当前位置:文档之家› 七年级英语上册专项训练专题一词汇(新版)人教新目标版





Group 1

1.Have a look at the T-shirts. We sell them__ for only 5 dollars.

2.—Can you help me__ with my English?

—Of course.

3.Miss Li is our__ English teacher; we all like her very much.

4.These are my family members. I love__ them so much!

5.My book is here. Where is yours__?

6.Excuse me__, is this your car?

7.What a beautiful girl! Do you know her__ name?

8.Call me__ at 685-6034.

9.John and Jack are brothers. They__ go to school together.

10.—Who's that girl?

—She__ is a basketball star.

11.—Is the map in your grandparents' room?

—Yes, it's on the__ bed.

12.Her room is tidy, but yours__ isn't.

Group 2

1.Hello, I'm Alan. Nice to meet__ you.

2.My room number__ is 502.

3.The pen is not mine__. It's Jason's.

4.Steve and Simon are my good friends__.

5.You can call the police at one one zero__.

6.There are seven__ students in my group, four girls and three boys.

7.Now we are middle__ school students.

8.Miss Liu is a nice teacher, but I don't know her__ QQ number.

9.Hangzhou is a city in China__.

10.Green is Linda's last__ name.

11.We have eight__ classes a day, four in the morning and four in the afternoon. 12.I need a telephone__. I want to call my mother every day.

13.—Is the ID card yours__?

—No, I think it's Mary's.

14.I'm May Black. She is Mary Black. We have the same family name. But our first__ names are different.

15.Mr.__ Li is a good teacher. She is nice to us.

Group 3

1.—Are these your books__?

—No, they aren't. They are hers__.

2.—What about__ this pen? Is it yours?

—No, it isn't mine__.

3.There are many students in our school__.

4.This is my schoolbag. Yours__ is still in my room.

5.Excuse__ me. Is this your pen?

6.How do you spell__ the word “phone”?

7.This is my computer__ game.

8.Call__ me at 534-2489, please.

9.This is my bike__. It is yellow.

10.This is the key__ to the door. Let's go in.

11.Your __ring__ (戒指) is very nice.

12.I like watching __baseball__ (棒球) games.

13.—Is it a __notebook__ (笔记本)?

—No, it isn't.

14.There are two __dictionaries__ (词典) on the desk.

15.Let's go to the __library__ (图书馆).

Group 4

1.David always__ plays games with his friends.

2.—Where's__ your ID card?

—It's in my schoolbag.

3.There are some__ books on the sofa.

4.They are my friends and these are their__ bags.

5.—Where is my green cup?

—I think__ it is on your table.

6.I don't know__ his name.

7.There is a clock__ on the wall.

8.—Is this your tape__ player?

—No, it isn't. It's David's.

9.There are two notebooks__ on the teacher's desk.

10.The white model plane__ is on the desk.

11.Her things are everywhere__, on the desk, on the sofa and under the bed. 12.I have two __radios__ (收音机).

13.Look. The __caps__ (帽子) are on the bed.

14.My schoolbag is __under__ (在……下面) the bed.

15.I'm __tidy__ (整洁的), but Gina is not.

Group 5

1.Let us__ play soccer. It's easy.

2.After__ class, I play volleyball with my friends.

3.Let's play__ volleyball. It's interesting.

4.My mother often watches__ TV in the evening.

5.Watching TV is relaxing__.

6.Hurry up(快点儿),or we'll be late__.

7.Tom and Jack are in the same class, so they are classmates__.

8.This book is very interesting__; every student likes it.

9.I love sports__, and I often play basketball.

10.I don't like math because it is so difficult__.

11.We all like__ P.E. because it's relaxing.

12.—What about playing soccer?

—That sounds__ great.

13.I have__ two sisters and Jim has one brother.

14.Watching__ TV is Jack's favorite.

15.Look! There is only__ one child left in the classroom.

Group 6

1.Children should eat lots of vegetables__ like carrots and tomatoes. 2.Getting up early and going to bed early are very good habits__.

3.Jay Chou is a singing star__. Many young people like him.

4.I love fruit. I think it's healthy__.

5.One last question__-Do you eat ice-cream after dinner?

6.David asks Cindy Smith about her eating__ habits.

7.Red strawberries__ are a kind of fruit.

8.I have hamburgers for breakfast__.

9.December 25th is John's date of birth, so everybody says “Happy birthday__” to him.

10.—Do you like salad?

—Yes, I really__ like it.

11.I don't like fish, but I like eating chicken__.

12.I want to buy some fruit__,such as apples,bananas and so on.

Group 7

1.He is about 177 cm tall, so he needs long__ pants.

2.I need a sweater for school__.

3.One dollar__ is about seven yuan.

4.Socks__ are only $5 for three pairs.

5.This hat is too small__ for me. I want a big one.

6.Come and buy your clothes__ at our great sale.

7.What's the price__ of that sweater?

8.—Thank you very much, Linda.

—You are welcome__.

9.Jim buys__ a Qianjiang Evening newspaper every day for his class.

10.There are twelve__ months in a year.

Group 8

1.The first month of a year is January__.

2.Ms. Smith is our English teacher this term__.

3.—What's your favorite month?


4.March is the third__ month in a year.

5.Tomorrow is my grandpa's eightieth birthday, and we buy a lot of things__ for his birthday.

6.—Have a good time__, Mary!

—Thank you!

7.I am very busy__ today, so I can't go to see you.

8.Tom is a student__ in No.2 Middle School.

9.We will have a school trip__ on September 9th.

10.We have a happy art festival__ today!

Group 9

1.Mr. Wang teaches us geography__ at school.

2.Thursday__ is the fifth day of a week.

3.—What's your favorite__ sport?


4.We have no class on Saturday and Sunday__.

5.I think science is difficult__ but interesting.

6.After class we play volleyball for two hours__.

7.—Why are you so busy today?

—Because__ I have a lot of homework to do.

8.My favorite subject__ is science.

9.She is good at painting. She likes art__ very much.

10.Linda likes art and music because they are relaxing__.

Group 10

1.—Where's your schoolbag?

—It's under the __desk__ (课桌).

2.I think ping-pong is __easy__(容易的), but tennis is difficult.

3.This __T-shirt__ (衬衫)is nice.

4.__Call__ (打电话)Mike at 826-6519.

Please __call__ (给……打电话) Jane. This is her phone number.

5.Big is the opposite (相反的) of __small__ (小的).

6.Mr. Smith lives in __China__ (中国) now.

7.Tom is __twelve__ (十二) years old.

8.Mr. Green must __find__ (找到) his lost dog.

9.I'll go to the park with my friends this __Sunday__ (星期日).

10.These are Gina's __parents__ (父母).

Group 11

1.David's brother is lazy; his socks are __everywhere__(到处).

2.Sandy has a good __eating__ (吃) habit. She has some fruits and vegetables every day.

3.December is the __twelfth__ (十二)month of a year.

4.The teacher says math is a __useful__ (有用的) subject.

5.Her skirts are in all __colors__(颜色). She likes them very much.

6.Thanks for your __help__(帮忙).

7.Terry __meets__ (遇见) her good friend Celia at the bus stop every day.

8.I don't have any brothers or sisters, but I have some __cousins__(表兄弟).9.Ted __must__ (必须) find his baseball, because he has a match tomorrow. 10.My father always reads newspapers __after__ (在……以后) dinner.

Group 12

1.The __price__ (价格) of the skirt is fifty dollars.

2.__Wednesday__ (星期三) comes after Tuesday.

3.My favorite subject is __science__ (科学) at school.

4.Jack plays sports every day, so he is very healthy__.

5.I'm a student. I do my homework__ every day.

6.Excuse__ me, is this your pen?

7.Bill's pants are long, but Emma's pants are short__.




2.__eats__ well

sports every day. This is his 3.__food__ list. For breakfast, he has an 4.__egg__ and some fruit. For fruit, he likes 5.__bananas__ and apples. For lunch, he has 6.__chicken__ and lots of vegetables. For vegetables, he likes 7.__carrots__. For dinner, he has a hamburger and 8.__some__ salad. 9.__At__ 7:00 every morning, he plays ping-pong with his father. And his favorite 10.__subject__ is P.E.


Hello, my 1.__name__ is Li Hua. Kate is 2.__my__ good friend. She is 3.__an__ American girl. Her birthday is 4.__on__ August 2nd. She has her 5.__birthday__ party on that day. 6.__She__ likes playing baseball and volleyball. My birthday is on 7.__July__ 1st. I have my birthday party, 8.__too__. I 9.__love__ sports. I always 10.__play__ basketball and soccer.

Hello, friends! My 1.__name__ is Jack. I have two 2.__pictures__ here. This is the picture of my room. Some books are in the bookcase. Some photos are on the wall. What's that 3.__under__ the chair? Oh, it's my basketball. I always play 4.__basketball__. But I 5.__don't__ like tennis.

Look at this picture. It's a picture of my dining room. I have 6.__three__ meals here. For breakfast, I like eggs, oranges 7.__and__ bananas. For 8.__lunch__, I like hamburgers, salad and oranges. And for dinner, I 9.__like__ chicken, tomatoes and bananas. 10.__Do__ you have a nice picture?


This is a 1.__picture__ of Xie Li's family. The girl 2.__is__ Xie Li. 3.__She__ is a student. This is Xie Jun. He's Xie Li's 4.__brother__. He and his 5.__sister__ are in the same school. Their 6.__father__ is Mr. Xie. He's a teacher. The woman is Xie Li and Xie Jun's 7.__mother__. 8.__Her__ name is Wang Juan. She is a teacher, 9.__too__. Their family is a 10.__happy__ family.


Look at this photo. The boy in a blue jacket is my good friend. 1.__His__ name is David. He's 2.__fourteen__. He likes playing 3.__sports__ very much. He has ten soccer 4.__balls__,twenty basketballs and thirty baseballs. He always 5.__watches__ sports on TV. His brother John 6.__likes__ sports, too. He has five basketballs, six baseballs 7.__and__ one soccer ball.

They 8.__have__ a good computer, buy they 9.__don't__ like playing computer games.

They always say it is 10.__boring__. They are really good students.


1.Do you know that girl? What's __her__ name?

2.We have English class__from__ Monday __to__ Friday.

3.We often speak English with classmates __after/before/in__ class. 4.There's a map __of__ China on the wall of our classroom.

5.I have __an__ uncle. His name is Jim.

6.—What's that?

—It's a photo __of__ my family.

7.My brother can sing well, __but__ he can't dance.

8.Call Alan__at__ 23341987. He is __at__ home.

9.We sell it __at__ a very good price.

10.Come __to__ Xinhua Bookstore and see __for__ yourself.

11.—__When__ does he have P.E.?

—He has P.E. at 3:00 in the afternoon.

12.We clean the classroom __on__ Friday afternoon.

13.—What color is that pen?

—It's __/__ green.

14.—__What__ __date__ is it today?

—It's July the fourth.

15.—When is your birthday?

—My birthday is __in__ May.

16.—Is this man your friend?

—Yes, __he__ __is__.

17.—__What__ __time__ does she go to work in the morning?

—At 7:30.

18.—__Let's__ go to the library to read books. —Good idea. 19.—__Who__ is that girl over there?

—It's Li Lin.

20.—Is your name Gina?

—No, __it__ isn't. My name is Lucy.

21.Tom plays __/__ volleyball very well.

22.I don't like geography __because__ it's boring.

23.This is my friend. __His__ name is Bob.

24.—__How__ __much__ are the socks?

—Fifty dollars.

25.—__Where__ is your pencil box?

—In my schoolbag.



What's this __in__ __English__?


__What__ __color__ is Mike's cup?


__Please__ __spell__ your name, Anna.


Dale wants to __say__ __thanks__ to Frank.


His __family/last__ __name__ is Han.


__Is__ __this__ Dale's QQ number?


__These__ __are__ my brother and sister.


That's a(n) __box__ of __baseballs__.


You can __ask__ my brother __for__ that CD.


Please __e-mail__ him __at__ jim351@https://www.doczj.com/doc/4911400805.html,.


Lucy's parents __think__ the school __is__ good. 12.汤姆总是在晚上给她打电话。

Tom __always__ calls __her__ in the evening.


Mary's knife __is__ __on__ __her__ __desk__. 14.——妈妈,我的手表在哪儿?


—__Where's__ my watch, Mom?

—Sorry, I __don't__ know.


Lily and Jenny are __in__ __the__ __same__ __class__.16.网球对你来说容易吗?

Is tennis __easy__ __for__ you?


__Does__ Eric like to __play__ computer games?


__Do__ you want to go __with__ Helen after school? 19.我妹妹只吃水果沙拉。

My sister __only__ __eats__ fruit salad.


__Where__ __does__ Lucy like to have lunch?


Give me a few hours to__think__ __about__ it.


We want __to__ __be__ friends.


I like hamburgers, __but__ I don't often buy __them__.24.祝你过得愉快!

Have a(n) __good__ __time__!


I want to go to the __school__ __library__ this afternoon.


Jim __has__ some photos __for__ you.


You can __come__ __to__ my home tomorrow morning.


They have three __ball__ __games__ in October.


Tom, __come__ __and__ __have__ __lunch__ with us.


We have history at 8 o'clock. __After__ __that__, we have English class. 31.我认为琳达唱得非常好。

I think Linda sings __really__ __well__.


They sell vegetables __at__ __a__ __good__ __price__.


__Let's__ __meet__ this Friday afternoon.


We think Alan is __great__ __fun__.


It's interesting to __play__ __games__ __with__ children.


—Dale is very friendly.

—That's __for__ __sure__.


1.book-__books__ 2.pen-__pens__

3.key-__keys__ 4.boy-__boys__

5.class-__classes__ 6.watch-__watches__ 7.family-__families__ 8.party-__parties__ 9.woman-__women__ 10.child-__children__ 11.sheep-__sheep__ 12.thank-__thanks__

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