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Unit 5 Appreciating Classics





(2017·四川省德阳市高考模拟)Newspapers have been around for hundreds of years. Their news coverage varies based on the location, political views of the publisher or owner, and many other factors. They are also varied in the way they are designed. One of the main factors determining the look and design of a newspaper is the paper size.

Since 1712, the broadsheet page has been among the most

popular newspaper designs in the i ndustry. This 33.1-inch by

23.4-inch page size became popular when publishers decided they

needed to get more information on a single page to cut down on

the page count. This is because the British imposed (强加) a newspaper tax that was solely based on the number of pages in the publication. Fewer pages meant less tax. The broadsheet became the standard for most American newspapers as well.

Another popular design for American newspapers is the tabloid. Each page of the tabloid layout is generally 16.9 inches by 11 inches. It is approximately half the size of the broadsheet design and is often folded in the middle to make an even smaller package. Although tabloid design was once primarily used by publications, more established newspapers have turned to the smaller size because of its popularity with readers.

For newspaper owners who feel they are best served by the tabloid format, but consider themselves to have too high a journalistic standard to be referred to as a tabloid, they choose the compact design. Compact design is different in name only. The typical compact newspaper design has pages that are 16.9 inches by 11 inches, the same as the tabloid format. Some presses may have slight variations. The name is simply a way to separate the publication from those with lesser tabloid reputations. The Sun in England and the Daily Telegraph in Australia both choose this alternative design classification.

Berliner is a type of newspaper design that is 18.5 inches by 12.4 inches. While

this in-between size of newspap er is not commonly found in the United States, it is popular in Europe. The Guardian in the United Kingdom, The University Observer in Ireland and Le Monde in France are all newspapers designed in the Berliner style.


1.From the passage we know that a broadsheet is ________.

A.a large page containing much information

B.an American newspaper used for political purpose

C.a type of newspaper specially used in advertisement

D.a popular newspaper design which requires less money

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Since 1712, the broadsheet page has been among the most popular newspaper designs in the industry.”及倒数第二句“Fewer pages meant less tax.”可知,大幅报纸是一种流行且省钱的报纸页面设计方式。故答案为D项。

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The cost of a broadsheet depends on the information.

B.The paper size limits the look and design of a newspaper.

C.Berliner style newspapers can't be found in the United States.

D.Tabloid design is more popular among people than compact design.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“One of the m ain factors determining the look and design of a newspaper is the paper size.”可知,页面的大小会影响报纸的外观及设计方式。故答案为B项。

3.How is the passage mainly developed?

A.By giving examples.

B.By analyzing usages.

C.By making definitions.

D.By providing numbers.

解析:选A 写作手法题。第一段为本文主题段,指出纸张大小会影响报纸的页面设计;第二至五段分别列举了四种不同的报纸设计方式进行进一步的说明。故答案为A项。


Advice About Stress: Don't Let It Ruin Your Life!

There are many reasons why people suffer from stress.__1__ We give you advice on how to find the cause or causes of your stress, and more importantly — how to deal with it.

For some, dealing with stress is a relatively simple matter, providing you really

want to.__2__ If the latter is the case, then don't refuse forms of alternative medical advice and treatment.

__3__ It can help you to perform or even OUT perform in certain situations.Athletes use it to great advantage to help them through that barrier that will put them on top! It can also help you in everyday life.However, if it is part of life's routine, then something somewhere will suffer in body or mind —or both.

One of the important factors in treating stress, is firstly admitting, accepting — or even discovering — that you are stressed.Only then can the causes of that stress be isolated.Harmful stress comes from a lot of causes.Our advice about stress is based upon medical facts, and of course common sense.__4__ Getting the wrong advice can cause more harm than good.

It can be beaten in most cases, and can nearly always be controlled, or even turned to your own advantage.Firstly determine if you are stressed or suffering any form of stress — take our stress test to find out.It may surprise you! Secondly, sort out what you can actually do to relieve the causes of your stress.__5__.Thirdly, work on a change of lifestyle or whatever needs to be done to fight the causes that you have identified.

A.Stress can also be good!

B.Getting the right advice is not always easy.

C.Stress is a totally normal function of the body.

D.Accidents are often prevented by the stress reactions.

E.Surprisingly, some suffer from stress but are not even aware that they are doing so!

F.For others, stress can be so severe that it might need medical attention.

G.Like all illnesses — and suffering from stress is an illness; prevention is always better than cure.

答案:1~5 EFABG


(2016·乌鲁木齐第三次诊断)A crowd gathered recently to hear a popular jazz band. The music was good, and the __1__ were very talented. But everyone had come to see one player __2__,the 9-year-old boy, Jose Andre Montano.

Why were so many music-love rs interested in __3__ this

young man perform? It is because he is a jazz __4__, and he

is blind.

Jose's life began in Totora, Bolivia, __5__ he was born blind. Yet __6__ his lack of sight, the boy began playing the drums at the age of 4. He showed a(n) __7__ ability, and before long, he was playing the __8__, too. By the age of 5 he had formed his own jazz trio (三重奏). His parents, along with everyone else, are __9__ surprised by his wonderful talent. “I didn't know __10__ before; he got me into it,” said his father, Roberto. “I don't know how to explain how it __11__. It's like jazz was __12__ inside him.”

Many professional musicians are equally __13__ and welcome the chance to __14__ with Jose. They have noticed his deep understanding of this unique form of music. Singer Vero Perez says the exceptional thing about Jose isn't his age or even his __15__. According to Perez, “He shows other musicians how jazz music really is to be played.”

As Jose's fame __16__, he has more chances to tour and perform. He has travelled throughout Bolivia and into Brazil and Peru.

When Jose is at home with his family, he is a __17__ little boy. He goes to school and does his homework. __18__ when he begins playing the piano or drums, his musical genius becomes obvious. Jose has proved that nothing will keep him from doing what he loves best. His positive __19__ towards life encourages others to look past their own obstacles and __20__ their dreams.


1.A.singers B.actors

C.musicians D.dancers

解析:选C 根据文章第一句中“a popular jazz band”(流行爵士乐队)可知,此处指音乐很棒,这些乐队成员也都很有才能。故选C项,意为“音乐家”。

2.A.in person B.in particular

C.by mistake D.by chance

解析:选B 根据句中“But”和“one player”可知,此处指尽管乐队成员都很优秀,但大家都是来看Jose Andre Montano表演的。故选B项,意为“特别,尤其”。

3.A.celebrating B.encouraging

C.noticing D.watching

解析:选D 根据句中“perform”可知,人们是来观看Jose Andre Montano的演出的。故选D项,watch sb. do sth.意为“看某人做某事”。

4.A.genius B.fool

C.inventor D.conductor

解析:选A 根据下一段第二句中“the boy began playing the drums at the age of 4”,该段第四句“By the age of 5 he had formed his own jazz trio (三重奏).”和该段第五句中“surprised by his wonderful talent”可知,Jose Andre Montano是个爵士天才。故选A项,意为“天才”。

5.A.what B.where

C.when D.which

解析:选 B 分析句子结构可知,空格处所在句子是非限制性定语从句,先行词“Totora”在从句中作地点状语,意为“在这里”。故选B项。

6.A.through B.for

C.although D.despite

解析:选D 根据空格后的“his lack of sight”可知,空格处应用介词;分析本句句意可知,逗号前后之间是让步关系。D项是介词,意为“虽然,尽管”,符合语境。

7.A.amusing B.frightening

C.amazing D.interesting

解析:选C 结合上文内容和常识可知,一个先天失明的孩子,四岁就开始击鼓。这是一种令人惊叹的才能。故选C项,意为“令人惊叹的”。

8.A.drum B.computer

C.song D.piano

解析:选 D 根据上文可知,Jose Andre Montano是个音乐天才,再由第六段中“he begins playing the piano”可知,本句指不久后他开始弹钢琴。故选D项,意为“钢琴”。

9.A.continuously B.normally

C.strangely D.suddenly

解析:选A 根据上文内容可知,Jose Andre Montano一直在展现他的音乐天赋。由此可知,此处指他的父母和其他人不断地为他的音乐天赋感到惊讶。故选A项,意为“连续不断地”。

10.A.rock B.folk

C.jazz D.blues

解析:选 C 根据本段最后一句“It's like jazz was __12__ inside him.”可知,此处指Jose的父亲原来不懂爵士乐,是Jose让他喜欢上了这种音乐。故选C项。

11.A.came about B.came back

C.turned up D.turned off

解析:选A 本句中“it”指Jose Andre Montano从小就具有音乐天赋这件事。故此

处应指Jose的父亲不知道Jose 的音乐天赋是怎么产生的,因为他自己原来不懂爵士乐。故选A项,意为“发生,产生”。

12.A.only B.already

C.never D.hardly

解析:选B 根据上句可知,父亲不知道Jose的音乐天赋是如何产生的。再结合空格后“inside him”可知,此处指那好像是与生俱来的(早已在他体内)。故选B项,意为“已经”。

13.A.depressed B.confused

C.impressed D.worried

解析:选C 根据句中“equally”可知,不光是听众对 Jose Andre Montano的爵士乐天赋惊叹不已,许多专业的音乐家也被打动了。故选C项,意为“留下深刻印象的,被打动的”。

14.A.live B.chat

C.fight D.perform

解析:选 D 根据“musicians”和“welcome the chance”可知,这些专业的音乐家也乐意接受和Jose Andre Montano一起表演的机会。故选D项,意为“表演”。

15.A.carelessness B.blindness

C.deafness D.loneliness

解析:选B 根据第二段第二句中“and he is blind”可知,答案为B项,意为“失明”。

16.A.promises B.appears

C.lifts D.spreads

解析:选D 根据句中“he has more chances to tour and perform”可知,由于Jose Andre Montano的名声传播开来,他得到的巡演机会越来越多。故选D项,意为“传播,散布”。

17.https://www.doczj.com/doc/6615274153.html,zy B.happy

C.normal D.funny

解析:选C 根据下一句“He goes to school and does his homework.”可知,当在家里与家人共处时,Jose Andre Montano和别的孩子一样上学、做作业,是一个正常的小男孩。C项意为“正常的”,符合句意。

18.A.But B.So

C.Because D.Since

解析:选A 根据语境可知,但是当他开始弹钢琴或击鼓时,他与众不同的音乐天赋就展现出来了。本句与上句“他像正常小孩一样上学、做作业”之间是转折关系,故选A项。

19.A.success B.attitude

C.dream D.performance

解析:选B 根据语境可知,尽管Jose Andre Montano先天失明,但他却没有因此放弃自己最热爱的事。这种乐观的态度鼓舞了别人。故选B项,意为“态度”,常与介词to/towards连用。

20.A.reach for B.call for

C.ask for D.send for

解析:选A Jose Andre Montano对生活的乐观态度鼓舞人们克服困难,努力去追求梦想。A项意为“伸手去够,努力争取”,符合句意。

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