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八年级下语文练习册答案人教版2020第一单元 1课藤野先生 一1、fēi jì pá jiã sù dìng pōu qī piē 2鉴蔼畸逊寓匿疾诲聊3(1)借口。 (2)指改朝换代后仍 眷念前朝不肯归顺新朝的人。 (3)这里是反语,丑陋。 (4)这里是反语,指十分熟知一些无聊的事。(5)这里是反语,指 那些为军阀政客张目而自命为“正人君子”的文人。 (6)这里指学校里发生过的一些事情。4(1)周树人绍兴文学思想革 命(2)《朝花夕拾》《阿长与<山海经)》《从百草园到三味书屋》《呐喊》《彷徨》《野草》 (一)5“这样”指“清国留学生”的种种丑态丑行。“无非”是只 不过的意思,表达了作者对东京的失望之情。这句话引出前两段内容,表达作者对“清国留学生”的厌恶和反感,为下文到别的地方去看看 埋下了伏笔。 6厌恶、鄙弃的态度。通过描写“清国留学生”观樱花的丑态和学跳舞的丑行来表现的,并使用比喻、夸张、反语等修辞手法增强这种 表达效果。 7“时时记起”是因为“在我所认为我师之中,他是最使我感激, 给我鼓励的一个”“他的性格,在我的眼里和心里是伟大的”。藤野 先生的伟大人格主要体现在两方面:一是对工作极为认真,对学生极 为负责;二是毫无狭隘的民族偏见。 8答案举例:作者两次易地求学,两次辗转奔波,都贯穿着爱国主义情怀。文章开头写对东京的清国留学生的失望和厌恶,是作者爱国 思想的表现;往仙台途中记得“日暮里”,也有“日暮乡关何处是”

的家国愁思;记得“水户”,是因为这里是富有民族气节和爱国情感的抗清志士朱舜水客死之地,这也是作者爱国感情的表现。9略 10(1)这些词语表现了藤野先生对工作的热忱、负责、一丝不苟的品质,也写出了“我”的吃惊、对先生的感激及内心的不安。(2)“喝采”说明这些闲人已经麻木到令人震惊的水准,表现了作者极其沉痛的情感。“何尝”表达了作者强烈的愤慨。 (二)11有才学,工作极端认真,管理严格。善于教育学生,热爱学生。12详写了“我”犯错而被教育;略写了老师的严厉,“我”的造句受到表扬,老师带“我”吃油茶以及坐错车。好处是:突出老师对“我”的教育,同时也表现老师的其他方面的性格特点,使老师的形象鲜明而富有个性。13(1)对“我”犯错的不满,为“我”回避惩罚而生气、惋惜。(2)为犯错而脸红,为同学替自己辩护而感害羞,为自己逃避惩罚而惭愧,为有负华老师的希望而不安。 14朴实、亲切、含蓄、委婉、平淡中蕴含深情。


新目标八年级英语(上)练习册配套答案 Unit 1 SectionA I.1.beaches 2.most 3.myself 4.fed 5.bored II. 1.yourself 2.to be 3.diaries 4.wonderful 5.to do III. 1-5 CABBD IV. 1.summer camp 2.on vacation ;went to the mountains 3.anyone friendly 4.anywhere interesting 5.quite a few V.1.Where did ; go 2.didn’t visit 3.What was ; like 4.What did ; do 5.Did ; do VI. 1-5 ECAGD VII. 1.everyone 2.everything 3.something 4.nothing 5. no one 6.anywhere 7.anything SectionB I. 1.below 2.duck 3.hungry 4.traders 5.boring II. 1.buildings 2.to visit 3.activities 4.walking 5.differences III. 1-5 ACACD 6-10BCBAA IV. 1.tried paragliding 2.rode bikes /bicycles 3.walked up ; the top ; something special 4.umbrella ; was / got wet 5.because of V. 1-5 DFBEA VI.1.parents 2.On 3.arrived at 4.was 5.lost 6.didn,t 7.helped 8.sport 9.cool 10.want VII. 1-5 BDBCA My Vacation to Qingdao Last summer vacation , my family and I went to Qingdao by train . There was always sunshine and fresh air , which made us so comfortable .We went to the seaside , the sea was blue , I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister . There I bought many interesting things for my friends . We ate much delicious food there . Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel , and the price was not so expensive . I like Qingdao very much , and I hope to come here again .It is such a beautiful and interesting place . Unit 2 Section A I.1.never 2. full 3.Maybe 4.hardly 5.program II. 1. (to) cook https://www.doczj.com/doc/5c7566987.html,ually 3.housework 4.shopping 5.practice III. 1-5 BACCD 6-10 DBCAC IV. 1.How often 2.helps with housework 3.hardly ever 4.at least twice 5.four times a month V. 1.How often does ; go 2.What does ; do 3.Does ; go ; doesn’t 4.doesn’t exercise


第一学期期末测试卷 第Ⅰ卷听力部分 听力材料: 一、1.With the help of soft music, the child falls asleep soon. 2.More and more Indians come to study in China. 3.He has gone to the countryside for the holiday. 4.The nine-year-old boy was brave enough to save his classmates when the earthquake happened. 5.He is interested in English. 二、6.M:How does Tom learn Chinese? W:He learns Chinese by listening to the radio. Q:How does Tom learn Chinese? 7.M:Jenny,can you come to my birthday party on June 20th? W:Sure,I'd love to. Q:When is the boy's birthday? 8.M:Do you like monkeys? W:Yes,they are clever.In fact,I like many animals,such as tigers and elephants.But my favorite animal is pandas. Q:What animal does the woman like best? 9.M:It's Father's Day this Sunday.What shall we get for Dad,Mum? W:Mmm,it's hard to decide.How about shoes? M:He has a lot of pairs of shoes.How about tennis rackets?He really likes sports. W:That's a great idea. Q:What will the boy's father probably get? 10.W:Tom,let's hurry.It's eight o'clock now.The train is coming. M:Don't worry,Mum.Actually it is seven.Your watch doesn't work. Q:What time is it now? 三、Dialogue 1 M:Maria,can you come to my party on Tuesday?


八年级下册物理配套练习册答案人教版() 导读:本文八年级下册物理配套练习册答案人教版(),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 练习一: 1、B 2.452、28.225.1 3、2.5 4、人、河岸 5、运动 6、地面、地面、椅背、车 7、A 8、c 9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D 13、B 14、B 练习二: 1、长、短 2、每秒行驶5米 3、6.2522.5

4、2505/3 5、路程、时间、V=s/t 6、0.4便于测量时间 7、100min 8、路程、时间、速度 9、6.25m/s交接棒所用时间少 10、8022.220.45 11、86大于 12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h(2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h(3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h 练习三: 1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来 2、不能、能 3、快 4、不相同、空气、耳朵 5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动 6、C 7、C 8、C 9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次数HZ20---20000HZ 12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近

13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大 15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A 练习四: 1、A 2、C 3、A 4、A 5、A 6、C 7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气 8、(1)能量(2)音色 9、(1)无法正常交流(2)无法听音色(3)感受不到声音带来的信息 10、(1)声音可以在固体中传播(2)更好的接收声音(3)听诊器 练习五: 1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流 2、A:没有水平放置B:正C:接触了容器底D:没有接触液体


八年级下册人教版英语 配套答案 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

U n i t1 Section A I.1. buildings 2. Everything 3. fewer 4. robots 5. less 6. pollution II. 1~6 BBCACC III. 1. went to college 2. will be 3. There will be 4. live to ; don’t agree 5. big and crowded IV. there be; Yes;will 2. won’t be 3. Will ; read 4. Where will ’t play 6. Was she Section B . space 2. fly 3. alone 4. myself 5. probably II. 1~5 ACBAC 6~7 CB III. 1. gets 2. trying 3. Shall; go 4. will phone 5. will be 6. took IV. 1. fell in love with 2. with a garden 3. are able to 4. go swimming 5. in ten years Self Check I. 1~ 5 CBBAA 6-7 AB II. 1. was 2. will be 3. to keep 4. myself 5. will fly III. true 2. predict the future 3. no sound 4. wear suits 5. for vacation IV. 1. on 2. won’t 3. have 4. take 5. more Reading ~ 5 BACBC 6-8 BAA II. 1. unpleasant 2. scientist 3. impossible 4. everywhere 5. simple III. 1. hundreds 2. bored 3. scientists 4. disagree 5. impossible Ⅳ. 1. don’t think; will 2. will come 3. What will;be 4. It’s; to predict 5. What do Ⅴ. 1~ 5 ACABA 6-10BAABA Ⅵ. 1~ 6 TFTFFT Ⅶ. One possible version My future In twenty years, I think I will be a police officer. I will be a tall and strong man with short hair. I will live in Shanghai, because I think it is a beautiful city and I like it very much. I will live in a big apartment with my family. I will have two children, and I will play with them on the weekends. I will go swimming and play basketball every day because I think doing sports is good for our health. Unit 2


暑假学与练·科学(八年级)参考答案 (一) 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. 1.0×103;每立方米的水的质量为1.0×103千克 7. 4.6;0.92 8. 氧气;带火星的木条复燃;氢、氧两种元素 9. (1)右 (2)120;1.2 10. (1)0.1×103 (2)240000帕 (二) 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. 压力;压强 7. 不变;增大 8. 5 9. (1)2.646×107牛(2) 2.29×105帕 (三) 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. (1)10 (2)18.2% (3)5% 7. (1)烧杯;漏斗(2)搅拌,防止滤液暴沸而溅出来;引流(3)低(4)D 8. (1)S乙>S丙>S甲(2)t2;60 (3)m乙>m丙>m甲(4)冷却热饱和溶液;蒸发溶解9. (1)计算;称量;溶解(2)偏小;偏大10. 26.5% (四) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. (1)混合物(2)液化 7. (1)增大(2)大(3)大气压 8. (1)0.8×103千克/米3(2)5.625×105帕 (五) 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. (1)大于(2)飞机上方气压小于下方气压,飞机获得向上气压差,所以飞机可以在空中飞行 7. 水的沸点随气压的减小而减小;装置漏气了或瓶内水温太低 8. (1)略(2)大气压随高度增加而减小 (3)0.9×105;0 9. 123~124℃ (六) 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. (1)高气压;晴朗,气温18~27℃,西南风2~3级;午后2时;东北(2)平流层;C 7. 百叶箱;干湿球温度计;相对湿度;小;水分散失;冬眠 8. (1)7;8;4;9 (2)长;短(3)温带;亚热带 9. (1)1,3 (2)物质种类;物质的质量;物质升温多少 (七) 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. (1)下垂(2)尖端(3)乙 7. (1)①④②③(2)视网膜上的感光细胞(3)视觉;运动8. (1)感光细

外研版八年级英语上册练习M11 点拨训练单元检测卷 答案

Module 11达标测试卷 第Ⅰ卷听力部分 听力材料: 一、1.My sister did some cleaning at home yesterday morning. 2.Most Chinese people eat noodles with chopsticks. 3.Don't open the gift now! You must wait and open it later. 4.The two kids are playing chess. 5.She bought a baseball cap for her brother. 二、Text 1 M:Hello,Jenny! What are you doing? W:I'm watching the news on TV. M:What's it about? W:About Chinese traditions. M:Oh,do you know much about them? W:No,only a little.I hope I will visit China one day. Text 2 W:Hi,Tom! Where are you going for this summer holiday? M:I'm going to Dalian,China. W:Why are you going there? It's far from here. M:It's cool in summer.And there are beautiful beaches,too. W:Will you visit the places of interest there? M:Of course.I'm going to visit every places of interest there.


八年级下册练习册答案(历史) 一、选择题 1、中国现代史是党领导全国各族人民进行社会主义现代化建设的历史,其开端是 A、1911年辛亥革命 B、1919年五四运动 C、1921年中国共产党成立 D、1949年中华人民共和国成立 2、下列哪一项不是第一届中国人民政治协商会议讨论通过的 A、国旗 B、国微 C、代国歌 D、首都 3、新中国成立后,党和国家非常重视民主法制建设,建国初期起到临时宪法作用的是 A、《中华民国临时约法》 B、《刑法》 C、《共同纲领》 D、《中华人民共和国宪法》 4、美国参联会主席布莱德雷说过:”在错误的时间、错误的地点,和错误的敌人打了一场错误的战争。”那么这场战争是:( ) A.朝鲜战争 B.越南战争 C.第二次世界大战 D.伊拉克战争 5、张和解出生于1951年9月,你认为他父母给他取名最有可能与什么事件有关: A.和平解放北平 B.和平解放西藏 C.抗美援朝 D.解放南

京 6、我国对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造采取的主要方式是: A. 没收资本家的财产 B. 实行股份制 C. 组织生产合作社 D. 实行公私合营 7、我国进入社会主义初级阶段是在: A.新中国成立 B.三大改造完成 C.中共八大 D.十一届三中全会 8、我国第一个五年计划的基本任务是集中力量进行: A.重工业建设 B.交通运输建设 C.农业基本建设 D.商业建设 9、2003年8月,温家宝总理在长春召开振兴东北老工业基地决策会议,正式把振兴东北等老工业基地列为国家发展战略。东北老工业基地形成于: A.新中国建立时期 B.解放前 C.第一个五年计划时期 D.社会主义三大改造时期 10、关于土地改革的完成,农民有深切体会,其中符合当时情景的是: A.农民甲说:”我们总算翻了身,成为土地的主人” B.农民乙说:”今年多收三五斗,还要向地主交租!” C.农民丙说:”加入农业合作社就是好,集体力量办大事。”


2020 八年级上册英语课堂作业本答案练习一 一. 1.wolves 2.beginning 3.wears 4.least 5.tasty 6.nowhere 7.pleasant 8.Climbing 9.crazy 10.without 二. 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A 三. 1.with 2.from 3.in 4.at 5.of 6.for 7.in 、for 8.in 9.with 10.by 四. 1.practicing 2.were 3.will die 4.didn ’t watch 5.smoking 6.are getting 7.lost 8.keep 9.lying 10.to watch 五. 1.Don’t open when driving 2.won’t camping it rains 3.leave five-year-old on own 4.The ninth the same as 5.make noise to do 六.

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.D 练习二 一. 1.Leaves 2.activities 3.ninth 4.worried 5.beauty https://www.doczj.com/doc/5c7566987.html,eful 7.amazing 8.less 9.better 10.weight 二. 1.have less than 2.is helpful to 3.spend better results on 4.as interesting as 5.Luckily put out 6.took a trip famous


暑假学与练(八年级)参考答案 语文 (一) 【积累与运用】 1. 惴惴瑞湍喘端揣踹 2. 下雨,天留客,天留我不?留!或:下雨天,留客天,留我不?留! 3. (1)例:放漂精美图书,塑造高尚灵魂!(2)如:《西游记》——朋友,您将与心软诚实的唐僧、神通广大的悟空、狡猾懒惰的八戒、憨厚勤快的沙僧一道,开始充满挑战的旅程。旅程结束后,请您护送几位到下一个驿站,让他们开始新的征程。 【阅读欣赏】 1. 因为人们只是留念,没有意识到去探究泉和水是否名副其实。 2. 自己:泉别人:游人 3. 它失宠的原因,不在于背景的华耀,而在于它本身的堕落。 4. 指明了它靠资本吃饭,躺在荣誉的摇篮里做梦的惰性。 5. 作者对第五泉抱以巨大的希望,期待它名副其实的那一天。 6. 荣誉是对你过去的肯定,并不能说明你的现在和将来。 【拓展演练】 1. 多清静柔 2. 略 (二) 【积累与运用】 1. 懒抑疾 2. (1)铜雀春深锁二乔(2)千里马常有(3)沉舟侧畔千帆过病树前头万木春(4)略 3. (1)C (2)A (3)B 【阅读欣赏】 (一)1. 因为 2. 怀才不遇的愁思,同时感叹岁月流逝的无情。 (二)1. (l)有名(出名、闻名)(2)大(3)干扰(扰乱、使……乱)(4)形体(身体) 2. (1)这是简陋的屋子,只是我(住屋的人)品德好(就不感到简陋了)。(2)孔子说:有什么简陋呢? 3. 无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形 4. 身在陋室,志在天下的抱负。 5. 略 6. A 【拓展演练】 1. ①总写月夜的美景。②写月夜里的小鱼、纳凉人的快乐。③写月夜中玉米地的美景。 ④写作者对月夜美景的感受。 2. 借景抒情 3. 略 (三) 【积累与运用】 1. 如“三顾茅庐”、“三打白骨精”、“桃园三结义”等。 2. 如①知道“周杰伦”的人越来越多,知道“拿破仑”的人越来越少。②知道“梅艳芳”的人越来越多,知道“梅兰芳”的人越来越少。③知道“阿杜”的人越来越多,知道“李杜”的人越来越少。④知道“崔永元”的人越来越多,知道“柳宗元”的人越来越少。 3. (1)示例:“涛涛文学社”。黄河之水,波涛澎湃;青春少年,朝气蓬勃。此名能激发同学们勇敢向上的信念。(2)示例:打算应聘。因为既可以锻炼自己的组织才能,又能提高自身的文学修养,同时能更好地为社友服务,为大家服务,益处多多。 【阅读欣赏】


UNIT 3达标测试卷 第I卷听力部分 听力材料: 一、1.There is a mouse in the shoebox. 2.It's five to eight now.Our class will begin. 3.My favourite animals are giraffes. 4.Lucy is afraid of the bears. 5.Jack will arrive in Beijing tomorrow. 二、6.Why not go to the zoo with me this afternoon? 7.Don't feed the animals in the zoo. 8.Can you go fishing with me this afternoon? 9.Jenny,thanks for helping me feed my pet dog. 10.I lost my cat on my way to the supermarket yesterday. 三、11.W:Tom,you forgot to write down the year of your birth in the form. M:Oh,sorry. I was born in 1998,the year of the tiger. Q:Which animal is mentioned in the conversation? 12.W:The sky is clear and blue! Would you like to go horse riding with me? M:I'd like to.But I have to make a speech this morning. Q:What is the man going to do? 13.W:Hi,Jim. You look stronger than before. M:Yes. I ride a bike to work instead of driving these days. Q:How does the man go to work these days? 14.W:Do you think your work is boring? M:Boring?No,it's interesting. Q:What does the man mean? 15.M:What do you want to be in the future,Lily? W:I want to be a teacher like you, Mr. Li. M:But now you must study hard. Q:What is the relationship between the speakers? 四、A man hated his wife's cat and decided to throw it away. One day, he drove it 20 blocks from his home and left it in a park. But after a while, the cat came back home. The next day he drove the cat 40 blocks away. He put the cat out of the car and went home. After he drove back home, he found the cat was there already. The man kept taking the cat further and further, but the cat would always get home before him. At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past a bridge, then right again and another right, until he thought he was far enough from home and left the cat there. Hours later the man was still driving home.He was lost! He called home and asked his wife,“Jen, is the cat there?” “Yes,” his wife answered.“Why do yo u ask?” The man answered, “Put the cat on the phone.I'm lost and need directions.” 听力答案:


快乐暑假八年级答案2020 练习一 aadac x3 0,1,2 k-6 x≥-2 x>2数轴就不画了啊解不等式①得x-2 解集为-2 解:(1)设租36座的车x辆. 据题意得: 36x42(x-2)+30 解得: x>7 x0, 解得,m>2; 综上所述,2 解:(1)设甲、乙两种花木的成本价分别为x元和y元. 由题意得: 2x+3y=1700 3x+y=1500 解得: x=400 y=300 (2)设种植甲种花木为a株,则种植乙种花木为(3a+10)株. 则有:400a+300(3a+10)≤30000 (760-400)a+(540-300)(3a+10)≥21600 解得:160/9≤a≤270/13 因为a为整数, ∴a可取18或19或20.

所以有三种具体方案: ①种植甲种花木18株,种植乙种花木3a+10=64株; ②种植甲种花木19株,种植乙种花木3a+10=67株; ③种植甲种花木20株,种植乙种花木3a+10=70株. (1) 1.2(300-x)m 1.54mx 360m+0.34mx (2) 1.2(300-x)m≥4/5×300m 1.54mx>1/2×300m 解得97又31/77(这是假分数) ∵x为正整数, ∴x可取98,99,100. ∴共有三种调配方案: ①202人生产a种产品,98人生产b种产品; ②201人生产a种产品,99人生产b种产品; ③200人生产a种产品,100人生产b种产品; ∵y=0.34mx+360m, ∴x越大,利利润y越大, ∴当x取值100,即200人生产a种产品,100人生产b种产品时总利润. 练习三 cbbcd y/x-2 2 x>3 7/10 -3/5 m+n/m-n 8/x+2 原式=x+2y/x-2y 代入=3/7 原式=x+3/x 代入=1+根号3


人教版八年级下册物理配套练习册 第七章第1节力答案 【基础知识】 1、作用,相互,牛顿,N。 2、形状,运动状态。 3、方向,作用点,带箭头的线段,力的示意图。 4、A 5、D 6、B 7、B 【能力提升】 8、略。 9、桌面,书,书,桌面。 10、D 11、A 12、D 13、D 14、A 【探索研究】 15、(1)力可以改变物体的运动状态(2)力的作用是相互的。 16、(1)A,B (2)A,C (3)A,D 第2节弹力答案 【基础知识】 1、弹性形变,弹簧测力计。 2、1N,20, 。 3、(1)与外壳有摩擦(2)零刻度线(3)量程(4)垂直。 4、压缩,拉长,方向。 5、D 6、B 7、C 【能力提升】 8、可以, 9、 10 ,12 10、B 11、B 12、D 【探索研究】 13、C 14、会。在玻璃瓶中装满水,把细玻璃管通过带孔的橡皮塞插入水中,用手用力捏玻璃瓶,细管中的水面会升高,停止用力,细管中的水面回到原来的位置,这说明玻璃瓶发生了弹性形变。 第3节重力答案 基础知识】 1、由于地球的吸引而使物体受到的力,地球,竖直向下,重心,重力。 2、2kg ,.。 3、C 4、C 5、B 6、C 7、B 8、B 【能力提升】 9、低 10、降低重心,增大支面 11、1,重力 12、60kg,98N 13、(1)质量为0时,重力也为0 (2)物体所受的重力跟它的质量成正比 (3)物体所受的重力与其质量的比值是个定植,为10 N/kg。 14、C 15、A 16、A 17、C

【探索研究】 18、D 19、利用重力方向是竖直向下的,可以做一个重垂线来确定竖直方。 第七章综合练习答案 一、填空题 1、竖直向下 2、形状,运动状态 3、5;; 4、物体对物体的作用,另一物体 5、力的作用效果与力的大小有关 6、速度越来越大 二、选择题 三、实验题 27、因为重力的方向总是竖直向下的,重垂线与直角三角形的斜边垂直,就表示被检测的桌面水平。 28、(1)10 (2)物体所受的重力与他的质量成正比。(3) 四、计算题 29、解:物体所受的重力为 G=mg=5kg× N/kg = 49 N 。答:略 第八章第1节牛顿第一定律答案 【基础知识】 1、力,静止,匀速直线运动。 2、惯性。 3、惯性。 4、鸡蛋具有惯性。 5、D 6、C 【能力提升】 7、A 8、D 9、B 10、D 11、C 【探索研究】 12、(1)车厢静止或做匀速直线运动(2)车厢做减速运动(刹车)(3)车厢做加速运动。 13、(1)表格略(2)远,小,做匀速直线运动。 14、(1)小车向左加速或向右减速(2)惯性。 第2节二力平衡答案 【基础知识】 1、同一,相等,相反,同一条,平衡 2、等于 3、等于 4、 9 5、D 6、C 7、C 【能力提升】 8、静止,匀速直线运动,平衡 9、D 10、A 11、D 12、A 13、B 14、C


人教版八年级上册英语(新目标) 配套练习册答案 Unit 1 What did you do on vacation? Section A I.1.beaches 2.most 3.myself 4.fed 5.bored Ⅱ.1.yourself 2.to be 3.diaries 4.wonderful 5.to do Ⅲ.CABBD Ⅳ.1.summer camp 2.on vacation , went to the mountains 3.anyone friendly 4.anywhere interesting 5.quite a few Ⅴ.1.Where did go 2.did n’t visit 3.What was like 4.What did do 5.Did do Ⅵ.ECAGD Ⅶ.1.everyone 2.everything 3.something 4.nothing 5.no one 6.anywhere 7.anything Section B I. 1.below 2.duck 3.hungry 4.traders 5.boring II.1.buildings 2.to visit 3.activities 4.walking5. differences III.ACACD BCBAA IV.1.tried paragliding 2.rode bicycles/bikes 3.walked up the top something special

4.umbrella was wet 5.because of V.DFBEA VI.1.parents 2.On 3.arrived at 4.was 5.lost 6.didn’t 7.helped 8.sport 9.cool 10.want VII.BDBCA Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section A Ⅰ. 1. never 2.full 3.Maybe 4.hardly 5.program Ⅱ.1.(to)cook https://www.doczj.com/doc/5c7566987.html,ually 3.housework 4.shopping 5.practice Ⅲ.BACCD DBCAC Ⅳ.1.How often 2.helps with housework 3.hardly ever 4.at least twice 5.four times a month Ⅴ.1.How often does go 2.What does do 3.Does go doesn’t 4.don’t exercise 5.What is Ⅵ.CDA B Section B Ⅰ.1.magazine 2.junk 3.online 4.However 5.together Ⅱ.1.vegetables 2.says 3.health 4.more 5.to


初中数学新课程标准教材 数学教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 ) 学校: 年级: 任课教师: 教学相关 / 暑假作业 编订:XX文讯教育机构

2019八年级暑假数学作业答案 教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习数学的内容,让学生可以提升判断能力、分析能力、理解能力,培养学生的逻辑、直觉判断等能力,本教学相关资料适用于初中八年级数学科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。本内容是按照教材的内容进行的编写,可以放心修改调整或直接进行教学使用。 练习一 AADAC x3 0,1,2 k-6 x≥-2 x>2数轴就不画了啊 解不等式①得 x-2 解集为-2 解:(1)设租36座的车x辆. 据题意得: 36x42(x-2)+30 解得: x>7 x0, ∴16-m/7 >0 解得,m0, ∴4m-8>0, 解得,m>2; 综上所述,2

解:(1)设甲、乙两种花木的成本价分别为x元和y元. 由题意得: 2x+3y=1700 3x+y=1500 解得: x=400 y=300 (2)设种植甲种花木为a株,则种植乙种花木为(3a+10)株. 则有: 400a+300(3a+10)≤30000 (760-400)a+(540-300)(3a+10)≥21600 解得:160/9≤a≤270/13 由于a为整数, ∴a可取18或19或20. 所以有三种具体方案: ①种植甲种花木18株,种植乙种花木3a+10=64株; ②种植甲种花木19株,种植乙种花木3a+10=67株; ③种植甲种花木20株,种植乙种花木3a+10=70株. (1) 1.2(300-x)m 1.54mx 360m+0.34mx

【典中点】2016秋外研版八年级英语上册练习M8 点拨训练单元检测卷 答案

Module 8达标测试卷 第Ⅰ卷听力部分 听力材料: 一、1.Jack was climbing a tree yesterday afternoon. 2.The fridge is full of different kinds of drinks and fruits. 3.A black car hit a green car just now. 4.You look pale, and you should go to see a doctor. 5.My son likes to bite the nails. 二、Text 1 W:What's wrong with your hand? M:A snake bit my hand. W:When did the snake bite you? M:Earlier this morning.It suddenly appeared in front of me and bit my hand. W:Can you show me a photo of it? M:Yes.Here it is. Text 2 W:There was an accident outside the school gate just now. M:What happened? W:A boy on a bike was riding too fast.His bike hit a car.Luckily,he only hurt his leg. M:Was he taken to the hospital?

W:No,Li Fei and Wang Yong took him to the school gatekeeper's room. M:Who is looking after him? W:Mrs.Li. 三、W:It was very cold last Sunday.Paul and his friends went to the lake after breakfast.They began to skate on the ice.Paul skated better than his four friends.He skated fast and didn't know a piece of ice was broken.He fell into the water.His friends were afraid and called for help.Just then two workers walked there and heard it. They ran there quickly and helped the boy come out of the water.Then they took him to a hospital.Paul and his parents thanked them very much. 四、Hi,everyone! I am https://www.doczj.com/doc/5c7566987.html,st week I went to see my good friend,Li Ming.On the way to his home,I rode and listened to music.I rode too fast.Suddenly,my bike hit a big tree.My legs and arms couldn't move.I was in a lot of pain.A passer-by took me to the hospital at once. 听力答案: 一、1~5:CAEDB 二、6~10:AAABC 三、11~15: ACBCC 四、16.home17.fast18.pain 19.took20.hospital 第Ⅱ卷笔试部分 五、21.A22.C

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