当前位置:文档之家› BEC中级写作精要




题型:1.商务便条类;2.商务便函类;3.商务书信类;4. 商务报告类





1、Memo:Memo是Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memorandum,此外还有Internal Memorandum和Interoffice Memorandum,其意思都是一样的。


To:Mr. John Smith,Sales Manager



5、Subject:这一标题后是写事由的,即用一个或几个词汇简单概括便函的内容,以便查阅。事由必须简洁明了,不要用完整的句子,如:Changes in Travel Advance Form

Promotion of Staff

Vacation Schedule

Participation in Training Programmes




1 告知信息inform

2 布置安排arrange

3 征求意见request

4 询问信息enquire

5 求助申请apply

6 推荐建议suggest

1 告知信息类


●You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just

merged with a competitor to become Mason Golding. You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name.

●Write a memo of 40 - 50 words:

* informing staff of the new name

* telling them when to start using the new name

* asking staff to use only the new name after that time.

收购与兼并merger and aquisition


As a result of our merger with Mason&Co., the name of our company will be changed MasonGolding. Please start to use the new name on 1 March 2006. You are reminded that only the new name can be used from then on.


You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.

Write a memo to staff:

explaining why the courses are necessary

saying which members of staff should attend

announcing when the courses will start

Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.


To: All staff

From: the Training Manager

Date: 1 March 2005

Subject: A Foreign Language Training Course

I was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export

order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those who will deal with orders should attend this course.

2 布置安排类

●You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an

urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.

●Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary:

●telling her who you are going to see and when

●asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation

●telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.

●Write on your Answer Sheet.

subsidiary, parent company, holding company, affiliate, branch, headquarters, representative office


I need to have an urgent meeting with Pierre Blanco of our Paris office tomorrow.

Please book a return ticket to Paris and a hotel room for me as soon as possible.

During my absence, please keep me informed of the progress of the project. If there is anything urgent, give me a phone call.


You are the manager of a small export company. Peter Watson, an important client, is visiting your company for three days from 22 October.

Write a note of 40-50 words to your secretary:

Asking her to book a hotel room

Saying where the hotel should be

Giving her the dates



作文1:Dear Ms Jones,

I am writing to inform you that Mr Peter Watson will be visiting our company. Would you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him?

Yours sincerely

作文2:Hi Mary,

Look. I’m really sorry to have to trouble you but Peter Watson – a really important client – is visiting the company for three days in October, starting on 22nd, to discuss a contract with us. Please will you book for Mr Watson a really nice hotel room as soon as possible? Thanks very much.

See you soon!

作文3 Mary,

Mr Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three nights. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office. Thank you.

3 询问信息类


You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.

Write a note to Mr Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager:

enquiring about the reason for the delay;

stating when the components are needed;

suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.

Write 40 - 50 words on your Answer Sheet.


I am writing to enquire about the reason of the late delivery of the ordered components. We need the components by next Monday. In order to smooth our cooperation, I suggest that we have a meeting to discuss future deliveries.

4 征求意见类


You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.

Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:

informing them of the postponing and giving the reason

stating a new date and time for the meeting

requesting suggestions for the agenda.

Write on your Answer Sheet.

词汇:postpone; delay

agenda, schedule, timetable


I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.


Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?

I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.

5 求助申请类


You have lost your calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.

Write a memo to her

saying that you need a replacement

explaining what happened to the old one

asking her to approve the request

Write about 40-50 words.


I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?


You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.

Write an email to your line manager:

requesting time off work to go to the seminar

saying when the seminar is

explaining why you want to go

Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

词汇:line and staff management, line manager, staff manager

句型:May I have your permission to do sth?

6 推荐建议类


Your company’s Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most recent project.

Write an email to Mrs Jay in the Sales Department:

agreeing to give the talk and suggesting a time

saying what equipment you will need

requesting information about the participants.

Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.



1 读者不同对内/对外

2 信息点数量3/5

3 阅读量小/大

4 字数要求40-50 / 120-140



















Referring to previous contact:

Thank you for your letter of/dated ….

With reference to

Further to

In reply to

Stating the reason for writing:

I am writing to enquire about …

to confirm that …

to apologise for/about…

in reply to your …

with reference to …

Ending a letter

If you have any further questions, please contact me on …

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

in due course. in the near future. 注意考试当中的格式问题 题目分类:

1 订单类 handling order

2 询问类 enquiry and reply

3 投诉类 complaint and apology

4 告知变化类 notice of changes

5 邀请类 invitations 例题

● You are the owner of a clothing factory. A customer has sent you a letter summarising

a recent negotiation. You have written some notes on the letter.

● Write a 120 - 140 word reply to the buyer using the letter and your notes. ● Write on your Answer Sheet.

Mrs P Mirza Lahore Textiles 6 Ocean Road Lahore Dear Parveen

be included in our winter catalogue.




The quantity will be 5,000 pieces, with a further option of 3,000. 4. the optional 3,000 pieces. 5. Payment will be by letter of credit.



Best regards Stephanie powell Chief Purchaser


Dear Stephanie,

Thank you for your letter of 1 March. We are delighted that the Sheba range will be in your catalogue.

There are, however, some small points which need clarifying.

●The Sheba range comes in six colours. Please look at the samples and confirm

which three colours you would like.

●You referred to the further option of 3,000 pieces. I thought we had agreed on

4,000. Please confirm the correct figure.

●I can confirm the optional pieces will cost $ 5.25 each.

Unfortunately, due to a full order book, we are unable to deliver by 1.8.99. The earliest date would be 15.8.99. I hope this will be acceptable.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Parveen Mirza


Block Version(平头式)

Dear Sir or Madam,

We welcome you the order above order. The prices you mentioned are old ones. The current prices should be 5% higher. However, we accept your order and wish to assure you that delivery will be made immediately we receive your L/C.

Our T-shirts and knitting wares enjoy favourable reception in the world market because of their fine quality and excellent craftsmanship. No wonder your customers have remarked favourably on our products. You may be sure that we shall do our best to maintain our reputation for quality and reliability.

We enclose a quotation for summer wares, such as bathing suits, all cotton vests and shall be pleased to receive further orders from you.

Yours faithfully,

Edward White

范例2 Indented Version(缩行式)

October 30,2015

Messers Samson Ghadban Co., Ltd.

15 Horns Avenue,

Tripoli Lebanon.

Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for replying so promptly to our enquiry for lightweight extinguishers and also for your offer to arrange a demonstration.

Our general manager and our office manager will both be able to meet Mr Burton at any time during the morning or afternoon of Thursday, November 10th. It would be helpful if Mr Burton would write or phone to let us know at what time we may expect him.

Yours faithfully,

John Black


●The company you work for is expanding rapidly and is looking for new premises.

Your Managing Director is interested in Waterside Industrial Park, and has asked you to write a letter to find out more information.

●Read Waterside Industrial Park’s advertisement below, on which your Managing

Director has already made some notes.

●Then, using all your Managing Director’s handwritten notes, write your letter to

Rosemary Brown at Waterside Industrial Park.

●Do not include postal addresses.

●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.


22 July

Dear Mrs Brown

Subject: New Premises

With reference to your advertisement in the local newspaper, I would like to have more information about the above.

Could you tell us which other firms are in the area, and what are the sizes of the units available for rental.

Regarding the financial help mentioned, could you inform us who would qualify for it and how to apply.

Another point to clarify is the skilled labour costs compared with other areas. Finally, we would be grateful if you could send us the information pack to our address.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Alya Maideen


BEC商务英语中级写作 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理写作指导,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 拒绝信 Dear Mr. Johnson, We are terribly sorry that the repair of your cassette player is really beyond our reach. There are several reasons why we left your equipment unrepaired. Firstly, our technician in charge of the cassette player had been several days off for serious flu, the delayed the handling of the equipment Secondly, there is no parts found in the present market to replace the volume control which really needs repairing.

We have the ability to replace the on/off switch, however, the cost is too high to worth it, because you can use the amount of money to buy a new one. Accoring to our survey, this type of equipment is manufactured in 1985 and the manufacturer has gone out of business, so it is impossible for you to talk with them. We are really sorry for our helplessness Sincerely, Mason Manager BEC商务英语中级写作范文2 可行性报告 Report on installation of a new word processing On several occations, we have discussed the desiability of installing a new word processing system to replace the six-year-old stand-alone word processing system we currently use.


BEC商务英语中级写作范文2020 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理写作指导,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 BEC商务英语中级写作范文(1) Dear Customer, When someone in the family experiences hearing loss, he is not the only one to experience frustration Have you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conversations? Asking people to repeat themselves? Having special trouble with certain letters or sounds? Turning up the volume on the TV? If so, you can help them and yourself—by encouraging them to find out about a hearing aid. More than six million Americans enjoy improved hearing and better lives-with hearing aids. And the power source they rely on most is Rayovac. “Rayovac batteries really do make a difference.” One of our customers said so.


剑桥商务英语考试BEC中级写作技巧 沪江小编:BEC中级开考在即,在不到两周的时间内,可以迅速提高成绩的只有写作部分了。掌握BEC中级写作技巧,就可以在BEC中级作文考试中拔得头筹。沪 江英语为你准备了一些该背该记的模板、技巧,千万别错过了。 BEC中级写作考试时间是45分钟,从多方面测试考生的各项能力,包括完成题 目要求的能力,组织衔接观点的能力,语言表达的得体性,丰富性,以及语法和拼写的准确性等。主要考以下两种题型。 第一题是写一篇40-50字的电子邮件、备忘录、便条等。主要考查考生按照题目要求完成任务的能力,组织衔接观点的能力,语言表达的得体性,词语的丰富性,语法、拼写的准确性等。 应试技巧 1、仔细阅读要求,确定所要写的是电子邮件、备忘录、还是便条。注意格式。 2、一定要完成所指定的3项任务,并进行合理发挥。 3、不要完全照抄题目要求的任务提示,尽量变化一下,如果实在不知道如何变化,或没有把握,至少要把要求补充为完整的句子。 4、字数一定要控制在40-50以内,多字或少字都会扣分。 5、根据写信人和收信人的关系和要求写的内容判断使用语气的正式程度。 6、第一部分主要是公司内部交流,上级给下级写,语气不必特别正式,下级给上级写,最好采用正式语气。给平级同事写信,语气也不必太正式。上级给下级安排日常工作或下级向上级请示工作,最好用正式语气。平级之间的一般交流,可以不太正式。切记不要把不正式和不礼貌混淆,不正式不代表不礼貌。无论给谁写信都要礼貌。

7、写时别忘遵守我课堂上讲的7C原则(completeness, conciseness, correctness, consideration,clarity, courtesy, concreteness 8、注意谨慎使用缩略式(如I’m ,建议不使用缩略式,以防犯错。 9、注意单词和语法的准确性,宁可用正确的简单句,也不用错误的复杂句。 10、最好写前打个草稿,写后仔细检查。检查内容包括是否完成3个任务,单词、语法、文体是否正确、恰当,字数是否符合要求,格式是否正确等。 11、注意卷面整洁,这会给阅卷老师至少要留下一个比较好的第一印象。 第二题是写一篇120-140字的商务信函、报告或建议书。 商务信函写作应试技巧 构思正式的商务信函时,须考虑以下几个方面: 1、写信目的 要明确写信目的,是为了提供信息,咨询,还是投诉等?希望得到什么结果? 2、读者对象 明确读者对象,使用正确的文体,得体的语言。 3、条分缕析 分段有助于增加行文的明晰程度,增加信函的可读性。写信要清楚分段,有条理的表达自己的观点,每段只表达一个主题。也可以适当用弹点、数字等技巧以帮助读者理解自己的信。 4、常用表达 要使用商务信函常用的表达,那样会显得很专业,给读者留下很好的印象。


商务报告的结构及常用句型1. Introduction 介绍写作背景,阐明报告要讨论的问题。 常用句型 The aim/purpose/objective of this report is to… This report sets out to /aims to… Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze / give feedback / estimate / assess … As requested by/ Upon request of某人/某部门, I am submitting the following report on… As某人/某部门 requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report on … 2. Findings 常用句型 According to the recent market research undertaken / investigation / survey undertaken / the chart above / the table, …… . The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that ……

The table/chart above tells us that …… From the chart shown, we find/le arn/notice that …… The table/chart above shows that…… 3. Conclusion 常用句型 It was decided/agreed/felt that… No conclusions were reached regarding… According to/ Based on the findings above, it can be concluded that …… From the table shown, it can be concluded that…… Therefore, it can be concluded that 也可直接陈述结论。 4. Recommendations 1) 写作中注意事项 建议必须是建立在结论的逻辑基础上,是结论的合理引申。 注意建议的合理性与层次性


新编剑桥商务英语(中级)学生用书(经科版) 作文范文 Unit 2b P26下 Dear Ms Goddard With reference to your letter of November 3, I am writing to thank you for your kind invitation. I would be very pleased to accept your invitation to visit Oxford and see Trackplus production facilities. I would also be interested in meeting your colleagues at Head Office, the design team in particular. I should also be delighted to accept your offer of arranging for me to see a play in the West End. Unfortunately, due to a business trip abroad, I am unable to come to England at the end of November as you suggested.However, as I feel it is important that we meet before Christmas, I would be grateful if you could tell me if the second week of December would be suitable for you? I look forward to hearing from you again. Yours sincerely Paolo Fellini Unit 3a P32下 Dear Korinna Re:Order for Faci(314739)and Cristi (315227)skirts Thank you for your fax concerning the above skirts. I discussed the problems regarding the two skirts with Mr Hubner during his trip to Italy. The skirt made by Faci has a slit at the bottom, which might make it difficult if the customer wanted to change the length of the skirt.We therefore agreed that the vendor would have to supply the skirt in two different lengths. Mr Hubner also thought it might be better to leave the two different lengths of


2019上半年商务英语中级写作范文:保险 1. Asking for Insurance要求保险 写作案例详解 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your E-mail of 1 November,quoting us for 500 metric tons of wheat,your quotation is for CIF terms.We regret to say that we prefer to have your quotation and offers on CF terms. Our position is that we have taken out an open policy with Lloyds of London. Under the policy,when a shipment is made,all we have to do is to advise them of the particulars.We are on good terms with our underwriters and consequently receive premium rebates at regular intervals. We would,however,be interested to know the scope of cover handled by your usual insurance company for our reference. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, 2. Introducing Coverage介绍承保范围 写作案例详解 Please issue a Marine Insurance Policy in the name of Guangzhou Trading Company. Claims payable at Washington.


Begin at the same level~~~~ 下降到最低点: 波折变化: fluctuate around fluctuation of 幅度:slightly sharply significantly dramatically a is in direct proportion to b merely roughly 一、BEC高级(Higher)Part Ⅰ——图表作文 图表作文的文章结构 1)引言部分 2)主体段落 3)结论部分 4)例文分析: The bar chart below shows the number of complaints made by consumers about different products and services in the years 1994 and 1997.

Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph. You should write at least 140 words. The bar chart displays the changes in the number of complaints made by consumers about five kinds of products and services between 1994 and 1997. According to the diagram, there was an increase in the complaints about most of the products and services. The number of complaints about package holidays abroad and financial services increased over the period. The complaints made about the package holidays abroad rose by 12.7% from 15,000 in 1994 to about 18,000 in 1997. And there were about 52,000 complaints about the financial services in 1997, 5.2% up on 1994. There were also more complaints about electric goods and second-hand cars in 1997 than in 1994. The complaints about the two products rose by 9.2% and 6.7% respectively. The former increased from 66,000 in 1994 to about 70,000 in 1997 and the latter went up from 80,000 to 86,000. And clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 complaints while the figure decreased by 4% to around 43,000 in 1997. In conclusion we can see there were more complaints about the products and services in 1997 than in 1994 with the only exception of clothing. ●图表作文常用的语言手段 1)作文的开头——表示“出处”的句子结构。 2)描述“数据变化”的常用表达方式 3)表示变化的副词和形容词 4)描述“数据”的表达方式 5)“大约”的表达方式 ●真题写作范例: 例一(课堂15分钟快速练习): The graph below shows development in the ownership of mobile telephones as a percentage of telephones owned. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the changes in telephone ownership. You should write at least 150 words.


作文部分Time: 45minutes Functions/Commun Input Response Registe PART r icative Task . giving Rubric only (plus Internal Neutral/ instructions, layout of output communication informal explaining a text type) (medium may development, be note or asking for message or 1 comments, memo or e- requesting mail) (40-50 information, words) agreeing to requests Correspondence: . One or more pieces Business Neutral/ explaining, of input from: correspondenc formal apologizing, business e ( medium reassuring, correspondence may be complaining (medium may be letter, fax 2 letter, fax or e- or e-mail ) Report: describing mail), internal or short summarizing communication report or Proposal: (medium may be note, proposal describing, memo or e-mail), (medium may summarizing, notice, advert, be memo or e-


最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 2003年12月4日BEC(中级)写作真题 整理:夏午茶2004.3.8 PART ONE ·You are a manager in an international company. You want to reduce the company’s spending on courier services. ·Write a MEMO to the staff in your department: Explaining that spending on courier services has risen Suggesting how savings could be made Saying how the money saved will be used ·Write 40—50 words ·Write on the opposite page. MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject:

PART TWO ·You work in the customer services department of a large store. Your line manager has asked you to write a report on the results of a recent customer survey. ·Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. ·Then , using all your handwritten notes, write your report ·Write 120-140 words ·Write on the opposite page Results of Customer Survey Responses: Good Poor Staff friendliness 30% 70% new training for staff should help Product range 62% 38% suggest products to attract more customers Opening hours 87% 13%


例一(课堂带写,三段式): You are the Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary. Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary: ?Telling her who you are going to see and when ?Asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation ?Telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence. Write on your answer sheet. 例二(课堂5分钟快速练习,一段式): You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month, you are going to London to discuss an important contract. Write a note of 40-50 words to your assistant: ?Saying when you want to leave and return ?Asking him to book flights ?Telling him which hotel to book. Write on your answer sheet. 例三(课堂10分钟常规练习,三段/一段式): Your company has just opened a new office in the United States. You have agreed to go and work there for six months. Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your colleagues: ?Explaining why you will be absent ?Saying when you are leaving the office ?Expressing your wish to keep in touch Write on your answer sheet ——请假、缺席 ●典型的开头部分写作 ●典型的正文部分写作 ●典型的结尾部分写作 例一(课堂带写): You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills. Write an email of 40-50 words to your line manager: ?Requesting time off work to go to the seminar ?Saying when the seminar is ?Explaining why you want to go Write on your answer sheet 例二(课堂10分钟常规练习): You are a regional sales manager for an international company. You have been asked to go to a meeting at your company’s head office. You cannot go, so somebody else will go in your place. Write an email of 40-50 words to Erica Young, who is organizing the meeting: ?Apologizing for not being able to go to the meeting ?Explaining why you cannot go ?Saying who will go Write on your answer sheet


WRITING All content points are covered, using natural sounding language and a consistently appropriate tone. All the content points are covered, though at times the register is not always entirely successful. There is evidence of an adequate range of structures and vocabulary for this level, but with some non-impeding errors.

Band 4 There is a satisfactory range of structures, with some errors, but these do not impede understanding. The content points are adequately covered, and the register is appropriate. The information is generally well organized, using headings and other discourse markers. Band 2 The organization of the report is reasonable, as is the register and format. However, not all content points are adequately addressed, a limited range of language is used, and there are some distracting error. WRITING


BEC商务信件写作部分攻略 以下是商业信函的写法: 第一章格式问题 1. 格式问题: 请同学们在BEC的写作中采用平头式的写法。 收信人的姓名和地址置于信纸的左上方 地址、称呼和结束礼词后没有标点符号 日期在右上方 段落从定格开始,段落之间的行距为两行(但在考试中由于受答题卡限制,请同学们酌情考虑) 写信人的名字和头衔在签名下方 2. 称呼和结束礼词的注意事项: Dear Mr John Dear Mr John Smith 3. 日期: 在英国英语中,天在前,但是在美国英语中,月份在前。所以某些特别的时期容易引起误解。例如:12 06 2003 在英国指的是:6月21日 在美国指的是:12月6日 因此日期要写成:12 June 2003 注释:在BEC考试中同学们可以采用恩波所推荐的用法。但是12 06 2003 的用法仍然是可以使用的,因为BEC为英版考试。

在使用捷梯外语培训机构推荐的用法时,要记住月份使用大些字母开头。天后不必写th、rd、nd或者st。 第二章写法问题 预备参加bec考试的同学们由于缺乏商务写作的实际经验,对于写作部分都比较郁闷。捷梯教育结合历年考试实际,为大家准备了15类共计50个经典的实战句型,供大家在考场上使用。我们对每一个句型都模拟了一种环境: 环境: You want to know the prices of some air conditioners. We are interested in your air conditioner and we would like to know the prices of some air conditioners. You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want further information. We are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. You want to know if the company you are writing to organizes holidays to Africa. We are writing to inquire about the holidays to Africa that your company organizes. 环境: A company wrote to you on 23 July. They wanted to know if you sell photocopiers. Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers. A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your company. He also sent his curriculum vitae. We have received your letter of 18 December, enclosing your curriculum vitae. A company sent you a fax on 3 June. They wanted to know if you were going to the marketing conference in London. Thank you for your fax of 3 June, asking if I was going to the marketing conference in London. A woman telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No. 599 had arrived. Thank you for your telephone call this morning concerning the order No. 599. 3. 信件的结尾:

bec中级 作文 真题与答案

商务英语中级写作真题及参考答案一 WRITING PART ONE You work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible. Therefor you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible. . Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington ,the Public Relation‘s manager. Ask for an advertisement for two translators. . Explain the reason. . Mention your urgency. . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet. PART TWO You work in the Market Survey institute. After careful research ,you receive four charts. Read the following charts which show , the trend of consumer confidence, real hourly wages, employment and credit development. The years are given ,while the other numbers are not presented. But the lines in the charts clearly show , the directions of development. . Use the information in the charts to write a report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why the consumer confidence increases. . Write on your Answer Sheet. 写作部分参考答案(Sample for reference)


BEC中级写作考试真题及答案 WRITING PART ONE You work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible. Therefor you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible. . Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington ,the Public Relation‘s manager. Ask for an advertisement for two translators. . Explain the reason. . Mention your urgency. . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet. PART TWO You work in the Market Survey institute. After careful research ,you receive four charts. Read the following charts which show , the trend of consumer confidence, real hourly wages, employment and credit development. The years are given ,while the other numbers are not presented. But the lines in the charts clearly show , the directions of development. . Use the information in the charts to write a report (about 100- 120 words) analyzing the reason why the consumer confidence increases. . Write on your Answer Sheet. 写作部分参考答案(Sample for reference) PART ONE .


1 BEC中级写作看似是BEC中级考试中较为简单的一项,但实际上也要多下工夫才能拿高分,尤其对于不以英语为母语的中国考生来说,平时不多加练习很有可能在考试时“挤牙膏”般写生硬的句子。 题目: You work for a company which is going to buy a set of equipment from China. You are asked to translate a lot of specifications and instructions within four months, which is impossible. therefor you decide to advertise for two experienced translators as soon as possible. . Write a short note to Mr. Max Remington ,the Public Relation's manager. Ask for an advertisement for two translators. . Explain the reason. . Mention your urgency. . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet. 讲解: 便条可以有题目,也可以省略题目。 便条开篇须有称呼语,但称呼可以比较随便。 日期部分可写在便条的右上角。 日期的签署通常只需写星期几或星期几的上午、下午,也可只写上午或下午和具体时间。只写日期也可以。 便条结尾须署上留条人的姓名,位置在正文的右下角。 便条的形式和内容简洁,故可以用几句话概括。 文内语言尽量通俗口语化,简单扼要,直截了当,无需使用客套语言。 便条虽简单,但中心务必突出,更要注明活动的时间及地点。 便条不需邮寄,不用信封。通常请人代为转交。有时可写在留言板和留言簿上。 基本写作格式 便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素; 1) Date:便条日期 2) Salutation:称呼 3) Body:正文 4) Signature:署名 范文:


Module 1 P13 To: All Staff From: [Name of student] Date: 25th July Subject: Parental leave Further to our previous meeting, I am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks. The new system will come into operation as from 25th September. May I remind you that your managers will require one month's notice? Module 2 P19 A letter of application Dear Sir or Madam, I saw your advert for the post of Personal Assistant to Overseas Sales Manager in yesterday's newspaper and I would like to apply for the position. As you can see from my attached CV, I have been working for a travel agency for the last six months, which I have really enjoyed. Before that I worked as a receptionist and secretary for two years. I have a good knowledge of English as I completed a course at college and I am also fluent in Italian having lived in Rome for the summer in 2006. Please note that my current manager has agreed to write me a reference. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully [student's name] Module 2 P23 To: All Staff From: [name of student] Date: 16t October Subject: Presentation of new insurance policy To offer staff a better health insurance scheme, we are now working with a new insurance company. Please note therefore that a representative from this company will present the new staff policy on 9th October at 2pm in the conference room. All staff are welcome to attend. Module 2 P25 From: [student's name] Subject: Confirmation of seminar details Date: XXXX To: Assistant seminar organizers

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