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1 One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important factors in language learning.有一种理论,把对目的语的敏感性视作语言学习中最重要的因素之一。

2 In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease the original editions of English films.为帮助学生学习英语,图书馆已决定将英语原版电影出租给他们。

3 On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shop, big or small, will come up with more discount notices.一到周末,如果有一家商店贴出减价广告,其他许多商店,无论大小,都会跟着贴出更多的大减价的招贴。

4 When ungrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in society, they will gradually become accepted by the public.当某一语言中的一些不符合语法的表达方式流行于社会时,这些表达方式往往会逐渐被地被公众所接受。

5 The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency.这家企业倒闭,不是因为资金缺乏而是因为管理不善。

6 Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract customers.广告通常突出所宣传的产品或服务来招揽顾客。

7 It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years.有人争辩说,我们应当抑制语言变化的速度,否则我们可能会每隔20年就得学习一种新的语言。

8 I am grateful to him because every time I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me.我很感谢他,因为每当我学习遇到困难时,他总是来帮助我。

9 It will take great pains to improve/change the financial situation of the factory.要改变这个厂的经济状况得花大力气。

10 Those who advocate the purification of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture.要改变这个工厂的经济状况得花大力气。


1 Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it should be avoided.关于说谎是否总是坏的,是否应该避免,不同的人有不同的看法。

2 The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.伦敦最高的楼同纽约的摩天大楼比较起来,仍然算小的。

3 The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from individual to individual and from culture to culture.在可接受的谎言与恶意的谎言之间界定是因人而异、因文化而异的。

4 Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye to the faults of their children.溺爱孩子的母亲常常会对自己孩子的过错睁只眼闭一只眼。

5 The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together when violence breaks out.当暴力行为发生的时候,这个国家需要一个能使人民团结一致的领袖。

6 A selfish man categorizes all people into two groups, those he likes and those he dislikes.自私者将所有的人分成两类:他喜欢的人和他不喜欢的人。

7 She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn’t my intention to hurt her.她对我的话感到恼火,但我无意去伤害她。

8 It is wrong for teachers to stereotype naughty students.老师对调皮的学生抱有成见是错误的。

9 In some countries, a person who intentionally leaves his job can find it easy to step aside for a while, supported by unemployment insurance and other benefits.在有些国家,一个人如果有意不想工作,可以很容易地退出一段时间,靠失业保险金和其他福利来维持生活。

10 She has gone through tremendous pain since her husband died.丈夫去世后,使她经受了极大的痛苦。

3B1 与当今的年轻人不同,在我们还是十几岁孩子时,不得不承担起家庭的责任,帮助父母干家务活。Unlike the young people today, we had to take on family responsibility and help our parents with housework when we were teenagers.

2 X这一代人对工作认真负责,但他们蔑视其父母及上司那种工作狂似的,拼命工作的心态。Generation X’ers take work seriously, but they disdain the workaholic, hardworking mentality of their parents and bosses.

3 当今许多孩子都能独自地使用各种计算机软件程序并能很快地理解它们。Many kids today can work with a variety of software programs on their own and comprehend them quickly.

4 因为他们的幻想破灭了,不知道在新获得的自由下该做些什么,因此被称作为失落的一代。They were referred to as the Lost Generation because they were disillusioned and did not know what to do with their new liberties.

5 这些不同文化背景的年轻人都具有共同的爱好,喜欢同样的服饰、音乐和娱

乐。The young people with diverse culture backgrounds all have in common a love for the same clothing styles, music and entertainment.

6 X一代人非常喜欢娱乐,因此无论在工作岗位上、学校还是在家中,对他们来说,过得快活是最重要的。Generation X’s has a strong propensity for fun and enjoyment, and it is more important for them to have a good time whether they are at work, school or home.

7 在中国,许多人把自己的工作看作为自己的事业,因此对工作单位忠心耿耿,富有责任感。Many people in China look upon their job as a career and have loyalty and commitment to the workplace.

8 这些年轻人渴望改善他们的处境,一旦可能有更好的职位,他们总是跳槽。These young people desire to upgrade their situation and they are always jumping ship at the hint of a better position.

9 这代人由于受到负罪感重而又常常不在家的父母的溺爱,在政治、教育和经商等方面都没有做好接班的准备。Being spoiled by their guilty-ridden, seldom-home parents, X’ers are not ready to take over in politics, education and business.

10 年轻的企业家受到激励,与同事携手,以不可匹敌的速度研究并创造新产品。Young entrepreneurs are encouraged to team up with their colleagues to do research and create new products at unparalleled rates.

4B1 一个出身贫寒的青年梦想成为百万富翁,结果幻想彻底破灭,因为他企图使用非法的电子交易手段达到致富的目的。A young man of humble origin dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but he was thoroughly disillusioned because he tried to seek his fortune by means of a law-violating electronics acquisition.

2 她好不容易装出一副像是在满意地微笑的表情。She managed to what amounted to a smile of satisfaction.

3 他最终为解决这个多年来一直未解决的问题设计出了软件。He ended up designing a software program to solve the problem which had been unsolved for years.

4 他在一位同学的陪伴下去火车站接他生病的母亲。He went to the station in the company of his classmate to pick up his sick mother.

5 大学毕业后,他被授予一份政府奖学金继续深造,这是他做梦也远远没有想到的。After graduation from university, he was granted a government scholarship to further his study, which was far beyond his dream.

6 他是一位优秀教师,每当学生有困难时,他总是和他们在一起。He was an excellent teacher who always stuck by his students whenever they had difficulties.

7 他在这城市里默默无闻,但我猜想他在自己村子里并非等闲之辈。He is a nobody here in the city, but I suppose he is a somebody in his own village.

8 她说,百万富翁是她爸爸而不是她本人,她要自己养活自己。She said that it is his father, not herself, who was a millionaire, and that she would like to earn her own living.

9 恕我直言,我认为我们应该采取更为激烈的措施来控制通货膨胀。Therefore I think we must, so to speak, adopt more extreme measures to curb inflation.

10 他的公司因管理不善而失败以后,他决定在保险业方面碰碰运气。After his company failed because of poor management, he decided to try his luck in insurance. 5B1 当布莱克先生的太太没星期能挣1000美元时,他开始感到有些不安。Mr. Black felt somewhat upset when his wife pulled down $1,000 a week.

2 随着高薪女性人数的增加,越来越多的男士会对妻子的成功感感到理所当然。With the increasing number of high-paid women, more and more men will be comfortable with their spouses’ success.

3 使职业妇女感到棘手的问题是,如何弥补她们应对家庭承担的责任。It is a tough problem for career women how to make up for the responsibility to the family that they are supposed to take?

4 为了安慰病人,许多医生认为对其的严重性说得轻些是明智的。In order to comfort the patients, many doctors thought it wise to play down the serious nature of his illness.

5 如果一个人的自尊心主要来自他的工作或收入的话,那么他就会感到很难适应经济地位的变化。It may be hard for a person to adapt to a shift in economic power if his or her self-esteem is derived mostly from a career or income.

6 一项调查表明,夫妻间的一些问题与传统的观念有关。A survey shows that some problems between husband and wife are connected with traditional ideas.

7 由于传统观念,有些丈夫竭力阻止妻子从事家庭以外的工作。Owing to traditional ideas, some husbands try hard to hold their wives back from working outside their houses.

8 我们应该让人人都明白,当一个人在生活上遇到问题时,以酗酒或者找婚外情的方式去解决是一种愚蠢的做法。We should make everybody realize that it is

stupid to retaliate by drinking more or having an affair when a person has encountered some problems in life.

9 驻香港的总部曾提供给王女士一份很好的工作,但她却拒绝了,因为她有一个刚满两岁的孩子。Wang was offered a good job in the head office of Hong Kong, but she passed it up because she had a two-year old infant.

10 一位著名影星11年来与她丈夫一直以恩爱夫妻的姿态出现在公众场合,但最近她却宣布将要离婚。A famous movie star kept up appearances in public with her husband for eleven years but recently she has announced a divorce.

6B1 在这家公司工作了一段时间后,大部分的雇员就公司的基本信条取得了一致看法。Having worked in this company for a certain period of time, most employees came to agreement on its basic beliefs.

2 每家公司都应保持自己的特色,这样才能区别于其他公司。Each company should keep its peculiarities which will differentiate one from another rather than strip them away.

3 越来越多的企业家信奉的是利润和社会效益,以便为企业所在社区造福。More and more entrepreneurs believe in managing for profit and the common good and contributing to the well-being of the communities where their companies are located.

4 组委国家的重点大学之一,它在发展社区文化方面起到了重要作用。Being one of the nation’s key universities, it is instrumental in developing community’s culture.

5 尊重顾客好提供优质服务,使我们在与提供打折扣商品的大型连锁店的竞争中更有竞争力。Respecting customers and providing the best service have made us more and more competitive with large discount chains.

6 他把自己奉献于社区工作并对自己所做的工作充满热情。He has devoted himself to his work for the community and is passionate about what he is doing.

7 有的人认为将外国的生产和管理技术移植到中国企业是没有意义的。Some people think that it does not make any sense to transplant foreign production and managerial techniques into Chinese companies.

8 尽管我们在技术开发上取得了巨大成功,但是我们却为我们给环境所造成的破坏感到羞愧。In spite the fact that we have made great achievements in the development of techniques, we are ashamed of the damage we have done to our environment.

9 毫无疑问,引入外资对当地的经济发展起了重要作用。There is no doubt that

the introduction of foreign investment has made a difference to the local economic development.

10 这个新方案仅供讨论,有新的建设性意见可以增加进去。The new scheme is open to discussion and new constructive suggestions can be incorporated.

7B1 得知许多地方遭到严重的洪水灾害,演员们主动参加义演,向社会募捐。Knowing many places in China were badly flooded, actors and actress volunteered to perform and appealed to charitable contributions from society.

2 如果你设法与史密斯先生取得联系,问题就容易解决了,因为他是这个领域的专家。If you manage to get in touch with Mr. Smith, the problem will be solved easily because he is an expert in this field.

3 导师原谅了他将两种化学物质混合在一起的错误,因为他毕竟是想帮助导师做事。The advisor forgave him for mixing the two chemicals together; after all he had intended to help his advisor.

4 我想把我正在用的这台计算机扔了,因为它经常死机。I want to throw away the computer I am using now for it gets stuck all the time.

5 老师为那些看似循规蹈矩的学生们感到担心。Teachers are worried about students who seem to do everything by the book.

6 有一段时间他心情不佳,所以感到周围的一切都乱糟糟的。He was in a bad mood for some time and therefore he felt everything around him was screwed up.

7 虽然他失败了十多次,但我们坚信他迟早会成功的。We all believe that he will succeed sooner or later though he failed more than ten times.

8 16岁以上的青少年应对他们的言行负责,因为他们有说和做正当事情的能力。Teenagers over 16 years old should be responsible for what they say and do, because they are considered to have the faculty for doing and saying the right thing.

9 他原以为一切都得心应手,而事实上,实验的结果却有争议。He thought everything was within his grasp, but in fact, the result of the experiment turned out to be controversial.

10 任何一台普通的传真机都能在眨眼之间将信息传送到大洋彼岸。Any average good fax machine can send a message in an instant across the ocean.

8B1 年幼的孩子们的父母常常感到压抑,单亲父母尤其如此。Parents of young children often become depressed, and this is especially true of single parent.

2 看来那个变化一定会加剧通货膨胀,所以政府官员感到他们应该采取一些措施来缓和通货膨胀。Through communications satellites, we are able to be in touch with events on the other side of the world almost as they happen.

3 看来那个变化一定会加剧通货膨胀,所以政府官员感到他们应该采取一些措施来缓和通货膨胀的势头。That change seems certain to heat up inflation, so government officials feel that they should take some measures to cool it off.

4 最严肃的政治家乃是能随时对社会变革做出最迅速的反应的人。The most serious politicians are the ones who respond most quickly to society changes.

5 这张图表显示,这个地方的犯罪数据几乎和失业的人数成正比。The chart shows that the level of crime in this area is almost always in direct proportion to the number of the unemployed.

6 她举止夸张,只好把她送进精神病医院She acted so strangely that she had to be put away mental hospital.

7 如果你目前不需要这笔钱,便将它存在银行里,有点依靠的东西总是有用的。If you don’t need the money right now, put it in the bank, it’s always useful to ha ve something to fall back on.

8 反对派一直在指责政府腐败,而且他们是指名道姓的。The opposition has consistently accused the government of corruption. What’s more, they have named names.

9 由于判断失误,他铸成大错,考虑到他的年迈,他只被判了5年刑。He was guilty of an important misjudgment. Given his old age, he was only sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.

10 尽管这种产品被反复保证是安全的,许多人还是已经停止购买这种产品。In the face of repeated assurance that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it.


法律英语学习的层次与材料简介来源:胡敏的日志 接触法律方面的英语已数年,从漫无目的信手乱翻,到上法律英语课,再到上英语的法律课程,到现在的用英语进行法律方面的工作,走了很多弯路,也积攒了点滴经验体会。看版面上相关的讨论,觉得还可以更体系化,总结几点,和各位切磋。 学习法律英语,不能仅以会读、会写几个词汇就觉得万事大吉,要清楚自己的目标、学习的层次,循序渐进,渐次登堂入室。根据不同的层次,大致可分一下几个类型: 1. 入门搭框型:了解法律英语的基本词汇、语用同时西方法律、司法基本体系构架,即Mr.何家弘的“一石二鸟”。 可以学习下何家弘的《法律英语》(法律出版社,2003 第二版,好像已有配套翻译)。这种书要精读。试着自己动手翻译一遍,事半功倍。基础好同学可以接着读一点,英国人或美国人专门给外国人学法律英语的书,如《English Law and Language》(Cassell 出版)。 2. 专业型拓展型:拓展下自己的专业或者自己喜欢的领域。建议通读一本相关领域的简明教材,例如blackstone,nutshell系列的都不错的。另外,以熟悉的领域为核心,是提高英语的水平的有效捷径。 3. 比较参考型:即研究某个课题外国是否有相同的法律规定、案例规则等。学会泛读,把握主旨。以精读课的方式来读,反而会让自己陷入生词、查词旋涡。类似方面的,可以读一些案例。例如:https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/6511690108.html,数据库大学校园网通常能已经由学校付费,学生可以免费使用。 (附:《https://www.doczj.com/doc/6511690108.html,数据库》是面向法律专业人员设计的,拥有11400多个数据资料库以及31500多项资料来源,特别是在法律事务方面,是收录最全的法律资源库之一。包含了LexisNexis中全部法律内容,也包含了商业、金融、政治、时事等方面的内容,主要是全球范围内(如英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、中国内地、香港等)法律案例、法律法规条文、国家法、国际条约和协议、知识产权等,使用的对象为律师、大学法学院、法律咨询公司、司法官员等。) 4. 日常应用型:即与法律有关的日常业务中,处理涉外信函。注意学习一些商务信函的知识和相关领域的常用词汇、句型、格式。推荐《国际商务写作教程》(王素清,对外经贸大学出版社)。日常应用的专业词汇、句型跟法律英语教材、案例书籍、法条等的具有很大差别,这是新手一定要注意的。多阅读些此前的卷宗,虚心学习,不怕修改,三几个月就能顺手了。 5. 专业应用型:即出具外语法律文书、法律建议,如合同等。最保险的还是找一些类似的格式文书照搬过来,格式文书在网上能够搜索的到,或者参考此前业务成文。 6. 翻译通才型:即从事涉及法律内容的材料翻译。多读、多练、功夫在诗外。中英文方面的法律书都通读些,一些基本的简明教程即可。另外,还应当以法律为中心,多关注关联的知识


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。



TRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERS 核心员工的特征 What exactly is a key play? 核心员工究竟是什么样子的? A “Key Player” is a phrase that I've heard about from employers during just about every search I've conducted. 几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。 I asked a client —a hiring manager involved in recent search — to define it for me. 我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。 “Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. “每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。 On my team of seven process engineers and biologists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without,” he said. 在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学

家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说, “Key players are essential to my organization. “他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。 And when we hire your company to recruit for us, we expect that you'll be going into other companies and finding just: 当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人: the staff that another manager will not want to see leave. 其他公司经理不想失去的员工。 We recruit only key players.” 我们只招募核心员工。” This in part of pep talk intended to send headhunters into competitor's companies to talk to the most experienced staff about making a change. 这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。

多维教程 探索课文+翻译

Unit 1 travel language旅行通用语 The Academie Francasie has for decades been the watchdog over the French language. A few years ago, French sensitivity to the influx of English words became so great that law for the purification of French was adopted. The law covers even technical applications. For example, in theory, it is now compuslory in France to refer to the Boeing 747 as a gros-porteur, leasing as credit-bail, etc. the list is very long and detailed and applies to all facets of life. Mr. Chirac, the French President, might well expand on this list and come up with some new French terms for words such as "internet" or "byte stream" just to name a couple. The mind boggles at what the world might face. 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直捍卫着法语的尊严。几年前,由于法国人对英语词汇的入侵非常敏感,该机构颁布了净化法语的法律,其内容甚至涉及专业术语。就拿波音747 (Boeing747)来说吧,现在法国人必须用法语词gros-porteur;表示出租的leasing 也变成了credit-bail。此类例子不胜枚举,触及生活的方方面面。法国总统希拉克很可能会继续加大力度,直至连英特网internet和字节流(信息组)byte stream之类的词也找到相应的法语新词。哎,真不知未来的法语会变成什么样。 Unfortunately (or perhaps not), the English language is not so protected. Quite apart from the unforgivable deviations from the king's English prevlent in America, where "honour" is commonly written as "honor" and "night" as "nite," many well-tested has also been give new meanings, making communication somewhat difficult. For example, the boot of a car has become to be called a trunk – a word reserved in England for the main part of a tree. The bonnet is a hood, good old nappies are diapers, and a baby's matinee jacket is a vest. It's obvious that the two countries are indeed separated by what once was a common language! From an American point of view, of course, it could be argued that the British speak English with a speech deficiency. 不幸的是(或许并非不幸),英语没有受到如此的保护。在美国,随处可见严重偏离英国标准英语的美式英语。―honour‖普遍被写成―honor‖,―night‖也变成了―nite‖。许多词意广为人知的英式英语单词被赋予新的解释,交流也变得有些困难。比如说,汽车的行李箱―boot‖变成了―trunk‖(一个在英国指代树干的单词);引擎盖―bonnet‖变成了―hood‖(英式英语中的风帽);老式婴儿尿布―nappy‖变成了―diaper‖(英式英语中的菱格花纹织物);婴儿小外套―matineejacket‖也变成了―vest‖(英国的内衣汗衫)。显而易见,两国英语曾同出一源,而如今却将两国彼此隔离。当然了,按美国人的观点,是英国人的语言表达出了问题。 Even worse English, however, is in use. Anyone who travels in foreign countries and observes it on menus and posters, in hotels, and indeed in everyday life can testify that what used to be the king's lingo has become in these places but a poor relation thereof. Allow me to elaborate. 实际使用中,甚至还有更糟的英语呢!只要你在外国旅游并注意一下菜单、海报、旅店、甚至当地日常生活中的英语,就可以证明过去的标准用语在这些地方已变得不伦不类,让我详例如下: The travel writer Perrot Phillips has taken pains to highlight some of his experiences, which I feel should not be withheld from a wider readership. He refers to a Dutch bulb catalogue which promised customers "a speedy execution" and to an East Berlin cloakroom sign that requested guests to "please hung yourself here." One hopes that nobody took the advice literally. 旅行作家波洛?菲利浦曾不惜笔墨地渲染自己的几番经历,我觉得该有更多的读者了解一下。他提及某份荷兰的灯泡目录,上面对用户承诺有―a speedy execution‘——快速处死(毫无疑问,想表达的应是―送货及时‖)。此外,东柏林的一个衣帽间告示要求客人―please hang yourself here‖——请在这儿吊死自己(本想说的是―将衣帽挂在这儿‖)。只希望没人会真的从字面上去理解。


书名: 1.《合同法》和《公司法》的英文翻译打码QQ群:54493069 2.孙万彪:《英汉法律翻译教程》和《汉英法律翻译教程》 3.《法律翻译-从实践出发》 4.李克兴:《法律翻译理论与实践》 5.陈忠诚:《法窗译话》 入门级: 1、孙万彪的《英汉法律翻译教程》和《汉英法律翻译教程》,涉及的内容都是最基本的,书写得比较严谨,孙老师应该是语言专业出身,对一些词(比如说threatened )的处理比较好。 2、中文版的《合同法》和《公司法》以及英文版的《合同法》和《公司法》,中文版的不必管哪个出版社的,想来都差不多。英文版的至少有两个版本,我在书店里见过,但现有手头没有,也不方便找。 3、《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》,有中英文对照版,算是做得比较精致的一本书。这本书不厚,但可以让你明白好的翻译作品应该是什么样的。 4、香港的双语资料库,至少可以利用一下香港联合交易所的双语《上市规则》。香港的词法和句法与大陆有所不同,但值得借鉴。 中级篇: 1、《法律文本与法律翻译》,作者之一是李克兴,他最近还写了一本书,也不错,可以看看。书名记不得了,但如果你在百度搜索栏敲入“李克兴”、“法律翻译”,逐页翻页,应该可以找到。 2、《法律翻译-从实践出发》,这本书有多名作者,既有宏观的论述,又有微观的剖析,作者基本上都是圈内高人。 3、《美国1933年证券法》和《美国1934年证券交易法》,著名的两部美国法律,主译是张路老师,这一系列的书还有,与律所的实战翻译风格比较接近。 4、利用互联网,直接查阅相关法律,如美国的《特拉华州普通公司法》。至于具体查阅哪部法律,看个人的兴趣。每本书后面都有参考书目,可以利用这个作为线索。 高级篇 1、《国际商法教学案例英文选编》,对外经济贸易大学考研用的“灰皮书”,不知现在是不是这样?先读懂这本书,加深对法律知识的了解。 2、《英美商事组织法》,对外经济贸易大学丁丁老师著,同一系列的书还有很多。 3、陈忠诚老师的《词语翻译漫谈》及其续篇、《法窗译话》以及相关的词语翻译书,加强“炼字”功夫。


研究生英语系列教材综合教程(上)课文翻译 Unit 1 核心员工的特征 1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:其他公司经理不想失去的员工。我们只招募核心员工。” 2这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。他们想从另一家公司招募核心员工。然而,每家公司也从新人中招人。他们要寻找的是完全一样的东西。“我们把他们和公司顶级员工表现出的特质进行对照。假如他们看起来有同样特征的话,我们就在他们身上赌一把。”只是这样有点儿冒险。 3“这是一种有根据的猜测,”我的人事经理客户说。作为未来的一名员工,你的工作是帮助人事部经理降低这种风险,你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。 4特征1:无私的合作者 职业顾问和化学家约翰·费策尔最早提出了这个特征。关于这个特征,人们已经写了大量的文章。它之所以值得被反复谈及,是因为这一特征是学术界和企业间最明显的差别。“这里需要合作,”费策尔说,“企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。” 5许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现得相当费力。因为生命中有那么长一段时间他们都在扮演一个独立研究者的角色,并且要表现得比其他年轻的优秀人才更出色。你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:为追求一个共同的目标和来自其他实验室和学科的科学家们合作——并且为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。这个方法,加上你在描述业绩时开明地使用代词“我们”,而不是“我”,能使公司对你的看法从“单干户”转变成“合作者”。更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人们之间,培养一个良好声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人——还要保证让那些会接听调查电话的人们谈及你的这个品质。 6特征2:紧迫感 唐-豪特是一位给aaas.sciencecareers@org 网站论坛频繁写稿的撰稿人。他之前是一名科学家。许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级管理的职位。他在3M公司一个部门负责策略和商业开发工作,这个部门每年上缴的税收高达24亿多美元。他就是一个重视紧迫感的人。 7“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’。这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” 8特征3:风险容忍度 企业要求员工能承受风险。“一名求职者需要表现出仅凭不准确、不完整的信息就做出决策的能力。他或她必须能接纳不确定因素并冒着风险做出结论,”一位客户在职业描述中写道。 9豪特赞同这一说法。“商业成功通常有这样一个特质:那就是能接受不确定因素和风险——个人的,组织上的和财务上的。这就让许多科学家感到不适应,因为学术上的成功其实是依靠认真而严谨的研究。更进一步说,伟大的科学常常是由找寻答案的过程和答案本身两者同时来定义的。因此科学家们往往沉迷于过程。在企业里,你需要了解过程,但最终你会迷上答案,然后根据你认为该答案对你的企业所具有的意义来冒风险。像这样敢冒风险是一套技能组合,是所有雇主在他们最好的员工身上所寻找的东西。” 10风险容忍度的另外一个要点是求职者对失败的承受度。失败很重要,因为这表示你不怕冒险。所以各家公司总会寻找有可能犯错误并敢于承认错误的求职者。大家都知道如何谈论成功——或者当他们在寻找工作的时候应该知道。但很少有人乐意谈论失败,更少有人知道如何从失败的边缘吸取教训和获得经验。“对我的企业来说,求职者需要坦然地谈论他或她的失败,而且他或她需要有真正的失败经历,而不是特意为面试而杜撰的东西。如果做不到的话,那么这个人冒的风险还不够,”豪特说。 11特征4:善于处理人际关系 瑞克·李奇在迪科德遗传工程公司从事业务拓展。李奇最近才转行到企业,做业务方面的工作。我向他咨询这个重要特征,是因为在他的新业务角色中,人际沟通能力在成功和失败之间发挥着很大的作用。“科学家毕生都在积累知识,培养技术上的敏锐感,”他说,“但为企业工作需要完全不同的东西——人际交往的能力。想转行到企业界的科学家们必须优先考虑他们的社会关系资源而不是技术资源。对一个以前一直根据专业知识水平被评价的人来说,突然之间要根据他的人际交往能力来评价他,真是十分令人恐惧。” 12然而,如果认为只有像李奇那样的生意人才需要熟练的人际沟通技巧,那就错了。事实上,我所遇见的在企业工作的核心费工们之所以取得成功,很大程度上是因为他们能够与公司上下各种各样的人共事。 Unit 4 爱和情感连系 1爱,对于人类的生存是不可或缺的。它既是一种情感,又是一种行为。家庭通常是我们最早和最重要的爱和

研究生英语 多维教程 翻译Uint6-12双语版

Unit 6 A. 正如诗人埃德蒙.斯宾塞在将近四百年前所说的那样,大自然是“最伟大的女神”。她似乎担任了上帝驻地球的总督的职务。斯宾塞把她描写成一位母亲和法官。她管辖着所有的生物之间的往来,并不分厚薄地给予他们权利,因为她是一位公正的母亲。她把他们紧密地联结在一起,就象兄弟姐妹。因而,在斯宾塞看来,生物繁殖及生物秩序的自然规律与公正原则显而易见地是联系在一起的。当我们得知斯宾塞认为大自然也具有公正原则的时候我们或许有点吃惊。然而,斯宾塞不仅以人类的手足之情而是以所有生物的手足之情为依据来坚持自然界有这么一位“公正的”法官。要是在当今,我们会说斯宾塞是以生态学作为其可靠依据的。 B. 如果我们人类和大自然的固有关系不是相互对抗的,那么,它又是什么样的一种关系呢?对我们来讲,这个变得相当复杂难解,因为正如我先前所讲过的那样,我们中没有人想在未经开发的原始森林里或在未经改造的原始大草原上生活,我们不想被大灰熊吃掉。假如我们是园艺家,我们有正当的理由去抱怨园内的杂草。在肯塔基州,如果我们准备改良牧场,我们就很可能成为那一片随风摆动的大蓟的敌人。但是,如果我们还随心所欲,想做什么就做什么,那么,我们就会对那些曾经被我们砍伐破坏了的原始森林和草原着迷,我们会一而再而三地想起它们,想起那些幸存的原始森林和原始草原。我们还会感到大灰熊深深地吸引着我们。我们知道,在整个人类时期我们会一直想起大灰熊及其他一些危险动物。 1.大多数自然保护主义者认为,在良好的生态环境中人类最易兴旺发达,而各种野生动物的生存则是这种良好生态环境的标志。 1. Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of this health is the survival of a diversity of wild animals. 2.史密史先生出示了大量证据来表明:在某种程度上,如果我们破坏大自然,那就是毁灭我们。 2. Mr. Smith produced abundant evidence to indicate that we, to some extent, diminish ourselves if we diminish nature. 3.西方各国的许多城市已经转换到使用新的可减少污染含量的汽油,我们中国有些城市也已经这样做了。 3. Many cities in Western countries have switched to a new gasoline formula that reduces the pollution content. This is also true of some cities in China. 4.正如英国诗人艾蒙德.史宾塞在一首诗里描述的那样,大自然不仅是位母亲,而且是位法官,管辖并公平地对待人类和所有的生物。 4. As depicted in a poem written by the English poet Edmund Spenser, nature is not only a mother but a judge, having jurisdiction over and doing justice to all creatures 5.政府的一项调查研究得出结论是:除了过分拥挤和公共交通很差外,该市面临的最大问题是噪音和污染。 5. A government study concludes that besides overcrowding and poor public transport, the biggest problems the city is up against are noise and pollution. 与所有其他动物不一样,人类具有根据自己的判断而行事的能力 6. Unlike all other creatures, humans have the ability to act on their judgment/ understanding.

第十章 法律翻译中被动句式的翻译(课堂讲练)

第十章法律翻译中被动句式的翻译(课堂讲练) 本章教学目标:掌握法律英语翻译中有关被动句翻译的若干基本方法。 课堂讲练: 1、概述 在法律英语句式中,被动语态(PASSIVE VOICE)使用频率很高。通常在以下情况中,法律英语会使用被动语态: 例1、(1)、The Conformity Certificate of the Goods to be delivered shall be delivered directly to Party A by Party C on the Delivery Day of such Goods. 参考译文:拟交付货物的产品合格证应由丙方在该批货物交货日直接交给甲方(或:丙方应在交货日将拟交货物的产品合格证直接交给甲方)。 (2)、When the Goods to be pledged under this Agreement have been delivered to the Dealer acting on behalf of the Pledgee, the Pledgor shall submit to the Dealer a Delivery Note. 参考译文:依照本协议应质押的货物交付给代表质押权人的经销商后,质押人应向经销商提交一份交货单。 (3)、Unless otherwise specified in writing herein, all Confidential Information must be returned to the disclosing Party or destroyed on the expiration of the period of the receiving Party’s using such Confidential Information. 参考译文:除非本协议另有书面规定,所有机密信息在接收方使用期限届满时必须退还给披露方或者销毁。 (4)、如果在合同任何一方向对方发出就因本合同引起的或与之有关的任何争议进行协商的书面请求后15天内,争议仍未得到解决,则任何一方可以将该争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁。 参考译文:Where the disputes arising out of or in relation to this Contract can not be resolved within fifteen (15) days after any Party hereto requesting in writing the other Party to commencing a consultation on said disputes, either Party may submit it to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration(CIETAC). (5)、对于任何因违约而给对合同任何一方造成的损失,违约方必须做出金钱赔偿。 参考译文:Any losses suffered by any Party hereto arising from any breach shall be indemnified by the Party in breach. 小结:从上述例句的翻译中可以看出,法律英语使用被动语态,通常是因为(1)、强调动作对象(即受动者),比如例句(1)、(2),此时,往往施动者没有必要说出或不愿说出;或者(2)、施动者本身无法确定,如(3)、(4);或者两种情形兼而有之,如(5)。在汉译时,由于汉语被动语态的使用频率较英语为少,所以,不必受英语句式限制,将所有被动句都翻译成汉语被动句,译文应以既忠实于原文意义,又符合汉语表达习惯为要旨。 2、英语被动语态基本翻译技巧 1)、译成被动句 如需要强调源语中被动语态的受动对象,一般译成汉语被动句。不过,可以使用”予以、由、受、受到、得以、得到、经“等词汇替代”被“,以表达被动含义。 例2、(1)、If any of the provisions of this Contract is held invalid or unenforceable and unless the invalidity or unenforceability materially violates the fundamental intent and sense of other parts of this Contract, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions hereof. 参考译文:如果本合同任何条款被认定为无效或不可执行,除非此无效或不可执行性实质性地违反本合同根本意图或其其他部分意义,则不得影响本合同其他条款的有效性或可执行性。


如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。 if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered. 2 。宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。心碎了,还需再补吗? i would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry, when my heart is broken, is it needed to fix? 3 。没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 no one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others. 4 。命里有时钟需有命里无时莫强求you will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you dont kvetch for it if it doesnt appear in your life. 5 。当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害when a cigarette falls in love with a match, it is destined to be hurt. 6。爱情??在指缝间承诺指缝…。在爱情下交缠。love ,promised between the fingers finger rift, twisted in the love 7。没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won?t make you cry. 8 。记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. alter what is changeable, and accept what is unchangeable. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像 一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。每一个沐浴在 爱河中的人都是诗人。 look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对 我而言意味着什么。distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更 近。 i need him like i need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让 我爱多一些吧。 love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。


Unit One 旅行通用语 1 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直捍卫着法语的尊严。几年前,由于法国人对英语词汇的入侵非常敏感,该机构颁布了净化法语的法律,其内容甚至涉及专业术语。就拿波音747 (Boeing747)来说吧,现在法国人必须用法语词gros-porteur;表示出租的leasing也变成了credit-bail。此类例子不胜枚举,触及生活的方方面面。法国总统希拉克很可能会继续加大力度,直至连英特网internet和字节流(信息组)byte stream之类的词也找到相应的法语新词。哎,真不知未来的法语会变成什么样。 2 不幸的是(或许并非不幸),英语没有受到如此的保护。在美国,随处可见严重偏离英国标准英语的美式英语。“honour”普遍被写成“honor”,“night”也变成了“nite”。许多词意广为人知的英式英语单词被赋予新的解释,交流也变得有些困难。比如说,汽车的行李箱“boot”变成了“trunk”(一个在英国指代树干的单词);引擎盖“bonnet”变成了“hood”(英式英语中的风帽);老式婴儿尿布“nappy”变成了“diaper”(英式英语中的菱格花纹织物);婴儿小外套“matineejacket”也变成了“vest”(英国的内衣汗衫)。显而易见,两国英语曾同出一源,而如今却将两国彼此隔离。当然了,按美国人的观点,是英国人的语言表达出了问题。 3 实际使用中,甚至还有更糟的英语呢!只要你在外国旅游并注意一下菜单、海报、旅店、甚至当地日常生活中的英语,就可以证明过去的标准用语在这些地方已变得不伦不类,让我详例如下: 4 旅行作家波洛?菲利浦曾不惜笔墨地渲染自己的几番经历,我觉得该有更多的读者了解一下。他提及某份荷兰的灯泡目录,上面对用户承诺有“a speedy execution’——快速处死(毫无疑问,想表达的应是“送货及时”)。此外,东柏林的一个衣帽间告示要求客人“please hang yourself here”——请在这儿吊死自己(本想说的是“将衣帽挂在这儿”)。只希望没人会真的从字面上去理解。 5 我还可以补充一些多年周游世界时的亲身经历。例如,奥斯坦德的一家精品店正在宣扬其货品立意新颖,却用了“revolting new ideas”,即“令人作呕的立意”。孟买的几家糕饼屋也鼓吹自己是“No.1 loafers”,目口头号游手好闲者,可是其本意是要宣称自己的糕饼全市第一。 6 我并不知道基督教影响如此之广,直到我在香港看到一位牙医的宣传:“我们由最新的循道宗信徒拔牙”,这儿的“Methodists”(循道宗信徒)显然应改为“methods”,即“方法”。 7 恐怕没人能确定这些误用实际上是体现了英语的普及还是仅仅反映了局限于地方的习惯用法。但可以确定的是,海法医学会绝对应该阻止其会员挂这样的铜招牌:“妇女及其它疾病的专家”。 8 看来旅店对多语种告示颇为青睐,希望它们会有利于人们更好地使用现代化设施。没有它们,旅店就会显得沉闷而缺乏效率。然而,在布鲁塞尔的一家旅店中,这条电梯告示只会令毫无防范的房客更愿意爬楼梯:“使用电梯时,请按要去楼层的按钮。若更多人进入电梯,请分别按各自要去楼层的按钮。电梯会按楼层的字母顺序,依次送客。没复位的按钮显示着接收到的要去楼层的指令”。伊斯坦布尔的一则旅店告示则没这么复杂:“想要客房服务时,请开门喊叫‘客房服务’”。至少那儿的客人不用对付也许经常失灵的电子设备。 9 在土耳其,人们对于“直言不讳”的喜爱在一个已远近闻名的安卡拉导游册中得到了充分体现。导游册这样招揽顾客:“来我们餐馆吧,你会在欧洲救护车中享用中东风味美食”(显然这儿的救护车“ambulance”应为氛围“ambience”)。而另一家瑞士餐馆的菜单也同样吸引人:“我们的葡萄酒绝人他念”。(“our wines leave nothing to hope for'’一语双关,可本意显然是“我们的葡萄酒美味绝伦”)。 10在东欧,奥匈帝国时期的老牌大旅馆从未放弃过礼节。一则旅馆房间告示上写着“诚邀尊贵的客人在12点到14点之间占客房女服务员的便宜”(take advantage of t he chambermaids)。然而,这可能造成意外的交通阻塞。最近的一次莫斯科画展也未必能让偶尔光顾者欣然前往,根据其告示,“画展将展出俄罗斯艺术家的300幅作品,他们中的大部分人在过去十年中已被处死了”。 11 曼谷一家洗衣房的广告词邀请来访的顾客“留下你的衣服,尽情享受吧!”就像是鼓励人们在这座远东娱乐首府干些出格之事。


Book II Unit 1 A. 1.assess 2.alliance 3.outcome 4.ethical 5.identity 6.ambiguous 7.tolerable 8.participates 9.pursuit 10.constructive B. 1.at stake 2.were obliged 3.the climate of 4.feel well-equipped 5.beyond my grasp 6.cut back 7.other than 8.rise above 9.care about 10.is bounded C. 1.incompetent 2.indulgence 3.migrants 4.probes https://www.doczj.com/doc/6511690108.html,plex 6.suspense; engaged https://www.doczj.com/doc/6511690108.html,passionate; committed 8.tolerant 9.tempted 10.interconnected D. 1. A. Judging from 2. B. in which 3. C. and 4. D. believe 5. A. is one of/ is that of 6. B. must get 7. C. likely 8. D. unemployed 9. C. as well as/ and 10. B. simpler E.精品文档 1.what 2.graduation 3.intend 4.getting 5.eventually 6.survey 7.although 8.graduates 9.transfer 10.rise 11.attending 12.instead 13.cause 14.because 15.attending 16.below 17.failure 18.expectations 19.confidence https://www.doczj.com/doc/6511690108.html,cation Key to the translation from English to Chinese: 1.德 . 汤说过,一切进步,一切发展均来自挑战及由此引 起的反应。没有挑战就没有反应,没有发展,没有自由。 所以,我们首先应该在我们孩子的能力允许的范围内为他 们开设最严格最富有挑战性的课程。 2.我们可以向我们的孩子提供第二个机会是允许他们有 失败的权力。德 . 纽伊写道:“不仅是一种特权,也是一种 考验。”如果没有人可以失败,那它算什么考验,算什么 自由呢?美国可以向所有在高中读者完四年课程而不管 其是否取得任何明显收获的学生发放毕业文凭的日子已 经一去不复返了。我们现在生活在一个外变得很狭隘的世 界里,们必须同对现实保持警觉,有所认识;而现实主义要 求树立一个要么成功要么失败的标准。这些话听起来很刺耳,但都是残酷的事实。如果我们剥夺了孩子的失败权力,实际 上我们就剥夺了他们如实地认识世界的机会。 Key to the translation from Chinese to English: 1.Today's university students are struggling to establish themselves, but they still have ambiguous feelings about their future. 2. A man cannot find himself without finding a

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