当前位置:文档之家› 英语单词找不间断音





crab dab jab lab nab tab dra.b blab

grab scab slab stab fax ax lax max

tax wax flax pact act fact tact tract

gas as has lass bass mass pass brass class glass grass gaff chaff staff raft waft shaft draft craft graft flask ask cask cask mask task

二组jet bet get let met net pet set vet wet whet yet fret peltbelt dwelt felt knelt melt welt smelt slept kept wept crept swept kelp help yelp desk death breath deaf bread dead head dread tread thread spread meant feather leather weather

三组gift lift rift sift shift drift swift thrift pig big dig fig gig jig rig wig sprig swig twig gilt guilt hilt kilt jilt quilt tilt wilt spilt stilt it bit fit hit kit lit knit pit quit sit wit flit grit skit slit spit split twit six fix mix rich which itch bitch ditch hitch pitch witch switch dish fish wish swish ridge bridge

四组cop bop hop mop pop sop top shop chop drop flop ctop plop prop slop stop golf cost lost frost

gosh soft loft pocket socket rocket locket pot cot dot got hot jot knot lot not rot shot tot trot clot blot plot slot spot froth botch notch blotch broth cloth moth sloth swan what want swamp swap swab swallow watch wasp

五组stub cub dub hub nub pub rub sub tub drub club flub grub snub shtub scrub bud cud dud mud thud spud stud scud glove dove love shove above come some none done couple touch double trouble rough tough blood flood son ton month among tongue

六组pant ant can’t rant chant grant plant slant scant ranch blanch branch stanch bang pang sang tang clang slang sprang twang dance lance chance france glance prance stance trance

fence hence whence vend end fend bend lend mend rend send tend wend bench quench wrench drench trench blench french stench

ring bing ding king ping sing wing thing wring zing bring cling fling sprint splint squint stint ink kink link mink pink rink sink wink chink drink think blink brink prink stink clink shrink slink

blond bond fond pond frond sun bun fun gun nun pun run shun spun stun bong dong gong long song rongs wrong thong prong strong belong along

七组snake bake cake fake make quake rake sake take wake shake drake brake flake slake stake baste haste paste taste waste chaste hale bale dale gale male pale sale tale shale stale whale

bait gait wait trait plait strait faint paint quaint saint taint ail bail fail hail mail nail pail quail snail rail sail tail trail wail flail frail

hay bay day gay jay lay May may nay pay ray say way tray dray clay bray fray gray play pray slay stay hey spray stray sway freight neigh sleigh eight weight prey they whey grey break great steak

八组pea sea tea flea plea plead bead lead knead read seal deal heal meal peal real teal veal zeal beak leak peak teak weak bleak creak freak speak squeak streak sneak tweak squeal steal appeal repeal reveal ordeal

beet feet meet sheet fleet greet sleet street sweet teeth seethe feel heel keel kneel reel peel wheel creel steel leek meek peek reek seek week cheek creek Greek sleek cheese geese thief fief brief piece chief grief field shield yield fiend receipt receive belief believe relief relieve deceit deceive

九组vine dine fine line mine nine pine tine wine whine dive shine brine shrine spine swine dive five hive jive live drive chive strive thrive

child mild wild bind find hind kind die fie lie tie pie vie my dry try why sigh high nigh thigh either neither height diver driver glider spider rider cider cipher heighten

十组note quote vote rote wrote doze froze dole hole whole mole pole role sole stole bone cone phone

hone lone tone zone drone clone prone stone

coax hoax coach poach roach broach so no go pro goat oat boat coat moat throat bloat float gloat toe doe foe hoe Joe woe bow low mow throw know sow tow show blow crow flow glow grow slow snow stow 十一组tube cube nude tune duke fuze stupw fume Huge cure lure pure cute mute mule dew few pew new knew mew hew phew stew renew skew

第十二组bar car far jar mar Mars par tar char scar spar star shark bark dark hark mark park lark spark stark barge large marge charge barn darn yarn carve starve barn darn tarn yarn carp harp tarp sharp farce arc harsh marsh parch arch arch- march March starch harden hardly hardy carpet margin marl arm farm harm charm guard bard card hard lard yard shard

十三组for nor fort port sort tort short snort corn born horn morn torn worn shorn thorn scorn sworn cord Ford lord chord sword afford horse shore ore

bore core fore gore more pore sore tore wore chore score snore store swore ignore course court

draw caw jaw law gnaw paw raw saw thaw claw flaw slaw squaw straw crawl bawl shawl trawl srawl brawl scrawl prawn dawn fawn lawn soar boar roar pawn yawn drawn brawn spawn thought ought bought fought sought brought

laud fraud caul haul maul paul fault taut cause pause clause caught naught taught fraught jaunt daunt gaunt haunt flaunt wall all ball call fall gall hall

mall pall tall small squall stall paunch haunch launch staunch halt malt salt balk calk walk chalk stalk

bald false

第十四组skirt dirt girt shirt squirt girl swirl worm churn burn turn spurn turtle hurdle nerve serve verve swerve germ term lever never sever clever earth leper pepper whether beggar cellar vendor sensor

十五组out bout gout lout pout tout shout trout clout flout grout scout snout spout stout sprout about mouse douse house louse rouse souse blouse grouse spouse

our hour sour flour scour count mount amount owl fowl howl jowl growl prowl scowl cow bow how now row sow vow wow brow plow prow scow allow clown down gown town drown brown crown

十六组cool fool pool tool wool drool school spool stool room boom doom loom zoom bloom broom gloom cook book hook look nook took shook brook crook spook could would should bush push ambush bull full pull

put Ruth rude crude prude soup group flute jute lute chute brute glue true blue clue June prune wound rule 十七组hare bare care dare fare mare pare rare share ware blare flare glare scare snare spare square stare aware flair stair affair pair air fair hair lair chair bear pear tear wear swear there where

十八组gear ear dear fear hear near rear sear tear year shear clear smear spear appear deer beer jeer peer queer seer cheer sheer sneer steer here mere

十九组boy coy joy soy Roy toy ploy oil boil coil foil soil toil broil spoil coin join loin groin poise noise voice void joint point foist hoist joist moist


辩音练习 一、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同, 请选出。 ( )1. A. clothes ( )2. A. duty B. home B. student C. hello C. bus D. sorry D. excuse ( )3. A. clock B. those C. go D. coat ( )4. A. bus B. put C. cup D. up ( )5. A. down B. brown C. yellow D. how ( )6. A. desk B. next C. dress D. we ( )7. A. cake B. hat C. baby D. same ( )8. A. look B. room C. school D. broom ( )9. A. think B. thank C. they D. three ( )10. A. school B. Chinese C. chair D.teacher 二、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 1.A.with B .then C.clothes D.month 2.A.mean B.meant C.bread D .heavy 3.A.popular B .half C. aunt D.last 0 4.A.food B.noodle C.foot D.broom

5.A.do n’t B.hope C.ago D.body 6.A.down B.crow C.how D.town 三、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 1、A、bag B、map C、thank D、class 2、A、no B、row C、one D、old 3、A、five B、bike C、fine D、English 4、A、desk B、yes C、eleven D、pencil 5、A、good B、book C、afternoon D、goodbye 6、A.go B.some C.son D.mother 7、A.window B.how C.now D.down 8、A.us B.mum C.duty D.but 9、A.China B.school C.chair D.teacher 10、A.come B.nice C.coat D.clock 四、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。


与音乐相关的英语单词Prepared on 21 November 2021

alto男高音,女低音 tenor次中音 baritone上低音,男中音 bass低音 soprano女高音 mezzo-soprano女次高音 sharp高半音符号,升号 flat调号 natural(sign)本位号 staff,stave五线谱 A,B,C,D,E,F,G唱名la,si,do,re,mi,fa,sol Gclef,trebleclef高音谱号 Fclef,bassclef低音谱号 Cclef,tenorclef,altoclef中音谱号 semibreve全音符(美作:wholenote) minim二分音符(美作:halfnote) dottedcrotchet四分音符(美作:dottednote,quarternote)quaver八分音符(美作:eighthnote) semiquaver十六分音符(美作:sixteenthnote)demisemiquaver三十二分音符(美作:thirty-secondnote)hemidemisemiquaver六十四分音符(美作:sixty-fourthnote)rest休止符 crotchetrest四分休止符(美作:quarterrest) semitone半音 pause休止 time,bar拍子 rhythm节奏 three-fourtime三四拍子 syncope,syncopation切分音 tone音程 pitch基音音乐 majorkey大调 minorkey小调 scale音阶 arpeggio琶音 solfeggio视唱 solmization阶名唱法 diapason,range音域 tuningfork音叉 metronome节拍器 chord和弦,谐音 cadence调音


小学英语单词辨音 5个元音字母的发音规则: Aa 开音节[ ei ] 闭音节[ ? ] 在[w]音后发[ ] Ee 开音节[ i: ] 闭音节[ e ] Ii 开音节[ai ] 闭音节[ i ] Oo 开音节[?u] 闭音节[ ] [u:] Uu 开音节[ju:] 闭音节[Λ]若是在j、l、r、s后读[u:] 练习 给出例词,请找出与划线部分相同的例词,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 Aa ()1、cake A:take B:cat ()2、name A:bag B:plane ()3、China A:about B:want ()4、after A:class B:wash ()5、What A:watch B:father ()6、cat A:flag B:baby ()7、late A:game B:any ()8、have A:happy B:past ()9、animal A:apple B:past ()10、make A:plane B:away Ee ()1、me A:these B:bed

()2、he A:Chinese B:egg ()3、she A:best B:we ()4、let A:evening B:red ()5、lesson A:desk B:open ()6、mess A:me B:letter ()7、hen A:letter B:Chinese ()8、vegetable A:hen B:apple ()9、eng A:pen B:me ()10、pen A:he B:egg Ii ()1、ring A:shine B:miss ()2、mistake A:big B:find ()3、milk A:pick B:child ()4、nine A:line B:dish ()5、drive A:live B:bright ()6、pig A:finished B:pilot ()7、bike A:time B:city ()8、swim A:kite B:sit ()9、drink A:fish B:time ()10、find A:high B:chicken Oo ()1、nose A:dog B:boat ()2、those A:go B:not ()3、lose A:stop B:old


单词辨音题解题秘籍 题型特征: 一组四个单词有两种读音,即有三个单词的划线部分读音有别于其他三个 技巧指导: 1.理清题意,辨清类型, 是考察元音还是辅音, 是考一个字母还是字母组合的发音。 2.如果划线部分是元音字母, 区别这个元音字母是开音节还是闭音节。 相对开音节:一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+不发音的e 如bike, cake, these, home, excuse 绝对开音节:辅音字母+一个元音字母结尾,且重读 如he, she, be, go, hi, 3.如果划线部分是元音字母组合,区别这个组合是重读还是弱读; 如:A. first B. bird C. term D. father 很明显,前面三个都是重读,发长音/?:/,而最后一个是单词末尾的弱读,发短音/?/ A. farmer B. term C. father D. worker 4.思考四个单词中有没有发音异于常规发音的单词,这种方法叫特殊单词比较法。 强化识记: 1.ir, or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/?:/, 如:bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/?/ 如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 2.n在k, c 前发/?/ 如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发/ng/ 如English, England, stronger, 3.oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/ 如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/ 如school, room, soon, zoo, 4. th发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/e/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without


音乐词汇(music words) A a tempo回原速 abbandono无拘无束的,纵情的acoustic声音学的,音响效果的 a cappella无伴奏合唱 a capriccio无事先准备的,随意发挥的accel 加快的,accelerado的缩写accentato加重音的,加重的 adagio慢板 agitato激动地 Adagio 柔板 Adagio assai 很慢的柔板 Andante 行板 Andantino 小行板 affettato 矫柔造作的affettatamente装模作样的affettuoso感情丰富的 affrettando快速的 Allegretto non troppo 不过分的小快板Allegretto poco mosso 稍快的小快板album专集,音乐集 alla marcia进行曲风格

alla如同……一样的 alla francese法兰西风格 alla polacca波拉卡风格 alla spagnuola西班牙风格 alla turca土耳其风格 all arg逐渐加强,逐渐变慢,声音愈加饱满allegramente欢快的,兴致昂然的allegrissimo极快的 allegretto稍快板 allegro快板,急速的,快节奏的 alt最高调,最高调的 altieramente极快的 alto clef 中音谱号 amabile和蔼可亲的,可爱的amorosamente温柔的,亲爱的amoroso温柔的,亲爱的 andante行板,行板乐曲,缓慢的 a nimato活泼的,富有生气的,快的aperto开朗的 appassionato热情奔放的,热心的attacca紧接下段 B baldo 勇敢的,豪壮的 ballade叙事曲,歌谣


技巧指导: 1.理清题意,辨清类型, 是考察元音还是辅音, 是考一个字母还是字母组合的发音。 2.如果划线部分是元音字母, 区别这个元音字母是开音节还是闭音节。 [相对开音节:一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+不发音的e]如bike, cake, these, home, excuse [绝对开音节:辅音字母+一个元音字母结尾,且重读]如he, she, be, go, hi 3.如果划线部分是元音字母组合,区别这个组合是重读还是弱读; 如:A. first B. bird C. term D. father 很明显,前面三个都是重读,发长音/?:/,而最后一个是单词末尾的弱读,发短音/?/ A. farmer B. term C. father D. worker 4.思考四个单词中有没有发音异于常规发音的单词,这种方法叫特殊单词比较法。 强化识记: 1.ir, or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/?:/, 如:bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/?/如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 2.n在k, c 前发/?/,如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发/ng/如English, England, stronger, 3.oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school, room, soon, zoo, 4.th发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/e/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without 5.ch读/t?/;ck 读/k/; ph读/f/; th 读/θ/或/e/; sh 读/?/; wh读/w/或/h/; ng 读/?/; 特殊单词辨音小结:常考!务必记好! gr ea t/ei/ w a ter/?:/ m a ny/e/ f oo d/u:/


16.红灯red 停一停, 黄灯yellow等一等, 绿灯green 要通行. 蓝色blue 是天空, 紫色purple要记清. 17医生 Doctor治病又救人 护士Nurse 来量体温 农民Farmer 真勤恳 司机Driver 忙的很 Baseball player 打棒球准 三十六行行行出状元,共同建设美好家园。18Spoon小勺来喝汤, Chopsticks 筷子细又长. Fork 叉子把西餐尝,

plate盘子桌上放, knife刀子切菜忙. 19.三种颜色交通灯,green绿灯请通行,red红灯把车停.yellow黄灯等一等,交通规则要记清,blue蓝天好心情. 一》Have has 有会用,我有你有用have,我们,你们和他们,都用have不用说,女的她,男的他,宝盖它,只 用has,不会错。 二》《二》我喜欢,你喜欢,I like ,You like,我们喜欢,we like,你们喜欢You like,他们喜欢 they like,唯 独她,他,它喜欢,Like多s好喜欢。 三》《三》doll, ball,wallDoll抱着一个ball,碰着wall,扔了ball,哭着喊着让妈妈抱。《四》 Today today 是今天,Tomorrow tomorrow ,是 明天Yesterday 是昨天,快乐每一天。《五》How are you ? How are you?你好吗?How many,how many,多 少个?How far,how far,有多远?Not far , not far , 不是不是没多远。《六》Balloon, balloon,是气球, 我乘气球去月球,Volleyball是排球,中国女排夺冠 球。


alto 男高音,女低音 tenor 次中音 baritone 上低音,男中音 bass 低音 soprano 女高音 mezzo-soprano 女次高音 sharp 高半音符号,升号 flat 调号 natural (sign)本位号 staff, stave 五线谱 A,B,C,D,E,F,G 唱名 la,si,do,re,mi,fa,sol G clef, treble clef 高音谱号 F clef, bass clef 低音谱号 C clef, tenor clef, alto clef 中音谱号 semibreve 全音符(美作:whole note ) minim 二分音符(美作: halfnote )dotted crotchet 四分音符(美作: dotted note,quarter note ) quaver 八分音符(美作: eighth note) semiquaver 十六分音符(美作:sixteenth note ) demisemiquaver 三十二分音符(美作: thirty-second note ) hemidemisemiquaver 六十四分音符(美作: sixty-fourth note ) rest 休止符crotchet rest 四分休止符(美作: quarter rest)semitone 半音 pause 休止 time, bar 拍子 rhythm 节奏 three-four time 三四拍子 syncope, syncopation 切分音 tone 音程 pitch 基音音乐 major key 大调minor key 小调 scale 音阶 arpeggio 琶音 solfeggio 视唱 solmization 阶名唱法 diapason, range 音域tuning fork 音叉 metronome 节拍器 chord 和弦,谐音cadence 调音 counterpoint 多声部音乐 lyrics, words 歌词 score 总谱,乐谱 orchestra 乐队 conductor 乐队指挥baton 乐队指挥棒 band 管乐队 solo 独奏,独唱 duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱 trio 三重奏,三重唱 quartet, quartette 四重奏,四重唱 quintet 五重奏,五重唱choir, choral society 合奏,合唱 vibration 振动sound 音 tone 音(乐音) musical tone 乐音 noise 噪音 acoustics 声学 psychoacoustics 心理声学frequency 频率 intensity 强度 time 时间 wave form 波形 pitch 音高 loudness 响度 duration 时值 timbre 音色 (tone color or quality) tuning fork 音叉 pure tone 纯音 complex tone 复音 (composite tone) overtone(s) 泛音 (aliquot tone, harmonics, 即 upper partials) flageolet tone overtone series 泛音列 partial(s) 分音 (partial tone) fundamental(tone) 基音 (first partial) step 音级(scale step, degree) accidental(s) 变音记号 sharp 升号 flat 降号 double-sharp 重升号 double-flat 重降号 nature 还原号 intonation 音准 octave 八度range 音域 (compass) (voice) register 音区 small c 小字组 c great C 大


英语单词辨音题解题 强化识记: , or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/:/, 如:bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/ /如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 在k, c 前发/ /,如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发/ng/如English, England, stronger, 在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school, room, soon, zoo, 发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/ð/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without 读/t /;ck 读/k/; ph读/f/; th 读/θ/或/ð/; sh 读//; wh读/w/; ng 读:// 特殊单词辨音小结: 上面这些常考的词,亲爱的孩子们你们都读对了吗?



脸部五官英语单词顺口溜1:Face脸蛋儿红又红, 眼睛eyes亮晶晶, Head脑袋大又灵, 鼻子nose像山峰, Mouth小嘴把歌唱, 耳朵ears仔细听。 脸部五官英语单词顺口溜2:Head脑袋圆又圆, 头发hair长上边, Face脸儿像圆盘, 鼻子nose像小山。 Ear耳朵听明白, 鼻子nose,眼睛eye。 脸部五官英语单词顺口溜3:head头,face脸, ear耳朵挂两边。 eye眼睛像葡萄, 高高的nose在中间,mouth 头部五官记心间。

交通工具英语单词顺口溜1: plane plane 天上飞, ship ship 水中游, 爬山路jeep 强, 建筑工地truck 忙, 奔驰car 真气派, 城市运输bus强, bike 虽然体积小, 锻炼身体又环保。 交通工具英语单词顺口溜2: truck、truck大卡车,南来北往忙运货;bus、bus公交车,上班上学把它坐;car、car小轿车,美丽舒适我爱坐;jeep、jeep吉普车,背个车轮乐呵呵;bike、bike自行车,不怕下坡怕上坡;train、train是火车,长长铁轨唱着歌。多学几个交通工具英语单词: taxi 出租汽车 underground, tube, subway 地铁 train 火车 boat, ship 船 plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机


单词辨音练习题总结 ()1. A .ruler B .bus C. cut D. cup ()2.A .short B .worker C. for D. morning ()3.A .cow B .now C. show D. how ()4.A .take B .make C. bag D. plane ()5.A .duck B. but C. use D. mum ( )6. A. name B. same C. game D. come ( )7. A. table B. paper C. race D. any ( )8. A. have B. than C. plan D. many ( )9. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast ( )10. A. plane B. make C. take D. away ( )11.A. ask B.France C. afternoonD. anything ( )12.A.bookcase B.baseball C.danger D. asketball ( )13. A. past B. father C. after D. happy ( )14.A. better B. lesson C. he D. best ( )15.A. envelope B. desk C. she D. bed ( )16.A. French B. second C. fever D. then ( )17.A. he B. she C. tell D. fever ( )18.A. yesterday B. present C. be D. penfriend ( )19.A.seven B.relative C.me D. dress ( )20.A. before B. behind C.festival D. because 21. ( )A. bag B. bad C. make 22. ( )A. bed B. pen C. he 23. ( )A. box B. close C. home 24. ( )A. bike B. cinema C. time 25. ( )A. this B. swim C. like 26. ( )A. sail B. may C. park 27. ( )A. girl B. turn C. tea 28. ( )A. warm B. car C. star 29. ( )A. but B. us C. use 30. ( )A. match B. fish C. short 31. a. grass b. lamp c. have d. active 32. a. life b. give c. live d. think 33. a. may b. says c. way d. pay 34. a. break b. heat c. mean d. reason 35. a. corner b. decide d. circle d. cry ( )36. disappear A. compareB. wear C. beard D. share ( )37. nation A. magic B. male C. chance D. castle ( )https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15368683.html,pare https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15368683.html,mon https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15368683.html,pany C. computer D. come ( )39. drugA. minute B. supply C. ruler D. hungry ( )40.A. find B. film C. five D. climb ( )41.A. mine B. live C. white D. Mike ( )42.A. milk B. kite C. finish D. give ( )43.A. this B. sign C. with D. little ( )44.A. sorry B. note C. home D. cold ( )45.A. hobby B. piano C. over D. comb ( )46.A. open B.lovely C.mother D. Monday ( )47.A. smoke B. from C. crossing D. box ()48. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ()49. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ()50. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ()51. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom ()52. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cat ( )53.A. like B. history C. Friday D. time ( )54. permission A. decision B. discussion C. question D. suggestion ( )55. A. happy B. family C. what D can ( )56. A. job B. comicC. doctor D. walkman ( )57. A. locker B. hers C. others D .secondary ( )58. A. Coke B. door C ball D floor ( )59. A. look B good C too D book ( )60. A. their B there C where D here 61. A. make B. late C. map D. male 62. A. famous B. found C. shout D. ground


音乐中常用词汇中英文对照 vibration 振动sound 音tone 音(乐音)musical tone 乐音noise 噪音acoustics 声学 psychoacoustics 心理声学time 时间frequency 频率intensity 强度wave form 波形pitch 音高loudness 响度 duration 时值tuning fork 音叉 timbre 音色(tone color or quality) pure tone 纯音complex tone 复音(composite tone)overtone(s) 泛音(aliquot tone,harmonics,flageolet tone即upperpartials) overtone series 泛音列 基音(first partial)partial(s) 分音(partial tone) fundamental(tone) step 音级(scale step, degree) accidental(s) 变音记号sharp 升号flat 降号double-sharp 重升号double-flat 重降号nature 还原号intonation 音准octave 八度range 音域(compass) (voice) register 音区small c 小字组c great C 大字组C contra C 大字二组C unaccented octave 小字组one-lined octave 小字一组(one-line) two-lined octave 小字二组(two-line) three –lined octave 小字三组(three-line) four-line octave 小字四组(four-line) temperament 乐律tempered scale 平均律(equal temperament) just intonation 纯律pitch name 音名enharmonic notes 等音(whole) tone 全音half-tone 半音natural half-tone 自然半音 natural tone 自然全音chromatic tone 变化全音 chromatic half-tone 变化半音notation 记谱法staff 乐谱 treble clef 高音谱号bass clef 低音谱号 clef 谱号(G clef, F clef, C clef) note(s) 音符 rest(s) 休止符breve 二全音符 semibreve 全音符(whole note,美) minim 二分音符(half note,美) crotchet 四分音符(quarter note,美) quaver 八分音符(eighth note,美) semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenth note,美) demisemiquaver 三十二分音符(thirty-second note,美) hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符(sixty-fourth note,美) dot 附点double dot 复附点dotted note 附点音符 dotted rest 附点休止符score 总谱leger line(s) 加线(ledger line(s)) head 符头 stem 符干hook 符尾(tail) space 间tie 延音线pause 延长号(hold, fermata) bar 小节(bar line小节线,measure) legato 连音,连奏


单词辨音练习题总结 () 1. A .ruler B .bus C. cut D. cup () 2.A .short B .worker C. for D. morning () 3.A .cow B .now C. show D. how () 4.A .take B .make C. bag D. plane () 5.A .duck B. but C. use D. mum ()6. A. name B. same C. game D. come ()7. A. table B. paper C. race D. any ()8. A. have B. than C. plan D. many ()9. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast ( )10. A. plane B. make C. take D. away 21. ()A. bag B. bad C. make 22. ()A. bed B. pen C. he 23. ()A. box B. close C. home 24. ()A. bike B. cinema C. time 25. ()A. this B. swim C. like 26. ()A. sail B. may C. park 27. ()A. girl B. turn C. tea 28. ()A. warm B. car C. star 29. ()A. but B. us C. use 30. ()A. match B. fish C. short 31. a. grass b. lamp c. have d. active 32. a. life b. give c. live d. think 33. a. may b. says c. way d. pay 34. a. break b. heat c. mean d. reason 35. a. corner b. decide d. circle d. cry ( )36. disappear A. compareB. wear C. beard D. share ( )37. nation A. magic B. male C. chance D. castle ( )https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15368683.html,pare https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15368683.html,mon https://www.doczj.com/doc/4b15368683.html,pany C. computer D. come ( )39. drugA. minute B. supply C. ruler D. hungry ( )40.A. find B. film C. five D. climb ( )41.A. mine B. live C. white D. Mike ( )42.A. milk B. kite C. finish D. give ( )43.A. this B. sign C. with D. little ( )44.A. sorry B. note C. home D. cold ( )45.A. hobby B. piano C. over D. comb ( )46.A. open B.lovely C.mother D. Monday ( )47.A. smoke B. from C. crossing D. box ()48. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse () 49. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths


小朋友,起得早,大家快来做做操, 张开mouth深呼吸,揉揉nose 吸吸气,洗洗face提提神,脖子neck扭一扭,手臂arms伸一伸,小手hands拍一拍,腿儿legs踢一踢,膝盖knees蹲一蹲,小脚feet跳一跳,天天锻炼身体好, 眼睛eyes大又亮,耳朵ears听得清,脑袋head更聪明,做个新世纪小主人。 关上window 关上door 拎起basket合上box tap tap 要关好,节约用水很重要 light light 要关上,用电安全最重要听一听walkman看一看TV 事情做好心情好 小宝宝可真乖,' 自己从bed上坐起来, 自己的jacket自己穿, 自己的gloved自己戴。

太阳公公咪咪笑,小朋友们起得早。 洗洗face, 刷teeth, 再喝milk身体好。 聪明可爱小画家,一张paper手中拿。神奇pencil画一画,美丽picture人人夸。 Grandpa年纪大, 爱吃banana,Grandma年纪大,爱吃watermelon,我的年纪小, 爱喝“娃哈哈 幼儿园里朋友多,Brother,sister, 做游戏笑呵呵, 拍拍hand唱唱歌。

哥哥tall个子高, 弟弟short个子矮, 姑姑fat想变瘦, 爷爷old真长寿。 plane plane 天上飞, ship ship 水中游, rr爬山路jeep 强, 建筑工地truck 忙, 奔驰car 真气派, 城市运输bus强, bike 虽然体积小, 锻炼身体又环保. 水果歌 strawberry是草莓,又红又大长得美。orange是个大蜜桔,吃不着可真着急。apple,apple红苹果,吃上一个不上火。melon,melon大西瓜,口渴解谗就吃它。banana是黄香蕉,样子弯弯像小桥。grapes是紫葡萄,又酸又甜特可口。


pop music 流行音乐 jazz music 爵士乐 rock music 摇滚乐 rhythm 节奏 theme 主题 tempo 速度 symphony 交响乐 melody 旋律 variation 变奏 composition 乐曲 composer 作曲家 tone 音色 keyboard 琴键 key 调 major 大调 minor 小调 solo 独奏 duets 二重奏 instrument 乐器 movement 乐章 accelerando (accel.) 渐快的acappella 无伴奏合唱 absolute music 纯音乐,非标题音乐 absolute pitch 绝对音高(听觉)abstract music 抽象音乐 accent 重音 accidental(s) 变音记号accordion 手风琴acoustics 声学 action 弦高,即弦距离指板的高度adagietto 小柔板 (66拍/分钟) adagio 柔板 (56拍/分钟) Added-sixth chord 加六度和弦allegretto 小快板 (108拍/分钟) allegro 快板 (132拍/分钟) allemande 阿勒曼德 alt高音 altered chord 变和弦 Andalusia 安达露西亚 (西班牙地名) andante 行板 (72拍/分钟) andantino 小行板 (80拍/分钟) animato 活泼的快板 (120拍/分钟) Anti- impressionism 反印象主义anticipation 先现音 anvil 乐砧 Aranjuez 阿兰胡埃斯 (吉他协奏曲) aria 咏叹调 arpeggio 琶音 artist 艺术家 ascending 上行 assai 非常快的快板 (144拍/分钟),很 Asturias 阿斯图里亚斯 (西班牙地名) atonality 无调性 augmentation 展开 augmented sixth chord 增六和弦


单词辨音,选出与其他三个划线部分不一样的单词。 1. A. snail B. planet C. away D. Spain 2. A. study B. harbor C. half D. after 3. A. bald B. always C. talk D. also 4. A. spiky B. thin C. kind D. polite 5. A. great B. speak C. meal D. meet 6. A. comic B. note C. often D. follow 7. A. catch B. planet C. many D. practice 8. A. throw B. Thursday C. Netherland D. think 9. A. sound B. shout C. young D. down 10.A. birthday B. through C. math D. those 11.A. brush B. wash C. machine D. watch 12.A. small B. ball C. wall D. talk 13.A. word B. work C. short D. world 14.A. party B. garden C. hard D. quarter 15.A. catch B. man C. many D. stamp 16.A. book B. food C. school D. cool 17.A. practiced B. listened C. played D. opened 18.A. nose B. over C. orange D. photo 19.A. great B. bread C. breakfast D. weather 20.A. clothes B. thirsty C. Thursday D. thin 21.A. shouted B. planted C. passed D. rested 22.A. food B. wood C. wool D. cook 23.A. south B. eighth C. thank D. with 24.A. year B. here C. bear D. beard 25.A. his B. please C. music D. six 26.A. five B. of C. off D. find 27.A. solve B. wrong C. from D. open 28.A. country B. through C. enough D. touch 29.A. when B. what C. why D. how 30.ticket B. invite C. important D. give 31.A. jacket B. bracelet C. candy D. baggy 32.A. cheap B. please C. sweatshirt D. sneakers 33.A. south B. town C. window D. down 34.A. year B. here C. bear D. beard 35.A. present B. second C. special D. exciting 36.A. winner B. exciting C. difficult D. without 37.A. funny B. music C. subject D. unusual 38.A. youth B. south C. without D. town 39.A. Chinese B. cheese C. lose D. mouse 40.A. size B. idea C. design D. expensive

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