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im grateful that ive been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to

stand here as a spokesman of my generation and to take a serious look back at the

past 15 years, a crucial period for every one of us and for this nation as well. though it is only within my power to tell about my personal experience, and only

a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, i believe, the root of a spirit

which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years.

in my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard

but somehow could never do satisfactorily in her lessons. the teacher asked me to help her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from

me. but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, i always tried to evade her so as to

get more time to enjoy myself. one day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, could you please explain

this to me? i want very much to do better this time. i started explaining, and

finished in a hurry. pretending not to notice her still confused eyes, i ran off

quickly. nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. and two months later,

at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. no one

ever knew about the little task i failed to fulfill, but i couldnt forgive myself.

i simply couldnt forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, why didnt you do a little

more to help me, when it was so easy for you? why didnt you understand a little better

the trust placed in you, so that i would not have to leave this world in such pain

and regret?

i was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for i began to understand the word

responsibility and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the

implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people,

the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society. later in my life, i continued to experience many failures. but never again did

i feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart

satisfied to think that i have always done everything in my power to fulfill my

responsibilities as best i can. words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people

are rewarded for their hard work and efforts. such is the era in which this

generation ,grows and matures. such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers

and learn to run it. yet in the meantime, many problems still exist. we learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking

on and not assisting. we hear that there are still about 1 million children in this

country who cant even afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money

are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars. we buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that

aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people believe, is

the most important thing in the world that must be made, even at the expense of morality

and responsibility. such an era, furthermore, demands, that we are a generation with a clear

perception of our historical responsibility and an aggressive will to take action

and solve the problems. history has long been preparing these qualities in this

generation and it is now calling us forward to give testimony to our patriotism and

heroism towards this nation and all humanity. standing here now, i think of the past 15 years of my life as an ordinary student.

probably ill be an ordinary man for the rest of my life. but this doesnt discourage

me any, for i know that with my sense of responsibility and devoted efforts to always

strive, for the best, its going to be a meaningful and worthwhile life that i will

be living.

i cant ever forget that little girl in my class who couldnt had the same

opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world


it is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to the challenges

of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the

historic cause of making this nation a greater and happier land for every one of us. we are not going to evade that responsibility. we are going to let people down.

and people, far and near, will hear of us. frost will be brought to their backbones

and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, so let us go forth,

my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in

victory and glory.篇三:全国大学生英语英语演讲比赛第一名_顾秋蓓_演讲稿(绝对精彩) good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. today i would like to begin with a story. there was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa

to do a census about mountain gorillas. these gorillas are a main attraction to

tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of poaching

and being put into the zoo. she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw

strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those

beautiful creatures. she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never

imaged weve ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded

by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their babies. yes, thats a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in

the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime

in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life. to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a

timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment.

today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new

problems. on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the

21st century, provides people with the great all these appalling(令人震惊的) facts have brought us to the realization that

we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been

eroding(侵蚀) our resources. encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel

has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002

the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the worlds attention the

benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment. now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an:

receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even coins--from housewives,

plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and

1invalids(残疾人), some of them can not afford to send the money but they do. these

are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from

ecological damage in their neighborhood. why? because they care. because they still

want their mother nature back. because they know it still belongs to them. the other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent

into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. i found myself humming softly,

not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where

no one seem to have been except the deer. and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, theres always

a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it. thank you very much.篇四:全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖演讲稿

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. today i would like to begin with a story. there was once a physical 1) therapist who traveled all the way from america to

africa to do a 2) census about mountain 3) gorillas. these gorillas are a main

attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat

of 4) poaching and being put into the zoo. she went there out of curiosity, but what

she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those


creatures. she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged

weve ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees,

flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5) cuddled their babies. yes, thats a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in

the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime

in rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life. to me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a 6)

timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our ecoenvironment.

today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new

problems. on the one hand, tourism, as one of the most all these 7) appalling(令人震惊的) facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought

of it has been 8) eroding(侵蚀) our resources. encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in

the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism,

for the first time to bring to the worlds attention the benefits of tourism, but also

its capacity to destroy our


now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations an: receiving donations--big notes, small notes or even

coins--from housewives, 9) plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and 10) invalids(残疾人), some of them can not

afford to send the money but they do. these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse

in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. why? because they care. because they still want

their mother nature back. because they know it still belongs to them. the other night, as l saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent

into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. i found myself humming softly,

not to the music, but to some- thing else, someplace else. a place remembered, a place

untouched, a field of grass where no one seem to have been except the deer. ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into the world. and no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our mind, theres always

a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it. thank you very much.

thanks,contestant#18.the topic for your impromptu speech is:which is more

important for you: knowledge from books or personal experience? answer: thank you.

i remember, on my very first day of my beloved university, one of my professors said to me,“from now on, you’ll be on a journey

between who you think you are and who yo can be.the key is to allow yourself to continue

the journey in the ocean of the books.”and i do learn a lot from books: i know the

geometry of euclid, logic of

aristotle, fable of aesop known to children around the world. well, no nation enjoyed so much prospertity and so much social progress with so little

internal crises.and never before have our young people had so much great opportunity

to practice ourselves and, therefore, have a profound obligation to build a more

perfect nation of our ancestor’s dream. and i think our government had provided us

young people with the tools and condition to build the future of our dreams. even

if we

know some rules, some regulations, or experiences from our books, we still simply

cannot graft it onto today’s busier, more impersonal, contestant#18, in your speech, you talked about ecotourism. could you explain

to us difference between ordinary tourists and e-tourists, or ecotourists? answer: thank you for your question. and i think the key issue is the differences

between our awareness. fot example, if you want to go to a place to have a trip, enjoy

your trip. and i think before you get on board, get on the bus, you can have the

awareness that “i’m not a polluter, but an environment keeper.” we’re not go to

all those scenic spots to

destroy all those beautiful scenes but we to appreciate the mother nature giving

us so much things. thank you very much. answer: well, i think, maybe, umm, i don’t think that all those technologies can replace the importance of books. we’re in our modern village

where so many new industries—it industries, tourism industries—crop up every day and this brave new world seem a little bit

dehumanizing and inhospitable to a lot of people.the world can no longer be defined as a place on a map or list or people in organizations but i

think the true value, the essence of our village remains the same.it is the network

of values relationship that support our lives and we can learn those things from our

books because books is the very first beginning stage of what we learn. thank you

very much.

i’d like to ask you a question about your prepared speech,please. you mention

that the un has declated the year 2002, i think it was, “the year of ecotourism.”

do you think that such gestures really serve a purpose? answer: and i think one of

my teachers said to me, when i prepared my prepared speech, and he tells me that if

we pay more attention to

something like environmental protection or ecotourism, it is more, it is better

for us to bear in mind we should learn something in our hearts, we should have something

about the awareness about how to pay more respect to our environment, not to talk

about something orally but to

bear something in our hearts. follow our hearts, our environment can be

better.thank you very much.篇五:全国大学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿

dream is my top concern

honorable judges , fellow students: good evening!

i’m number xxx --wangxi who is major in chemistry and biology . i’m glad to

be here to share my speech today. what’s your top concern? maybe the answer of a father is his family and of a

mother is her children, for the young adults , maybe a good job、a bright future or

endless fortune is their top concern ,and you may tell me that your girlfriend or

your boyfriend is your top concern, after all, love is beautiful right? but i was

expected to hear a loud voice here to tell me that“dream is my top concern”。


大学生成长励志演讲稿 大家下午好! 今天我非常荣幸能够站在这个舞台,用我的亲身经历来向大家阐释我心中的自立自强,励志成才,报效祖国。我出生于一个地道的农民家庭,父母都是一辈子面朝黄土背朝天的人。他们没有伟大的思想,没有卓越的功绩,但是他们有勤劳的双手,无私的奉献和爱,正是他们默默无闻的平凡感染了我,教育了我,让我学会了自立自强,懂得了生活要考自己的双手去创造。让我在成长的道路上经得起挫折的磨练,顶得住困难的打击,受得了风雨的洗涤。让我纵使历经成败跌宕起伏依旧能够笑对前方,无畏风雨,不惧挑战! 曾经,我因高考志愿出现差错错失了皖南医学院的录取,放弃了去池州学院就读的机会,只为了那份年少气盛的不甘和骄傲;曾经,我因在高考考场上帮助老师的女儿作弊而被推入绝望的边缘,为自己的无知和幼稚付出了高昂的代价······而今,三年的大学生活让我坚信了一个道理:生活中固然有很多的无可奈何,但更多的是出人意料的精彩,给自己一个机会,试着对生活充满信心,你或许会有意想不到的收获。 收拾好行囊,2015年9月,我带着梦想来到了铜陵学院,来创造我人生的另一片天空!经历了一次人生低谷,我愈发得渴望锻炼自己,挑战自己,超越自己!所以入学之初,我

便加入了学生会,同时成为了一名学生记者。我忙碌而丰富多彩的大学生活也就此拉开了序幕。身为一名学生干部,我参加、参与组织了各种各样的活动,从女篮“新生杯”,运动会,到后来的各类演讲、讲座,文娱活动,志愿服务,自强之星,数学竞赛等等。身为一名学生记者,基本上哪里有活动,我就会现身在哪里,采访、摄影、写稿、发稿、忙至深更半夜早已是家常便饭。我同学经常说我像个陀螺,永不停息的在转。我笑笑,其实我并不觉得有多辛苦,反而觉得这样的生活才充实,丰富多彩,有滋有味!因为每一场活动,每一项比赛,每一次经历都会让我收获很多东西。有“”把爱带回家活动系一等奖、院三等奖““先进个人”“自强之星优胜奖”“优秀学生干部”、“院三好学生”等荣誉;有身居幕后策划指导的经验和能力,更有面对赛场成败宠辱不惊的态度·······正是这些让我不断地成长。 生活的无奈,让我很早就认识到了自己肩上的责任。我们姐弟的学费,父亲的医药费早已使我们这个普通的农村家庭捉襟见肘。从高中我就一直在做兼职,希望能够帮父母分担生活的重担。2015年暑假,我在合肥的康佳公司打工,虽然只有短短的两个月时间,但正是着短短的两个月,不仅让我积累了社会实践经验,更培养了我做事兢兢业业、认真负责的态度,同时也受到了公司的好评。因此我大学期间的很多个节假日都在铜陵的国美电器、合肥的鼓楼商厦、商之都


大学生演讲比赛演讲稿:冬日的地中海 有人说,没有暖和记忆的冬天是严寒的。对我而言,逝去的冬已如同一滴泪在时光的缝隙中冰冷掉,然而记忆却时刻穿梭在我温热的眼角。那份温热让我禁不住昂起低沉了许久的头,仰望冬日的阳光在地中海的水面闪耀。于是喜悦地回忆起那迁徙途中无数的困苦与感伤,于是嘴角上翘的环顾四面,还有一路同伴,在湿冷与困难中一路陪伴。那个冬在五个月前悄然而至,安静得 让我无法察觉,安静得让我怀揣一颗躁动的心鼓起勇气踏上了这个讲台。台下的眼神与我的一样安静,他们也必定在安静地期待着那个英语演讲比赛预赛第三名的小姑娘为他们作以出色的表演,然后猛然间抱以热烈的掌声,然后瞬间打破这种死寂。——然而我的内心却驱动了我的大脑和唇舌,让本不该属于我的空洞填补了我的一切努力,一切天赋,一切勇气,甚至一切自救的方法。着实这突如其来的空白刹那间令我不知所措。尽管鼓舞的掌声一次次地响起,尽管我在他们的眼神中读出一次次的希望,尽管我一次次机械地重复着已被剪得支离破碎的段落。然而过渡的紧张还是让我完完全全地败给了我的第一次,败给了我本身。 一种梦幻的黑色如同冰冷的海水密不透风地包抄着我,偶然一串浪花却似移山倒海般的巨浪在一种遗憾的叹息中拥我缓缓走下讲台,慢慢走回本身的座位,然后迅速地坐下,强迫本身相信这只是一场梦,而我现在已经醒来。 我时常自信地认为经历就是一种潇洒,假如不曾经历就会没有回忆。然而此时的我却只是机械地默念着:我是失败者,我是失败者。——失败者预备逃离,逃离这股恐慌,这股严寒。而正当游走时却不觉热浪袭来。那股热浪让我伸出手,接过一张生疏的却写着如此熟悉的“tomorrowisanotherday”的字条,掏出振了又振,重复地写着“起码你有勇气站在台上,而我却没有,我为你骄傲”那条短信的手机。我再也无法操纵所有生疏的,熟悉的,脆弱的,深沉的感情,痛愉快快地倾倒出来,倾倒地几乎不留痕迹,甚至希望从朋友的目光中看到一丝从未有过的怜悯,甚至希望他们告诉我这条路不适合你,你应该选择放弃。然而恰恰相反,他们的眼神明明在告诉我:就算没有路,还有天,就算没有天,还有海的蔚蓝。那蔚蓝正是永不褪色的激情和永不褪色的青春,纵然没有留下什么痕迹,我们却已携手走过。于是我相信所有伟大演讲家的第一次都会令本身遗憾,只有这样才有走向成功的动力,动力也会成为我的排浪,让我拥向暖和的海港。 一同前行的伙伴曾问我:假如人分两种,一种是先体会好的,把坏的留到最后;另一种是先选择坏的,留好的到最后。我们习惯的把它们称为乐观者和悲观者,那么你会选择哪个?我考虑半晌,然后回答他是后者,这恰不是悲观,而是对一切的未知布满了无限的幻想。在这个属于我的时刻,我要怀着喜悦告诉曾冰冷的我的心,你已越过冬日的冰河,正顺流直上,终会到达地中海的广阔;我要怀着坚定告诉曾一路陪伴我的朋友,你们永远让我的那个冬天如地中海的气候一般暖和如春。 春把希望洒向波光粼粼的水面,于是我真的希望本身就是那条鱼,那条永远不会流泪的鱼,有你们在,这里没有风浪不会摇摆不再心慌;——我坚信,黑夜过去必定会有阳光, 到那时,你们陪我到冬日的地中海忘记所有哀痛,游向灿烂的希望。


Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen, My name is **,coming from school of Modern Education and Technology.I am very glad to give my speech to you standing here,the topic of my speech is "Just Do It". "Just do it!"I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike,a very famous company of shoes. In my opinion,it means that just do it if you want.Today I'm here,just want to do what I think should do, just have a try. Just do it if you want. In fact,we have many things to do in a day,in a year and in all our lives,it depends on your choices that what you want to do first,what then and what last.So today I come here because I want to meet so many English lovers and gain my own experience. Just do it if you like. I was attracted by English on my first sight in middle school.My English teacher had an excellent voice,


大学生爱国演讲比赛内容5篇 爱国主义是中华儿女几千年凝结,积淀起来的对祖国最纯洁,最高尚,最神圣的感情,是中华民族精神的核心资料。这种民族精神,是中华民族不竭的精神动力和传统美德,是推动我国社会前进的巨大力量,是各族人民共同的精神支柱,是激励全国人民团结奋斗的光辉旗帜。下面给大家分享一些关于大学生爱国演讲比赛内容5篇,供大家参考。 大学生爱国演讲比赛内容(1) 各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 祖国是什么?对于我们中国人来说,祖国是东海波上升起的太阳,是帕米尔高原上闪烁的群星,是“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡像”的辽阔北国,是花开三日,草长莺飞的春色南疆。可同时,祖国还让我们想起曾经经历的苦难与蹉跎,饱尝的屈辱与折磨,阻碍我们前进的愚昧与不足。 祖国,我的祖国,我在四大发明里认识你,我在兵马俑的坚强里看见你,我在黄河的奔腾里倾听你,我在泰山的巍峨里敬仰你,在爷爷奶奶的追忆里,我想像着你曾经的苦难,曾经的沧桑;在爸爸妈妈的诉说里,我品味着你的努力,你的崛起;在哥哥姐姐的歌声里,我聆听你的腾飞,你的辉煌,在我生活的日日夜夜里,我感受着你的和谐,你的神奇! 80后90后,这是世人给予我们年青人的称呼,是褒?是贬?新起之秀韩寒敢于直刺教育之弊,汶川大地震,80后从未曾退缩,面对日本嚣张气焰,90后愤而游行,是对?是错?爱国之心可嘉,鲁莽行为当阻,也许我们还不够成熟,仅凭一腔热血,几酿恶果。但我们足够年轻,有追寻梦想的勇气,我们不会永远鲁莽,我们将成为这样的一代:面对成熟,骄傲而不自傲;面对挑衅,沉重而不鲁莽;面对

未来,斗志昂扬而不盲目奋进,将内心的激情化作信仰,化作勇气化作力量,一笑争鸣天下情! 此时,我要歌颂你,我的祖国,用温婉的小调,用野性的歌,用高亢的进行曲,用华丽的咏叹调,用我所有最美的语言,最动听的旋律,我要,我要歌颂你!我想站在河之洲,水之媚,山之巅,海之滨,用我稚嫩却满是真情的声音,为你唱响,唱响我心头最难忘的那一句:祖国,我爱你! 大学生爱国演讲比赛内容(2) 各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 在世界的东方有一块神奇的土地,那就是我的祖国。我的祖国是伟大的,美丽的,是充满生机与活力的,每一天都有许多笑声传遍大江南北。我感叹你的纯洁,我自豪你的强大,我骄傲你的成功,我热恋你色彩斑斓的四季。 春天的你,披着绿色的彩带,飘逸飞扬,鲜艳花朵的装饰,蓝天碧水的映照,更显你轻盈柔美的身躯,你呤唱着溪水叮咚的小曲,你倾听着大海澎湃的交响乐,风儿抚摸着嫩绿的小草,你的生活就像一首赞歌,有着美妙旋律,这不仅要用歌声,用诗句来表达,更需要真诚,热爱和希望去谱写。你拥有的是七彩的生活。 夏天的你犹如可爱活泼的仙子,每一处都展现诱人的青春,大家都羡慕你,称赞你,在清澈的河边嬉戏。火热的你是灿烂的,你漫步在硕大的空间,是那样心旷神怡。你在翩翩起舞,你在抒情歌唱,你在描绘美丽,你在编织着令人陶醉的梦境…… 在明晰的大自然旋律中,你又迎来凉爽的秋季,在你温暖的怀抱中,总是给人无


大学生关于青春无悔的演讲稿五篇 青春是打开了就合不上的书,人生是踏上了就回不了头的路,我们要做到青春无悔。下面是小雅整理的大学生关于青春无悔的演讲稿,希望对大家有所启发。 大学生关于青春无悔的演讲稿一 尊敬的评委,亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好! 我是高一年级11班的吴xx。今天我演讲的题目是“励志青春,放飞梦想”。 当我还是个孩子的时候,我就已经无数次期待未来了。我长大后要做什么?当老师?用粉笔书写整洁而有意义的板书,用知识引导勤奋而聪明的学生;或者成为一名播音员?用声音传递温暖动人的故事,用文字触动人们内心的真情实感。那时,我们每天都会有很多奇怪的想法,这些都是梦想! 现在的我们,站在十七岁的十字路口,带着热情,走在青春的路上。也许沿途布满荆棘和磨难,但无数前辈用实践告诉我们,青春不能没有梦想! 因为希望续写经典传奇,卡梅隆才会潜心创作,震撼推出《阿凡达》;因为希望实现奥运梦想,冰坛伉俪申雪和赵宏博才会不离不弃,共同奋斗了13个春秋;因为希望在NBA创造出好成

绩,乔丹才会在投失几千个球后,仍然追逐篮球梦。他们都有梦想,他们都在努力实现他们的梦想! 而我们呢?我们也有梦想。我们的梦想也许只是青春时期的野心,也许只是青春时期的困惑和冲动,也许只是一个简单的愿望,渴望掌声,渴望成功,渴望被广泛关注! 高中生有一个共同的梦想,那就是通过高考改变命运!我们披星戴月,早起晚睡,用忙碌充实生活,用汗水浇灌青春。也许汗水的灌溉不能让梦想之花开放,但我们可以用汗水来刷新梦想;也许追寻的脚步找不到理想的归宿,但我们可以得到另一种岁月的启迪。毕竟,我们过着没有遗憾的人生! 亲爱的朋友,如果上帝厚待你,给你一个美丽的青春,请不要抑制自己的斗志。如果上帝用各种方法为你设置障碍,请不要摧毁你对自己的信心和追求梦想的勇气!当你想要放弃的时候,想想那些睡得比你晚却起得比你早,跑得比你努力,天赋也比你高的人,他们已经跑向你只能遥望的远方。 问问你自己:当你不旅行,当你不冒险,当你不战斗,当你不追逐梦想;每天刷着社交软件,逛着购物网站,玩着网络游戏,做着老年人做的事情,你还要青春干什么? 朋友们,青春是无价的,让我们为青春插上翅膀,让梦想启航! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家! 大学生关于青春无悔的演讲稿二


大学生演讲比赛的演讲稿范文 激情,是穿越寒冬绽放在枝头的那抹新绿;激情,是走过泥泞遗留在身后的那行足迹。 激情是人生深蕴的宝藏,是让生命蓬勃的动力,激情是沉默中的爆发,是蛰伏后的苏醒,是人类对整个大千世界的吞吐、张弛、沉浮、聚敛最敏感、最有力的回应。 激情源于梦想,引发动力。 设想一下10,20年以后,当你端坐于高级经理的座位上思考着下一个10 年计划的时,那时的你已然成为一名成功的IT人士,想到这!你的心头是否会迸发出一种激情呢!激情来自心灵,出自行动。 她需要积极的心态作沃土,不断的努力作养料,辛勤的汗水作阳光雨露,孕育最后的成熟。 记得去年当我们排练话剧《幽默辩论》的时候,我饰演的角色需要表演一段双节棍,为此,我特意向大二的师哥讨教、学习,练习中好几次打伤自己。 最严重的一次是硬生生的将铁棍砸在后背上,趴在地上的我顿时感觉一阵难忍的痛。 然而当我看到朋友们关切的眼神的时候,听到朋友们一句句温暖的话语的时候,“怎么样,能行吗,没事吧,要不我们去医院吧”,我的心被感动了,我和我的伙伴们共同将激情注入到了我们的话剧中,一个星期的排练下来,我们的话剧被隆重推出了,鲜花与掌声映出我们喜悦的笑脸。 许多同学常常感叹学习的枯燥与无味,重要原因之一就是心中缺少了激情。 假如梦想没有激情,事业将一片荒芜;假如心灵没有激情,生活将平淡无奇;假如行动没有激情,人生将一无所成!也许我们应当感激上苍给我们的种种不平,种种磨练,它使我们更加成熟、更加理性。 对我们来说,一时的失败与压抑又算得了什么?没有文凭就努力去拿,没有知识就努力去学,只要你心中还有梦,只要你还有对生活的激情。 长路迢迢,人生漫漫,谁能将激情贯穿一生,谁就能最终会成为命运的宠儿。 激情燃烧的岁月已经来临,让我们怦然心动,带着这份激情去改变自己,去改变自己想改变的一切。既然不相信命运的安排,就要敢于把命运发来的险球给


speech of mu jiawei, northwest normal university in recent years, the development of the chinese economy has been incredibly fast, some might even call it miraculous. but behind the miracles lies a problem: the development is unbalanced in different regions. under the strategy of the chinese government, china has three major economic regions: the east, the middle and the west. with its advantageous position, the east is the fastest developing area, leaving the west far behind, and the middle somewhere in between. for instance, the gdp per capita in the east amounts to us$2000, while that of the west is only 40% of the east. furthermore, the gap between the urban and the rural, according to the state statistical bureau, has widened to more than 10 years. there are people in the big cities with large houses, expensive cars, other luxuries and better opportunities. however, there are people in the countryside, living on meager food, without the security of health, education, and so on. this is the diversity of the chinese economy. for the unity of the full national economic development, governments of all levels have decided on corresponding strategies, for example, the greater development of the western region, the continuing rise of the central china, and the faster development of the east. specifically, within the west, provinces alike have established programs of development, with financial and technological aid of the central government, making full use of the western natural resources. such strategies have turned out to be remarkably successful. it reminds me of the world. there are wealthy countries in north america and europe; there are poor ones in asia and africa. the aid from the rich world is far from enough to remove poverty in the developing countries. therefore, with the help of funds, technology, and management from wealthy countries, these developing countries now have the opportunity to establish their own right strategies of development, taking full advantage of their natural and human resources. speech of li mengxia, harbin engineering university unity and diversity -- diversity talks this is a force. it’s unity. we are the world because of unity. it enables the international co-operational manufacture by setting up unified standards for everything. a nail produced in china can be perfectly used in any corner of the world. therefore, it is unity that leads world into a perfect harmony! however, don’t you think it’s a little bit boring with unity ruling the world only? what would you do if someone orders you to do whatever he does without allowing you to do what you really want? apparently, you’ll be going nuts, because you are not leading a life of your own. so, to us, diversity talks! before i went to college, my dad asked me: son, did you think of being outstanding? if you want to be outstanding, you have to stand out, stand out of normal routine which other people consider the only way to success. but dad’s words went in one ear and out the other! i had no idea whether dad was right or wrong until the day i found i was no longer myself. i put myself in a


大学生五四主题演讲比赛的活动策划书 一、活动背景: 五四运动是中国旧民主主义革命的结束和新民主主义革命的开端,中国革命从此进入了一个新的历史时期。中华人民共和国建立后,中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月正式宣布以5月4日为中国青年节。 万般有罪,爱国无罪。历史不是一页书签,历史不是已成为化石的过去,更不只是时间长河中一段被截取的孤立的场景;历史是祖先的脚印,是一艘摆渡华夏民族的巨轮,是一个民族曾经的精神符号的记忆。历史是一段段螺旋上升以助我们民族抵达一个又一个高度的阶梯……既是如此,我们何不利用这笔宝贵的资源和财富,吸取其中的教训,在逝去的民族精神的符号中找寻我们尚未完全汲取的记忆? 值此第58个五四青年节到来之即,为纪念五四运动88周年,借XX年学代会即将召开之东风,演讲与口才协会将偕同兄弟社团播音主持协会开展“传承五四精神争做世纪青年”主题演讲比赛,缅怀此具有非常意义的节日,激励大家不断前进。同时,回顾共青团85周年的光辉历程,展望新形势下共青团的发展前景,进一步增强团员青年的政治意识和服务意识。 二、活动目的: 为丰富校园文化生活、提高校园文化品位,创造和谐、奋

进、创新的校园文化氛围,积极倡导社会主义荣辱观,倡导青年立远大志向,竖世纪新风,以积极的人生观、价值观投身学习及工作中去,投身于学校的创新发展中,顾全大局,拼博奋进, 传承五四精神,争做世纪青年,实现自我理想,在广大师生青年中进行热爱党、热爱祖国、热爱社会主义的教育,进行社会主义核心价值体系教育,引导广大团员青年为我校争创全国一流大学、构建和谐校园做贡献,同时引导广大青年深入学习邓小平理论和“xxxx”重要思想,深入学习科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会等重大战略思想,加强社会主义核心价值体系教育,进一步坚定广大青年紧跟党走中国特色社会主义道路的信念。充分展示当代青年在党的领导下朝气蓬勃、奋发向上的时代风貌,激励亿万青少年在全面建设小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会的实践中建功立业、成长成才。充分展示共青团紧紧围绕党的中心工作、团结带领广大团员青年投身改革开放和现代化建设的生动实践,推动各级团组织和广大团干部深入学习贯彻党的要求,奋发有为推动共青团事业实现新发展。 三、时间安排: 1.赛前宣传:由承办方在主办方的指导下在网上对本次活动进行赛前宣传,包括:校园网站、协会网站、校内网等。 2.初赛前的宣传通知,发布演讲比赛的相关规定和具体信息,组织学生报名参加比赛,并公布赛事进程和一些奖项设


青春无悔演讲稿(精选4篇) 青春无悔演讲稿(精选4篇) 演讲稿的内容要根据具体情境、具体场合来确定,要求情感真实,尊重观众。在当今社会生活中,需要使用演讲稿的场合越来越多,大家知道演讲稿的格式吗?下面是小编为大家整理的青春无悔演讲稿(精选4篇),欢迎大家分享。 青春无悔演讲稿1尊敬的评委老师们: 早上好! 我是一名人民教师,今天我演讲的题目是青春无悔。 当我们面对学生热切的眼神,看着孩子天真可爱的面庞,走在神圣的讲台上听到天真的问候:“老师,你好”!我们会想起什么?我们将思考“孩子的未来,社会的发展,国家的进步……”“ 我以自己是一个新世纪祖国建设者为光荣,为自己是一个年轻的人民教师肩上的历史责任感而骄傲。 要做一个让人民满意的教师,无私奉献是根本。作为一名年轻的教师,更要燃烧自己的青春,为学生献出更多的爱。

做一个让人民满意的教师,高尚的道德是基石。在白云路小学,在我的身边,每一个老师都像一个拼搏的奔跑者,永不停歇,直到终点。 比如高老师,为了教学、管理工作,她通常6点闹钟一响就来到学校做一天的工作安排。还有我们几位校长,不仅把学校管理得井井有条,还充满了特色,这背后花费的精力和心血又有几人知道? 大家花了无数个不眠之夜,才让校园的工作变得更好,更和谐。看到这些,我的心情似乎很激动,我经常不止一次问自己:“在这样一个奉献、和谐、进步的团队里,作为一名年轻的老师,我该怎么办?” 我已经听到了无数次学生们的问候,它让我感受到自己的价值和意义。所以我决定将自己的青春献给伟大的事业,献给一群我热爱的学生。 同时,我也深切地意识到我肩上的责任。 我,作为一名教育前线的教师,我要郑重的告诉大家,我会用我的毅力为学生们搭建一条通往未来的梯子;用我的能力改变青春的现状,让它的光芒更加温暖明亮。 让我们从此刻出发,让学生满意,让父母满意,让社会满意,让自己的青春无悔! 我的演讲结束了,非常感谢大家的聆听。 青春无悔演讲稿2各位评委、亲爱的同学们:


大学生演讲比赛演讲稿:从一个微笑开始大学生演讲比赛演讲稿:从一个微笑开始 从我们降临到这个世上的那一刻起,睁开眼第一眼看到的是家人对于我们的到来欣喜的笑容,第一次感受的到是家人笑容中传递的那份关爱。从那时起我们便与笑结了缘。得意的笑使人倍感自信;开怀大笑使人心情舒畅。这些都是生命的自然悸动,还有一种笑是那样的淳朴,平静,使人享受到生命底蕴的醇味,体验情感,超越悲欢,这就是微笑。人的一生是有限的,总有一天,你再也看不到世间的美景,感受不到世间的亲情。然而只要我们的内心春风洋溢,人生的哪一个时候不是最美好的春天呢?只要我们有着一颗平静,珍惜,愉悦的心。即使在人生的无寸草处行走,你也会看到那美丽神奇的一瞥。所以,微笑着面对生活中的一切,就可以在微笑中品味生活,感受生活中的精彩!笑对人生,从一个微笑开始。生活就是酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全。甜美的生活是我们每个人所向往的,但上天往往不遂人愿。我们在生活中也常常会遭遇挫折和失败。心慌慌,真想回到从前,但日历不能倒翻。请不要害怕开始,生活总把我们送到起点。请记住一句话: “压伤的芦苇,上天不会折断;将残的灯火,上天不忍吹熄。”勇敢些,请现出一个微笑,迎上前!生活就是这样,换一种心态去面对,将是另一种风景,另一种境界。虽然不完美,但过的踏实。我们带着心中的微笑,穿过世事的云烟,就可以学着应变,努力耕耘,收获果实,并提升认知,强健心弦,迎向幸福的彼岸。在幸福的彼岸上,得意而欣慰的笑一下!微笑也是人与人之间沟通的桥梁。与他人

会心的微笑,就仿佛在他人心中形成一股涓涓的流水,缓缓的流淌在他人间,滋起一丝丝爱意。社会是一个大家庭,人与人之间需要彼此关爱,有家就有爱,有爱才有家!请大家现出一个微笑,微笑是表达,让我们的世间充满真爱!笑是人的本能,群体的微笑构筑和平,他人的微笑导致理解,自我的微笑则是心灵的净化剂。心灵的宁静使人快乐,而快乐才是生命不断走向高处的动力。从一个最简单的微笑开始,重筑自己灵魂的免疫系统,再次将胸怀拓宽。微笑吧!在每一个早晨,向着天边第一缕阳光;在每一个春天,面对着地上第一株新草;在每一个起点,遥望着也许还看不到的地平线。有一句话是这样说的: “你不能改变天生的容貌,但你可以时时展现笑容。请大家都笑一笑,从一个微笑开始,微笑着面对生活中的每一天,那就离成功很近,离幸福不远!

新编【CCTV杯全国英语演讲大赛主持词】 英语演讲主持词结束语

【CCTV杯全国英语演讲大赛主持词】英语演讲主持词结束 语 概要:(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)X:GoodmorningladiesandgentlemenetoXX年CCTV杯全国大学生英语演讲比赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场。 X:Cosponsoredbytpetitionisundertaken(organized)byHainan NormalUniversityandtentofHainanProvince. Y:本次大赛由中央电视台和外语教育与研究出版社联合主办,由海南省教育厅和海南师范大学承办。有来 自17所各大高校的40名选手参加比赛。 X:Firstlylet”sintrouducetoday”stentofHainanProvince. Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是: X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! Y:Welcome X:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟院校的领导、老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同样热 烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 X:Onceag ainlet”seallteprofessor CeProfessorZe. Y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位代表海南师范大学陈封椿致欢迎辞。

X:TasterareBillieRaeSmitite! TpetitionecontestantNO....contestantNO.2pleasegetready. Y:我们将继续第二轮次其余选手的比赛。即兴演讲并回答问题。满分XX年CCTV杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场! X:Cosponsoredbytpetitionisundertaken(organized)byHainan NormalUniversityandtentofHainanProvince. Y:本次大赛由中央电视台和外语教育与研究出版社联合主办,由海南省教育厅和海南师范大学承办。有来 自17所各大高校的40名选手参加比赛。 X:Firstlylet”sintrouducetoday”stentofHainanProvince. Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:海南省教育厅高教处处长李向国 X:Mr.HanZtentofHainanProvince. Y:海南省教育厅高教处副处长韩忠泽 X:Miss.LiSForeignLanguageTeacHainanFormalUniversity. Y:海南师范大学副校长张诚一教授 X: Y:海南省大学英语教学指导委员会副会长陈宗华教授 X:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! Y:Welcome X:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟院校的领导、老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学们。我们以同样热 烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 X:Onceagainlet”s eallteprofessor


全国演讲比赛演讲稿 【篇一:全国大学生演讲赛演讲稿和谐,我们站在一起】全国大学生演讲赛演讲稿和谐,我们站在一起 月儿高高,黑夜很长,孩子睡着了,我为你歌唱,亲爱的孩子,什么是吉祥,那洁白的地方,命运没有方向(唱) 我不知道,那些在汶川地震中丧生的人,有没有在洁白的天堂里找到 自己的方向。 5月12 日,14点28分,我国四川省汶川地区发生8.0级特大地震。已经超过五万抓不住的生命,已经没有声响的悲极哭泣,人们还在 扒着继续坍塌的废墟,人们还在寻找着微弱跳动的脉搏。当战士跪 在地上哭喊着“你们让我再去救一个,求求你们让我再去救一个!我 还能再救一个!”的时候,我们哽咽无语。 2008,令中国雀跃却又多灾多难的一年。当我们怀着兴奋的心情准 备着,迎接着奥运盛宴的时候,我们也遭受了重大的灾难。那场用 苍白模糊所有眼睛的漫天雪影,这场用鲜血压抑所有呼吸的极大震荡,像一个沉痛的绝响,紧紧扼着中国的喉咙,重重敲击着中国的 心脏。 天,哭了。 但是,只要有人转过身,就能看见,我们,仍坚定地站在这里。 赈灾物资刻不容缓地运入受灾地区,全国捐款已达200多亿,我们 的总理奔赴一线,告诉大家,党和政府高度重视这场地震灾害,他说,只要还有一线生还的机会,就要用百倍的努力??是的,房子裂了、塌了,我们可以再修,再建。只要人在,我们就一定能够渡过 难关,只要人在,我们就一定能战胜这场重大的自然灾害。 关怀从四面八方汇集过来,因为我们流淌着同一颜色的血液,中国红;因为我们拥有同一个信仰,中华和谐!世界和谐! 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。走过了五千多年风风雨雨 的华夏精神,在今天,凝聚成不朽的两个字——和谐。 和谐是温饱无忧,怡然自得的桃源生活。 和谐是百家争鸣,各种思想的碰撞与交流。 和谐是同一个世界,和谐是同一个梦想。 因为和谐,我们站在这里;因为和谐,我们不忘记;因为和谐,我 们不抛弃,不放弃。再大的风浪,我们也会拉紧彼此的手不松开, 再深的阻隔,我们也能用博大的心去交流。


大学生演讲比赛演讲稿范文:驻足 尊敬的老师、同学: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是《驻足》.一天傍晚,在去晚自习的路上,蓦然回首间,我发现一缕霞光映入我的眼帘,似曾相识.心中不由得泛起感动,多美的夕阳啊,美得让我挪不动双腿.想来,我步入这所学校已经有半年之久,可从来没有发现山边的那颗夕阳是那么美丽.也许,在座各位也没有几个人曾经留意过这片景象吧我们都被快速的生活节奏带动得越来越麻木,似乎最起码的触动也是很久以前的事情.我们的人生似乎太匆忙,我们忘了驻足.记得那是高三,繁重的学习任务,紧张的生活节奏,把我压得喘不过气,每天所能做的所能想的就只有高考.满脑子的卷子,闭眼睛就是公式,生活中的所有喜怒哀乐全被分数所控制.没有谁敢在任何地方有分秒的停留,仿佛都是在赛跑,谁跑得慢就被淘汰.夜以继日的跟别人比,跟自己比,比什么自己也不知道.傍晚的荷花池里,鲤鱼在嬉戏玩耍,那不是荷花开的季节,并没有鱼戏莲池间的诗意,然而我的眼泪留了下来,我向往着鱼儿的自在.这时我想到了放弃,我畏惧了前进.我似乎是在心疼自己.我把想法告诉了父母,然而母亲在电话里的态度不言而喻.谁会忍受自己的儿子临阵退缩,任何理由都不会让母亲对我的想法有些许的怜悯,我感到无助.再次站到池塘边,身旁都是匆忙的身影.我想到了死,我找不到更好的解决方法,我的成绩没有起色,我懂得任何的理由都不能为失败开脱,我无助,我怀疑,我困扰.我们的学校给高三的学生创造了一个环山拥水的世外桃源,



cctv大学生英语演讲比赛 我们互相握着手说着,“See you next year” 虽然我们心里明白明年或许不会再见面啦,每个参赛的选手都是在各个大学选拔的第一名,能够站在这,能够一起聊聊天,尽管时间是那么的短暂,但每个人都像是自己多年的朋友。或许明年见到的不是你,而是你学校的另一位更强的参赛选手,但我们却为此互相鼓励。。。。。。 很多人问我为什么我会一直拥有那种激-情和精神去学习英语,我也很迷惘不知道怎么去回答,我想喜欢学英语是一个很重要的因素,但参加比赛让我认识更多的能人选手,见识更多的场面,突破更多的挑战极限让我会一直去追逐去实现》》》 一、初赛选拔学校站 学校的选拔站准确的来讲,我对自己信心还不是很满,当时觉得自己只是个小角色,虽说刚读完大1,满腹抱负,但听说某某还有某某都是什么C大赛,B大赛第1名第几名,我就惭愧的一个人坐在最角落一言不发,A和我也在一起,她会叫我不要紧张,当然她也是参赛选手,在她面前我可不愿丢脸埃比赛的时候是在学校的一个会议室,坐满了一个圆形做的十多个评委,还没轮到我,坐在下面的我已经是全身

哆嗦,哈哈还好有一个一起长大训练口语的好兄弟,他会有事没事在我面前开一下某个选手演讲搞笑的环节,特别是他讲到那个H选手那个动作像是怀孕时,我真是笑的想晕倒,还好那好时候的气氛很严肃,老师全是板起个脸,好像我们都是欠债户。轮到我的时候到了。我上去的号码是3,准确的来讲是个好号码,站上去的那一瞬间好像世界都那么狭小,只有我的空间,所有人安静的好像等着在批评我,恐惧寒冷,老师那凄厉的眼神,战友疑惑的眼神让我感觉好像在面对即将到来的世界末日发表演讲,或是面对一种反对种族歧视,不管怎样我定了定神,努力笑了笑让全身的颤抖全部集中在腿上去。开口了进入状态很快,当演讲的时候你要记住这个世界只有你,只有你的3分钟,你的世界你的舞台,我已经很多次训练安慰自己。好几次声音有点发抖,我就吸了一口气微笑一下,哪怕评委的脸只是一张严肃的雕像。最后我下来啦,一切结束的很恐怖。一切感觉像是个梦。大家的掌声告诉我我的表现还可以。 比赛结束我很轻松的收到复赛电话,初赛还过得去拿了第一。A失败了尽管她是我们学校英语佼佼者,似乎她心情很不好受,为此那段时间我们有点小吵,但我们现在都分手了,这就不好再说啦。复赛定在一件小教室。参加复赛的是复赛选拔下来的3位选手,而这次选拔只取第一名,这意味着如果拿了第二也等于白费时间和力气。压力很大。CULTURE


全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖演讲稿范文下面是为你精心的全国大学生英语演讲比赛一等奖范文,希望对你有所帮助!更多精彩内容,相关栏目查看,谢谢! good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. today i would like to begin with a story. there was once a physical 1) therapist who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a 2) census about mountain 3) gorillas. these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of 4) poaching and being put into the zoo. she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we've ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas 5) cuddled their babies. yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian


花开半夏,青春无悔 老师,同学们好: 大家好,我是来自xx学院,xx班的xx同学,今天我为大家演讲的题目是《花开半夏,青春无悔》。 莎士比亚说过: “时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深沟浅槽;会吃掉稀世之珍!天生丽质,什么都逃不过他那横扫的镰刀。”在没上大学前,我听过有人说大学生活绚丽多彩的,也有人说大学生活是无聊空洞、浪费青春的。也许,后者更多一些。是的,其实,他们说的都是正确的,因为真实经历,他们才会那么说,这两者是不矛盾的。这是因为在大学里,有的人确实过得很充实、很开心,深深留恋这块他们认为是一辈子都无法重复的净土。也有的人,从一踏进校园就很失望,觉得一切都跟自己想像的不一样。从此浑浑噩噩混日子,最终醒悟的时候才猛然发觉,仿佛一夜之间,大学已经过去,随之逝去的还有自己宝贵的青春。 眨眼之间大学我们已经过去一半了,有的同学碌碌无为,有的同学风生水起,同样是一样的年纪,一样的青春,可是过程却千差万别。人的一生很短暂,如果一个人活在世上的唯一目的就是平庸地活下去,那么这个人就是在世上流浪了一辈子。一个人只有树立远大的理想,并且为了这个理想而不为挫折,坚持不懈得奋斗下去,才能完成一个人应该完成的事。 当一个人的青春融汇到一个时代、一份事业中,这样的青春就不会远去,而这份事业也必将在岁月的历练中折射出耀眼的光芒。 说到这里,我想起了这样一句话:“有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活着。”生命的意义在于活着,那么活着的意义又是什么呢?当然不是为了活着而活着,答案只有两个字,奉献!我们可以设想一下,不付出、不创造、不追求,这样的青春必然在似水年华中渐渐老去,回首过往,没有痕迹,没有追忆,人生四处弥漫着叹息,我想,这绝对不是我们存在的意义。古往今来,有无数能人志士在自己的青春年华就已经成就了不朽的人生,在这里我来不及一一列举。可是,有一个人的名字我却不能不提,他是我们永远的学习榜样,一个最平凡最无私也是最伟大的人。大家知道他是谁吗?这个传奇人物就是雷锋,他告诫我们说:“ 青春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于那些永远力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人!” 也许在这过程中,我们会遇到许多坎坷,但我们都得明白“天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。”挫折是必定会有的,但我们不应该有所畏惧,因为我们的梦想在前方,青春在向我们招手。生命对每个人只有一次,而青春则是这仅有的一次生命中易逝的一段。我坚信:流星虽然短暂,但在它划过夜空的一刹那,已经点燃了最美的青春。这让我们肩负起历史的使命,让身体里流淌的血液迸发出激情!让我们都做夜空下那颗闪亮的星星! 少年强则国强,少年独立则国之独立,振兴国家,匹夫有责,向上吧少年,不要在耄耋之年仍在追忆被你荒废了的青春。篇二:青春榜样发言稿 “我身边的青春榜样”发言稿 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我是电气工程系10级电气二班的高德华。很高兴能有机会站在这里,和大家一起分享青春榜样这个让人兴奋同时又催人上进的话题。说实话,此刻、站在这里的我倍感压力。因为我不知道自己有什么资格站在这里和大家一起分享这无比美好的青春。因为我感觉自己做的还不够,现在的我仍需努力,努力去进去,去奋斗。

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