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现代大学英语听力3 答案

现代大学英语听力3 答案Unit one
Task 1
unusual; whatever; escape; traditions; present; grey; moulded(shape or influence 塑造); shape; here
1209 Several hundred students and scholars arrived in Cambridge from Oxford
1284 Pererhouse, the oldest college in Cambridge, was founded
1440 King Henry VI founded King’s College
1. Students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance
2. When people went anywhere on a visit, the pretty english girls all kissed them.
3. Erasmus, Bacon, Milton, Cromwell, and Newton (or Wordswoth, Byron, Tennyson, etc).

Task 2
1.a? 2.b 3. a 4. c
1. They usually wear black gowns. Long gowns that hang down to the feet are for graduates, and shorter ones for undergraduates.
2. Women students do not play a very active part in university life at Cambridge, but they work harder than men.
1.meadows草地;green, peaceful; bending into.; intervals;deep colored; reflection; contrasts; lawns
2.scholarship;peace;suggest;stretches; charmingly cool;graceful

Task 3
1.b? 2.c
Secret 1: get free, accurate information by visiting the US Embassy website
Secret 2: be thoroughly prepared
Bring: I-20 form or IAP-66 form
Standardized test score reports (TOEFL, GRE, FMAT, LAST, etc.)
All letters and e-mails from the school, esp. those discussing financial aid;
Evidence of funding for the applicant’s studies;
Business cards;
Any other documents that might be important.
Secret 3: answer the questions that are asked. Don’t give the visa officer a prepared speech.
Secret 4: tell the truth.
Secret 5: come back to China in two ways:
come back to see the family and maitian the ties to China
come back to China after graduation

Task 4
1) You are not well suited for it./ you do not have the necessary qualities or abilities for it.
? 2).You cannot go back to the precvious situation./you cannot change your mind.
? 3). You can`t change halfway the subjects you choose to study.
1. b 2. a 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.b

Task 5
domestic; divesity; flexibility; more than 3,600;campuses; enrolled students; industries; about 3 million
Harvard ,Stanford;community colleges; state universities; faculties; ethnic minorities;
Subjects and course options; student; consumer; flexibility;specialize; elective courses;
a higher education;postsecondary; a new career; retired people

Task 6
1.b. 2.a 3.a 4.c? 5.b
1. little use for the liberation of African people
2. to overcome the social and technological backwardness
1.formal education; society
2. catalyst; social change
A. the world`s best ; the most appropriate
? B. intergrate education and life, and education and production
? C. that we should judge a child or an adult by their academic ability
III. the formal educatio

n system; society as a whole; cooperativeness; a desired to serve

Task 7
For beauty and for ramance the first place among all the cities of the United Kingdom must be given to Oxford. The impression that Oxford makes upon those who, familiar with her from early years, have learnt to know and love her in later life is remarkable. Teeming with much that is ancient, she appears as the embodiment of youth and beauty. Exquisite in line, sparkling with light and color, she seems very bright and young, while her sons fall into decay and perich. “Alma Mater!” they cry, and love her for her loveliness, till their dim eyes can look on her no more.
And this is for the reason that the true lovableness of Oxford cannot be learnted at once. As her charms have grown from age to age, so their real appreciation is gradual. Not that she cannot catch the eye of one who sees her for the first time, and smiling, hold him captive. This she can do now and then; but even so her new lover has yet to learn her preciousness.

Unit 2
Task 1
c. d. b.
T. T.
b. e. d. a. c

Task 2

1. Donald, whom Olivia loves, has proposed marriage to her.

2. she cannot make up her mind because it is wartime and she does not have enough time to know more about Donald and ensure her feelings

3. she thinks Donald probably just wants to marry himself off before he is killed in the war.

Task 4

A.1. a 2.b 3. c

B. 1. F 2.F 3/F 4.T

Task 5

A. b—e---c ---d ---a

B. 1.d 2b

C. 1. T 2.F 3.T

Task 7

A. 1.c 2.c 3.b 4.d 5. d

B. 1F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T

Task 8

Boston Herald; e-mails; articles; her friends` comments ; fight the war; report the fighting;

Would not have let him go; taking care of the three children, aged 9,7,5; the danger;

Is it worth; unbearable; always huddled against me at night; kepting asking me when Daddy was coming home; never said anything but she would glance her father`s photo next to his articles every morning; support husband; bring us the news; did what his career asked him to do.

Task 9

A.1.F 2.T 3. F 4.F 5.F

B. has her belongings taken to the place of her husband-to-be; says her prayers at the altar;the parents of the bride and the bridegroom

Putting a red mark on hisforehead, meaning tht he is now ready to have children; a decorated horse; place garlands of flowers on each other; they now belong to each other;

A celebration of their main occupation—fishing; the end of the fishing season; bowls of fish eggs; the hope that the newly married couple will have many children; the groom`s house by boat;

A veil; modesty; marriage vows;

Under water; a fitness display

Task 10

Jerry`s wedding eleven years ago to a Chinese-American was “both white and red”, he said, with his bride wearing a white wedding gown at a Protestant church ceremony (because both he and his wife are Christ

ians) and then changing to a red dress after the wedding for their reception banquet at a Chinatown restaurant.

Another chinese- american friend in California sent us their wedding invitation. Following the American custom, he included a smaller envelope and card for us to send back to tell them if we would attend the wedding or not. But instead of using the usual white color for the envelope and cards, he and his bride chose Chinese red. The invitation itself combing English and Chinese,just as their church wedding ceremony did.

Unit 3
Taks 2
A. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5.F 6.. F
B. Jduy watched a bit of Tv last night. Before the football came on, she switched over just to protest, for she couldn't bear football, and thus she saw the end of the film The Graduate. When the footable came on, she turned over to a programme on foxes. After the foxed, she turned over back to see who won the football,but only saw the beginning of the news. Then she packedup and went to beed.
Task 4
A.1. a 2.a
B.1.F 2. F 3. T
C..casting the film
1)Building the movies around a famous star
l A famous star is a great asset to the flilm. It attracts fans automatically. Financial success depends on how many people come to see it.
l Famous stars are very expensive. They take attention away from the story itself. They distract the audience.
2) casting movies with unkown actors and actresses.
Movie centers around the story itself. Make the movie more believable.
Filming the movie
!) soundstages—both pictures and dialogs are recorded
2) partially filmed on location—in a real setting
All the scenes with a big star can be done first, or all the scenes shot at the same location can be filmed at the same time.
Task 5
2. we never found it diffcult to occupy our spare time
3. we used to enjoy civilized pleasures
4 all our free time is regulated by TV
5.It demanded and obtains absolute silence and attention
6. whole generations are growing up addicated to it
7. It is a universal pacifier
8.rubbishy commercials or spectacles of sadism and viloence
9.vast quantities of creative work
10.they cannot keep pace with demands and maitain high standards as well
11.becomes a village;is recorded preliterat communites; utterly dependent on pictures and the spoken word.
12.It encourages passive enjoyment
13 It cuts us off from the real world
14 from communicating with each other
15 how totally irrelevant television is to real living

Task 7
A. 1.,T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5.F 6. F 7.F 8.F
B.1. a 2.b 3.a 4. c 4. b 6. b 7.b 8.c
Task 8
1.d 2.d 3/c 4. b 5.a
Task 9
1. It is taken from a Greek word and a Latin word
2. TV provides jobs for hundreds of thousands who make Tv sets and broadingcasting equipment. It also provides work for actors. Technicians, and others who put on programs.
3. Some hospitals use TV to allow medical students to get close-up veiw of operations
4. By the mid-1960s.

90% of the households in the United States had at least one Tv set.
5. Communications satellites televise programs “live” from all over the world.
6. By the mid-1960s, the national networks were broadcasting most of their programs in color.
Task 10
Watching television is the most popular leisure-time activity in Britain. Peak viewing time is between 7:30 and 10 O`clock in the evenings.
The two age groups which watch television most are children between 5 and 14 and people over 50. children aged 5 to 14 watch television on average for 23 hours a week. The over-fifties watch on average for 17 hours a week.
Television is divided betweent BBC1, BBC2 and the commercial station, ITV. There is no great difference between BBC1 and BBC2 and ITV, but programmes on BBC2 tend to be of a more intellectual or cultural nature.
Programmes before 9 pm are also suitable for children, so programmes with scenes of violence or sex are usually shown after this time. Most viewers in Britain switch off the television after about 10:30 and go to bed. Those who want to stay up can often watch a film or a “a chat room”,an interview with a famous personality until 1 am.
However , the most popular programmes of all are the news bulletins.
Unit 4
Task 2
Safty; developing countries;
1. contain harmfu; chemicals; 2.product information on the containers
1. other organisms 2.public health;contral insects that spread disease
Production problems; use the right chemicals.
1. The UN agencies report that the market value of presitcides in developing countires last year was about three thousand million dollars.
2. The agencies called for worldwide acceptance of the Food and Agriculture and World health Organization pesticides. Rulea. They say this would held guaratee the safe production of and trade in pesticdes.
Task 4
A. paid off; fall back on; a security; operation expenses; complete disaster
B. 1.Some of them cook th e meals, clean the house and take care of the kids every day.
2.Yes. That is especially so after they have had one or two bad years when they couldn't make money.
3. When their children are small, they were with their parents to go out to work; when they are very small, Sharon didn't go out as much as she would late.
4. She thinks that in this way the children are a lot more sel-reliant. They learn to work and they learn responsibility. They learn a lot about life by being continually in life with animals.
Task 5
A. 1.75%; half; in the east and south of England; in eastern Scotland; cereals; in hilly areas; the richer grass of the lowlands
2. 173; 70
3.The Ministry of Agriculture Fishery and Food; the National Farmers` Union.; 2%;25%;
4.1973;the European Community
B. 1.First, farmers complain that their work is made more difficult by rules and regulation that have been introduced. Second , they also claim that qutota systems. Which limit the amount of produ

ce they can sell,nake it impossible to make a profit.
2.Many farmers let farm cottages , offer bed and breadfast to tourist, and grow strawberries in order to gain some extra money.
3.Because the CAP`s set-side policy is seen as helping farmers get rich for doing nothing.
4.Farmers are often ciriticized for destroying woods and hedges aod for poisoning the environment with fertililizers and pesticides. Farmers may also be accused of cruelty towaids their animals.
Land used Use less land and grow mor kindes of plant. Use land intesively and grow the same crop on the same land year after year.
Fertilizer used Use organic materials and compost Use chemcial fertilizer
The way to water crops Reduce the need for irrigation Use irrigation intensively
The method to control pests Use helpful insects to kill harmful ones Use insecticides
Task 8
Farming chsnged very little from early times until about 1700. in the 1700s an agricultural revolution took place which led to a large increase in the production of crops. This increase of crops came about in a large part by little more than the final destruction of medieval institutions and the more general adoption of techniques and crops which had been known for a long time. Included in some of these changes was also the adoption of crops from the “new world”such as corn and potatoes which produced a very large yield.
In th e1850s. the industrial revolution spilled over to the farm with new mechanized methods which increased production rates. Early on , the large changes were in the use of new farm implements. Most of these early implements were still powered by horses or oxen. These new implements combined with crop rotation. Manure and better soil preparation led to a steady increase of crop yield in Europe.
The advent of steam power and later gas powered engines brought a whole newe dimenison to the production of crops. Yet, even as recently as 100 years ago, four fitfths of the world population lived outside towns and were in some way dependant on agriculture.
Unit five
Task 1
A. 1. More than 38 million.
2. Ms. Stanecki is an UN AIDS Senior Adviser. She says that some of th efastest
3.Intravenous drug use
4.Anti-AIDS drug are widely available there. This has made some peiople pay less attention to the danger of becoming infected with HIV.
B. 1 F 2 F 3F 4.T
C.wrosening; five million; Afirca; 25 million; one million; increase; political and financial;have access; one in five; more than half
Task 2
A. 1. 40,000; addicted; nature; nurture
2. won`t ; addict; prone
3. genetic; fixed; fated
B. 1. a 2.b 3. a
C.1. Human genes are all under close study in laboratories.
2.It implies that insurance companies or employers might take advantage
Task 5
Shelley Traveres Linda Jenkins Ray Ishwood
What medical problem did he/ she have? Backache Wart Arthritis
How did the doctor treat him/ her? Giving her tests Recommending an opera

tion Giving him injections
Was the experience satisfactory? No No No
Did the patient get better later? Yes Yes Yes
What was mght be the cause of the problem? Hard desk chair stress Cold and rainy weather
1. He should have asked some questions, like what kind of work she did, or how long she spend at the computer everyday.
2. Acupuncture
3. They have to be more careful before they recommend operation .
4. He tends to get better when it`s warmer.
Linda Jenkins--- Atlanta, Geogia
Shelley Travers-----New YorkCity
Ray Ishwood ----Eugene, Oregon
Task 6
A. 1. c 2. b
B. Overacts; immune system; reaction; the sting; blood pressure; breathe; medicine
C. Immune system;
Red; ithcy eyes; runny nose; difficult breathing;
Task 7
A. 1. T 2.F. 3. F 4.F 5.F
B. Definition; prevention; an unusual; antibodies; symptoms; untreated; death; the thing; an allergic reaction
C. Under skin; red bump; less sensitive ; several times
Unit 6
Task 1
A. In the five short advertisements, sofa beds,. A women`s magazine, a car buyer`s magazine, a kind of soap and a radio programmeon music are advertised.
B. 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.c
C. 1. T 2.F 3.F
Task 3
A.1 b 2.c 3. a 4. a 5.d
B. 1. F 2. T 3.F
Task 4
Britain Broadcasting Cororation ;
public corperation; the licence fees Independent Television;
Private ; the advertisements
Subtle; go and make a cup of tea or walk their dog

They are wonderful; this only the story invented by the BBC Awful ; quite good

1. It costs nothing to watch TV while it costs a lot if you go to a cinema
2. It saves you the trouble of going to the cinema
3. old ones; tend to be new ones.

1. A better view fo the game
2. The comfort of staying at home 1. You can`t fully enjoy the real atmosphere
2. You don't feel like a part of the real event.
B. 1.T 2.T
Task 5
A.1. b—a—d –c
2. c—b---d---a
3. a—d---b---c
4. b---a---c---d
B. certain changes were to be made in her office and some workers would probably be moved to other positions.
She was moved to a higher position ; find a job for herself; became the person advertising jobs for others
C. frowned; was amazed ; was alarmed and seriouly worriedt
Task 8
I 。increase your sales; travel very fast
II. A.a web page; your past customers` testimonies
Link their email address; a potential customer can email them and verify the testimony ; have the opportunity to speak with the past customers and find out all the great things about service or product
Those who log onto your website can in turn takl to their friends and this could tumble like a domino effect.
B. your newsletter; visit your site
C. 1.This will answer your potential customers` questions
2. This can show them how good your service ro prodcut is.
D. give out their credit card details; they are afraid that someone will steal

their credit card number.
Feel more comfortable and secure about buying your service or product.
III. A. Deliver your product competently, this is merely what the customer expects; go beyond what is expected and make the process memorable.
B. 1.aluminum foil shaped like a swan; ta\lk to people about this experience; not even a cent;
2. marketing;
3. tours of the men`s restroom
IV. distinguish your business from your competitors; performance standards; creativity.
Task 9
A. I 1.person –to- person contact to persuade consumers to buy a product
2.messages on radio , televison, newspapers or handbills
Create a demand for the advertised commodities
II. more or less the same way ; are partly decided by their teenage children;
love; fear;
Dating; $1bilion;
the sex appeal;
bad breath; perspiration stains; body odour;
health ‘; prestige; pride; envy; jealousy;
brand names
duiring the years to come
repeat the commercials time and again on radio and television
associate the product with radio or Tv stars on the advertisements.
B. advantages :
1. Stimulates demand; mass production
2. Give information;
3. leaving home
4. Stimulates competition
5. Lower prices
6. Provides entertainment
1. May mislead the public; they are getting something that is not being offered
2. Often misuses language
3. Encourages impulse buying
4. Raises prices. The cost of advertising a product
5. May influence the mass media.

Task 10.
The names of certain places in the United States make people think of big business. Detroit, a city in Michigan, means cars. Texas means oil. Wall Street , in New York City, means the stock market and “big money”.
There is another place name that is well known in the USA. That is Madison Avenue. Madison Avenue in New York City is the place where many advertising companies have their offices. And advertising is one of the biggest business in America.
The same kinds of things are produced and sold by many different companies in the US. Many different companies sell cars; many others sell oil. Many different companies sell soap, tires, and so on. Each company wants the public to buy its products. So they pay advertisers to tell the public about its product and make the public intersted in what they want to sell.
Unit 7
Task 1
A. 1.in a mental asylum.
2. He was a member of a committee which event there to show concern for the patienets there.
3.They were cats behaving like humans
4. He was injured in a bus accident and became mentally ill.
5. He spent the rest of his life in comfort.
B. painter; birds; animals; cats; wife; published; encouragement; A year or two; The Illustrated London News ; cats` Christmas party; a hundred and fifty; world famous
Task 4
A 1. specialists; specialized settings; money; sharp division;
2. conventions ; some societies an

d periods
3. commodity
B. 1. Because they lacked opportunity: The necessary social, educational, and economic conditions to create art rarely existed for women in the past.
2. Because the art of indigenous peoples did not share the same expressive methods or aims as Western art.
C. 1. F 2.T
Task 5
A. 1 a 2. c 3. b
B. I . observant; a dog; Leather Bar;
II Magnificent visual memory; essentials
III. rhuthm; Dustmen
IV. everyday scenes; Her salty
C. 1T 2. F 3.T 4.T
Task 6
A. action or story; painted and composed; interesting
B.plate 1: symmetrical; more interestiong design;
Plate 2 :extends; the left side; point;
C. plate 4 : c,d plate 5: a-b-d; plate 6: a—b—d
Unit 8
Task 2
A 1. F 2.F 3.T 4. T 5.F 6.F
B. more than one hundred thousand mothers across the United States
,gathering to push for tougher gun control laws
C 1. b 2.a 3.c 4.b
D. 1 now .; 2 river of votes 3.raging; out of; sricter gun control
E 略
Task 5
1. The US military sent a interceptor into space to hit a missile with a mock warhead.
2. 60 billion dollars
3. It was the first test of new technology that could become a key component of the US Present order development of the Missile Defense System
4. Earlier tests produced mixed results: Two failed and one succeeded.
5. He said the nature of the security threats facing the US had changed since the end of the Cold War , and old treaty didn't fit any more.
Parties Concerned Reactions to the Test
US president Pleased with the result, President Bush said he was convinced the system should and could be built
US Congress It criticized the plan for its high cost.
Russia and some NATO They disagreed with the US position and warned of the danger of a new arms race.
Greenpeace Its activist to disrupt the test.
Task 6
1. We will try to avoid a worldwide nuclear war,. For there are no winners in such a way.
2. The US and other countries should refrain from nuclear tests, and sign and ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
3. The US is withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
4. We should not start a new arms race by deploying Missile Defense System.
Task 7
1. They had hoped to settle an agenda ahead of the WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle the next week. But they failed to achieve that goal.
2. They were disputes over agricultural issue between major trading nations, and demands from developing countries for more time to implement existing trade accords.
3. They have heavily subsidized their agriculture products. Farmers benefit a lot from these policies.
4.They pressed the EU and Japan to remove the subsidies.
5.Yes, he was confident that some agreement could be reached in Seattle.
B. 1. c 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.d
1. Developing countries demand more access to the European market for their agricultural products, but the EU still wa

nts to maintain its subsidies for exports and barriers to imports.
2.Yes. Because their markets are also flooded with cheap goods from other countries.
3. On the whole, the rich countries benefit more from the WTO rules.
Task 8
1. Working with UNICEF-----one of the most direct and effective ways to help children who need it.
2. Top issue on the agenda-----mobilizing artists and other intellectuals in the efforts for child survival hand health in Africa \.
3.How and why artists can help the campaign fro universal child immunization.
4.How and why artists enjoy high esteem in Africa
B. 1. b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.c
C. 1.society; governments; political; economic processes
2. the mobilization of entertainers / artists
3. immunize; the six major child-killing disease.

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