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The Secret of Obama’s Charm in Speech 奥巴马演讲的魅力秘诀1



14How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking 战胜演讲焦虑症How to Improve Your Body Language 让身体语言传情达意Impressively Use Your Voice and Tone 用变化的语音和语调为你加分

Table of Contents

America has elected the greatest political

speaker for a generation.

You may think that there’s nothing for you

t o l e a r n f r o m B a r a c k O b a m a ’s

speechmaking skills – that speaking to

200,000 people at Grant Park, Chicago is

too far removed from the presentation you

m i g h t g i v e t o y o u r s t a f f , t o y o u r

management team or to potential clients.

Here are six lessons you can learn from

Obama’s acceptance speech at Grant Park.







演讲技巧, 可供您学学。

The Secret of Obama’s Charm in Speech


1. Know your audience

It would have been easy for Obama to fall into the trap of talking to the 200,000 people before him in Grant Park. He didn’t. He spoke to Americans in their living rooms, he spoke to those who voted for McCain, he spoke to people watching him across the world – leaders and the poorest of the poor. He knew who his audience was.

“And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.”

2. Envelop your point in a story

The long history of the campaign for civil rights in America made Obama’s election possible. Obama enveloped this point with the story of Anne Dixon Cooper, a 106 year old woman who was born the daughter of slaves, and has lived through the milestons of the civil rights movement.

“She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn’t vote for two reasons — because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.”

That’s far more emotionally engaging than giving us a history lesson.



“对于那些身居海外,正在看着这里的美国人,还有在国会、白宫和在世界的某个角落围坐在收音机前的人们——我们可能有不同的经历, 但是我们有相同的目标, 美国的崭新黎明正浮现在我们的面前。

2、在故事中, 涵盖观点

美国长期以来争取民权运动的漫长历史,使奥巴马的参选成为可能。奥巴马用安妮?迪克森?库珀的故事表达了这个观点。库珀是一位106岁高龄的女性, 她的父母是奴隶;她经历了民权运动的几个重要里程碑。


这样感染力强多了, 效果比干巴巴的历史课棒多了。

3. Paint pictures on the canvas of your audience’s mind

Obama used specific and concrete words to conjure powerful images in our minds. Here are some examples:

“Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.”“Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us.”

“And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it’s been done in America for 221 years — block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.”

4. Get personal

Barack Obama told the whole world that he’s getting his two young daughters a puppy to take with them to the White House. And the world loved it. In his first press conference he remarked that this is the most popular issue on his website.



“我们的竞选不是孵化自华盛顿的会议大厅,而是始于得梅因 (美国衣阿华Iowa州的首府) 的后院、康科德市普通人家的客厅、以及查尔斯顿的某个前廊。”


“总而言之,我请你们加入到家园的重建中来,用二百二十一年以来我们唯一的方法,美国的方法——一 砖一瓦, 水滴石穿。”


巴拉克?奥巴马告诉全世界,他已经给两个女儿弄来一只小狗,他们将一起搬到白宫里。全世界人都喜欢这样的话题。在首次新闻发布会上, 他说, 这是他网站上最热门的话题。

5. Wait for weight

Obama is not in a hurry when he speaks. He waits for the audience to process and react to what he has just said. And that gives his words weight. You can do the same.

6. Light and shade

Obama’s acceptance speech had different moods – joyful – humorous – serious – intimate – determined. The contrasts keep us engaged – build light and shade into your presentations.

5、娓娓道来, 举重若轻



奥巴马的竞选演说有不同的感情色彩:欢快——幽默——严肃——亲密——坚定。这些变化牢牢吸引着人——所以, 当你在台上演讲时, 请表现出自己的明暗与色彩。

Some people shudder at the thought of

giving a speech to a group of people.

However, public speaking is a common

task, and like it or not, you are going to

have to do it someday. From giving a toast

at a wedding, to giving a presentation to

coworkers, public speaking is eminent in a

productive life. The only question is, are

you ready for it?

I f y o u a r e p a r t o f t h e m a j o r i t y , y o u

probably are not ready, so here are a few

tips to help you out:







How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking


1) Be prepared. Remember, he who fails to prepare, prepares to fail.

2) Know your audience. No this does not mean stand at the door and make friends with everyone who enters the room. What this does mean is that you want to be able to appeal to whomever you are speaking to. Basically, do not wear a fur coat if you are giving a speech on animal rights.

3) Have a general outline for what you are going to say. Do not try to read from your notes word for word as this produces a boring speech in which you are not looking at your audience. It is always a good idea to know what you are saying, but reading directly from a written speech produces more errors and is boring.

4) Look at your audience. You need to not just look in one spot as well; but instead look around the room at your entire audience. Caution! When doing this, avoid the sprinkler affect. That is, do not continuously pan your gave from one side of the room to the next, but distribute your attention to different members in the audience.

5) In opening remarks, you need to come out strong. You need an attention grabber. This can range from a short defiant statement, to an anecdote that involves your subject.






6) Use appropriate hand gestures and props in your presentation or speech.

7) Speak slower than you normally would. You must remember that your audience is trying to absorb all the information you are dishing out at them.

8) Do not make your speech to long. Most people lose interest in your speech after ten minutes. If you must go longer than this, prompt your audience for involvement after every ten or so minutes.

9) Get to the point. When you ramble on about topics it is more likely that you are losing your audience. If you are making an important statement or point, declare it with as few words as possible.

10) In your closing, leave the audience with something to think about. Do not close with

a feeble "thank you," but instead, close with a statement that will let your audience know you are finished.

11) Have fun with it!







They say a picture is worth a thousand

words; now picture yourself, approaching a

woman or a prospective client, walking into

a board meeting or a party. How do you

look? What message do you communicate

the moment you walk into a room? What

are your eyes, hands and shoulders saying?

What information can people gather about

you before you ever say a word? Never

thought about it? You should. And you can

start by perusing our top 10 tips to show

confidence with body language.








How to Improve Your Body Language


People read your body language, often via instinct and without thinking. It’s because our poses and postures are a great source of information. They reflect our mood and our confidence level. We stand and walk a certain way when we’re confident and another way when we’re nervous. In a glance, most people can discern if we’re apprehensive or outgoing, relaxed or aggressive. With a little practice, we can learn the tips to show confidence through body language so that we always appear confident, capable and ready.

人们阅读身体语言,通常是通过直觉并没有经过深入思考。这是因为我们的姿态和姿势蕴含了丰富的信息。它们反映了我们的情绪和自信程度。当我们充满自信时,我们站立和走路是一种特定的姿态;而当我们充满焦虑时,我们表现的又是另一种情形。一眼看去,大多数人都能辨别出我们是忧虑还是活泼友好,是放松还是咄咄逼人。通过一些实践, 我们可以学会通过身体语言展示自信的小技巧,这样我们就会总是看起来自信、有能力并且准备就绪。

No.10 Avoid Your Pockets

The first tip on our list of the top 10 tips to show confidence with body language is to keep your hands out of your pockets. We put our hands in our pockets when we’re uncomfortable or unsure of ourselves. And as long as you have your hands stuffed down your pants, that’s how other people will view you.

Instinctually we tend to hide our hands when we’re nervous; keeping your hands out in the open indicates confidence and shows people you have nothing to hide. Also, recognize that putting your hands in your pockets encourages slouching, which isn’t good. As an alternative, try putting your hands on your hips; it’s a far more confident posture.

第10:避免 (将手插入) 你的口袋

十个通过身体语言展示自信的最佳技巧其中的第一个就是不要将你的手插入口袋。当我们感觉不舒适或对自我不确定的时候我们会将手插入口袋中。只要你这样做了, 人们就会这样看你。

当我们觉得焦虑时会下意识地将手插入口袋中,保持你的手置于口袋外暗示了你的自信并告诉人们你没有什么可隐瞒的。同样的,你要意识到将手插入口袋会使你更加懒散,这并不是好事。作为一种很好的替代, 试着将你的手贴着大腿外侧, 这是种更自信的姿势。

No.9 Don't Fidget

Fidgeting is a clear sign of nervousness. A man who can’t keep still, is a man who is worried, tense and certainly not confident. Your hands can be your worst enemies -- fight to keep them still and steady. You can definitely talk with your hands, but keep your gesticulations calm and under control. Also, when seated, avoid that rapid leg-vibration thing that some guys do (you don’t want to look like a dog getting his belly rubbed).


做小动作是一种很明显的焦虑信号。一个不能保持安静的人,是一个担忧、紧张和不自信的人。你的手将会是你最大的敌人:(手)会使你难以平静和安稳下来。你可以明确地告诉你的双手,保持你的姿势是冷静并且处于控制之中的。同样的,当你坐下来后,不要像一些人一样双脚快速的抖动 (你也不想你看起来就像你的狗摩擦腹部一样) 。

No.8 Keep Your Eyes Forward

Keeping your eyes level might be one of the trickiest ways to show confidence in body language. When you’re walking anywhere by yourself, it often feels natural to lower your head slightly and watch your step, but this posture communicates to others that you don’t want to engage in conversation or interact. And if you’re not careful, you might get into the habit of doing it all the time. Keep your chin up and your eyes forward, even when you’re walking down the street by yourself.



No.7 Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back

Standing up straight is one of the most important of our top 10 tips to project confidence through body language. It can be a challenge especially if you’ve been a sloucher all your life, but get over it. Standing up straight is perhaps the most important means of communicating confidence. Concentrate on pushing your shoulders back slightly when standing and walking. Nothing major, just a little. That one simple motion does wonders for your posture. Try it in front of the mirror -- you’ll be surprised how much more confident it makes you look.



No.6 Take Wide Steps

A confident man will never be described as “scurrying,”“creeping” or “sneaking,” so pay attention to the way you walk. If you want to show confidence with body language you want to take large steps. Wide steps make you seem purposeful and suggest a personal tranquility, which denotes confidence in a man.



No.5 Firm Handshakes

Another of our top 10 tips for showing confidence with body language has to do with the firm handshake. There are few things worse than reaching out your hand during an introduction and getting a palm full of dead fish. Don’t be that guy. Instead, grip the other person’s hand firmly and confidently. If shaking hands with someone you’ve already met, you might even consider the two-hand grab: placing your free hand on the other person’s elbow adds warmth and enthusiasm to the handshake. Just don’t get carried away. A handshake is not a contest. Don’t try to crush the other person’s hand and don’t hold on too long.



No.4 Proper Grooming

Imagine yourself walking into a room, maybe there are lots of beautiful women there or maybe the room is filled with respected colleagues. Now consider your appearance: four days' worth of scruff, bad skin, hair crispy and pointy like a Backstreet Boy’s. The point we’re trying to make is that grooming is an essential component of communicating confidence through body language. You want your hair, face and even your smell to work for you, not against you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new products to find the ones that work for you.



No.3 Smile

Confident people smile because they’ve nothing to worry about. Try this as an experiment: smile at someone as you pass them on the street or walking around the office. Chances are good that they’ll smile back. Now wouldn’t you like to have that effect on people all the time?



No.2 Don’t Cross Your Arms When Socializing

Crossing your arms is a protective posture. We do it when we’re cold, nervous or on guard. Think of those big, burly nightclub bouncers, crossing their 26-inch pythons while standing guard at the door to a club. Do they look like guys you want to talk to, joke with or work with? No, right? Their job is to look intimidating. Your job is to look likeable, open and confident. So relax a little and keep your arms uncrossed.


双臂交叉是一种防卫姿态。当我们感到寒冷、焦急或警备时我们这样做。想想那些站在俱乐部门口高大魁伟的保安交叉着他们26英寸的双臂。你会乐意同他们进行交谈、开玩笑或是共事吗?不会,对吧?他们的职业要求他们做这种恐吓的姿态。而你的工作要求你看起来可爱、外向并且自信。因此, 放轻松些, 不要交叉你的双臂。

No.1 Use Contact To Show Appreciation

The pat on the back is a lost art. Don’t be afraid to pat a buddy or a colleague on the back when he or she delivers a perfectly timed punch line or nails the big presentation. Most people aren’t freaked out by a hand on the shoulder and they’ll likely be appreciative of your sign of affection and respect.



A monotonous speaking style lulls the

listener to sleep, regardless of the power of

the content. Obama knows how to enhance

(https://www.doczj.com/doc/554087328.html,, 5/16/06) his delivery.

Consider these three aspects of his delivery.




Impressively Use Your Voice and Tone


1.Pacing. Obama varies the speed at which he speaks. Very few sentences are delivered at exactly the same pace.

2.Volume. In his victory speech after the Iowa caucuses, Obama raised the volume of his speech with each sentence in the following paragraph: "We are one nation. We are one people. And our time for change has come."

3.Pauses. Nothing is as dramatic as a well-placed pause, and Obama knows it. He pauses at key moments to make a memorable impact.

Obama connects with millions of people thanks to his public speaking skills. Consider learning from him to influence your own audience.

1 速度








Impressively Use Your Voice and Tone


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