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在这门课刚开始的时候We began the course

我们讨论过一个现代心理学的基本观点by talking about one of the foundational ideas of modern psychology.

弗兰西斯·克里克称之为This is what Francis Crick described as

"惊人的假说""The Astonishing Hypothesis,"

我们的心理活动 the idea that our mental life,

我们的意识我们的道德观念our consciousness, our morality,

我们做出决定和判断的能力our capacity to make decisions and judgments 皆由一个物质的生理大脑所产生is the product of a material physical brain.今天我想讲的What I want to talk about today and introduce it,

将会是and it's going to be a theme

贯穿我们接下来课程的一个主题that we're going to continue throughout the rest of the course,

也是第二个同样惊人的观点is a second idea which I think is equally shocking,

甚至可能更惊人perhaps more shocking.

这个观点和我们的心理活动的来源有关And this has to do with where mental life comes from,

重点不在于它的物质性not necessary its material nature,

而在于它的起源but rather its origin.

这又一"惊人的假说"And the notion, this other "astonishing hypothesis,"

被哲学家丹尼尔·丹尼特称之为is what the philosopher Daniel Dennett has described

达尔文的危险思想as Darwin's dangerous idea.

这个观点解释了现代生物学中And this is the modern biological account

生物现象的起源of the origin of biological phenomena

包括心理现象including psychological phenomena.

人们很久以来就对Now, people have long been interested in

复杂事物的进化感兴趣the evolution of complicated things.

有一个观点在历史中被不断提及And there is an argument that's been repeated throughout

却还深深的吸引着人们history and many people have found it deeply compelling,

包括达尔文自己including Darwin himself.

达尔文在写《物种起源》的时候Darwin, as he wrote The Origin of Species,

就被神学家威廉姆·佩利提出的一个观点was deeply persuaded and moved

by this argument from--

所深深折服in the form presented by the theologian William Paley.

这里佩利举例说So, Paley has an example here.

佩利说假如你走在沙滩上Paley tells--gives the example of you're walking down the beach

脚踢到了一块石头and your foot hits a rock.

然后你就想这块石头是从哪里来的呢And then you wonder, "Where did that rock come from?"

你知道这不会是个多有趣的答案And you don't really expect an interesting answer to that question.

也许它一直在那儿Maybe it was always there.

也许它是从天上掉下来的谁在乎呢Maybe it fell from the sky. Who cares?但是假如你在地上发现了一块手表But suppose you found a watch on the ground

然后琢磨这块手表是从哪里来的and then you asked where the watch had come from.

佩利指出仅仅说它一直在那儿Paley points out that it would not be satisfying to simply say

或碰巧在那儿it's always been there

是不会让人信服的or it came there as an accident.

他用这个比喻证明And he uses this comparison to make a point,

手表是一件非常复杂有趣的东西which is a watch is a very complicated and interesting thing.

由于佩利曾经是名医生Paley is--was a medical doctor

所以佩利将手表形容and Paley goes on to describe a watch

为眼睛并将其作对比and compare a watch to the eye

他注意到手表和眼睛都是由多部分组成and noticing that a watch and the eye contain multitudes of parts

并且各部分之间以复杂的方式相互作用that interact in complicated ways 产生有趣的效应to do interesting things.

事实上In fact,

如果把这个类比稍稍变化升级一下to change and to update the analogy a little bit,

眼睛和照相机非常相像an eye is very much like a machine known as a camera.

许多地方也异常类似And they're similar at a deep way.

它们都有折射光线的镜头They both have lenses that bend light

并把图像投射到一个感光面上and project an image onto a light-sensitive surface.

对眼睛来说感光面是视网膜For the eye the light-sensitive surface is the retina.

对相机来说是胶片For the camera it's the film.

它们都有对焦功能They both have a focusing mechanism.

眼睛通过肌肉的伸缩For the eye it's muscles

来改变晶体的形状that change the shape of the lens.

相机通过改变光圈的大小来控制曝光度For a camera it's a diaphragm that governs the amount of incoming light.

它们甚至都有暗室Even they're both encased in black.

眼睛和相机的感光部分The light-sensitive part of the eye

都被包在暗处and part of the camera are both encased in black.

区别在于事实上The difference is--So in fact,

眼睛和相机看上去非常像the eye and a camera look a lot alike

我们知道相机是人造品and we know the camera is an artifact.

相机是由有智慧的人The camera has been constructed by an intelligent--

为达成某种目的而制造出来的by intelligent beings to fulfill a purpose.

事实上如果要说眼睛In fact, if there's any difference between things like the eye

和相机有什么区别的话and things like a camera,

那就是眼睛the difference is that things like the eye

要比相机复杂得多are far more complicated than things like the camera.

我小时候看过一部巨好看的电视剧When I was a kid I had this incredible TV show

叫"六百万富翁"called "The Six Million Dollar Man."

有人看过或听过吗Anybody here ever seen it or heard of it?

反正那个剧讲是讲一个试飞员Oh. Anyway, the idea is there's a test pilot,史蒂夫·奥斯汀Steve Austin,

他的喷气式火箭坠毁了and his rocket jet crashes

他失去了他的双腿双手和眼睛and he loses his--both legs, his arm and his eye,

听起来很不幸 which sounds really bad

但他使用仿生材料来替换这些部位but they replace them with bionic stuff,从而得到了有超能力的人造腿with artificial leg,artificial arm

人造手臂以及人造眼睛and an artificial eye that are really super-powered.然后他打击犯罪And then he fights crime.

这绝对是史上最好看的电视剧了It was really the best show on.

非常棒It was really good,

但是这部剧拍于一九七四年but the thing is this was in 1974.

距今已经三十多年了It's now over thirty years later

不管在过去还是现在 and it's true then and it's true now,

其中的情节都是幻想this is fantasy.

都不算是科幻小说It doesn't make it to the level of science fiction.

只是纯粹的幻想我们还远远不能It's fantasy. We are impossibly far away 发明出具有超能力的机器from developing machines that could do this.

也远远不能造出We are impossibly far away from building a machine

媲美人眼的机器that can do what the human eye does.

所以像佩利这样的人就指出And so somebody like Paley points out,

"生物世界的复杂性证明了"Look. The complexity of the biological world suggests that

这些精密的人造制品these things are complicated artifacts

是由比任何人类工程师created by a designer far smarter

都要聪明的设计者创造的than any human engineer.

这个设计者当然就是上帝"And the designer, of course, would be God."

我登陆了谷歌图片I went to Goggle Images.

我并非渎神That--I don't mean that to be sacrilegious in any sense.

你们可以自己试试You could try this.

我在谷歌图片中输入 "上帝"I went to "Google Images" and typed in "God"这就是上面蹦出来的图片and this is what showed up right in the middle

所以佩利提出的so--And this,Paley argued,

这个复杂事物起源的观点and it was--has been convincing throughout most of history,

在历史上盛行了很长时间is a perfectly logical explanation

并且合乎逻辑for where these complicated things come from.

同时这个观点还占有符合It also has the advantage of being compatible

圣经和宗教信仰的优势with scripture and compatible with religious beliefs,但是抛开宗教佩利的观点也说的通的but Paley made the point this stands on its own.

如果你找到了复杂的事物If you find complicated things that--

复杂的人造物complicated artifacts,

你不会认为他们是意外出现的you don't assume they emerged by accident.你会认为他们是由智者创造的You assume that they were created by an intelligent being.

这个观点始终都有问题Now, this view has always had problems.

这个我们可以称之为"神造论"的观点This view, you could call it "creationism,"

生物由which is that biological structures were created

智者创造by an intelligent being,

一直都有问题has always had problems.

其中的一个就是自相矛盾One problem is it pushes back the question. So you ask,

"那个智者又是是从哪里来的呢""Where did that intelligent being come from?"

这是一个从心理结构进化角度看来And this is a particularly serious problem

尤其严重的问题from the standpoint of the evolution of psychological structures.

所以我们想知道So, we want to know,

"这个地球上生生不息的生命是如何获得"how is it that creatures came across--upon this earth

判断计划和做事的能力的呢"with the ability to reason and plan and do things?"

如果答案仅仅是 And then the answer is

"另一个有这种能力的人创造了我们""well, another creature with that ability created us."

这个解释不一定错That doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong,

但是显然不尽如人意but it means it's unsatisfying.

因为你马上就会问You immediately want to get an explanation for

那个人是从哪里来的where that other creature comes from.

更重要的是More to the point,

总是有证据支持进化论there's always been evidence for evolution.

这里我指的进化And what I mean by evolution here

不是某种具体的机制isn't necessarily a specific mechanism,

而是身体各部位but merely the fact that body parts

比如说眼睛并不是突然之间出现的like the eye didn't emerge all of a sudden,

它既存在于其他现存动物but rather have parallels both within other existing animals

也始终贯穿人类和生物史and across human and biological history.

支持进化论的证据有不同的类型This evidence comes in different forms.

不同身体部位的化石There is fossil evidence for different body parts

证明他们是从更原始的形态进化而来的suggesting that they have evolved from more rudimentary form.

其中也有一些退化特征There is vestigial characteristics.

这说明有些人体特征And what this means is there are characteristics that

是难以解释的human bodies have that are somewhat inexplicable,

比如尾骨和鸡皮疙瘩like the human tailbone or goose-bumps,

除非你将现在的人体形态unless you view them--the human body in its current form

视为是先前形态的进化as modifications from a previous form.

这同其它动物身上的一些特征相似There are parallels with other animals.在心理方面也表现明显And this is clear in psychology.

所以尽管人类的大脑不同于老鼠 So, a human brain is different from the rat,

猫以及猴子的大脑cat, and monkey brain

但你还是能看出它们but at the same time you see them

有一些相同的机制和结构following a sort of common plan and common structures.

对此一个合理的解释就是And one rational inference from this is that

它们在进化中相互关联they're linked through evolutionary descent.

最后有些设计也是不尽如人意的Finally, there is occasional poor design.尽管佩利狂热的赞美人体So, Paley rhapsodized about the remarkable powers of

以及其各部位的非凡能力the human body and the different body parts,

即便佩利自己也承认有些部位but even Paley admitted that there are some things

并不那么好使which just don't work very well.

眼睛因为神经分布的关系Your eye contains a blind spot

存在一个盲点because of how the nerves are wired up.

男性的泌尿系统中尿道是穿过In the male urinary system the urethra goes through

前列腺而不是绕过的the prostate gland instead of around it,

这会给男性在年老时带来不少生理问题which leads to many physical problems in men later on in life.

所以这就迫使你要么辩称And so you're forced to either argue that

这些部位都很好these are really good things

要么就承认上帝是残酷或不称职的or that God is either malicious or


这些都是很难去辩解的论点And those are difficult arguments to make.

所以这些都是对神造论的质疑So, these are problems with the creationist view.

即便如此But still,

在人类智慧史上的很长的一段时间里for the longest time in human intellectual history

我们找不到其他解释there was no alternative.

事实上理查德·道金斯 And in fact, Richard Dawkins,

世界上依然在世的the most prominent evolutionary--

最伟大的进化生物学家之一one of the most prominent evolutionary biologists alive

最坚定的神造论的批判者之一and one of the most staunchest critics of creationism,

曾在《盲眼钟表匠》里写道has written in The Blind Watchmaker saying,一百或一百五十年前look, anybody 100 years ago or 150 years ago

任何不相信上帝创造了人类和其他生物的who didn't believe that God created humans and other animals

都是白痴was a moron

因为神造论这个观点实在太好了because the argument from design is a damn good argument.

在没有其他解释的前提下And in the absence of some other argument

你就应该相信它遵从它你应该说you should go--defer to that. You should say,

"尽管有种种的问题但是人类"Well, there are all of these problems but humans

和其他的生物的结构一定都是神创造的and other biological forms must have divine creation

因为它们的结构是那么复杂精准because of their incredible rich

而又令人难以置信"and intricate structure."

一切直到达尔文的出现才有所改变What changed all that of course was Darwin.

达尔文的成就在于And Darwin--Darwin's profound accomplishment

他向世人展示了人类复杂的生理结构was showing how you get these complicated biological structures,

例如眼睛like the eye,

从一个完全无刻意不可复制emerging through a purely non-intentional,

non-created process,

纯自然的过程中出现a purely physical process.

这个观点的重要性可以和And this could be seen as equal in importance to the claim

地球是围绕太阳旋转that the Earth revolves around the Sun

以及我们不是宇宙的中心相提并论and that we're not the center of the universe.

事实上有些学者甚至提出了And in fact, some scholars have made a suggestion

貌似更具有说服力的建议which seems plausible,

他们认为自然选择的观点that the idea of natural selection is

是现今科学中最重要的理论the most important idea in the sciences, period.所以尽管这不是一门进化论的课So, this is not a course in evolution

但是我希望大家了解相关背景知识and I expect people to have some background.

如果你对这方面不了解的话If you don't have a background in it,

你可以读一些课外书you could get your background from external readings 或者格雷的教材but also from--the Gray textbook

和诺顿文集从中你们可以and the Norton readings will both--will each provide you

汲取到足够的背景知识with enough background to get up to speed.

总体来说自然选择有三个组成部分But the general idea is that there are three components to natural selection.

物种之间的差别There is variation.

这个差别对生存和繁殖And this variation gives rise to different degrees

产生不同影响of survival and reproduction

并一代代传下去and gets passed on from generation to generation

进而影响对环境的适应and gives rise to adaptations,

达尔文把这描述为What Darwin described as

恰好激发我们想象力的完美结构"that perfection of structure that justly excites our imagination."

生物世界里到处都是这种例子And the biological world has all sorts of examples.

比如伪装You look at camouflage.

达尔文之前的人会认为是Prior to Darwin one might imagine that

某个智慧的创造者赋予了动物们some intelligent creator crafted animals

躲避猎食者的能力to hide from their prey.

但是现在我们对此有不同的解释But now we have a different alternative,说那些更擅长隐藏的动物们which is that animals that were better hidden

更容易生存下来 survive better,

更利于繁衍后代reproduce more,

经过上千年and over the course of thousands,

甚至可能上百万年的进化 perhaps millions of years,

他们才具备了伪装的能力they've developed elaborate camouflage.

许多人都曾探讨过There's been a lot of work

佩利最喜欢的眼睛例子on Paley's favorite example the eye.

达尔文也曾指出So Darwin himself noted

人类的眼睛不是一下子就出现的that the human eye did not seem to emerge all at once

如果你去观察其他动物but rather you could look at other animals

并发现了类似组织结构那只能说明and find parallels in other animals that seem to suggest

它们可能是从更早期的形式中that more rudimentary forms

进化而来are possible.

随着近来电脑仿真技术的发展And more recently computer simulations have developed--

在选择压力的貌似可信假设下have been developed that have crafted eyes 发展出人造眼睛under plausible assumptions of selective pressure

已经开始变成可能and what the starting point is.

这就是自然选择的理论So, this is the theory of natural selection.

你不禁要问The good question to ask is,

我为什么要在心理学导论的课堂上"why am I talking about evolution

讨论进化论的问题呢in Introduction to Psychology class?"

答案是And the answer is that there are

这两者相互关联two ideas which come together.

事实上它们都是危险的观点And in fact, they're both of the dangerous ideas.

第一个是达尔文的观点One idea is that Darwin's idea--

他说生物结构的进化过程是纯自然的that biological forms evolve through this purely physical process.

第二个观点笛卡尔的反驳The second idea, the rejection of Descartes,

说我们的心理活动is that our minds are

是自然物质和自然事件的产物the product of physical things and physical events.

当你把两个观点结合起来的时候You bring these together and it forces you 它会促使你了解我们是什么to the perspective that what we are--

我们的心理活动和眼睛伪装一样our mental life is no less than the eye, no less than camouflage,

是自然选择中纯自然过程的产物the product of this purely physical process of natural selection.

更确切的说More to the point,

我们的认知机制的出现our cognitive mechanisms were evolved

并不是为了取悦上帝not to please God,

也不是偶然not as random accidents,

而是为了生存和繁衍后代but rather for the purpose of survival and reproduction.

更有争议的是More contentiously,

你可以说它们是由自然选择you could argue they've been shaped

塑造来解决某些问题的by natural selection to solve certain problems.

所以从进化论的角度来看And so, from an evolutionary point of view,

当你想弄清大脑是什么和做什么时when you look at what the brain is and what the brain does,

你就可以用以上的理论来解释you look at it in terms of these problems.

这也是研究心理学的目的And this is what psychology is for.

也是我们思考的目的This is what our thinking is for.

我们已进化出足够的心理能力We have evolved mental capacities

来解决不同问题to solve different problems:

感知世界交流perception of the world, communication,

寻找食物休息等等getting nutrition and rest, and so on.

现在我们就来讨论如何Now, we're going to talk about how to apply

将进化论应用到心理学中evolutionary theory to psychology.

但是在我们讨论之前 But as we're doing so

我们必须先明确两个误解we have to keep in mind two misconceptions.

在此你会犯两种严重的错误There are two ways you can go seriously wrong here.

第一种是想The first is to think that, well,

如果我们采取进化论的观点if we're taking an evolutionary approach

那么自然选择then natural selection

会促使动物广泛传播他们的基因will cause animals to want to spread their genes.

如果我们从生物的角度考虑So, if we're being biological about it,

那么这意味着肯定每个人都成天想着that means everybody must run around thinking

我要传播我的基因"I want to spread my genes."

我想说这真是I want to--and this is just really --Oops.

我不应该这么做的这完全不对I shouldn't do that. This is really wrong.

幻灯片上的字甚至都红了It's [the text on the slides] even in red.

这个观点的问题就在于没有And what this fails to do is make a distinction 把终极导因和引信导因区分开between ultimate causation and proximate causation.

这两个术语的意思是终极导因是指And those are technical terms referring to--Ultimate causation is

某事物在数百万年的历史中the reason why something is there in the first place,

存在的第一原因over millions of years of history.

引信导因是指Proximate causation is

现在做某事的原因why you're doing it now.

这二者不同很明显比如And these are different. Obviously, for instance,动物会做各种事情animals do all sorts of things

来保证他们的生存及繁衍to help survive and reproduce

但是蟑螂却不会想but a cockroach doesn't think

我要做这个来"oh,I'm doing this

帮助我生存繁衍和传播基因to help survive and reproduce and spread my genes."

一只蟑螂根本不知道什么是基因A cockroach doesn't know anything about genes.

所以驱使它去这么做Rather, the mechanisms that make it do

的机制与其自身心理状态what it does are different

不同如果它有的话为什么这么做from its own mental states, if it has any--why it does them.

威廉姆·詹姆斯有一个很棒的观点This is a point nicely made by William James.

有人问威廉姆·詹姆斯So, William James is asked,

我们为什么吃东西他写道"Why do we eat?" and he writes,

十亿个人中也不会有一个人Not one man in a billion when taking his dinner 吃饭时会考虑其目的ever thinks of utility.

他吃饭因为食物味道好并且使他想多吃些He eats because the food tastes good and makes him want more.

如果你问他为什么他要多吃If you asked him why you should want to eat more

那个味道的食物of what tastes like that,

如果你没说自己是哲学家instead of revering you as a philosopher,

他很可能会笑你是个傻瓜he will probably laugh at you for a fool.

而且这真的是很普遍的答案And it's really the common sense answer.

你为什么吃饭没人会回答"Why are you eating?" Nobody's going to answer,

因为我必须维持我的身体"Because I must sustain my body

用于将来传播我的基因so as to spread my genes in the future."

相反你吃饭是因为你饿了Rather, you eat because you're hungry.

这两个解释你吃饭因为你饿了Those two theories, you eat because you're hungry

和你吃饭是为了维持身体and you eat to sustain your body

用于在未来能传播基因 so you could spread your genes in the future,

并非对立are not alternative.


它们是对同一事物在不同层次上的解释they're different levels of explanation.

你们不能把它们混淆了And you can't confuse them.

为了生存和繁衍The ultimate level which does appeal to survival

的终极层面and reproduction does not--

与心理层面不相关is independent from the psychological level.

再举个例子To give another example,

人们保护它们的孩子那么你问people protect their children so you ask,

为什么人们保护它们的孩子呢"Why do people protect their children?

为什么会有人花那么大的精力Why would somebody devote so much effort 去保护帮助喂养他们的孩子呢to protecting and helping and feeding their children?"

进化论的解释为Well, the evolutionary explanation is

不保护自己后代的那些动物很难在animals that don't protect their offspring don't last

进化史中生存下来over evolutionary time.

我们保护后代We protect our offspring

是因为他们继承了我们百分之五十的基因because they contain fifty percent of our genes,

但是这可不是心理层次上的解释but that's not the psychological


除了精神错乱的心理学家Nobody but a deranged psychologist

没有谁会这么回答would ever answer,

我爱我的孩子是因为"Oh, I love my children because

他们继承了我百分之五十的基因they contain fifty percent of my genes."

心理层次上的解释更深入Rather, the psychological explanation is a deeper--

并且特征不同is different and has a different texture.

这一点在我们谈到感情的时候会更清楚And this will be a lot clearer when we talk about the emotions,

那时你们就可以更好的区分开where you could really see a distinction between the question of

为什么有些事从进化论角度的解释why we feel something from an evolutionary point of view

有些是要从日常生活中去感知and why we feel it from a day-to-day point of view.

第二个错误是The second misconception

认为自然选择is that natural selection

使得所有事物都具有适应性entails that everything is adaptive,

包括我们所做的一切that everything we do,

所想的一切都是为了更好的适应everything we think is adaptive.

这是错误的This is wrong.

自然选择进化基本来说Natural selection and evolution, more generally,

将适应性与副产品和意外区分开来distinguish between adaptations and byproducts and accidents.

你们许多人正在Many of you are currently,

或者将来老了时会被背痛折磨or will as you get older, suffer back pain.

如果我问你你为何会背痛If I was to ask you, "So, why do you suffer back pain?

背痛如何帮助你存活和繁衍的呢How does back pain help you survive and reproduce?"

答案并非适应性Well, the answer is it's not an adaptation.

背痛是我们背部形态的意外副产品Back pain is an accidental byproduct of how our backs are shaped.

不要期待找出打嗝自怜Don't go looking for an adaptive reason for hiccups 或者饭后腹胀的适应目的or self-pity or bloating after you eat.

身体会做各种各样的没有任何There's all sorts of things a body will do

适应目的只是意外的事情that have no adaptive value, rather just accidents.我们有个会做各种事情的身体We have a body that does all sorts of things.有一些事属于意外Some things it will do by accident

这一点在心理学上毫无疑问and this is certainly true for psychology.

所以很多东西比如So, a lot of the things, for instance,

日常生活中让我们感兴趣that occupy our interest or our fascination

或者着迷的事物in day-to-day life

几乎可以肯定都是进化意外are almost certainly evolutionary accidents.

人类现在最热衷的三大事物The number--The three--Three of the main preoccupations of

分别为色情片电视巧克力humans are pornography,television, and chocolate

但是如果我问你 but if I asked you,

你为何喜欢毛片你回答"Why do you like porn?" and you'd say,

因为我喜欢毛片的祖先比那些"Because my ancestors who liked porn reproduced more

不喜欢的有更多后代than those who didn't,"

这肯定不是事实it's not true.

你喜欢毛片假设你喜欢毛片的话Rather, you like porn, assuming you do,作为一个意外as an accident.

你进化出 You have evolved--

例如假设你是一个异性恋的男性的话For instance, should you be a heterosexual male,

你进化出了吸引女性的特点you have evolved to be attracted to women.

这更像是一个进化论适应性观点That is most likely to be an evolutionary adaptation

因为吸引女性并且想和女性发生性关系because being attracted to women and wanting to have sex with women

是产生后代的第一步is one step to the road to having kids,

从进化论的角度来讲是件大好事which is very good from an evolutionary perspective.

但是在现代社会中It so happens, though, in our modern environment

人们创造了图片替代品that people have created images that substitute.

无需再出去寻找女性So, instead of actually going out and seeking out women

你只要花几个小时上网you could just surf the web for hours and hours

看色情电影和书籍就可以了and watch dirty movies and read dirty books

进化适应论的死胡同evolutionary adaptive dead ends.

这些只是意外而已They're accidents.

为何你喜欢巧克力呢假设你喜欢Why do you like chocolate bars, assuming that you do?

不是因为你非洲草原上喜欢巧克力It is not because your ancestors in the African savanna

的祖先比那些不喜欢的人后代多who enjoyed chocolate bars reproduced more than those who didn't.

而是因为我们进化出了一种对甜食的喜好Rather, it is because we've evolved a taste for sweet things.

这种对甜食的喜好的部分原因And we've evolved a taste for sweet things, in part,

在于自然界里的甜食比如水果because the sweet things in our natural environment like fruit

对我们是很有好处的were good for us.

现代社会里我们创造出了像巧克力这种In the modern world we have created things like chocolate,

对我们没好处但是我们依然喜欢吃的东西which are not so good for us but we eat anyway.

很多争论心理学领域对于A lot of the debates--There's a lot of controversy 用进化论来解释问题是很有争议的in psychology over the scope of evolutionary explanations.

很多争论的焦点在于And a lot of the debate tends to be over

什么是适应性什么不是what's an adaptation and what isn't.

有些例子是很明显的There are some clear cases.

我们拥有彩色视觉 We have color vision.

我们为什么有彩色视觉呢Why do we have color vision?

我想每个人都会认同我们的彩色视觉Well, I think everybody would agree we have color vision

作为一种适应性使我们在as an adaptation because of the advantages it gives us

看东西以及视觉辨别时占有优势for seeing and making visual distinctions.我们怕蛇We are afraid of snakes.

我们以后会更细节的讨论这个问题We're going to talk about that in more detail

但是这里有个很简单的解释but there's a straightforward adaptive story about that.

我们惧怕蛇的真正的原因是We are afraid of snakes because, really,

我们那些不怕蛇的祖先们our ancestors who weren't afraid of snakes

后代不如那些怕蛇的祖先们多didn't reproduce as much as those that were.我们喜欢巧克力我们喜欢纳斯卡赛车We like chocolate bars and we enjoy NASCAR.

这些不可能有适应目的Those cannot be adaptations

因为巧克力和纳斯卡赛车是近代的产物because chocolate bars and NASCAR are recent developments

进化论可预期不到他们的出现that could not have been anticipated by evolution.

这些问题容易回答Those are easy questions.

但这些就很难了Here are some hard questions.

音乐世界上每个地方的人都喜欢音乐Music. Everywhere in the world people like music.

这是某种进化而来的Is this an adaptation

适应性呢或者仅仅是个意外for some selective advantage or is it an accident?

史蒂芬·平克 Steven Pinker,

你们之前读过的语言本能的作者who wrote The Language Instinct that you read before,

在声称音乐只是进化史上的一个意外时caused a huge amount of controversy

引起了巨大的争议when he argued that music is just an evolutionary accident.

他将其形容为听觉上的奶酪蛋糕He described it as auditory cheesecake,

我们非常喜欢吃something we like to gorge ourselves on

但没什么适应性上的优势that have no--has no adaptive advantage.

另一些人则声称音乐是有适应性优势的Other people argue music does have an adaptive advantage.

有时候男性会用暴力强迫性交Sometimes males use violence to coerce sex.男性的性暴力是有生物适应目的的呢Is male sexual violence a biological adaptation

还是仅仅是个偶然or is it an accident?

这个世界上有多种语言There's more than one language.

这仅仅是语言的偶然副产物Is that just an accidental byproduct of the way language works

还是说语言的多样性具有某种or is there some sort of group or selectionist


群体或自然选择优势sketched out in some way of having multiple languages?

那视觉艺术呢What about visual art?

小说呢What about fiction?

我们对故事的热爱呢What about our love for stories?

这些都是当下讨论的热点Those are all matters of heated debate.

因此我们要记住有些东西纯粹是偶然And so, we have to keep in mind some things plainly are accidents.

有些东西几乎可以肯定不是偶然Some things almost certainly aren't accidents.

学习心理学Where the action is in the study of psychology

和进化论and the study of evolution of cognition

就是为了分清什么是什么is trying to figure out which is which.

这些就是我们需要避免的错误So, those are the misconceptions we have to avoid.

但是还要问谁在乎啊But still, who cares?

这毕竟是门心理学导论的课Again this is an Introduction to Psych course.我们为什么在谈进化论呢Why are we talking about evolution?

为什么心理学家要重视Why should it matter to a psychologist

思想是如何进化的呢how the mind has evolved?

我现在要谈论进化论I'm going to talk about evolution now

但是剩下的课程中我只关注but for the rest of the course I'm just interested in

我们的思想部分how our minds are, period.

那么为什么进化论很重要呢So why would evolution matter?

其实上很多人认为它并不重要Well, many people think it doesn't.

比如并且对此For instance-- and they think it doesn't

有多种解释for different reasons ?

其中一个是超自然论one claim is a metaphysical one.

你可能是个二元论者You might be a dualist.

你可能不同意你的心理生活You might reject the idea your mental life is

是大脑的产物the product of your brain

所以进化论与心理学无关and hence evolution is irrelevant to psychology

因为大脑和思想因为大脑because the brain and the mind--because the brain,

是进化而来的which may have evolved,

和心理一点关系都没有has nothing interesting to do with the mind.

丽莎·辛普森错在Lisa Simpson got it wrong

她对教皇说when she said the Pope--

当她说教皇倾向于进化论时她说对了一半She got it half right when she said the Pope favored evolution.

没错It is true.

约翰·保罗二世在多年前John Paul II, many years ago,

发表声明说made a statement saying that

达尔文的理论并不矛盾Darwinian theory is not incompatible.

达尔文理论是说物种进化Darwinian theory is a view about the evolution

并非由神意驱动of species that is not motivated by any animus,

这是真正的科学理论is a genuine scientific theory,

应被证实是正确的and should it turn out to be true,

这与人们由教堂教导it is not incompatible

的事实并不矛盾to truth about man as taught by the Church.

科学家们对此非常欣喜And scientists were thrilled by this

他们说教皇赞同进化论and they were--they said he's endorsing evolution.但是很少有人谈到But what a fewer people talk about is the fact that

教皇说完这话后划了条界限after he said this he drew the line.

他同意身体方面的进化论He allowed for evolution of the body

但决不允许说思想也由进化而来but he would not allow for evolution of the mind.

所以对此他写道So it was--he wrote:

即使人类的肉体If the human body

由先前的生物进化而来takes its origin from preexisting living matter,

但我们内心的灵魂绝对是上帝创造的the spiritual soul is immediately created by God.

所以进化论中认为思想Consequently, theories of evolution which consider the mind

从生命中发展而来as emerging from the forces of living matter

或者仅仅是其副产品部分or as a mere epiphenomenon of this matter

与人类的真谛相冲突are incompatible to the truth about man.

所以你会认为有关思想的进化论不正确So, you might not want evolution to be true about the mind

因为你相信思想不像because you might believe that the mind is not subject 物质世界中的其他事物那样to the same physical laws

受自然法则的约束as the rest of the physical world.

这是一种驳斥进化心理学的观点That's one way you could reject evolutionary psychology.

另一种不同意进化心理学的理论是Another way to reject evolutionary psychology

承认思想的自然属性is to accept that the mind is a physical thing

但是认为所有这些本能和but then argue that all of these instincts and

人体构造只存在于these hard-wired facets of human nature might exist for 其他动物身上而非人类other animals but they don't exist for people.

所以人类学家阿什丽·蒙塔古在七三年So, the anthropologist Ashley Montagu in '73,

顺带说下这与六百万富翁的close to when The Six Million Dollar Man

播放时间很近was shown, by the way,

她说除了婴儿对突然失去支持和said:With the exception of the reactions of infants to

突然响声巨大的反应之外sudden withdrawals of support and to sudden loud noises,

人类几乎没有本能the human being is entirely instinctless.

人类之所以是人类就是因为没有本能Man is man because he has no instincts,

因为他是谁和成为谁都是从because everything he is and has become he has learned

他的文化从人文环境from his culture,from the man-made part of the environment,

从其他人那里学来的from other human beings.

你可能会说You might say, "Look.

在七四年的时候人们当然相信这些He could believe that in '74 but, of course,

但自从所有的婴儿研究都表明all of the infant studies that have come out since then

这个观点不对开始suggested that's not true

如今就没人再相信了and nobody would believe that nowadays."

但事实上经常有人支持这个观点But in fact,the view is often hold--held--路易斯·莫南德几年前在纽约客上写道Louis Menand in a New Yorker article a few years ago wrote, "

生命的任何一面Every aspect of life

都有一个相同意义上的生物基础has a biological foundation in exactly the same sense,

除非在生物上可能which is that unless it was biologically possible

否则它就不存在it wouldn't exist.

在生物性上可能后就生命就产生了After that it's up for grabs."

这在一篇说进化论无法告诉我们And this is in the context of an argument that evolution can't tell us

任何有关人类最有趣一面的文章中anything about what's most interesting about people.

莫南德不是Menand is not--

是一个受过教育智慧的学者is an educated, intelligent scholar.

他可能很了解斯皮克和巴亚热昂关于He is presumably well aware of the findings of Spelke and

人类如何用生理结构去理解Baillargeon about how people are hard-wired to understand

社会生活当中的事之类的发现the objects in social life and so on.

但是他的观点仅仅在谈到But his point is just that when it comes to

人类本性中更有趣的部分the more interesting aspects of human nature,

我们自然地直觉地感兴趣的东西the stuff we're naturally, intuitively interested in,

这更跟文化有关that's more cultural.

而进化论And the evolutionary theory

和达尔文的理论and Darwinian theory

基本上对此得不出什么结论just doesn't have anything much to say about it,并不是因为思想和大脑是分开的not because the mind is separate from the brain

而是人类更是一种文化有机体but just because humans are much more cultural organisms,

所以生物学对此得不出什么结论and so biology has little to say about it.

还有第三个反对意见There's a third objection,

就是你会想which is you might think,

好吧人类思想确实包括本能"Okay, the human mind actually does contain instincts.

这是人类的天性There is a human nature but

那我们应该研究人来研究思想we should just study it by studying people.进化论研究进化论How could evolution, the study of evolution,

思考进化论会怎样告诉我们有趣的事呢the consideration of evolution tell us anything interesting?"

事实上根据我自己的研究I actually, in my own work,


Funding for this program is provided by: 本节目的赞助来自...... Additi onal funding provided by: 另外的赞助来自…… Last time, we argued about 上次,我们谈到 the case of The Quee n v. Dudley & Stephe ns, 女王诉Dudley和Stephens案件, the lifeboat case, the case of cann ibalism at sea. 那个救生艇上,海上吃人的案件. And with the argume nts about the lifeboat in mind, 带着针对这个案件所展开的一些讨论 the argume nts for and aga inst what Dudley and Stephe ns did in mind, 带着支持和反对Dudley和Stephens所做的吃人行为的讨论 let's turn back to the philosophy, the utilitaria n philosophy of Jeremy Ben tham. 让我们回头来看看Bentham的功利主义哲学. Ben tham was born in En gla nd in 1748. At the age of 12, he went to Oxford. Bentham于1748年出生于英国.12岁那年,他去了牛津大学 At 15, he went to law school. He was admitted to the Bar at age 19 15岁时,他去了法学院.19岁就取得了律师资格 but he n ever practiced law. 但他没有从事于律师行业.


co-production 联合拍摄 production摄制 Consultant 策划 project supervisor专案主管 executive producer执行监制 senior producer总监制 assiatant producer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人Producer 制片人 Production Controller 制片总监P roduction Director 监制人 Production Supervisor 制片监制C o-Producer 联合制片人 Associate Producer 助理制片人E xecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人pr oduction co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记location manager 外联制片 production administration 行政制作administration supervisor行政主管 marketing producer制片主任production manager制片 production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计 unit manager 项目经理c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演 Director 导演A ssistant Director 助理导演 Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本O riginal Story 原著A dapted by 改编B a sed on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧 screenplay by 编剧 script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影C inematography摄影C inematography by 摄影A ssociate Director of Photography 副摄影师C utter 剪辑师M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑first cameta assistant 副摄影师 camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火L ighting 灯光,照明lighting assistant 灯光助理


1.Muddy Puddles 泥水坑 It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. 今天下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能去外面玩耍。 Daddy,it's stopped raining. 爸爸,雨停了。 Can we go out to play? 我们可以出去玩了吗? Alright, run along you two. 好的,你们两个一起去吧。 Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里玩。 I I love muddy puddles. 我喜欢在泥坑里玩。 Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Sorry, Mummy. 对不起,妈咪。 George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. 乔治也喜欢跳在泥泞的水坑。 George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 乔治。如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. 佩奇喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。 George, let's find some more puddles. 乔治,让我们找到一些更多的水坑。 Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 佩奇和乔治玩得很开心。 Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. 佩奇发现一个小水坑。乔治发现了一个大水坑。 Look, George. There's a really big puddle. 你看,乔治。有一个真正的大水坑。 George wants to jump into the big puddle first. 乔治希望第一个跳大水坑。 Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. 停止,乔治。我必须检查一下这个对你来说是不是安全的。很好。它很安全。Sorry, George. It's only mud. 对不起,乔治。那只是泥而已。 Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治很爱在泥泞的水坑里跳。 Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy! Goodness me.


最适合学习英语的50部影片及获得方法(双语4字幕可切换) 一、视频特点: ●内容:最适合学英语的50部高清英语动画片是选用当前最流行、最经典的迪士尼等原版动画为英语 教材,给立志学好英语的小朋友提供一个良好的学习氛围,寓教于乐,使小朋友们在欢声笑语中学会英语,讲好英语!为孩子的明日的辉煌打下坚实的基础,是孩子成材的好朋友!(当然也适合成人学习、观看) ●格式:每部动画均为真正的高清节目,MKV格式,文件大小为2-4G,第一辑50部动画电影总容量为 115G。传统rmvb,清晰度不高,而且字幕有些是内嵌的,无法切换,mkv是高清720P,1080P常用格式。本人亲测在37寸电视上有非常好的清晰效果。 ●播放:电脑上,一般播放软件都可以播放;智能电视上,具体看电视型号,您可看下电视说明,或找 个.mkv格式的视频试一下;硬盘播放器;蓝光DVD机。普通DVD碟机和普通平板电视不支持,如想在普通平板电视上播放,先将动画资料复制到电脑中,再用一根高清数据线将笔记本电脑与电视机连接播放,可以实现同等功能。 ●配音:2种配音随意切换,英语配音/国语配音(双语可切换)。 ●字幕:4种字幕随意切换,中英同显/英文独显/中文独显/关闭无字幕 ●剧本:每部影片都为您配有剧本,可供您编辑后打印使用,格式为.txt,可放在手机等设备当做电子 书使用,随时当口语材料练习。 二、获得方法 ●淘宝网购买:在淘宝网上有卖,最便的80多块钱。省时间就等于省钱,个人觉得花点钱,省时间值 得。为了让买家能最实惠的拿到片源,他们简化包装,用普通DVD刻录,50级部要30多DVD,DVD的成本就近60元,而且还会刻坏一些光盘。您看两次电影也得个80元吧,而购买本商品后,没有广告、不分时间。你可以想什么时间看就什么时间看。 ●网上下载,省钱:如果这点钱您也不愿意花,而且网速快的话。提供个好方法,下载vod播放器,在 搜索里输入电影名,一般都能找到,不过这种双语4字幕的就不好找了。可一边看,一边下载。看完也下载完了。 三、播放说明 ●切换配音:以暴风影音为例 播放时鼠标在界面上滑动右上角会出现画、音、字、播4个字。其中音是对配音进行设置,字是对字幕时行设置。 ●设置字幕: 如上述,点击“字”,再点选择,就可有多种字幕供选择。而且在字体里面还可设置,字体格式和大小。四、内容展示 第一辑 50部


Funding for this program is provided by……Additional funding provided by……Last time,we argued aboutthe case ofThe Queen v. Dudley & Stephens,the lifeboat case,the case of cannibalism at sea.And with the arguments about the lifeboat in mind,the arguments for and against what Dudley and Stephens did in mind,let's turn back to the philosophy,the utilitarian philosophy of Jeremy Bentham.Bentham was born in England in 1748.At the age of 12, he went to Oxford.At 15, he went to law school.He was admitted to the Bar at age 19 but he never practiced law.Instead, he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a14462165.html,st time, we began to considerBentham's version of utilitarianism.The main idea is simply stated and it's this:The highest principle of morality,whether personal or political morality,is to maximize the general welfare,or the collective happiness,or the overall balance of pleasure over pain;in a phrase, maximize utility.Bentham arrives at this principle by the following line of reasoning:We're all governed by pain and pleasure,they are our sovereign masters,and so any moral system has to take account of them.How best to take account?By maximizing.And this leads to the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number.What exactly should we maximize?Bentham tells us happiness,or more precisely, utility -maximizing utility as a principle not only for individuals but also for


制作人:心舟 QQ:1129441083 第一讲《杀人的道德侧面》 这是一门讨论公正的课程This is a course about justice 我们以一则故事作为引子and we begin with a story. 假设你是一名电车司机\Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car 你的电车以60英里小时的速度\and your trolley car is hurtling down the track 在轨道上飞驰\at 60 miles an hour. 突然发现在轨道的尽头\And at the end of the track you notice 有五名工人正在施工\five workers working on the track. 你无法让电车停下来\You try to stop but you can't 因为刹车坏了\your brakes don't work. 你此时极度绝望\You feel desperate 因为你深知\because you know 如果电车撞向那五名工人\that if you crash into these five workers 他们全都会死\they will all die. 假设你对此确信无疑\Let's assume you know that for sure. 你极为无助\And so you feel helpless 直到你发现在轨道的右侧until you notice that there is off to the right 有一条侧轨\ a side track 而在侧轨的尽头\and at the end of that track 只有一名工人在那施工\there is one worker working on the track. 而你的方向盘还没坏\Your steering wheel works 只要你想\so you can turn the trolley car 就可以把电车转到侧轨上去\if you want to onto the side track 牺牲一人挽救五人性命\killing the one but sparing the five. 下面是我们的第一个问题:\Here's our first question: 何为正确的选择\what's the right thing to do? 换了你会怎么做\What would you do? 我们来做个调查\Let's take a poll. 有多少人会把电车开到侧轨上去\How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track? 请举手\Raise your hands. 有多少人会让电车继续往前开\How many wouldn't? How many would go straight ahead? 选择往前开的请不要把手放下\Keep your hands up those of you who would go straight ahead. 只有少数人选择往前开\A handful of people would 绝大多数都选择转弯\the vast majority would turn. 我们先来听听大家的说法\Let's hear first 探究一下为何\now we need to begin to investigate the reasons 你们会认为这是正确的选择\why you think it's the right thing to do. 先从大多数选择了转向侧轨的同学开始\Let's begin with those in the majority who


THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER This is a course about justice and we begin with a story. Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour. And at the end of the track you notice five workers working on the track. You try to stop but you can't, your brakes don't work. You feel desperate because you know that if you crash into these five workers, they will all die. Let's assume you know that for sure. And so you feel helpless until you notice that there is, off to the right, a side track and at the end of that track, there is one worker working on the track. Your steering wheel works, so you can turn the trolley car, if you want to, onto the side track killing the one but sparing the five. Here's our first question: what's the right thing to do? What would you do? Let's take a poll. How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track? Raise your hands. How many wouldn't? How many would go straight ahead? Keep your hands up those of you who would go straight ahead. A handful of people would, the vast majority would turn. Let's hear first, now we need to begin to investigate the reasons why you think it's the right thing to do. Let's begin with those in the majority who would turn to go onto the side track. Why would you do it? What would be your reason? Who's willing to volunteer a reason? Go ahead. Stand up. Because it can't be right to kill five people when you can only kill one person instead. It wouldn't be right to kill five if you could kill one person instead. That's a good reason. That's a good reason. Who else? Does everybody agree with that reason? Go ahead. Well I was thinking it's the same reason on 9/11 with regard to the people who flew the plane into the Pennsylvania field as heroes because they chose to kill the people on the plane and not kill more people in big buildings. So the principle there was the same on 9/11. It's a tragic circumstance but better to kill one so that five can live, is that the reason most of you had, those of you


第一步:合成(分成4小步): 1. 拿到相关美剧的中文字幕和英文字幕后, 把英文字幕贴到对应的中文字幕下面(如果帖子里强调以英文时间轴为准的话,那就把中文贴到英文下,然后用srtedit软件(本贴提供下载),交换中英文字幕顺序就ok了). 偷懒小贴士:-----大家别偷这个懒了,除非已经熟练运用srtedit软件了.071207 如果拿到的中文字幕和英文字幕的时间轴差不多的话,可以用srtedit 软件初步合成中英文字幕,再手动检查. 但是软件毕竟是死的,尤其是遇到中文字幕和英文字幕时间轴差很多的话,往往会出现大量的上下句翻译错开现象,此时,就需要人工一句一句 去检查对应贴好! 有人觉得这样还不如自己一句一句老老实实手动贴 来的方便!~ 总之,选一个合适自己的方法就行了. 2. 合成好的字幕一律为SRT格式. 如果领到的中文字幕是ass格式,那就用popsub软件(问组长要)转换一下即可. 双字幕只能是两句,也就是一句中文,一句英文,中文在上面,英文在下面. 如果中文字幕是断行的,也就是有2行或者3行中文字幕,请合并回去,英文字幕也一样,实在太长的也请合并好之后留在那里,让校对人员处理.

以下是错误的双字幕: [quote]1 00:03:41,710 --> 00:03:44,700 - 怎么回事? - 没事我马上出去 - What's going on? - Nothing. I will be right out. 2 00:03:44,710 --> 00:03:46,700 好我等你 Ok, I will wait for you. 3 00:03:46,710 --> 00:03:48,700 待会见 See you later. 修改后正确的双字幕如下: 1 00:03:41,710 --> 00:03:44,700 -怎么回事? -没事我马上出去


【SrtEdit 教程】双语字幕文件的特效处理 双语, 特效, 字幕, SrtEdit, 教程 本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-2-19 22:57 更新 【阅读此教程前确保您已经读过:【SrtEdit 教程】双语字幕分割与合成】 【转贴】 关于SrtEdit双语字幕合成,有许多TX已有了很好的教程,例如 lulu0206 的 [url=]https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a14462165.html,/thread-298745-1-1.html[/url]。本贴只针对双语字幕合成后怎样才能美观地显示介绍一些方法供大家参考,以抛砖引玉。 下面以 zxc_asd 的 Pineapple.Express.2008.Blu-ray.RE.720p.x264.DD51.MySiLU 简英双语字幕(迅雷高速下载:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a14462165.html,/attachment.php?aid=424543) 为例: 双语字幕合成后如果不作任何处理,中西文字体一样大,不仅十分难看,还大面积占用图像空间,影响观看(图1)。因此有必要让中、英文字幕的字体大小有区别。

图1 SrtEdit强大的特效编辑功能可以帮助我们达到这个要求,下面介绍几种方法供大家参考, 欢迎大家提供更好的办法。 方法一:在lulu0206的双语字幕合成教程中可以看到,合成策略对话框中实际上已有了中英文字体相对比例的设置(按百分比),例如可以将英文设置成为75%。这样双语字幕合成后中英文字体大小有所区别,但颜色还是相同的。能否单独调整中文或英文字体的大小、 颜色甚至透明度等等属性呢?

方法二:选中要处理的中英文字幕行,一般可执行全选,然后再从主菜单的格式菜单中选 择文本特效编辑: 图2 执行后将弹出文本特效编辑对话框,在本例中改变了字体颜色、字体横向及纵向比例以及指定将当前所有参数只作用于英文字幕等选项(见红圈所标注的选项)。在设置各项参数 时,可随时按“预览”按钮查看实际效果:


斯坦福大学公开课 《7个颠覆你思想的演讲》全7集翻译至第7集(网易翻译1-7集)在线观看《经济学》全10集翻译至第5集(网易翻译1-5集)在线观看 《商业领袖和企业家》全4集翻译至第4集(网易翻译1-4集)在线观看《编程方法学》全28集在线观看 哈佛大学公开课 《幸福课》全23集翻译至第7集(网易翻译1-7集)在线观看 《公正》全12集翻译至第12集在线观看 《计算机科学导论》全22集在线观看 《2006年计算机课程》全19集(缺第3、13集)在线观看 《2005年计算机课程》全32集(缺第3、5、7集)在线观看 普林斯顿大学公开课 《国际座谈会》全18集翻译至第12集(网易翻译1-12集)在线观看 《领导能力简介》全5集翻译至第5集(网易翻译1-5集)在线观看 《人性》全12集翻译至第3集(网易翻译1-3集)在线观看 《能源和环境》全11集在线观看 麻省理工学院公开课 《电影哲学》全4集翻译至第4集(网易翻译1-4集)在线观看 《西方世界的爱情哲学》全4集翻译至第2集(网易翻译1-2集)在线观看《音乐的各种声音》全1集翻译至第1集在线观看 《振动与波》全23集在线观看 《单变量微积分》全35集(缺第8、17、26、34集)在线观看 耶鲁大学公开课

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幸福课_ 哈佛公开课_中英文对照 第一课 校对版

第一课 Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here. 各位,早上好。很高兴能回到这里。 Wonderful to see you here. 高兴见到你们。 I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here. 我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。 This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. 可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。 But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you. 但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。 I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator. 我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。 And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year. 大二期间,突然顿悟了。 I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. 我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。 I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially. 我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。 Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why. 一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。 It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier. 也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。 And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology. 于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。 With a single question: How can I become happier. 目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。 Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today. 渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。 But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology. 但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。 Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier . 研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。 It continues to make me happier. 而且这种快乐继续着。



co-production 联合拍摄production摄制Consultant 策划 project supervisor专案主管executive producer执行监制senior producer总监制 assiatant producer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人?P roducer 制片人? Production Controller 制片总监?P roduction Director 监制人? Production Supervisor 制片监制?C o-Producer 联合制片人? Associate Producer 助理制片人?E xecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人?p roduction co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 location manager 外联制片production administration 行政制作administration supervisor行政主管marketing producer制片主任 production manager制片production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计unit manager 项目经理?c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演Director 导演?A ssistant Director 助理导演? Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本?O riginal Story 原著?A dapted by 改编?B ased on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编?W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧screenplay by 编剧script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影?C inematography摄影?C inematography by 摄影?Associate Director of Photography 副摄影师?C utter 剪辑师?M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑?f irst cameta assistant 副摄影师camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火?L ighting 灯光,照明?lighting assistant 灯光助理



Harvard Positive Psychology 21 Relationship and Self-esteem You know this story about Gertrude Stein, and she was taking philosophy class with William James, right here in the Art. 你们都听过格特鲁德.斯泰因的这个故事,她那时上William James 的哲学课,就在哈佛拉德克利夫学院。 And they had their final exam. And it was spring semester course. And she comes into the exam. And it’s a day like today. 要期末考试了,她上的是春季班,她来到考场,就跟今天一样是个晴朗的日子。 And the exam is about metaphysics, and the meaning of life. So she ope ns the exam and writes, “Today is too beautiful a day to take an exam.” And she walks out. 于是她打开试卷,写道:“多么美好的一天,不应该浪费在考试上。”然后走出了教室。 And you know, as legend has it of course she gets a straight A in William James’ class. 而且传说William James的课程她全A通过。


The last hidden world China 最后的隐世净土中国 For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 and surprising creatures 以及那些神奇生物的传说 Chinese civilization is the world's oldest 中国文明是世界最古老的文明 and today it's largest 而如今是最宏博的 with well over a billion people 那数十亿的人民 It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 现存超过五十个民族 and a wide range of traditional life styles 以及各式各样贴近自然的 often inclose partnership with nature 传统生活方式 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会环境问题 but there is great beauty here too 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽 China is home to the world's highest mountains, 中国有着世界最高峰 vast deserts ranging from from searing hot 从无垠的炙热沙漠

哈佛公开课 幸福 第一课 中英文对照字幕整理

Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。很高兴能回到这里。 Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。 I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。 This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。 But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。 I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。 And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。 I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。 I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially.我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。 Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why.一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。 It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。 And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。 With a single question: How can I become happier.目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。 Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I en countered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。 But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。

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