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谢谢邀约,这种自我介绍 ___上很多的,百度搜索,空乘英文介绍,很多资料可参考








Well. I have been working for the past two years as a marketing specialist.


During that time I have been trained to exploit new markets in some African and Asian countries.



I would like to describe myself as a person with high integrity, multi-tasking abilities, a lot of enthusiasm for what I love and a willingness to go extra miles to satisfy customer’s needs.


Perhaps you would have a better understanding from my experience with one of the customers I dealt with.







I think my management skills could be stronger since I have been working as a xxx specialist for the past two years, during which I didn’t have much opportunity (experience) to manage a team.


But I have been trying to seize every opportunity as I can to improve it.



这样的“缺少management skill”的“缺点”呢,就是我们职业上的缺点,跟性格上的缺点不同,这是可以通过后期的短期努力和培养来改变或提高的。

微信 ___:英语汇





开场白比较简单,一般一两句就可以带过。主要就是问候老师和简单交谈:Good morning,I am very pleased to be here for

this interview


个人认为简短介绍即可,不是重点因为这部分缺少主观表达,不提现个人能力。I am Li Ming.I adore my major ,water and soil conservation and desrtification,and will graduate 毕业院校in July


这部分是重点,也是考官主要想看的地方。表达出自己读研的兴趣、热情、不是一时冲动的,是我们经过深思熟虑的。 Fistly,I have sighificent interest in 专业,My future hope is...... this major appeal to me a lot because...... Furthermore, 自己在本科阶段取得的成绩,那些方面有优势,比如说I have been ___for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest。


展现出自己是个有规划的学生。My plan is concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time.


It is my honor if you would grant me the opportunity to study in this university.to sum up ,this is all my introduction.Thank you !













小学生英语自我介绍:Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you. My name is Li Wei, and my English name is Andy. I'm 8 years

old. I'm from Bei ___g. There are three people in my family, they're my father, my mother and me. I have a happy family, and I love my family! I have a lot of hobbies, just like reading, drawing and singing and so on. 以上自我介绍仅供参考,可根据自己实际情况进行更改!


1. 老师根据你的自我介绍中的某些内容提问。

2. Warming up环节,这部分是一些比较基本的问题,如,请介绍一下你的家乡,请介绍一下你的家庭,你的兴趣爱好等,这些问题比较的general,提前准备即可。

3. 跟本科学校有关的话题,如,请介绍你的本科学校,你的大学生活里有什么印象深刻的事情?你的课余时间都参加什么活动?

4. 跟专业相关的问题,如,你的本科专业怎么样?你都学到了什么方向的知识?你在本科阶段取得过什么样的学术成果?

5. 对研究生阶段的学习规划,在研究生阶段打算在哪些方面有所提升?对未来的职业规划?





For example 1:


My name is( ),l am graduate from ( ) senior high school and major in( ). There are( ) people in my family. My

father works in a puter pany. And my mother is a housewife. l am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, l

like to read novels.I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, l could imagine whatever l like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. ln addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.

For example 2:

I am ( ), I was born in ( ) ,I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since l was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That's why I have no problem municating

with Americans or others by speaking English. ln my spare time, l like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a

lot of daily life English and saw a lotof different things.

I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.

For example 3:

My name is( ) . There are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in senior high school. My mother is an English teacher. She teaches English in the university. I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Inter and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In

addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. I hope to study both English and puter technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could bine both of them and apply to my research in the future.

For example 4:

My name is ( ).I am from ( ).There are ( )people in my family. My father works in a puter pany. He is a puter engineer. My mother works ina international trade pany. She is also a busy woman. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a juniorin National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old. Because of my father, I love surfing the Inter very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day. I wish I could be a puter program designer in the future. And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.

For example 5:

From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 1Oth,1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City ___. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents,l am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, l havebeen expected to be a suessful man with advanced education.I study hard

at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. Being good is must; suessful, however, is plus. Father adopts the idea ofhis father. Especially in military service, Irealized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that. I

realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early

age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment.

For example 6:

After pleting my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly. I graduated from Taipei CommercialJunior College, majored in business administration. Instead of spending much time in playing,l devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my goodfriend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem Confusion. My father is, in the same way,a good consultant to me. As he said: I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words,l do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College. I am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test.Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.

For example 7:

1. Good morning/ afternoon/evening, my name is ( ) . lt is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and l hope I can make a good performance today..


2、l am ( )years old, l was born in province/Bei ___g, northeast/southeast/ south.e......of china, and l am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学

生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education.我今年....岁,出生在.... 省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南西南....等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。

3、My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/ football/ badminton/pingbang/tennis/我主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。

4、In the past 1/2/3 years, l spend most of my time on study.Ihave passed CET3/4/6 and l have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.

在过去的1/2/3年中,我把大量的时间用在学习( )上。我已经通过了大学英语2/3/4/6级。而


5、Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Bei ___g. | am also thevolunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Master..... . Through these l have a deeply understanding of my major-sports training.除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我还是中国网球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛....的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有了一个更深刻的了解。

6、 I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.我有很多兴趣爱好,如唱歌、跳舞、画画等。

7、Thank you!/Thanks a lot!谢谢大家!



面试英语自我介绍范文5篇 面试的第一步就是自我介绍。看似简单的一分钟,却蕴藏玄机。下面是WTT 收集整理的面试英语自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 Sample1: From a middle class family, I was born in Hsin Ying, Tainan on October 10th, 1965. My father is a civil official at Tainan City Government. My mother is a house wife good at cooking. Although I am the only child of my parents, I am by no mans a spoiled one. On the contrary, I have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. I study hard at school. Besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. “Being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” Father adopts the idea of his father. Especially in military service, I realized it more precisely. People said: Military service makes a boy to man, I agree that. ?I realized the importance of English and began to study diligently when I was eighteen. I did not start in my early age, but I hope that I could pass the test of General English Proficiency Test. And this is my best wish at the moment. Sample2: I am . I was born in . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time,


面试2分钟自我介绍范文大全 范文一 各位考官好,今天能够站在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到非常的荣幸。希望通过这次面试能够把自己展示给大家,希望大家记住我。我叫…,今年岁。汉族,法学本科。我平时喜欢看书和上网浏览信息。我的性格比较开朗,随和。能关系周围的任何事,和亲人朋友能够和睦相处,并且对生活充满了信心。我以前在检察院实习过,所以有一定的实践经验。在外地求学的四年中,我养成了坚强的性格,这种性格使我克服了学习和生活中的一些困难,积极进去。成为一名法律工作者是我多年以来的强烈愿望。如果我有机会被录用的话,我想,我一定能够在工作中得到锻炼并实现自身的价值。同时,我也认识到,人和工作的关系是建立在自我认知的基础上的,我认为我有能力也有信心做好这份工作。公务员是一个神圣而高尚的职业,它追求的是公共利益的最大化,它存在的根本目的是为人民服务,为国家服务。雷锋说过:人的生命是有限的,而为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务当中去。这也是我对公务员认知的最好诠释。所以,这份工作能够实现我的社会理想和人生价值,希望大家能够认可我,给我这个机会! 范文二 各位尊敬的考官,早上好。今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到十分的荣幸,同时通过这次面试也可以把我自己展现给大家,希望你们能记住我,下面介绍一下我的基本情况。我叫***,现年**岁,*族,大专文化,平时我喜欢看书和上网流览信息,性格活泼开朗,能关心身边的人和事,和亲人朋友融洽相处,能做到理解和原谅,我对生活充满信心。我曾经在**工作,在公司里先后在不同的岗位工作过,开始我从事**工作,随后因公司需要到**,有一定的社会实践经验,在工作上取得一些的成绩,同时也得到公司的认可。通过几年的工作我学到了很多知识,同时还培养了我坚韧不拔的意志和顽强拼搏的精神,使我能够在工作中不断地克服困难、积极进取。加入公务员的行列是我多年以来的一个强烈愿望,


简短的英语自我介绍范文大全 自我介绍英文版范文(一) good morning. i am glad to be here for this interview. first let me introduce myself. my name is ***, 24. i come from ******,the capital of *******province. i graduated from the ******* department of *****university in july ,XX.in the past two years i have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while i have been teaching *****in no.****middle school and i was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.now all my hard work has got a result since i have a chance to be interview by you . i am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.in my spare time,i have broad interests like many other youngsters.i like reading books, especially those about *******.frequently i exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.in addition ,during my college years,i was once a net-bar technician.so, i have a comparatively good command of network application.i am able to operate the computer well.i am skillful in searching for information in internet.i am a football fan for years.italian team is my favorite.anyway,i feel great pity for our country’s team. i always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .of course, if i am given a chance to study ****** in this famous university,i will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******. 自我介绍英文版范文(二) it is my plesure to meet you .today i am here to apply for the position of foreign trade clerk(or assistant,now let me tell you a little bit about myself.i am from jiangxi province . there are four members in my family,my parents,my elder sister and i. i am always a energetic and enthusiastic person that have many hobbies .well ,i am fond of all kinds of outdoor


2017面试英文自我介绍范 文

出色的面试自我介绍表现,如同锦上添花。下面是收集整理的面试英文自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。 面试英文自我介绍范文1: I am very happy to introduce myself here.I was born in Liaoning Province.I graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade. I like music and reaing books,especially economical books. It is my honor to apply this job. I hope I can realise my dream in our company.Please give me a chance.Thank you very much it is my great pleasure to introduce myself.i was born in LIAONING. My major is international trade. I was graduated in Nankai University. My hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics. i am glad that i can take part in this interview and i am sincerely hope that i can join this company to realize my dream. please give my a chance. Thank you. 很高兴做自我介绍,我出生在辽宁,专业是国际贸易,毕业于南开大学,我的兴趣是音乐,读书,尤其是经济类的书。 很荣幸应聘贵公司,希望能在贵公司实现我的梦想,希望能给我一次机会,谢谢。


个人求职自我介绍范文精选大全 本人工作踏实,刻苦耐劳,如有幸被录用我将会竭尽全力为贵单位创造效益,以尽情体现自身潜力和价值。下面,小编在这给大家带来个人求职自我介绍范文精选大全,欢迎大家借鉴参考! 个人求职自我介绍范文精选大全1 各位园领导好! 我叫xx,我性格开朗,天生有一颗坦然,善良的心,在校专业技能良好,思想用心向上,透过几年来的学习,对幼教工作有了更大的信心,我热爱孩子,我的性格和年龄是我从事行业的优势,我想要找一份幼师的工作,毕竟这几年我一向学习学前教育专业,还是期望能成为一名优秀的幼儿教师,虽然我是,但是在之前我也去幼儿园实习过,工作过,就是想多增加个人的经验,总结怎样更好的使幼儿快乐的学习,怎样保护好幼儿等。期望给予幼儿的是最好的教育。期望您能给我一次机会,你将会看到一个更优秀的我,我会好好努力,为教育事业做贡献。多谢! 个人求职自我介绍范文精选大全2

我是xx(名字),来自某某医院,此刻在某某科任护士。 从小就梦想当护士的我于某某学校护理学专毕业,毕业于几几年,现已工作多少年,我最善常于什么什么专科的什么什么操作。 我的具体表现为:什么,以前参加过什么比赛,得过什么名次奖项。(以上这些表现最好结合一下你的节目,说一些相关的) 期望大家能对我起到帮忙、监督,当然我也很会力所能及,帮忙期望我帮忙的同事。在工作中,我深深地感受到与领导们、同事们共事,使我在竞争中获益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中成长。祖辈们教我勤奋、尽责、善良、正直;中国人民大学培养了我实事求是、开拓进取的作风。 我热爱从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣的事业添砖加瓦;并且在实践中不断学习、进步。 个人求职自我介绍范文精选大全3 尊敬的领导、各位评委: 上午(下午、晚上)好! 我叫xx,今年22岁,是xx大学xx专业20XX届,应聘的职位是xx。


英语面试自我介绍范文大全 准备英语面试自我介绍的时候,一定要通俗、易懂。这样,反倒比卖弄技巧更容易得分。下面就是给大家带来的自我介绍英语,希望能帮助到大家! 自我介绍英语1 Good morning, everyone. Thank you for taking your time. It’s really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview. Now, I would like to introduce myself briefly. 大家早上好!感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间。非常荣幸有机会参加本次面试。下面我简单介绍一下我自己。 My name is Doris. I am 23 years old and born in Qingdao. I graduated from Hebei University of Science and Technology. My major is English. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation. I also studied Audit in Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology. I am very interested in English and study very hard on this subject. I had passed TEM-8 and BEC Vantage. I worked in an American company at the beginning of this year. My spoken English was improved a lot by to communicating with Americans frequently during that period.


求职面试英语自我介绍范文 首先,准备英语面试时的自我介绍,要特别注意两点:一、条理清楚、用词准确。二、真实展现自己的本质,不要用夸大或吹嘘的词语。有些人喜欢在做英语自我介绍时夸张地表现自己的优点,甚至把根本没有做过的事情也说出来,其实这是一种很冒险的行为。虽然你的自我介绍会给面试官留下重要的第一印象,但是过度浮夸或者失实,会让面试官对你的个人诚信产生怀疑从而断然淘汰你。 一般情况下,在外企英语面试的时候,往往已开始面试官就会让你做自我介绍,他会问:Can you sell yourself in two minutes?(你能用两分钟做个自我推荐吗?)对于这一两分钟的自我介绍,你完全可以提前准备好。下面两段英语面试自我介绍的范文,看看对你是否有帮助,你需要按照自己的实际情况,进行修改,力求真实。 1.英语面试自我介绍范文(一) Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province. I graduated from Qingdao University. My major is electronics. And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university. And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability. In July 2003, I began working for a small private company as a technical support engineer in Qingdao city. Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2004, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer. Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of company.


研究生面试的英语自我介 绍范文

自我介绍作为现代社会交际的必要手段,是展示自己的重要平台,但自我介绍不仅是个人化的表达,同时更具有明确的社会功能。以下整理了研究生面试英语自我介绍范文,供你参考。 研究生面试英语自我介绍范文1 professors: It is my great pleasure to be here. My name is **** , graduated from ****Department of **** University.During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals. Whats more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance examination to the Masters degree. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion. All in all, Wuhan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of IT program and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of your university. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!


应聘面时的自我介绍范文_自我介绍 各位老师: 早上好! 非常荣幸能参加这次面试,我是***,应聘的职位是***,希望通过这次面试能向各位老师学到东西。 我来自美丽的海滨城市,今年***岁,是大学专业本科的范文大全。闽南的山水哺育我长大,我的血液里流淌着闽南人特有活泼开朗的性格和爱拼才会赢的打拼精神。带着这种精神,在校期间我刻苦学习,不负众望分别获xxx年度二等奖学金,xx年度和xx年度三等奖学金,用实际努力报答父母和师长的养育之恩。 除了学习之外,我还积极参加各种社会实践活动。我曾担任班级的宣传委员,组织了几次班级和学院的公益活动:如青年志愿者助残活动,向孤儿院儿童献爱心活动等。组织这些活动以及和活动中和成员的相处让我学到了很多东西,对培养自己的能力和人际关系的处理有很大的好处,为我更快的走向社会提供了良好的平台。 此外,计算机和篮球是我业余最大的爱好,我计算机过了国家2级,除熟悉日常电脑操作和维护外,还自学了网站设计等,并自己设计了个人主页。我是班级的篮球队主力,我觉的篮球不仅可以强身健体还可以培养一个人的团队精神。 回顾自己大学四年的工作学习生活,感触很深,但觉的收获还是颇丰的。掌握了专业知识,培养了自己各方面的能力,这些对今后的工作都将产生重要的帮助。除此之外,也应该看到我的一些缺点,如有时候做事情比较急于求成,在工作中实际经验不足等等。但“金无足赤,人无完人”每个人都不可避免的存在他的缺点,有缺点并不可怕,关键的是如何看待自己的缺点,只有正视它的存在,通过不断的努力学习才能改正自己的缺点。今后我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,刻苦学习,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进。 这次我选择这个职位除了专业对口以外,我觉的我也十分喜欢这个职位,相信它能让我充分实现我的社会理想和体现自身的价值。我认为我有能力也有信心做好这份工作希望大家能够认可我,给我这个机会! 分享让人快乐,欢迎下载使用


小学生英语自我介绍范文大全 A complete introduction of English self introduction for primary school students

小学生英语自我介绍范文大全 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 自我介绍范文(1) Hello, everybody! My name is zhumiao. I am a happy girl. I’m 8.I’m study in Taishan School. I’m in class 2, grade3. My English name is Julie. I like English. I want to be an English teacher when I grow up. Do you like me? That’s all. Thank you! 自我介绍范文(2)

Good morning, teachers! My name is he yichun. I’m 8.I’m in class 3, grade 3. I have a lovely face, two big eyes, a small nose and a red mouth. I’m a good schoolgirl in teachers’ eyes! And I love my teachers! That’s all. Thank you! 自我介绍范文(3) Hello! My name is xuyannan. I’m 8.I’m a beautiful girl. My school is very nice. I’m in class2, grade3.I have many teachers. I love my teachers. Rabbits are my favourite animal. Jump like rabbits. This is me-- a lovely girl! That’s all. Thank you! 自我介绍范文(4)


面试英语自我介绍的范文 英语自我介绍在我们生活中也是非常重要的。小编今天就给大家分享一下有关于英语的自我介绍给大家,喜欢可以学习一下英语自我介绍 I am xxx and I am 12 years old. My favorite sports include basketball, swim and football. One of my favorite stars is Liu Xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country. I have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. When I have time, I like watching TV, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. I have a lot of friends and we often play football together. 自我介绍英语 Hello, everyone. Im glad to introduce myself to you. Im from Chongqing. I am a teacher. I have many hobbies, such as taking notes, reading, listening to music, dancing, singing, playing basketball and swimming. I think we should treat everyday as the


人力资源经验面试英文自我介绍范文_自我 介绍 自我介绍是每个职场中人必然要经历的一件事情,下面小编整理了人力资源经验面试英文自我介绍范文,供你参考。 人力资源经验面试英文自我介绍范文篇1 Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now I will introduce myself briefly,I am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and I am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,I have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and I have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in


一分钟面试自我介绍范文大全 优秀的一分钟自我介绍【篇一】 尊敬的领导: 挚地向您推荐自己!我叫李连青,是莆田学院小学教育专业2007届即将毕业的一名专科生,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执著追求,真诚地向您推荐自己。 正直和努力是我做人的原则;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;爱好广泛使我非常充实;众多的朋友使我倍感富有!我很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。 作为一名即将毕业的学生,我的经验不足或许让您犹豫不决,但请您相信我的干劲与努力将弥补这暂时的不足,也许我不是最好的,但我绝对是最努力的。我相信:用心一定能赢得精彩! 一分钟面试自我介绍模板【篇二】 我叫___,来自___年___月份以专业考试得分第___的好成绩毕业于___大学的___专业。毕业之前,我曾在XX公司实习过,XX公司和贵公司是同类行业。 本人性格开朗,善于微笑,长于交际,会简单日语及芭蕾舞。我相信,这一切将成为我工作最大的财富。我在很久就注意到贵公司,贵公司无疑是___行业中的姣姣者(将你所了解的公司荣誉或成果填上)。同时我又了解到,这又是一支年轻而又富有活力的队伍。本人非常渴望能够在为其中的一员。 如果有幸获聘,本人将以为公司创造最大利益为自己最大的利益,不讲价钱。真诚做好每一件事,和同事们团结奋斗。勤奋工作,加强学习,不断进步! 谢谢! 一分钟面试自我介绍范文【三】 我是来自山东的xxx,大家所看到的我的内在就像我的外表一样,敦厚和实在是我对自己最好的概括。我不飘,不浮,不躁,不懒。我内心充实,物质享乐和精神刺激都不是我的嗜好。我待人诚实,从没有花言巧语,但真诚和厚道使我总能赢得朋友的信赖。我专业扎实,看书是我最大的享受,钻研电脑让我感觉其乐无穷。我做事踏实,再小的事情我也要一丝不苟地完成。我会修电脑,能管网络,网络经营和网上销售也没问题。重要的是,我有一种执著钻研的精神,一种不弄明白绝不罢休的颈头。我叫春雨,春天的雨润物细无声,我希望我能默默无闻地、悄无声息地给我的团队装一点点绿色。给我一个机会,我会给您一个惊喜。 一分钟面试自我介绍范文【四】 各位下午好! 下面我将通过简单的面试自我介绍让您来了解我。我是来自XX大学市场营销专业的XXX。我喜欢读书,因为它能丰富我的知识;我喜欢跑步,因为它可以磨砺我的意志,我是一个活泼开朗、热情、执着、有坚强意志的人。 在读书期间,我已经做过暑期工,是向用餐的客人推销啤酒。那时我则我认为,营销是一种服务。既然是一种服务,就应该做到让大家满意,用热情和真心去做。激情,工作中不可或缺的要素,是推动我们在工作中不断创新,全身心投入工作的动力。激情加上挑战自我的意识,我相信我能胜任这份工作。 我非常欣赏贵司企业文化:"诚信是我们合作的基础,双赢是我们共同的目标!"我愿与XX文化一起发展,一起创造辉煌的明天! 面试一分钟自我介绍范文【五】 尊敬的招聘主管: 您好!


考研复试英语自我介绍中英文模板大全文档 English self introduction for postgraduate entrance exa mination

考研复试英语自我介绍中英文模板大全文档 前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。写出一份出色的个人简历不光是对找工作很有用处,更是让陌生人对本人第一步了解和拉进关系的线。本文档根据个人简历内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 敬爱的各位评委老师: 大家好,首先今天非常高兴地能够站在这里,参加我校的研究生复试面试。 下面请允许我做一下简短的自我介绍。我叫,今年X岁,来自XX,现就读于XX大学XX学院XX专业。在大学四年的学习生活中,我努力提升自我素质,全面锻炼自己,在扎实完成自己学习任务的同时,积极参与校内外学生社团活动,并于08-20xx年担任一职,负责工作。经过自己的不懈努力连续三年获得校“二等”学习奖学金,“优秀学生干部”,“优秀大学生”等荣誉,同时也与年6月光荣加入中国共产党,成

为一名学生党员。选择考研,是对大学生活的一份眷恋,是自我要求进步的体现,更是人生价值实现的一条途径;选择(自己所报考的专业),是对自己本科学习的一种延续,也是对自己兴趣的一种坚持,虽然冒了点风险。我们每个闯进复试的同学都有自己的一份坚持才会走到这里,我深知这份机会的不易,所以倍感珍惜! 我的介绍完毕,下面请老师提问。 (英文自我介绍模板) Self Introduction Good morning, my dear professors! It’s my pleasure to be given a chance for your interview. My name is ***,I am 22 years old. I come from the *** Department of **** university . Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I always keep it as a reminder that I am in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed .we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.


Self-introduction by-重庆华章 Sample One Good morning! Nice to meet you here, professor. I am happy to be here and take this interview. I am XXX, 31 years old, a local citizen. I graduated from Chongqing Technology and Business University in 2004, majoring in financial investment. Within the period of my campus life, I studied hard and gained rich knowledge about my major. After that, I worked in xxx, a limited liability company, dealing with assets management work. My main job is to participate in the joint ventures and acquisition, establish new branches, and handle the subsidiaries’ assets effectively. From 2004-2008, I joined some large projects about acquisition and establishment of new subsidiaries. After 2008, I was transferred in xxx. But now, I was dispatched, by disciplinary commission, in xxx company, supervising their relocation work From last April, I have been studying in a MBA training institute where I make many friends from all walks of life. And now I am taking this interview for the final result. I hope I can pass the exam smoothly and further my MBA study. Because, for my part, MBA learning will be a part of my academic journey ,and during this colorful journey I will meet different kinds of friends with whom I can enrich my studies and personal lives both. Furthermore, I am sure I can learn a lot from MBA courses, and finish my tasks better. I have so many hobbies, such as playing football, basketball and singing with my friends in KTV. But my favorite is to fish. Once I am free, I will go out for fishing in the pool nearby. That’s all! Thank you! Sample Two Good morning, dear professors! I’m so happy to take this interview here. I’m XXX, born in XXXX.I graduated from Chongqing Normal University. After that, I have been working in schools for nearly 16 years. And now I am working in xxx as a computer teacher, and meanwhile I am appointed as the chief head of general affairs, responsible for the security and logistics of our school. I am conscientious, steady, aggressive and active to participate in all kinds of tasks assigned by xxx. Proud to say, handing with all the staff together in our school, we have made much achievement unitedly.Our teaching quality are graded, our teaching and studying atmosphere is harmonious and free care. At present, we are building our school as a “safe school”“healthy school”“”digital school“environmental school”and “civilized school ”. All in a word, I love my students and set being a teacher as my whole life career. After school, I have many interests to enjoy my life freely, such as doing some sports, reading and surfing on the Internet. To promote my own quality, and adapt to the developing society, I am determined to study MBA.I am sure I can learn a lot from the coming MBA courses with which to finish my job creatively and enjoy my life meaningfully. That’s all .Thanks for you careful attention. Hope to see you soon and again. Sample Three Good morning, nice to meet you. It is my pleasure to have this opportunity for this interview and I hope I can make a good performance today .My name is XXX, and I am XX years old. I come from chongqing. My

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