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11-12-2 “中级听说”部分答案 Chapter 7-12

11-12-2 “中级听说”部分答案 Chapter 7-12
11-12-2 “中级听说”部分答案 Chapter 7-12

Chapter 7 Why Does It Hurt So Much


Why Does It Hurt So Much?

The story started on a normal day when I was only six years old. All of us, mom, dad, my brothers and sister, and I were getting ready for the day’s events, school and work. When we all left, everything seemed fine. The four of us, my older brother and sister and one of my younger brothers, walked to school three blocks away.

School was the same as it usually was. I went out for morning recess, then came in and colored with melted crayons and then went to lunch. I didn’t know that within the next hour, my life was about to change and I was going to be thrown into the most “traumatic years of my life”as one psychologist would later say.

I came back into the classroom from recess, sat in my chair, and prepared to learn about addition and subtraction. I was excited because when I got home, I was going to show mommy and daddy what I had learned. I didn’t know that at that moment, my dad was standing in the school office, asking for my brother and me to be pulled out of school. I would definitely learn the concept of subtraction later.

We walked to our silver Toyota van and joined my older brother and sister. When we pulled into the garage, my mom was sanding in the doorway with a neck brace on. I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

My mom had a very angry look on her face, and her nostril were faring. Her eyes scared me the most. They were little slits below her eyebrows. If she had looked my way, she surely would have burnt a hole through my own eyes.

I can still remember the scene. My mother stormed out of the doorway to the driver’s side of our van. My dad told us to go upstairs. We got out of the van, all on the passenger side. My mother didn’t seem to notice that we were there. As we walked, rather briskly, inside, I heard screaming and arguing. My dad hadn’t gotten out of the van and he and my mom were arguing their way down the hall into the study. By now, we were upstairs in my brothers’room. We all sat there, staring at each other.

More arguing, more screaming, more confusion. Then, thump! And a loud wailing. Oh my God! My baby brother, someone had dropped my baby brother.

My older brother jumped with the rest of us and ran downstairs and returned within seconds with our wailing 6-month-old brother. We looked him over as best we could and he seemed fine to us, just a little shaken up.

The next things we heard were sirens. Now the police were here. Tears were starting to come to my eyes; everyone knew that something bad must have or was going to happen when the police came.

A while later, my dad came up to talk to us. He said that mommy had to leave. They were getting a divorce.

From then on, life was a blurry dream of endless custody and court battles, supervised and unsupervised visitations, confusion and hatred.

A ping-pong game is probably the best way to describe the first couple of years. My mom and dad were the paddles and the five kids were the ball. At first, my dad had us, then my mom, then my dad, then my mom.

After the final custody case was fought, we ended up with my father. It was a major victory for him because not only did he get custody of his own children, my two younger brothers and I, but he also got custody of my older brother and sister who were my half brother and sister and his stepchildren. It’s almost unheard of to her custody of stepchildren. If he hadn’t been awarded custody of them, he probably would have lost custody of all of us because the courts won’t split children up.

My mother knew that I was daddy’s girl, and she figured that hurting me would hurt him, so in turn, I was hurt a lot. She’d slap me and call me big mouth and she just never was good to me. I actually grew up thinking that being slapped across the face was normal, and that my parents constantly fighting were normal. I didn’t understand that what I was going through was very unique. So many things happened, so many stories to tell, I could go on forever. But I won’t. Part II

C. Listen to the following statements twice and supply the missing information.

1. According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, the divorce rate in 1997

was 2.3 times that of 1985. In 1998, the divorce rate soared to 13 percent of the total number of marriages of the year.

2. Each year, over one million American children become the victims of their parents’ divorce.

Moreover, half of the children will see their parents divorce before they turn 18.

3. Some people attribute divorce to the erosion of social morality that has come with the rise of


4. Divorce is the wise choice for a failed marriage, and it costs less than anything in an

unsatisfying marriage.

5. “Problem teenagers” may be the result not of a divorce but of the thunderous atmosphere of a


6. Individual happiness is important. Unnecessary sacrifice is not worthwhile. Allowing women

to break free from an happy marriage is a sign of social progress.

7. Divorce represents social progress, for the divorce rate is often higher in developed countries

than in developing countries.

8. Remarriage of ten divorces tend to be unstable, break up more often, and end more quickly

than do first-time marriage. Remarriages are 50% more likely to end in divorce in the first five years compared to first marriages.

9. Married people are less likely to engage in unhealthy behavior such as drug and alcohol


10. Divorce is said to be the lawful solution to a bad marriage, though it is not a solution I favor.

11. We should not discriminate against divorced people, because divorce allows both persons to

seek happiness in a second marriage.

12. Divorce is frequently necessary in case of adultery, alcoholism, desertion, drug addiction,

and mental and physical cruelty.

13. Children are the victims of divorce and are better off living with one parent than with both in

an unhappy environment.

14. It’s an undeniable fact that divorce not only breaks up a family, but may contribute to social


15. Marriage means responsibility; both husband and wife should bear this in mind for the sake

of the children.

16. Currently 60-70 percent of divorce cases are initiated by women as they acquire more

education, responsibility and opportunity.

17. Children of divorced parents often perform poorly in reading, spelling, and math. Also they

are more likely to repeat a grade and to have higher drop-out rates and lower rates of college graduation.

18. Children whose parents have divorced are involved more frequently in crime and drug abuse,

and have higher rates of suicide.

19. Religious worship, which has been linked to better health, longer marriages, and better

family life, drops after the parents divorce.

20. Almost 50 percent of the parents that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the


Part II Why Does It Hurt So Much

A. Y ou are going to hear a passage entitled “Why Does It Hurt So Much”. Listen to it carefully and complete the answers in the questions you have heard.

1. The story started on a normal day when I was ___________.

a. five years old

b. six years old

c. seven years old

d. eight years old

2. The narrator’s life was about to change and she was going to be thrown into the most ___________.

a. happy years of her life

b. traumatic years of life

c. exciting years of life

d. miserable years of life

3. What did the narrator’s life look like before her parents divorced?

a. Everything was normal for her and she enjoyed her classes at school.

b. She did not like her family and the school.

c. She often played truant because she didn’t like to learn addition and subtraction.

d. She had to walk a long distance from home to school.

4. What impression did the narrator have of her mother that day?

a. Her mother was miserably hurt.

b. Her mother behaved like a devil.

c. Though her mother was not calm, she still loved her kinds.

d. Her mother was wailing miserably.

5. What happened to the narrator’s baby brother that day?

a. Probably he was dropped from upstairs.

b. The mother probably dropped him from her hands.

c. He was seriously injured as the parents were fighting.

d. The father gave him a good beating.

6. What was said about the custody case?

a. The father and mother were granted joint custody of the children.

b. Neither parent wanted custody of the five children.

c. It was like a ping-pang game and there was no winner.

d. It was lucky for the narrator that her father finally won the cas


7. What can be inferred about the relationship between the narrator and her mother?

a. She was often slapped across the face by her mother.

b. There were hard feelings between the narrator and her mother.

c. The narrator’s mother was her stepmother.

d. The narrator would never forgive her mother.

B. Listen to the recording once more and focus on the main idea and major points in it and then complete the outline below with the missing information.

I. All of my family members were getting ready for the day’s events, school and work. So I didn’t know that within the next hour, my life was about to change and I was going to be thrown into the most “ traumatic years of my life.”

II. A. My dad came to the school office, he asked for my brother and me to be pulled out of school.

B. When we pulled into the garage, my mom had a very angry look on her face. My dad hadn’t

gotten out of the van and he and my mom were arguing their way down the hall into the study.

C. My dad said that mommy had to leave. They were getting a divorce. From then on, life was

a blurry dream of endless custody and court battles, supervised and unsupervised visitations,

confusion and hatred.

III. A. My mom figured that hurting me would hurt my dad, so in turn, I was hurt a lot.

B. I grew up thinking that being slapped across the face was normal, and that my parents

constantly fighting were normal. I didn’t understand that what I was going through was very unique.

Chapter 8 Animal Abuse and Crime


Animal Abuse and Crime

The concept of animal rights can be interpreted in widely different ways and people’s attitudes differ greatly. On the one hand, some people may exercise the right to kill animals for the purpose of consumption or sport. Some people, on the other hand, will deprive themselves of the right to kill even the smallest animal by mistake.

Where do you stand on this issue? Consider the following three cases.

Vickie Kittles was convinced on 42 counts of animal neglect in Oregon in February 1995 after five weeks of trial. Kittles had a police record of illegally selling pets and had been charged with animal neglect before. She had avoided imprisonment by paying fines. But this time she had to complete her 7-month sentence in jail.

In 1999, a police officer named John Hurlman in Marine shot and killed a friendly family dog while he was jogging through a quiet well-kept neighborhood with a gun. He shot the dog in full view of its owner and a neighbor. Hurlman was charged with first and second degree animal abuse and second degree criminal mischief. Hurlman was indicted by a grand jury on several charges, including unlawful use of a firemarm and cruelty to animals. Charges were eventually dropped in exchange for Hurlman paying $10,000 to the dog owner for his loss. He also had to write an apology and do 32 hours of community service.

In the summer of 2002,q 24-year-old man was arrested in Missouri for allegedly burning a kitten on a barbecue grill as several other people stood around and watched in amusement. The kitten died and the man was charged with animal abuse, punished by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. He was held $10,000 bail.

Do you think these punishments are appropriate, too extreme or too lenient? Should a cruel

act against a pet animal land a person in jail?

Actually, animal abuse is not just the result of a minor personality flaw in the abuser, but a symptom of a deep mental disturbance. Research in psychology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty against animals don’t stop there; many of them move on to their fellow humans. In 1987, three Missouri high school students were charged with beating to death a classmate. They had histories of repeated acts of animal mutilation starting several years earlier. One confessed that he had killed so many cats he’d lost count. Two brothers who murdered their parents had previously told classmates that they had cut off a cat’s head.

A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found that all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a boy.

Part I

C. Listen to the following statements twice and supply the missing information.

1. No one knows exactly how many species of animals there are. So far, scientists have

classified and named more than 1.5 million kinds of animals. Over half of these are different types of insects.

2. Many new species are discovered each year. Scientists believe there may be from 2 million to

as many as 50 million kinds of animals alive today. Many other kinds of animals used to live on the earth but have died out, like dinosaurs for example.

3. Domestic animals usually breed quickly. One female cat and her offspring can produce

420,000 cats in 7 years.

4. Holland with its population of 16 million has over 3.5 million cats and dogs. Every year about

70,000 of them end up in animal shelters.

5. In the U.S. an estimated 4 to 6 million cats and dogs are killed in animal shelters each year.

Millions more are abandoned, only to suffer from illness or injury before dying.

6. A study recently conducted by the Association of American Medical Colleges has revealed

that use of live dogs by the 125 medical schools in the United States has decreased dramatically during the last two decades.

7. It is reported that in 1985, 73 percent of the schools reported using live dogs as teaching aids.

In 1994, 62 percent of the schools did. In 2001, only 32 percent of them did.

8. Failure to provide adequate food, water and shelter constitutes neglect. The use of physical

force sufficient to cause injury to an animal constitutes abuse. Abuse and neglect to animals constitutes cruelty, which is against the law in most states in the U.S.

9. Animal abuse is an indication of child abuse. In fact it has been found that animals are abused

in 88% of the families where children are abused.

10. Because animals can’t speak for themselves, we should support those who work for the

enforcement of animal rights and join those who can speak for animals.

11. The Animal Abuse Prevention Agency is a non-profit organization which takes a pro-active

approach in preventing cruelty to animals.

12. Working for animal rights is meant to benefit all species, both wild and domesticated.

13. A keen sense of smell enables dogs and wolves to find food, follow trails, and recognize


14. We think animals that are bred for food are just as capable of suffering as their wild

counterparts and it is their suffering that is at issue.

15. People who buy meat are solely responsible for the deaths of over 700 million animals every

year. The killing is done at their request and financed with their money. Their guilt is inescapable.

16. Some people argue that our intelligence makes us more important and valuable than animals.

But that view would imply that some mentally handicapped people would be less important than many animals.

17. Most scientists believe that all plant and animal species probably developed from a single

form of life that arose about 30 billion years ago.

18. The basic life form gradually changed so that through millions of years, new kinds of

animals have come into being. Some kinds are still alive. Others are extinct. All animals, whether living or extinct, are related to one another.

19. Some scientists believe that we are living in a period of mass extinction. In the United States

alone, about 40 species of birds, 35 species of animals, and 25 other species of animals have become extinct during the last 200 years.

20. Many of these species became extinct as a result of human activities. Hundreds of other

species in the United States have become endangered.

21. Today, however, more and more people are working to preserve the diversity of animal life

for future graduations.

Part II Animal Abuse and Crime

A. Y ou are going to hear a passage entitled “Animal Abuse and Crime”. Listen to it carefully and complete the answers in the questions you have heard.

1. Why can the concept of animal rights be interpreted in widely different ways?

a. Because people don’t agree with one another.

b. Because there’s no law in the world to define animal rights.

c. Because animals are different and people’s attitudes are different.

d. Because it’s almost impossible to define animal rights.

2. Why do some people exercise the right to kill animals?

a. Because they think they have the right to eat or provide animal meat.

b. Because these people are cruel in nature.

c. Because they are not well-educate


d. Because they think human rights outweigh animal rights.

3. A 24-year old man was charged with animal abuse, punishable by up to ___________.

a. 3 years in prison and a $3,000 fine.

b. 4 years in prison and a $4,000 fine.

c. 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

d. 6 years in prison and a $6,000 fin


4. What does research in psychology and criminology show?

a. Killing animals is in the interest of most people.

b. Animal abuse is the result of a minor personality flaw in the abuser.

c. Most animal abusers have mental problems.

d. Abusing animals is a symptom of a deep mental disturbanc


5. What does the speaker imply concerning the teenagers’ crimes?

a. These crimes were too cruel to be true.

b. There is a close connection between animal abuse and human abuse.

c. The teenagers’ crimes could have been prevented if we had taken suitable measures.

d. Some teenagers tend to imitate violent acts they have learned from TV.

6. What can be inferred about the speaker’s attitude toward animal abuse?

a. Animal abuse is a serious matter and is closely linked with human abuse.

b. Animals should have the same rights as humans do.

c. There should be harsh laws to punish those who abuse animals or neglect their pets.

d. People should respect animal rights the same way as we respect human rights.

B. Listen to the recording once more and focus on the main idea and major points in it and then complete the outline below with the missing information.

I. The concepts of animal right

A. Exercising the right to kill animals for the purpose of consumption or sport.

B. Depriving themselves of the right to kill even the smallest animal by mistake.

II. Three cases

A. Vickie Kittles was convicted on 42 counts of animal nglect in Oregon in February 1995. She

had to complete her 7-month sentence in jail.

B. A police officer named John Hurlman shot and killed a friendly family dog. Charges were

eventually dropped in exchange for Hurlman paying $10,000 to the dog owner for his loss.

He also had to write an apology and do 32 hours of community service.

C. A 24-year-old man was arrested for allegedly burning a kitten on a barbecue grill. He was

charged with animal abuse, punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. He was held on 10,000 bail.

III. Conclusion

Animal abuse is not just the result of minor personality flaw in the abuser, but a symptom of a deep mental disturbance.

Chapter 9 A Letter from Sunderland


A Letter from Sunderland

As I exited from the Sunderland train station, fear began to set in. I had just finished a six-hour plane journey followed by more than four hours on a train, and now I was supposed to find my way to my residence hall with a heavy suitcase. I was alone in a strange country and getting a little scared.

At the moment, a cab miraculously appeared before my eyes. The driver swiftly put my luggage in the trunk and asked where I was going. I somehow managed to mumble the address I had been given and we were quickly on our way. I think he asked me where I was from, but his accent was thick and hard to understand. I could have told him that my name was “The United States”.

Soon my uneasiness subsided and I realized where I was, England. Before now, it had seemed a distant dream. Back in the US, the University of Marine had offered me a scholarship and I had made the decision to spend a semester in the United Kingdom last year and the University of Sunderland was my school of choice.

Not only did they have a journalism program, but they would accept my scholarship, making it affordable for me to go. Although I was psyched to leave, I hadn’t prepared myself mentally for it when I actually got here.

England is a great place. So far everyone has been really friendly and helpful, and there are so many things to do and see here. Although some things are similar to the United States, there are some interesting cultural differences.

Little things that the locals take for granted seem so strange and foreign to me. It was a few days before I got used to looking right before crossing the street or saying football instead of soccer. Prompts for me to “get in the queue” were met with a blank stare before I realized I was being told to get in line. As fate would have it, I was put into a residence hall with mostly other Americans. There were also some students in the hall from Canada, Denmark and England. We bonded quickly and soon held a party together.

The first week here was a whirlwind of trying to complete necessary administrative details like registering with the university, getting a library card and finding the nearest pub. Good news, there’s one right around the corner!

Classes start on Monday, and I’m ready for them to begin. My only apprehension is that the professors or lectures will have such thick accents that I won’t be able to understand them. The accents here have very thick Scottish influences to them, so some of the locals are a bit hard to understand.

One of the things I am most excited about while being here is traveling to other parts of the United Kingdom and Europe. The Center for International Education at the University of Sunderland has many day trips for international students planned. Unlike the US, it’s fairly easy to travel in England. The rail system can take you pretty much anywhere you want to go. I can already tell that being here is going to be the experience of a lifetime. Although the decision to go so far away wasn’t an easy one, I’m glad to be here and can’t wait for the semester ahead.

Part I

C. Listen to the following statements twice and supply the missing information.

1. We are living in an era of globalization. Overseas study has become popular in many


2. Each year, over one million students worldwide choose to study outside their own countries.

3. Nearly 600,000 international students studied in the US in the academic year 2001-2002.

They comprised over 4% of America’s total higher education population.

4. Meanwhile, the number of American students studying abroad has more than doubled in the

last decade.

5. Since China adopted opening-up policies at the end of the 1970s, some 340,000 Chinese

students have gone abroad for education at various levels.

6. Recent reports by Britain and the US indicate that China ranks first in the number of students

who have gained doctorate degrees in the two countries.

7. According to a government report, overseas students from China are largely self-funded.

8. The number of high school and even primary school students going abroad has been

increasing recently.

9. Rapid domestic economic growth makes it more affordable for Chinese students to study


10. The process of application has become easier since many intermediate agencies were

founded to help students.

11. In the age of a global economy, your experience abroad distinguishes you from others and

becomes an excellent resume builder.

12. Nowadays, China is attracting more and more foreign students from many countries.

13. The first group of foreign students came from East Europe in 1950. Since then over 60,000

students from 160 countries have come to China for further studies.

14. China is politically stable and economically optimistic, which is the main reason why so many

foreign students are attracted.

15. People living together in a society share a common culture. For example, almost all people

living in the United States use the English language, dress in similar styles, eat many of the same foods, and celebrate many of the same holidays.

16. Exchange can provide many benefits for all societies. Different societies can exchange ideas,

people, manufactured goods, and natural resources.

17. International education improves the relations among peoples of different cultures and

encourages cross-cultural communication.

18. People going abroad often find themselves in an unfamiliar culture, which can cause a feeling

of confusion and disorientation. Anthropologists refer to this phenomenon as culture shock. 19. Culture shock is something that many international students experience in the course of

adjusting to a new culture.

20. Many things bring about culture shock---different foods and ways of eating, different learning

and teaching methods, the peculiar attitudes of people in a certain place, etc.

21. If you make good preparations before leaving your home country, you will have less trouble

living and studying overseas.

Part II A Letter from Sunderland

A. Y ou are going to hear a passage entitled “A Letter from Sunderland”. Listen to it carefully and complete the answers in the questions you have heard.

1. I had just finished _____________ journey followed by more than _____________.

a. a 4-hour plane, 6 hours on a train

b. a 6-hour plane, 6 hours on a rain

c. a 6-houe train, 4 hours on a plane

d. a 6-hour plane, 4 hours on a train

2. What would the speaker become after graduation?

a. A correspondent.

b. A lawyer.

c. A secretary.

d. A doctor.

3. Which of the following Not true?

a. Local people in Sunderland have accents owing to Scottish influences.

b. It’s easy to travel in England.

c. “Get in the queue” has a different meaning from “get in the line”.

d. There are some cultural differences between the US and the UK.

4. Why did the speaker choose the University of Sunderland as her place of study?

a. The university offered the program she wanted to take.

b. Her parents wanted her to study in Sunderland.

c. She found it affordable to study there.

d. She was fascinated by British cultur


5. What was the speaker’s feeling at the end of the story?

a. She felt excited to have a chance to study abroad.

b. She was eager for the classes to begin.

c. She was glad to be fully prepared for the semester ahea


d. She thought she might take a trip away before the semester began.

B. Listen to the recording once more and focus on the main idea and major points in it and then complete the outline below with the missing information.


A. As I exited from the Sunderland train station, I was alone in a strange country and getting a little scared. Soon my uneasiness subsided and I realized where I was, England.

B. Not only did they have a journalism program, but they would accept my scholarship, making it affordable for me to go.


A. England is a great place. So far everyone has been really friendly and helpful, and there are so many things to do and see here.

B. The first week here was a whirlwind of trying to complete necessary administrative details.

C. Classes start on Monday, but some of the locals are a bit hard to understand.

III. One of the things I am most excited about while being here is traveling to other parts of the United Kingdom and Europe. I can already tell that being here is going to be the experience of a lifetime.

第10章How T echnology Affects Us

C. Listen to the following statements about technology twice and supply the missing information.

1. The US Three Mile Island nuclear power plant emergency took place on Wednesday, 28 March


2. We must take steps to do planning beforehand to protect ourselves from all types of future


3. It is sometimes said that technology disasters are the motivator of progress and innovation.

4. Analysis of most technology disasters shows a strong element of human failure due to

inadequate long-range planning.

5. It is advisable for our social organizations and people generally to take some control over


6. Scientists say the properties that make the chemicals attractive to industry may potentially

have serious effects on the environment.

7. People are just going ahead blindly, asking only what this new computer technology will do.

They are neglecting the question: what will the new technology entirely undo?

8. For me, I have always stressed the possibility that some unforeseen, undesirable events will

take place with new technology.

9. A new technology sometimes creates more than it destroys. Sometimes, it destroys more than

it creates. But it is never one-sided.

10. Another way of saying this is that a new technology tends to favor some groups of people and

harm other groups.

11. It is clear that the computer is now indispensable to high-level researchers in physics and other

natural sciences. But what would happen if it breaks down?

12. Many people have no private matters as powerful institutions can always access them through

computer technology.

13. People are more often reduced to mere digital objects because of computer technology.

14. Schools only need to teach children to operate computerized systems instead of teaching

things that are more valuable to them.

15. Technology seems to be developing faster than our ability to understand what we're using it


16. I don't think any of us can do much about the harmful effects that this new technology may


17. A new technology helps to fuel the economy, and any discussion of slowing its growth has to

take account of economic consequences.

18. Undoubtedly, a new technology of any kind can never substitute for human values.

19. Using the Internet as an education tool does have some merits, but it is only valuable in

addition to basic educational values.

20. Everybody is able to have a voice on the Internet as computer technology makes it possible for

them to express their opinions freely.

21. In the era of information explosion, computer technology enables us as citizens to vote from a

better-informed perspective.

Part II How Technology Affects Us

A.Y ou are going to hear a passage entitled How Technology Affects Us. Listen to

it carefully and complete the answers to the questions you have heard.

1. How does new technology improve the quality of life?

We live longer, healthier lives. We have more goods and services and more leisure time.

2. In what way have machines liberated humans?

Machines have helped us do away with drudgery and hard physical labor.

3. Why do we like new technology?

We like new technology because it makes our lives easier or more fun.

4. What was the purpose of using DDT in the past?

The purpose of using DDT in the past was to increase food production by killing unwanted insects that destroyed crops

5. What has been found recently about using some of the chemicals like DDT?

Recently, some of these chemicals have been found to cause cancer in humans.

6. According to the passage, what are the benefits deriving from television technology?

The benefits deriving from television technology inc lude access to world news, live coverage of sports events, and having famous celebrities entertain us at home.

7. What happened to Bhopal, a peaceful city in India, on the night of December 2-3, 1984?

A mysterious and deadly fog was discharged from a nearby pesticide factory, which changed the lives of more than 250,000people of the city.

8. How did the speaker describe the damage resulting from the accidents at Bhopal, Chernobyl,

and Three Mile Island?

The damage resulting from the accidents at Bhopal, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island was immediately obvious.

9. What kind of damage is occurring all around us according the speaker?

Equally serious but less obvious damage is occurring all around us.

B.Listen to the passage again and complete the following sentences with the

information you have got.

1. However, we have not always taken the time to study fully the impact of each new technology on our lives or our environment.

2. No matter what the benefits of any new technology, history shows that there is a cost for each advance.

3. Once we have a new technology it is hard to imagine life without it. However, the costs of using

a new technology may only become known years after its introduction.

4. What effect has television had on family life? Do people read in groups or as individuals as they did in the past? Are viewers not affected by watching so much violence?

5. Nobody knows exactly what effect the exposure to toxic gas will have on the future generation.

6. It is wise to be cautious about the introduction of a new technology. For example society today is increasingly concerned about the generation of electricity from nuclear fission.

7. The experience of radioactivity that escaped into the atmosphere from Chernobyl and Three Mile Island has taught us a sobering lesson.


C. A warm and cordial relationship between neighbors can greatly increase the chances of a peaceful resolution. But in real life situations, loving one’s neighbor as oneself can be very difficult. Here are some statements about neighbors. Listen to the m twice and supply the missing information.

1. Good fences make good neighbors. It is said that this proverb first appeared in the poem

"Mending Wall" by the American poet Robert Frost.

2. This proverb means that good neighbors respect one another's property. As long as neighbors

mind their own business, they will get along fine. Good farmers, for example, maintain their fences in order to keep their livestock from wandering onto neighboring farms.

3. Li Ming and I have been great neighbors and friends for four years. We have been through

many experiences together, learning and playing together, and there seems to be no border between us.

4. Difficult neighbors refer to those who are not easy to get along with, to deal with or to put up

with, when a dispute arises.

5. The Bible says: "Love thy neighbor" But in real life situations, loving one's neighbor as

oneself can be very difficult.

6. We build fences to keep our dog in our own yard and not in our neighbor's. Folks well off

enough to have a swimming pool build a fence around it to keep outsiders out--and safe.

7. But we build too many fences and walls--walls in our personal lives, walls in our churches,

walls in our community and nation. So we have walls of hostility, anger, judgment, indifference, and isolation. We have walls dividing race, class, gender, and neighborhood.

8. A warm and cordial relationship between neighbors can greatly increase the chances of a

peaceful resolution.

9. Some people say that good fences make bad neighbors and others say good lawyers make bad


10. Mr. Mallow and Mr. Robins own attractive homes in a desirable community. Both are good

residents according to their property manager. But they are never good neighbors to each other.

11. It is true that we all need to be good neighbors. Students and residents need to respect each

other, and the university needs to respect the neighborhood

12. Being a good neighbor means working together to win together. Helping your fellow neighbor

without expecting something in return is being a good neighbor.

13. A 60-year-old woman was arrested Friday afternoon and charged with attempted first-degree

murder, for the stabbing of her next-door neighbor.

14. A man lived in a house that was separated from a next-door neighbor by a hedge. He allowed

the hedge to grow to a towering height, blocking out all the sun in the neighbor's yard. The neighbor tried to communicate about the problem, but was met with a wall of silence and quickly closed doors.

15. My father is being sued by his neighbor for building up the 6-feet-tall wood fence between his

neighbor's property and his own. There was an existing 4-feet-tall wood fence, but my father decided to tear that down and put up a new one. The result is: good fences make bad neighbors.

16. My housemates and I were fined $70 last month because there was trash in front of our house.

The worst part about it is that it wasn't our trash.

17. My next-door neighbor is not only mean but noisy; she often plays her stereos loud enough to

wake up the whole community.

18. A man known as the "most annoying neighbor" went before a jury for the first time last

Tuesday on charges of littering in his home's yard. Neighbors have complained about the piles of junk and rats in his yard for more than 10 years.

19. When some neighbors complained about the loud noise that my classmates made on weekends,

the university quickly adopted a new noise policy that restricted some traditional events held on weekends.

20. There are good neighbors and bad neighbors, both students and non-students, that live around

the campus. I am not trying to say that our neighbors are bad or mean, just that the university should not always take their side.

21. Every year in the US, the Good Neighbor A wards are given to about 2,000 winners who have

made extraordinary commitment to improving the quality of life in their communities.

22. We hope to show the world the neighbor's virtues and to inspire people around the country to

contribute to their communities.

23. Indonesia and Australia are neighbors, whether we like it or not. Between neighbors, there are

always ups and downs. Sometimes we have very good and excellent relations and at other times we may have some problems--this is just normal between neighbors.

Part II Difficult Neighbors

A. Y ou are going to hear a passage entitled Difficult Neighbors. Listen to it carefully and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write "T" for true and "F" for false in the blanks.

1. ( T ) Disputes between neighbors are common and lots of things can cause conflicts.

According to the passage, more than half of the disputes can be resolved through


2. ( F ) In Judge Duncan's eyes, 50 to 60 percent of cases about neighborhood disputes are

caused by ludicrous and trivial matters.

3. ( F ) The speaker implied, not stated, that blue-collar workers could not be good neighbors

to white-collar workers.

4. ( T ) According to the judge's account, it was the university man who charged his next-door

neighbor with civil harassment.

5. ( T ) Both the blue-collar worker and the university man admitted that they had been

irrational in their behavior to each other.

6. ( F ) In the judge's second story, as the police could not resolve the dispute between the two

women, they had to submit their dispute to court.

7. ( T ) The dispute between the two women started when one unintentionally slammed the

door in the other's face.

A.Listen to the passage again and complete the following sentences with the

information you have got.

1. In Alameda County, California, he recalls, two neighbors didn't see eye to eye on anything. One was a blue-collar worker who was politically conservative, the other a university employee who was liberal. The university man's tree dropped apples in the other's yard. When they rotted, the blue-collar man threw them back. The university man left the gate to their common driveway open, upsetting his neighbor, who liked it closed. Finally, the blue-collar man bought a mannequin, dressed it in a military uniform and installed it in a window facing his neighbor's house--with right arm upraised and middle finger extended. The other man charged him with civil harassment.

2. In Albany, N.Y., two women hadn't spoken to each other in nine years, even though they had once been friends. Meanwhile, they had kept the police busy answering complaints that the other's TV was too loud, her car was blocking the driveway or her kids were unruly. Finally the police insisted they submit their dispute to mediation.

第12章The Oscars

C. Listen to the following statements about the Oscars twice and supply the missing information.

1. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is a professional honorary organization

comprised of over 6,000 motion picture artists and craftsmen.

2. Though most famous for its yearly awards, the Academy's general goal is the advancement of

the arts and sciences of motion pictures. Within that, the Academy fosters cultural, educational and technological cooperation among its members; it provides a forum for various branches of

the industry; it represents the viewpoint of its members; and it encourages educational activities between the professional community and the public.

3. To me, watching the live presentation of the Annual Academy A wards, with a bunch of friends

on a pleasant Sunday evening, is a relaxing experience.

4. Since 1969, the A wards program has been telecast throughout the world, by the mid-1990s

reaching movie fans in over 100 countries.

5. The Academy A ward of Merit, which we know as simply "the Oscar", depicts a knight holding

a crusader's sword, standing on a reel of film with five spokes, signifying the original branches

of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers and Technicians.

6. The Oscar statuette weighs 8.5 pounds and stands 13.5 inches tall. It is made of bronze plated

with 24-karat gold.

7. How the statuette got the nickname Oscar isn't clear. A popular story has been that Academy

librarian and eventual executive director Margaret Herrick said that it resembled her Uncle Oscar. A reporter allegedly overheard her and helped brand the golden guy. In any case, by the sixth A wards Presentation in 1934, Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky used the name in his column in reference to Katharine Hepburn's first Best Actress win. The Academy itself didn't use the nickname officially until 1939.

8. Membership in the Academy is limited to those who have achieved the highest level of

distinction in the arts and sciences of motion pictures. Members currently represent 14 branches--Actors, Art Directors, Cinematographers, Directors, Documentary, Executives, Film Editors, Music, Producers, Public Relations, Short Films and Feature Animation, Sound, Visual Effects, and Writers. At this time, there are over 5,700 voting members of the Academy.

9. A wards are presented for outstanding individual or collective efforts of the year in up to 25

categories. Up to five nominations are made in most categories, with balloting for these nominations restricted to members of the Academy branch concerned.

10. For instance, nominations for awards in the Foreign Language and Short Film categories are

made by large committees of members drawn from all branches. Best Picture nominations and final winners in most categories are determined by vote of the entire voting membership of over 5,700 individual filmmakers.

11. Walt Disney holds the record with 64 Academy A ward nominations. John Williams' 42

nominations make him the most nominated living person.

12. Meryl Streep has 13 nominations. Katharine Hepburn holds the distinction of the most wins

with four Leading Actress Oscars.

13. Walt Disney is the all-time winner with 26 Academy A wards to his name, including three

Special A wards.

14. In 1929, the first statuette ever presented went to Emil Jannings, who was named best actor for

his roles in "The Last Command" and "The Way of All Flesh". That first year, 15 statuettes were awarded.

15. Shirley Temple was the youngest recipient when she was presented a juvenile Academy A ward

at the age of 6.

16. The ceremony honoring 2003 achievements in motion pictures was held on Sunday, February

29, 2004. The 76th Annual Academy A wards Presentation was broadcast live from the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland by the ABC Television Network.

17. Billy Crystal hosted the 76th Academy A wards. This was the eighth year that Crystal has

served as host of the presentation. His personality and quick wit are uniquely suited to the Oscar live shows.

18. With more than two dozen awards handed out over the course of the evening, the 76th Oscar

night was certainly a long one -- about three hours, 40 minutes. The longest one is four hours,

16 minutes, which was set in 2002.

19. The Oscar red carpet has become the largest fashion show in the world with each gown an

individual work of art. Inside the theatre the evening is all about film. But on the red carpet it's the look that counts.

20. When it comes to the Oscars, it's not about who wins or loses, it's about who looks good doing

it. For fashion lovers, Oscar's runway--red carpet--is an annual highlight.

21. It indeed was a black and beautiful night at the 74th Oscar A wards ceremony. The night will go

down into the history of Oscars as the most memorable night. That night, both the leading actor and leading actress awards went to African-Americans.

22. Marilyn Monroe's career as an actress spanned 16 years. She made 29 films, 24 in the first 8

years of her career. In 1999, Marilyn was voted as the "Sexiest Woman of the Century" by People magazine. Over 40 years after her death, Marilyn still has the power to captivate fans of all ages. Y et, she never got a nomination for an Oscar.

Part II Movies That Stay with Us

A. Listen to the recording and choose the right answer to each question you hear.

1. What can a good movie do according to the speaker?

a. It can teach people a lesson.

b. It let viewers experience the situations in movies.

c. It can make people happy or sad about the human condition.

d. It can dramatize truths and help shape our thinking.

2. Why does the speaker recommend "It's a Wonderful Life"?

a. Because it has a moral and ethical value to people.

b. Because it is one of the best-sellers of the year.

c. Because it is one of the speaker's favorite films.

d. Because it fits the theme of the Christmas season.

3. What is the film "To Kill a Mockingbird" about?

a. It shows the relationship between children and adults

b. It depicts the tragedy of prejudice and racial discrimination.

c. It portrays an unforgettable story of a chil


d. It is about the hard life of American blacks.

4. Why does the speaker say "Saving Private Ryan" is not a movie for children?

a. Because it depicts horrifying scenes in a bloody war.

b. Because it is about the life of Jesus.

c. Because the language of the film is not fit for children.

d. Because the images in the film are obscur


5. What does the speaker admire regarding the Italian film "Life Is Beautiful"?

a. The film tells a very moving story about a father and a son.

b. He admires the son's devotion to his father in the film.

c. He thinks the film is successful in telling a comic story against a horrific backgroun


d. He thinks the film truly depicts the beautiful life of a family

6. What can be inferred about the speaker?

a. He is a film director.

b. He is a college teacher.

c. He has a strong sense of duty and commitment.

d. He has a unique way of arriving at solid viewpoints.

B. Listen to the recording again and complete the following chart with the information you have got.


新编实用英语综合教程2 unit 1 课后习题答案 P4-1 ①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's right P4-2 1)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ? 2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ? :3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ? 4) Lemonade if you must bring sth . P4-3 1) what are you going to do this weekend ? 2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend . 3) the early or the late show 4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop . 5) i 'd rather go to KFC 6) when and where shall we meet ? P5-1 ①tomorrow②ball game③skiing④f or a long time ⑤very warm⑥agree P6-2

① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No , he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a call P6-3 ① the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④ in writing ⑤ at the bottom ⑥ attend ⑦ in person or by phone ⑧ comfortable P7-4 1) d 2) C 3) a 4) b P8-1 1) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation 2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation . 3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant . 4) the word "sometime ". P9-2 1) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestion P9-3 ① invent an excuse later ② present problems ③ explicit④ specific time mentioned ⑤ Yes , th at would be nice . P9-4 1) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain 7) explicit 8) identify P9-5 !) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence. 2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .


一、幼儿园课程试题库参考答案 二、单项选择题 1. B 2.D 3.A 4. C 5.D 6. C 7. A 8.D 9. A 10.C 11. A 12.C 13. B 14. C 15.D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20.B 21. B 22. D 23. A 2 4. C 25.A 26.C 2 7. D 28. A 29.C 30.B 31. B 32.D 33. C 34.A 35.D 36. B 37.D 38. A 39. C 40.D 41.A 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.C 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.C 58.D 59.B 60.C 61.B 62.D 63.A 64.C 65.D 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.B 70.C 二.多项选择题 71.AC 72.BD 73.AC 74.AB 75.CD 76.ABC 77.AB 78.ABCD 79.ABCD 80.ABD 81.BCD 82.ABCD 83.BC 84.AB 85BCD 86.AB 87.AB 88.ABCD 89.ABCD 90.ABCD 91.ACD 92.ABC 93.BCD 94.ABC 95.ABCD 96.ABD 97.ABCD 98.ABD 99.AB 100.CD 101.CD 102.ABC 103.ABCD 104.ABD 105.ABC 106.ABC 107.ABCD 108.ABCD 109.ABCD 110.ABCD 111.AB 112.BD 113.ABC 114.ABC 115.BCD 116.ABC 117.BC 118.AB 119.CD 120.ABCD 121.ABCD 122.ABD 123.BCD 124.AD 125.ABCD 126.ABCD 127.ABCD 128.ABD 129.AD 130.BC 131.ABCD 132.ABCD 133.ABCD 134.AB 135.BCD 136.ABCD 137.ABC 138.ABCD 139.ABCD 140.ABD

广播电视台招聘考试简答题题库(55题 附答案)

简答题 1、广播电视新闻的语言表达应遵守的原则有哪些? 答:广播电视新闻的语言表达必须遵循广播电视媒体的传播特点和新闻写作的基本原则,具体表现为: (1)广播电视新闻的语言表达应明白晓畅,易于接收、接受。 (2)广播电视新闻需要受众听得见、听得懂,便于耳听接收。 (3)广播电视新闻各构成要素都要求真实、准确,语言表达要准确。(4)广播电视新闻所要表达的信息应相对完整。 (5)受众多样性需要广播电视新闻的语言表达通俗易懂,同时也要避免语言表达的简单化与庸俗化。 2、简述广播电视记者是如何获取新闻线索的? 答:广播电视记者获取新闻线索主要通过以下四种渠道: (1)政务渠道,又称官方渠道,主要是指各级政权机关及其行政事务活动,包括有关会议、文件、简报或有关政策和领导人讲话等. (2)生活渠道,是记者本人在现实生活和采访过程中的观察和积累. (3)受众渠道,是来自受众的信息. (4)传播渠道,即从其他媒介获得的信息。报刊、通讯社、网络、其他广播电视报道等,都可以作为新闻线索再发现的来源。 3、现场报道对记者的要求是什么? 答:进行现场报道的记者除了具备记者的一般素质外,还应突出具备以下几项能力: (1)较强的现场洞察能力。现场报道中记者面对的将是不断发展变化的复杂情况,记者必须通过观察现场、了解现场、快速掌握情况,尽快作出判断,及时找到合适的采访对象或知情人,当机立断进行采访,迅速选择最有新闻价值的点进行报道。 (2)出色的口头表达能力。现场报道很大一部份是通过记者在现场的观察、描述、评论结合真实生动的现场音响、画面向受众传达相关信息,所以记者品头表达能力的强弱直接影响现场报道的质量的好坏。 (3)良好的心理调节能力。现场报道中记者面对的是一个充满未知和随时发生意想不到变化的新闻现场,记者需要有充分的心理准备,随时应对。良好的


实用英语综合教程2课后习题答案 Unitl Liste n and Decode 1. tomorrow ball game skii ng for a long time very warm agree 2.1. No, she does n't. 2. Going to the ball game and skii ng 3. She heard it on the radio 4. No, he does n't 5. He will give Claire a call 3. the time and place fine formal writte n in writ ing at the bottom atte nd in pers on or by phone comfortable 4. DCAB o Unit3 Liste n and Decode 1. Dr. An early airport hotel ten-minute 2.1. Dr. An 2. Miami Un iversity 3. He took the earlier flight 4. Very nice 5 The hotel. 3. a teleph one message a memo pho ne at home pers onal skills a message expect who called "What the message?" was friends and family questi ons WHEN they called the pers on call ing reach 4. BD Passage1 1. (1) . . Because people stopped talking face to face to one another. (2) . Because his friend was busy talking on his cell phone, completely forgetting his presenee. (3) . Because they can be used any where and any time. (4) .With e-mail, we can com muni cate without see ing or talki ng to one ano ther; and with voice mail, we can con duct en tire con versati ons without ever reach ing anyone. (5) . People lose their in timacy of in teract ion. (6) . He thinks it's great, but worries about its uninten ded con seque nces 2. disc onn ected setback Internet talk ing reach ing an swer contact goes up phone automated 3. (1). the com muni cati ons revolutio n (2). their cell phones (3). electro nic voice (4). e-mail (5). voice-mail (6). Directory assista nee (7). great 4. burde n adva nces Ion ely in visible insert atte ndants pets cha in preferable deposit in terrupted Evide ntly 5. (1). Please dial home and tell them rm on the way to the company. (2) . Since the n there has n ever bee n any setback in producti on. (3) . I saw him insert the key into the lock. (4) . I suggest that you make a deposit at/with the bank (5) . Yesterday Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel 6. 1. The hall was filled with stude nts wait ing for the in terview. The square of the village was filled with people watchi ng the football match of the World Cup 2. We used to grow beautiful roses Peter used to go to the small tow n 3. Why is it that this con clusi on is wrong? Why is it that she can sing better tha n I? 4. As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impressi on of him had bee n/was right. We get wiser as we get older. 5. Why use wood whe n you can use plastic? Why ask me to do it whe n you can do it yourself? 6. Pretty soon you won't have the burde n of cook ing breakfast for him. Pretty soon you won't take the trouble to send her to go to school every morning.


Unit 8 Vocabulary 1.Translate the following expressions into English. 1. lift the curtain 11. defy/challenge the authority 2. resent the treatment 12. bend the rules 3. calculate the price 13. oppose the decision 4. confiscate one's property 14. plot murder 5. draw ridicule l5. diagnose liver cancer 6. offend the boss l6. complicate the matter 7. commit treason 17. recharge a flagging spirit 8. dismiss the idea 18. recapture one's childhood 9. bury the dead 19. interrogate the suspect 10. announce/declare bankruptcy 20. disconnect the power 2.Give appropriate nouns or verbs that can form possible collocations. Give nouns 1. a report/an opinion/an order / a warning/a new stock/new stamps 2. a missile/a satellite/a campaign 3. the boat/the train/the bus/the chance/the point/one's friend/a few classes/the first part of the lecture


《小学语文教学论》题库及答案 一、单项选择题 1.“大课程——小教学观”认为()。 A.课程不仅包含教学活动,还包含丰富的内容,课程是内容与过程的统一 B. 课程与教学具有各自相对独立的实践活动内容与指涉对象 C. 课程只是教学活动的内容与对象,即教学内容 D. 教学活动的外延相对而言宽广地多 2.下列不属于“语言文化”说的观点的是()。 A.语言学习、语文课程离不开文化的学习,人的语言能力中包含着一定的文化素质 B. 语言与文化构成了一个民族存在的象征,语言是文化的物质载体,文化才是语言的实质性内容 C. 语文教学是对学生进行文学教学,语言只是文学的内容与实质而已 D.语文教学应该是“语文教育”,是一种“大语文观” 3. 教会学生规范、准确、流畅、流利地与人交流,教会学生善于用书面语言来表达自己的思想、认识、立场与感情,是小学生()的重要组成部分。 A.基本语文知识学习 B. 基本语言能力训练 C. 语言思维能力训练 D. 基本人文素养教育 4. 有效教学的核心构成要素是()。 A.教学目标 B. 教学方式 C. 教学评价 D. 教学效果 5. 我国现行《大纲》或《标准》把小学阶段的识字量确定为()字左右。 A. 1700 B. 2000 C. 2500 D.3000 6. 以下哪一项不是我国小学语文教学改革的趋势?() A.语文化 B. 一体化 C. 整合化 D. 简单化 7.德国教育家瓦·根舍因的创造的教学进程设计策略是()。 A. 问题——探究式教学设计 B.传递──接受式教学设计、 C. 自学──辅导式教学设计 D.范例式教学设计 8.下列哪项不是立体多维的知识结构?() A. 教什么的知识 B. 教给谁的指使 C. 如何教的知识 D. 工具性知识/实践性知识和背景性知识 9.小学生口语交际活动顺利进行的前提条件是()。 A. 听话能力 B. 说话能力 C. 表达方式的选择 D. 表达愿望与信心 10.某教师就中央电视台的“焦点访谈”、“实话实说”等节目中所涉及的话题对学生进行口语训练,这种教学法是()。 A. 教学内容延伸法 B.看图说话法 C. 主题会话法 D.情景创设法 11.狭义上讲,小学语文教材是指()。


实用英语第二册课后练习题答案 Her weekends are dominated (dominate) by housework. He was sweating (sweat) during the interview. She shook his hands and thankfulness (thank) was written on her face. Addition (add) is much easier to learn than division(除法)。 Proud (pride) of her good look, she was only interested in becoming an actress. The Declaration (declare) of Independence is part of the American history. A good citizen is expected to be lawful anywhere and anytime. Can you use an MP4 player without reading its instructions (instruct)? His face was flushed with excitement (excite), and his hands trembled. Nothing in the world can be as painful (pain) as this. For parents, they have the responsibility (responsible) for caring for and educating their young children. Social conflicts often result from misunderstanding (understand). This is a test to help determine if you have a personality disorder (order). Do you think money will disappear (appear) some day in the future? A former commander (command) of U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq has sharply criticized the Bush administration’s handling of the war . Unfortunately (fortune), she lost her purse with her passport, credit card and some cash in it. She was interviewed for a volunteer participant (participate) in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. To our surprise, the man walked out of Death Valley unaided (aid)a week later . He is reluctant (reluctance) to tell us the truth. His hard work has turned him into a knowledgeable (knowledge) researcher. To the great disappointment, the officer realized that they had obtained the information unworthy (worthy) of their efforts. The new film, The Assembly (集结号), impressed (impress)us deeply with its memorable character ,a company commander . The woman asked for two days’ leave for something urgent (urge) that had happened to her family. The soldier surprised his commander that he could repeat precisely (precise) what he had heard in class. The class became quite active (activity) when their favorite teacher Professor Liang was teaching them. If you want to be respected (respect), you must learn to respect others first. With the sound of a(n) explosion (explode),the factory was going up in a big flame. The insurance (insure) company covered 80% of her operation fee. In many foreign countries you need to make a (n) appointment (appoint) before seeing a doctor. I was awfully (awful) sorry for being late again. He did’t suffer injury(injure) during his four-month service. Water, though tasteless, can keep us _alive____. Really handy (hand) are those which you can rely on whenever you need. Mr. Robust never feels any pity for beggars (beg) who are physically healthy. She was delighted (delight) at the news of the weeding.


大学英语精读 3 课后答案【篇一:大学英语精读第三版第三册课后答案(含 close 原文)】 >1) accent 2) turn against 3) a couple of 4) takes his time 5) fate 6) confirmed 7) witness 8) subsequent 9) stands a chance 10) trial 1) belief 2) brilliant 3) employment 4) has saved up 5) stood a chance 6) were awarded 7) presumably 8) conducted 9) casual 10) around (which student life) revolves 1) joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness. 2) despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening. 3) traffic was held up for several hours by the accident. 4) called (up) on to speak at the meeting, i couldnt very well refuse. 5) mrs. stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left. 6) it was the rumor that turned joe against his twin brother. 7) we wondered how sara was getting on in her new job. 8) although anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in. 9) visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.


华中师范大学网络教育学 《幼儿园课程》练习测试题库及答案 一、单项选择题 ( D )1.将课程看作是学习者获得的直接经验的学者是。 A.皮亚杰 B.斯宾赛 C.克伯屈 D.杜威 ( A )2.从计划的维度来定义课程的学者有。 A.塔巴 B.博比特 C.弗洛伊德 D.坎贝尔 ( C )3. 美国著名教育家杜威将和课程的本质联系起来。 A.学科知识 B.活动过程 C.儿童经验 D.教学计划 ( B )4. 与课程是学校组织的活动的观念同一渊源的课程观是。 A.学科课程观 B.经验课程观 C.活动课程观 D.目标课程观 (A)5.强调知识学习的课程是。 A.分科课程 B.综合课程 C.核心课程 D.广域课程 (A)6.强调儿童经验的丰富的课程是。 A.分科课程 B.综合课程 C.核心课程 D.广域课程 ( A )7.强调课程必须适合幼儿的身心特点和发展规律,这是幼儿园课程的。 A.适宜性 B.活动性 C.基础性 D.文化性 ( B)8.幼儿园课程不具有强制性,这是其。 A.游戏性 B.非义务性 C.基础性 D.文化性 ( A )9.在研究幼儿时将幼儿当做一个人分析他们的生存和发展需要,这种研究角度是。 A.哲学 B.心理学 C.社会学 D.教育学 ( B )10. 研究他们内在的发展需要,在学习和生活中的兴趣,研究儿童学习能力上的年龄特征,这种研究角度是。

A.哲学 B.心理学 C.社会学 D.教育学 ( D )11.蒙台梭利的早期教育课程注重儿童的。 A.智力 B.动作 C.艺术 D.感知觉 ( C )12. 是瑞吉欧教育体系中课程的主要特征。 A.知识学习 B.动作训练 C.方案教学 D.感知觉训练 ( A )13.我国的幼儿园教育家先生提倡在幼儿园实施“单元教学”。 A.陈鹤琴 B.张雪门 C.张宗麟 D.戴自俺 ( C )14.美国课程学者认为目标是课程编制的核心,被叫做“行为目标之父”。 A.杜威 B.斯宾赛 C.泰勒 D.坎贝尔 ( C)15. 是指在教育过程中生成的课程目标。 A.总体目标 B.中期目标 C.生成性目标 D.预成性目标 ( B )16. 是指以适应儿童的心理特点的方式来组织课程内容而形成的内容顺序。 A.逻辑顺序 B.心理顺序 C.内容顺序 D.学科顺序 ( C )17.幼儿园课程的主要特点是由决定的。 A.文化 B.经济发展 C.幼儿的身心特征 D.环境 ( A )18. 早期教育方案强调“整个儿童”的培养。 A.认知学派 B.蒙台梭利 C.结构主义 D.班克街(Bank street) ( C )19. 是瑞吉欧教育体系的倡导者和领导者。 A.杜威 B.蒙台梭利 C.马拉古兹 D.维果斯基 ( B )20.我国第一个《幼稚园课程标准》的颁布是在年。 .1932 C (C )21.首先将“学前教学”引进教育学的人是。 A.杜威 B.张雪门 C.乌索娃 D.维果斯基 ( B )22.英国课程学者提出了课程编制的过程模式。 A.艾宾浩斯 B.特纳 C.斯坦豪斯 D.斯波代克 ( D )23. 是课程设计者在教育活动开始之前预设的教育目标。


1.广义上新闻写作包括(新闻报道写作)和(新闻评论写作),狭义上新闻写作包括(新闻报道方面的各种体裁的写作)。 2.新闻写作的研究对象包括新闻报道作品以及这类作品的(写作原理)、(写作规律)、(写作技巧)以及相关知识。 3.新闻文体的功能有传递信息(娱乐大众)、(舆论引导),以及(传播知识)和(监督社会)。 4.新闻事业的功能有(传播新闻)、(引导舆论)、(服务社会) 5.新闻写作的基本要求有(信息性)、(知识性)、(可读性)、(时效性)以及(针对性)等。 6.新闻报道的基本写作程序有(发现)、(采集)、(制作)以及(传播)四个阶段。 7.新闻语言要求新闻记者做到准确、(简洁)、(鲜明)、(生动)、要有(时代感),而(白描)是新闻语言的主要特征。 8.新闻导语的类型有(概述型导语)、(描述型导语)、(评述型导语)以及(橱窗式导语)四种类型。 9.新闻背景的两个层面有(宏观)以及(狭义)。 10.通讯选材要注意(材料的典型性)、(围绕主题选材)以及(选材忌重复)。1.简要谈谈新闻写作有哪些重要性。 (1)新闻写作是新闻学研究的一个重要落脚点。 (2)新闻写作是新闻传播过程中一个重要环节。 (3)新闻写作是衡量记者素质的一个重要条件。 2.简要谈谈采写人物通讯因该注意哪些问题。 答:人物通讯是以通讯的形式报道具有新闻价值的人物,反映其行为、事迹和生,在现其精神境界、人生轨迹和生存状态,从而达到教育启迪,或监督批判,警示社会的目的的通讯。要写好人物通讯一般要注意一下几点:(1)通过写事迹,表彰先进人物的思想。人物通讯应以人物为中心,而且一般是一个先进人物为主,笔墨务必集中。人物通讯写人,不应该就事论事,而要“见物、见人、又见思想”。使之写的形神皆备,以“形”传“神”。 (2)抓细节,抓特点。人们对一篇人物通讯的一些事迹、概貌、数字常常看到后可能忘掉,但动人的细节、情节,却往往难以忘怀。因为细节是人物描写中的点睛之笔。另外,要注意表现人物有特色的事迹,挖掘人物的个性特点,并选用新的角度,才能把人物写的富有新意。(3)写先进人物要处理好俩个关系:一是先进人物和党的领导关系。二是先进人物与广大群众的关系。 3.简要叙述一个合格的新闻记者需要具备哪些素质。 (1)政治修养。 表现在俩方面:一是强烈的职业责任感。二是强烈的正义感。 (2)知识修养。 新闻写作涉及社会生活的各个领域,需要有广博深厚的知识根底。所以一个记者处了拥有新闻专业教育背景之外,还要对社会科学以及各种与新闻工作有关的知识有一定的知晓,才能较好地驾驭新闻写作。 (3)思想修养。 加强自己的思维修养,即不断提高自己辨识与表现新闻价值的思维能力。 4.简要谈谈新闻写作为什么要用事实说话。 (1)事实是新闻的本源,没有事实就没有新闻。 (2)事实胜于雄辩。


Unit 1 5. 1.她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 2.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。 He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. 3.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 You should always aim at doing your job well. 4.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father. 5.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。 The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 6.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. Unit 2 5 1.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你如何解释? How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week? 2.政府已经承诺改善落后地区人民的生活条件。 The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas. 3.据最新报道,这次火车交通事故造成多名乘客死亡。 According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several passengers. 4.多呼吸新鲜空气有助于身体健康。 Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 5.他试图竞争学校学生会主席,但是没有成功。 He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union,


幼儿园课程试题库参考答案 一、单项选择题 1. B 4. C 6. C 7. A 9. A 11. A 13. B 14. C 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 21. B 22. D 23. A 2 4. C 2 7. D 28. A 31. B 33. C 36. B 38. A 39. C 二.多项选择题 85BCD 三、名词解释 141.课程——课程的本质就是教育工作者根据社会发展和学习者个人成长的需要,在一定的教育理论指导下,为促进学习者有效地学习或实现可期望的身心发展而计划、选择和组织的教学活动的总和。在各种教育机构中,课程是由一系列的教育教学活动目标、内容和方式方法以及评价构成的教育教学活动的体系。 142.幼儿园课程——幼儿园课程是教育工作者为了促进幼儿身心的全面和谐发展而计划的,

在幼儿园的教育情景中组织和实施的,以幼儿为主体的各种形式的学习活动的总和。 143. 分科课程——以有组织的学科内容为课程组织的基础。是根据各级各类学校培养目标和科学发展的水平,从各门学科中选择出适合一定年龄阶段的学生发展水平的知识,组成各种不同的教学科目而形成的课程。 144.活动课程——活动课程有多种称谓,如“儿童中心课程”、“生活课程、”“经验课程”等等。它与分科课程相对,是打破学科之间的逻辑界限以学生的兴趣、需要和能力为基础,通过学生自己组织的一系列的活动而实施的课程。 145.综合课程——综合课程又称为“广域课程”、“统合课程”和“合成课程”。它是指以特定的方式将若干门相关学科的知识内容融合、组织在一起进行教学的一种课程。 146.核心课程——是指一种独特的课程类型,即以儿童的某一重要的生活问题,或者是人类社会的某种基本活动为核心来选择和组织教学内容和教学方式方法的课程。这种核心课程也被称作“问题中心课程”。 147.国家课程——国家课程也称为“国家统一课程”,是指由中央政府负责编制、实施和评价的课程。 148校本课程——是由学生所在学校的教师编制、实施和评价的课程。 149.显性课程——显性课程又被称作“正规课程”,是指学校按计划开设的、由专门的教师负责组织实施课程。 150.隐性课程——隐性课程又称为“隐蔽课程”、“潜在课程”、“无形课程”、“自发课程”等。它是在学校情境中以间接的、内隐的方式呈现给学生的课程,具体来说,隐性课程指的是那些在学校政策和课程计划中没有明确规定的,但却实实在在构成了学生在学校学习经验中常规、有效部分的教育内容和结果。 151.课程目标——课程目标是在学校教师指导下,学生某种学习活动的具体的行为变化的表现和阶段性、特殊性的学习结果。 152.课程内容——课程内容肯定是在学习者还没有掌握之前就已经存在于人类的科学和文化之中的,能供儿童学习,而且对儿童的发展有意义、有价值的各种形式的素材,它们是人类智慧的结晶。 153.课程实施——人们一般认为,课程实施就是将静态的课程方案转化为动态的课程实践的过程,即是将设计好的课程方案付诸于实践的过程。 154.项目活动——项目活动是根据儿童的生活经验和兴趣确定活动的主题,并以该主题为中心加以扩散,编制主题网络,将概念予以分化、放大,让儿童通过自己的学习,探索概念的


新编实用英语2课后答案 第1单元 一、填词 1 What's you(guideline指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience 2 The(seminar讨论会)starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future 3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(executive主管)from march 2011 speaking,I cannot(uphold支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest 5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should 6 That was good(timing时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan 7 Those studying abroad will most (likely可能)return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad 8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (reception招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here 二、汉译英 1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活 Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance 2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手 They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer 3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话 I've heard from your references that employers had call them 4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备 Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation 5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截 We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin 6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节 Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read 三、英译汉 1、Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. 尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。 2、For most formal occasions ,it`s best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance. 对于大多数正式场合,最好是提前三或四周邀请客人。

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