当前位置:文档之家› 关于传统节日清明节的英语作文500字带翻译





When it comes to Qingming Festival, we all know that it is a traditional festival in China. On the Qingming Festival, we need to visit tombs, go outing and eat green troupes.


This Qingming Festival, I returned to my hometown - Xiamen. My grandparents and aunts have come to meet me at the airport. Instead of going sightseeing, we went directly to the ancestral hall to worship.


The sky also seems to reflect the ancient poetry of “rain comes one after another during the Qingming Festival”, with drizzle. Some of the people who visited the tombs were busy offering fruits and food to their ancestors, and some of them wept silently



We came to my grandfather's ancestral hall. First, we offered a tribute, including chicken, fish, fruit and green troupe. Then my grandfather lit incense and gave each of us three sticks of incense. We worship three times in front of the ancestral tablet together, kneel down and kowtow three heads to the ancestors, and then burn paper money to the ancestors. There is a small stove on the edge of the ancestral hall, which is specially used for burning. Let's light the fire first, and then put the paper money into the fire by relay. Grandpa still keeps playing with the fire with a stick, so that the paper can burn completely. Standing aside, I was blinded by the smoke. But grandpa kept fiddling with it. Finally, the firecrackers were set off. The whole family didn't dare to light them. At this time, grandma volunteered to go up and order, crackling, what a loud voice! Grandpa said, this is to tell our ancestors that we have come

to see you!


Qingming Festival is a festival to remember our ancestors and history. I think that this day we should not only remember our ancestors, but also the heroes who have dedicated themselves to the great cause of our motherland! So Qingming Festival is really a meaningful festival!


介绍清明节的作文500字4篇 本文是介绍清明节的作文500字4篇,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 今天,就是清明节,按照习俗今天我们这些晚辈要去拜祭祖先,我一直都不喜欢清明节,因为我很怕鬼。我一直都对坟墓这些东西很有成见,今天我几乎是被父亲又拖又拉的求着去的,我的心中有着说不出的怀恋和感动。 在路上,我问父亲我们今天去拜祭谁?父亲说他几乎全都想去,但他的姥姥他不想去。我十分的疑惑,问父亲为什么不去拜祭父亲的姥姥呢?父亲说在它小时候,父亲的姥姥经常打他,还赶他出去,不过父亲成才他姥姥也有一份功劳吧!此时,我的心思绪万千:世间的是也许就是如此吧,古代的不打不成才应在了父亲身上。这时风猛猛的吹,好像它们也被着带着淡淡忧伤的节日感染了。我们首先来到我父亲的爷爷的祖坟,风吹着树叶的飒飒声,像是一场怀恋亲人的音乐会,小鸟的伴奏声也成了独特的声线。 大人们在慢慢的除草,眼中布满了对死去的亲人的怀恋之情。草慢慢的除着,但我知道他们是用一种简单的方式来表达对亲人的思恋,开始上香了。空气中迷漫着一种混浊的气息,气息中还有一种难闻的酸酸的味道。我又在思索:这味道是香的味道还是思恋的味道?开始烧纸钱、倒白酒了。表面上看上去是一种仪式,但我认为这是一种特别的尊敬,这是一种对灵魂的特殊纪念仪式。看来,思恋的情绪是会传染人的,连我那不是怎么会动手的父亲也动脑动手做了几个花圈和几个花束。 潇潇洒洒清明风,纷纷扬扬亲人情。 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。 我们拜祭是还时不时有一家人来到旁边,跪下。纸钱在烧着,只见得有一个人在磕头,嘴里念叨着:“爸,给您送些钱,在那边多买些好吃的。在这边吃了一辈子苦,现在可以享享福了……”风儿在吹着,那些人带着忧伤,在风中离去风还在猛猛的吹着,风中依然带着一丝丝忧伤,不知我是否是被着忧伤的气息感染了,感觉鼻子酸酸的,又一种想哭的冲动。我想对那些已经死去的祖先说:祖先们,你们走好,我们一家人很好,你们呢?一定在天堂过着幸福简单的生活


关于介绍清明节的英语作文 关于介绍清明节的英语作文 The tomb-sweeping day, is one of 24 solar terms in our country. According to the Gregorian calendar, it is in every year on April 4 to 6. The ancients attaches great importance to the solar terms. As the solar terms, ching Ming period is the most regions in our country, thousands of wooden fall winter has in the past, beautiful, apr, willow green, peach, vibrant called qingming festival. First, the throttle has close relationship with agriculture, farmer's proverb say s: “before and after the tomb-sweeping day, some melon seeds beans”, it is a good season spring sowing. Second, the tomb-sweeping day is the day of ancestor worship and the grave. The tang dynasty poet tu mu did: “rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village.” Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere. Grave, offer sacrifices to the dead man's a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. The tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the Chinese nation ShenZhongZhuiYuan, Kingston amity and the manifestation


2017-09-01 20:19:45文/张秀秀 英语作文是英语考试必考的题目,中考英语也不例外。很多同学对于觉得英语作文十分难写,不知道如何入手。以下是初三网整理的中考英语作文范文5篇带翻译,欢迎参阅。 Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid. 【翻译】 每个人都有自己的梦想,我也一样。但是我的梦想不是律师,不是医生,不是演员,甚至不是一种行业! 我的梦想也许大人们会觉得可笑,但是,这是我一直追寻的!我的梦想是想要自己有一个七彩的人生!我要它成为一幅美丽的画,它不但要有鲜明的颜色,也要有暗淡的颜色,我不排除这幅画有一部分的黑色,我反而会很珍惜这些暗淡的颜色!不是吗,试问一下,一幅色彩鲜艳的画,如果不加一点暗淡的颜色,又怎能更突出它的美呢? 人生就象画一样,画中鲜艳的颜色就代表着人生美丽快乐的时光。画中暗淡的颜色就代表着人生遭遇困难,不愉快的时候。也许你会觉得拥有一条平坦美丽的路不是很好吗,但我并不觉得。 一个人如果一生平坦那有什么意思呢?人生只有短短几十年,我要他走到最后时,每一个回忆都事充实的! I eat breakfast everyday, because it’s important to my health. At first, I did not like eating breakfast, but my mother forced me to eat. Every morning, my mother prepared delicious breakfast for me, such as milk, egg, bread and others. Gradually, I liked having breakfast. I feel energetic after having breakfast. Having delicious and nutrient breakfast brings me a happy day. I hope everyone can build this healthy habit


关于中秋节的英语作文带翻译 关于中秋节的英语作文带翻译 【篇一】中秋节作文英语带翻译 The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion . Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon. The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c2696533.html, What a great festival! 中秋节 农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。


清明节扫墓的作文500字 2020清明节扫墓的作文500字 对于清明节,世人或许都认为他是悲伤的代名词,但是,我对他有着不一样的感受。接下来为您带来了2020清明节扫墓的作文500字,欢迎阅读! 今天就是清明节了,每逢清明节我就会想起诗人杜牧写的一首诗:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”清明节大家是否去扫过墓呢?当然我也不例外! 我们今天回老家拜山,这只是第一次而已,因为爸爸妈妈工作忙,所以好不容易才有了这一次机会。我们回到老家,吃完午饭,便向山出发了。 火辣的太阳晒的我们又增加了一点疲倦,好不容易我们来到山顶,我就拿起扫帚扫起了墓前的垃圾和落叶,看着墓碑,我不禁想起不在世的亲人和我一起度过的时光,不禁潸然泪下。但是我不一会我就扫好了,每次祭祖时,我们都会想起为他们烧一些纸钱、放置一束鲜花。说着我就拿了伙计少了一炷香插在了墓前,而爸爸妈妈却有点难过的为他少了一些纸钱。。爷爷把一些鸡肉、美酒和水果摆在墓前,祝愿他们能在天堂的那一边过上幸福美好的生活。

为了我祝福他们,我们便跪了下来,好想在为祖宗守灵,愿他们能保佑我们幸福平安、生体健康。祭拜完后,爸爸小心翼翼地拿着火机点燃鞭炮,放完后就走了。 我临走时,再次瞄了一下祖宗的坟墓,擦干了眼眶的泪水,随着下山了。心里怎么感觉在百爪心挠?但我也许愿祖宗能在天堂过上和我一样的生活——快乐。通过这次祭祖,我感受到了原来祖宗在天堂的那一边也应该有一个舒适而又温暖的“家”。所以我们应该要珍惜生命的点点滴滴,生命不是游戏,那么大家在清明节有木有拜过山呢? “清明时节寸纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”今年的清明节是4月4日星期六,我们全家一大早就开车前往老家—潮阳谷饶去扫墓祭祖,一路上的车排成车龙,都往墓地赶着。 我是第一次要去扫墓,在路上我心里总是猜测着山上的墓地到底是怎样的很是期待,终于到目的地,我迫不及待的冲上去,可是雨天的山坡路太滑,“扑通”我摔一个嘴啃泥。我爬起来,妈妈看说:“大烨,心急吃不热豆腐,山坡路得慢慢走的”。我听妈妈的话,慢慢地走着。山上有许多果树杨梅树、苹果树、香蕉树、橄榄


带翻译高一英语作文范文 In everybody’s eyes, I am a good girl, because I make the good marks in the exams and help my parents to do things. Unlike other students, who will go against their parents, I follow my parents’words. I don’t think that to do something goes against the adults is the wise choice, but I do want to do something new. Recently, I want to cut my hair and make the short style. My mother doesnt agree with me, because she thinks a girl should have the long hair. This time, I insist on my idea. Finally, she supports me. Trying something new makes me feel happy and be myself. The short hair makes me look like a cool boy and I like this style. My friends admire me to have the courage to change my image.在大家眼中,我就是一个好女孩,因为我考试成绩好,还帮助父母做事。不像其他学生,会和父母作对,我很听父母的话。我认为做一些违背大人们的事情是不明智的选择,但我想做一些创新。最近,我想把我的头发剪了,留短发。我妈妈不同意我的做法,因为她认为一个女孩就应该留长头发。这一次,我坚持我的想法。最后,她支持了我。尝试新事物让我感到预约,做我自己。短发使我看起来像一个很酷的男孩,但是我喜欢这种风格。我的朋友都羡慕我有勇气去改变自己的形象。 高一英语作文范文(二)


关于中秋英语作文范文带翻译:我家的中秋节 中秋节是我最喜爱的一个传统佳节,因为这一天是一家人团聚的日子,爷爷奶奶特地从老家苏北赶过来与我们一起过中秋节。 Mid Autumn Festival is one of my favorite traditional festivals, because it's a day for family reunion. My grandparents came to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with us from their hometown, Subei. 老天似乎不愿意让我们观赏到明月,只见天空中乌云密布,先下起了毛毛细雨,接着雨越下越大。我左盼右盼雨早点停,好让我们一家人一起观赏明月,共同分享香甜可口的月饼。可是天公不作美,雨一直下个不停。此时此刻我想起了伟大的诗人苏轼写的《水调歌头》:”人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟!” It seems that God doesn't want us to watch the bright moon, only to see the dark clouds in the sky, first drizzle, then the rain gets bigger and bigger. I hope that the rain will stop soon, so that our family can enjoy the bright moon and share the sweet and delicious mooncakes together. But the sky is not beautiful. It's raining all the time. At this moment, I think of the great poet Su Shi's “the head of the tune of water”: “people have ups and downs, the moon has ups


清明节有意义的作文500字五篇 桃花庵里桃花仙,清明时节夜未眠,先人已乘黄鹤去,我们仍要潇洒的活着。清明节,我相信我们会越来越好,因为我们有先人的保佑!下面就是给大家带来的清明节有意义的作文500字,欢迎大家阅读参考! 清明节有意义的作文500字一 冬天过去了,春天来了!这时,一年一度的清明节又要到了。从我记事开始,每年清明节的这一天,妈妈都要让我和她一起去踏青,不去都不行!还要带着纸钱,领着我上坟去。我们家去世的人都埋在虎头山,那儿离我家很远,要开车去。 记得小时候,我总是很高兴去上坟,因为妈妈在坟前一烧纸钱,我就可以玩带来的鞭炮!拿打火机一点,再扔了,感觉很好玩! 不知从什么时候开始,我开始不喜欢去上坟了!也不知道是什么原因,大概觉的鞭炮不好玩了吧,觉的上坟也没什么意思,就不喜欢去了! 古人云:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村”。当我想起唐代大诗人的这句诗歌时就

想到要去上坟了,我是很不情愿去的。但是还是要去的,爸爸开车把奶奶和爷爷接了过来,一起去虎头山!到了虎头山,才知道什么叫荒凉,野草遍地。还好我们有准备,带了锄头,简简单单的锄了一下。便开始拜太公太爷,让他们保佑我的学习更好,学业成功。 对他们行完了中华民族的礼仪以后,就拿出鞭炮“劈劈啪啪”的响了起来。那声音震耳欲聋,就像天上打雷一样。后来我又默默的在坟墓前许愿“希望太公太爷能保佑我学习快些进步,全家生活快乐,考试考100分!”拜好之后,我们就回家了!虽然我不怎么想去,但是我还是觉的有意义。 不愧这是我们中华民族的一种传统节日啊,是那么的有意义,是那么的有趣不同寻常! 清明节有意义的作文500字二 每当听人们说到杜牧的诗“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”我们大家就知道清明节来到了。清明是中国的传统节日,每当到清明节时人们就给祖先扫墓、出去踏青、旅游、插柳等。 今天我与爸爸妈妈来到了姥姥家边的云台山去爬山,在爬山途中,我发现有许多人拿着纸和香去扫墓。在爬山的同时我发现春天已来到,小芽已渐渐绽开,花儿露出了小包,柳树长出了嫩叶……我们在明媚的春光下说说笑笑,一会儿聊天,一会儿努


有关清明节的英语作文 【篇一:清明节英文介绍】 清明节英文介绍 a well-known poem by tang dynasty writer du mu tells of a sad scene in early april: rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. qingming day, the traditional tomb-sweeping day, falls on april 4-6 each year. it is a time for remembering loved ones who have departed. people visit their ancestors graves to sweep away the dirt. 唐朝著名诗人杜牧有一首著名的诗,描述了四月初令人伤感的一幕 场景:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”每年4月4-6日左右 的清明节是传统的扫墓的日子。在这一天,人们祭吊去世的亲人, 到先人的坟头上扫墓。 its origin dates back to the spring and autumn period. jin prince chonger ran away from the country with his supporters due to persecution. they were homeless for 19 years and things got so bad that chonger began to starve to death. one of the princes faithful followers, jie zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master. chonger was saved and, in 636 bc, he took back the throne. 清明节可以追溯到春秋时代。晋国公子重耳因受到迫害,率其支持者出逃。19年间,他们居无定所,漂泊四方。一次,他们的 处境相当窘迫,重耳饿得快不行了。这时,忠心耿耿的介子推从自 己的腿上割下一块肉献给了重耳,公子重耳得救了。公元前636年,他夺回了王位。 he rewarded the officials who had stayed loyal to him but he forgot about jie zitui. by the time chonger remembered him, a heartbroken jie zitui had traveled deep into the mountains. chonger wanted to persuade jie to come home, so he had the hills set on fire. but jie was later found beside a large tree, with his old mother on his back. both were dead. 即位之后,重耳对 支持者大加封赏,却忘记了介子退。等到想起这位忠臣时,伤心的 介子推早已遁入山林深处。重耳想逼他回来,所以就大火焚山。后来,在一棵大树旁边发现了背着老母的介子推。两人都被烧死了。


写作技巧 一、了解高分作文的特点 要想作文获得高分,必须了解高分作文具有的特点,才有助于我们朝之而努力。高分作文一般具有以下特点: 1、书写工整,书面整洁,很少有涂改痕迹。 2、分段合理。全文分段一般不止一个自然段,让阅卷老师很容易就能找到作文所要求写的要点和重要句子。 3、要点齐全,不缺要点。 4、首尾呼应,自然成一体。 5、使用了大量的高级词汇和句型。阅卷老师一看就知道这个同学的功底非不一般,自然就给打高分了。 6、开头言简意赅,不啰嗦,不偏题,迅速引入主题。 7、段与段之间,自然过渡。有合适的连接词。 8、句与句之间,有恰当的连接词,使之自然成一体。 9、全文中同一个意思,基本没有重复使用某一个词、短语或者句型等,说明这个同学的词汇量不同寻常。老师自然就对该作文有好感了。 10、能够恰当使用谚语、格言等给文章添彩。 二、勤积累,巧准备 要想作文得高分,除了了解以上的特点外,还要在平时的学习中注意一下方面: 1、牢记课标词汇是基础 一篇作文多数是由积极词汇写出来的,这些词汇主要来源于课标。因此,牢记课标词汇是写好作文的基础。 2、掌握课标词汇和短语的用法 要想作文不扣分或者少扣分,有个要作文的语病少。怎么能够减少语病呢?这就要求我们在平时的学习过程中反复通过练习,掌握课标词汇和短语等的用法。例如,对于as soon as 、stop some body from doing something 、other 、another等的用法很多学生就经常出错。 3、高度重视同一个意思的多种表达方式 高分作文有个特点是:让老师发现你拥有丰富的词汇量,你的水平高人一筹。这由何而来?靠我们在平时学习过程中,逐步积累起来的。比如:今年的中考作文,谈的就是帮助他人的问题。同一个意思“帮助”,假如你就用一个动词“help”,岂不显得你词汇贫乏?假如你在作文中不断地变换方式,用help、give somebody a hand、 give a hand to somebody 、be in need of 等以表达“帮助”同一个意思,岂不更好呢? 像这样的例子很多,比如:大家都觉得很简单又很基础的“表示的方式”就有:My name is Jim. I’m Jim. I’m called/named Jim. I’m a boy called /named /with the name of Jim. 等等。 表达年龄的方式有:She is 12. She is 12 years old. She is aged 12. She is a girl of 12(years old) . She is a girl aged 12.等等。 很显然,使用高级一点的更好。 4、加强练习,积累经验 学习语言最好的方法是运用,作文也不例外。我们要想作文得高分,必须经常练习,才能提高水平。 5、充分利用作文文 很多资料书上都有作文文。诚然,他们有很多值得借鉴的地方。 我们怎么利用它们呢?首先,我们先不要看文章,自己先思考一下:假如你来写,你会怎么去写,会用到哪些词或者句子等。然后去比较,勾出其中的好词佳句,并且把它摘录在专门的作文册子上。供写作时选用。 另外,背一些文也是很有必要的。 6、背诵一些谚语和警句 作文中如果出现恰当的谚语和警句,会有锦上添花的效果。 三、精心审题,沉着写初稿 很多同学看到作文后,下笔就写。这是不对的。一则很容易写偏题、写出病句,涂改后书面又不整洁,影响得分。 其实,会写作文的同学都知道,审题非常的重要,可以防止很多毛病,提高得分。那么我们审题要做些什么呢?


关于清明节作文500字精选范文五篇 清,分清做事的理由。明,要明白做人的道理。节,怀念亲人的日子。清明节,是传统美节。下面就是给大家带来的关于清明节作文500字范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 关于清明节作文500字范文一 现在清明节放假啦,今天我能和爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈去灵璧老家扫墓。早早起床,奶奶就给我拿来一个鸡蛋,说:“清明这天要吃鸡蛋,这样可以驱除疾病,而且吃了鸡蛋,眼睛又大又亮,以后会变得更漂亮。”我很不情愿的吃了一个。我看到门上插着柳枝,就不解的问爷爷,“清明为什么要插柳枝哪?”爷爷说是为了纪念两位古人,一位是神农氏另一位是介子推。爷爷还给我讲了他们的故事,原来清明节有这么多的故事呀。奶奶拿出早早折好元宝,奶奶在折的时候我还跟着学,也帮着折了好几个哪,虽然不怎么好看,但是也是我对祖宗的一点小小的心意吧。 我们又去买了纸钱和鞭炮,东西买齐了。爸爸开着车带着我们全家去扫墓,走在路上,来来往往的车上大多拉着扫墓用的东西,真有诗句上“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”的情景,经过两个小时的车程,我们到达了老家。拿着东西到了墓地,爷

爷和爸爸开始忙着给墓地添土,我和奶奶妈妈忙着烧纸钱和元宝,我也学着奶奶的样子,嘴里也说着让他们来拿钱。添好土烧完纸钱,爸爸开始放鞭炮,我们全家都跪下来给祖宗磕头,求祖宗保佑我们国家平平安安,家人健健康康。扫完墓到了饭店,该吃饭的时候,爸爸又多添一副碗筷,一个座位,夹满菜,说这个座位是祖宗的。在回家的路上我们遇到好多去扫墓的人。 这就是我家乡的清明节,它用插柳,扫墓、烧钱等一些活动表达了对亲人对祖先的一种深深的怀念。 关于清明节作文500字范文二 “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”熟悉的唐诗在耳边回荡,是的,又是一年清明到。 放眼望去,有多少位英雄在抗战期间为国捐躯,值得我们敬仰,如好事做了一火车的雷锋,用自己的胸口堵住机枪眼的黄继光,勇敢可敬的狼牙山五壮士,一个个令人骄傲的名字,一段段可歌可泣的故事…… 他,是解放军好战士,又是可敬的“傻子”,1960年8月抚顺发胜了洪水,接到了抗洪抢险的命令后,刚刚参加过救火而被烧伤手臂的他,亦是忍着疼痛又和战友们在水库大坝连续奋战了七天七夜……


关于清明节踏青的英语作文 导语:以下是小编收集整理的与清明节踏青有关的英语作文,欢迎阅读! 每年的公历四月五日前后为清明节,是二十四节气之一.今年的清明节是4月4日.在二十四个节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明.清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日.按照旧的习俗,祭祀(扫墓)时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家. 清明节,又叫踏青节,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的的习俗.直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行. Celebrated two weeks after the vernal equinox, Tomb Sweeping Day is one of the few traditional Chinese holidays that follows the solar calendar-- typically falling on April 4, 5, or 6. Its Chinese name "Qing Ming" literally means "Clear Brightness," hinting at its importance as a celebration of Spring. Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities. ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


一、Great changes in my hometown More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life . Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People’s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful . 一,在我的家乡发生了很大的变化 二十多年来,我的家乡只是个小,又老又穷镇。大多数人都是农民。有几个工厂。人们没有足够的食物吃,把旧衣服穿在身上。他们有一个艰苦的生活。 发生了巨大的变化,在过去的20年。人们已经发现很多的赚钱途径。现在有许多高大的建筑物。他们很漂亮。道路宽阔,又干净。人们可以搭公车或驾驶自己的汽车去上班。许多人有手机和个人电脑。人民的 生活条件有了很大的进步。由于政府的努力。我的家乡正变得越来越美丽了。 二、Save the earth How to protect the environment has become one of the biggest problems in the world . It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matter where we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy . We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We should plant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields. We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and our life will be better and better . 二、拯救地球 如何保护环境已成为世界上最大的问题。 这是我们的责任保护我们的环境。不管我们居住的地方,我们应该做些事情来保持我们的邻居整洁。我们可以收集废纸或其他废弃物回收利用。我们应该种更多的树,我们应该阻止那些工厂从浇注废水流入河流、湖泊和领域。我们不应该把垃圾随处可见,在公共场所随地吐痰。我们不能摘花、践踏草地在公众场合。如果每个人都尽自己最大的努力去保护环境,世界将变得更加美丽,我们的生活一定会越来越好。 三、Improve our environment Good environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life . What should we do to improve our environment ? We should plant more trees . And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into rivers , lakes and fields . Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin . Don’t spit in public places . Don’t draw on public walls . It’s our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy .


介绍中秋节的英语作文及翻译 导语:中秋节,是中国传统的节日,是丰收的节日,是合家团聚、把酒邀明月的喜庆节日;关于中秋,自古就流传着许多美丽的传说,“嫦娥奔月”在中秋之夜不仅给人以无穷的遐想,而且将中秋之夜点缀得浪漫、温馨,更加迷人。 Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or October. This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light. To some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries. On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives and friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful Mid Autumn festival! 译文:中秋节是中国的传统节日。它和春节一样重要。它通常是在九月或十月的。这个节日是为了庆祝丰收,并享受美丽的月光。从某种程度上说,在某种程度上,它就像西方国家的感恩节。在这一天,人们通常与家人聚在一起,度过一个愉快的聚餐。晚饭过后,人们会吃月饼,赏月亮。那天的月亮总是很圆,让人们想到他们的亲戚和朋


关于清明节的作文500字5篇 “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”这句诗出自唐代诗人杜牧所创作的《清明》,这首诗展现了一幅江南清明节时的风景画,详细地描写了清明节时作者思乡情切的感情。下面是精心为大家精心精选的关于清明节的作文500字,欢迎阅读。 关于清明节的作文500字(一) “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”又是一个清明节,每到这时候,人们怀念亲人的心情不禁更加强烈。 在这个三天小假里,我也随着家人去为已故去的亲人扫墓。或许是因为要写作文的原因,我今年认真观察了许多人,却有一个人令我印象深刻。 那是一个年近半百的大叔,高高瘦瘦的。可以清楚地看出已经有些皱纹过早的浮上了脸颊,头上的银发在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,岁月的痕迹在他的脸上清晰可见,一看就是在生活中很不顺心。他还背着一个大包,左右手中各拿着一盆花。因为有了这些特点,所以他在人群中格外显眼。

看着他,我的心中冒出了许多问号。他怎么背了那么大一个包?他为什么拿了两盆花?他为什么显的那么沧桑?……这一堆 的问题使我对这位大叔产生了强烈的好奇心。 我的目光一直追随着他,只见他在和我隔着三排的墓碑前停了下来。他缓缓地弯下腰,把两盆花轻轻地放在了地上,又站直身子,把肩上的大背包摘了下来,从里面拿出了很多贡品摆在了他面前的墓上,又把地上的花摆在了上面,然后他缓缓地抬起头,用他那悲痛的目光注视了一会儿墓碑上的照片。 他的下一个举动,让我的心中又产生了许多问题。 他向右迈了一步,同刚才一样,把贡品和鲜花摆在了上面,用一样悲痛的目光注视着照片。这两个都是他的父母吗?为什么不合葬呢?为什么只是他一个人来的呢?…… 许久,他站了起来,叹了一口气,走了。我看着他走了很远,我的脚便不自觉地走向了他刚刚看的那两个墓碑。 我也不知道为什么,那一天的心情都不是很好,想起墓碑上的字和大叔沧桑的面容,我的心里便酸酸的。 “树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。”这件事,这个人和这句话都让我感受颇多。我们现在要珍惜亲情,关爱家人,不要在将来面对他们的死亡、离去时,再感到悲切和懊悔。 关于清明节的作文500字(二)


关于清明节英语作文范文带翻译:难忘的清明节 说起清明节,我的脑海里浮出了,快乐的事情,我来说吧! When it comes to Qingming Festival, happy things come to my mind. Let me talk about them! 学校放三天假,我的计划是分三步:一是去沙市玩,早上,我和爸爸去跑步,跑完后就去吃早餐,吃完后,就去车站等车,车上的我满怀憧憬,到了沙市,我们走了一段路,在坐公交车到了我们该去的地方。妈妈购再是爸爸购最后是我购。在这人山人海的地方怎么不能有新鲜的空气呢!害得我妈身过敏,真是叫人一刻也不安宁,但我们也没有因为一点小事破坏了我们的计划.我们是满载而归,只有我购的最多,妈妈的最少,爸爸还可以. The school has three days off. My plan is divided into three steps: first, go to Shashi to play. In the morning, my father and I go for a run. After running, we go to have breakfast. After eating, we go to the station to wait for the bus. I am full of expectation in the bus. When we get to Shashi, we walk for a while and take the bus to the place we should go. Mom bought it, dad bought it, and I bought it. How can't there be fresh air in this crowded place? It makes my mother allergic. It's really unsettling for a moment, but we haven't ruined our plan because of a little thing. We're full, only I buy the

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