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1.网络化动词cyberize是比较通用的翻译,也有人用latticing cyberize vt. 使网络化;使联网:These days, even hotels are flogging the notion that anything's better if you cyberize it. 眼下,就连各旅馆也在大力宣传这样的观念:任何东西一经网络化将更具优势。

2.人生观 outlook on life; life outlook 例如:树立正确的人生观 establish a positive outlook on life

3.“不相上下地” be equally matched; almost on a par; roughly the same; neither is better than the other; eye ball to eye ball

4.“需要注意的是……” (need)special attention

5.价值观,世界观,,审美标准的英文翻译? 价值观values 例如:传统的价值观念traditional values 世界观world ideology/outlook/view 审美标准aesthetic standards 、

7.:“留学回国人员”怎么说啊现在有一个通用的说法:returned student(s)也可以加个解释(one who studied overseas and returned for development)

8.请问:生产资料&生活资料如何表达?生产资料means of production 生活资料means of livelihood/subsistence

9.办签证怎么说啊 grant a visa;visa 比如我们说,给护照签证:put a visa on a passport;have/get one's passport visaed

11.国外引进的技术怎么说? 我建议你翻译的时候用动词短语表达^_^

import/introduce foreign technology 16.嘉年华英语怎么说? Carnival

17.请问“在线留言”怎么说?多谢! online message

22.“社会实践”用英语怎么说??social practice

23.Re: 请问:把眼光放长远如何表达?see things in a broader perspective

30.“占的比例大”怎么说?form/constitute a large proportion

31.不懈的努力enduring/relentless efforts 不懈追求、坚持不懈unremitting pursuit 36.“随便说说”,怎么说? make a casual comment

37.Re: 接待客人怎么说? receive/play host to some guest s 41.Re: “心态”应该用哪个词? psychology; state/habit of mind; mental attitude

43.Re: 获得某人的认同怎么说? 1)approve/endorse 2)identify

45.Re: 投稿用英语怎么说?(转载)contribute to… send/submit a contribution to … 46.Re: 请问“人才招聘”怎么说? recruit people with talent (来源:


47. Re: “人才培养”怎么翻译 personnel training

49.Re: 请问辅导员和学生工作助理怎么翻译呢?辅导员

advisor;instructor;councellor 助理assistant;aide 50.Re: “研究生部"怎么翻译啊?在线等~~急!! graduate department 53.Re: 通用性怎么说急!多谢interchangeable/universalize

59.Re: “请多多关照”怎么说? I command myself to your notice. Many thanks for your help.

60.Re: 掌握××情况的掌握怎么翻译比较好? grasp;master;know well;have a good command of;have in hand;hold;control

71.“伴随一生”怎么表示好?感觉用名词会不会好一些呢?或尝试改一下表达。仅供参考:… is/are my lifelong companion(s). … is my whole life and my soul.

75.Re: “电视转播”比较好的说法是什么?用relay;rebroadcast吧,例如:向全国做实况转播…be relayed/transmitted live nationwide

77.Re: 时代的局限性怎么说?limitations of the times

79.Re: 逛街怎么说?stroll through streets; go window-shopping; loiter along streets 81.Re: 表示“**思想现在已经深入人心”怎么好啊? strike/take root in the hearts of the people; be deeply implanted in the hearts of the people; strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people. 给你几个例句参考一下: Peaceful reunification has taken root in the hearts of the people.和平统一已经深入人心。 New ideas are slowly filtering into people's minds. 新思想逐渐深入人心。 The Chinese reform and open policies have won popular support.中国改革开放政策深入人心。

84.Re: “表面上地”怎么说?在不同的情况下,表达也不太一样。给你几个常用的表达参考一下:表面上不情愿be seemingly reluctant 表面上生气apparent anger 表面上相似superficial resemblance 流于表面上的检查superficial inspection 受表面现象迷惑be misled by the externals 从表面上看outwardly 他表面文静,其实脾气很暴躁。Beneath that ostensibal calmness is a man of fierce temper.

85.Re: “对某事抱太高的希望”用英语怎么说?put one's expectations too high

95.因材施教 teach students in accordance with their aptitute; modify one's way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class; offer an individualized quality education for every student 英雄所见略同great minds think alike; heroes have similar views 96.Re: 请问,可持续发展怎么说sustainable development 常用的

表达:推动国民经济的可持续发展 further the sustainable development of the national economy 97.Re: 文化的传承???怎么说 impart and inherit culture; impart and pass on culture 102.Re: “占据越来越大的比例”该怎么说?hold/account for a growing proportion of 103.Re: 请教“快节奏的生活”怎么说? He was not quite used to the quick pace of life there.

104.Re: 眼光只停留在表面现象上怎么翻译呢?我觉得用remain/stay on the surface of比较自然一些吧,个人观点。

106.Re: 社会动荡请问怎么讲?social turbulence/turmoil/agitation/unrest 107. 道德败坏be morally degenerate; be immoral 不道德的思想也可以用unethical表达严厉的惩罚 severe punishment可以,用动词表达会好一些,severely punish punishment 作“惩罚;惩处” 不可数,作“刑罚;处罚”可数限制节目内容place/impose restrictions on;restrict;limit;confine;+programme(item)提高价格的幅度raise margins of price fluctuation 归根结底 in the final/last/ultimate analysis; in essence;at bottom;boil down 轻视法律的作用 underestimate the roles of law 圣诞老人 Father Christmas; Santa Claus 这两个比较通用,前一个用得比较多

109.Re: “代表性”怎么说?都可以,representative是形容词,representativeness; representation是名词。这里,建议你用形容词

110.Re: 知识爆炸的时代怎么说呀?Knowledge explosion times

111.Re: 花边新闻,绯闻如何翻译?花边新闻box news;titbit;news of illicit love 绯闻rumor of a love affair;sexual scandal;amorous affair

114.Re: 【问】生化武器怎么说啊?biochemical weapons

115.Re: 请问“无可厚非”该怎么说呀?give no cause for criticism 无可厚非的行为 irreproachable conduct (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

117.Re: 请问“多元化”怎么说?用多元化文化吧:multiculture 多元化:become pluralistic 多元pluralistic;multivariate;polybasic;multivariable

118.Re: 请问对什么什么的认识怎么说the knowledge about… insight… Often we have found agreement.But even when we have not,we have gained insight into each other;and we have learned to appreciate the other's perspectives on the world.

119.Re: 迫于生活的压力——怎么说?under the stress/pressure of…

122.实现理想和现实的统一achieve/bring about unity of ideal and reality

123. 审美情趣aesthetic sentiment 124.脱离实际be divorced from reality; lose touch/contact with reality (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

125.经受时间考验 stand the test of time

126.形象思维thinking in (terms of) images or symbols

128.请问素质,节奏(pace的同义词),疾病一般比较地道的说法是什么?“素质”在英语中有很多表达,常见的地道表达有:(1)nature; true disposition (2) quality; markings (3) diathesis (医学上专用)“节奏” 可以用(1)rhythm(2)tempo “疾病”disease; sickness; illness; ailment;

130.请问知名度,实习生,怎么说?谢谢!知名度popularity 常用表达:保持知名度keep /maintain/retain one's popularity 失去知名度lose popularity 提高知名度enhance/heighten/increase one's popularity 享有很高知名度enjoy high popularity

知名度上升one's popularity increases 知名度下降one's popularity

descends/declines/wanes/drops实习生 trainee/intern

131.Re: how to say'知识的广度和深度',width and depth of (sb's) knowledge

132.Re: ask a translation 2 价铁divalent iron 3 价铁trivalent iron

134.Re: “弊端”怎么表达用abuse表达“弊端”是可以的,一般我们要在不同语境选择不同的词语。常用的有:malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice; ill; pitfall 常用的表达有,供参考: e.g. avoid the rise of malpractices and evils 避免弊端redress social abuses矫正社会弊端 wipe out political abuses根除政治弊端 ills of higher education高等教育的弊端 pitfalls of the system体制中的弊端

135.Re: “生活保障”怎么说呀? living allowances/subsistence allowances subsistence allowances for the urban poor 城市居民最低生活保障

138. Re: 请指教“模拟电视”和“数字电视”怎么表达呢。多谢模拟电视Analog Television 数字电视Digital Television 141.Re: 请指教“公共意识”和“社会责任

感”怎么表达呢。多谢公共意识public consciousness 社会责任感The Sense of Responsibility in Society

144.Re: 生物用creature可否?用organism;living thing/being吧,我们通常用这两个。一个关于生物的常用表达,经常有人问我,我顺便说一下,呵呵 protect biological diversty 保护生物的多样性

148.Re: 问一个表达。因果关系颠倒了,请问纯正的说法是什么? invert cause and effect颠倒因果 causal inversion因果关系的颠倒 149.Re: 请指教“凡高”怎么表达,谢谢 Vincent van Gogh

152.Re: 请指教“逻辑思维”怎么表达,谢谢logical thinking

154.Re: 世界文化遗产该如何说 World Cultural Heritage (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

157.那critical thinking到底是指什么呢?思辨性思考,批判思考,它是一种产生疑问、合理思考、分析、评估,以解决争议和下结论的过程(process)。

159.Re: 再问一个表达。有相当(多,大)一部分的×× 给你几个常用表达,最近头脑混乱,就想起这几个了:)相当多quite a few 获得相当大的报酬be handsomely rewarded 造成相当大的破坏cause considerable damage to 相当大的利润/高的价格/好的运气handsome profit/price/fortune 一笔相当可观的钱 a considerable sum of money

160.Re: 请问“划定一个区域作为……”怎么说?divide…for…或者fix 呵呵,用“选定、建立”好不好呢? e.g. establish a special economic zone Shenzhen and Zhuhai were made into special economic zones in the 1980s.

161.Re: 请问“这项支出在人们收入中所占的比例”怎么说?This … expenditure has constituted… proportion of … income.

162.Re: 表示“后代/前辈”有哪些词啊?后辈(1)juniors;younger generation. e.g. We, the younger generation, should make greater contributions to the motherland than our elders. (2)posterity;descendants. e.g. Quite a few of his descendants were eminent scientists. 前辈senior(person);elder;older generation;predecessor 革

命前辈revolutionary predecessor 同行中的老前辈senior of a profession (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

163.Re: 既然高人在,我就问几个弱问题到底是human being还是human

beings,evidence没有复数形式吧?我打字比较慢,请见谅啊:)可以用human beings,human being是可数名词,但是如果把它看作整体,一般就用hunman being 就可以了,看几个例子: e.g. (1) This is a book on how to get on with your fellow human beings. (2)He is a detestable human being. evidence一般做不可数名词,但也有特例:e.g. evidences of prosperity繁荣的迹象 There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 迹象表明有人一直住在这儿。

164.“毕业生就业率”怎么说 graduate employment rate

165.社会保障体系怎么说?social security system

172.标题: Re: 基因工程纳米技术如何翻译?基因工程genetic engineering 纳米


174.Re: 作文中有好些词组不会写,还有一些语法问题如何改正呢?社会稳定social stability 经济条件financial circumstances;economic conditions 商业环境business climate

180.Re: help 贫富分化polarization between the rich and the poor (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

189.以偏概全take a part for the whole;generalize(about sth) from isolated incidents

202.Re:什么起很大作用,除了 play a great role in ,还有什么常用表达其他词组就想起几个:be effective; play a part in… fulfil a function 呵呵我还想起一个“不起作用”cut no ice

205.Re: 求教:“国民素质”"发挥才华“怎么翻译?”国民素质“national

quality ”发挥才华“bring one's talent into play; release one's gifts; give one's play to one's talent

210.Research is also the chief means by which we seek after the truth, 发现新的物?,探索新的领域,从而使人类能更好地发挥自身的能力,创造更多的财富,促进社会、人的进步怎么翻译阿 ? To seek truth, make new discoveries, explore new areas, thus to tap man's greater potential to procure more wealth, and finally speed the mutual progress of the entire humanity, the major means is still the scientific research.

211.Re: 请问才华横溢怎么说 brim with talent; overflow with talent; be full of wit; have superb talent. 常用表达:才华横溢的人man of brilliant intellect; person of exuberant talent 他是个才华横溢的学者。He is a scholar of superb talent.

222.Re: 请教翻译“获得奥运会主办权”怎么说啊 win the bid for the Olympic Games

224.Re: 问一下:“埋没人才”该怎么翻译? fail to do justice to talented people; stifle/suppress real talents 常用表达:His talent for painting was neglected. (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

225.Re: 请教一个说法,谢谢!“离某人做什么还有很长一段距离”,中的距离如果做“时间”的意思讲:(1)There are…left before sb … (2)sth is/are still …away. 如果做“水平,能力要求”的意思讲:…be far from the requirement

226.Re: 怎么翻译“有所得必有所失” (1)One can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. (2)When there is gain,there is loss. 顺便说一下,有失则有得:You have to make a sacrifice to get what you want.

227.Re: 请教“消费能力”怎么翻译Consumption Power

234.Re: 请问“纵向/横向对比”怎么翻译纵向对比longitudinal/lengthwise comparison 横向对比parallel comparison 237.Re: 科学无国界怎么说呀Science knows no boundaries.

240.Re: 请教富人和穷人有娜几种表达方式?富人rich person;wealthy person;man of means 穷人poor person;the poor/needy;pauper;have-nots 富人和穷人the rich and the poor;the haves and the have-nots

250.Re: 请问心理辅导课,价值观,自杀率,家庭暴力怎么说?应该是“心理学辅导课”吧:)psychology tutorial 价值观values自杀率Suicide Rate(s)家庭暴力

family/domestic violence 252.Re: ==技术工人怎么翻译呀?== skilled workers technical personnel/staff(技术人员)纯体力劳动的工人physical/manul


253.Re: 集中请教几种说法(拥有某方面的美好愿望?)参考表达:

conceive/cherish/embrace a desire to… (面对来自……的严重挑战)参考表达:be confronted/faced a challange…;face /meet change a challenge…; rise to a chllange… 顺便说一句,在…愿望,…挑战,既然有详细的内容说明了,我觉得就不要加形容词修饰了,觉得有些中式英语:) (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

254. Re: 请问关于股市涨跌之类的该怎么说?普通涨跌就用rise,fall就行了:) The stock jumped 100 .股市暴涨100点。Stock market tumbled.股市猛跌。

256.Re: 请教“优质服务”怎么翻啊 quality service;first-rate service e.g. render first-rate service提供优质服务 Quality Service Month优质服务月

257.Re: 冷门的专业怎么说?谢谢!less popular discipline/major/subject

258.Re: 耗费了大量人力物力怎么翻译,谢谢了 consume (massive,enormous)manpower and material resources

259.Re: only开头的句子,都得倒装吧?当only+状语,位于句首表示强调时用倒装,如不在句首或虽然在句首但不修饰状语时用正常语序。

260.Re: 请问“家庭和睦”怎么说family harmony

265.Re: 需要时间验证/考验怎么说?need time to bear?need/entail the test of time 266.Re: 集体活动怎么说?集体活动collective activities

276.中国经济的落后性:China's backward economy (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

277.落后:V.fall/lag/be behind N.underdeveloped;backwardbehind the times 278.社会混乱:social chaos/unrest

281. relevant relative有什么区别啊? relative作为形容词是的基本用法有: 1)比较的: the relative costs of building in stone and in brick石块建筑与砖块建筑的比较造价 They are living in relative comfort.他们生活得比较舒适。 2)相对(性)的:All human values are relative.人类的一切价值标准都是相对的。 3)有关的,相关的:relative proof 相关证据 4)(级别等)相当的,对应的:relative ranks (不同军种的)相应军衔 relevant作为形容词: 1)有关的,切题的,确当的,适宜的: the relevant authorities有关当局 His remakrs are not relavant to our discussion.他的话不切合我们的话题 2)相关联的,相称的:make one's life relevant to the needs of the country 使得个人生活与国家需要挂钩起来 3)有重大关系的,有意义的,目的明确的: public relative role举足轻重的社会作用

282.思想陈旧have out-of-date/outdated/stale/old-fashioned ideas; have an antiquated mind

284.不适合时代的要求或潮流cannot keep abreast of the times (文章来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)


288.底层人民:people in the bottom of society

299.媒体的大肆渲染(1)The media + blow sth up out of its proportion; enormously exaggerate; play up … (2)media hype

305.精神素养mental culture

306.人的品味taste e.g. be of elegant/cultivated(bad/poor/vulgar) taste品味高(低) person of taste有品味的人

307.素质quality; makings (来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

313.学历:academic/educational background; record of formal schooling; formal academic credentials

316.从历史和理性的角度看 from a historical and rational perspective

321.快捷的交通:fast traffic/communication

322.后天的(不是ingenerate):postnatal; acquired; nurtured

325.Re: conserve,reserve,preserve有什么区别啊~ conserve,reserve,preserve 均有“保护、保存、保留”之意, conserve侧重“为了减少浪费”而进行的保护; reserve 则是为“留作后用”的保留、预订。 preserve侧重“为了不至于灭绝、损坏”而进行的保护; 另外,还有一个observe则是对“传统、习惯”的保护、遵守。

330.Re: 请教一个翻译阶段性的成果staged achievement/gain

332.Re: 请问社会分工越来越细应该怎么说? Society is increasingly compartmentalised.

334.Re: 改革开放怎么说啊? reform and opening; reform and opening to the outside world

336.Re: 请问:“生活质量”怎么表达,谢谢quality of life (来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

338. Re: 请问:“心理素质”怎么表达,谢谢psycological quality

352.Re: 在过去的连续三年里怎么说啊 in the past three straight/consecutive years

353.Re: 推动社会进步怎么说啊? promote/propel (all-round) social progress

357.Re: 问大牛“过于纷繁芜杂”怎么说? numerous and complicated;mixed and disorderly;jumbled.

365.无法比拟:beyond/past/without compare; incomparable

367.炒做:publicize;sensationalize;enhance the popularity by media hype

368.知识储备:knowledge reserve

369.地域差别:geographical difference

370.宽容lenient;tolerant (来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)

371.超前消费:overconsuming, excessive consumption

372.学科越加细分,研究越加深入…the more compartmentali zed the subject is, the more thorough the research is…

373.涉及……什么领域:involve … domain

375.辉煌的成就:brilliant/outstanding achievement



380.Re: 请问“日益加剧的竞争”怎么说Competition is getting tough/heating up.

381.Re: 请问“即将步入社会”怎么说on the point of stepping into society

382.Re: 过犹不及怎么说? too much is as bad as too little;going beyond is just as wrong as not going far enough 384.Re: “试想一下,如果……”怎么翻译??大牛解答 just think/imagine e.g. Just think who else can do this?

385. Re: 请问工作性质,体质,运动强度,非处方药怎么说,谢谢!工作性质working nature体质constitution运动强度exercise intensity 非处方药nonprescription drugs, over the counter drugs, OTC drugs

386.Re: 请问“面对面的交流”Face-to-Face Communication

395.化学让我们了解人造橡胶的制造过程。 Chemistry acquaints us with the manufacturing process of artificial/synthetic rubber.

397.学习科学知识不仅仅是开阔我们的眼界,更重要的是改造世界使它更加有利于人类的生存和发展。 Scientific knowledge learning not only expands our minds, but also remoulds the world beneficial to human survival and development.

400.“交通不便”怎么翻译?^_^ 交通不便have poor transport facilities; be inconvenient located (来自https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,)


英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报


一.国际事务: negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit 峰会 charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章 pledge n. 诺言,保证,誓言,抵押,信物,保人,祝愿vt. 许诺,保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝……健康 vt. 特许,发给特许执照 promote peace 促进和平 boost economic co-op 加强经济合作 make concession/compromise 作出妥协 pass a resolution 通过决议 sanction n. 核准,制裁,处罚,约束力 vt. 制定制裁规则,认可,核准,同意 default n. 违约,不履行责任,缺席,默认值 vt. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 vi. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 veto a bill 否决议案 break the deadlock 打破僵局 a scientific breakthrough 科学突破 an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案 hot spot 热点 take hostilities toward..... 对……采取敌对态度 ethnic cleansing 种族排斥 refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民 mediator 调解员 national convention 国民大会 fight corruption 反腐败 corrupted election 腐败的选举 peace process 和平进程 give a boost to... 促进 booming economy 促进经济发展 mutual benefits/interests 双赢 Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限 retaliate 报复 banking reform 金融改革 commissioner 代表 go bankrupt 破产 file for bankruptcy 提出破产 deputy 代表


英语新闻中常用高频词汇大全新闻词汇精选 1.Academy Awards 学院奖(奥斯卡金像奖) 2. Apollo Program 阿波罗计划 3. Mr Bean 豆子先生 4. Beat Generation 垮了的一代 5. Bible 《圣经》 6. Black Monday 黑色星期一 7. Broadway(New York) 百老会 8. Central Park 中央公园 9. Charlie Chaplin 查利·卓别林 10. Chinatown 唐人街 11.Civil rights movement 民权运动 12.Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿 13.Coca-cola 可口可乐 14.Cookbooks 烹饪书 15.Cosmopolitan 大都 16.Cowboy 牛仔 17.Credit Card 信用卡 18.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 19.First lady 第一夫人 20.ghost towns 鬼城 21.the God father 教父 22.Grammy Awards 格来米奖 23.Great Depressions 大萧条 24.Great Salt lake 大盐湖 25.Gulf War 海湾战争

26.Halloween 万圣节(节) 27.Hariem 哈雷特(黑人区) 28.Harvard University 哈佛大学 29.Oxford University 牛津大学 30.Camoridge University 剑桥大学 31.Holiday Inn 假日酒店 32.Hollywood 好来坞 33.home computer 家用电脑 34.home video 家用录像 35.hot dog 热狗 36.Independence Day 独立日 37.Michael Jordan 麦克尔·乔丹 38.Michael Jackson 麦克尔·杰克逊 39.Helen Keller 海伦·凯莉 40.Kennedy Assasination 肯尼迪暗杀案 41.Kentucky Fried 肯德鸡 42.Bill Jean 比尔·金 43.Martin Luther King 马丁·路德金 44.Kodak 科达 45.Korean War 朝鲜战争 46.Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念碑 47.Little Rock 小万城 48.Los Angeles 洛杉机 49.Bruce Lee 李小龙 50.McDonalds 麦当劳 51.Madonna 麦当娜 52.Marijuana 大麻 53.Marlboro Man 万宝路人 54.Mickey Mouse 米老鼠


英语新闻词汇大全accreditedjournalistn.特派记者advertisementn.广告.advancen.预发消息;预写消息affairn.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdoten.趣闻轶事assignmentn.采写任务attributionn.消息出处,消息来源backalleynewsn.小道消息backgroundingn.新闻背景Badnewstravelsquickly.坏事传千里。bannern.通栏标题 beatn.采写范围 blankvt."开天窗"bodyn.新闻正文boilvt.压缩(篇幅) boxn.花边新闻 briefn.简讯 bulletinn.新闻简报 bylinen.署名文章 captionn.图片说明caricaturen.漫画 carryvt.刊登 cartoonn.漫画 censorvt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查

chartn.每周流行音乐排行版 clippingn.剪报 columnn.专栏;栏目 columnistn.专栏作家continuedstory连载故事;连载小说contributingeditor特约编辑 contributionn.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributorn.投稿人 copydeskn.新闻编辑部 copyeditorn.文字编辑 correctionn.更正(启事) correspondencecolumn读者来信专栏correspondentn.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 covervt.采访;采写 covergirln.封面女郎 covertcoverage隐性采访;秘密采访 cropvt.剪辑(图片) crusaden.宣传攻势 cutn.插图vt.删减(字数)cutlinen.插图说明dailyn.日报 datelinen.新闻电头 deadlinen.截稿时间 digvt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新 闻) digestn.文摘


政治 常见政治问题新闻词汇 ●Sanction制裁 ●Anarchy无政府状态 ●Ballot选票 ●Boycott联合抵制 ●Truce休战 ●Activist激进分子 ●Asylum政治庇护 ●Bill议案 ●Violate违反 ●Treaty协定 ●Parliament国会 ●House of commons下议院 ●Senate参议院 ●Congressman国会/众议院议员 ●Court法庭[院] ●House of lords上议院 ●Congress(美国等国的)国会、议会●Senator参议员 ●Legislature立法机关、立法机构 ●Procurator检察官 ●Security forces安全部队 ●Campaign运动选举 ●Cease-fire停火●Armed forces武装部队 ●Expel驱逐,放逐 ●Cabinet内阁 ●Casualty伤亡 ●Diplomatic tie外交关系 ●Ambassador大使,使节 ●Inflation通话膨胀 ●Reject否决 ●Statement声明 ●Interfere干涉 ●Unseat罢免 ●Protest示威 ●Democracy民主 ●Proposal提议 ●Domestic affairs内政 ●Resignation辞职 ●Impeach弹劾 ●Insurgent造反者,反抗国内政权的人●Multi-party elections多党选举 ●Amnesty特赦 ●Curfew宵禁 ●Anarchism无政府主义 ●Ballot选举票,投票,票数,投票 常见政治头衔新闻词汇 ●President总统 ●Premier总理 ●Secretary of state国务卿●Prime minister首相 ●Chief executive行政长官●Deputy president副总统●Foreign minister外长 ●Finance minister财长 ●Secretary-general秘书长●Chairman主席 新闻中出现的中国时政的词汇 ●Rapid economic growth快速经济增长 ●Disparate development发展不平衡 ●Flood-prevention project防洪工程 ●Building redundant project重复建设 ●Work contracted to households包干到户 ●Strive for a relatively comfortable life奔小康 ●Lighten the burden on the peasant(farmers)减轻农民负担●A constructive strategic partnership建设性战略伙伴关系 外交用词 ●Ambassador大使●Diplomacy外交●Consulate领事馆,领事任期,领事 的职位


11.常用新闻英语词汇. 政治、法律、外交 1. Abortive coup attempt流产政变 2. Absent trial缺席审判 3. Absentee voting缺席投票 1 4. Absolute majority绝对多数 5. Absolute monarchy君主专制政体 6. Abstain from voting放弃,不投票 7. Abstention弃权 8. Accord协定,一致 9. Accredited journalist特记者 10. Acting president代总统 11. Action platform行动纲领 12. Action policy行动方针,实施方针 13. Administration party执政党 14. Administrative authorities行政当局 15. Administrative injunction行政命令 16. Administrative policy speech施政演 17. Advanced countries发达国家 18. Advisory body顾问团 19. Advisory committee咨询委员会 20. Agenda会议事项,议事日程 21. Agreed formula商定的方安 22. Aid-giving agency援助机构 23. Alien domination外国统治 24. Allied powers同盟国 25. All-out ban全面禁止 26. Ambassador-at-large巡回大使 27. Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 28. Amendment修正案,附加条款 29. Amicable relation友好关系 30. Amnesty 31. Anarchy大赦 32. Annex(领土)合并,兼并 33. Anxious澳、新、美三国防御体系 34. Appeasement policy绥靖政策 35. Appropriate authorities有关当局


英语新闻词汇大全accredited journalist n. 特派记者 advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。 banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报 government organ 官报

常用BBC VOA新闻词汇

常用BBC,VOA英语新闻词汇1)名词+现在分词。如: cancer-causing drug 制癌药物 oil-producing country 产油国 peace-keeping force 维和部队 policy-making body 决策机构 2)形容词+现在分词。如: far-reaching significance 深远意义 high-ranking official 高级官员 long-standing issue 由来己久的问题 wide-spreading AIDS 到处蔓延的艾滋病 3)名词+过去分词。如: blood-cemented friendship 鲜血凝成的友谊 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 poverty-stricken area 贫困地区 wasp-waisted road 蜂腰路段 4)形容词+过去分词。如: deep-rooted social problems 根深蒂固的社会问题foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业 long-faced job loser 愁眉苦脸的失业者 quick-frozen food 速冻食品 5)副词+过去分词。如: dimly-lit room 光线昏暗的房间 highly-sophisticated technology 尖端技术 richly-paid job 薪水丰厚的工作 well-informed source 消息灵通人士 6)名词+形容词。如: inflation-proof deposit 保值储昔 interest-free loan 无息贷款 labour-intensive enterprise 劳动力密集型企业 vehicle-free promenade 步行街 7)名词+名词.如: arms-reduction talks 裁军谈判 labour-management conflict 劳资冲突 supply-demand imbalance 供求失调 year-endreport 年终报告 8)形容词+名词。如:


传播学英语专业词汇 传播 Communication 内向/自我传播 Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播 Interpersonal Communication 群体传播 Group Communication 组织传播 Organization Communication 大众传播 Mass Communication 单向传播 One-Sided Communication 双向传播 Two-Sided Communication 互动传播 Interactive Communication 媒介 Media 大众传播媒介 Mass Media 新媒介 New Media 新闻洞 News Hold 新闻价值 News Value 传播者 Communicator 主动传播者 Active Communicator 受传者/受众/阅听大众 Audience 受众兴趣 Audience Interest 受众行为 Audience Activity 信息 Information 信号 Signal 讯息 Message 信息熵 Entropy 冗余/冗余信息 Redundancy 传播单位 Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式 Osgood Model 编码 Encode 解码 Decode 信源 Source 传播的数学理论 Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道 Communication Channel 有效传播 Effective Communication 传播效果 Effects 知识沟 Knowledge-Gap 使用与满足模式 Uses and Gratifications Model 使用与依从模式 Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统 System of Oral Communication 地球村 Global Village 内爆 Implosion 全球化 Globalization 本土化 Localization 数字化 Digitalization 电子空间 Cyber Space


新闻常用词汇 aid=assist(帮助,援助) alter=change or modify(改变)ask=inquire(询问) assail=denounce(谴责) axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少) balk=impede(阻碍) ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止) bar=prevent(防止,阻止) bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露) blast=explode(爆炸) begin=commence(开始) bid=attempt(努力) bilk=cheat(欺骗) bolt=desert or abandon(放弃) boost=increase(增加,提高) check=examine(检查) claim=ause the death of…(夺去……的生命) clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议) curb=control or restrict(控制) dip=decIlne or decrease(下降) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱) foil=prevent from(阻止,防止) grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕) laud=praise(赞扬) lop=diminish(下降,减少) map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名) moot=discuss(讨论) mull=consider(考虑) nab=arrest(逮捕) nip=defeat(击败) nix=deny\disapprove(否决,拒绝)


新闻专业英语词汇 A ABC 美国广播公司 action photography 带动作的摄影 actors 职业演员 alternative locations 候选(备用)外景照片 American Federation of Musican 美国音乐家协会 American Federation of Televis 美国广播电视演艺人员协会 animated graphics 单格动画图形 animated titles 动画式片头 animation 动画 animatic stand 动画摄制固定架 animators 动画家 arrangement 编曲 art director 艺术指导 asa 感光度(感光速度系数) assistant camera person 助理摄影师 assistant director 助理导演 association of independentcommercial producers.aicp 独立广告影片制作人协会 aUDIO 声部 audio master 声音母带 audio mixer 混音师 audio post-production 声部后制作audition 试镜会 authority 权威人士 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息 B backdrops 背景布幕 backlit 后面打光 barcode standard 条码格式 barn doors 遮光板 best boy 灯光助理 billdding package 套装议价组合billboards 户外看板 bin monitor 显像储藏室 blow-up 放大 boom person 吊杆控制员 boom up 把摄影机升高 back alley news n. 小道消息 back grounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题


2018英语高频词汇 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2. burst vi. & n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理 4. blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂adj. 裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11. bacteria n. 细菌 12. breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14. candidate n. 候选人 15. campus n. 校园 16. liberal adj.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19. transplant v. 移植 20. transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicious adj. 怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild adj.温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28. tender adj.温柔的;脆弱的 29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30. insignificant adj. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32. absolute adj. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33. boundary n. 分界线,边界 34. brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目 36. vague adj. 模糊的,不明确的 37. vain n. 徒劳,白费 38. extinct adj. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39. extraordinary adj. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40. extreme adj. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43. appeal n. & vi. 呼吁,恳求 44. appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45. approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46. stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47. acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48. accomplish vt.完成,到达;实行 49. network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50. tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51. tidy adj. 整洁的,整齐的 52. trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53. torture n. & vt. 拷打,折磨 54. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55. wax n. 蜡 56. weave v. 织,编 57. preserve v. 保护,保存;保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic adj.学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会


negotiations, delegate , delegation, summit峰会, declaration sponsor , 消除分歧, promote peace 促进和平,boost economic co-op加强经济合作make concession/compromise作出妥协,pass a resolution通过决议,veto a bill否决议案, break the deadlock打破僵局 a scientific breakthrough科学突破,an unexpected outcome出乎意料的结果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement签署协议 diplomatically isolated country在家,diplomatic solutions外交解决方案,military option军事解决途径(动用武力), escalating tension逐步升级的局势, military coupe军事政变,forced from office被赶下台,step down/aside下台 on the brink of war处于战争边缘, hot spot热点,take hostilities toward..对..采取敌对态度, sporadic fighting断断续续的战斗 rebels , wounded,killed, injury,death,casualties伤亡 heavy fighting激战, genocide种族灭绝,relief effort救济工作, humanitarian aid人道主义援助 ethnic cleansing种族排斥, broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce促成停火,refugee, illegal alliens非法移民, mediator调解员, end the bloodshed结束流血事件, special envoy特使 维和部队, national convention国民大会 guerrilla war游击战争,border dispute边境争端,armed conflict武装冲突,reconciliation调解fight corruption反腐败,corrupted election腐败的选举 peace process和平进程, give a boost to...促进,booming economy促进经济发展 civil war内战, mutual benefits/interests双赢 cruise missile 巡航导弹, come to a conclusion达成一致 coalition forces联合军队,interim/transitional gov't过渡政府, sluggish economy萧条的经济 on high alert 处于高级戒备状态, rebellion叛乱,rebel forces叛军 Defense Minister , evacuate, flee from Pentagon五角大楼, impose/break a deadline规定/打破最后期限,retaliate报复 banking refrom金融改革, commissioner代表 go bankrupt破产,file for bankrupcy提出破产, deputy代表 sensitive , hostage, kidnapped French nationals被绑架的法国人, rescue,release invade , US-led invasion美国领导的入侵, right-wing extremists右翼极端分子,external forces外部力量 warring factions交战各方, topple the government推翻政府 speculate, disarmament agreement裁军协议,mandate , to lift a boycott取消禁令withdraw , embargo, impose sanctions against...实施制裁 dismantle销毁, the implementation of an accord执行决议 germ warfare介子战争, to ease the ban on ivory trade to harbor sb.保护, animal conservation动物保护,threatened/endangered species濒危物种 illegal poaching非法捕猎,face extinction濒临灭亡 stagnant/ recession 萧条, financial crisis金融危机, deflation通货紧缩,inflation通货膨胀, retail prices零售价格,whole sale prices批发价格suicide bombing自杀性袭击事件,dispute , crisis,coflict, holy war圣战


BBC英语新闻词汇 1.Concession让步, Administration政府,Resume恢复, Priority优先考虑的事, Secretary of state国务卿,Turkey土耳其, Turkish土耳其, Ankara安卡拉, Cyprus塞浦路斯, Greece希腊, Greek希腊人, Athens 雅典, Clinton克林顿 2.Outline草案, contentious引起争论的, settlement住宅区, Israel以色列, Israeli, Palestine巴勒斯坦, Palestinian , Jerusalem耶路撒冷, The Middle East, The Gaza Strip加沙地带 3.Mastermind策划, ,Retort 反驳, Extradition引渡, Militant好战分子, Afghanistan阿富汗, Afghan , Saudi沙特阿拉伯的, Osama bin Laden本拉丹, Taliban塔利班 4.Reintroduction重又采用, Reformist改良主义的, Tread践、踏, Positive建设性的, Iran伊郎, Iranian, The European Union欧盟, Chirac希拉克, 5.Handover移交, Timing时间的选择, ‘Portugal 葡萄牙, Portuguese, Macao澳门 6.Governor州长, Illinois , Fidel Castro 卡斯特罗 7.membership 成员资格, ousted被驱逐的, coup政变, depose免职, in detention拘留, Pakistan, Pakistani, Nawaz Sharif谢里夫, Pervaiz Musharraf穆沙拉夫 8.deadlock 僵局, retain保持, disarm解除武装, endorse赞同, Northern Ireland, Unionist Party统一党, IRA爱尔兰共和军 9.Balkan巴尔干半岛, Bulgaria保加利亚 10.Underpin支持巩固, Catholic天主教的, Protestant新教的, Dublin都柏林, Ulster 爱尔兰别称, Sinn Fein新芬党 11.Indict控告, sanction制裁, uphold支持拥护, Y ugoslavia南斯拉夫, Yugoslav, Belgrade贝尔格莱德, Serbia塞尔维亚, Serb, Slobodan Milosevic米洛舍维奇 12.Cautiously谨慎的 13.hard-line走强硬路线的, chaotic混乱的, heightened加强的, unfold发展, Delhi 德里, Islamabad, Kashmir克什米尔 14.Resume重新开始, raid袭击, take steps采取步骤, William Cohen美国国防部长科恩


英语常用新闻词汇 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,bor department 劳工部 2.Parcel shipping company 包裹运输公司 3.Under way 在进行中 4.To acknowledge 承认 5.To pledge 承诺 6.Recession 经济衰退 7.Campaign 运动 8.Momentum 势头 9.Fleet 车队 10.Vehicle 车辆 11.Fuel-efficient 节能的 12.Budget 预算 13.Talk 谈判 14.Democrat 民主党的,民主党人 15.Republican 共和党的,共和党人 16.Capitol hill 国会山 17.Unemployment 失业率 18.Clean energy 清洁能源 19.Ally 盟国,盟友 20.Aircraft carrier 航空母舰 21.U.S. Defence Secretary 美国国防部长 22.Quake 地震 23.Tsunami 海啸 24.Condolence 慰问 25.To stand ready to 随时准备 26.Precedent 先例 27.Televised remarks 电视讲话 28.Aftermath 后果,结果 29.An army of 一大批 30.To promote 促进,推进 31.Fundraiser 筹集资金活动 32.Water-borne 水传播的

33.Tap water 自来水 34.Drinking water 饮用水 35.Rebel 反对者 36.Stronghold 大本营 37.Loyalist 忠诚分子 38.Anti-aircraft fire 防空火炮 39.Fight jet 战斗机 40.Dissenter 反对者 41.To abstain 弃权 42.Measure 议案,法令 43.Arab League 阿拉伯联盟 44.Casualty 伤亡人员 45.To advance 增进,增强 46.Advocate 拥护者 47.Post 职位岗位 48.Outgoing 即将离职的 49.Presidential race 总统竞选 50.National interest 国家利益 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,merce secretary 商务部长 52.Top diplomat 高级外交官首席外交官 53.Talent scout 星探 54.To land 赢得,获得 55.Nomination 提名 56.To reconcile 是和解,是和好相处 57.Charitable causes 慈善事业 58.Humanitarian 人道主义 59.Drug rehabilitation center 戒毒中心 60.Ranch 农场 61.Forbes 福布斯 62.Billionaire 亿万富翁 https://www.doczj.com/doc/7316198228.html,-pacific 亚太地区 64.Top spot 榜首 65.Charity 慈善机构 66.Nuclear crisis 核危机 67.Digital camera 数码相机


out-of-box thinking 创造性思维critical thinking批判性思维divergent thinking发散式思维 test-oriented school system应试教育制度 academic appraisal system 学术评价体系 Mass appraisal批量评估 zero tolerance零容忍supervising body监督机构academic fraud学术腐败 gear towards quick success and instant benefit急功近利导致academic misconduct学术不端行为homework loads课业负担professional test-takers专业“考试机 All-court press 全场紧逼 court struggle宫廷斗争 Agony aunt 排忧栏目主持人backup dancer/driver伴舞。副驾驶air strip /strip a off b简易机场(剥夺) Achilles’ heel致命伤Altitude/motion sickness 高原反应。晕车船 Anti-choice 反自由堕胎的 pro-choice主张自由堕胎的 Anti-graft campaign 反腐运动 big brother 大佬 Banana republic香蕉共和国(拉美国家) Baby/coffee break 产假。咖啡时间Blackball反对票,放逐 Bag people/lady 携购物袋的浪人、女人 Bank run 挤兑 gold rush 淘金潮 Bank shot 擦板球 make a shot 投篮 Bargaining chip 谈判筹码 Birds and bees 两性基础常识影Cash cow 摇钱树 cancer stick/coffin nail 致癌棒Celestial burial /revolution 天葬、太平天国 Closed book 不知道的事 color bar 白人对黑人的歧视

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