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1.There has been a lot of _______ prejudice in American .

A) realistic

B) racial

C) recycled

D) rebellious

2.He is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _______.

A) realistic

B) racial

C) recycled

D) rebellious

3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more ______ .

A) realistic

B) racial

C) recycled

D) rebellious

4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _______ once they are dumped.

A) realistic

B) racial

C) recycled

D) rebellious

5.Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _______ customer.

A) reliable

B) regular

C) reluctant

D) religious


托业考试单词练习95题 1. Please have these suits dry cleaned and in time for tonight's reception. A. torn B. smudged C. pressed D. deserted D. remodeling 2.C 句意:他担心他的车可能需要彻底检查,因为它发动不起来。overhauling 彻底检查,大修,need doing结构。overhaul彻底检查。handle触摸;操作,处理。remodel改装,重新塑造。 3. Almost 500 people were killed in a plane .

A. clash B. crash C. crush D. crack 3.B 句意:在空难中,有将近500人丧生。crash坠毁,碰撞。clash冲突,抵触。crush压坏,碾碎,及物动词。crack裂痕,噼啪声。 4. The unit's design minimizes wind resistance. A. circulation B. circulate C. circulatory D. circular 4.D 句意:这组圆形装置的设计,能将风的阻力减至最小。circular圆形的。circulation循环;发行量。circulate(使)循环,(使)传播。circulatory循环的。 5. Investigators were able to the crime based on the evidence at the scene. A. commit B. visit C. reconstruct D. misunderstand


“托业考试(TOEIC)常见问题答疑”提供给各位考生备考,希望对大家有所帮助! 什么是TOEIC? TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication(职场英语标准)。是针对在国际工作环境中使用英语交流的人们的英语能力的测评。每年在120 多个国家有六百多万人次参加TOEIC 考试,10,000 多家国际化的公司或机构承认并使用TOEIC 考试成绩。因为TOEIC 考试能对人们使用英语进行交流的能力做出公正客观的测量,所以它成为当今世界上顶级的职业英语能力测评。 TOEIC(托业)考试的内容: 托业(TOEIC)考试的试题是从世界上所有在工作环境中使用英语的国家收集,从口语和写作语言的样本中开发出来的,托业考试内容涵盖了广泛的日常商务活动,其主题包括:商务会见、合同、谈判、市场营销、产品销售、企划、会议、制造、工厂管理、装配线、质量控制、金融、预算、银行、投资、税收、会计、账目、研究、产品研发、董事会议、电话会议、传真与电子邮件,办公室程序、求职、采购、购物、订购、航运、发票、电子、科技、电脑、实验室、技术规格、旅行、酒店、外出就餐、宴会、客户沟通。这些场景设置仅为托业试题提供参照情景——不要求

应试者掌握专业商务和技术词汇。 TOEIC(托业)考试的分类: TOEIC(托业)考试适用于在国际环境中工作的人群,主要考察他们在跨国文化的环境下去执行工作或是日常活动的语言能力。托业考试从四个方面考察应试者的英语交流技能,分别是听力、阅读、口语、写作。 常见问题: 1. 什么人适合参加TOEIC(托业)考试? 母语为非英语的人士可以通过参加托业考试获得能客观反映其英语交流能力的证明,在其求职、职位升迁、海外派遣等场合使用。 2. 什么企业\机构接受TOEIC(托业)考试结果? TOEIC(托业)考试结果被全球范围的企业机构、政府机构和院校等承认。 企业通过TOEIC 测试成绩来追踪英语培训项目进展、招募及晋升员工、制定职位统一标准。 政府机关通过TOEIC 测试成绩来追踪英语培训项目进展、招募及晋升员工。


托业考试语法词汇测试练习题及答案(2) 21. Why are you so ________ about that old coat? Although it is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive 为何你对那旧外套如此有感情?虽然是祖父给你的礼物,但它几乎要穿破了。 答案 : sentimental 22. My mother tells me to keep meat ________ from other food in the refrigerator. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 妈妈告诉我把肉和冰箱里的其它东西分开来放。 答案 : separate 23. These two brothers had been ________ for 40 years before they met again last week. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 那两个兄弟在上星期重逢之前已分离了四十年。 答案 : separated 24. She is absent from school today because she is suffering from a ________ toothache. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 她今天没去上课,因为她牙痛得很厉害。 答案 : severe 25. Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory of Relativity, made a ________ contribution to physics in the twentieth century. . A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 爱因斯坦一一相对论的作者,对二十世纪的物理学有极重大的买献


托业考试词汇练习题 1.v. to plan; to scheme; to send; to dispatch; to throw (a) project (b) host (c) suspend (d) oversee 2.v. to delay; to obstruct; to hinder; to prevent; to thwart (a) impede (b) halt (c) inflict (d) bulk 3.v. to grant a license to an individual or group; to grant the right to vote (a) pipe (b) spread (c) enlighten (d) franchise 4.v. to demolish; to ruin; to destruct; to erase (a) diet (b) finalize (c) destroy (d) go along with 5.v. to elevate; to lift; to excite; to arouse; to cause

(a) harness (b) search (c) respond (d) raise 答案:aadcd 6.v. to recover (a) accompany (b) get over (c) envision (d) evict 7.v. to go on a journey; to move; to go from one place to another (a) link (b) envision (c) travel (d) coach 8.v. to support; to provide for; to finance; to assist; to encourage (a) wait (b) sustain (c) occur (d) carry out 9.v. to channel; to centralize (a) funnel (b) classify


一、办公室事宜Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席 3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 6.directory 人名住址薄 7.duplicate 复制;副本 8.filing 归档 9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪 11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁等) 13.postage 邮费 14.punctualit 准时;守时 15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜Office matters(2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.colleague 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机 9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包 13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机 19.typist 打字员 20.xerox 影印 二、Personnel & Management 人事及管理 1.allocate 拨出;分配;配置 2.applicant 申请人 3.authorize 授权;委托 4.bonus 红利;额外津贴;奖金 5.capability 能力;才干;潜力;性能 6.collaboration 合作;通敌 7.consultation 咨询;商量;商议;会议 8.curriculum vitae 履历 9.eligible 合格的,合适的 10.employer 雇主 11.executive 行政或管理人员 12.income 收入或所得 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6213846669.html,y off (暂时)解雇 14.occupation 职业 15.part-time 兼任的;兼职的 16.permanent 不变的,永久的 17.promote 升迁;促销 18.recruit 吸收;征募 19.resume 履历表 20.salary 薪水 Personnel & Management 人事及管理2 1.amateur 业余技术家;外行人;非专家 2.appoint 任命;指定 3.benefit 有益于;受益 4.candidate 候选人 5.certificate 凭证;证书 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6213846669.html,petent 有能力的,胜任的 7.coordinate 协调;调整 8.deadline 截至期限 9.employee 受雇者 10.evaluation 评价;估价 11.expertise 专门技术或知识 12.interview 会面;面谈 13.novice 生手;新手;初学者 14.overtime 超时 15.pension 养老金;退休金 16.personnel 全体人员;人事部门


2018年托业考试(TOEIC)阅读试题及答案 1.The factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _______ area. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 这工厂必须拆除,因为在住宅区禁设工厂。 答案: residential 2.The cowboy looked ________ in that strange-looking hat. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 那位牛仟戴着怪模怪样的帽子,看起来很可笑。 答案: ridiculous 3. It's too ______ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 从悬崖上做高空弹跳太冒险了。 答案: risky 4.Don't believe him. What he said just now was _______. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 不要相信他。他刚刚说的都是废话。 答案: rubbish 5. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as ________ books. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 「圣经」与「可兰经」都被视为圣书。 答案: sacred


2021年托业考试词汇语法模拟试题5 81. My company announced that the workers' ________ , a regular payment, will increase 5 percent next year. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 82. Because I didn't have much time, I gave the menu a quick ________ and chose the chicken. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 83. Although she studied in art school, she didn't make enough efforts to study ________. A) salary

B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 84. I usually read the sports ________ of the newspaper. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 85. The ________ of responsibility brought him back to the hospital even though he was afraid of being infected with the contagious disease. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation


2017年托业英语考试语法词汇模拟试题 (1) 2017年托业英语考试语法词汇模拟试题(1) 1.There has been a lot of _______ prejudice in American .

A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 2.He is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _______. A) realistic B) racial

C) recycled D) rebellious 3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more ______ . A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious

4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _______ once they are dumped. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 5.Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _______ customer. A) reliable


托业高频词汇汇总(修订版) 一、办公室事宜 Office matters(1) 1.appointment 约会,约定 2.attendance 出席人数;出席 `3.cabinet 橱柜 4.calendar 日历;月历;行事历 5.clerk 办事员,书记 `6.directory 人名住址薄 `7.duplicate 复制;副本 `8.filing 归档 `9.in-tray 待处理文件盒 10.monitor 检测;监视;追踪 `11.out-tray 已处理文件盒 12.partition 分隔;分隔物(如墙壁 等) 13.postage 邮费 14.punctualit 准时;守时 15.schedule 时间表;计划表 16.shift 换班;轮班;值班 17.staff 全体职员 18.strike 罢工 19.task 工作,任务 20.work force 工作人员;劳动人口 办公室事宜 Office matters(2) 1.assignment 分配;工作,分派 2.bulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 3.calculator 计算器 4.carbon copy 用复写纸复制的副本 5.colleague 同事,同僚 6.document 文件,证件 7.extension 分机(电话);延期 8.intercom 对讲机 9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 10.operator 接线生 11.overtime 加班的时间 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包 13.printed matter 印刷品 14.receptionist 接待员 15.secretary 秘书 16.shorthand 速记,速记法 17.stapler 订书机 18.tardy 迟缓;迟到的;迟延的 19.typist 打字员 20.xerox 影印 二、Personnel & Management 人事及管理 1.allocate 拨出;分配;配置 2.applicant 申请人 3.authorize 授权;委托 4.bonus 红利;额外津贴;奖金 5.capability 能力;才干;潜力;性能 6.collaboration 合作;通敌 7.consultation 咨询;商量;商议;会议 8.curriculum vitae 履历 9.eligible 合格的,合适的 10.employer 雇主 11.executive 行政或管理人员 12.income 收入或所得 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6213846669.html,y off (暂时)解雇 14.occupation 职业 15.part-time 兼任的;兼职的 16.permanent 不变的,永久的 17.promote 升迁;促销 18.recruit 吸收;征募 19.resume 履历表 20.salary 薪水 Personnel & Management 人事及管理 2 1.amateur 业余技术家;外行人;非专家 2.appoint 任命;指定 3.benefit 有益于;受益 4.candidate 候选人 5.certificate 凭证;证书 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6213846669.html,petent 有能力的,胜任的 7.coordinate 协调;调整 8.deadline 截至期限 9.employee 受雇者 10.evaluation 评价;估价 11.expertise 专门技术或知识 12.interview 会面;面谈 13.novice 生手;新手;初学者 14.overtime 超时 15.pension 养老金;退休金 16.personnel 全体人员;人事部门 17.recommendation 推荐;推荐书;劝告


Chapter 1 Basic Structure 1. Subject 1.1Studies show that ______ are easily passed from one person to another by failure to wash hands frequently. (A)Infect (B)infections (C)infectious (D)infecting 1.2My brother started working in the pizza business after ______ graduated from college. (A)himself (B)his (C)he (D)him 1.3The announce of the captain is that the airplane would be arriving in twenty minutes. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.4Understand the interplay between money, interest rates, and debt could be useful. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.5An anonymous provided the money to build new medical facilities at the prison. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.6The enclosed brochure explains how, ______ can file a claim quickly and easily. (A)who (B)one (C)which (D)this 1.7The actively of all license holders are regulated and supervised by government (A) (B) (C) (D) agencies.


托业考试语法词汇预测练习题及答案2017年托业考试语法词汇预测练习题及答案 1.Accordingtosome_______bysomescholars,lungcanceriscause dmainlybysmoking. A)rock B)research C)schedule D)Rumor 2.Alarge_______fellandblockedtheroad. A)rock B)research C)schedule D)Rumor 3._______hasitthatthemoviestarcommittedsuicideyesterday. A)rock B)research C)schedule D)Rumor 4.Ontheairline________,IsawthattherewasaflighttoTokyoats eveno'clock. A)rock

B)research C)schedule D)Rumor 5.Themeetingwillbeheldon________.Therewillbenodelay. A)rock B)research C)schedule D)Rumor 6.Iamalwayslost.Ireallyhaveno________ofdirection. A)shift B)sense C)speed D)soul 7.WhenpresidentMarwontheelection,peoplesaidthatitwasapol itical________fromdifferentparties. A)shift B)sense C)speed D)soul 8.Theeyeisthewindowofthe________. A)shift B)sense C)speed


2021托业考试语法词汇模拟试卷 81. My company announced that the workers' ________ , a regular payment, will increase 5 percent next year. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 82. Because I didn't have much time, I gave the menu a quick ________ and chose the chicken. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 83. Although she studied in art school, she didn't make enough efforts to study ________. A) salary B) sacrifice C) sculpture D) scan 84. I usually read the sports ________ of the newspaper. A) sense

B) section C) servant D) separation 85. The ________ of responsibility brought him back to the hospital even though he was afraid of being infected with the contagious disease. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 86. The ________ from his parents since his childhood is the main cause of his psychological problems. A) sense B) section C) servant D) separation 87. A ________ is a person who is paid to work in somebody's house, doing work such as cooking, cleaning, etc.. A) sense B) section C) servant


2018年Toeic托业考试真题及答案--手打请支持 (非听力部分) Part V Direction : In this part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark on your answer sheet. 101. For several years now, we have seen a marked in attendance and exhibitions at the PCB design conferences. (A) increase (B) increased (C) increasing (D) TO increase 102. Make sure that transportation to and from the river is arranged to your . (A) satisfactory (B) satisfaction (C) satisfy (D) to satisfy ] 103. The imposing that will soon be Rand Corporation‘s R&D center was renovated by the highly admired designer Haewook Lee. (A) structural (B) structure (C) structurally (D) in structural 104. Employees may receive 50% tuition reimbursement for job-related courses taken with a supervisor‘s . (A) approves (B) approval (C) approve (D) to approve 105. Mr. Hui, a freelance writer here at ESS Newspapers, has impeccable for the position of senior editor. (A) qualified (B) qualifications (C) qualify (D) be qualified 106. Because of an illness is much cheaper than treatment, the local health clinic will be offering free flu vaccinations this weekend. (A) prevention (B) prevent (C) to prevent B) prevented 107. Legal experts have presented that the DNA samples and fingerprints match. | (A) evident (B) evidence (C) evidently (D) to evident 108. Mach Corp. has a system that allows cl ients to manage to employees‘ files. (A) access (B) accessible (C) to accessible (D) accessibly 109. The average listener will not be able to notice any between audio CD and MP3 files.


2018年托业考试词汇语法选择模拟试题 1. Because of the generous new salary scheme, we find that part time staff do not need to be replaced----- as in the past. (A) as often (B) most often (C) more often (D) often 2. Our candidate realizes that his position on free trade is complicated and he would ----- the opportunity to explain it to your group. (A) assess (B) welcome (C) size (D) lend 3. Even when he is short of money he keeps $20 in the bottom of his shoe ----- there is an emergency.

(A) although (B) in spite of (C) since (D) in case 4. We should promote the fact that our return and refund policy is much better than ----- of any of our competitors. (A) that (B) this (C) those (D) these 5. The downward trend in technology stocks started three months ago ----- is expected to continue until the European economy improves. (A) then (B) however (C) and (D) thus 6. If you had told us that your guest was interested in Native


办公室事宜Office matters( 1) Transportation( Air, Ocean, Land) 交通运输 1.a ppointment 约会,约定 1.accelerate 加速;促进;前进 4.b uckle up 系安全带 5.cargo 货物 6.d irectory 人名住址薄 6.convertible 敞篷车 7.c rash landing 迫降8.filing 归档 10.ground crew 地勤人员.jaywalk 不遵守交通规则穿越马路;闯红灯launch 发射;开始navigate 航行;驾驶 14.punctualit 准时;守时14.pilot 飞行员 17.staff 全体职员17.subway 地铁(注意区分 highway ,freeway ,metro) 18.taxicab 计程车19.transit 运输;通过 1.a ssignment 分配;工作,分派 1.acrophobia 恐高症 2.b ulletin 公报;告示;定期报告书 2.airliner 大型客机 3.a viation 飞行;航空学 4.cabin 小屋;客舱;机舱 5.c ommuter 通勤者 6.conveyance 运输;交通工具 7.extension 分机(电话);延期7.crossroads 十字路口 8.f erry 渡轮9.memo 便条;便笺;备忘录 9.f reight 货运;货物10.operator 接线生 10.intersection n. 交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点 11.overtime 加班的时间11.jeopardy 风险;危险;危难 12.portfolio 作品夹,公事包12.life vest 救生衣 13.printed matter 印刷品13.pedestrian 行人;步行者


1.There has been a lot of _______ prejudice in American. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 美国一直都有种族偏见。 答案 : racial 2.He is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _______. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 他是个无可救药的理想主义者;很难将他拉回现实、让他更实际点。 答案 : realistic 3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more ______ . A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 随着哥哥年纪渐长也更叛逆,他与母亲的关系变得更糟。 答案 : rebellious 4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _______ once they are dumped. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 环保车使用的材料使它们在被丢弃后还可以轻易地回收使用。 答案 : recycled 5.Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _______ customer. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious Tom每晚都去那家酒吧喝瓶啤酒。他是常客。 答案 : regular 6.To keep health, we have to keep _______ hours. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 为了保持健康,我们必须生活有规律。 答案 : regular 7.Friends might not be always trust-worthy, but dogs are; they have long been regarded as the most _______ company of human beings. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 也许朋友不是常常值得信赖的,但狗可以信赖;牠们长久以来就被视为人类


Contents TOEIC Vocabulary-Ads for Job (1) TOEIC Vocabulary-Announcement&Information (2) TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Letters (2) TOEIC Vocabulary-Contract (3) TOEIC Vocabulary-Invitation (4) TOEIC Vocabulary-Newspaper Article (4) TOEIC Vocabulary-Sports Match (5) TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistical Figures (6) TOEIC Vocabulary-Statistics Graph (7) TOEIC Vocabulary-Travel (8) TOEIC Vocabulary-TV&Radio (9) TOEIC Vocabulary-Weather Report (10)

TOEIC Vocabulary 1 -Ads for Job occupation 职位 vacancy 空位 business office 办公室 pay 待遇 leave 休假 head office 总公司 branch office 分公司 sales department 业务部 accounting department 会计部 promotion 升迁 demotion 降级 sign up 签雇用合约 dismissal 解雇 president 董事长 general manager 总经理 supervisor 总管 a letter of recommendation 推荐信 bonus 分红 commute 通勤 Applications must arrive no later than 申请函必须在……之前到达 Applications should be postmarked no latter than 申请函上邮戳在……之前有效 inflation-linked pay increase 通货膨胀连动型调薪 is considered 是可考虑得 is preferred 认为……比较好 is required 是必须的 is negotiable 是可商谈的 labor management 劳工管理 labor market 劳工市场 Master of Business Administration 工商管理学硕士 names of reference 保证人 opening 空缺 part-time position 兼职工作 prior experience 过去的经历 renewable for only once 仅可延长一次的合同 salary is competitive 高薪transit 中转 transportation 运输 the position is un-renewable 此职位无法延长(合同) short-listed applicants 初审合格者 inter-office memo 公司部便条 billboard告示牌 TOEIC Vocabulary-Announcement & Information special offer 特卖 fare change 价格变动 arrival of a guest 贵宾来访 across-the-broad 全盘的 admission fee 入场费 air fare 航空费用 assembly 议会 attraction 吸引人之物 claim 主 collapse 瓦解 condition 条件、状况 current fare 现行价格 deficit-ridden 受举债之苦的 evidence 证据 explicitly 明确指出地 fare hike 价格波动 warrant 权限 fare reduction 降价 harbinger 预兆 implicitly 暗含的 inconclusively 味觉状态的 water rates 水费 provisional 暂时的=tentatively requirement 必要条件 reveal 损失,透露 room charge 住房费 scapegoat 替罪 TOEIC Vocabulary-Business

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