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C++ Monitoring, Visualization and Debugging Annotated Reference Manual Preliminary Draft

C++Monitoring,Visualization and Debugging Annotated Reference Manual

Preliminary Draft


Peter A.Buhr and Martin Karsten c1993,1995





1.1Introduction (3)

1.2Framework (3)

1.3Statistical Monitoring (4)

1.4Exact Monitoring (5)

1.5Implicit/Explicit Monitoring and Visualization (5)

1.6Debugging/Debugger (5)

1.7C++MVD Toolkit (5)

1.8Organization (6)

2Implicit Statistical Monitoring7

2.1Kernel Display (7)

2.2Cluster Display (7)

2.3Task Display (7)

3Exact Monitoring11

3.1Model (11)

3.2Event Ordering (12)

3.3Producer-Consumer Example (13)

3.4Task Trace (14)

3.5Monitor Trace (14)

3.6Semaphore Trace (17)

3.7Coroutine Trace (17)

3.8Event Information (19)

3.8.1Thread-Ready Event (19)

3.8.2Synchronization Event (21)

4Working with X Window/Motif23

4.1Structure of X (23)

4.2X Window System and C++ (23)

4.3X Window Callbacks and C++ (24)

4.4The X Package (25)


iv CONTENTS 5Explicit Statistical Monitoring29

5.1Watcher Object (29)

5.2Sampler Object (30)

5.3Coding Conventions (32)

5.4Animated Bounded Buffer Example (32)

5.4.1Display Widget (32)

5.4.2Buffer Sampler (33)

5.4.3Visual Bounded Buffer (33)

5.4.4Driver (34)


6.1Before Starting kdb (39)

6.2Accessing kdb (39)

6.3Interface (39)

6.4Starting kdb (39)

6.5Terminating kdb (40)

6.6Reusing kdb (40)

6.7Main Window (40)

6.7.1uTask list (42)

6.7.2uCluster list (42)

6.7.3uProcessor list (43)

6.7.4Control Buttons (43)

6.8Task Window (43)

6.8.1Control Buttons (44)

6.8.2Backtrace (44)

6.8.3Commands (46)

6.8.4Breakpoint Selection (46)

6.8.5Examining a Running Task (47)

6.9Thread Groups (48)

6.9.1Operational Group Window (49)

6.9.2Behavioural Group Window (49)


7.1Contributors (51)

A Numeric Sampler53

B Visual Bounded Buffer Widget55 Bibliography57 Index58


The goal of this work is to provide a framework and a set of tools in that framework to help understand the dynamic execution of concurrent programs.The dynamic execution of concurrent programs is signi?cantly more complex than in sequential programs;understanding that complexity is aided by monitoring,visual-ization and debugging tools.Furthermore,a concurrent program introduces new kinds of errors,such as race-conditions,livelock and deadlock,that do not occur in a sequential program.This work provides tools to monitor and visually display how much parallelism is actually occurring in a concurrent program,and other tools to determine how and why a concurrent program failed.

This manual is strictly a reference manual for monitoring,visualization and debugging in C++.A reader should have an intermediate knowledge of X/Intrinsic/Motif windows and concurrency to understand all the ideas presented in this manual as well as some experience programming in C++.

This manual contains annotations set off from the normal discussion in the following way: Annotation discussion like this is quoted with quads.

An annotation provides rationale for design decisions or additional implementation information.Also a chapter or section may end with a commentary section,which contains major discussion about design alter-natives and/or implementation issues.

Each chapter of the manual does not begin with an insightful quotation.Feel free to add your own.






A framework is presented and a set of tools in that framework to help understand the dynamic execution of concurrent programs and debug them.A holistic view is taken to understanding a concurrent program by providing a number of different capabilities.Furthermore,by adopting a toolkit approach,both users and implementors of the concurrency system can use the same tools to build monitoring,visualization and debugging capabilities.

The toolkit is built around C++[BS95],which is an extended version of C++providing light-tasking facilities using a shared-memory model.Most of the ideas presented here are language independent,and thus,are applicable to a large number of concurrent and non-concurrent languages.Finally,this work is based in UNIX1,using X/Intrinsic/Motif because of their current popularity and availability.


The following three components form the framework:

Monitoring is the process of asynchronously(or synchronously)collecting information about a program’s execution,which can be displayed during the program’s execution or afterwards.When monitoring a sequential program,it is generally true that the monitoring does not change the data values generated or the order that the values are generated.However,the non-determinism and temporal aspects of concurrency make it impossible to monitor a concurrent program without affecting its execution.

Hence,as soon as a probe is attached to monitor behaviour,the probe affects the system it is measuring so that the system may not behave as it did before the probe was attached,called the probe effect.At best,a designer of monitoring tools can only strive to minimize probe effects.

Both statistical and exact monitoring capabilities are needed.Statistical monitoring is done by peri-odically probing a target program’s memory from a separate task.This form of monitoring provides imprecise information about a program,but has a lower probe effect than exact monitoring.Ex-act monitoring requires that the target program generate events whenever interesting operations occur.

This form of monitoring provides precise information about the program,but has a much higher probe effect.

Monitoring may be on data or events,where data monitoring show a variable as it changes and event monitoring show when an event has occurred.Data monitoring can be considered as event monitoring,

4CHAPTER1.FRAMEWORK where the event is assignment to the variable;however,it is the value that is important and not the fact

that the assignment occurred.

Both statistical and exact monitoring can be done implicitly and explicitly,i.e.,the monitoring is per-formed automatically by the underlying runtime system or the user explicitly is involved in specifying the monitoring.

Visualization is the process of displaying monitored information in a concise and meaningful way.The raw monitored data can be presented directly as a sequence of data values;however,there is usually too much data for people to interpret and comprehend.Instead,the raw data is transformed into another form that allows large amounts of data to become comprehendable.For example,displaying data in the form of a graph may allow large amounts of information to be understood at a glance.

Just as some graphs can represent multiple dependent and possibly independent variables[Tuf83, p.40],so can a visualization display represent multiple values and events.As more information is represented by a single display,the more complex the display becomes,and usually,the more dif?cult it is for a user to understand the display and comprehend its meaning.Colour is often an essential element of visualization because it provides yet another mechanism for condensing and differentiating information in a display.

Debugging is an interactive process where a program can be stopped,restarted and executed stepwise.The program’s data can be looked up and modi?ed when the program is stopped.When debugging a sequential program,this process is synchronous between the debugger and the target.However,for debugging a concurrent program,control and manipulation mechanisms have to be provided indepen-dently for every thread of control.Debugging affects the execution of a concurrent program in the same way monitoring does.This in?uence is partly determined by the requests of the programmer de-bugging the application.Hence,there is a similar motivation to minimize the in?uence that is caused by user requests.

It is true that monitoring and visualization can be used to help debug a program.However,both monitoring and visualization can be used for other purposes,e.g.,to help optimize an algorithm or program,and therefore,are orthogonal issues to debugging.

1.3Statistical Monitoring

In general,a program generates too many data values and too many events occur during execution to be of interest to or understood by a programmer.A programmer can often tell if a program is working according to its design simply by examining its general behaviour.For example,are approximately the right number of tasks created,blocked,or destroyed at approximately the right time?A program’s general behaviour can be shown by statistically sampling its execution.For example,program pro?lers,like gprof[GKM82],provide information about execution“hot spots”by sampling the current execution location.Execution hot spots can then be examined as possible locations for optimization to improve program performance.Statistical information may be valuable for debugging a new algorithm or simply to understand the differences among algorithms(that are already debugged).Statistical sampling can often be done without having to insert code in an application so sampling can be done on existing execution modules.Furthermore,the probe effect may be lessened on multiprocessor shared-memory architectures as the sampling can occur on a separate processor(special sampling hardware can also be used).The drawback to statistical sampling is that important events may occur between sampling,and hence,be missed.

In a concurrent program,a statistical examination of tasks that form a program,can tell a programmer about the level of concurrency that is provided by a particular algorithm or by different data manipulated by an algorithm.Statistical feedback about the communication among tasks can also be extremely informative.


1.4Exact Monitoring

Exact monitoring is sampling with the guarantee that all events of a particular kind are observed.Exact monitoring are often necessary to?nd concurrency errors like race conditions or event sequences that lead to deadlock.As a result,exact monitoring is often considered a debugging technique;however,it is useful for other purposes.For example,knowing an exact sequence of events can explain why one algorithm provides more concurrency than another.The drawback with exact monitoring is that enormous amounts of data may be generated.Handling this data invariably increases the probe effect,hence making it more dif?cult to observe just those events that are trying to be captured by collecting exact events(catch-22).

Because large amounts of information are generated,it is usually post-processed.Post-processing has advantages like multiple replay and reverse replay.However,because of the volume of information,facilities must exist to elide irrelevant information or search for particular kinds or patterns of event sequences.

1.5Implicit/Explicit Monitoring and Visualization

In general,it does not seem possible to provide totally automated monitoring and visualization.That is, no visualization system can anticipate all the different ways that users will want to collect and display their information.Therefore,tools must be directly available to users so they have the freedom to experiment with different approaches.On the other hand,some prede?ned facilities can be provided so that casual users do not have to become experts to produce simple animation components.Therefore,a monitoring/visualization system is best designed as a toolkit,which provides capabilities at a variety of levels.

This toolkit allows users to participate in the design activity by providing their own https://www.doczj.com/doc/5f13860748.html,ers can easily build their own monitoring and displaying tools from existing tools.Furthermore,these same tools are available to the system implementors to build low-level monitoring and visualization tools for the runtime kernel.


The de?nition of debugging used here encompasses debugging by a traditional interactive debugger,such as dbx or gdb.This process involves an interactive session where the debugger is used to control the execution of an application program by stopping its execution,examining it,possibly changing it,and restarting its execution so the cycle can begin again.A symbolic debugger provides the additional capability to refer to data storage using variable names,and refer to code using?le names and statement numbers from the original source program.

Unfortunately,most interactive debuggers do not work with concurrent programming languages or en-vironments(some exceptions are pdbx on the Sequent and dbx on the SGI machines).With shared memory concurrency,the debugger must know about the multiple stacks that exist for the objects with independent execution states and deal with setting breakpoints in a single code image shared by these objects.Debugging each of these objects is done sequentially,but the debugger must be able to concurrently present sessions for multiple threads of control and provide mechanisms to handle them independently.With non-shared memory concurrency,the debugger must handle multiple independent address spaces,possibly on different machines,which often requires interaction with the operating system.

1.7C++MVD Toolkit

The C++Monitoring,Visualization and Debugging(MVD)toolkit supports the following facilities:

6CHAPTER1.FRAMEWORK There is a general facility to construct statistical monitoring tools.These monitoring tools can be connected to a(currently small)set of Motif visualization tools to display the monitored results.The statistical monitoring and visualization can occur in real-time or monitored data can be written to a?le for post-processing visualization.A user may explicitly indicate in a program the variables that are to be monitored and possibly how they are visualized.There is also an implicit visualization capability to monitor the C++runtime kernel.

There is an exact monitoring facility that is connected to a powerful post-processing event-replay facility[Tal92].All C++objects can have certain critical events traced by simply compiling the program with an appropriate?ag.

There is a symbolic debugger that understands multiple shared-memory execution states.It concur-rently presents sessions for an arbitrary number of tasks in a C++program and allows independent control of each task.As well,it provides facilities to look up local data relative to any task’s execution stack.Currently,it has limited support to control non-shared memory applications.


This manual discusses implicit statistical and implicit exact monitoring?rst to allow users to use the mon-itoring and visualization tools as quickly as possible.Only minimal effort is required to learn how to manipulate the displays that are implicitly generated.Next explicit statistical and explicit exact monitor-ing are covered.These concepts require substantially more understanding because of the additional user involvement.Finally,the debugger is discussed.


Implicit Statistical Monitoring

By including?le:


after,implicit monitoring and visualization of the C++kernel is presented.The runtime monitor is built using the same facilities detailed in Chapter5.The only additional capability of the C++runtime sampler is that it is allowed to reference variables internal to the runtime system,which are normally hidden.

2.1Kernel Display

The C++runtime system groups tasks and processors together into entities called clusters(see“C++An-notated Reference Manual”).When the application begins execution,a list of clusters in displayed(left window in Figure2.1).On a uniprocessor there is only one cluster,called the uSystemCluster.The slider at the top of the window dynamically controls the sampling and display frequency of the information in the window.The polling and display frequencies are combined because there is no state that is saved on each poll;the cluster list simply traversed and displayed.

2.2Cluster Display

By selecting a cluster from the list of clusters,detailed information about that cluster’s execution is pre-sented.For example,cluster uSystemCluster has been selected(indicated in reverse video in the left win-dow)and its detailed information is shown in the right window in Figure2.1.The lower portion of the right window shows the tasks currently executing on the cluster(left column)and which tasks are actually executing on processors(right column).The?rst?ve tasks are administrative tasks and tasks fred,mary,and john are user tasks.Task uWatcher is currently executing.(The example was run on a uniprocessor).The slider at the top of the window dynamically controls the sampling and display frequency of the information in the window.The polling and display frequencies are combined because there is no state that is saved on each poll;the cluster list simply traversed and displayed.

2.3Task Display

By selecting a task from the list of clusters,detailed information about that task’s execution is presented.For example,tasks uMain and uWatcher have been selected(indicated in reverse video in the left column)and their detailed information is shown in the right window in Figure2.2.The sliders at the top of the window dynamically controls the sampling and display frequency of the information in the window.The polling and display frequencies are separate because there is state,stack high-water mark and task status information,



Figure2.1:Cluster Displays

that is saved on each poll.By polling at a high frequency,more precise stack high-water mark and task status information is acquired.

Figure2.2:Task Displays

A task display shows the status of the task’s stack and execution status;more information may be added. The stack display shows the size of the stack the last time the task performed a context switch(bottom number in the column).This value is displayed in a range from0to the task’s maximum stack size.As well, there is a high-water mark indicator showing the maximum amount of stack space observed thus far(top number in the column).This information is useful for setting the amount of stack space for a task.If a task is using most of its stack,it could be increased.A task can exceed its stack limit between samples so just because a task’s high-water mark has not exceeded the maximum do not assume the stack size is suf?cient.

The status display shows the percentage of time a task spends in the running,ready and blocked states, respectively.This information indicates which tasks are performing most of the work and can be used to determine if a group of tasks are achieving expected levels of concurrency.Task uMain is spending approximately half of its time in the ready and blocked state.Task uWatcher is spending all of its time in the running state.On a uniprocessor,all tasks except uWatcher will have zero running state because the kernel watcher is always running when it invokes the task samplers so a task sampler cannot see its task running. On a multiprocessor,where the kernel watcher is on a separate processor,task displays will show all three

2.3.TASK DISPLAY9 states.



Exact Monitoring

By compiling an entire program with the-trace compilation?ag,i.e.,all translation-units,events are gen-erated for several fundamental C++operations.These events are implicitly generated from the user’s per-spective because no code has to be written to cause their generation.Events for a particular object form a trace of the operations performed by or to that object.These events are collected and possibly?ltered by a collector task and then sent to the C++event tracer[Tal92](see Figure3.1).


collector event

tracer terminal tracer event display

Figure3.1:Event Tracer Structure

The event tracer may be on the same or a different computer;hence the link to the event trace may be through shared memory or over a communication channel.The event tracer organizes the events it receives and displays the event information in a graphical form,with traced objects on one axis and relative time along the other axis.No knowledge of the event tracer is required to understand this discussion.(See the document“Hermes Debugger Prototype–User Documentation”for a detailed explanation of all the features and options available for displaying event information.)


Everything that happens in a C++program is done by the threads of tasks;the current tracing model focuses on the activities of the threads within a program.In particular,thread movement among certain objects are closely followed.For example,when one C++task calls a member routine in another,the callee is seen blocking to accept the call,and the caller is seen petitioning for entry,moving into and then out of the callee, after which the callee’s thread is seen to continue execution.

Currently,the following objects are traced in C++:tasks,monitors,semaphores,coroutines and mutex coroutines.Only certain operations on these objects generate events:for mutex objects,all interactions with mutex members are indicated in the trace;for coroutines,all interactions with the coroutine body are traced. Calls to non-mutex members and members of coroutines that do not resume the coroutine do not generate


12CHAPTER3.EXACT MONITORING events nor do calls to free routines.Generating events for all calls would provide too much information in an object’s trace,much of it unrelated to concurrent or coroutine execution.

Figure3.2shows part of an example trace for a disk,disk scheduler and several disk clients.Funda-mentally,the current tracing model follows the activities of threads from creation,as they move through traceable objects,and?nally destruction.Each traceable object has its own trace-line in the event display. Along any particular section of the trace-line,the form of the line indicates the status of threads,if any, within the traceable object.When a traceable object contains a ready thread,its trace-line is solid.When a traceable object contains only threads that are blocked,its trace line is dashed.A trace line is blank when its object contains no threads.

Figure3.2:Disk Scheduler Trace

In general,events that cause a thread to block are displayed with an empty square,and events that cause a thread to be made ready are displayed with a?lled square

3.3.PRODUCER-CONSUMER EXAMPLE13 evenly spaced along a trace line and the distance between them does not re?ect the amount of time between the events.Similarly,events on different trace lines have no time relationship.For example,task uMain appears to terminate at the same time or before all other traced objects,when in fact it is always the last object to be terminated.By imagining the trace lines as being elastic,it is possible to imagine stretching the trace line for uMain so that it is always longer than any other trace lines.

Partial orderings between trace lines occur because of synchronization events(event and the arrows between the trace lines).At a synchronization point,all events to the left of that point along both trace lines occurred before the synchronization.Similarly,all events to the right of a synchronization point along both trace lines must occur after the synchronization.

3.3Producer-Consumer Example

The following four programs illustrating tracing of tasks,monitors,semaphores and coroutines,respec-tively.The examples,and in particular their explanations,are intended to be read in the order in which they are presented.All four example programs are solutions to a producer-consumer problem.The?rst three programs all use a bounded buffer between the producer and consumer tasks to provide some asynchrony. Since the producer and consumer tasks are the same for all three of the different bounded buffers,that code is shown only once in Figure3.3.The fourth producer-consumer solution uses coroutines,which have no concurrency,so there is no buffer.In all the examples,a single element is generated by the producer and given to the consumer.

uT ask prod{

buffer&buf;//reference to shared buffer

void main(){

buf.query();//check status of buffer

buf.insert(3);//insert an element





uT ask cons{

buffer&buf;//reference to shared buffer

void main(){

buf.remove();//remove an element





void uMain::main(){

buffer b;//create bounded buffer task

cons c(b);//create consumer task

prod p(b);//create producer task


Figure3.3:Producer-Consumer Tasks


3.4Task Trace

The?rst example program(see Figure3.4)illustrates interactions among tasks,which is visualized in Figure 3.5.Tasks c,of type cons,and p,of type prod,make calls to task b,of type buffer.Notice that the trace-lines for tasks c,p,and b are named according to the object type,rather than according to the variable itself; hence,multiple instances of the same traceable type have the same trace-line name(unless each object is given an individual name using uSetName).To aid in debugging,the address of each object is printed after it.These addresses can be used with a debugger to examine the individual instances.

The creation of tasks,and the starting of their threads,is indicated by the empty and?lled squares at the beginning of the trace-lines.The trace-line is dashed between these two events,indicating the thread is blocked.After the?lled square,the trace-line is solid,indicating the thread is ready.During the ready period,tasks c and p call task b’s members buffer::insert()and buffer::remove(),respectively.Since b is a mutex object and insert and remove are mutex routines,entry is not immediate.Task c and p must?rst petition for entry,and wait for admission;the petition is indicated by the empty circle on the cons and prod trace-lines.Following the empty circle,the line is dashed,indicating that the thread is blocked waiting for entry.Finally,notice that prod::main()makes a call to a non-mutex member,buffer::query().Because query is a non-mutex member,it cannot affect a thread,and hence,there is nothing in the trace about this call.

Task b’s?rst action is to accept a call to its members insert and remove.(The accept of~buffer is discussed later.)The acceptance is indicated by the empty square on the buffer trace-line,and following the acceptance event,the trace-line is dashed since b’s thread is blocked.Eventually,task p gains admission to task b,which is indicated by an arrow from the prod trace-line to the buffer trace-line.This arrow indicates the transfer of task p’s thread into task b.

Having gained permission to execute task b,task p’s thread executes the member routine buffer::insert(), which is indicated by the solid line along the buffer https://www.doczj.com/doc/5f13860748.html,ing the caller’s thread to execute a mutex member is an artifact of the implementation of C++[HN80].The completion of buffer::insert()by p’s thread is indicated by an arrow from the buffer trace-line to the prod trace-line,where p continues to execute (continued solid line),terminates its main()routine,has its destructor executed,and is destroyed.

Task b now continues execute after p’s call has completed.This continuation is indicated by?rst re-stating that the task is blocked(dashed line along the buffer trace-line),then the re-start(?lled square)and ?nally continued execution(solid trace-line).Task b now accepts calls to either its insert or remove member routines,which blocks it(indicated by the empty square).The process is now repeated for task c,which has been blocked since its petition to enter b(dashed line along the cons trace-line).After the call to remove by c,task c stops and is destroyed.Finally,task b accepts a call to its destructor(made implicitly at the end of the block in which b is declared),and it too stops and is destroyed.

Note that the task uMain is created,started,stopped and?nally destroyed,as indicated by the top trace-lines in the display,but took no part in the rest of the program.

3.5Monitor Trace

The second example program(see Figure3.6)illustrates interactions of tasks with a monitor,which is visualized in Figure3.7.In this case,tasks c and p make calls to a monitor b,of type buffer.As before,note that traceable objects are labelled with their class types rather than their variable names.

The creation of the tasks,and the starting of their threads,is indicated as before by the empty and?lled squares at the beginning of the trace-lines.However,a monitor does not have a thread so its creation is marked with an empty square and there is a blank trace-line and no starting indicator.Both tasks c and p petition to enter the monitor,but the mutual exclusion property of the monitor only allows one thread in the monitor at a time.



uT ask buffer{

int front,back;//position of front and back of queue

int count;//number of used elements in the queue

int elems[5];



uNoMutex int query(){return count;}

void insert(int elem){elems[back]=elem;}

int remove(){return elems[front];}


void main(){




}uOr uWhen(count!=5)uAccept(insert){



}uOr uWhen(count!=0)uAccept(remove){








Figure3.4:Task Buffer

Figure3.5:Task Trace



uMonitor buffer{

int front,back;//position of front and back of queue

int count;//number of used elements in the queue

int elems[5];



uNoMutex int query(){return count;}

void insert(int elem);

int remove();


void buffer::insert(int elem){

if(count==20)uAccept(remove);//no calls to insert





int buffer::remove(){

if(count==0)uAccept(insert);//no calls to remove

int elem=elems[front];



return elem;



Figure3.6:Monitor Buffer

Figure3.7:Monitor Trace



目录 1. 引言 0 目的 0 项目范围 0 定义、缩略语、缩写 (1) 2. 系统需求概述 (2) 用例模型 (2) 假设和依赖 (5) 3. 系统详细需求 (6) Use-Case 清单 (6) 规格说明 (6) 功能性需求 (6) 可用性 (7) 可靠性 (7) 性能 (7) 保障性 (7) 设计上的限制 (8) 4. 术语表 (9)

软件需求说明书 1.引言 1.1目的 本文档描述了学生选修课管理系统的软件需求规格。目的在于向读者表述系统的环境,系统的功能和非功能的需求。 1.2项目范围 本次软件项目开发的是一个学生选修课管理系统。使用此系统的学生通过互联网进行选课;使用此系统的管理员通过互联网进行系统的管理。系统的功能如下:学生能够通过课程名来寻找课程,并获得课程的摘要信息。 学生能够通过输入某些关键字,对课程进行查询,并获得符合检索条件的课程的摘要信息。 学生能够在课程详细画面上获得课程的详细介绍信息。 学生能够在页面上修改自己的注册资料,更新原有的注册信息。 学生能够在输入合法的用户账号和密码后,登录系统。 学生能够在任何时间退出系统。 学生能够查看当前选课的最新状态。 学生能够对各科成绩进行查询。 学生能够对各科课程信息及老师信息的查询。 能够允许学生修改个人信息。 学生能够浏览基本的课程并实现主要的选课功能。 学生能够填写选课信息、查看已选课程、修改选课。 老师能够申请教课。 老师能够查询课程,申请教课。 老师能够查询课程报名人数情况,进行成绩评定。 老师可以修改个人信息、浏览基本课程以及查看学生的选课情况。 管理员能够在输入合法的用户账号和密码后,登录系统。 管理员能够在任何时间退出系统。 管理员能够创建课程的指定任课老师、设定课程人数、统计学生选课信息、发通 知。 管理员能够维护课程数据,包括课程、老师数据的新增,更新,删除和检索。 管理员能够维护权限数据,包括新增,更新,删除,检索操作。 管理员使用子系统“选课管理”中的教学大纲信息和“科室分配管理”中的教师


C课程设计学生信息管理 系统 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

课程设计说明书 题目:学生信息管理系统 学院:信息工程学院 班级:软件09-1 2011 年 1 月 21 日

X X 大学课程设计(论文)任务书 课程名称:面向对象程序设计课程设计学院:信息工程学院班级:软件09-1 学生姓名: X X X ___ 学号: 0000 指导教师: X X X


前言 学生信息管理系统,是针对学校人事处的大量业务处理工作而开发的管理软件,是典型的管理信息系统。 它是一个教育单位不可缺少的部分,它的内容对于学校管理者来说是至关重要的,能有效的帮助学校和老师掌握学生的情况。在传统模式下利用人工进行学生信息管理,存在着较多的缺点,如:效率底,保密性差,时间一长将产生大量的文件和数据,更不便于查找,更新,维护等。诸如这些情况,令学校管理者对学生的信息管理带来了很大困难,严重影响了教育工作者的工作效率。随着科学技术的不断提高,使用日趋成熟的计算机技术来代替传统的人工模式,来实现学生信息的现代化管理,其强大的功能已为人们深刻认识,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。作为计算机应用的一部分,使用计算机对学生信息进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点。例如:检索迅速、查找方便、易修改、可靠性高、存储量大、数据处理快捷、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大地提高学生信息管理的效率,也是学校实现科学化、正规化管理的重要条件。因此,开发这样一套管理软件成为很有必要的事情。


数学与计算机学院 课程设计说明书 课 程 名 称: JAVA 数据库网络综合课程设计 课 程 代 码: 题 目: 选修课程管理系统 年级/专业/班: 2012 级计科 3 班 学 生 姓 名: 徐茂淋 学 号: 312012********* 开 始 时 间: 2014 完 成 时 间: 2014 年 12 年 12 月 2 月 28 日 日 课程设计成绩: 学习态度 及平时成 绩(20) 技术水平 与实际能 力(20) 完成 情况 (20) 创新(5) 说明书(计算书、图 纸、 分析报告)撰写 质量 (35) 总 分 (100)

指导教师签名:年月 日 数学与计算机学院 课程设计任务书 ( 2014/ 2015学年第1学期) 专年业: 级: 计算机科学与技术 2012 课程名称: 课程代码: JAVA 数据库网络综合课程设计

一、设计题目 选修管理系统 二、主要内容 调查学校教务处,设计用于管理全校学生选修课活动的系统。主要功能有: 1.全校选修计划课程管理; 2.全校选修开课课程管理; 3.全校学生选课管理; 4.全校选修课成绩管理; 5.打印报表; 6.系统维护,如数据安全管理(含备份与恢复)、操作员管理、权限设置等; 要求: 1.设计学生选课录入界面及学生选课查询界面; 2.设计课程输入界面和学生选课表及课程选修情况查询界面; 3.根据学生库和课程库,输出学生课程表(选课冲突时按学号分配课程); 三、具体要求 1.对系统作需求分析和数据库逻辑结构设计。 2.设计出ER模型,并完整标明每个实体型的相关属性,推荐使用Erwin实现。 3.利用前台开发工具,完成对每个实体型中实体数据的查询和编辑操作,并 提供相应的界面。


CHANGSHAUNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 课程设计(论文)题目:学生选修课管理系统设计 学生姓名:江元 学号:201153100121 班级: 信息与计算科学11-01班 所在院部: 数学与计算科学学院 指导教师:龚红仿 2013 年1 月

学生选修课管理系统设计 学生姓名:江元 学号:201153100121 班级:信计11-01班 指导教师:龚红仿 完成日期: 2013年1月11日

学生选修课管理系统设计 摘要 C语言课程设计和现代计算机技术的实际应用相结合,是我们在本阶段学完理论课程之后对自己该方面的能力的一次很好的检验,从开始的算法思路到运行调试后的美观的图形界面以及另人兴奋的可用程序,都是一个很好的学习和锻炼的过程。使我们巩固了原有的理论知识,培养了我们灵活运用和组合集成所学过知识及技能来分析、解决实际问题的能力。使我们体会到自身知识和能力能在实际中的应用和发挥。不但可以激发创新意识,还可以开发创造能力、培养沟通能力。这次学生选修课系统管理设计时间虽然仅有一个星期,但确实使我受益非浅。通过学生选修课系统管理设计我丰富了计算机操作经验,更加深了对C语言的了解,熟悉了其环境,更增强了对Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0的使用技巧。 C语言是在国内外广泛使用的一种计算机语言。语言功能丰富、表达能力强、使用灵活方便、既具有高级语言的优点,又具有低级语言的许多特点,适合编写系统软件。同时,我觉得C语言应该是操作和理论相结合的课程,在不断地编写中去思考,两者是不可分割的。我们在编写一个较大的程序时应该把它分开成几个小程序来看,这样会容易得多。 关键词:学生选修课系统管理;C语言课程设计;计算机技术;模块化程序设计;信息录入;浏览信息;选课;查询

C语言程序设计报告 学生选修课系统

C 语 言 程 序 设 计 学校: 学院: 班级序号: 学号: 姓名:

指导老师: C语言程序设计报告 一、C语言课程设计的目的:高级语言课程设计是学习完《高级语言程序设计》课程后进行的一次全面的综合性上机实验。其目的在于为同学提供了一个既动手又动脑,独立实践的机会,将课本上的理论知识和实际有机的结合起来,锻炼同学的分析解决实际问题的能力。提高学生适应实际,实践编程的能力。 二、题目 学生选修课程系统设计 假定有n门课程,每门课程有课程编号、课程名称、课程性质、总学时、授课学时、实验或商机学时、血粉、开课学期等信息,学生可按要求(如总学分不得少于60)自由选课。 1、要求: 试设计一个选修课程系统,使之能提供以下功能: (1)系统以菜单方式工作。 (2)课程信息和学生选课信息输入功能(课程信息用文件保存)——输入。 (3)课程信息浏览功能——输出。 (4)查询功能(至少一种查询方式)——算法。 (5)按学分查询。 (6)某门课程学生选修情况(可选项)。 2、分析: 由于题目要求将学生的选课信息用结构体形式输入,并写入文件中,所以应提供文件的输入输出等操作:在过程中需有浏览、插入、修改、查找、删除学生选课信息等操作,顾应分别建立个功能模块;另外还应提供键盘式选择菜单实现程序运行。 3、总体设计: 根据题目要求,可以将系统分为六个模块: 1)系统以菜单方式工作模块; 2)课程信息与学生选课信息录入功能模块; 3)课程信息浏览功能模块; 4)查询模块; 5)按学分查询模块;

6)某些课程学生选修情况模块。 4详细设计: #include #include 主流程图: #include Array typedef struct subjects { int num; char name[20]; char kind[10]; int stime; int ttime; int etime; int score; int term; struct subjects *next; }SUB; SUB *create_form() { SUB *head,*tail,*p; int num,stime,ttime; int etime,score,term; char name[20],kind[10]; int size=sizeof(SUB); head=tail=NULL;


一、系统设计可行性 1.1网上选课系统的产生 网上选课系统是针对在校学生和教师使用的,从学生的角度来说,由于教学制度的改革,现在大部分的高等院校开始实行学生自主选课模式,传统的教学模式已经不能适应新的教学模式,如果还只是通过纸上的方式选课,一方面浪费大量的人力、物力,另一方面浪费时间以及在统计过程中不可避免的会出现差错。随着高校的人数增加,暴露出来的弊端会越来越多。 因此,利用网络,使学生只要在计算机前输入自己的个人选课信息即可完成原来几倍的作业量。从教室的角度来讲,同样可以节约大量的时间和减少工作量以及减少错误的发生率。 1.2可行性分析 网上选课系统的可行性分析包括以后几个方面: 1.技术可行性 由于校园网络的普遍应用,使得网上选课非常的方便,无需再进行网络的建设。基于B/S模式的选课系统更加适合校园网,使得学生可以在任何有校园网的地方完成选课过程。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5f13860748.html,、C#语言在大二的时候学过了,而且数据库Access运 用的比较熟练,大部分做起来还算得心应手,部分不会的现在上网也比较方便,可以在网上进行查找。. 2.经济可行性

校园网应经普及,因此网络设备上不需要大的投入。加之,B/S 模式的系统只要求客户端具备浏览器的基本功能,就能实现网上选课。因此,从经济上来说,开发网上选课系统不需要很大的投入,硬件上只需要Web服务器和数据库服务器即可。 3.操作可行性 B/S模式的最大优势就是操作方便、如同浏览网页一样。 综上所述,网上选课系统在高校中是可行的。 二、系统的需求分析 2.1引言 2.1.1编写的目的 本文档是对该学生选课系统的一个整体把握,以便在下一步的开发设计中更好的控制开发。 本文档的预期读者是: 设计人员 开发人员 管理和测试人员 最终用户. 2.1.2背景 由于电脑时代的到来以及internet的迅速发展,电脑无处不在,当然各种工作效率也大幅提高,那么对于一个学校来说,开发一个好的学生选课系统势在必行。鉴此,特开发此学生选课系统,该系统实现了选课的网络化、信息化、现代化。


学生选课管理系统 SANY GROUP system office room 【SANYUA16H-SANYHUASANYUA8Q8-

#include #include #include #include #include //定义学生对象类型 typedef struct node { char Sno[10]; //学号 char Sname[10]; //姓名 char Ssex[3]; //性别 char Sage[3]; //年龄 char Sdept[4]; //所在系 struct node *next; }Student; //定义课程对象类型 typedef struct node2 { char Cno[10]; //课程号 char Cname[10]; //课程名 char Cpno[5]; //先行课 char Ccredit[3]; //学分 struct node2 *next; }Course; //定义选课对象类型 typedef struct node3 { char Sno[10]; char Cno[10]; int Grade; struct node3 *next; }SC; //初始化学生信息表

void InitlistA(Student *stu) { stu->next=NULL; } //初始化课程信息表 void InitlistB(Course *C) { C->next=NULL; } //初始化选课信息表 void InitlistC(SC *S) { S->next=NULL; } //求选课表的深度 int Getlength(SC *S) { int i=0; SC *p; p=S->next; while(p!=NULL) { p=p->next; i ; } return(i); } //用户输入数据建立学生信息表(尾插法) void CreatelistA(Student *stu) { Student *s,*r; int m,i;


课程设计(论文)题目:学生选修课管理系统设计 学生姓名:邓康言 学号:20141409 班级: 计软 所在院部: 广西科技大学 指导教师: 2015 年6 月

学生选修课管理系统设计 学生选修课管理系统设计 摘要 C语言课程设计和现代计算机技术的实际应用相结合,是我们在本阶段学完理论课程之后对自己该方面的能力的一次很好的检验,从开始的算法思路到运行调试后的美观的图形界面以及另人兴奋的可用程序,都是一个很好的学习和锻炼的过程。使我们巩固了原有的理论知识,培养了我们灵活运用和组合集成所学过知识及技能来分析、解决实际问题的能力。使我们体会到自身知识和能力能在实际中的应用和发挥。不但可以激发创新意识,还可以开发创造能力、培养沟通能力。这次学生选修课系统管理设计时间虽然仅有一个星期,但确实使我受益非浅。通过学生选修课系统管理设计我丰富了计算机操作经验,更加深了对C语言的了解,熟悉了其环境,更增强了对Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0的使用技巧。 C语言是在国内外广泛使用的一种计算机语言。语言功能丰富、表达能力强、使用灵活方便、既具有高级语言的优点,又具有低级语言的许多特点,适合编写系统软件。同时,我觉得C语言应该是操作和理论相结合的课程,在不断地编写中去思考,两者是不可分割的。我们在编写一个较大的程序时应该把它分开成几个小程序来看,这样会容易得多。 关键词:学生选修课系统管理;C语言课程设计;计算机技术;模块化程序设

计;信息录入;浏览信息;选课;查询 STUDENTS ELECTIVE COURSES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN ABSTRACT C language curriculum design and modern computer technology in the practical application of the combination, we are at this stage of learning theory course on their own side of the ability of a good test, from the beginning of the algorithm to run after the beautiful graphical interface and exciting available procedures, is a very good learning and training process. We consolidate the original theory of knowledge, cultivate our flexible application and integration of the knowledge learned and skills of analysis, ability to solve practical problem. So that we realize that their knowledge and ability in practical application and play. Can not only stimulate consciousness of innovation, also can develop creative ability, communication skills training. The student elective system management design time although only a week, but it does make me benefit. Students elective system management design my rich experience in computer operation, more deep understanding of the C language, familiar with the environment, more increased to Microsoft Visual C++ 6 using skills. The C language is widely used at home and abroad a computer language. Language feature-rich, expressive capability is strong, flexible and convenient use, not only has the advantages of high-level language, but also has many of the characteristics of low-level language, suitable for the preparation of system software.


课 程 设 计 题 目 基于UML 的网上选课管理系统设计 学 院 计算机科学与技术学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术专业 班 级 姓 名 指导教师 2014 年 06 月 27 日

目录 课程设计任务书 (2) 系统分析 (3) 问题描述 (3) 用例模型描述 (3) 系统设计 (4) 类图描述 (4) 核心用例的顺序图 (5) 状态图 (7) 组件图 (8) 系统实施 (9) 信息代码设计 (9) 数据库设计 (9) 输入设计 (10) 输出设计 (11) 用户界面和处理过程的设计 (11) 系统测试 (14) 测试方法 (14) 测试结果 (14) 设计的特点、不足、收获与体会 (15) 特点 (15) 不足 (15) 收获与体会 (15) 本科生课程设计成绩评定表 (16)

课程设计任务书 学生姓名:专业班级: 指导教师:工作单位: 题目: 基于UML的网上选课管理系统设计 初始条件: 理论:学完UML及软件体系结构课程,掌握一种计算机高级语言的使用。 实践:计算机实验中心提供计算机及软件开发环境。 要求完成的主要任务:(包括课程设计工作量及其技术要求,以及说明书撰写等具体要求) (1)系统分析(包括系统描述(问题域描述)、用例模型、分析类图)。 (2)系统设计(包括系统的逻辑模型如设计类图、顺序图、状态图及 组件图等)。 (3)系统实施(包括信息代码设计、数据库设计、输入设计、输出设 计、用户界面设计和处理过程的设计以及最终的程序设计)。 (4)编制好程序后,设计若干测试用例,上机测试并通过所设计的程 序系统。 (5)设计报告格式按附件要求书写。课程设计报告书正文的内容应包 括: 1.问题描述; 2.用例模型及分析类图的描述; 3.设计类图、核心用例的顺序图与状态图、组件图等的描述; 4.信息代码设计、数据库设计、输入设计、输出设计的描述; 5.用户界面设计和处理过程的设计的描述; 6.给出软件的测试方法和测试结果。 7.设计的特点、不足、收获与体会。 时间安排: 第18周周一至周二:完成系统分析。 第18周周三至周五:完成系统静态模型设计及部分动态模型设计。 第19周周一:完成系统动态模型设计。 第19周周二至周三:完成系统实施及测试。 第19周周四至周五:验收及撰写课程设计报告。 设计验收安排:第19周的星期四第1-8节课到实验中心进行上机验收。 设计报告书收取时间:第19周的周五下午16:00。 指导教师签名: 2014年6月2日 系主任(或责任教师)签名:年月日


#include #include #include int N1,N2; struct student { int num2; char name2[20]; int nelenum[50]; //所选课程编号 int nelen; //所选课程学分和 struct student * next; }; struct course { int num1; //课程编号 char name1[20]; char major[20]; char type[20]; int credit; int period; char teacher[20]; int people; //选此门课程的人数 struct course *next; //结构体指针 }; struct course * head1; struct student * head2; void zhang() //从键盘录入课程信息 { struct course *p1,*p2; N1=0; p1=p2=(struct course *)malloc(sizeof(struct course));

printf("课程编号\t课程名称\t主修\t课程性质\t学分\t课时\t教师\n"); scanf("%d%s%s%s%d%d%s",&p1->num1,p1->name1,p1->major,p1->type,&p1->cr edit,&p1->period,p1->teacher); p1->people=0; head1=NULL; while(p1->num1!=0) { N1=N1+1; if(N1==1)head1=p1; else p2->next=p1; p2=p1; p1=(struct course * )malloc(sizeof(struct course)); scanf("%d%s%s%s%d%d%s",&p1->num1,p1->name1,p1->major,p1->type,&p1->cr edit,&p1->period,p1->teacher); p1->people=0; } p2->next=NULL; } void zhang1() //从文件录入课程信息 { FILE * fp; char filepath[20]; struct course *p1,*p2; N1=0; printf("请输入您要读取的路径:"); getchar(); gets(filepath); if((fp=fopen(filepath,"r"))==NULL)


网上选课UML设计 网上选课系统主要包括如下功能:管理员通过管理界面进入,建立本学期要开的各种课程、将课程信息保存在数据库里并可以对课程进行改动和删除。学生通过客户机浏览器根据学号和密码进入选课界面,在这里学生可以进行三种操作:查询已选课程、选课以及付费。同样,通过业务层,这些操作结果存入数据库中。 本系统拟使用Java语言通过三层模型实现:数据核心层,业务逻辑层和接入层。其中,数据核心层包括对于数据库的操作;业务逻辑层作为中间层对用户输入进行逻辑处理、再映射到相应的数据层操作;而接口层包括用户界面,包括系统登入界面、管理界面、用户选课界面等。 本系统涉及的用户包括管理员(Registrar)和学生(Student),他们是用例图中的活动。数据库管理系统是另外一个活动者。 注:因为付费方式的多样化,所以在此将不讨论涉及到付费有关的设计。 1.1用例图 1.1.1事件流 ①添加课程事件流: 1.管理员选择进入管理界面,用例开始。 2.系统提示输入管理员密码。 3.管理员输入密码。 4.系统验证密码。 A1:密码错误 5.进入管理界面,系统显示目前所建立的全部课程信息。 6.管理员选择添加课程。 7.系统提示输入新课程信息。 8.管理员输入信息。 9.系统验证是否和已有课程冲突。 A2:有冲突 10.系统添加新课程,提示课程添加成功。 11.系统重新进入管理主界面,显示所有课程。 12.用例结束。 其他事件流: A1:密码错误 1.系统提示再次输入。 2.用户确认。 3.三次错误,拒绝再次访问。 4.否则进入添加课程事件流第5步。 A2:有冲突 1.系统提示冲突,显示冲突课程信息。 2.用户重新输入。 3.继续验证直到无冲突。 4.进入添加课程事件流第10步。 注:删除课程事件流和修改课程事件流与此类似,在此不再详述。 ②选课事件流:


中南大学 二○一二~二○一三学年第二学期 信息科学与工程学院 C++程序设计语言 课程设计报告 课程名称:C++程序设计语言 班级:电气信息类1206班 学 姓名:邬继阳 指导教师:王磊 二0一三年零七月 目录

1.课程设计目的 使学生进一步理解和掌握课堂上所学各种基本抽象数据类型的逻辑结构、存储结构和操作实现算法,以及它们在程序中的使用方法。 使学生掌握软件设计的基本内容和设计方法,并培养学生进行规范化软件设计的能力。 使学生掌握使用各种计算机资料和有关参考资料,提高学生进行程序设计的基本能力。 2.系统描述(需求分析) 需要处理的基础数据 学生基本信息:如班级、学号、姓名、性别、年龄、宿舍号码、电话号码等。 学生选修课程的基本信息:课程编号、课程名称、考试成绩、平时成绩、综合成绩、学分、 重修否等。

系统的基本功能 数据的录入:如录入学生的基本信息,以及该学生选修课程的基本信息; 数据的修改:如修改指定学号、或者指定姓名的学生信息,或者修改其选修课程信息;数据的插入:插入某个学生信息 数据的查询:如按学号查询、按姓名查询等; 数据的删除:如删除指定学号、或者指定姓名的学生及其选修课的信息; 平均成绩的计算:计算每个学生各门功课的平均成绩,并按平均成绩从高到低的次序输出 学生信息; 列出不及格学生清单(学号、姓名、不及格的课程和成绩)。 考虑用文件把数据保存起来(可选)。 可行性分析 2.3.1如上所示,该系统要求处理一些学生成绩的基本数据,包括两个方面:学生身 份信息和学生成绩信息。具体可以考虑创建两个类,一个学生基本信息类,一个学科基本信息类。这样既可以保持二者的独立性,也可以使之相关联。 2.3.2该系统不仅要求能录入一些基本数据外,还要能对这些数据进行处理,比如修 改,删除,插入,查询等。对这些操作的实现可以暂时放开面向对象,而采用面向过程的方法。另外,因为对数据库了解不多,可以考虑用文件保存的形式将数据保存起来,最后在查找的时候采用文件读取。 3.功能模块设计 类的分析与设计 由上面的需求分析可以知道,在本程序中,需要处理两大类数据:一个是学生的身份基本信息,另一个是该同学的课程基本信息。而且要求二者既要相互联系,又不能太相互制约。于是可以考虑创建两个类:Stu类(学生信息类)和Course类(课程


网上选课系统 详细设计说明书 学院:计算机科学技术学院 专业:软件工程 班级:08-2班 组长:张一帆 组员:田晓磊张雪杨景隆潘萌

1 引言 1.1编写目的 随著WWW(World Wide Web) 及Internet 的快速发展及日渐普及,学校校务行政的电脑化也迈入以网络为基础的新纪元.选课系统是大学教务系统中非常重要一环,由于牵涉到每一学生该学期的学习,加上新的课程设计中,大量的选修与更具弹性的措施,使得传统的人工作业不合时宜,半自动的语音选课亦不能满足这些新需求;网际网路的兴起,使我们有机会重新检讨选课的作业流程,以及如何运用网路其不受时空限制的特性进行选课作业流程的改善.为了提高学校教务工作的效率,更加合理的利用既有的资源,减少传统选课方式给学生带来的不便和麻烦,网上选课系统的采用被提上日程。此外,学生公寓宽带的安装使得学生能够在寝室非常方便的获取网络资源。这又为网上选课系统被广大同学接受提供了必要的资源。在以往学生常常抱怨不易找到所要资讯,以及选课期间同学因怕额满选不到理想的课,都挤在第一天选课造成塞车严重,而且若第一天有课的同学便常因抢不到理想的课而忿忿不平.此外在选课时同学们必须先查好所欲选之课程代码再来选课,为此教务处每学期要印出各系所开课表供学生查询选课资讯,即使每两人共用一册数量仍相当庞大且选课后课表便没用处,而且一旦调课或开课上的变更,无法及时异动,一方面造成纸张资源的浪费,另一方面学生即使先查好课表再去选课,也无法确定自己的课表,既不方便又费时.在预选课后教务处人员要印一次点名计分册给老师,到了加退选后因选课有异动又得再印一次最新的选课名册给任课老师,造成教务处人员的重复工作负担,对老师而言,必须仰赖教务处工作人员的处理及列印,自己无法随时掌握选课学生名单,也甚不方便.每学期到了学期末同学们最关心的成绩,必须等收到成绩单才能知道自己的成绩,若要历年成绩单也要等开学后到教务处填申请单,再去出纳组缴费过一天后才能来领取.因此,如何建立一个方便且即时的成绩管理系统,以伴随选课系统也是十分迫切的.为了建立一个方便,公平,又有效率的选课系统,我们决定规划一个植基于网际网路的网路选课系统,并实现下列几个主要的目的: (1).提升选课公平性; (2).缩短选课时间,提高效率; (3).节省课表列印经费并节省人力; (4).学生可即时上网查询单学期或历年成绩 1.2项目背景


课程设计报告 院(系):计算机科学与工程 专业:信息对抗 班级: 110609 姓名:龙枭 学号: 110609110

课题:学生选课系统 一、概述: 随着计算机的普及,各个高校均采用计算机进行学生选课,而对学生选课相关信息的管理由学生选课管理系统实现。本程序的设计任务就是制作一个可以用于学生选课管理的系统,要可以进行对本系统、数据的管理、数据查询、常用操作、数据库管理等功能。具体来说就是可以通过管理功能对本系统用户进行用户添加删除以及密码修改和权限的管理;还可以通过数据管理功能对教师、学生、课程、选课、成绩等信息进行添加、修改和删除等具体的操作;再者可以通过数据查询功能对教师、学生、课程、成绩等信息的查询;本程序采用C# 实现管理员对学生、教师、课程、教师授课、登成绩、学生选课信息管理。实现的主要功能有:学生、教师、课程、教师授课、登成绩、学生选课数据的入库、查询、修改、删除、更新等等的功能,是一个可以满足学生方便选课,查询;教师查询,登成绩;管理员方便管理所有信息的系统。 二、学生选课系统需求分析与设计方案: 1. 学生选课系统功能需求分析: 学生选课系统是管理员用来管理学生、教师、课程、教师授课、登成绩、学生选课信息而开发的,所以其需求的功能是对学生、教师信息的所有操作,其中包括: 1.1 学生: <1> 对自己个人信息能够进行查询,修改密码。 <2> 能查询自己选过的课程及成绩。 <3> 能查询所有课程及授课信息。 <4> 能选择自己想选修的课程,也能取消。 1.2 教师: <1> 对自己个人信息能够进行查询,修改密码。 <2> 能查询自己教授的课程及成绩。 <3> 能查询所有选择自己授课的学生信息。 <4> 能给选修自己授课的学生登成绩。 1.3 管理员: <1> 能将所有学生、教师、课程、授课、选课等信息录入数据库。 <2> 对数据库中的学生、教师、课程、授课、选课等信息能够进行查询。 <3> 能对据库中的学生、教师、课程、授课、选课等信息能够进行修改。 <4> 能对据库中的学生、教师、课程、授课、选课等信息能够进行删除。2.学生选课系统设计方案: 2.1 系统功能结构图:


目录 一、课题设计内容与主要功能 (1) 第1节.设计内容 (1) 第2节.主要功能 (1) 二、课题分析...................... 错误!未定义书签。 第1节.类声明表.................... 错误!未定义书签。 第2节.分析课程设计项目的实现方法 (3) 三、主要功能的实现步骤 (4) 四、程序测试与结论 (5) 五、总结 (11) 六、附件14

一、课题设计内容与主要功能 1、设计内容: 为了满足学生档案管理的要求,通过计算机技术给档案管理人员带来便利。使用c 语言编写了学生档案此管理系统。本系统主要实现学生档案管理的功能,通过此系统方便对学生档案管理。包括学号、姓名、性别、年龄、备注。所设计的系统以菜单方式工作,为用户提供清晰的使用提示,依据用户的选择来进行各种处理。图书信息的录入后,系统按照有一定的规范格式显示,录入的学生信息用文件形式保存,并可以对其进行修改、排序、插入、排序查询等基本操作。整个程序实现链表操作,对学生信息的操作逐个地进行。 学生档案管理系统构建框架 2、主要功能: 1、本系统采用一个包含N个数据的结构体数组,每个数据的结构应当包括:学号、姓名、性别、年龄、备注。 2、本系统显示这样的菜单:

请选择系统功能项:1.学生基本信息录入;2.学生基本信息显示;3.学生基本信息保存;4.学生基本信息修改;5.学生基本信息插入;6.学生基本信息删除;7.学生基本信息排序;8.学生基本信息按姓名查询;9.从文件中读入学生基本信息;10.退出系统 3、执行一个具体的功能之后,程序将重新显示菜单。 4、将学生基本信息保存到文件中。 二、课题分析 1、类说明表 2、实现方法及核心算法实现代码: 主函数: void main() 录入函数:void enter() 显示函数:void list() 保存函数:void save() 插入函数:insert() 修改函数:void revise() 删除函数:void delete()删除录入的学生信息 排序函数:void sort()排序录入的学生信息 查找函数:void qseek()查找录入的学生信息 读取函数:int load()读取保存在文件中的学生信息


C程序设计课程设计 题目:学生选课系统专业班级:通信工程1班姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 成绩:

摘要 学生选课系统是一个教育单位不可缺少的重要系统组成部分,它对于学校的决策者、管理者管理、查看课程来说都有至关重要,所以学生选课管理系统应该能够为广大学、师生提供充足的信息和快捷的课程选择过程,有助于学生选好每一门课程,此系统系统选课方便、快捷,用简单的界面来展示学生的选课信息,应用简单明了、存储量大、可靠性高、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等优点,可以极大的提高对学生信息管理的效率。利用C语言开发,实现了简单的学生课程信息的录入、修改、查询、删除等操作,并且能够利用文件系统长久的保留原始数据。

目录 一、需求分析 (1) 二、总体设计 (1) 三、详细设计 (2) 1、数据定义...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2、算法流程图 (2) 四、编码 (6) 五、调试 (7) 六、设计总结 (10) 致谢 (11) 参考文献 (12) 附录 (13)

一、需求分析 语言文字描述系统要做什么 数据结构可用结构体,包括课程和选修两个结构体,其中课程结构体成员结构体成员包括课程编号,课程名称,课程性质,总学时,授课学时,实验或上机学时,学分,开课学期。选修结构体成员包括学号,课程编号,该结构体的建立主要是为了查询某门课程学生选修情况。 二、总体设计 系统由哪几个功能模块构成,给出功能模块图。C 中模块化的工具是函数 根据上面的需求分析,可以将这个系统的设计分为如下七大模块: 选课模块、按学分查找模块、按编号查找模块、查看课程模块、查看选课情况模块、课程输入模块、完成选择模块。 菜单选择模块 录入学生信息 学生选课 系统信息查看及储存 退出系统 完成选择模块 学生信息 管 理 录入课程信息 课程 管理


网上选课系统 网上选课系统的产生是因为目前高校扩招后,在校学生日益增多。如果仍然通过传统的纸上方式选课,既浪费大量的人力物力,又浪费时间。同时,在人为的统计过程中不可避免出现的错误。因此,通过借助网络系统,让学生只要在电脑中输入自己的个人选课信息来替代有纸化的手工操作成为高校管理的必然趋势。该信息系统能够为学生提供方便的选课功能,也能够提高高等院校对学生和教学管理的效率。 6.1需求分析 网上选课系统的功能性需求包括以下内容: (1)系统管理员负责系统的管理维护工作,维护工作包括课程的添加、删除和修改,对学生基本信息的添加、修改、查询和删除。 (2)学生通过客户机浏览器根据学号和密码进入选课界面,在这里学生可以进行查询已选课程、指定自己的选修课程以及对自己基本信息的查询。 满足上述需求的系统主要包括以下几个小的系统模块: (1)基本业务处理模块。基本业务处理模块主要用于实现学生通过合法认证登录到该系统中进行网上课程的选择和确定。 (2)信息查询模块。信息查询模块主要用于实现学生对选课信息的查询和自身信息的查询。 (3)系统维护模块。系统维护模块主要用于实现系统管理员对系统的管理和对数据库的维护,系统的管理包括学生信息、课程信息等信息的维护。数据库的维护包括数据库的备份、恢复等数据库管理操作。 6.2系统建模 在系统建模以前,我们首先需要在Rational Rose 2003中创建一个模型。并命名为“网上选课系统”,该名称将会在Rational Rose 2003的顶端出现,如下图6-1所示。 图6-1创建项目系统模型

6.2.1创建系统用例模型 创建系统用例的第一步是确定系统的参与者。网上选课系统的参与者包含二种,分别是Student(学生)和SystemManager(系统管理员),如图6-2所示。 图6-2 系统参与者 然后,我们根据参与者的不同分别画出各个参与者的用例图。 1. 学生用例图:学生在本系统中的可以进行登录、查询课程、选择课程和查询个人信 息的相关操作。通过这些活动创建的学生用例图如图6-3所示。 图6-3 学生用例图图6-4系统管理员用例图 2. 系统管理员用例图:系统管理员在本系统中能够进行登录、修改学生信息、添加、修改和删除课程、添加和删除学生信息的相关操作。通过这些活动创建的系统管理员用例图如图6-4所示。 6.2.2创建系统静态模型 从前面的需求分析中,我们可以根据主要的五个类对象:学生类、系统管理员类、课程类、数据控制类和界面类创建完整的类图如图6-5所示。 图6-5 系统类图 6.2.3创建系统动态模型 系统的动态模型可以使用交互作用图、状态图和活动图来进行描述。


题目一、学生选课管理系统 目录 第一部分:课程设计名称、目的、要求... 第二部分:程序总体设计思路........... 第三部分:程序功能划分、图示及流程图. 第四部分:程序设计数据、运行结果..... 第五部分:程序的优缺点............... 第六部分:心得体会................... 第七部分:附录(源程序)............. 第八部分:附录(参考文献)...........

第一部分:课程设计名称、目的、要求 名称:学生选修课程系统设计 目的:运用C语言提高解决实际问题的能力 实验环境:Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 内容: 假定有n门课程,每门课程有课程编号,课程名称,课程性质,总学时,授课学时,实验或上机学时,学分,开课学期等信息,学生可按要求(如总学分不得少于60)自由选课。 【功能】 系统以菜单方式工作 课程信息录入功能(课程信息用文件保存)--输入 课程信息浏览功能--输出 查询功能:(至少一种查询方式)--算法 按学分查询 按课程性质查询 学生选修课程(可选项) 第二部分:程序总体设计思路 由于C语言是面对过程的语言,故我的设计思路是根据目标程序运行的过程来编写的。

具体的设计思路如下: 程序的要求是设计学生选修课管理系统,对选修课程能够进行录入和修改操作等,要求有菜单界面和退出功能。首先,考虑到程序的数据输入,可以设置一个管理员登陆选项,通过该选项进入管理员界面,进行选修课的录入和修改操作,最后将录入的课程保存到相应的文件中。然后定义各种函数的功能包括查看,查询,删除等。另一个为学生登陆界面,该界面学生可以进行课程选择和浏览查询等操作。在进行该操作之前需要对管理员保存的文件进行读取,然后对其中的内容进行查询等,在学生选好课程以后,可以将其选好的课程保存于相应的文件中,以便下次进行修改。通过函数的层层调用来实现程序的逻辑结构。中间通过文件的打开和关闭实现对文件内部所包含的数据的操作。 整个程序的设计思路到此结束。 第三部分:程序功能划分、图示及流程图 【功能模块划分及其流程图】 本程序功能模块根据程序设计的需求,综合程序的实用性、人性化、智能化的考虑,将程序划分为6个部分分别编写,程序主体功能将由这9个部分来完成。这9个部分依次是: 1.登录界面函数;void login() 2.学生登录界面据函数:void stu_login() 3.管理员登录界面函数:void man_login() 4.退出界面函数:void bye_sys()

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