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17-20 ccbb


26-30 dbccd

31-33 cdc 包~guo+扣扣210469078

61-66 dbbdbc

67-71 badcd

72-76 dcbda

77-80 bcac baoguo 包~guo+扣扣210469078

81 boring 82 are 83 could 84 granted 85 correspondingly 86

from 87 than 88 so 89 based 90 have taken place







As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty. 包~guo+扣扣210469078

Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag

behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career. 包~guo+扣扣210469078


2017英语二真题解析 试题精析 [答案][C] warning 考点:上下文语义理解 解析:空格之后的宾语从句部分“technology is replacing human workers.”结合选项,应该选择warning。其他三项[A] boasting [B] denying [D] ensuring 均不符合此处的语境要求,故均排除。 [答案][A] inequality 考点:上下文语义理解 空格单词后面的句意看到了贫富对比,故作为上文对其进行概括关键应选择inequality。[答案][D] prediction 考点:时态判断 空格之后的内容“holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,”该定语从句是对空格词汇的修饰与说明,既然文中用到了will 这一个表示将来时态的助动词,故答案为prediction。 [答案][A] characterized 考点:后置定语+ 固定搭配 one 4 by purposelessness。其他三项均不符合,故排除。 5.[答案][B] meaning 考点:句间语义理解 Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed.空格所在句后

面的表述与空格前的内容属于并列关系,由逗号连接。答案选择meaning。[A] wisdom [C] glory [D] freedom 这些选项都表示褒义色彩和后面lazy、depressed 矛盾。 6.[答案][B] Indeed 考点:上下文逻辑关系 分析下四个选项可以看出并无体现因果关系故[A] Thus排除,另外instead,nevertheless 表示转折语意,但是上下文逻辑并无体现。故[A]Instead [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless均排除。 7.[答案][C] working 考点:上下文语义理解 One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans.根据上下文对比的语意对照应该选择working。前面提到unemployed 。此处在进行对比,故选择表示反义呼应的词working。 8.[答案][A] explanation 考点:句内语意理解+固定搭配 some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting 9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. [答案][D] among 考点:句内语义理解、介词辨析 很明显应该指前者的发生范围。浏览四个选项,among“在....中”表示范围,符合此处语义需要,故为答案。 [答案][C] worry about 考点:上下文语义理解+句内语义理解 Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. [答案][C] necessarily


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语试题 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _________ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 答案是B。 21.Many Chinese brands, __________their reputations over centuries,are facing new challenges from the modern market. A.having developed B.being developed C. developed D. developing 22. __________not for the support of the teachers,the student could not overcome her difficulty. A.It were B.Were it C. It was D. Was it 23.Located_________the Belt meets the Road,Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction. A.why B.when C.which D.where 24.The publication of Great Expectations,which_________both widely reviewed and highly praised,strengthened Dickens,status as a leading novelist. A.is B.are C.was D.were 25.Working with the medical team in Africa has_________the best in her as a doctor. A.held out B.brought out C.picked out D.given out 26.We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20,half of_________it used to charge. A.that B.which C.what D.how 27.He hurried home,never once looking back to see if he_________. A.was being followed B.was following C.had been followed D. followed



(江苏省) 成人本科学士学位英语水平统一考试 2015年11月21日 下午14∶00-16-00 1. A. agent B. ahead C. alive D. along 2. A. measure B. feather C. eastern D. peasant 3. A. fool B. tool C. boot D. foot 4. A. fork B. work C. port D. sort 5. A. tough B. rough C. enough D. though 6. A. window B. know C. flower D. flow 7. A. silence B. island C. rescue D. roast 8. A. there B. theory C. thought D. thorough 9. A. super B. supply C. suppose D. surround 10. A. furniture B. purpose C. nurse D. surprise

Part II 词汇与语法知识(共30小题:每题0.5分,共15分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并在答题卡相应的 题号后填涂选项。 11. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is expected to ______ interest rates on Tuesday. A. raise B. lift C. charge D. vary


2017年10月自考英语(一)模拟试题和参考答案 课程代码00012 一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. The police asked them to describe the________ woman looked like. A. how B. what C. that D. who 参考答案:B 2. It is essential that you__________any document carefully before signing it. A. read B. reading C. can read D. have read 参考答案:A 3. We knew the boss________be angry if we didn’t finish the work in time. A. shall B. will C. would D. ought to 参考答案:C 4. When he was arrested, Terry_________in crime for years. A. had involved B. should be involved C. must be involved D. had been involved 参考答案:D 5. Some doctors claim that a vegetable diet is superior_________a meat diet. A. to B. than C. over D. against 参考答案:A 6. The black writer wanted the other members of the workshop to treat_________as an equal. A. his B. he


2017年考研英语二真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s w ork,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction 4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured 5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom 6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless 7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated 8. [A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute 9. [A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among 10. [A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside 11. [A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically 12. [A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles 13. [A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course


2017江苏高考英语日清测试 姓名_______________ 班级得分________ Ⅰ、单词英汉互译(10分,每小题0.5分) 1.行李______ 2.援助______ 3.作用______ 4.压______ 5.连接______ 6.使弯曲______ 7.流动______ 8.事情______ 9.发明家______ 10.instruction ______ 11.wise______ 12.reluctant______ 13.overweight______ 14.transport______ 15.passenger______ 16.advice______ 17.theory______ 18.expert______ 19.found______ 20.gradually______ Ⅱ、词组英汉互译(10分,每小题1分) 1.对...起作用______ ______ ______ 2.采取措施做某事______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 3.逐步地______ ______ ______ 4.减肥______ ______ 5.和...有联系______ ______ ______ 6.early stage____________ 7.take pride in ____________ 8.be expert in____________ 9.press conference____________ 10.cost sb sth____________ Ⅲ、完成句子(5分,每小题1分) 1.我们必须立即采取措施来应付这一局面。 We must ______immediate ______ to cope with the situation. 2.新税法到1月份才生效。 The new tax law will not______ ______ until January. 3.他已去过巴黎十多次了,这一点我不相信。(以下三题用适当的关系代词和介词填空) He has been to Paris more than ten times,______I don’t believe.


2017年11月北京成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 2014, older Americans fell 29 million times, leading to 7 million injuries, according to a report published last week. About million cases were treated in emergency department, and approximately 800,000 seniors went on to be hospitalized. More than 27,000 falls led to death. (76) And the problem is getting more and more serious. “Older adult falls are increas ing and, sadly, often indicate the end of independence,” said Dr. Tom Frieden. The fallsare preventable, Frieden stressed. He said individuals, families and health care providers can take steps to resist the trend.


2014年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)标准试题 (课程代码:00015) 第一部分:阅读判断题(每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供 的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。 Running: Sport or Way of Life? You go through the channels several times and find that once again there's nothing on TV that interests you. Not a problem! Just put on some running shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a run. One of the best things about the sport of running is that you don't need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But don't be fooled into thinking the sport of running is easy It requires discipline and concentration. Running is good for you both physically and mentally. It strengthens your heart lungs and muscles? It makes you more aware of your body. Running also improves your body so that you don't get sick as easily. It can even help you to stay more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more clearly. How do you get engaged in the sport if you don't know much about it? Most schools offer running programs. A simple internet search can help some in your find area. Then programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set practical goals and take care of their bodies. Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race you'll see people cheering for all the runners. Running isn't always about how fast you are or how far you're going. It's about getting out there and doing it. Participation is more important than competition and effort is recognized over talent. If you're looking for more than just a sport running may be the perfect choice for you 1. You may find it interesting in go for A run. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. The sport of running is easy. A True B. False C. Not Given 3. It is hard to End n safe environment for running.


20XX年MBA联考英语二真题及答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty


2017年江苏省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分) 1.(1分)What does the woman think of the movie? A.It's amusing.B.It's exciting.C.It's disappointing. 2.(1分)How will Susan spend most of her time in France?A.Traveling around. B.Studying at a school. C.Looking after her aunt. 3.(1分)What are the speakers talking about? A.Going out. B.Ordering drinks. C.Preparing for a party. 4.(1分)Where are the speakers? A.In a classroom.B.In a library.C.In a bookstore. 5.(1分)What is the man going to do? A.Go on Internet.B.Make a phone call.C.Take a train trip. 6.(2分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题. 6.What is the woman looking for? A.An information office.B.A police station C.A shoe repair shop.7.What is the Town Guide according to the man? A.A brochure.B.A newspaper.C.A map. 7.(2分)听第7段材料,回答第8、9题. 8.What does the man say about the restaurant? A.It's the biggest one around. B.It offers many tasty dishes. C.It's famous for its seafood. 9.What will the woman probably order? A.Fried fish B.Roast chicken.C.Beef steak.


2014年江苏学位英语考试真题答案 阅读理解一(2005年题) Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the local people of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the local people become unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country’s economy(经济). It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance(推进) the well-being (health and happiness) of local people. Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the country’s economy can suffer. On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a lot of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads and other support facilities needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel will lose money. Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money. 91.If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost 译文:如果没有适当的规划,旅游可能会出现问题。例如,太多的游客可以围观公共场所,这样它们也享有一个国家的当地人民应享有的待遇。如果游客量太大造成交通拥挤,当地人会变得不高兴。他们开始反感旅游者并无礼地对待他们。他们忘记了旅游的多少可以帮助该国经济。考虑到旅游目的地人民的感受和给他们带来的影响就显得尤为重要,旅游业应该帮助一个国家保护这种风俗和美丽,以此来吸引游客,同时应该预知当地人的幸福感(健康,快乐)。 太多旅游业可能是一个问题。如果旅游业增长太快,人们必须离开其他工作去从事旅游行业工作。这意味着该国经济的其他部分会受到影响。 另一方面,如果没有足够的旅游,人们可能失去工作。企业也可能赔钱。它花费了很多钱去建大酒店,机场,航空终端,一流的道路和所需要的旅游景点等配套设施。举例来说,一个重要的国际一流的旅游酒店每间房建设成本可能高达50万美元。如果房间大部分时间不使用,酒店的老板会赔钱。建酒店只是一个开始。一定有很多的配套设施,还包括到达酒店道路的道路建设,电力,建污水管道处理废物和水。所有这些配套设施的都需要钱。如果他们不投入使用以及没有足够的游客,那么他们将面临赔本和失业 21选D. What is probably the reason if local people dislike tourists? A.Tourists come to enjoy the customs and beauty B.Local people lose jobs C.A lot of hotels are built D.Too many tourists cause traffic problems 22选A. What can we do to solve the problems caused by tourism? A.Make plans properly B.Help the country’s economy C.Build fewer hotels D.Advance the well-being of local people 23选D. If tourism grows too quickly,__D____. A.businesses will lose money B.other parts of the country’s economy will make more money C.local people will be happier D.more local people will work for tourists


2007年江苏省成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR A BACHELOR’S DEGREE Nov.2007 Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension(15minutes,15%) Section A(10%) Directions:In this section you will hear ten short conversations.At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.A.En the cafeteria.B.In the library. C.In the dormitory. D.In the classroom building. 2.A.5:00.B.5:15.C.5:30.D.5:45. 3.A.Skating.B.Swimming. C.Boating and swimming D.Boating and skating. 4.A.An engineer.B.A driver.C.A librarian.D.A typist. 5.A.His article has been changed B.He is very glad to hear the woman. C.He is proud of his article. D.He can’t believe the woman. 6.A.A toy bear is not lovely at all. B.A toy bear is just what she needs. C.She should have bought more toy bears. D.She shouldn’t buy the toy bear. 7.A.A sweater.B.A blouse.C.A coat.D.A skirt. 8.A.It’s easy to make friends. B.It’s difficult to make friends. C.To make friends one has to be quite frank. D.To make friends one has to be friendly. 9.A.He doesn’t’like it.B.He’s indifferent to it. C.He enjoys it. D.He cares about all the overtime. 10.A.They are having breakfast.B.They are eating some fruits. C.They are preparing a hot soup. D.They are drinking cold milk. Section B(5%) Directions:In this section,you will hear one dialogue and one short passage.Ar the end of the dialogue and the passage,you will hear some questions.The dialogue and passage as well as the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions11-12are based on the following dialogue. 11.A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five. 12.A.Because she worked for a long time yesterday. B.Because she went shopping yesterday. C.Because the twins were sick all night.

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