当前位置:文档之家› 新人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷




II. 知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)

A) 单项填空(共10小题,计10分)

A. Jim

B. Jim’s

C. Jims ’

A. in

B. on

C. at


A. is, It’s

B. is, Is

C. are, They’re

That sounds great.

A. to playing

B. and playing

C. and play

A. vegetables

B. meats

C. broccolis

They’re 50 dollars.

A. How

B. How much

C. Where

A. ice creams, banana

B. bananas, apple

C.. bananas,


A. month old

B. months years old

C. months old

A. are, are

B. is, is

C.. is, are

A. An, a

B. An, an

C. A, a

B) 完形填空(10小题,共10分)

Dear Annie,

Thank you for your letter.I'm glad you like your school.

On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school.Very often I go to the parks and have

( )31.A.classes B.lesson C.class

( )32.A.anything B.any things C.many things

( )33.A.To B.In C.On

( )34.A.has B.have C.having

( )35.A.any B.one C.some

( )36.A.a B.an C.the

( )37.A.draw B.draws C.drawing

( )38.A.speak B.speaks C.speaking

( )39.A.talk B.talks C.to talk

( )40.A.for B.with C.at


A) 阅读短文,判断正误。(5小题,计10分)

My name is Li Hong. I study at No.6 Middle School. At school I have a friend. His name is Jim. We get up at six in the morning. We go school at seven ten. Classes begin at seven thirty. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. After school we play games. We often play football. We go home at about five. We do our homework in the evening. We go to bed(上床睡觉)at about nine fifty.

()41. Li Hong and Jim are friends.

()42. They get up at seven o’clock in the morning.

()43. They have seven lessons every day(每天).

()44. They often play games after school.

()45. They go to bed at 9:40 in the evening

B) 阅读短文,选择最佳答案(共5小题,计10分)。

In many English homes, people eat four meals (餐)a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning .They eat porridge(粥), eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock.. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven.. First they have soup , then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple(简单).

A. two

B. three

C. four


A. tea and eggs

B. hamburgers and tea

C. coffee and salad

A. any time

B. nine

C.. one

A. bananas and apples

B. soup and meat

C.. porridge

A. at one

B. at any time

C.. in the evening

C) 摘录信息,阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。(共5小题,计10分)

My name is Linda Brown. I’m 14 years old. I am an American girl. I have two brothers, Sam and Mike. I often play tennis on weekends. It’s my favorite sport. I enjoy music at school. It’s very interesting. My favorite movie is WHO AM I? It’s an action movie. Do you know it?

Please write and tell me about yourself.

D) 回答问题阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答问题(共5小题,计10分)Sam likes eating fish (鱼)very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes them home. One day his wife(妻子) sees the fish and thinks(想), “Good! Now, I can ask my friends to have lunch and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much. ”

When Sam comes home from work in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife says, “Oh, your cat eats it. ”And then she gives(给)him some bread for his supper. Sam is angry(生气). He takes the cat and his wife to a shop near his house and weighs(称)the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weighs one kilo. The cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see, then, where is my fish? ”

56.What does Sam like eating very much?

57.Who eat the fish that day?

58.How much does the fish weigh?

59.What does Sam’s wife give him for supper?

60. How much does the cat weigh?


IV. 写作技能(两部分,共计20分)


M:Yes,she is my friend.

M: Her name is Gina..

M: She is 13 yeas old.

M: Yes,she likes English very much

W: Is this her red book??


根据下列信息,以“My English teacher”为题写一篇短文,所给信息必须全部表达出来要点提示:

要求:1.短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥; 2. 60词左右,文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和地名。


21-25 BACCA 26-30 BCCCA 31-35 ACCBC 36-40 ACCCB

41-45. TFFTF 46-50 CACCC

51、Linda Brown 52、fourteen years old 53、English 54、music 55、WHO AM I ?


57.Sam’s wife and her friends.

58.One kilo.

59.Some bread.

60.One kilo.


61. Is she your friend?

62. What’s her name?

63. How old is she?

64. Does she like English?


情景作文(One possible version:)




( )1. This is _________ alarm clock.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

( )2. We don’t like_________.

A. broccoli

B. broccolis

C. a broccoli

D. broccolis ( )3. _________. Is this your pen?

A. Sorry

B. Hello

C. Excuse me

D. Hi ( )4. Do you have two ________?

A. tennis racket

B. tennis rackets

C. tennis’racket

D. tennis’rackets

( )5. He _________ his homework at school.

A. doesn’t do

B. don’t does

C. isn’t do

D. does not

( )6. ________this your guitar?

A. Am

B. Is

C. Are

D. Do

( ) 7. Let’s _________ now.

A. go to home

B. to go home

C. go home

D. to go to ( ) 8. How much are these shoes? _________ twenty dollars.

A. Are

B. There

C. They’re

D. Their

( ) 9. My father usually________ a shower _________the morning.

A. take; in

B. takes; in

C. take; on

D. takes; at

( )10. ________you play the violin?

A. Are

B. Can

C. Is

D. When

( )11 ---This is my sister Ann.

---Is _____ a student?

A. she

B. he

C. her

D. his

( )12. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs.

A. have; have

B. have; has

C. has; have

D. has; has

( ) 13. ---Is that your book?

---Yes, ________.

A. it is

B. it isn’t

C. it’s

D. this is

( )14. Miss Wei often helps us ________ our English.

A. at

B. in

C. of

D. with

( )15. I want __________ the music club.

A. join

B. to join

C. joins

D. be join


I like my Chinese teacher very much. He is a 16 man, about 25 years old. He is tall 17 black short hair. He is a very humorous(幽默的) person. He often 18 us jokes(笑话) and 19 to make our class more 20 . In class, he is a very 21 teacher. If we don’t listen to him carefully, he will give us some punishment(惩罚) by 22 us some questions. But after class, he becomes a very good 23 of us. He often talks with the girls and plays 24 with the boys. All of us really like him. He is our 25 teacher.

( )16. A. old B. young C. very old D. aged

( )17. A. and B. for C. with D. at

( )18. A. tells B. says C. speaks D. speak

( )19. A. a story B. storys C. story D. stories

( )20 A. tired B. difficult C. interesting D. boring

( )21. A. busy B. strict C. interested D. well home

( )22. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. asked

( )23. A. teacher B. teachers C. friend D. friends

( )24. A. a basketball B. the basketball C. basketballs D. basketball

( )25. A. favorite B. the favorite C. favoritest D. a favorite



Dear Mr. Wang,

Someone comes to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school(高中) in this city and he lives near the No. 6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So you can call him in the evening. ( )26. The author(作者) writes this note(便条) to ______.

A. Mr. Wang

B. Mr. Wang’s wife

C. Mr. Wang’s classmate

D. me

( )27. Mr. Wang’s classmate is __________.

A. a teacher

B. a worker

C. a farmer

D. an actor

( )28. When is Mr. Wang’s classmate often at home?

A. In the morning

B. In the afternoon.

C. At 7:00pm.

D. We don’t know . ( )29. How long does Mr. Wang’s classmate stay in the office?

A. Ten hours.

B. An hour.

C. Two hours.

D. Half an hour. ( )30. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates.

B. Mr. Wang’s classmate is short.

C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning.

D. Mr. Wang’s classmate meets Mr. Wang in the morning.


I will never forget my first English class. It is very interesting. It’s the first class in the morning. The teacher goes into the classroom with a smile on his face. At the beginning, he makes a self-introduction(自我介绍). And he tells us that his English name is John. Then he asks all of us to think of English names for ourselves. We are very excited(兴奋的) to find a good name. Then he asks us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I think about my English name for a long time. Then I come up with(想出) a beautiful name ---Shirley. All the students write their names down and give the paper to the teacher. When the teacher calls “Shirley”to answer his question, three girls stand up at the same time.

( )31. What do we do in the first English class?

A. Tell the teacher our Chinese names.

B. Find English names for ourselves.

C. See an English film.

D. Draw pictures

( )32. What does our teacher do first?

A. He asks every student to make a self-introduction .

B. He introduces(介绍) himself to all of us.

C. He asks us many difficult questions

D. He tells us a story.

( )33. What’s the English name of our English teacher?

A. Jack.

B. Shirley

C. John.

D. Tom.

( )34. Where do we write down our English names?

A. On the blackboard.

B. On the desk

C. On our hands.

D. On the paper.

( )35. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The teacher gives every student an English name.

B. Our teacher is a young girl.

C. Three girls choose(选择)the name “Shirley”.

D. The teacher calls our Chinese names in class.

IV 单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)。

36. My mother and father are my p______________.

37. I’m a student. I do my h______________ every day.

38. C____________ is our homeland(祖国).

39. E____________ me, is this your pen?

40. Bill’s pants are long, but Emma’s pants are s____________.


song paint classmate .play Saturday sing friend music swim same different picture

I have four good __41____. They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the _42____ class. So we’re _43______ too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the ___44____ club. Then she can swim on ___45____or Sundays. Victor wants to join the

art club because he is good at __46______. Cindy is a pop music fan. She can sing a lot of __47___. So she wants to join the __48____ club. Leila wants to join the music club because she __49____ the violin very well. And she wants to be a ___50____ when she grows up(长大). I like them .


My name is Tommy Wang. T-O-M-M-Y, Tommy, W-A-N-G, Wang. I am a Chinese boy. My telephone number is 85523963. My telephone is white. Look! This is my pencil box.

①It’s big and beautiful. It’s white. What’s in it? This is ②________ eraser. It’s white. This is a pencil. It’s white. ③This is a ruler. It’s white, too. I like white. I like green, too. Look! ④My schoolbag is green. My notebook is green, too. But my favorite color is white.

This is my good friend. His name is John. ⑤He is English. Linda is John’s sister. I like my friend. Like English.

51. 把第①处黑体字部分的句子译成汉语。


52. 在第②处填入一个适当的冠词。


53. 把第③处黑体字部分的句子改成复数。


54. 就第④处黑体字部分句子的划线部分提问。


55. 将第⑤处黑体字部分的句子改为同义句。



请根据下列提示,写一篇10句话(大约50-70个字左右)的自我介绍。(1)我叫Frank, 今年14岁,是一名Guang Ming Middle School的学生;(2)可参照以下句型:I can ….

I like ….

My favorite…is/are ….

My hobby is …/ My hobbies are ….

I go to school ….



我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。



(2)距离说话人近的人或物用this, 距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:

This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处)

That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处)

(3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this, 后说that。如:

This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。

(4)向别人介绍某人时说This is…, 不说That is…。如:

This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。

(5)This is 不能缩写, 而That is可以缩写。如:

This is a bike. That’s a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。

(6)打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如:

—Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐吗?

—Yes, this is. Who’s that? 是的,我是,你是谁?

注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am…, Are you…?/Who are you?

(7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时, 要用it代替this或that。如:

①—Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗?

—Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

②—What’s that? 那是什么?

—It’s a kite. 是只风筝。


this, that, these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。

①This is my bed. That is Lily’s bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。

②These pictures are good. 那些画很好。

③Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗?


④Are these/those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。


单数名词后直接加“’s ”:

Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套Jeff’s mother杰夫的妈妈


Teachers’Day教师节the twins’books双胞胎的书

不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“’s ”

Children’s Day 儿童节men’s shoes男式鞋


Lucy and Lily’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈)


Lucy’s and Kate’s rooms 露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间,两间房子)

5.There be句型

(1)There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词,be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:

There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:

There is a book on the desk.


On the desk there is a book.

(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:

Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:

①There is a tree behind the house.

②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).

③There are some pears in the box.


①There is a book and some pens on the floor.

②There are some pens and a book on the floor.





英语Go for it七年级(下)期中测试卷 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) Ⅰ单项选择(每空1分,共20分) ( )1 Kate and I doing homework now. A、am, their B、are, their C、is, our D、are, our ( )2 My father a new car. He it very much. A、have, like B、has, likes C、has, like D、have, likes ( )3 It is day. The children are playing in the garden. A、fine B、the fine C、a fine D、an fine ( )4 — Mimi cute?— Yes, I think so. A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Aren’t D. Isn’t ( )5 -Are you English or American? - . A、Yes, I am B、I’m America n C、No, I’m not D、Yes, you are ( )6. Please call me 536--6988. A. of B. in C. at D. the ( )7 Are you good at ? Yes, we are. A、swim B、swimming C、a swim D、play football ( )8. What ____ he _____? He is a reporter.

A. do, do B. is, does C. is, doing D. does do ( )9 . He likes _________ and _________ A. sing, dance B. to singing, dancing C. singing, dancing D. to sing, dance ( )10 .-Can you speak English? -Yes, but only______. A. a few B. a little C. a lot D. many ( )11. He helps his friends _______ their English. A. in B. at C. to D. with ( )12. Where _______ Michael _______ from? A. does, comes B. does, come C. do, come D. do, comes ( )13. His uncle ______ in that bank _______ a clerk. A. work, as B. works, for C. work, for D. works, as ( )14. Is Green Street a good place _______? A. have fun B. have funny C. to have fun D. to have funny ( ) 15. –Do you like giraffes? --Yes, I do. I think they’re _________. A. ugly B. smart C. terrible D. scary ( ) 16. Listen! They ________ about the movie. Let’s join them. A. are talking B. talk C. talking D. are talk ( ) 17. We have a ________ boy in our class.


七年级英语期末综合测试卷(一) (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 班级_______ 姓名_______ 得分_______ 听力部分(20分) 一、根据所听内容,选出最佳答语(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分) ( )1.A.A monkey.B.A tiger.C.A kagaroo. ( )2.A.On its leg.B.On its tiptoe.C.On its nose. ( )3.A.Yes,there are.B.No,there aren’t.C.I can’t see. ( )4.A.They are eating.B.They are swimming.C.They are sleeping.( )5.A.Less than 100.B.More than 1000.C.Over 10000. 二、根据所听对话,选出最佳答案(共5小题,每小1分,满分5分) ( )6.What animal is it? A.A cat.B.A bear.C.A panda. ( )7.How tall is the man? A.2 m.B.2.3 m.C.2.1 m. ( )8.When do fish close their eyes? A.Never.B.When they are sleeping.C.sometimes. ( )9.Where does the whisper come from? A.Under the tree.B.Over the tree.C.Behind the tree. ( )10.Whose flower is it? A.Mine.B.Ann’s.C.Yours. 三、短文理解,听短文,把下列短文补充完整(每空1分,满分10分) A woman went into a_______ one evening to buy a new_______.A strange,(陌生的)man her into the shop and stood about while she was at the counter(柜台)._______ she screamed(尖声喊叫),and the man turned and_______ out of the shop,and right into the arms of a passing _______.Then he was caught by the policeman because he was a _______. The shopkeeper thanked her very much_______ her help.“But_______ did you know he was a robber?”asked the shopkeeper. “I didn’t know,"answered Mrs Jones.“I screamed when you told me how_______ the blouse was.” 笔试部分(80分) 一、选择填空(从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案填写a-题前的方格内)(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( )1.He works in a school in Nanjing,_______ capital of Jiangsu. A.a B.the C.an D./ ( )2.一Is this your English book?-No,it isn’t_______ is in_______ bag. A.My:mine B.Mine;my


2017—2018学年度第一学期期末质量检测 七年级 英语试题(卷) I 、单项选择(每空1分,共20 分) ( ) 1.He has _______ egg and ________ hamburger. A. an; an B. a; a C. an; a D. a; an ( )2.---_________﹗Where is my cup? ---_________ ,I don’t know. A. Excuse me; Yes B. Yes, Sorry C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Sorry; Yes ( ) 3.Sorry, this is not ______ eraser. Please ask __________. A. his; his B. my; his C. his, me D. my; him ( ) 4. ---How much _________ this bag? ---___________eight dollars. A. be; It’s B. am; They’re C .is; It’s D. are; They’re ( ) 5.Thank you _______ the photo _______ your family. A. for; for B. for; of C. of; of D. for; to ( ) 6. September is the_______ month of the year. A. nineth B. tenth C. nine D. ninth ( ) 7. ―Your hat is very nice. ―______. A. You are right B. That's right C. You are welcome D. Thank you ( )8. I found a set of in the classroom. A. key B. keys C. a key D. an key ( )9. —Is this pencil? —Yes. The pen is , too. A. your; my B. yours; mine C. your; mine D. yours; my ( ) 10. ---_________ your father _________ eating meat? A. Do; like B. Does; like C. Do; likes D. Are; like ( ) 11. This is my dress. That one is . A. Mary’s B. my sister C. mother D. Mary ( )12、I don’t like this TV program. It’s _____. A. fun B. difficult C. boring D. relaxing ( ) 13. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( )14. Jim likes sports, he only watches them on TV. A. and B. but C. or D. with ( )15.If you need my help, you can me__________ 63271567. A. at B. by C. in D. to ( )16.__________is your backpack? It’s red and yellow. A .What B .Where C .What color D .Why ( )17. I want __________ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join ( )18. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( )19. ________you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )20. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not 考场 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线


期中测试 限时: 120分钟满分: 120分 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子, 选择与句子内容相对应的图片(每小题1分, 共5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 二、听句子, 选择最佳应答语(每小题1分, 共5分) 6. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am. C. I like computers. 7. A. I don't mind. B. At 3: 00. C. No, I don't. 8. A. By bus. B. About 300 meters. C. About 30 minutes. 9. A. That sounds great. B. Thanks. C. OK. I won't. 10. A. Yes, they are. B. They like singing. C. No, they can't. 三、听对话, 根据所听内容, 选择最佳答案(每小题1分, 共5分) 11. What can the boy's brother do? A. Play the guitar. B. Play basketball. C. Play chess. 12. What time does the boy usually get up? A. At 6: 45 am. B. At 7: 15 am. C. At 7: 30 am. 13. How long does it take Linda to go to school on foot? A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes. C. Fifteen minutes. 14. When does the girl clean her room? A. Every day. B. On school nights. C. On weekends. 15. What is Mike doing now? A. Sleeping. B. Swimming. C. Running. 四、听短文, 根据短文内容, 完成下面的句子, 每空词数不限(每小题1分, 共5分) 16. She can't ________________ on school nights. 17. She has to wash the ________________ after dinner. 18. She likes ________________. 19. She has to go to bed at ________________. 20. She has to practice ________________ every weekend. 笔试部分(100分)


七年级英语试题 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分:卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前面的括号里,答案写在 横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. —What’s t his in English? —It’s ________ orange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football? —It’s under the bed. A. Where B. What C. Who D. When ( ) 8. This is a picture of ________ family. A. Jenny B. Jenny’s C. Jennys’ D. Jennys ( ) 9. I don’t have a soccer ball ________ my brother has one. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. The man over there ________ young. A. look B. looks C. looks at D. looks like ( ) 11. Hey, Frank. Here ________ two apples for you and your friend. A. is B. be C. are D. am ( ) 12. My mother wants ________ to the supermarket to buy some fruit. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going


人教版七年级上册英语期末试题 骄戒躁,平复心情,按部就班,不急不慢,如鱼得水,马到成功!祝你七年级英语期末考试成功!下面是为大家精心整理的人教版七年级上册英语期末试题,仅供参考。 人教版七年级上英语期末试题(满分120分考试时间100分钟) 一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A)听对话回答问题,将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置。(读两遍) 1. What does the girl often do at weekends? A. B. C. 2. What will May buy for her mother? A. B. C. 3. What does Bob like to have for breakfast? A. B. C. 4. How does Millie go to the museum? A. B. C. 5. When was Lisa born? A. On January 1st. B. On April 1st. C. On October 1st. 6. How many syllables does the word you hear include?

A. One syllable. B. Two syllables. C. Three syllables. 7. Why does the girl NOT lend the boy a pen? A. Because she is using (使用) the pen. B. Because she doesn t want to help the boy. C. Because she only has a pencil. 8. Who is the letter from? A. It s from America. B. It s from Millie. C. It s from Li Lei. 9. Who are the two speakers(说话者)? A. A farmer and a worker. B. A brother and a sister. C. A teacher and a student. 10. How long does Amy practise volleyball every day? A. An ho ur. B. Half an hour. C. One and a half hours. B)听对话和短文回答问题, 将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置。(读两遍) 听第1段材料,回答第11-12小题。 11. What are Sandy s favourite vegetables? A. Tomatoes. B. Potatoes. C. Carrots. 12. How often does Sandy eat them? A. Four times a week. B. Five times a week. C. Every day. 听第2段材料, 完成信息表第13-15小题。 A Happy Sunday Meet 13


2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试 七年级英语试题 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 知识运用 一、语法填空 阅读下列三篇短文,根据上下文提示,从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择出最佳选项。 A I’m Kevin. I have a little brother. He’s five. Our mum and dad love us very much. I have ___1___ aunt. She is my mum’s sister. The handsome man is my uncle. ___2___ is very nice. My grandma and grandpa ___3___ over 60 years old. They both love ___4___ bikes. 1. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. A. He B. She C. Her D. Him 3. A. be B. am C. is D. are 4. A. ride B. riding C. are ride D. will ride B Look,this is my room. It’s small ___5___ tidy. There is a bed in my room. It’s soft. I like it. There are some books on the shelves above the bed. But not all of them are ___6___. Some are my brother’s. ___7___ is my favourite color, can you guess? Yes, my favourite color is green. You can ___8___ that, right? 5. A. or B. but C. so D. because 6. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 7. A. Why B. Where C. What D. When 8. A. see B. sees C. seeing D. to see C Liu Wei was born ___9___ October 7th, 1987 in Beijing. He is the winner of “China’s Got Talent 2010”. He doesn’t ___10___ arms but he can do a lot of things with his ___11___. He is good at music and he can play lots of songs. He also writes his own songs and he is a singer, too. He always smiles and ___12___, “I have a pair of strong legs.” Now he is famous all over the world.


七年级英语下册期中测试题 时间:90分钟分数:120分 I、单项选择。(20分) ( )1. Thank you for _____ the school play. A. joining B. to join C. join D. is joining ( )2. The students often ___ games after class. They ____ volleyball over there now. A. are playing, are playing B. are playing, play C. play, play D. play, are playing ( )3. ______ interesting news it is! A. What an B .How C. What D. How an ( )4. ---Isn’t it cute ? ---_______. I like it very much. A .Yes,it isn’t B .No,it is C .Yes,it is D. No, it isn’t. ( )5. Could you take a message ________ her ? A .as B .for C .to D .in ( )6. We usually go to school_____ the day and go home ____night. A .in ,in B .on, at C .at, during D .in, at ( )7.The girl ___ long hair and blue eyes is running _____ the hallway . A. with ,in B .has ,in C .with ,on D .has ,under ( )8.Everyone ______ him, because he is friendly. A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking ( ) 9. ——What language does the woman speak? ——She speaks______ . She' s from Australia. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English ( ) 10.The koalas are _________ cute. A. kinds of B. kind of C. all kinds of D. a kind of ( ) 11. Why not _____ for dinner with us? A. to go B. going C. goes D. go ( ) 12. ——Let’s ______ to the movies now. ――That _________ great. A. going, sounding B. go, sounds C. go, sound D. goes, sounds ( ) 13.He is having a great time ________ the movies . A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees ( ) 14.Where _____ your pen pals _____ ? A. are, from B. do, from C. do, come D. is , from ( ) 15.______ is the weather in Beijing now?


特仑特补课测试卷 一.单项选择题(40分) ()1.下列哪项不是元音字母? A. r B. e C. i ()2.下列哪项不是辅音字母? A. u B.h C.f ()3.I ____a good boy, she ___ my sister A. Is; is. B.am; is. C. is; are ( ) 4.-What’s this? -It’s ______ orange._____ orange is yellow A.a;An B.an;A. C.an;The ( )5.I have two ________, Jack has two _____. A. tomatoes; potatos B. tomatos; potatoes C.tomatoes; potatoes ( )6.-What color is snow (雪)? It‘s____. A.white B.black C.blue ( )7.-Are you Gina? -______,I am. A.Not. B.Yes. C.No ( )8.Tom has some ______, they _______ big . A.box; are. B.box; is. C.boxes; are ( )9.—what color _____ your ruler? —It’s red A.am B. is C.are ( )10.The building has ______ floors,My home live the ____floor. A.twelve; nine. B.twelve; ninth C.twelfth; nine. D.twelfth; nine ( )11.There are some _______ in the kitchen. A.cat. B.mouse. C.mice ( )12.Some ________ are on the table. A.knife. B.knifes. C.knives ( )13.This is Gina and that is Kate.____ my _____ A.she’s; friends. B.They’re; friends C.They ‘re; friend ( )14.Jack likes ________ basketball A.play. B.plays C.playing ( )15.-Tom, these are my parents. -________ A.Good. B.Nice to meet to. C.I’m fine ( )16.There are many _______ on he hill . A.sheep. B.sheeps. C.sheepes ( )17.Anna is my aunt.She is my mother’s _______ A.mother. B.sister. C.daughter ( )18.—Is your watch ______ your bag? —Yes, it is A.for B. in C. of ( )19.Five ____and a set of ___are on the bed. A.photo; key. B.photos; keys. C.photos; key ( )20.—Thank you for your help,Tom —_______. A.I’m Ok. B.You ‘re welcome. C.Goodbye


2015—2016学年度七年级上册英语期末 试卷 I.词汇:(20分) (A)根据要求写单词。(10分) 1.photo(复数) 2.here(反义词) 3.one(序数词) 4.fifth(基数词) 5.these(单数) 6.have(单三) 7.多大岁数(翻译)8.Have a good time(翻译) 9.let us(缩写词)10.boy(复数) (B)用所给词的适当形式填空:(5分) 1.Li Lei________(be)at school. 2.There_________(be)some books on the desk. 3.Let's_________(look)at the map on the wall. 4.Miss Gao is___________(I)teacher. 5.Where are your_____________(box)? (C)用所给的疑问词(组)填空(5分) what color,how,how old,where,who, 1.---__________are you?---I'm13. 2.---__________is the boy?---He's my brother. 3.---__________is Tom?---He's at home. 4.---_____________are you?---I'm fine.

5.---__________is it?---It's red. II.单项填空(共15小题,计15分) ()1、This is a picture of family. A.Jim B.Jim’s C.Jims’ ()2、Her birthday is February. A.in B.on C.at ()3、What color your shoes?-----Blue. A.is,It’s B.is,Is C.are,They’re ()4---Let’s soccer ball with the boys. ----That sounds great. A.to playing B.and playing C.and play D,play ()5、We need a lot of every day. A.vegetables B.meats C.broccolis ()6、are the pants?----They’re50dollars. A.How B.How much C.Where ()7、He likes but he doesn’t like. A.ice creams,banana B.bananas,apple C..bananas,apples ()8、The baby is only ten. A.month old B.months years old C.months old ()9、Look!Some broccoli in the box.Some apples in the bag. A.are,are B.is,is C..is,are


七年级英语 第 1 页 共 9 页 2017—2018学年度第一学期期末质量检测 七年级 英语试题(卷) I 、单项选择(每空1分,共20 分) ( ) 1.He has _______ egg and ________ hamburger. A. an; an B. a; a C. an; a D. a; an ( )2.---_________﹗Where is my cup? ---_________ ,I don’t know. A. Excuse me; Yes B. Yes, Sorry C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Sorry; Yes ( ) 3.Sorry, this is not ______ eraser. Please ask __________. A. his; his B. my; his C. his, me D. my; him ( ) 4. ---How much _________ this bag? ---___________eight dollars. A. be; It’s B. am; They’re C .is; It’s D. are; They’re ( ) 5.Thank you _______ the photo _______ your family. A. for; for B. for; of C. of; of D. for; to ( ) 6. September is the_______ month of the year. A. nineth B. tenth C. nine D. ninth ( ) 7. ―Your hat is very nice. ―______. A. You are right B. That's right C. You are welcome D. Thank you ( )8. I found a set of in the classroom. A. key B. keys C. a key D. an key ( )9. —Is this pencil? —Yes. The pen is , too. A. your; my B. yours; mine C. your; mine D. yours; my ( ) 10. ---_________ your father _________ eating meat? A. Do; like B. Does; like C. Do; likes D. Are; like ( ) 11. This is my dress. That one is . A. Mary’s B. my sister C. mother D. Mary ( )12、I don’t like this TV program. It’s _____. A. fun B. difficult C. boring D. relaxing ( ) 13. Let’s _________ now. A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to ( )14. Jim likes sports, he only watches them on TV. A. and B. but C . or D. with ( )15.If you need my help, you can me__________ 63271567. A. at B. by C. in D. to ( )16.__________is your backpack? It’s red and yellow . A .What B .Where C .What color D .Why ( )17. I want __________ the music club. A. join B. to join C. joins D. be join ( )18. I ________ two baseballs and my friend ________five baseballs. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has ( )19. ________you play the violin? A. Are B. Can C. Is D. When ( )20. He _________ his homework at school. A. doesn’t do B. don’t does C. isn’t do D. does not 考场 班级 姓名 考号 密 封 线


七年级英语期中测试题 班级: 姓名: 1.There are sixty-six in our school. A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher 2.Was there in yesterday ’s newspaper? A.something interesting B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.interesting anything 3.Basketball is in the world. A.one of the most popular game B.one of most popular games C.one of the most popular games D.one of the more popular games 4.It ’ll take about an hour the composition. A.you;writing B.your;to write C.you;to write D.your;writing 5.--Could you please the rubbish? --OK.I ’ll do it. A.take out B.work on C.do chores D.turn off 6.My math teacher has an girl. A.eight-years-old B.eight year old C.eight years old D.eight-year-old 7.Could you please the window? It ’s too cold outside. A.not to open B.not open C.open D.opening 8.--Could you please clean your room? -- .I have to do my homework. A.Of course B.Sorry, I can ’t C.No, thanks D.Yes, sure 9.--Excuse me, can I your pen? --Sorry, I it to Bob just now. He didn ’t return it to me. A.borrow;lent B.borrow;borrowed C.lend;borrowed D.lend;lent 10.You should your homework first. Don ’t think about computer games now. A.do, play B.to do, playing C.doing, play D.do, playing 11.When I back from school yesterday, my father TV. A.came, was watching B.came, watched C.was coming, watched D.was coming, was watching 12.The man is , but he never feels . A.alone, alone B.lonely, lonely C.alone, lonely D.lonely, alone 13.The radio is too loud, please . A.turn it up B.turn it down C.turn down it D.turn up it 14.He gave us on studying English. A.an advice B.some advices C.many advice D.some advice 15.You should more water when you have a fever. A.drink B.drinking C.drinked D.drinks 二、补全对话(10分) 从方框中选中适当的句子补全对话,有两个多余选项。 Mandy: Lisa, 1. Lisa: 2. What should I do? Should I take my temperature? Mandy: No, it doesn ’t sound like you have a fever, What did you do on the weekend? Lisa: 3. Mandy: That ’s probably why. Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving. Mandy: 4. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. 1.我们需要想出一个计划来帮助这个可怜的男孩。 We need to with a plan to help the poor boy. 2.你为什么不早点睡觉?

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