当前位置:文档之家› 大学英语听说第三版第四册答案





Key to Focus Liste ning & Speak ing (Book 4)

Unit 1 Announ ceme nts

Exercise 2

1. At 17:00.

2. The one to Chicago.

3. The 9:25 train to Oxford.

4. Platform 3.

5. At 10:30.

Part B Announcement 1

Exercise 1 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. d

Exercise 2

Unit 2 Celebrities

Part A Exercise 1


chief 3. is admired for doing someth ing


is admired for the accomplishme nt 6. en duri

ng efforts


con fide nee in on eself 9. fills people 'minds with respect

10. en terta inment or bus in ess circles, may sometimes in spire envy

Part B Conversation 1 4. b

2. …fighting motor neurone disease

4. …A Brief History of Time ….average person …bestseller

6. …a computer ….eating, speaking, writing …

Conversation 2

Unit 3 Advertisi ng

Part A Exercise 1 Brand name Canon A95 Advantages

1) simple to use;

2) can create images of true color with terrific quality: 3) can capture beautiful pictures :

4) can satisfy the n eeds of more experienced users.

Exercise 2

1. Advertising is a way of in formi ng people of someth ing. This can range from telli ng them a ___

product for sale, or a service, or urging them to do something, or even making someone's name known to the public.

Exercise 1 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. d Exercise 2

1. public figures 4. n oble or brave

7. great courage Exercise 1 1. d 2. a 3. d Exercise 2

1.…a professor … 3.…he was about 20

5.…twice …three …grandchild

2. Advertising is inten ded to appeal to con sumers to buy a certa in product, but it does not force

them to buy the product. Con sumers still con trol the final buying decisi on.

Part B A Passage

Exercise 1 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. d

Exercise 2

1. …men, women, children of specific ages, from various ethnic groups, …certain interests

2. …what ben efit customers will get …buying, doing, thinking

3. …seriously …it is designed to appeal

A Conversation

Exercise 1 Exercise 21. b 2. a 3. d 4. c

1.…sports shoes

2.…in making sports shoes over fifty-five years ago

3.…running shoes

4. football, soccer, basketball and tennis players

5.…workmanship and quality

6. comfortable ….expensive

Unit 4 Culture

Part A Exercise 1 1. b 2. b 3. d

Part B Passage 1

Exercise 1 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d

Exercise 2 1.…laugh at people 2.…animals, with kindness

3. …push to the front …wait ing for a

bus 4.…the old, disabled

5. …they are losing weight”

6.…women …their age/weight

7. …time 8.…gett ing permissi on from people around

9. …Please …Thank you

10. …a lady or an older person …the other is seated

Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d

Exercise 2

1. The tea room

Not big; ( V )

Simple but beautiful; ( V )

Not furnished; ( V )

Its floor covered with tatami; ( V )

Traditi on ally decorated; ( V )

Decorated with fresh flowers and traditional artistic works; ( V )

2. The tea ceremony

The guests take off their shoes and put on bamboo shoes before entering the tea room; ( V ) The guests wash their hands in a rock water basin before entering the tea room; ( V ) The guests sit in the traditional way——on their knees; ( V )

The guests praise the design of the tea set they are using; ( V) The tea master serves the tea to the guests in turn, starting from the most distinguished; ( V ) The tea master and guests bow to each other from time to time during the ceremony. ( V)

Unit 5 Opi nio ns

Part A Exercise 1

Conversation 1 Q1. She thought it was terrible.

Q2. He thought it was great.

Conversation 2 Q1. He thi nks it is superficial.

Q2. She thiks it is quite well-writte n.

Unit 6 Money

Part A Exercise 1

1. She thi nks a lot of them are in finan cial difficulties.

2. She thi nks the gover nment should give them a mon thly allowa nee.

3. He thinks it 'snot a good idea because some of them would want to be students all their lives.

4. He thinks that the gover nment can get those stude nts an in terest-free loa n and let them pay

back in ten years.

5. Yes. She also finds it a good idea.

Part B Passage 1

Exercise 1 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. d

Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. d

Exercise 2

1. …medium of exchange …payment for goods and services ….settlement of debts

2. …sta ndard of value …relative worth

3. …the excha nge of goods and services …the specializati on of product ion

4. …keyst one of moder n econo mic life

Unit 7 En viro nment

Exercise 2

1) no ticeable 2) trip 3) results 4) typically 5) layers 6) excessive 7) effects

8) we should try to avoid excessive packagi ng wherever possible

9) to encourage consumers to bring their own bags and to choose products that involve less packag ing

10) We should do away with the practice so as to con serve resources and protect our environment. Part B Passage 1

Exercise 1 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. b

Exercise 2 1. Plastic bags, household waste, pois onous factory waste, etc.

2. They think the earth will forever take care of us no matter how we treat it in return.

3. The water, the food, the ani mals, and ourselves.

Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. d 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. d

Exercise 2 1. Use scrap paper for no tes;

Reuse paper by mak ing completely new paper from old paper/recycli ng old paper.

2. Get rid of all our old and useless books;

Save space in our homes;

Buy the books that we want at much lower prices;

Raise money for charities.

Unit 8 Story Time

Part A Exercise 1 1. d 2. c Exercise 2 c

Part B Story 1 Exercise 1 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. d

Exercise 2

1. Near the wi ne sect ion.

2. On the handle of the trolley.

3. She wan ted to ope n it but she could n 'a nd she got bored play ing with it.

4. At the exit of the supermarket.

5. Go and talk to the man ager of the supermarket.

Story 2 Exercise 1 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b

Exercise 2

1. An orange and some grapes

2. She gave the surface of the orange in minute detail .

3. One of them pain ted it as a shapeless yet pleasing mass of colors, ano ther had presented it with pefect roundness Some painted it in strange shapes and some made it look very real .

4. The artists had see n the fruit from different perspectives .

Unit 9 Food and Drinks

Part A Exercise 1

1. There are lots of vegetables in Chin ese food. And the speaker loves vegetables.

2. A full En glish breakfast.

3. Go to the pub with friends from work and have a few beers, the n go to an In dia n restaura nt. Exercise 2

1. Mr Davis is a big cheese in his company so you should be very nice to him. (a big cheese---a n

importa nt pers on)

2. We stayed up very late last ni ght chewing the fat about our sightsee ing duri ng the summer

vacati on. (chew the fat---chat)

3. Don 'cry over spilt milk . The past is past and you can 'do anything to change it. (cry over spilt milk---compla in about someth ing that has already happe ned)

4. Going to the galleries is my cup of tea . I can spend a whole day there, looking at the paintings.

(cup of tea---somethi ng one enjoys)

5. Recen tly Tom has bee n work ing very hard trying to bring home the bacon . He has no time to do

anything else. (bring home the bacon---be the bread earner of one ' family)

5. Refocusing efforts on the hamburger in its many varieties

Part B Passage 1 Exercise 1 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b

Exercise 2

1. Green vegetables of all kinds

2. Other vegetables

3. Fruits

4. Meat, fish, eggs

5. Dairy products

6. Bread, cereal, rice

Passage 2 Exercise 1 1. b 2. d 3. d

Exercise 2

1. Some 38 billion

2. a. Great tasti ng b. Basic

3. German immigrants

4. The 18 th century

(a d f g) (k l m) (i o s) (b c e) (h j q r) (n p t) 4. c 5. a

C. Can be adapted to suit various tastes

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