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TPO23 listening 问题解析


(编辑整理by 傻美)Section 1

Conversation 1

1. What is the cause of the student's problem?

A.She missed the deadline for submitting her announcement to the university web site

B. She did not include enough information in her announcement.

C. The editors of the university web site did not post her announcement

D. The university web site will not be available to students for several days.


解析:(08”)定位句:I'm here 'cause... well,there's something I don't understand. I set an announcement for an event. And this morning I checked the events section of the university's website. And nothing, there is no mention of it.


2. What did the student's group have to promise the author in order to get him to visit the university?

A. That he would have a large audience for his reading

B. That his books would be advertised on the university web site

C. That the French Department would pay his travel expenses

D. That he would also be able to speak at another nearby university


解析:(52”)定位句:We were able to sell him on the idea by promising there’ll be a nice size crowd, I felt confident about that, because I know how enthusiastic our group is.


3. What does the man imply about the editors of the university' web site?

A. They are sometimes careless in their handling of students.

B. They sometimes revise students’ announcements before posting them.

C. They routinely try to predict student interest in upcoming events.

D. They usually attend the events advertised on the web site.


解析:(1’44”)定位句:Well, we don't post things automatically. We get so many requests that we couldn't possibly post them all. So events that are thought to be too specialized, without the potential for really wide appeal...


4. What does the man suggest the student do?

A. Postpone the event until next week

B. Advertise the event on a more specialized web site

C. Explain her situation to the editors of the university web site

D. Create a poster to advertise the event


解析:(2’20”)定位句:But maybe you could ask the French department to post the announcement on its website. And maybe you could approach some other departments as well, you know, relevant ones.

But这么明显的提示词就是说答案要出现了!男的说你可以要求法语部或者其他相关部门帮你们贴活动通知,就是B种的more specialized website,A可能成为迷惑选项,因为在But 之前还balabala说了一堆什么schedule已经排到下个星期了,但是听到But之后就全都抛弃吧,B是正确的

5. Why does the student say this [But the French Department is funding this]

A. To suggest that the man contact the French Department

B. To express her frustration with the French Department's requirements for funding

C. To assure the man that the event has the support of the French Department

D. To explain why she is asking the man for additional funding


解析:(1’24”)定位句:But the French Department is funding this


Lecture 1

6. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. The methods archaeologists used to reconstruct the Antikythera Mechanism

B. The influence the Antikythera Mechanism has had on the study of physics

C. A research project in the combined fields of archaeology, physics, and mathematics

D. An archaeological discovery that challenged an accepted historical view


解析:(20”)定位句:At any rates, that conversation got me thinking about archaeological finds that really changed our understanding of ancient civilizations.

这道题的迷惑性很强啊,因为大家的注意力应该全被后面那个AM的东西吸引走了。但是!AM那东西只为了举例子说明有哪些archaeological find挑战了大家的尝试,大家提高警惕啊!

7. According to the professor, how did the Antikythera Mechanism work?

A. Dials on the device could be turned to calculate a ship's location at sea

B. The device was used to operate a larger computing system

C. A system of gears rotated the images located on the case

D. Light from the Sun illuminated particular indicators on the case throughout the day


解析:(56”)定位句:The Antikythera Mechanism is a relatively small device, roughly the size of a shoebox, made of gears fitted inside a wooden case. In its original state, there were rotating dials and other indicators on the top, with letters and drawings showing the Sun, the phases of the moon and different constellations. Inside the box, bronze gears would have rotated the displays. The displays, uh, the indicators of the Antikythera Mechanism, would then move to show the motion of the Sun and moon relative to the planets and stars.

教授在主旨句之后又说了点废话,好不容易说了个but,结果后面的内容并不是很重要。突然,一个停顿出现了!!!答案来了!虽然有点长吧,但是必须得听懂,总之就是这个AM是个挺小的装置,里面有好多齿轮,然后转啊转啊转就能显示出太阳啦月亮啊的运动啥的。其实重点还是后面的inside the box,听懂了就好。A具有一定的迷惑性,但是这段话完全没提到跟船的位置有啥关系,所以就是C是正确的。

8. What is the professor’s attitude about the proposition that the Antikythera Mechanism is over two thousand years old?

A. She is confident that the dating is accurate.

B. She is sure the dating will be revised in the future.

C. She is surprised that the dating remains inconclusive.

D. She believes that additional testing will be needed to confirm the dating


解析:(2’13”)定位句:Some of my colleagues insisted it had to have been made well after 100 B.C.E. But this physical evidence was conclusive. It was that old.

说道态度,some 这群人的观点基本上是要被后面否定掉的。大家作文里面也会写,some people hold that…but in my opinion…吧~就是这个道理!

教授在后面说了一个but,又用强调语气说了一遍It was that old.说明教授是觉得这个AM有那么古老的,选A

9. According to the professor, why is it unusual to discover a bronze artifact from ancient Greece?

A. Bronze objects were often recycled.

B. Bronze corrodes underwater very quickly

C. Ancient Greeks had limited access to bronze

D. Artists of ancient Greece preferred to work with other materials


解析:(2’25”)定位句:Of course part of what made this find so unusual is that the Antikythera Mechanism is constructed of bronze. Now, it is not that bronze was all that rare in Greece then, it is just that bronze was valuable and could easily be recycled.

Of course引出了一个强调句,然后答案就在后面跟着呢!说铜虽然不是很稀有,但是有价值而且容易被回收!所以就是A了。

10. How were archaeologists able to determine how the Antikythera Mechanism operated?

A. By comparing it to similar devices used 1,000 years later

B. By using gamma rays to see inside of the mechanism

C. By referring to ancient Greek writings about the mechanism

D. By consulting with colleagues in the field of physics


解析:(3’31”)定位句:We could only get a good look at the structure of the gears after gamma-rays were used to see inside, very similar to the way X-rays are used to see your bones.


11. What does the professor imply about the ancient Greeks when she says this [But one thing that is particularly notable is that the mechanism was so precise that it even took into account a particular irregularity in the moon's orbit, which requires some very complex math to replicate in mechanical device.]

A. They w ere the first to observe the irregularly in the Moon’s orbit.

B. They might not have been the inventors of the Antikythera Mechanism

C. They were more scientifically advanced than is commonly thought.

D. They appeared to have made some errors in their calculations.


解析:(4’05”)定位句:But one thing that is particularly notable is that the mechanism was so precise that it even took into account a particular irregularity in the moon's orbit, which requires some very complex math to replicate in mechanical device.


Lecture 2

12. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Ways of identifying different types of clouds

B. Recent research findings about the causes of global warming

C. The impact of clouds on global temperatures

D. The impact of human activity on cloud formation


解析:(06”)定位句:Basically, a cloud either contributes to the cooling of Earth's surface or to its heating.


13. According to the professor, what is Earth’s radiation budget?

A. The average temperature difference between land masses and bodies of water

B. The balance between incoming solar energy and reflected solar energy

C. The percentage of incoming solar energy that gets trapped in clouds

D. The portion of marine species that has been affected by global warming


解析:(26”)定位句:And this balance between the amount of solar radiation, energy from the Sun, that's absorbed by Earth, and the amount that's reflected back into space. We call this Earth's radiation budget.

其实从教授不停的说balance开始,大家就要注意了,然后终于开始解释这个balance,必须是出题点了。其实说的就是一种平衡就叫做Earth’s radiation budget,就选择B。

14. Why does the professor discuss albedo?

A. To point out that different surfaces have different reflective properties

B. To suggest that the reflective surfaces on Earth should be increased

C. To demonstrate how a cloud's thickness is measured

D. To explain why clear air reflects a large amount of solar energy back to space


解析:(1’32”)定位句:OK. Now, when we say that clouds have a high albedo, we are talking about the effect of all the clouds on earth averaged together. But different types of clouds have different reflective properties, they have different albedos.


15. What can be inferred from the lecture about the effects of different types of clouds on Earth's climate?

A. Low, thick clouds increase ocean temperatures much more than high, thin clouds do

B. The cooling effect of low, thick clouds is stronger overall than the heating effect of high, thin clouds

C. The effect of low, thick clouds is understood better than the effect of high, thin clouds.

D. The effect of low, thick clouds is much more variable than the effect of high, thin clouds.


解析:(2’37”)定位句:Yep. And as I said earlier, this cooling effect predominates.

前面这教授说了一堆,其实主要就是要介绍低的厚的云是cool the earth的,高的薄的云是heat的。这是一段问答,是出题点,之前还说了一句:低的云会把大部分的能量反射回去,再加上这句cooling effect是predominate(占优势),所以B就可以推断出来了。这道题有一定的难度,因为需要自己把两种云heat和cooling的关系进行推断,不是文中明确说明的,需要大家注意一下

16. What does the professor say about microscopic plants in the ocean near Antarctica?

A. They have been raising the ocean's albedo.

B. Their population is increasing due to global warming.

C. They grow more rapidly when cloud cover is thin.

D. They produce a chemical that leads to cloud formation


解析:(3’17”)定位句:Well, the current hypothesis is that these microorganisms produce a chemical, dimetho-sulfide that interacts with the oxygen in the air, creating conditions that lead to the formation of the low thick clouds we observed.


17. Why does the professor say this [So, maybe we are talking about controlling the weather.]

A. To reintroduce a topic from a previous lecture

B. To correct a common misunderstanding

C. To encourage students to express their own opinions

D. To revise his previous response to a student's question


解析:(3’35”)定位句:So, maybe we are talking about controlling the weather.

之前学生问了一句“Are you talking about controlling the weather”教授说,我觉得我说不了那么多,结果自己blabla说一堆,发现正好回答了前面的问题,所以说了一句也许我们正在谈论控制天气。所以答案是D

Section 2

Conversation 2

18. Why does the man go to see the professor?

A. To discuss a grade he received on a paper

B. To get advice about which course he should take next term

C. To ask a question about a reading assignment

D. To request permission to take an advanced course


解析:(1’49”)定位句:uh, what I originally wanted to ask you? um, I am working on my schedule for next term, and I've got room for one more course, and I'd like to take more literature. Could I take your Master Writer Class on Joyce?

学生跟教授唠了半天,突然说我来这是想干什么来着?原来是在犹豫要不要选哪个master 的课程,来问教授来了,所以选B。

19. Why did the professor assign "Araby" instead of another short story from Dubliners?

A. It is not related to the other stories in the collection.

B. It is the shortest story in the collection.

C. It is told from the narrator’s point of view.

D. It is organized in a predictable way.


解析:(1”16”)定位句:But Araby is easier because it's linear, the story unfold chronologically. 这个问题给的提示很明显的,首先学生问了个why?老师回答了一堆,听不懂也木有关系,因为BUT出现了!她说Araby这篇的情节是直线型的,而且按照年代顺序展开的。所以选择D,是按照一种可以预知的方式组织文章的。

20. What is the professor's attitude when she discusses the master writer seminar'?

A. She is surprised that more students do not enroll in it.

B. She is excited because she learns a great deal from her students.

C. She is pleased because it gives students a strong foundation in literary theory and criticism

D. She is disappointed that she does not get to teach it as often as she would like.


解析:(1’40”)定位句:And my students, they bring so much insight to the table that it's easy to forget who the professor is.


21. What does the man imply when he mentions the papers he has written?

A. He feels ready to study literature that is more challenging.

B. He understands what he must do to improve his grades.

C. He already appreciates the uniqueness of James Joyce’s novels

D. He is trying to match his literary style to James Joyce’s.


解析:(2’01”)定位句:So students need to get a strong foundation in literary theory and criticism before I let them in the room.

But I have gotten really good grades on all my paper so far, I'm sure I can keep up.


22. What does the professor say about the course on nineteenth-century novels?

A. It is one of the courses that she will be teaching next term.

B. It is offered at a time of day that will work with the man’s schedule.

C. It is a natural progression from the course the man is taking now.

D. It will compare nineteenth-century novels with a James Joyce novel.


解析:(3’02”)定位句: But it will build on your current knowledge base and give you the background you need.


Lecture 3

23. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. Parts of the dolphin’s anatomy that allow it to navigate

B. Two different types of communication used by dolphins

C. The way that dolphins store air while swimming underwater

D. The meanings of different signals used by dolphins


解析:(07”)定位句:We have been talking about how sea animals find their way underwater, how they navigate, and this brings up an interesting puzzle, and one I'm sure you'll all enjoy. I mean, everybody loves dolphins, right?

其实这个主旨句真的不很明显的,但是听出开头之后,结合全文,这道题就不难理解了。B 选项有一定的迷惑性,但是海豚的声音有一种是用来定位的,communication错了。还是A 正确

24. Why does the professor discuss the speed at which sound travels?

A. To describe why sounds made under water can travel long distances

B. To show why a person cannot hear a dolphin well when it is under water

C. To compare the speed of two different sounds made by dolphins

D. To explain how sound waves behave when crossing from one medium into another


解析:(44”)定位句:And the puzzle is how do the click sounds get transmitted into water. It's not as easy as it might seem.


25. What is the dolphin's melon?

A. An oval-shaped bone that lets the dolphin hear sounds

B. An organ made of fat tissue that helps a dolphin send sound waves

C. An air-filled cavity that lets the dolphin breathe underwater

D. An organ filled with water that helps the dolphin measure depth


解析:(2’06”)定位句:If it's going to navigate it, needs those sounds to be broadcast and bounced back from objects in its path. Well, turns out dolphins have a structure in their foreheads, just in front of their nasal sacs, called a melon. Now, the melon is kind of a large sac-like pouch, made up of fat tissue.

Well是提示词,需要引起大家的注意,然后说什么什么called a melon。科学名词出现,后面肯定要解释啊,解释就是出题点啊!well前面那句又说他们需要把这些声波散播出去,所以就选B了。

26. What is the dolphin's jaw able to do?

A. Send rapid clicking sounds into water

B. Increase the speed of sounds

C. Receive sound waves that have reflected off objects

D. Force water through the nasal sacs and out the blowhole


解析:(3’56”)定位句:It turns out that the jaw is primarily responsible for capturing and transferring returning sound waves to the dolphin’s i nner ear.

前面两句有一处教授停顿,并且有the only…这就是提示!然后这句话说爪子主要负责捕获反射回来的声波~所以就选C了

27. How does the professor organize the information in the lecture?

A. By describing a phenomenon and the physical structures that make it possible

B. By describing several of the dolphin’s senses and their relative usefulness

C. By contrasting how the dolphin makes two different types of sounds

D. By describing an old theory and then a new theory



28. Why does the professor say this [one being the vocalizations you are probably all familiar with, which they emit through their blowholes.]

A. To find out whether students are familiar with the lecture topic

B. To mention a related topic that will not be discussed in detail

C. To mention a common misconception about dolphin vocalizations

D. To point out a primary function of dolphin blowholes



Lecture 4

29. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A. To discuss some films the class will be viewing

B. To help prepare students for a class assignment

C. To compare two types of filmmaking techniques

D. To talk about the history of screen dance



30. Why does the professor say that facial expressions are relatively unimportant in live performances?

A. To point out that dancing and acting have many differences

B. To emphasize that screen dancers should not be concerned about their facial expressions

C. To give an example of a weakness of modern choreography

D. To suggest a reason why dancers might want to participate in a screen dance


解析:(2’09”)定位句:For example, dancers can express themselves, even change the whole mood of the scene through a facial expression

For example就是考点啊。前面又有同学说话,说我觉得stage上的表演才鼓舞我们,教授就得解释为什么还有人想在银幕上跳,所以就是D。

31. How does the professor try to make students feel more confident about their assignment? Click on 2 answers

A. He tells them they will be able to practice editing films.

B. He tells them that technical assistance is available if they need it

C. He tells them they will not be graded on the technical aspects of their film.

D. He tells them that editing techniques are easy to learn.


解析:(2’45”)定位句And you'll get to play with the film-editing software several times before beginning your project. You'll also have the option of working with a student in the film department, someone who's familiar with the technology.


32. Why does the professor talk about a dancer entering and exiting a frame?

A. To explain one way of creating a sense of flow in a screen dance

B. To point out that some screen dances are filmed on a stage

C. To help explain why screen dance is becoming more popular

D. To remind students to follow safety guidelines when filming a screen dance


解析:(3’18”)定位句:But, uh, OK. Here's one technique that can create the illusion of flow in a screen dance. You film the same dancer, entering and exiting the frame several times.

学生问还能不能解释一下拍电影的技术?But, uh, OK这几个词出来就瞬间集中精神,

考点出现了!教授说有一种技术能制造出a sense of flow in a screen dance。嗯,这就是答案了,那个例子就是为了解释这个的!选A

33. According to the professor, what does screen dance offer to viewers that live dance does not?

A. A chance to see different types of dances being performed at the same time

B. An opportunity to share the enthusiasm dancers have for their art

C. A way to see how dance has changed over time

D. A more convenient way to watch dance


解析:(4’48”)定位句:Because it is a way,uh, it can reach people in their homes, in their workplaces, at any time really.

Because 之后答案紧接着来了。因为人们可以在家,在办公室各种地方各种时间看,所以选择D,更方便

34. What is the professor’s opinion about the future impact of screen dance?

A. It will inspire some stage choreographers to change their methods.

B. It will eventually replace live dance.

C. It will probably build new audiences for live dance.

D. It will probably discourage some people from entering the dance profession


解析:(4’58”)定位句:And if someone discovers that they love dance by watching a screen dance, there's a good chance they will get interested enough to buy a ticket to see a live performance.


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