. Questions: (1) What are the differences in what American and Chinese young people expect from their friends? (2) What kind of advice would you give to hath of them so that they could get to know each other? 第二套:


中国农业大学成人高等教育 学年第学期(任课教师:) 课程考试试题 考生诚信承诺 1、本人清楚学校关于考试管理、考场规则、考试作弊处理的规定,并严格遵照执行。 2、本人承诺在考试过程中没有作弊行为,所做试卷的内容真实可信。 站点名称:专业: 年级层次学号姓名成绩: 大学英语(工商企业管理专科)① Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 1.Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer form depression. A.that B.which C.in which D.in that 2.The party has failed to _______ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. A.trust B.credit C.convince D.believe 3._______ driving around all day looking for somewhere to park,why don‘t you take a bus to town? A.In spite of B.Rather than C.In palce of D.Other than 4.The kids are _______ be hungry when they get home—they always are. A. obliged to B. bound to C. desired to D. motivated to 5.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _______ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. A.to B.between C.for D.from 6.When the city was _______,everyone knew that total defeat was certain. A.cut off B.cut down C.cut across D.cut out 7.If we _______ everything ready by now,we should be having a terrible time tomorrow. A.hadn‘t got B. didn’t get C.wouldn‘t have got D. wouldn’t get 8.In his composition there were no other errors _______ a few misspelled words. A.beside B.except C.then D.than 9.In deciding _______ a course of action,the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. A.what to pursue B.which to pursue C.whether to pursue D.if to pursue 10.Since we have a focused subject,we should not talk _______. A.at once B.at hand C.at intervals D.at random Ⅱ。Cloze Test 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。Economists believe that job earnings influence choice of occupation. They acknowledge that people place varying emphasis __11__income,but point out that workers tend to move from one occupation to another __12__changes in salaries. In 1931,H.F.Clark,an economist,stated that“proper information regarding wages if sufficiently __13__ upon people,will lead to correct choice of occupation and correct __14__ of people in an occupation,provided barriers to occupations have been removed.”This means that the supply and demand of workers have __15__to do with wages,__16__in turn influence people to choose certain careers……However,all barriers to occupations will have to be removed __17__ career choices can be __18__ by economics alone. There is little question __19__economic factors have some influence on choice of an occupation. But to picture them as the major or most important reason __20__ against the soundest of folk wisdom:“Man does not live by bread alone.” 11.A.in B.on C.into D.for 12.A.despite B.other than C.through D.because of 13.A.to impress B.to be impressed C.impress D.impressed 14.A.number B.amount C.deal D.quantity 15.A.many B.much C.lot D.nothing 16.A.it B that C.which D.where 17.A.before B.after C.until D.when 18.A.expected B.explained C.expressed D.exposed 19.A.that B.which C.as D.when 20.A.to go B.going C.goes D.go Ⅲ。Reading Comprehension 从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. “No man is an island,”wrote the poet John Donne several centuries ago. He was acknowledging one of our most distinctive characteristics:the fact that we are social animals whose behavior and personalities are shaped by the groups to which we belong. Throughout life,most of our daily activities are performed in the company of others. Whether our purpose is working,playing,raising a family,learning,or simply relaxing,we usually pursue it in groups,even if the group is as small as two or three people. Out need for human contacts is not merely a practical one;it is a deep psychological need as well. If people are deprived of the company of others for prolonged periods,mental breakdown is the usual result. Even the Geneva Convention(日内瓦公约),an international agreement that regulates the treatment of prisoners of war,recognizes this need. It regards solitary (孤独的)imprisonment for more than thirty day as a cruel form of torture(折磨)。 In its strictest sense, a group is a collection of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expe ctations about one another‘s behavior. As result of this interaction,members feel a common sense of“belonging.”They distinguish members from nonmembers and expect certain kinds of behavior from outsiders. 21.By“No man is an island,”John Donne means _____. A.no one can live on an island alone B.a man is not surrounded by sea on all sides C.a man and an island are irrelevan D.no one can live in isolation from other people 22.The fact that we work or even play in groups illustrates the point that ____. A.poeple are different from animals B.Donne recognized the group to which he belonged C.human beings are social animals D.human behavior and personalities are formed by others 23.“Breakdown”as used in Line 6,Paragraph 2 most probably denotes ____. A.separation B.collapse C.analysis D.function 24.According to the passage,what is NOT a characteristic of group? A.There are at least two people in it. B.The members share some common grounds. C.The members work for one purpose. D.The members interact regularly with each other. 25.This passage is mainly about _______. A.the importance of human contacts B.pattens of human behavior C.the importance of human activities D.patterns of human society Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.


《跨文化交际学》课程教学大纲 一、课程简介: 课程代码课程名称:跨文化交际学课程属性:公共必修课 学时:36 学分:2 课程内容: 《跨文化交际学》的主要内容是对中国文化和西方文化进行介绍并作对比研究, 授课内容主要涉及语言,文化和跨文化交际的话题。该课程有助于增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于学生跨文化交际能力的提高。 二、课程教学大纲 《跨文化交际学》课程教学大纲 1、课程说明 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在传统的教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为学生跨文化交际能力的提高奠定基础。 2、教学对象 全校本科学生 3、教学目的 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。该课程授课形式以讲解为主,课堂讨论为辅。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 4、教学要求: 该课程要求学生全面掌握涉及跨文化交际中的问题,关于文化的定义和模式,基础理论,

比如集体主义与个体主义。该课程还讨论语言交际中的具体问题,比如介绍与问候,词语的使用,非言语交际,价值观念,对时间,空间的看法,对教育,工作的态度, 人际间的关系, 家庭观念,以及文化冲突,文化休克等问题。最后能考试合格。 5、教学基本内容及学时安排(总学时:36) 6、各章节教学要求及教学重点 第一章跨文化交际中的问题 本章主要教学内容: 举例说明中国人与英美人士交际中存在的误解或问题。 本章教学目的及要求: 要求学生认识到跨文化交际中文化意识的重要性。 本章教学重点及难点: 交际失败的深层原因不只是语言问题,而是价值观念,经济基础,道德观念等因素在起作用。


UnitTwoCultureShock Ⅰ.Fillinblanks a.Inaformalwesternmeal,youreofferedasecondhelpingbutyouhavealready hadenough.Youshouldsay“______”.ThatwasdeliciousbutIvealreadyhadple nty,thanks. b.Taboosarewords,expressions,et c.thatareconsideredasbeing______or__ ____.unpleasant,disgustingc.______isaculturethatscoreshighonindividual ism.Individualculture d.Socialdistancereferstothedegreeof______or______betweentwoculture s.similarity,dissimilarity e.Becauseoftheir______,individualistsgivelittleth oughttothe______ofothers.Butcollectivistscareverymuchwhatothersinth eirgroupsthinkanddonotliketobethetargetsof______and_______.indepen dence,evaluations,scrutiny,criticism Ⅱ.KeyTerms a.cultureshock b.collectivistculture c.hospitality d.politeness e.privacy 在一个正式的西餐,你再提供一次帮助但你已经有足够的。你应该说“______”。那是美味的但我已经有很多,谢谢。 B.禁忌词,表达,等,被视为______或______。不愉快的,令人厌恶的 C. ______是一种文化,分数高的个人主义。个体文化 D.社会距离指的是______或______程度在两种文化之间。相似性,相异性 E.因为他们______,个人主义者不在乎别人的______。但集体主义者非常关心他们小组


《大学英语》试卷 考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported

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