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Giant Keplerate molecule Fe30 - the first octopole magnet

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X i v :c o n d -m a t /0309282v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 11 S e p 2003Europhysics Letters PREPRINT Giant Keplerate molecule Fe 30-the ?rst octopole magnet A.S.Mischenko 1(?),A.S.Chernyshov 1and A.K.Zvezdin 21Physics Department,Moscow Lomonosov State University,119889,Moscow,Russia 2General Physics Institute of RAS,119991,Moscow,Russia PACS.75.50.Xx –Molecular magnets.PACS.75.10.Hk –Classical spin models.Abstract.–The multipole expansion technique is applied to one of the largest magnetic molecules,Fe 30.The molecule’s dipole,toroid and quadrupole magnetic moments are equal to zero (in the absence of magnetic ?eld)so the multipole expansion starts from the octopole moment.Probably the Fe 30molecule is the most symmetrical magnetic body synthesized so far.The magnetization process is considered theoretically in di?erent geometries.Some components of the octopole moment experience a jump while the magnetization rises linearly up to its saturation value.An elementary octopole moment consisting of four magnetic dipoles is proposed as a hint for designing of an experiment for measurement of octopole magnetic moment components.Introduction.–Multipole expansion of the electrical ?eld generated by a number of electrical charges has been widely used in theoretical physics.However,multipole expansion of magnetic ?elds generated by a system of permanent currents is less known.The starting point of such an expansion is a well known formula for the vector potential of the magnetic ?eld: A =1| R ? r i |,(1)where e i and v i stand for a charge and velocity of the i -th charge.The vector potential A can be expanded in a power series of the | r |/| R |ratio if an interesting point is rather distant from the system of charges,i.e.| r |/| R |?1.The ?rst term of the expansion in question is A ′=[ M R ]/R 3where M =12c

i e i (?)E-mail:smischenko@https://www.doczj.com/doc/644859966.html,


EDP Sciences

2EUROPHYSICS LETTERS quite obvious since we can decompose the current density into the following terms according to a well known theorem of the vector analysis[2]: j( r)=grad(η)+rot( f),where the?rst term corresponds to the toroid moments and the second to the”usual”magnetic multipole moments.Spin systems of?nite sizes and magnetic molecules(Mn12Ac,V15,Fe8,Fe10,Fe30, etc.)in particular are natural objects for application of the multipole expansion technique. The magnetic molecules have attracted great attention from the point of view of fundamental problems of quantum mechanics in general and the theory of magnetism in particular[3] as well as nanotechnology and microelectron applications(as model systems for quantum informatics for example)[3,4,5,6,7]in recent years.The molecules are large organic molecular complexes with the weight of approximately103atomic mass units.The magnetic ions,such as Fe,Mn,V,etc.embedded within the molecule cause their interesting magnetic properties. There is a strong exchange interaction between magnetic ions(in the order of106Oe)within the molecule.

Magnetic multipole expansion.–The lowest magnetic multipole moments of spin systems (dipole1,quadrupole2,octopole4and toroid1)can be de?ned as follows[8,9,10]:




g i s i,(M2)


=μB i g i(r iβs iα+s iβr iα),(2)



=3μB i g i s iαr iβr iγ,(3)

M n,m=?μB i g i[ ?i(r i n C n m(θi,?i))× s i], T1=μB i g i[ s i r i],(4) where M n,m are magnetic multipole moment’s components in spherical coordinates(n de?nes the order of a moment:n=1-dipole,n=2-quadrupole,n=3-octopole,etc.,m ranges from?n to n by1).It is a well-known fact that each multipole moment interacts with the corresponding magnetic?eld spatial variation.For the sake of brevity we present here the formula for the octopole moment only:W=?(1/6)(M3)αβγBγβα,Bγβα=?γ?βBα,where W is the energy of interaction between an octopole and external magnetic?eld in Cartesian coordinates,?γand?βare Laplace operators for the spatial derivatives and Bαstands for the three components of the external magnetic?eld.

Octopolar electric?elds have already been well examined in connection with non-linear op-tical properties[11].Quadrupole moment of the rare earth ions,their dependence on external magnetic?eld and connection with magnetic birefringence and magnetostriction have been investigated in[12,13,14].The spin toroid moment T1has been experimentally found in bulk magnets(GaFeO3,Cr2O3,etc.)recently[15].Molecular complexes with the spin density that can be described by means of the toroid moment T1have been analyzed theoretically in[16] but an experimental realization of the proposed idea still remains unknown.Quadrupole magnetic?elds generated by antiferromagnetic crystals have been analyzed in[17].Antifer-romagnetic nanoclusters,e.g.Fe10,Fe6can be characterized by the quadrupole moment M2 and moments of higher orders.

Highly symmetrical Keplerate molecule Fe30.–However,no one magnetic object has been characterized by the octopole moment so far.The?rst object of this kind is a magnetic nanocluster Fe30with the chemical formula


This molecule has the largest number of magnetic F e3+ions among all the known molecular magnets synthesized so far[4].The molecule Fe30as well as the other nanoclusters discussed above occupies an intermediate position among the bulk materials and localized magnetic

A.S.Mischenko,A.S.Chernyshov and A.K.Zvezdin:The first octopole magnet3


Fig.1–A schematic picture of the Fe30molecule.The three possible spin directions are marked by black,gray and white colors.

Fig.2–A model of an elementary octopole consisting of four equal magnetic moments m situated in the vertices of the square with a sideδ.

ions,that is the reason these objects are called”mesoscopic magnets”.Toroid(T1),dipole (M1)and quadrupole(M2)moments of this molecule are equal to zero,i.e.the multipole expansion starts from the octopole moment.In other words,probably the Fe30molecule with a highly symmetrical spin density is the most symmetrical magnetic body synthesized so far.

The investigated molecular complex consists of30F e3+ions each of which has a spin s=5/2.The magnetic ions are situated in the vertices of the icosidodecahedron,one of the regular Archimedean polytopes(see?g.1).The icosidodecahedron has v=30vertices, f=32faces and e=60edges in accordance with the so-called Euler theorem[1],connecting a number of vertices,faces and edges of a convex polyhedron of O genus(v+f?e=2). The faces of the icosidodecahedron consist of20triangles and12pentagons.Neighbouring F e3+ions interact with each other antiferromagnetically by means of the indirect exchange interaction which results in zero total spin of the molecule in the absence of magnetic?eld[7]. The exact ground state energy and the corresponding ground state of the Fe30molecule has been found in[7]basing on graph-theoretical technique and a special geometrical property of the icosidodecahedron,its three-colorability(a graph is called three-colorable if we can color all its vertices with three colors and no neighboring vertices with the same color-see?g.1). In the framework of the proposed model all spins are coplanar and the relative angle between nearest-neighbor spins is120o.In other words,each of the three colors is assigned to one of three coplanar spin directions(?g.1).It is important to note that ab?initio calculations of the molecule in question have not been performed yet and we have no experimental evidence on how the plane coplanar to the spins is aligned-it can be parallel either to one of the pentagons or to one of the triangles.However,our calculations show that the result is approximately the same in the both cases.The octopole moment components in the spherical system can be found from(4)by substituting n=3;m changes from-3to3by1,thus yielding seven complex components of the moment.Our calculations show that the octopole moment components both in Cartesian and spherical systems are?nite but we do not present here the particular values for the sake of brevity.

Magnetic?eld with octopolar symmetry at least is required to measure the octopole mag-netic moment components.Such a?eld can be generated by an elementary magnetic octopole presented on?g.2.The?eld will create a torque on the Keplerate molecule(s)placed in the

4EUROPHYSICS LETTERS origin of the coordinate system with the value determined by corresponding octopole moment components.The estimation of particular torques is beyond the scope of this article.This approach can be used to study a wide number of mesoscopic magnets.Neutron spectroscopy can be used to measure the octopole moment as well and further work in this direction is required.

”Deoctopolization”in external magnetic?eld.–Magnetic properties of the Fe30molecule and its multipole moments are discussed in the following.However,the dependence of the magnetic dipole moment of the magnet in question on external magnetic?eld has been quan-titatively described in[7]in the framework of the classical statistical physics(namely,the magnetic moment rises linearly with magnetic?eld till the saturation at the critical?eld value B C=17.7T,what is in perfect agreement with experimental results).The considera-tion was based on a study of a three spin system with antiferromagnetic interactions between the closest neighbour spins placed in external magnetic?eld in accordance with the following Hamiltonian[18]:

H= S1 S2+ S2 S3+ S3 S1? β( S1+ S2+ S3),(5) where β=gμ B/2JS is a dimensionless magnetic?eld,J>0stands for antiferromagnetic exchange integral and all spins are of the same length S.The Hamiltonian represents a classical model,i.e.the projections of the spins are not quantized and can take all intermediate values. The exact solution for the ground state energy has been found in[18]and it was shown that the ground state energy depended on the total spin only(or magnetic?eld,as they are connected linearly),namely E GS(β)=?3/2?β2/2.At the magnetic?eld value corresponding toβ=3 all the three spins are aligned with the magnetic?eld.The dimension of the Hilbert space for Fe30molecule in the framework of the quantum model is630which is far beyond calculation possibilities of any modern computer.However,an approximate quantum model based on the isotropic nearest-neighbour antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange is presented in[19]and ?nally results in appearance of special small quantum steppes on magnetization typical for molecular magnets.Analogous consideration would lead to the steppes of the same kind on the octopole moment components as well but they would not change the general picture and would be an unnecessary complication.This is the reason we use classical model here.

However,due to the antiferromagnetic interactions the three spin system is highly frus-trated and the magnetization process can be carried out in many ways.The three easiest of them are:A)the three spins simultaneously leave the plane where they lied before in the case of magnetic?eld directed perpendicularly to the spin plane(?g.3,a);B)the?eld is directed along one of the spins,then the remaining two spins turn in the?eld’s direction uniformly (?g.3,b);C)the?eld is opposite to one of the spins( S1),then the magnetization process involves two phases separated by the S1spin jump at magnetic?eldβ=1(?g.4).

There is one parameter describing each of the?rst two magnetization processes:the angle of each spin’s declination from the initial state?⊥(β)in case(A);the angle of the S2and S3 spins’declination?||(β)in case(B)and two parameters in the third case(C)-?a(β)and?b(β) (?g.4).The parameters can be found from minimization of the system’s energy in external magnetic?eld.This can be done by projecting the Hamiltonian(5)on subspaces containing one or two variables in the?rst two(A)and(B)and the last case(C),respectively.Due to simplicity of the considered cases below we give the answers only:








A.S.Mischenko,A.S.Chernyshov and A.K.Zvezdin:The first octopole magnet5

Fig.3–Two considered geometries of the Fe30molecule magnetization process:(a)- B is perpendic-ular to the spin plane(case A);(b)- B is parallel to one of the three spins(cases B,C).

In order to calculate the dependence of high multipole magnetic moments on the magnetic ?eld we have made an assumption that the Fe30molecule can be divided into20triangles of antiferromagnetically interacting spins(5)[7].This assumption can be partially justi?ed by the fact that the icosidodecahedron is three-colorable without any visible anisotropy and that this model’s results are in perfect agreement with experiments.Besides,according to recent calculations with the Density Matrix Renormalization Group technique(DMRG)reported in[20],the low lying energy levels of the Fe30molecule form a rotational band,i.e.they depend approximately quadratically on the total spin quantum number S.Actually βin(5) should be multiplied by a factor of1/2when writing the Hamiltonian for all20triangles to take into account that each spin is shared by two neighbouring triangles.Hence,having the magnetization parameters(6)we obtain the spin distribution over the molecule at?nite magnetic?eld and can calculate its multipole moments for any?eld value.As we have already noted,the magnetic dipole moment rises linearly with the?eld.Surprisingly,the quadrupole magnetic moment remains equal to zero in all cases(A,B,C)at any?elds up to saturation, and further.

The two basic types of the octopole moment components’behavior in the out-of-plane case(A)are plotted on?g.5,a.As you can see,almost all the components vanish with the ?eld.There are only three linearly raising components.It can be understood by a simple mathematical consideration.Indeed,at the saturation all the spins are aligned parallel to the magnetic?eld(and Oz axis,see?g.3,a),i.e their x?and y?components are equal to zero as well as18octopole magnetic moment components(M3)1ij,(M3)2ij,i=1..3,j=1..3(3).

Fig.4–A simple scheme of the magnetization process involving the S1spin jump(case C).


Fig.5–Basic types of magnetic?eld dependence of the components of(a)the octopole moment com-ponents,out-of-plane magnetization(case A)and(b)in-plane magnetization without the transition (case B)

Moreover,all components of the kind(M3)3ij with i=j are equal to zero as the contributions from di?erent spins cancel each other out when we perform the summation in(3).The only three surviving components are(M3)311,(M3)322and(M3)333as they are the sums of squared coordinates of all spins multiplied by the z component of the saturated spin and it is obvious that these three components raise with the?eld.

However,the in-plane magnetization cases(B,C)are more interesting.Their general geometry is shown on?g.3,b.Note that the magnetic?eld can have any sign so we cover both B and C cases with this picture.Nevertheless,the octopole moment behaves in di?erent ways and we will consider these cases separately.Take a look at the?g.5,b.It di?ers from ?g.5,a with the curvature of M212,M213components and appearance of dependencies of a new type M121,M123.These facts are connected with the way the spin projections change during the magnetization process(see(3)and?g.3,b).And just like in the(A)case we have three linearly growing components-M111,M122,M133.The third case(C)is the most interesting as one of the spins, S1for clarity,abruptly changes its direction for the opposite one at the magnetic?eldβ=1(see?g.4).At the same time,the total spin(and magnetization)do not experience a jump or even a kink,what follows from the general solution for the considered problem given in[18].The octopole moment’s components vs.magnetic?eld are shown on ?gs.6a,b.Quite obviously,all the dependencies have jumps at the?eldβ=1showing the abrupt changes of symmetry at this point.

It is important to point out that the three considered cases do not exhaust all possible ways the magnetization can be realized.They rather reveal basic features of the”deoctopolization”process and can be a ground for its future classi?cation.

Conclusion.–The results of the theoretical investigation of the Fe30molecule let us make some important conclusions.First of all it is shown that dipole,toroid and quadrupole moments of the Fe30molecule are equal to zero.Probably the considered system has the most symmetric distribution of spin density of all the mesoscopic magnets synthesized so far. The magnetic octopole moment is calculated in both Cartesian and spherical coordinates.

A model of an elementary magnetic octopole as a possible experimental unit for octopole magnetic moment component measurement is proposed.Toroid and quadrupole moments are shown to remain equal to zero at any magnetic?elds while components of the octopole moment are changed substantially.Di?erent geometries of the magnetization process are considered

A.S.Mischenko,A.S.Chernyshov and A.K.Zvezdin:The first octopole magnet7

Fig.6–Four basic types of magnetic?eld dependence of the components of the octopole moment components,in-plane magnetization with the transition(case C).

and discussed.


This work is supported by INTAS(grant99-01-839)and RFBR(grants02-02-17389and 01-02-17703).



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FCR 3700---3998-4200 注意颜色和车架大小 尺寸: 700Cx430MM/700Cx480MM 车架: GIANT 新款700C铝合金6011S车架,, 前叉: HEAD SHOCK避震前叉 变速系统: SHIMANO components 27S 刹车系统“V”刹系统(带快速拆卸功能的夹器导管) 轮组:培林700C 轮组 轮胎: HUTCHINSON 700X32C轮胎 其他: SHIMANO 大齿盘(带集成中轴设计),GIANT TWINS铝合金横把、竖杆、座垫杆BK,ALEX 700C圈,运动舒适型座垫,带铝环GIANT把套,培林脚踏,整车配色备注: 产品、规格、颜色以实车为准,本公司保留变更权利,恕不另行通知 2010 FCR 3500----3000 注意颜色和车架大小 尺寸:700Cx430MM/700Cx480MM 车架:GIANT 10’款铝合金平把公路车车架 前叉:Head shock 铝合金前叉 变速系统:SHIMANO COMPONENTS 变速系统27S 刹车系统:“V”型夹器刹车系统 圈:700C双层铝合金圈 轮胎:建大700X28C轮胎 其他:SHIMANO大齿盘;无牙隐藏式车首零件,铝合金横把、竖杆和座垫杆,舒适座垫,铝合金快拆式花鼓 备注:产品、规格、颜色以实车为准,本公司保留变更权利,恕不另行通知 TROOPER 3500(帝柏3500)2800---3000 注意颜色和车架大小棕色 尺寸:700C×18M 车架:GIANT设计铝合金碟刹版车架 前叉:700C避震前叉大齿盘:SHIMANO FC-M191 28T/38T/48T 齿盘 变速系统:SHIMANO ALIVIO 24S(FD-M412,RD-M410,SL-M410) 刹车系统:彦豪机械式碟刹 轮圈:700C双层铝合金圈 花鼓:SHIMANO DEORE花鼓 轮胎:MICHELIN轮胎700×40C 其他:培林式主轴,铝合金零件SIL,无牙式车首零件SIL,铝合金蝴蝶把喷沙SIL,防漏内胎,铝合金双支撑停车架,维乐座垫,标配铝合金前货架、后货架及高分子复合材料泥除 捷安特FCR3500 和3700的区别以及性价比- 满意答案好评率:0% 两款车子的价格相差2000快左右3700跟3300的配置来说相差的是3700的变速比3300稍微好些是SORA27速 3300虽然也是SORA的但是是18速前面只有两个齿盘第二个明显的区别是3700有避震前叉公路用的减震叉子 骑行的效果更舒适最后就是3700的三轴都是轴承的3300的前后轴不是轴承还有类似指拨等变速系统的区别不是很明显可以不考虑 外胎也是3700好一些车把3300是羊角吧3700是直把性价比来说的话是3300要高些但是舒适度跟骑行的感觉是3700比较好评价答案


创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者:凤呜大王* 捷安特山地自行车参考价格表 ATX系列山地车 ATX 660 1098元 ATX 670 1198元 ATX 680 1298元 ATX 690 1398元 ATX 740 1598元 ATX 750 1698元 ATX 755 1998元 ATX 760 2998元 ATX 770 1998元 ATX 775 2998元 ATX 780 5998元 ATX 790 2998元 ATX PRO 1998元 ATX ELITE 2598元 ATX 830 4998元 ATX 870 7998元 其他系列山地车

熔岩(LAVA)530 698元 熔岩(LAVA)550 798元 熔岩(LAVA)660 998元 熔岩(LAVA)630 1198元 尖叫(SCREAM) 698元 激活(SPRY)-1 1198元 激活(SPRY)-2 998元 激活(SPRY)II代 1598元 风云 1098元风云-1 898元 优肯(UCAN)-1 1298元 优肯(UCAN)-2 998元 优肯(UCAN)-3 898元 优肯(UCAN)-4 748元 克洛克(CROCK)-1 2998元 捷安特公路车报价表 1.捷安特SPEED-X 798元 2.捷安特SPEED-LX 998元 3.捷安特风标-2 1298元 4.捷安特风标-1 1598元 5.捷安特风标-x 1598元 6.捷安特风标 2998元 7.捷安特OCR II 1898元 8.捷安特OCR 3300 1898元

9.捷安特OCR 3500 2598元 10.捷安特OCR 22288元 11.捷安特TEAM REPLICA 6998元 12.捷安特FCR-1 9100元 13.捷安特TCR AERO-1 26000元 14.捷安特TCR COMPOSITE-1 28388元 15.捷安特TCR COMPOSITE-2 24180元 16.捷安特TCR C1 361000元 17.捷安特TCR C3 15500元 捷安特自行车价格表如下: 1.捷安特99戴安娜 26X16L 浅槟黄 370元 2.捷安特2000艾丽斯 26X16L 银粉红 395元 3.捷安特2000艾丽斯24 24X15L 荷橙 395元 4.捷安特2001追逐者 24X16M 亮银兰 798元 5.捷安特2001喜美—M 26X18M 亮黑/珍珠蓝 316元 6.捷安特2001丘比特—M 26X17M 亮蓝/亮银 998元 7.捷安特2001丘比特—L 26X15.5L 浅兰/亮银 998元 8.捷安特2001柯洛克 26X19M 亮黑/棕红/美芒黄 1998元 9.捷安特2001柯洛克—1 26X19M 亮黑/水晶绿/珍珠钛白 2998元 10.捷安特艾丽斯26—铝 26X16L 法国兰 698元 11.捷安特艾丽斯24—铝 26X15L 法国兰 698元 12.捷安特ATX680 26X16.5M 丽面兰/亮黑 1198元 13.捷安特ATX660 26X13M 浅兰/珍珠钛白 998元


捷安特山地自行车参考价格表ATX系列山地车 ATX 660 1098元 ATX 670 1198元 ATX 680 1298元 ATX 690 1398元 ATX 740 1598元 ATX 750 1698元 ATX 755 1998元 ATX 760 2998元 ATX 770 1998元 ATX 775 2998元 ATX 780 5998元 ATX 790 2998元 ATX PRO 1998元 ATX ELITE 2598元 ATX 830 4998元

ATX 870 7998元 其他系列山地车 熔岩(LAVA)530 698元 熔岩(LAVA)550 798元 熔岩(LAVA)660 998元 熔岩(LAVA)630 1198元 尖叫(SCREAM) 698元 激活(SPRY)-1 1198元 激活(SPRY)-2 998元 激活(SPRY)II代 1598元 风云 1098元风云-1 898元 优肯(UCAN)-1 1298元 优肯(UCAN)-2 998元 优肯(UCAN)-3 898元 优肯(UCAN)-4 748元 克洛克(CROCK)-1 2998元捷安特公路车报价表

1.捷安特SPEED-X 798元 2.捷安特SPEED-LX 998元 3.捷安特风标-2 1298元 4.捷安特风标-1 1598元 5.捷安特风标-x 1598元 6.捷安特风标 2998元 7.捷安特OCR II 1898元 8.捷安特OCR 3300 1898元 9.捷安特OCR 3500 2598元 10.捷安特OCR 22288元 11.捷安特TEAM REPLICA 6998元 12.捷安特FCR-1 9100元 13.捷安特TCR AERO-1 26000元 14.捷安特TCR COMPOSITE-1 28388元 15.捷安特TCR COMPOSITE-2 24180元 16.捷安特TCR C1 361000元 17.捷安特TCR C3 15500元


捷安特山地自行车参考价格表 ATX系列山地车 ATX 660 1098元 ATX 670 1198元 ATX 680 1298元 ATX 690 1398元 ATX 740 1598元ATX 750型: 1698元 ATX 755 1998元 ATX 770 1998元 ATX 775 2998元 ATX 780 5998元 ATX 790 2998元 ATX PRO 1998元 ATX ELITE 2598元 ATX 830 4998元 ATX 870 7998元 其他系列山地车 熔岩(LAVA)530 698元熔岩(LAVA)550 798元熔岩(LAVA)660 998元 熔岩(LAVA)630 1198元尖叫(SCREAM) 698元激活(SPRY)-1 1198元 激活(SPRY)-2 998元激活(SPRY)II代 1598元风云 1098元风云-1 898元 优肯(UCAN)-1 1298元优肯(UCAN)-2 998元优肯(UCAN)-3 898元 优肯(UCAN)-4 748元克洛克(CROCK)-1 2998元 捷安特公路车报价表 1.捷安特SPEED-X 798元 2.捷安特SPEED-LX 998元 3.捷安特风标-2 1298元 4.捷安特风标-1 1598元 5.捷安特风标-x 1598元 6.捷安特风标 2998元 7.捷安特OCR II 1898元8.捷安特OCR 3300 1898元9.捷安特OCR 3500 2598 捷安特FCR 3100 型号价:1500元 3300型号:2800元 12.捷安特FCR-1 9100元 13.捷安特TCR AERO-1 26000元 休闲车捷安特2010 iSee(爱喜) 350 2358元 美利达 一、勇士系列 勇士300(牛仔):868元勇士550 (勇士):1098元勇士600(勇士-PRO)统一价:1398元 勇士700(勇士-COMP) 全国统一价:1748元勇士TEAM 全国统一价:1998元 二、公爵系列 公爵500(公爵)全国统一价:1798元公爵600(新车)全国统一价:2198元 公爵700(公爵-PRO)全国统一价:2680元 三、挑战者系列 挑战者300(挑战者)全国统一价:3080元挑战者500(挑战者-PRO)统一价:3980元 挑战者600(新车)全国统一价:5180元挑战者700(战神)全国统一价:6480元 挑战者800(挑战者-comp) 全国统一价:7980元挑战者HFS 全国统一价:11800元


捷安特山地车各型号详解 Giant 捷安特A TX790 尺寸: 26x17M/26x19M/26x21M 车架: GIANT铝合金硬模成型梯型车架 前叉: MANITOU 避震前叉 变速系统: SHIMANO ALIVIO 变速系统24S(FD-M410、RD-M410-L、SL-M410 变把)轮圈: 32H ALEX 双层CNC 铝圈 轮胎: MAXXIS 26X2.1轮胎 其他: ALIVIO 大齿盘、A VID BB5机械碟刹和刹把,前后碟刹花鼓,铝合金零件SAND BK (OVER SIZE),维乐座垫和把套 备注: 产品、规格、颜色以实车为准,捷安特(中国)有限公司保留变更权利,恕不另行通知 Giant 捷安特A TX660 车架: GIANT优质铝合金车架 前叉: 避震前叉 飞轮: SHIMANO EF28一体变把21速 配备: 双层铝圈,建大26x2.1轮胎 Giant 捷安特A TX670 铝合金硬模成型车架避震前叉 铝合金零件建大26*1.95轮胎 禧玛诺21S 维乐座垫后置式停车架 Giant 捷安特A TX770 尺寸: 26x17M/26x19M/26x21M 车架: GIANT铝合金硬模成型梯型车架 前叉: MANITOU避震前叉 变速系统: SHIMANO ALIVIO 24S (FD-M410、RD-MC410、EF-35变把) 轮圈: GIANT双层铝圈(铆钉式) 轮胎: 正新26*1.95胎 其他: 铝合金蝶刹花鼓、SHIMANO ACERA大齿盘、铝合金SAND BK零件,彦豪自动中心定位设计铝合金夹器(带可调导管),维乐座垫和把套、CNC 座垫杆、预留专用后置式停车架设计


GIANT ATX 660 (山地车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 年份:2011 年 尺寸:26X15.5M、17M、19M 速比:21 速 刹车类型:V刹 避震类型:前避震 性别类型:男女均可 参考价格 ¥1298元 GIANT MEME (山地车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 尺寸:26x16" 速比:21 速 刹车类型:V刹 避震类型:前避震

性别类型:女性适用. 参考价格 ¥1698元 GIANT MEKNACK FS (山地车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 年份:2010 年 尺寸:26X15\/26X17 速比:24 速 刹车类型:V刹 避震类型:无避震 性别类型:女性适用 参考价格 ¥1798元 GIANT MEKNACK (山地车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 年份:2008 年 尺寸:26x16"

速比:24 速 刹V刹车类型: 避震类型:无避震 性别类型:男女均可 参考价格 ¥1798元 GIANT TALLERWAY8.0 RD (折叠车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 年份:2011 年 尺寸:22X15L/15M 速比:8 速 刹车类型:V刹 性别类型:女性适用 参考价格 ¥1898元

GIANT ATX 730 (山地车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 年份:2011 年 21M 、19、17、26X15.5尺寸: 速比:24 速 刹车类型:V刹 避震类型:前避震 性别类型:男女均可 参考价格 ¥1988元 GIANT MEME 2 (山地车) 品牌:Giant(捷安特) 尺寸:26x16" 速比:24 速 刹车类型:碟刹 避震类型:前避震 性别类型:女性适用 参考价格


捷安特自行车价格表 2011-03-10 10:34:10| 分类:骑行天下|字号订阅 捷安特自行车报价,捷安特自行车各种型号价格大全,本文网罗了45种捷安特自行车的价格表,包括其对应的型号和颜色。捷安特以30多年生产各类自行车的专业经验,及世界领先的生产技术,精心打造每一个零部件,深受全世界自行车爱好者的欢迎。 捷安特山地自行车参考价格表 ATX系列山地车 ATX 660 1098元 ATX 670 1198元 ATX 680 1298元 ATX 690 1398元 ATX 740 1598元 ATX 750 1698元 ATX 755 1998元 ATX 760 2998元 ATX 770 1998元

ATX 775 2998元 ATX 780 5998元 ATX 790 2998元 ATX PRO 1998元 ATX ELITE 2598元 ATX 830 4998元 ATX 870 7998元 其他系列山地车 熔岩(LAVA)530 698元 熔岩(LAVA)550 798元 熔岩(LAVA)660 998元 熔岩(LAVA)630 1198元尖叫(SCREAM) 698元 激活(SPRY)-1 1198元 激活(SPRY)-2 998元 激活(SPRY)II代 1598元风云 1098元风云-1 898元优肯(UCAN)-1 1298元 优肯(UCAN)-2 998元 优肯(UCAN)-3 898元

优肯(UCAN)-4 748元 克洛克(CROCK)-1 2998元 捷安特公路车报价表 1.捷安特SPEED-X 798元 2.捷安特SPEED-LX 998元 3.捷安特风标-2 1298元 4.捷安特风标-1 1598元 5.捷安特风标-x 1598元 6.捷安特风标 2998元 7.捷安特OCR II 1898元 8.捷安特OCR 3300 1898元 9.捷安特OCR 3500 2598元 10.捷安特OCR 22288元 11.捷安特TEAM REPLICA 6998元 12.捷安特FCR-1 9100元 13.捷安特TCR AERO-1 26000元 14.捷安特TCR COMPOSITE-1 28388元 15.捷安特TCR COMPOSITE-2 24180元 16.捷安特TCR C1 361000元 17.捷安特TCR C3 15500元 捷安特自行车价格表如下: 1.捷安特99戴安娜 26X16L 浅槟黄 370元 2.捷安特2000艾丽斯 26X16L 银粉红 395元 3.捷安特2000艾丽斯24 24X15L 荷橙 395元 4.捷安特2001追逐者 24X16M 亮银兰 798元 5.捷安特2001喜美—M 26X18M 亮黑/珍珠蓝 316元 6.捷安特2001丘比特—M 26X17M 亮蓝/亮银 998元 7.捷安特2001丘比特—L 26X15.5L 浅兰/亮银 998元


捷安特ATX系类2012最新官方报价与各车优缺点总结 按价格排序: ATX660 市场价格1298。此款车型比捷安特欧野2.0(1098)细节地方的配置有很大改进,包括改进了牙盘、花鼓、碗组、以及车圈等。所以更加的解释耐用,性价比不错,如果想买欧野2.0的朋友建议你添200元购买此款车型。 ATX670 市场价格1398。此款车型与前者ATX660最大区别就是前叉。新潮的外观以及涂装使他更受年轻人的追捧。细节上升级成了快拆轮毂,在车架构状上也稍有改动,前梁变低,所以成为不少女士的选择。 ATX680 市场价格1498。此款车型是相当经典的一款车,在ATX670的基础上在此进行前叉小幅升级,变为了油气回弹叉。但是外观方面比较死板,而且在ATX670基础上升级较少,所以导致销量并不是很好,但是作为一款初级入门山地也还是有一些性价比的。 ATX690 市场价格1598。ATX6系列最后一款,此款车型性价比不错,本人第一辆车就是此款,所以很有好感。这车无论是11款还是12款的外观都是无可挑剔的漂亮,在前几款车型的基础上牙盘进行了小幅升级,内置碗组质量也小幅提高。经过原来我半年多的实测,得出的结论是相当抗造,性价比还是不错的。 ATX690D(ATX690碟刹款)市场价1898。ATX6系列最后一款,此款是在原车ATX690基础上进行改动后诞生的车型,主要去别就是多了一款彦豪碟刹。外观方面车座进行了升级,看上去更帅气一些。但是此车配备的彦豪碟刹属于低端碟刹,制动效果以及日后保养并不是很方便。此车定价稍高,所以导致性价比不高,由此建议预购此款车型的朋友考虑下面这款车型。 ATX740 市场价2098。ATX7系列的入门款。第一眼从外观上看就会比ATX6系列高端帅气不少。在看配置,已经升级为24速,虽采用V刹制动,但效果不错。作为24速的入门车型已经也是不错的选择。 ATX750 市场价2198.简单地说就是ATX740的碟刹版。升级了捷安特碟刹(碟刹依旧是不怎么样),外观方面就ATX740无太大改动,前叉依旧不支持软硬调节以及锁死。但是总体说这个价格还是值得购入的。建议考虑加100元购入ATX770. ATX770 市场价2298.此款车型无论是11款还是12款曾一度被评为2000元左右最具性价比车型,的确,此车使用ALIVIO 24速套件,捷安特SWIN前叉增加了软硬调节功能。采用AVID V刹制动,刹车效果不错。如果不介意买V刹的朋友可以考虑购买。性价比不错。对碟刹有强制要求的朋友看看下面这款 ATX770D吧。 ATX770D 市场价2598。此车无论是外观还是配置都已经接近了此价位最好水平,尤其是今年4月份推出的2012款ATX770D:采用培林花鼓,捷安特中空牙盘,BB5碟刹,前叉也增加了锁死功能,依靠超高性价比,所以备受消费者关


TCR ADV ANCED SL RABOBANK ISP 捷安特台湾/顶级碳纤维 TCR ADVANCED SL RABOBANK ISP 單飛攻擊,衝刺爭先,在頒獎台上享受勝利的香檳滋味!這是環義冠軍DENIS MENCHOV以及RABOBANK車隊所指定的競賽武器。如果贏得勝利是您最在乎的事,TCR ADVANCED SL也會是您的最佳選擇! 顏色 TCR ADVANCED SL RABOBANK ISP 車架—全新GIANT ADVANCED SL ISP超輕碳纖維車架 前叉—全新GIANT ADVANCED SL 碳纖維前叉(一體式碳纖維 OverDrive 2 Steerer) 速別— 20 前變速器— SHIMANO Dura Ace FD-7900 後變速器— SHIMANO Dura Ace RD-7900 尺寸— M(74), S(71), XS(68) 顏色— Rabobank車隊版 重量— 6.8 KG-M (不含腳踏)(不含腳踏) 台湾出货需预定详情请咨询

2012 TCR C2 捷安特自行车碳纤维公路自行车 Frame design/车架设计 上瘾的极速从此开始,全方位运动竞速利器! 蕴藏TCR ADVANCED SL与TCR ADVANCED竞赛灵魂与性能,全新TCR Composite让碳纤公路车不再遥不可及!运用创新改良的GIANT COMPOSITE 一体式碳纤结构制程,全新TCR COMPOSITE车系承袭了GIANT顶级公路设计主张轻量化、性能导向、POWERCORE及OVERDEIVE等先进技术,让速度的渴望不需再妥协。 Features /特点 采T60碳纤纱加上GIANT累计20多年的生产技术力量,打造出外型流线、流体力学最为出众的COMPOSITE,优异的平路巡航性能,令人迷恋不已。全新TCR COMPOSITE车系承袭了GIANT顶级公路设计主张轻量化、性能导向、POWERCORE及OVERDRIVE等先进技术,让追求性能的骑士拥有神奇的加速。... 下面的图表代表最新配置,取代任何打印或PDF格式的信息。规格和价格如有变更,恕不另行通知。 FRAME/车架 尺寸700C*430MM/465MM/500MM/535MM 颜色白月光/蓝


捷安特11款车子的官方报价 山地健身 ATX730===》1998元 ATX750===》2198元 ATX770===》2298元 ATX770D==》2598元 ATX790===》3298元 XTC750===》3398元 XTC770===》4398元 XTC790===》5398元 山地休闲 熔岩530===》798元 欧野1.0===》798元 平原狼====》998元 欧野2.0===》1098元 汉特1.0===》858元 汉特2.0===》1098元 汉特3.0===》1598元 ATX660===》1298元 ATX690D==》1898元 女款山地

MEME3==》2698元METONGUE==》3498元METONGUE 2==》4498元山地竞赛 XTC C1===》10800元XTC C2===》8800元 公路休闲 风速770===》858元 风速900===》1198元风标2200===》1298元风标2500===》1698元风标2700===》2098元公路健身 OCR3300===》2498元OCR3500===》2998元TCR6300===》4398元TCR6500===》5398元公路竞赛 TCR6700===》8598元TCR6900===》11998元平把公路 FCR3100===》1598元

FCR3300===》2198元 FCR3500===》2998元 FCR3700===》4398元 旅行车 帝柏3300===》1898元 帝柏3500===》2898元 帝柏ELITE===》4598元 帝柏 PRO===》5598元 折叠车 康威===》598元 康威2.0RD===》858元 拓威8.0RD===》2198元 拓威8.0DB===》2998 全都是官方价格,在专卖店买车时可用这个价格作参考。 美利达2011款自行车价格(湖北价格)可做全国价格参考

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