当前位置:文档之家› 铸造专业英文词汇





Abrasive paper 砂纸

Abrasive wheel 砂轮

Accessory 附件,活块

Acicular ferrite 针状铁素体

Acid refractory 酸性耐火材料

Acid-proof cast iron / acid-resistance casting/ acid resisting cast iron 耐酸铸件

Acid slay 酸性渣

Active clay 有效粘土

AFS fineness 美国铸造学会型砂粒度Agitator 搅拌机(型砂试验)

Agitation 搅拌

Air blower 鼓风机

Air drain 出气口(浇注系统)

Air pollution control 大气污染控制

Air tightness 气密性

Air vent 出气孔

Allowance 余量,津贴,补助,宽容

Alloying agent 合金元素

Alloying component 合金成分

Anti-rust 防锈

Argon 氩气

Atomization 雾化,喷雾

Atomizer test 雾化试验(检验金属表面油脂)Attack 侵蚀

Attack polishing method 侵蚀抛光法Automatic charging 自动加料

Automatic de-sprueing 自动切除冒口Automatic molding 自动造型

Automatic pouring device 自动浇注装置Automatic sand plant 自动化砂处理装置Baked core 干砂芯

Balance 天平/余额

Ball feeder 球状冒口

Ball hardness 布氏硬度

Ball hardness testing machine 布氏硬度机Ball mill 球磨机

Band/belt conveyer 皮带输送机

Band/belt elevator 皮带斗式提升机

Bar bend test 试棒抗弯试验

Base 底,基础

Base line 基线

Base plate 底板

Base sand 原砂

Basic 碱性的,基本的Batch mill / batch sand mixer 混砂机Beader pearlite 珠光体

Bed charge/coke 底焦

Belt grinder 带式磨光机

Bending strength 抗弯强度Bentonite 膨润土

Binder 粘结剂

Bituminous coal dust/black dust 煤粉Black short 冷脆

Black skin 黑皮,铸皮

Blank 毛胚,下料

Blast 鼓风,送风

Blast capacity 风量

Blast fan 离心式鼓风机

Blast hole 风口

Blast intensity 鼓风强度

Blast pressure gage 风压表

Blast regulator 风量调节器

Blast volume 风量

Bleed 缺肉,台箱跑火

Blender 混砂机,搅拌机

Blind feeder/head 暗冒口

Blind roaster 马弗炉

Blind scab 起痂

Blister 皮下气泡

Blow down 停炉

Boiling point 沸点

Bond 粘结剂,合同

Bond clay 造型粘土

Bond strength 粘结强度

Bottom door 炉底们

Bottom drop 打炉

Breaking-in 带肉

Brinell hardness 布氏硬度Brittleness 脆性

Brittle fracture 脆性断口,脆性断裂B type graphite B型石墨

Buffing 抛光

Buffing machine 抛光机

Bunker 料斗

CE carbon equivalent 碳当量Carbide 碳化物

carbon dioxide二氧化碳

carbon monoxide 一氧化碳

carbon pick-up 增碳

carburetter 增碳剂,汽化器

case hardening 表面硬化

case gate 内浇口

casting alloy 铸造合金

casting defect/ casting flaw 铸造缺陷casting design 铸造设计

casting equipment

casting ladle 浇包

casting lap 铸造冷隔

casting leakage 铸造渗漏

casting plan 铸造方案

casting property 铸造性能

casting rate 浇注速度

casting skin 铸皮,黑皮

casting strain 铸造(内应力)变形casting stress 铸造应力

casting surface表皮

casting technique 铸造工艺/技术cast integral test bar 单铸试棒

caulk 腻缝,抿灰

Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计Cementite 渗碳体,碳化铁

Center gate 中心浇口

Center line 中心线

Chain hoist 手动葫芦

Charging 加料

Charger 加料机

Charging material 炉料/批料

Chilled cast iron 冷铁

Chill element 促白口元素

Chilling action 激冷作用

Chilling tendency 白口倾向Chrysanthemum graphite 菊花状石墨Cinder inclusion 夹渣

Cinder notch 出渣口

Clay washer 洗砂机

Clockwise rotation 顺时针方向Clowhole / contraction cavity 锁孔Cold box process 冷芯盒制芯法

Cold lap / cold shut 冷隔Collapsibility / lubricate 溃散性Consistency 稠度,浓度,一致性Continuous desulfurization 连续脱硫Contamination 污染

Conveyor belt 输送带,传送带Cooling agent 冷却剂

Cooling curve 冷却曲线

Cooling effect 冷却作用

Cooling rate 冷却速度

Core 砂芯

Core box Coremaking 制芯

Coresetter 下芯机

Cover 覆盖剂

Cross gate 横浇道

Crush 掉砂

Cupola 冲天炉

Cupola drop 打炉

Cupola lining 炉衬

Cupola spout 出铁槽

Cut-off machine 切割机

Damper 减震器

Damping capacity / effect 减震能力/效果Datum face / line 基准面/线

Deadhead 冒口废料

Deburring 打毛刺

Defect index 废品率

Deformation 变形

Density 密度

Degreaser 脱脂剂

Degree of graphitization 石墨化程度Dimensional stability 尺寸稳定性

Descale 除锈,除氧化皮


Design drawing 设计图

Deslag 扒渣

Destructive testing/inspection 破坏性试验/检验

Desulfuration / desulphurization 脱硫Desulfurizer 脱硫剂

Detection 检查,摊伤

Die cavity 型腔,模腔

Differential hardening / heating / quenching 局部硬化/加热/淬火

Diffuse 扩散

Dilatant 膨胀

Dilute 稀释,冲淡

Dimensional error / tolerance 尺寸误差/公差Direction l solidification 顺序凝固,定向凝固Dirt / dirt inclusion 夹渣

Disintegration 溃散,崩解,分解

Disk feeder 圆盘给料机

Dislocation 位错

Displacement 位移/置换

Dissipation heat 散热

Distorted patter 模变形

Distortion 变形,扭曲

Divorced pearlite 粒状珠光体

Down runner / gate / downright 直浇口Ductile iron 球墨铸铁

Duff 煤粉

Durability 耐用性,耐久性

Dust catcher 集尘器

elastic deformation 弹性变形

Elementary analysis 元素分析

Elevator 提升机

Elongation 延伸率,延长

Endurance 耐用性,持久度

Endurance limit 疲劳极限

Energy loss 能量损失

Environment contamination 环境污染Environmental control 污染控制Equilibrium 平衡

Eutectic 共晶体,恭晶的

Examination performance / result 考试成绩Fading 衰退

Failure stress 破坏应力

Feather 毛刺,羽毛

Feeding effect 补缩效果

Feeding gate 内浇口

Feed/feeder head(=riser)/feeding head 冒口Ferric 铁

Ferric carbide 渗碳体,碳化铁

Ferrite 铁素体

Ferromanganese 锰铁Ferromolybdenum 钼铁

Ferrosilicon 硅铁

Fettle 铲除炉壁渣子

File 锉刀

Filter paper/screen 滤纸/网

Fin 毛刺

Final machining 精加工

Fine silt 粉尘

Finished allowance 加工余量

Finished surface 加工面

Fire brick 耐火砖

Fire cracking 热裂

Fire resistance 耐火性

Fire waste 烧损

Fixture 夹具

Flake form 片状

Flake graphite 片状石墨

Flaking off (=spalling) 剥落

Flash point 闪点Flaw detection 探伤

Floatation 漂浮

Flowability/fluidity 流动性

Flow-chart 流程图

Fluid contraction 液态收缩

Flushing 流渣

Fold 冷隔

Foreign substance 杂质

Forging 锻造

Forklift 叉车

Free carbide 游离碳化物

Free cementite 游离渗碳体

Free ferrite 游离铁素体

Freeting/fritting 烧结

Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数

Front slagging 炉前出渣

Galvanizing 电镀

Gas blow/hole 气孔

Gas blowhole 气孔

Gaseous diffusion 气体扩散

Gassy melt 含气金属液

Gas tightness 气密性

Gate area 浇口面积

Gating = gating system 浇口,浇口系统Gating design 浇口设计

Gating proportion/ratio 浇口比

Gauge=gage 表,计,规

Globular cementite / pearlite 粒状渗碳体/珠光体

Grain-boundary segregation 晶界偏析

Grain fineness distribution 粒度分布Graphite floatation 石墨漂浮Graphitization 石墨化

Green compression strength 湿压强度

Gray/grey cast iron 灰铁

Grinding 打磨,磨制

Grinding wheel 砂轮

Heat loss 热损失

Heat stress 热应力

Heat-treating / heat treatment 热处理Heating effect 热效应

Heavy casting 大型铸件/厚壁铸件

Heavy-walled 厚壁的

Holding furnace 保温炉

Hot tear/pool 热裂

Hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶

Hydrogen 氢

Hyxagonal screen 六角筛

Impact hardness/toughness 冲击硬度/韧性Impermeability 气密性,不渗透性Impression 压痕,型腔,凹腔

Impurity 杂质

Included slag 夹渣

Indigeous graphite 析出石墨

Induction 感应

Inoculant 孕育剂

Inoculation fade 孕育衰退

Inside diameter 内经

Instantaneous ladle inoculation / stream inoculation 瞬时浇包孕育

Insulation 绝缘,隔离

Internal porosity 内缩松

Internal shrinkage 内部缩孔

Internal stress 内应力

Inverse chill 反白口

Inverted chill 反白口

Iron carbide 渗碳体,碳化铁

Iron-coke ratio 铁焦比

Jack 千斤顶

Jet test 喷射试验(侧电镀层厚度)

Job rate 生产定额

Knock-off head 易割冒口

Knockout 落砂,出芯

Knop 钮,电钮

Labile 不稳定的

Labor-intensive area 强劳动(力)区

Ladle 浇包

Lamellar pearlite/laminate pearlite 片状珠光体

Late inoculation/post inoculation 二次孕育Laying out 设计

Leaker 浇漏,漏铁水

lift truck 叉车

Light casting 小铸件,薄壁铸件

Liquidus 液相线

Locating point/surface 基准点/面

Loss on ignition 烧损

Lower limit 下限

Luster 光泽

Machinability 切削性能Machine allowance 加工余量

Machining 机械加工

Macrograph 宏观

Magnetic flaw detection 磁力探伤

Magnetic field 磁场

Magnetic-particle inspection 磁粉探伤Magnetic powder inspection 磁粉探伤Magnification 放大倍数,放大倍率Manganese 锰

Margin tolerance 极限公差

Mass production 大量生产

Matrix hardness 机体硬度

Mean diameter / stress 平均直径/应力

Mean value 中间值

Mechanical allowance 加工余量Mechanical property 机械性能Meltableness 可溶性

Melting 溶解

Melting capacity/ condition / efficiency 熔化率/状况/效率

Melting point 熔点

Metal graphic microscope 金相显微镜Metallic charge to coke ratio 铁焦比

Metallic pattern 金属模

Metallograph 金相图片

Metallographic examination 金相检验Metallographic laboratory 金相试验室Metallographic microscope 金相显微镜Metallographic specimen 金相磨片Metallurgy 冶金学

Metal material 金属材料

Microanalysis 微量分析,显微分析Microlug 球化率怀素测定试帮

Micron 微米

Mismatch 错模

Misrun 缺肉,浇不到

Modulus of elongation 延伸率

Molding line 造型线

Natural gas 天然气

Nodularization 球化

Nodularizer 球化剂

Notch brittleness 缺口脆性

Off-dimension 尺寸不合格(常指铸件)Off-gage 尺寸不合格(常指型芯)

Offset 错位,偏置

Operation life 使用期限,寿命

Outer inspection / visual inspection 外观检验

Outlet 出口,排出口

Oxidation 氧化

Oxide ferric 氧化铁,三氧化二铁

Partial hardening / local hardening 局部淬火Parting face 分型面,分模面

Pattern plate 模板

Patter spray 脱模液

Pattern taper / patter draft 拔模斜度Pearlite 珠光体

Permeability test 透气性试验

Phosphide 磷共晶,磷化物

Physical property 物理性能

Pig iron 生铁

Pin hole 针孔

Pitted skin 麻面(铸造缺陷)

Plastic binder 树脂粘结剂

Plastic deformation 塑性变形

Plate feeder 圆盘给料机

Plating 电镀

Polishing 抛光

Porous casting 不致密铸件,多孔铸件

Post inoculation 二次孕育

Poured short 未浇满(铸造缺陷)Preheat/preheating 预热

Premature freezing 过早凝固

Premium casting 保质量逐件,优质逐件Preset program 预定计划,预定程序表Pressure atmosphere 大气压

Pressure feeder 加压冒口

Production capacity 生产能力

Protective gloves 劳保手套

Prototype casting 试生产铸件

Push-off 推出,顶出

Quench aging 淬火时效

Radiator 散热器,散热片,暖气片Radioactive element 放射性元素

Rare earth 稀土

Rare gas 惰性气体

Rat 多肉

Reamer 铰刀

Reclamation 再生,回用

Red brittleness=hot brittleness 热脆性Reducibility 还原能力

Reduction in area 断面收缩Refractoriness 耐火性

Refractory property 耐久性能

Regulator 调节器

Reinforcement 加固

Rejected casting 不合格铸件

Resin 树脂

Returns 回炉料

Reverse chill 反白口

Revolving table feeder 圆盘给料机

Rimhole 皮下气泡

Riser 冒口

Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度

Rosette graphite 菊花状石墨

Roughing 粗加工’

Roughness 粗糙度

Rounding 倒角

Roust inhibitor 防锈剂

Runner gate 横浇道

Runner system 浇注系统

Running and feeding system 浇冒口系统Rust prevention 防锈

Rustless steel

Safety and industrial gloves 劳动保护手套Safety factor 安全系数

Safety goggle 护目镜

Safety precaution 安全措施

Sample inspection

Sampling 取样

Sand blister 砂眼

Sand blow 气孔

Sand buckle 起皮、夹砂

Sand burning 粘砂

Sand-conditioning system 砂处理系统

Sand control 型砂控制

Sand core 砂芯

Sand cut 冲砂

Sand defects 型砂造成的(铸造)缺陷

Sand drop 掉砂

Sand explosion 砂眼

Sand fineness 砂子平均粒度

Sand flowability 型砂流动性

Sand mill / sand mixer / sand mixing machine / sand muller 混砂机

Sand mold 砂型

Sand shakeout 落砂

Sand wash 冲砂

Scab 铸痂

Scar 凹痕

Semi-finished product 半成品

Sensitivity 敏感性

Separate cast test bar = cast integrate test bar 单铸试棒

Shakeout 落砂/落砂机

Shaking conveyer 震动输送机

Shift 班次

Short-run 浇不满

Short run casting 浇不足铸件,缺肉铸件(未浇满)

Shrink hole收缩、锁孔

Shrinkage porosity 缩松

Shrinkage strain 收缩变形

Shrinkhead 冒口

Sintering 烧结

Size tolerance 尺寸公差

Slagging -off 除渣/扒渣

Solidification contraction/shrinkage 凝固收缩Solid-liquid interface 固液相交界面

Solidus/solidus curve/solidus line 固相线Solution concentration 溶液浓度

Sonic inspection 听声检验

Specific weight 比重

Spectroanalysis 光谱分析

Spherical graphite 球状石墨

Spheroidal iron = ductile iron 球墨铸铁Spheroidization 球化

Spindle 主轴

Spotting point 基准点

Steam tight test / air tight test 气密性试验Sticker / rat 多肉

Straightening 校正

Strength test 强度试验

Stress 应力

Stress relief 应力消除

Subskin blowhole / subsurface blow hole / sub-surface blister 皮下气孔

Superficial cementation 表面渗碳

Super heating 过热

Supersaturation 过饱和

Surface finish 表面光洁度

Surface folding 冷隔Surface roughness 表面粗糙度

Swell 胀砂

Tap hole 出渣口

Telltale 定位标记

Tenacity / tensile strength 抗拉强度/韧性Tensile testing machine

Tension-active element 反球化元素、干扰元素

Test bar 试棒

Test block 试块

Test piece 试样

Test specimen 试样/试棒/试块

Thermal balance 热平衡

Thermal conductivity 导热系数,导热性Thermal

deformation/dilatometer/expansion/fatigue 热变形/膨胀仪//膨胀/疲劳

Tightness 紧密度,致密度

Tolerance 公差

Tooling point 基准点

Tuyere gate 风眼

Ultimate 极限

Upper limit 上限

Vacuum treatment 真空处理

Ventilating system/device/equipment 通风系统/装置/设备

Venting quality透气性

Vibratory feeder 震动给料机

Vibratory shakeout machine = vibratory shakeout 震动落砂机

Visual examination/inspection 外观检验Wash 冲砂

Washer 洗砂机

Wearability / wear resistance 耐磨性

Wrinkle 皱皮

Yield strength 屈服强度

Zero defect casting 无缺陷铸件

Zinc 锌



Foundry terminology

foundry founding casting铸造foundry technology铸造工艺casting铸件

sand casting process型砂铸造special casting process特种铸造


mold-filling capacity充型能力

gas absorption吸气

undercooling ,supercooling过冷degree of undercooling过冷度nucleation成核

homogeneous nucleation自发成核heterogeneous nucleation非自发成核solidification range凝固温度范围directional solidification定向凝固solidification contraction凝固收缩liquid contraction液态收缩solid contraction固态收缩solidification time凝固时间

free contraction自由收缩hindered contraction受阻收缩shrinkage铸件线收缩率contraction stress收缩应力thermal stress热应力transformation stress相变应力casting stress铸造应力residual stress残留应力

metallic raw material金属原物料pig iron生铁


foundry returns回炉料

master alloy中间合金

foundry coke铸造焦炭metallurgical coke冶金焦炭

fixed carbon固定碳


degassing flux除气熔剂

covering flux覆盖熔剂

refining flux精炼熔剂




silica brick硅砖

grain magnesite镁砂

molding material造型材料


washed-out sand水洗砂

silica sand硅砂

natural sand天然砂

artificial sand人工砂

naturally clay-bonded sand天然粘土砂

olivine sand橄榄石砂

chromite sand硌铁矿砂

zircon sand锆砂

carbon sand炭粒砂

sharp sand精硅砂

red sand红砂

chamotte sand熟料砂



inorganic binder无机粘结剂

organic binder有机粘结剂



sodium bentonite钠基膨润土

calcium bentonite钙基膨润土

activated bentonite活化膨润土

drying oil干性油

no bake binder自硬粘结剂(冷硬粘结剂)thermosetting resin binder热固树脂粘结剂

oil based binder油类粘结剂

water glass binder,sodium silicate binder水玻璃粘结剂

lignin liquor纸浆残液

synthetic fat binder合脂粘结剂

水玻璃模数sodium silicate modulus


发热剂exothermic mixture

分型剂(脱模剂)parting agent;stripping agent 固化剂(硬化剂)hardener

悬浮剂suspending agent

涂料coating 型砂制备(砂处理)sand preparation

混砂sand mixing;sand mulling

型砂(造型混合料)molding sand

芯砂(造芯混合料)core sand

合成砂synthetic sand

自硬砂self-hardening sand

水玻璃砂sodium silicate-bonded sand

覆模砂precoated sand


调匀砂temper sand

面砂facing sand

背砂(填充砂)backing sand

单一砂unit sand

含泥量clay content

含水量(水分,湿度)moisture content 旧砂floor sand

枯砂(焦砂)burnt sand

废砂waste sand

热砂hot sand


筛分(筛析)screen analysis

旧砂处理sand reconditioning

旧砂再生sand reclamation


型砂试验sand testing



型砂强度sand strength

湿强度green strength

干强度dry strength


砂型(芯)硬度mold hardness

热变形hot deformation

残留强度retained strength

热强度hot strength


发气率(发气速度)gas evolution rate

发气性(发气量)gas evolution

吸湿性moisture absorption

落砂性knock-out capability


胶质价colloid index

破碎指数shatter index

热气流烘砂装置hot pneumatic tube drier 混砂机sand muller,sand mixer

松砂机aerator ,sand cutter

冷却提升机cooling elevator,coolevator 筛砂机riddle

磁力滚筒magnetic separator

旧砂再生设备sand reclamation

气力输送装置pneumatic tube conveyor

铸铁cast iron

铸铁石墨形态morphology of graphite in cast iron

灰铸铁(灰口铸铁)gray cast iron

白口铸铁white cast iron

麻口铸铁mottled cast iron

共晶度degree of saturation

碳当量carbon equivalent

片状石墨flake graphite

初生石墨primary graphite

孕育铸铁inoculated cast iron

球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite cast iron,nodular graphite iron,ductile iron

球状石墨spheroidal graphite,nodular graphite 可锻铸铁(马铁)malleable cast iron

黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron

珠光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron

铁素体可锻铸铁ferritic malleable cast iron

白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron

团絮石墨tempered graphite

冷硬铸铁(激冷铸铁)chilled iron

耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron

耐热铸铁heat resisting cast iron

耐酸铸铁acid resisting cast iron

高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron

蠕墨铸铁vermicular cast iron,compacted graphite cast iron

蠕虫状石墨vermicular graphite

合金铸铁alloy cast iron

铸钢cast steel

碳素铸钢carbon cast steel

低合金铸钢low alloy cast steel

高锰钢high manganese steel

铁素体钢ferritic steel


铅青铜lead bronze

铝青铜aluminum bronze


铝铜合金aluminum-copper alloy

铝镁合金aluminum-magnesium alloy

铝硅合金aluminum-silicon alloy

镁合金magnesium alloy

轴承合金(减摩合金)bearing metal,antifrictional metal

巴氏合金Babbitt metal 钛合金titanium alloy




熔化率melting rate

炉料计算charge calculation


元素烧损(元素烧损率)melting losses of various chemical elements

熔炼损耗(烧损) total melting loss

还原气氛reducing atmosphere

氧化气氛oxidizing atmosphere

惰性气体inert gas

碱度index of basicity

碱性渣basic slag

酸性渣acid slag



风口比tuyere ratio

有效高度effective height

送风强度blast intensity

预热送风hot blast

底焦coke bed

层焦coke split

隔焦buffer coke charge

炉衬furnace lining

碱性炉衬acid lining



吸碳carbon pick-up

焦铁比iron coke ratio



cupola drop

氧化熔炼法oxidizing melting

不氧化熔炼法dead melting

真空熔炼vacuum refining




氧化期oxidizing stage

还原期blocking stage

还原渣reducing slag

氧化渣oxidizing slag

白渣white slag








挥发损耗volatilizing losses


吹氮nitrogen flushing


水冷冲天炉water-cooled cupola

热风冲天炉hot blast cupola

湿法除尘器wet cap

炉缸cupola well


冲天炉加料机cupola charging machine

爬式加料机ship hoist

电磁配料称electro-magnetic weighing balancer 电磁盘electromagnetic chuck

电弧炉direct arc furnace

感应电炉electric induction furnace

电渣炉electroslag furnace

电磁搅拌electromagnetic agitation


摇包shaking ladle

底浇包bottom pouring ladle

保温炉holding furnace


crucible furnace


多孔塞法porous plug process




石墨球化处理nodularizing treatment of graphite


三角试块wdge test-piece


vacuum degassing

浇注pouring 保护气氛浇注pouring under controlled atmosphere

浇注速度pouring rate

浇注温度pouring temperature

浇注时间pouring time

浇注位置pouring position

型内孕育inmold inoculation







铸造工艺设计mold design

铸造工艺装备设计foundry tools design

铸造工艺图foundry molding drawing

铸件图drawing of rough casting

起模斜度pattern draft

收缩余量shrinkage allowance

工艺补正量molding allowance

加工余量machining allowance

吃砂量mo9ld thickness


分型负数joint allowance

铸件尺寸公差dimensional allowance of casting 铸件重量公差weight allowance of casting

铸件加工基准面reference face for machining of casting


surface roughness of casting

浇注系统(浇口)gating system,running system 封闭式浇注系统chocked running system,pressurized gating system

半封闭式浇注系统enlarged runner system

开放式浇注系统unchecked running system,non-pressurized gating system

浇口盆(外浇口)pouring basin

浇口杯pouring cup

浇口塞blanking-off plug


直浇道窝sprue base


筛网芯(滤网芯)strainer core


离心集渣浇注系统whirl gate,dirt trap system 顶注式浇注系统top gating system

底注式浇注系统bottom gating system

阶梯式浇注系统step gating system

雨淋浇口shower gate

缝隙浇口slot gate

压边浇口lip runner,kiss runner

牛角式浇口horn gate

热结hot spot

冒口riser,feeder head

冒口效率riser efficiency

明冒口open riser

暗冒口bland riser

侧冒口(边冒口)side riser

压力冒口pressure riser

大气压力冒口atmospheric riser

发气压力冒口(气弹冒口)gas-delivered pressure riser

透气砂芯pencil core

冒口径riser neck

冒口根riser pad

保温冒口套heat insulating feeder sleeve

发热冒口套exorhermic feeder sleeve

补缩距离feeding distance,feeding zone

易割冒口knock-off head

易割片(易割芯片)washburn core

铸造工艺装备foundry tools and equipment



金属模metal pattern

骨架模skeleton pattern

石膏模plaster pattern

塑料模plaslicn pattern

整体模one-piece pattern

分开模parted pattern,split pattern

活块loose piece

模板pattern plate

模底板pattern mounting plate

单面模板single face pattern plate

双面模板match plate

放样(伸图)hot dimensional drawing

缩尺(模样工缩尺)shrinkage rule,pattern-maker’

s rule

芯盒core box

脱落式芯盒troughed core box

下芯量具core setting scale 下芯夹具core jig


core drying plate

砂箱flask,molding box

箱带(箱挡)flask bar,cross bar

脱箱snap flask

套箱mold jacket

套销hollow pin,

stub pin


型腔mold cavity


砂型sand mold

上箱cope , top part

下箱drag , bottom part

手工造型hand molding

机器造型machine molding

自动化造型automatic molding

分型面mold joint

有箱造型flask molding

两箱造型two-part molding

三箱造型three-part molding

不平分型面stepped joint

无箱造型flaskless molding

脱箱造型removable flask molding

地坑造型pit molding

刮板造型sweep molding

抛砂造型impeller ramming

组芯造型core assembly molding

假箱造型oddside molding

微振压造型vibratory squeezing molding 高压造型high pressure molding

湿砂型green sand mold

干砂型dry sand mold

砂型烘干mold drying

干砂型(干型)dry sand mold

表面烘干型skin dried mold

烂砂泥型loam mold


过渡角transition angle



负亚造型vacuum molding

液态砂造型fluid sand molding

漏砂pattern stripping



震实jolt ramming

压实squeezing ramming

紧实度degree of ramming



CO process

自硬砂造型self-hardening sand molding



造型生产线molding line



排气道venting channel



外冷铁surface densener

内冷铁internal densener

验型(验箱)trial closing

合型(合箱、组型)mold assembling,closing

造芯(制芯)core making


芯骨core rod,core scab

油砂芯oil sand core

预制砂embeded core,ram up core

芯头core print

芯座core print

芯头斜度core print taper

芯头间隙core print clearance

壳芯shell core

烘芯core baking

通气蜡线vent wax

冷芯盒法cold box process

热芯盒法hot box process


hand tools of molding

压勺heart and spoon


双头铜勺double ended radius sleeker



造型机molding machine

压实造型机squeezing molding machine 震击台bumper

振动台vibrating table

微振压实造型机vibratory squeezer

震实造型机jolt molding machine

高压造型机high pressure molding machine

射压造型机shooting and squeezing molding machine

多触头造型机equalizing piston squeezer

抛砂机sand slinger

起模机drawing machine

射芯机core shooter

击芯机core extruder


mold conveyor



喷砂清理sand blasting

抛丸清理shot blasting

水力清砂hydraulic blast

水砂清砂hydraulic blast





化学清砂chemical cleaning

精整dressing and finishing

落砂机knock-out machine

抛丸清理机shot blast machine

清理滚筒tumbling barrel

抛丸落砂清理设备shot blast reclaiming equipment

悬挂式磨轮swing frame grinder


焊补repair welding



金属型铸造permanent mold casting

金属型metal mold

金属芯metal core

覆砂金属型sand-lined metal mold

排气赛venting plug

排气槽air vent

龟裂heat checking

金属型铸造机gravity die casting machine


压铸型die-casting die

动型moving die

定型fixed die

合型力clamping force

压室pressure chamber



顶杆ejector pin

溢流槽overflow well

压射冲头injection piston

压射比压injection pressure

压射速度injection speed

保压时间dwell time

真空压铸vacuum die casting

冲氧压铸pore-free die casting

双冲头压铸acurad die casting

压铸机die casting machine

冷室压铸机cold chamber die casting machine 热室压铸机hot chamber die casting machine 镶铸法insert process

离心铸造true centrifugal casting

半离心铸造semi-centrifugal casting

离心浇注centrifugal pressure casting

双金属离心铸造bimetal centrifugal casting 离心铸造机centrifugal casting machine

失模铸造lost pattern casting

熔模铸造fusible pattern molding

压制熔模fusible pattern injection

压型pattern die

熔模fusible pattern

盐模salt pattern


模组pattern assembly


面层涂料investment precoat




壳型制造shell molding

结壳时间investing time

结壳温度investing temperature

硬化温度curing temperature

硬化时间curing time

陶瓷型制造ceramic slurry

灌浆paste pouring

喷烧torch firing

低压铸造low-pressure diecasting 充型压力mold filling pressure

保压压力dwell pressure


真空吸铸suction casting

差压铸造counter-pressure casting

实型铸造full mold process

泡沫塑料模Styrofoam pattern

磁型铸造magnetic shot molding process

凝壳铸造slush casting

石膏型造型plaster molding


continuous casting

铸件检验inspection of casting

铸件质量分析quality analysis of casting

铸件外观质量visual quality of casting

铸件内在质量internal quality of casting

铸件使用性能service ability of casting

单铸试块separated test bar of casting

附铸试块test lug

缺陷铸件defective casting


无损检验(无损探伤)nondestructive inspection 破坏性试验

destructive testing

飞翅(飞边)joint flash


抬型(抬箱)cope raise,raised mold








缩松dispersed shrinkage



冷裂cold cracking

热裂hot tearing

热处理裂纹heat treatment crack


冷隔cold shut,cold lap

浇注断流interrupted pour




机械粘砂(渗透粘砂) metal penetration 化学粘砂(烧结粘砂)burn-on

表面粗糙rough surface

皱皮elephant skin



未浇满poured short




拉长exaggeration of dimension




错芯core shift

偏芯(漂芯)core raised,corelift


冷豆cold shot

内渗物(内渗豆)internal sweat

渣气孔scum,slag-blow hole

砂眼sand inclusion

亮皮pearlite layer


石墨漂浮carbon flotation

石墨集结kish graphite spot

组织粗大open grain structure


硬点hard spot

反白口inverse chill


球化衰退degradated spheroidisation 脱碳decarburization


铸造学专业英语词汇(17) 铸造学专业英语词汇(17)铸造学专业英语词汇(17)耐压试验pressure test 耐压铸件hydraulic castings 耐压铸件pressure tight castings 喃(甲)糠醛furfural 喃树脂furan resin 喃树脂黏结剂furan fesin binder 喃系furan 挠度,挠曲deflection 挠度试验deflection test 内榇inner lining 内角抹镘angle sleeker 内卡钳inside calipers 内冷铁inner chill 内裂(铸疵) internal tearing 内模胀大(铸疵) inner swell 内摩擦internal friction 内生凝固endogenous solid-ification 内缩孔(铸疵) internal porosity

内缩孔(铸疵) internal shrinkage 内应力internal stress 内圆角fillet 泥封lute 泥封luting 泥封(合模线) lute a mold 泥灰,沈泥silt 泥浆mud 泥浆刷clay brush 泥浆修补mud daub 泥砂,浆loam 泥砂模loam mold 泥砂心loam core 泥砂造模法loam molding 泥团bod 铌(nb) niobium 逆火back fire 逆冷硬(铸疵) inverse chill 逆冷硬(铸疵) inverted chill 逆冷硬(铸疵) reverse chill 逆冷硬(铸疵),内冷铁internal chill


Lesson 1 1. fundamental a. 基础的,基本的 2. foundry n. 铸造,铸造工厂(车间) 3. process n. 工序、过程 vt. 使经历某一过程 4. molding(美)n. 造型 moulding(英)n. 造型 5. casting n. 铸造(法)、浇注、铸件 6. involve vt. 包含 involved in 包含在……中,在……中涉及 7. suitable a. 合适的,适当的 8. mold(美)n. 铸型,型 mould(英)n. 铸型,型 9. govern vt.vi. 支配,决定 (be)governed by 取决于……;由……决定 以……为转移。 10. green sand mold n. 湿(砂)型 11. natural a. 天然的,本来的 12. pour vi. Vt. 浇注 13. dry sand mold n. 干(砂)型 14. mixture n. 混合物,混合料 15. ram vi. Vt. 冲紧,紧实 16. bake vt. Vi. 烘烤,焙烤 17. moisture n. 水分,潮气,湿度 18. firm a. 坚硬的 19. coremaking n. 制芯 20. cavity n. 空腔,空洞,孔 21. project vt. Vi. 伸出,突出 22. silica n. 二氧化硅,石英 23. binding material n. 粘结材料,粘结剂 24. independently ad. 独立地,单独地 25. melt vi. Vt. n. 熔化,熔炼,溶液 26. lead n. 铅 27. tin n. 锡 28. zinc n. 锌 29. pot n. 坩埚,罐 30. burner n. 燃烧器,燃烧炉 31. aluminium n. 铝 32. brass n. 黄铜,铜锌合金 33. bronze n. 黄铜,铜锡合金 34. crucible furnace n. 坩埚炉 35. cast iron n. 铸铁 36. cupola n. 冲天炉 37. electric arc furnace n. 电弧炉


园林景观专业英语词汇 规划planning 草图sketch;rough map 平面plan 剖面section 立面elevation 透视perspective 示意图diagram 容积率coverage 城市设计urban design; civic design 区域规划regional planning 步行轴ped axis 总体规划general planning; master planning 分区规划district planning 近期建设规划immediate plan 城市详细规划detailed planning 控制性详细规划control detailed planning 修建性详细规划site plan 居住区规划residential district planning 城市化urbanization 城市生态urban ecology 可持续发展sustainable development 历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities 旧城改建urban redevelopment 开发区development area 城市化水平urbanization level 城市群agglomeration 城镇体系urban system 卫星城satellite town 城市基础设施urban infrastructure 居民点settlement 市municipality; city 生态基础设施ecological infrastructure 牧场pasture 市域administrative region of a city 商业区commercial district 行政中心administration center 商业街commercial street 科技园technological region 校园规划campus planning 城市中心区urban center district 居住单元flat 历史地段history district


Abating退火 Abrasion磨损 Abrasive paper砂纸 Abrasive wheel 砂轮 Accessory 附件,活块 Acicular ferrite针状铁素体 Acid refractory酸性耐火材料 Acid-proof cast iron / acid-resistance casting/ acid resisting cast iron耐酸铸件 Acid slay酸性渣 Active clay有效粘土 AFS fineness美国铸造学会型砂粒度 Agitator 搅拌机(型砂试验) Agitation 搅拌 Air blower鼓风机 Air drain 出气口(浇注系统) Air pollution control大气污染控制 Air tightness气密性 Air vent 出气孔 Allowance 余量,津贴,补助,宽容 Alloying agent 合金元素 Alloying component 合金成分 Anti-rust防锈 Argon氩气 Atomization雾化,喷雾 Atomizer test雾化试验(检验金属表面油脂)Attack侵蚀 Attack polishing method侵蚀抛光法Automatic charging 自动加料 Automatic de-sprueing自动切除冒口Automatic molding自动造型 Automatic pouring device自动浇注装置Automatic sand plant自动化砂处理装置Baked core干砂芯 Balance天平/余额 Ball feeder球状冒口 Ball hardness布氏硬度 Ball hardness testing machine布氏硬度机Ball mill球磨机 Band/belt conveyer皮带输送机 Band/belt elevator皮带斗式提升机 Bar bend test试棒抗弯试验 Base 底,基础 Base line 基线 Base plate底板 Base sand原砂Basic碱性的,基本的 Batch mill / batch sand mixer混砂机Beader pearlite珠光体 Bed charge/coke底焦 Belt grinder带式磨光机 Bending strength抗弯强度Bentonite膨润土 Binder粘结剂 Bituminous coal dust/black dust煤粉Black short冷脆 Black skin黑皮,铸皮 Blank毛胚,下料 Blast鼓风,送风 Blast capacity风量 Blast fan 离心式鼓风机 Blast hole风口 Blast intensity鼓风强度 Blast pressure gage风压表 Blast regulator风量调节器 Blast volume风量 Bleed缺肉,台箱跑火 Blender混砂机,搅拌机 Blind feeder/head暗冒口 Blind roaster马弗炉 Blind scab起痂 Blister皮下气泡 Blow down停炉 Boiling point沸点 Bond 粘结剂,合同 Bond clay造型粘土 Bond strength粘结强度 Bottom door炉底们 Bottom drop 打炉 Breaking-in 带肉 Brinell hardness布氏硬度Brittleness脆性 Brittle fracture脆性断口,脆性断裂B type graphite B型石墨 Buffing 抛光 Buffing machine抛光机 Bunker料斗 CE carbon equivalent 碳当量Carbide 碳化物 carbon dioxide二氧化碳 carbon monoxide一氧化碳 carbon pick-up增碳 carburetter 增碳剂,汽化器


A.F.S.粒度指数A.F.S grain fineness number ASTM弯曲试杆arbituration bar A型石黑A type graphtie B型石墨B type graphite CO2造模法,二气化碳造模法CO2 process,carbon dioxide process DM转炉DM converter F.S.造模法,流砂造模法 F.S.process,fluid sand mixture molding process F-M造模法,全模法F-M process,full-mold process LD(转炉盗氧炼钢)法LD process LD转炉LD converter L形吊骨jagger N造模法,西山氏硬化法N-Process PH值,离标值pH value SAE钢SAE steel S形钩S hook X光(X射线),检验X-ray inspection X光(X射线),绕射线X-ray diffraction method X光(X射线),透视法X-ray radiography X光(X射线),显微分析器X-ray microanalyser X光,X射线X-ray X脱模法(包模铸造法)(三氯乙烯蒸气脱蜡) X-process Y合金Y-alloy 阿达麦辊Adamite roll 阿伐固溶体alpha(a)solid solution 阿伐黄铜alpha(a)brass 阿伐青铜alpha(a)bronze 阿伐铁alpha(a)iron 阿姆可铁,工业级纯铁Armco iron 埃(10-10米) Angstron unit 埃鲁电弧炉Heroult electric arc furance 艾氏冲击试验Izod impact test 艾氏冲击试验机Izod impact testing machine 艾素丘法Isocure process 爱玛炉(碳化硅电阻炉) Elema furnace 安定化退火stabilizing anneal 安全布置safety layout 安全护目镜safety goggles 安全帽helmet 安全设施protection and safety equipment 安全限应力proof stress 安全楔safety wedge 岸砂shore sand 按钮选择push button selection 胺基甲酸乙脂urgthane 胺类amine 胺气amine gas 暗冒口blind feeder 暗冒口blind head 暗冒口blind riser 暗冒口bob 暗冒口closed riser 盎司合金(85-5-5-5铜合金) ounce metal 凹口notch 凹口半径radius of notch 凹口感度notch sensibility 凹口试片notch bar 凹口试片notched bar 凹口作用notch effect 凹陷(铸疵) sink head 巴氏合金Babbitt metal 扒炉渣raking out the slag 扒渣slagging off 扒渣slag-off 扒渣,结渣slagging 拔模螺丝pattem screw 拔模斜度pattern draft 钯(Pd) palladium 白[口]生铁white pig iron 白[口]铸铁white cast iron 白[口]铸铁white iron 白粉料(涂模用) white facing 白合金white metal 白金,铂(Pt) platinum 白黏土white clay 白铁皮,锌板zinc plate 白心展性铸铁(白心可锻铸铁) white heart malleable cast iron 白杨木poplar 白缘(黑心展性铸铁) pearlite rim 白云,母石黏土illite clay 白云石dolomite 白云石magnesia limestone 白云石砖dolomite brick 百万分之一ppm 柏努利定理Bernoulli's theorem


Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in M e c h a n i c s机械学的基本概念mechanics n.力学 modify v.修改,调解,变更manageable a.可控制【管理】的incline v.(使)倾斜 ramp n.斜板,斜坡【道】slope v.(使)倾斜 friction n.摩擦 roll v.滚动 multiplier n.放大器,乘法器broom n.扫帚 convert v.转变【化】 handle n.手柄【把】 sweep v.扫荡【描】,掠过efficiency n.效率 gauge vt.测【计】量,校验bearing n.轴承 ideal mechanical advantage 理想的机械效益 neglect vt.忽略Lesson 2 Basic Assumption in Plasticity Theory 塑性理论的基本假设 assumption n.假定 plasticity n.塑性 investigate v.调查,研究deformation n.变形 metal forming process 金属成型工艺【过程】 strain (rate) n.应变【速率】strength n.强度 stress n.应力 yield stress 屈服应力 flow stress 流动应力 tensile stress 拉【伸】应力compressive stress 压【缩】应力shear stress 剪【切】应力geometry n.几何形状 elastic a.弹性的 springback n.回弹 bending n.弯曲,折弯

铸造术语 中英文对照

一、基本术语 1.铸造:casting , founding , foundry 2.砂型铸造:Sand casting process 3.特种铸造:Special casting process 4.铸件:casting 5.毛坯铸件:Rough casting 6.砂型铸件:Sand casting 7.试制铸件:Pilot casting 8.铸态铸件:as-cast casting 9.铸型[型]:mold 10.铸造工艺:Casting process, foundry technology 11.铸造用材料:Foundry materials 12.铸造工艺材料:Consumable materials 13.铸造设备:Foundry equipment, foundry facilities 14.铸工:Caster, founder, foundry worker 15.铸造工作者:foundryman 16.铸造车间:Foundry shop 17.铸造厂:Foundry 18.铸造分厂:Attached foundry, captive foundry, tied foundry 19.铸造三废:Foundry affluent 20.一批: A batch 21.一炉: A cast, a heat, a melt 22.铸焊:Cast welding, flow welding

23.铸锭:ingot 二、铸造合金及熔炼、浇注 2.1铸造合金基础术语 1.铸造合金:Cast alloy 2.共晶合金系:Eutectic alloy system 3.共晶合金:Eutectic alloy 4.亚共晶合金:Hypoeutectic alloy 5.过共晶合金:Hypereutectic alloy 6.共晶团:Eutectic cell 7.共晶温度:Eutectic temperature 8.共晶转变:Eutectic reaction, eutectic transformation 9.共晶组织:Eutectic structure 10.铸造复合材料:Cast composite 11.定向共晶复合材料:Directional eutectic composite 12.非晶态合金:noncrystalline alloy 13.合金元素:Alloying element 14.杂质合金:Tramp element 15.合金遗传性:Alloy heredity 16.铸态组织:As-cast structure 17.铁碳相图:iron-carbon phase diagram 18.碳化物:Carbide


园林景观专业英语词汇 园林景观专业英语词汇 规划planning 草图sketch;rough map 平面plan 剖面section 立面elevation 透视perspective 示意图diagram 容积率coverage 城市设计urban design; civic design 区域规划regional planning 步行轴ped axis 总体规划general planning; master planning 分区规划district planning 近期建设规划immediate plan 城市详细规划detailed planning 控制性详细规划control detailed planning 修建性详细规划site plan 居住区规划residential district planning 城市化urbanization

城市生态urban ecology 可持续发展sustainable development 历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities 旧城改建urban redevelopment 开发区development area 城市化水平urbanization level 城市群agglomeration 城镇体系urban system 卫星城satellite town 城市基础设施urban infrastructure 居民点settlement 市municipality; city 生态基础设施ecological infrastructure 牧场pasture 市域administrative region of a city 商业区commercial district 行政中心administration center 商业街commercial street 科技园technological region 校园规划campus planning 城市中心区urban center district


铸造术语 1 范围 2 基本术语 2.1 铸造casting, founding, foundry 2.2 砂型铸造sand casting process 2.3 特种铸造special casting process 2.4 铸件casting 2.5 毛坯铸件rough casting 2.6 砂型铸件sand casting 2.7 试制铸件pilot casting 2.8 铸态铸件as-cast casting 2.9 铸型[型] mold 2.10 铸造工艺casting process,foundry technology 2.11 铸造用材料foundry materials 2.12 铸造工艺材料consumable materials 2.13 铸造设备foundry equipment ,foundry facilities 2.14 铸工caster,founder,foundry worker 2.15 铸造工作者foundryman 2.16 铸造车间foundry shop 2.17 铸造厂foundry 2.18 铸造分厂attached foundry,captive foundry,tied foundry 2.19 铸造三废foundry effluent 2.20 一批 a batch 2.21 一炉 a cast,a heat,a melt 2.22 铸焊cast welding,flow welding 2.23 铸锭ingot 3 铸造合金及熔炼、浇注 3.1 铸造合金基本术语 3.1.1 铸造合金cast alloy 3.1.2 共晶合金系eutectic alloy system 3.1.3 共晶合金eutectic alloy 3.1.4 亚共晶合金hypoeutectic alloy 3.1.5 过共晶合金hypereutectic alloy 3.1.6 共晶团eutectic cell 3.1.7 共晶温度eutectic temperature 3.1.8 共晶转变eutectic reaction,eutectic transformation 3.1.9 共晶组织eutectic structure 3.1.10 铸造复合材料cast composite 3.1.11 定向共晶复合材料directional eutectic composite 3.1.12 非晶态合金noncrystalline alloy


中国古典园林classical Chinese gardens 苏州园林Suzhou Gardens 拙政园The Humble Administrator’s Garden 塔影亭the tower shadow Pavilion 留听阁the Stay and Listen Pavilion 浮翠阁the Floating Green Pavilion 笠亭the Li Pavilion 与谁同坐轩the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion 宜两亭Both Families Pavilion 三十六鸳鸯馆the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks’Hall 十八曼陀罗花馆the 18 Stramonium Flowers’Hall 枇杷园Loquat Garden 海棠春坞Malus spring castle 听雨轩the “Listen to the rain”Pavilion 玲珑馆Exquisite Hall 小飞虹the Small Flying Rainbow 得真亭the Get Reality Pavilion 小沧浪The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation 听松风处the place for listening to the pine wind 香洲the Boat-like Structure 玉兰堂the Magnolia 远香堂Drifting Fragrance Hall 荷风四面亭the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes 倚玉轩the Listening on Jade Pavilion 待霜亭the Orange Pavilion 雪香云蔚亭the Prunus Mume Pavilion 柳阴路曲the zigzag pathway with willow shade 绣绮亭the Peony Pavilion 见山楼the Mountain in View Tower 别有洞天the Moon Gate 留园The Lingering Garden 华步小筑A Scene in the Lingering Garden 绿荫the Green Shade Pavilion 小蓬莱the Samll Fairy Isle 舒啸亭the Shuxiao Pavilion 浣云沼the Huanyun Billabong 明瑟搂the Pelluc id Tower 涵碧山房Hanbi Mountain Villa 可亭Ke Ting Pavilion 五峰仙馆the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks 林泉耆硕之馆the Old Hermit Scholars’House 闻木樨香轩the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion 揖峰轩the Y ifeng Pavilion 又一村“another village” 冠云峰the Cloud Capped Peak 冠云台the Cloud Capped Terrace 冠云亭the Cloud Capped Pavilion 曲溪楼the Zigzag Stream Tower 濠濮亭the Haopu Pavilion 曲廊the Zigzag Walkway 清风池馆the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake 活泼泼地the Place of Liveliness 网师园The Master-of-Nets Garden 小山丛桂轩the Small Hill and Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion 云窟月洞门the Y unku Moon Gate 看松读画轩the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paitings Studio 射鸭廊the Duck Shooting Corridor 月到风来亭the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion 冷泉亭the Cold Spring Pavilion 殿春簃the Peony Study 万卷堂the Hall of Scrolls 撷绣楼the Bueaty Within Reach Tower 五峰书屋the Five Peaks Library 真意门the True Feeling Gate 环秀山庄The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty


机床专业英语大全 发现机床行业专业英语词汇, 非常有用, 与各位共享! (1):按英文字母排序 3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头 A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库 Aluminum continuous melting & holding furnaces 连续溶解保温炉Balancing equipment 平衡设备 Bayonet 卡口 Bearing fittings 轴承配件 Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机 Bearings 轴承 Belt drive 带传动 Bending machines 弯曲机 Blades 刀片 Blades,saw 锯片 Bolts,screws & nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝 Boring heads 搪孔头 Boring machines 镗床 Cable making tools 造线机 Casting,aluminium 铸铝 Casting, copper 铸铜 Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁 Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁 Casting,other 其他铸造 Casting,steel 铸钢 Chain drive 链传动 Chain making tools 造链机 Chamfer machines 倒角机 Chucks 夹盘 Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支持系统 CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机 CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床 CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床 CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机 CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机 CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机 CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床 CNC lathes 电脑数控车床 CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件 CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床 CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机 CNC toolings CNC刀杆


园林中英文对照 1.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing 2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture 2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture 2.0005 园林艺术garden art 2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics 2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture 2.0008 园林建筑garden building 2.0009 园林工程garden engineering 2.0010 园林植物landscape plant 2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant 2.0013 园林garden and park 2.0014 园林学史history of garden architecture 2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning 2.0016 园林设计garden design 2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine 2.0018 园林管理garden management 2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology 2.0020 绿化greening, planting 2.0021 环境绿化environmental greening 2.0022 绿地面积green area 2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space 2.0043 花园村garden village 2.0044 园林城市landscape garden city 2.0067 公园park, public park 2.0068 城市公园city park, urban park 2.0069 区公园regional park 2.0092 植物园botanical garden 2.0093 植物公园abeled plants park 2.0094 高山植物园alpine garden 2.0095 热带植物园tropical plants garden 2.0096 药用植物园medical plants garden, herb garden 2.0098 公共绿地public green space 2.0099 单位绿地unit green area 2.0100 城市绿地urban green space 2.0101 街道广场绿地street and square green area 2.0102 居住区绿地residential quarter green area 2.0103 防护绿地green area for environmental protection 2.0104 郊区绿地suburban green space 2.0107 生产绿地productive plantation area 2.0109 风景landscape, scenery 2.0110 自然景观natural landscape 2.0111 人文景观human landscape, scenery of humanities


铸造学专业英语词汇(12) 铸造学专业英语词汇(12)铸造学专业英语词汇(12)浇铸速率casting speed 浇铸速率pouring rate 浇铸温度casting temperature 浇铸温度pouring temperature 浇铸性pourability 浇铸装置pouring device 胶glue 胶锅gelatine pan 胶凝gelling 胶体gel 胶质colloid 胶质gelatine 胶质glutrin 胶质黏土colloidal clay 胶质石墨colloidal graphite 胶质物colloidal material 胶质物colloids 角尺square

角钳angle tongs 绞车,卷扬机winch 绞盘车crab 铰接式砂箱hinged molding box 铰接式砂心盒hinged core box 矫直straightening 搅拌agitation 搅拌rabbling 搅拌(熔液) stir a bath 搅拌补给rod feeding 搅拌杆rabble 搅拌机pug mill 搅拌器agitator 搅拌器stirrer 搅动churn 搅练法puddling process 接地板groundplate 接电负载connected load 接合,接头,盛砂厚度joint 接种inoculation 接种剂inoculant

接种铸铁inoculated cast iron 结疤(铸疵) scab 结晶crystallization 结晶核nucleus 结晶核seed 结晶偏析coring 结晶破坏crystalline fracture 结晶水combined water 结块(熔铁炉内风嘴) sullage head 结块,烧结cake)caking) 结块性caking capacity 结桥(熔铁炉) scaffold bridging 结桥,台架scaffolding 结桥,悬桥bridge 结砂burnt-on sand 结渣scorification 结渣slag build-up 节流阀(熔铸炉) throttle valve 截断机guillotine shear 界面boundary 界面条件boundary condition 介稳化metastabilization


铸造常用词中英文对照及简释 1. 铸件后处理(post treatment of casting) [ 铸件] 对清理后的铸件进行热处理﹑整形﹑防锈处理和粗加工的过程。铸件后处理是铸造生产的最后一道工序。 2. 铸件清理(cleaning of casting) [ 铸件] 将铸件从铸型中取出﹐清除掉本体以外的多余部分﹐并打磨精整铸件内外表面的过程。主要工作有清除型芯和芯铁。 3. 铸造有色合金(cast non ferrous alloy) [ 铸造合金] 用以浇注铸件的有色合金(见有色金属)﹐是铸造合金中的一类。主要有铸造铜合金﹑铸造铝合金﹑铸造镁合金等。 4. 浇注系统(gating system) [ 铸型] 为将液态金属引入铸型型腔而在铸型内开设的信道。包括﹕浇口杯,直浇道,横浇道,内浇道。 5. 模样(pattern) [ 铸型] 仿真铸件形状形成铸型型腔的工艺装备或易耗件。为保证形成符合要求的型腔﹐模样应具有足够的强度﹑刚度。 6. 冒口(riser) [ 铸型] 为避免铸件出现缺陷而附加在铸件上方或侧面的补充部分。在铸型中﹐冒口的型腔是存贮液态金属的容器。 7. 芯盒(core box) [ 铸型] 将芯砂制成型芯的工艺装备。可由木材﹑塑料﹑金属或其它材料制成。 8. 芯砂(core sand) [ 造型材料] 铸造生产中用于制造型芯的材料﹐一般由铸造砂﹑型砂黏结剂和辅加物等造型材料按一定的比例混合而成 9. 型砂(molding sand) [ 造型材料] 在砂型铸造中用来造型的材料。型砂一般由铸造砂﹑型砂黏结剂和辅加物等造型材料按一定的比例混合而成。 10. 型砂粘结剂(molding sand binder) [ 造型材料] 将松散的铸造砂粘结在一起使之成为型砂或芯砂的造型材料。 11. 再生砂(reclaimed sand) [ 造型材料] 铸造生产中经过处理基本上恢复了使用性能可以回用的旧砂。 12. 铸造砂(foundry sand) [ 造型材料] 铸造生产中用来配制型砂和芯砂的一种造型材料。 13. 混砂机(sand mixer) [ 铸造设备] 用于混制型砂或芯砂的铸造设备。混砂机一般具有下列功能﹕将旧砂﹑新砂﹑型砂黏结剂和辅料混合均匀。 14. 落砂机(shakeout machine) [ 铸造设备] 利用振动和冲击(见机械振动)使铸型中的型砂和铸件分离的铸造设备。落砂机的振动源分为机械﹑电磁和气动。 15. 抛丸机(shot blasting machine) [ 铸造设备] 利用抛丸器抛出的高速弹丸清理或强化铸件表面的铸造设备。抛丸机能同时对铸件进行落砂﹑除芯和清理。 16. 造芯机(core making machine) [ 铸造设备] 用于制造型芯的铸造设备。根据制芯时实砂方法的不同﹐造芯机可分为震击式制芯机﹑挤芯机和射芯机等。 17. 造型机(molding machine) [ 铸造设备] 用于制造砂型的铸造设备。它的主要功能是﹕填砂﹐将松散的型砂填入砂箱中﹔紧实型砂。


机械专业英语词汇 陶瓷ceramics 合成纤维synthetic fibre 电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion 车架automotive chassis 悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts 孔加工spot facing machining 车间workshop 工程技术人员engineer 气动夹紧pneuma lock 数学模型mathematical model 画法几何descriptive geometry 机械制图Mechanical drawing 投影projection 视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component 零件图part drawing 装配图assembly drawing 尺寸标注size marking 技术要求technical requirements 刚度rigidity 内力internal force 位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture 塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material 刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer 垫片spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint 曲柄crank 摇杆racker 凸轮cams 共轭曲线conjugate curve 范成法generation method 定义域definitional domain 值域range 导数\\微分differential coefficient 求导derivation 定积分definite integral


ablution 清洗 abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性abutting joint对接:accessories附件 acetone丙酮 acetylene welding气焊:acetylene 乙炔 additional stress附加应力adhesive胶粘剂: ADMITE ROLL 半钢辊 after treatment后续处理: age hardening 时效硬化 ageing/aging 时效 ageing老化 ageing老化处理 agglomerant粘结剂:agglomeration烧结 aging 时效处理 air cooling 空冷 air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化 air supply送气 Al-alloy铝合金: aliquation偏析性 allowable variation允许偏差 alloy合金: alternating current交流amorphous非晶态: ampere 电流安培 angle iron角钢 angle square角尺 angle steel角钢 angle welding 角焊 angular deformation角变形:angularity曲率: anneal 退火 anode effect 阳极效应 anode region阳极区:anodizing 阳极氧化处理anticipation预处理: anti-friction润滑剂: arc starting 起弧arc stream弧柱区: arc welding电弧焊: arc 电弧 argon arc welding 氩弧焊接 argon arc welding氩弧焊 argon tungsten-arc welding钨极氩弧焊: argon welding氩弧焊:arrangement diagram布置图arresting gear制动器: atomization雾化法: atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥氏体 austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体 auxiliary process辅助工序: axiality同轴度 axonometric drawing轴测图 backing-out punch冲床: bainite 贝氏体 baiting valve放料阀 band plate带板 banded structure 条纹状组织BANITIC ACICULAR 贝氏体针壮组织 banjo fixing butt jointing对接接头 bar 棒材 bare electrode 光熔接条 barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光 basic process基本工序 bead weld堆焊 bend deformation弯曲变形 bending deformation挠曲变 bending radius弯曲半径 bend弯曲: beveled edges坡口 billet 方钢,钢方坯 binder结合剂: bisectrix等分线 black oxide coating 发黑 blackening 染黑法 blank 坯料,半成品 blanking冲裁:

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