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Unit 1 Politics



The higher Education of Washington


Universities step up lobbying to protect funding interests



By Dan Morgan


When the University of California at Los Angeles put Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) on the cover of this winter?s alumni bulletin, it was a tribute to a distinguished graduate who is so close to his alma mater that he named his dog Bruin, after UCLA?s revered symbol.

Words: lobbying游说拉票;step up增加,促进,加速;University of California at Los Angeles美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Rep.=Representative众议员;alumni毕业生男校友;bulletin期刊,公告, 公报;tribute贡品, 礼物, 颂词, 殷勤;alma mater母校;Bruin吉祥物熊(布轮熊);revere尊敬,敬畏

参考译文:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校在今年冬季毕业生期刊封面刊登美国国会议员杰尔. 刘易斯(加州共和党人),对与其母校的关系密切得能用美国加州大学洛杉矶分校吉祥物将其宠狗取名为布轮熊的杰出毕业生大肆颂扬。

But the cover story, which was engineered in part by the University of California?s government relation office in Washington, was also a shrewd ploy to cement relations with a key member of the House Appropriations Committee.

Words:in part部分地,在某种程度上;shrewd ploy机敏的,精明的,奸诈的计策,手段;cement水泥,粘结;House Appropriations Committee (HAC)美国国会众院拨款委员会



As Congress takes up Pres ident Bush?s fiscal 2005 budget proposal, which cuts some basic research programs vital to universities, the higher education community is using every lobbying tool at its disposal to protect its interests.


On the line are billions of dollars in federal support for medical, defense, space and physics research, as well as special “earmarks” for agricultural research stations, buildings and other local projects.



As recently as the 1980s, lobbying by higher education was a two-horse operation, involving a few large universities and a handful of K Street firms.

Words:two-horse operation小规模经营


Colleges and universities still shy away from organized political fundraising and campaign advertising---the stock in trade of modern lobbying. Nonprofit status or state laws prohibit many of them from engaging in it. Words:shy away from躲避,离开,羞于;stock in trade存货,惯用手段参考译文:学院和大学仍然回避有组织的政治性募捐活动和广告活动――现代游说的惯用手段。非盈利状态或国家法律使他们中的多数望而


But that has not precluded the higher education industry from greatly increasing its presence in Washington.



“At the end of the day, having campaign dollars in your back pocket isn?t the only way to get attention and help in Congress,” said A. Scott Sudduth, the University of California?s vice president for government relations.

Words:back pocket后袋


长A. 斯科特.沙都斯说道。

Last year, more than 150 colleges and universities shelled out tens of millions of dollars to lobby on spending issues, as well as on legislation affecting student visas, stem cell research, student aid and homeland security. Words:shell out支付,缴清,支付;stem cell干细胞;homeland security国土安全


Van Scoyoc Associates Inc., for instance, has 55 university clients. Words:Van Scoyoc Associates Inc.(VSA)范.斯科约克合伙公司(美国游说公司


Lawmakers and congressional staffers troop to breakfasts several times a week at the firm?s Constitution Avenue offices, at the foot of Capitol Hill. Words:staffer编辑, 职员;troop成群而行,群, 组, 多数,军队;Capitol Hill美国国会山


These can be discussion forums on educational issues, or fundraisers for supportive members.

Words:forum论坛, 法庭, 讨论会;fundraiser筹资者,如宴会等资金筹集会


In the 2002 election cycle, Van Scoyoc employees made 493 donations, totaling about $250,000, to candidates or political parties.

Words:donation捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献


Individual professors and college administrators have also been

increasing their political donations, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Words:Center for Responsive Politics美国超党派机构“政治反馈中心”


Gifts by university employees to presidential candidates totaled more than $2.4 million in the first three quarters of 2003, according to the center.


The leading recipient was Howard Dean, who collected $719,000, with large amounts coming from employees of the University of California, Harvard, Emory, Stanford and Dartmouth College.

参考译文:主要的捐赠接受人为霍华德. 迪安,他收到719,000美元,这大部分来源于加州大学,哈佛大学,埃莫里大学,斯坦福大学和达特茅斯学院的雇员。

Close behind was Bush, whose $680,000 in contributions drew heavily from the University of Texas, Vanderbilt University, University of Chicago, University of Cincinnati and Stanford.


The Washington lobby shop of PodestaMatoon received $300,000 in the first six months of 2003 to represent the Science Coalition – 60 top research universities that seek increased funding for basic research.

Words:PodestaMatoon 波德斯塔马土恩游说与公共关系公司


It staged science seminars for lawmakers and periodic “breakfasts of champions” honoring members, including Lewis, who have supported the cause of science in legislation.

Words:breakfasts of champions为游说人员准备的早餐



“Our message is our muscle,”said Michelle Tessier, a PodestaMatoon Lobbyist.


The stakes are unusually high this year.


As Congress prepares to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, many universities are gearing up for a fight.

Words:Higher Education Act高等教育法案;gear up使换快档, 促进,为…准备好


Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.), who chairs the House Education and Workforce subcommittee overseeing post-secondary education, has proposed barring institutions from participating in certain student aid programs if they increase tuition and fees at more than twice the rate of inflation for three years in a row.

Words:House Education and Workforce subcommittee 美国众议院教育和劳工委员会post-secondary education后中等教育student aid助学金in a row连续


“The higher education community is up in arms over this, but the congressman feels this is a crisis and the current situation is unacceptable,” said Vartan Djihanian, McKeon?s spokesman.

Words:up in arms起来进行武装斗争,感到愤怒

参考译文:“高等教育团体对此感到愤怒,但国会议员感到这是一种危机,而且当前形势不可接受,” 迈克翁的代言人瓦尔坦.迪韩林说。

In the budget released Monday, Bush put the brakes on funding for most basic research, providing only small increases for the National Institutes of

Health and the National Science Foundation.

Words:National Institutes of Health 国家健康研究院;National Science Foundation美国国家科学基金会


Nils Hasselmo, president of the Association of American Universities (AAU), lambasted t he research funding proposal, saying it included “a double-digit cut in critical defense research pro grams essential to the nation?s long-term security.”

Words:Association of American Universities (AAU) 美国大学协会;

lambaste痛打, 严责


The shifting priorities could affect some of the nation?s mos t prestigious universities.


NIH, for example, funds about $270 million a year of medical research at Harvard.


The University of California system relies on Washington to finance tui tion aid for many of its 150,000 students and to support the system?s three national science labs, five medical research centers, agricultural research stations, and numerous graduate and undergraduate programs.


“There are concerns that we?re in an environment where we won?t see growth in these budgets, and we?re certainly worried about that,” said Tobin L. Smith, AAU?s senior federal relations officer.

参考译文:“所关心的是我们处在我们在这些预算中看不见经费增加的环境中,我们对此的确感到担忧,”美国大学协会的高级联邦关系官员托宾.L. 史密斯说。

The growing budgetary pressures were evident last year when Senate fiscal conservatives blocked Sen. Arlen Specter?s bid to add $1.5 billion in NIH funding to a spending bill on the floor.

Words:Senate参议院Sen.=senator参议员;on the floor在参议院会议上


In an interview, Specter (R-Pa.) bemoaned the genteel approach of the higher education lobby on such issues.



“Universities aren?t as politically active as they ought to be,” he said.


“They ought to be identifying the people who voted against NIH funding and going to work in their states… Defense contractors come in with all guns blazing, no pun intended, and really mean business.”

Words:contractor 承包商;with all guns blazing用坚定不移,咄咄逼人的方式;pun双关语


B ut Sudduth, who heads the University of California?s nine-person lobbying team in Washington, says his group has rejected forming political action committees or resorting to “hardball” lobbying methods.

Words:political action committee政治行动委员会;hardball激烈的


Instead, he said, the university uses its enormous grass-roots influence in California to further its interests.



Sudduth said the UCLA alumni bulletin?s cover story on Lewis, which described the lawmaker as a longtime friend, was coordinated between his office and the UCLA Alumni Association.




As chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over the budget of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the magazine noted, Lewis was able to help UCLA recover from damage suffered in the Northridge earthquake.

新词:F ederal Emergency Management Agency 美国联邦紧急事务管理局;

Northridge earthquake诺思里奇地震



“With Lewis?s assistance, FEMA funding was secured to assist with the restoration of Powell Library and Royce Hall,” the article said.

Words:Powell Library鲍威尔图书馆大楼Royce Hall罗伊斯会堂


Lewis now chairs the subcommittee that oversees the Pentagon?s research budget, which support research at UCLA on robotic surgery and nanotechnology.

新词:Pent a gon五角大楼;robotic surgery人工智能外科;nanotechnology 纳米技术



The new alumni bulletin dubs Lewis the “cardinal from Westwood” (Calif.), a reference to his role as chairman of one of the 13 appropriations subcommittees.




“We happen to think he?d make a great chairman of the Appropriations Committee” after the term of Rep. Bill Yong (R-Fla.) ends next year, Sudduth said.


(From The Washington Post, February 4, 2004) (摘自2004年2月4日华盛顿邮报)

Cultural Information P26


2. The American Presidential Election


Elections are a fundamental part of the American system of government, which was founded on the principle that the power to govern rests in the hands of the people.

Words: rest in 在于


This system depends primarily on the votes.


The electoral process can only work if people participate.


In the United States, elections are held at federal, state and local levels, and the most import of all is the national presidential election with the purpose to choose 他he president and vice president of the country.


The president and vice president are the only government officials in the United States elected by and representing the entire nation.


The president exercises the powers of chief executive officer of the federal government, the leader of the executive branch and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.


Although sharing power with Congress and the judiciary, the president is the most powerful and important officeholder in the country.



The Constitution of the United States specifies a four-year presidential term and the precedent established by George Washington limited his successors to two terms.



In a reaction against Franklin Roosevelt?s extended presidency (1932-1944), Congress and state legislatures approved in 1951 the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, which limits a president to two elected terms. Words:react against反抗,反对

参考译文:为反对富兰克林. 罗斯福延长总统任期(1932-1944),国会和州立法机关1951年批准了宪法第22修正案,将总统任期限制为两届。

A two-party system do minates the country?s politics, and since the mid-19th century the Democratic and Republic parties have been most prominent.


Political parties are the most representative organizations in the United States.


They are made up of citizens who may differ in race, religion, age, and economic and social background, but who share certain perspectives on public

issues and leaders.


Parties are the engines that drive the machinery of elections, especially the presidential election.


They recruit candidates for office, organize primary elections so that party members can select their candidates for the general election, and support their candidates who reach the general election.

Words:recruit征招新兵, 吸收新成员;office办公室, 办事处,公职;primary election预选, 初选


The American presidential election takes place every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.


There are three major steps in a presidential candidate?s journey toward the presidency: primary elections, the party convention, and the campaign for the general election between party nominees.

Words:campaign战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动


After winning election, the president takes an oath of office on Inauguration Day.



As the first step, the primary election serves to select a party?s candidates for the presidency.


Presidential primaries are a type of indirect primary because each party?s nominee is chosen by delegates at the party?s national convention, not by popular vote.

Words:primary候选人提拔会,初选;popular vote直接投票, 普选


They are held in individual states, where the major political parties – the Democrats and Republicans –select delegates to attend their party conventions.


State political parties that do not use primary elections may instead select candidates through the caucus system.

Words:caucus (政党选举候选人或决定政策的)预备会议


The caucus is a meeting of party members at which the party chooses delegates to the national convention, and this system usually begins with small meetings of party members in a precinct, the smallest electoral district within a county.




Some states, however, have open primaries, which allow voters to wait until Election Day to choose the party primary that they want to vote in. Words:vote in 选举(选出来)


In most state presidential primaries, voters vote for the person they wish the party to nominate for president, and the election results tell the state?s delegates which candidate they are to vote for at the national convention. Words:presidential primary预备选举



The presidential primary elections typically take place over a period of four to six months.


Each state determines the date of its own primary.


They usually begin as early as January of the election year and take place through the spring, culminating in the mid-summer national convention of each political party.



And campaigning for the primaries often begins six to twelve months before the first primary, almost two years before the general election.


The best-known of the primaries is the one in New Hampshire, because it is the first in each 4-year cycle, usually held in mid-February; and Iowa?s party caucuses are held in February as well.



These states are widely regarded as indicators of a candidate?s changes in the overall primary process and in the general election.


In 1988, sixteen states, mostly from the South, created so-called regional

primaries by holding their primaries on Tuesday (March 8), nicknamed “Super Tuesday”.


Since that time, there has been a trend towards “front-loading” state primaries – moving their dates forward as much as possible.


The party convention, or the presidential nominating convention, is held every four years by American political parties to nominate the presidential candidates for the upcoming general election.


The two major conventions are the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention.


Those who attend the convention are primary and caucus delegates.


As the outcome is often known in advance (after the spring primary elections), the nominating conventions are usually symbolic affairs, elections serving to publicize the party?s candidate s and rally voter support in the months before the election.



Therefore the entire convention is usually organized around TV coverage. 参考译文:所以整个大会通常都是围绕电视报道组织的。

The national party convention is typically held in a major city in the summer of the election year.


In the 2004 election, the Democratic convention was held in Boston, Massachusetts in July, while the Republican convention was held in New York City in August.


During the day, party activists hold meetings and rallies, and work on the platform that outlines their political program for the country.


Evenings are reserved for major speeches by famous public figures. Words:public figure 社会名人


The convention typically features speeches from the nominees for President and Vice president when they win the convention?s nomination.


The presidential nominee generally speaks on the last day of the convention, and the speech, known as the acceptance speech, is always covered by American media networks.

Words:acceptance speech总统候选人所做的提名演讲


The campaign for the general election is usually run between the two presidential candidates nominated by the major conventions, and it traditionally begins in early September and ends on Election Day –the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.


Occasionally, a third-party (any political party other than the two leading parties, for example, Reform Party and Green Party) candidate would join in the presidential race.


But the American election tends to favor a two-party system:


Even when a third-party candidate receives a significant number of popular votes, he may not receive a majority in any state.


The last third party candidate to win a significant portion of the popular vote was the Reform Party?s Ross Perot (a multimillionaire), who won 18.87% of the vote in the 1992 presidential election


Most campaigns rely on national radio and television appearances and on press coverage to spread their candidate?s message to the nation.


Since the 1960 election, nationally televised debates between presidential candidates have affected the outcome of most elections.


In a debate, the candidates meet in a large hall, often a university, before an audience of citizens.


The formats of the debates have varied, with questions sometimes posed from one or more journalists and in other cases members of the audience.


The candidates also make hundreds of speeches in cities and towns across the country to appeal to specific groups of voters.

Words:appeal to引起兴趣,有吸引力,呼吁, 要求


There are different groups of voters that the candidates try to win support from, for example, black or Spanish-speaking communities, women, businessmen, laborers, etc.


The candidates may also run for the presidency by taking sides on important issues, such as balancing government budget, getting equal rights for women, fighting corruption and creating job opportunities.

Words:run for竞选, 赶快去请;take sides偏袒


On Election Day, popular voters in the individual states cast a ballot for their Presidential and vice presidential choice. This is called the “popular vote”.



The popular vote is used to choose “electors” – these are the people who are chosen to cast votes for President and Vice president of the United States.


In other words, voters choose the electors, and the electors choose the president.


The number of electors or votes allotted to each state is determined by adding up all the members (senators + representatives) of the United States Congress who are elected from that state.


At the present time the total of state and District of Columbia electors is 538; a simple majority of 270 is necessary for election.

Words:simple majority简单多数


Today, 48 states and the District of Columbia use the winner-take-all system, which means that the presidential candidate who wins a majority of the popular votes in a state also earns the votes of all the state?s electors.


Only two states, Maine and Nebraska, allow their electoral votes to be split.


These electors are collectively known as “Electoral College”, who would meet in each state at a place designated by the state legislature, usually the state capitol to vote simultaneously on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December of presidential election year.

Words:Electoral College总统选举团


On January 6, following the meeting of the electors, their votes are

counted in the presence of both houses of Congress.


The nation usually knows who has won by the evening of Election Day or early the following morning even before the formal balloting of the electoral college takes place.


In the electoral college system, it is possible for candidates to win a majority of electoral votes, and therefore the presidency, without winning the nationwide popular vote, as in the case of the 2000 election where George W. Bush defeated Al Gore.

Words:electoral vote选举团所投的票

参考译文:在总统选举团制度下,总统候选人可能获得多数总统选举团选票当选总统而无需获得全国的普选选票,就如同在2000年选举中乔治.W. 布什击败阿尔.果里一样。

Under the original provisions of the Constitution, the president and vice president were inaugurated on March 4 of the year following their election.


In 1933 the 20th Amendment went into effect, moving the inauguration date up to January 20.


Unit 2

Economics P31



Global Motors


GM has a surprise for its detractors: Those foreign entanglements are starting

to pay off.


By Joann Muller


When General Motors bought up parts of bankrupt Daewoo Motor in October 2002 you could almost hear the derisive laughter around the world.

新词:detractor诋毁者,贬低者entanglement陷入困境,纠缠derisive嘲笑的, 值得嘲笑的


The Korean carmaker was a disaster. Its market share at home had fallen by half, to 10%.



Unions were growing more militant by the day, the elsewhere around the world the Daewoo brand had faded into obscurity. Here was another silly GM alliance.

新词:by the day按日计算Daewoo brand大宇牌


GM executives hunkered down.

新词:hunker down坚持立场,观点等


They were looking at Daewoo as modest gamble, a way to sell some cars to Koreans and little more.



But globalism can exert a mighty pull. (Soon GM injected Daewoo with grander ambitions, as a base for exports throughout Asia, especially the booming Chinese market.)



Today Daewoo?s factories, which had produced so few cars that they turned down the thermostat, have now doubled their capacity utilization.

新词:turn down the thermostat降低生产的产量capacity utilization生产能力的利用


Vehicles made at Daewoo factories are being exported to GM -related companies in 120 countries in Asia, Europe and North America.



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