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In his classic novel, “The Pioneers”, James Fenimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, with his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a bustling metropolis(大城市,大都市). But his cousin looks around bewildered(困惑、迷惑). All she sees is a forest. “Where are the beauties and improvements(改造的地方)which you were to show me?” she asks. He’s astonished she can’t see them. “Where! Why everywhere,” he replies. For though they are not yet built on earth, he has built them in his mind, and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.

Cooper was illustrating(讲述、描述、阐述)a distinctly American trait,

future-mindedness(minded:有思想的,着眼未来的): the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered 【没有阻碍的, 不受妨碍的;cumber(n.)障碍→encumber(v.)阻碍→encumbered有阻碍的→unencumbered没有阻碍的】by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said, “Life for the American is always becoming(会变成什么样子), never being(现在是什么样子).”






The word “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When they refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who makes some else lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being credible, trustworthy, responsive, and genien, both as an individual and as a member of a society.

Winners do not decide their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be; rather, they are themselves and so much do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence(伪装) and manipulating(操纵) others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.



Winners are not afraid of to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished(毁坏、****), bound, or awed(敬畏) by them.



Winners do not play “helpless”, nor do they play the blaming game. Instead, they assume(假定、设想、采取) responsibility for their own lives.





Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau’s idea of the low levels. The active discipline of heightening one’s perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high. What he saved from the low was time and effort he could spend on the high. Thoreau certainly disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts. Effort is the gist(要点,主旨) of it. There is no happiness except as we take on(接纳) life-engaging(有魅力的、迷人的) difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms(相同的表达、看法) when he spoke of “The pleasure of taking pains”. The mortal flaw (致命的缺陷)in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports(宣称、声称) to be effortless.

We demand difficulty even in our games(体育比赛、游戏). We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary(武断的) imposition(强迫接受) of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun.





If people mean anything at all by the expression_r “untimely(不合时宜的,timely:适时的、及时的) death”, they must believe that some deaths run on(连续, 不分段, 流逝, 涉及)a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called untimely —a long life is thought to be a full one. But with the passing(= passing away 死亡)of a young person, one assumes(假定、设想) that the best years lay ahead and the measure(尺度、评价) of that life was still to be taken.

History denies this, of course. Among prominent(卓越的、突出的)summer(壮年时期, 青春)deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe(马丽莲?梦露 )and James Deans(詹姆士?迪恩斯), whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats(约翰?济慈)died at 26, and only half playfully(开玩笑地) judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year. The idea that the life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity(强度、亮度=achievements: 成就)and virtue(德行、品德).





2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而单纯的表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际得颜色混合一起,分不清哪就是流云哪就是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂得图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,瞧一眼这美丽得黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家得最后一刻再次咀嚼。这就是黄河滩上得一幕。牧羊人不见了,她不知在何处歇息.只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚得,像些胖娃娃.如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱得神情,洁白得牙齿,那丰富而单纯得表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限得怜悯。 Beside this picturewithprofusionsof colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the river bank、Hardly none ofthemwouldspare some timeto raise their eyes tohave a glanceat the beautifuldusk、Theyare, perhaps,takinguse ofevery minuteto enjoy their lastchew before being driven home、This is a picture ofthe Yellow River bank,inwhich the shepherd disappears,andno oneknows where he is resting himself、Only the sheep,however,as free creatures,are joyfullyappreciating thedusk、The exuberant wate rplants have nutritedthesheep, making them


历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are inevitably the province(范围)of the rich unless we abdicate(退位、放弃)society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera and other expensive forms of culture, accessible(易接近的,可达到的)to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? No body denies the imperatives(必要的)of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, man-kind stretched out a hand of not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse(冲动)towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation(表述、陈述)is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment(完成、成就)in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones (标准、试金石)for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire(立志、追求目标、渴望); they carry the most profound (深厚的、深刻的)messages that can be sent from one human to another. 参考译文: 欣赏歌剧是一种奢侈:你必须为此支付昂贵的票价。然而,享用昂贵的东西并不完全是富人的特权,除非我们放弃社会选择的权利。我们有权利使歌剧和其他昂贵的文化形式面向大众,面向那些个人没有支


2013汉译英 生活像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从中品出无穷的美妙。Life is like a cup of wine;people who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. 将它握在手中观察,它的暗红有血的感觉,那正是生命的痕迹。Hold in the hand and gaze at it,the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood,which is the impress of life.抿一口留在口中回味,它的甘甜有一丝苦涩,如人生一般复杂迷离。Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste,the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same with life,which is complicated and blurred. 喝一口下肚,余香润人心肺,让人终受益。Once the sip is swallowed,the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind,leaving a person lifelong benefit. 红酒越陈越美味,生活越丰富越美好。There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine:the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows,just as life gets better as it becomes more abundant. 当人生走向晚年,就如一瓶待开封的好酒,其色彩是沉静的,味道中充满慷慨于智慧。 When life comes to twilight years,it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity,just like a bottle of wine to be savored. 英译汉 联合国代表大会,中心政治论坛,由193个成员国组成,几乎包括世界上所有国家,其中三分之二的国家为发展中国家,占世界总人口的四分之三。通过决议非常困难,尤其是所有惯例决出的协议必须达成一致才能通过。结果就是,重要的协议总是被狭隘的特殊利益所挟持,并且大部分协议都只是用来使自己的利益最大化。但真正的问题是世界上主要国.是否愿意看到民主最大限度地开展。联合国安理会,负责和平和安全,处理最重要的政治问题。安理会只有15个成员国,所以能经常性地应付危机。它曾一度由于冷战对立而停摆,但已经重新获得了联合国宪章给予的权利。 2012汉译英 痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心头无绪。她在孩子所待的房里来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩。整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑。就让孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这是留住孩子最好的地方。这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘密留在这树林掩映的建筑里。 Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression which was likely to run out of her throat at any moment. She could not think clearly any longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other pals. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were whispering. ―Just leave it here‖, she told herself, ―This is the best choice by far, for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a Medicare center‖. The chi ld was her secret which would be kept in the buildings behind the woods. 英译汉But such policies seem instead to have created the conditions for even more campus violence. Some college students who previously drank in bars and lounges under the watchful supervision of bouncers(夜总会,就把等保安人员)(not to mention owners eager to keep their liquor licenses)now retreat to the sanctuary of their fraternity houses and apartments, where they no longer control their behavior their drinking. The boomerang effect has also played a role in attempts to reduce the availability of illicit drugs. During recent years, the federal government has been quite successful in reducing the supply of street drugs. As fields are burned and contraband(违禁品) confiscated, the price of street drugs has skyrocketed to a point where cheap alternatives have begun to compete in the marketplace. Unfortunately, the cheap alternatives are even more harmful than the illicit drugs they replace. 然而上述政策反而引发了更多的校园暴力。一些大学生先前在夜总会的酒吧买醉,处于保安人员严密的监控之下(酒吧老板们为了保住自己卖酒的牌照也不会允许过激的事情发生)。现在,大学生们躲到他们互助会会所和公寓中酗酒,对自己饮酒的 数量或行为都不再控制。政府在打击非法毒品方面采取的措施同样适得其反。近年来,联邦政府已经有效地抑制了街头毒品买卖。警方捣毁了很多毒品种植地,没收了违禁品,导致毒品的价格暴涨,那些便宜的替代品因此也有了竞争力。糟糕的是,那些便宜的替换品带来的危害甚至比他们所替代的毒品更大。 2011:汉译英原文现代社会无论价值观的持有还是生活方式的选择都充满了矛盾。而最让现代人感到尴尬的是,面对重重矛


英语专业八级翻译练习题 1.英译汉 1) Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau's idea of the low levels. The active discipline of heightening one's perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high. What he saved from the low was time and effort he could spend on the high. Thoreau certainly disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts. Effort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of "The pleasure of taking pains". The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless. We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun. 梭罗所理解的"低层次",即为了拥有而去拥有,或与所有的邻居明争暗斗而致拥有。他心目中的"高层次",则是这样一种积极的人生戒律,即要使自己对自然界永恒之物的感悟臻于完美。对于他从低层次上节省下来的时间和精力,他可将其致力于对高层次的追求。勿庸置疑,梭罗不赞成忍饥挨饿,但他在膳食方面所投入的精力仅果腹而已,只要可确保他能去从事更为重要的事务,他便别无所求。 殚精竭虑,全力以赴,便是其精髓所在。除非我们愿意直面那些需要我们全身心投入的艰难困苦,否则便不会有幸福可言。正如叶芝所言,除却某些不可能的情形,我们于人生中所获取的满足皆取决于我们在多高的境界中选择我们所愿意面对的艰难困苦。当罗伯特弗罗斯特言及"以苦为乐"时,他内心所思,大体如此。商业广告中所宣扬的那种幸福观,其致命的缺陷就在于这样一个事实,即它宣称,一切幸福皆唾手可得,不费吹灰之力。 即便于游戏之中,我们也需要有艰难困苦。我们之所以需要它,因为设若没有困难,便断无游戏可言。游戏即是这样一种方式,为了享受其中的情趣而人为地使事情变得不那么轻而易举。游戏中的种种规则,便是将困难武断地强加于人。当有人将情趣摧毁殆尽时,他总是因为拒不按游戏规则行事而使然。这犹如下棋;如果你随心所欲、心血来潮地去更改那些全然武断的游戏规则,这样去赢棋当然会更加容易。但下棋的情趣则在于,应在规则的限定范围内赢取胜利。一言以蔽之,没有艰难,断无情趣。 2)


历年英语翻译初级口译考试真题及答案 上午卷: 英译中: (1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间,国土面积为268105平方公里,人口为300多万。 简析:纵观口译考题,出题者十分聪明地将有关课文的每篇的首句作为考题来出,真是用心良苦。试想每篇文章的首句或每段文章的第一句话不是有提纲挈领的作用吗?理解了首句往往就能了解文章的大概。这和阅读理解的要求有着很大的相通性。所以加强平日对英语句子的敏感性十分有必要。 2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367) 洗涤过程完成后,洗碗机用自身的热量将盘子和杯子烘干。杯盘还可以留在机内待下一餐使用时再取出。 中译英: (1)为了过好学校里的公寓生活,学生应该学会自己洗衣服,整理房间,甚至于买菜做饭。(第355页) To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food. (2)据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。(p36蓝)


英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考谜底 令狐采学 CE:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在垂头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发明它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而纯真的脸色。如果稍稍长久一点打量这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls.


2016年专八翻译题及答案详解 “流逝”表现了南国人对时间最早的感觉。子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫。”他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流逝也许是缓慢的,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用“流逝”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一种紧张感。 【参考译文1】 They have found that the flowing water,either a murmuring stream or a mighty river, passes quickly and never returns. With the passage of time, the young become the old and the green grass turns yellow. People naturallyhave a sense of urgency to value every bit of time. As time goes by,no matter how slowly it elapses, people always use the word “liushi” to warn thelater generations for fear of time’s flowing away. They tell their descendants to treasure every single minute and make a hurried action, which adds a sense of tension to the word. 【参考译文2】 They find that either a murmuring stream or a mighty river has gone forever and that the passage of time turns a young man into an old one, and yellows of the grass, which sends a massage of how time flies. Maybe the passing of time is slow. But no matter how slow it is, it makes people so fearful that they use “passage” to warn the later generations to rush. And the use of “passage” also infuses a sense of tension into the word. 【参考译文3】


2013年12月四级考试真题及答案四套翻译题汇总 试卷一:中餐 【真题原文】许多人喜欢中餐,在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看,烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既味美又健康。 【翻译答案】Most people like Chinese food. In China, cooking is considered as not only a skill but also an art. The well-prepared Chinese food is both delicious and good-looking. Although cooking methods and food ingredient vary wildly in different places of China, it is common for good cuisine to take color, flavor, taste and nutrition into account. Since food is crucial to health, a good chef is insistently trying to seek balance between cereal, meat and vegetable, and accordingly Chinese food is delicious as well as healthy. 试卷二:信息技术 【真题原文】信息技术(Information Technology),正在飞速发展,中国公民也越来越重视信息技术,有些学校甚至将信息技术作为必修课程,对这一现象大家持不同观点。一部分人认为这是没有必要的,学生就应该学习传统的课程。另一部分人认为这是应该的,中国就应该与时俱进。不管怎样,信息技术引起广大人民的重视是一件好事。 【翻译答案】As China citizens attaching great importance to the rapidly development of Information Technology, some college even set it as a compulsory course. Regarding to this phenomenon, people holding different views. Some people think it is not necessary, for students should learn the traditional curriculum. Another part of people think it is a need, because China should keep pace with the times. Anyway, it is a good thing that Information Technology aroused public concern. 试卷三:茶文化 【真题原文】"你要茶还是咖啡?"是用餐人常被问到的问题,许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶,相传,中国的一位帝王于五千年前发现了茶,并用来治病,在明清(the qing dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国,饮茶在六世纪传到日本,但直到18世纪才传到欧美,如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一,茶是中国的瑰宝。也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。 【翻译答案】"Would you like tea or coffee?" That’s a question people often asked when having meal. Most westerners will choose coffee, while the Chinese would like to choose tea. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor five thousand years ago, and then was used to cure disease. During the Ming and Qing


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理- 英语专业八级翻译试题及一些翻译练习 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

全国英语专业八级考试(TEM8)的翻译部分(汉译英)原文全文 如下: 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在 花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集, 笑语四溢。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界, 一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。一 霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。 阅学生之译文,笔者发现有一个问题值得我们教师注意,即如何 在动笔翻译前,能迅速正确地确定英译的主语。如: 1. 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道。 学生译文(以下简称“学译”):Before the illness, I was much petted by parents, doing everything at will in the home. 学译:Before I became ill, I have received all the favor of my parents, just like a little tyrant at home. 参考译文:Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents. 我们知道,汉语表达大多为“意合”结构,结构松散,以一个一 个看似并列的短句“拼凑而成,彼此逻辑关系不明显;但英语则不同 于汉语,它是形合语言,非常讲究句子内部的逻辑关系的”外化“, 所谓”外化“,即,使用Connectives来表现其逻辑关系。我国译界 有一个比喻:汉语句子的结构像”竹竿“,是一节接一节的;而英语


历年英语四级翻译真题及答案2012年6月翻译真题87. Those flowers looked as if they __ ___________________________(好长时间没有浇水了). 88. Fred bought a car last week. It is __________________________(比我的车便宜一千英镑). 89. This TV program is quite boring. We might ______________________(不妨听听音乐). 90. He left his office in a hurry, with___________________________(灯亮着门开着). 91. The famous novel is said to _____________________(已经被翻译成多种语言). 2011年12月翻译真题 87. Charity groups organized various activities to ___________________________________(为地震幸存者筹款). 88. Linda __________________________________(不可能收到我的电子邮件) otherwise, she would have replied. 89. It’s my mother _____________________________(一直在鼓励我不要灰心)when I have difficulties in my studies. 90. The publishing house has to ___________________________(考虑这部小说的受欢迎程度). 91. It is absolutely wrong to __________________________________(仅仅以金钱来定义幸福). 2011年6月翻译真题


综合练习(一) 一、英译汉 WASHINGTON(Reuters) - Know your way around a lock Then the CIA wants you: "The Central Intelligence Agency is seeking locksmiths to work with the best minds in the country while performing a mission critical to our nation," the CIA said in a recent job posting on its website, . Locksmiths, who in spy agency lingo are called technical operations officers, are needed for such tasks as to "familiarize non-technical people with technical capabilities; do hands-on work; and travel worldwide." Skill in making lock parts is an asset for prospective CIA lock-smiths. "Knowledge of electronic and manual safe lock servicing, electricity, and alarms is ideal. Knowing how to operate machinery to fabricate lock parts and tools will be beneficial," the CIA job posting said. 参考答案: 华盛顿(路透社)-你是否精通有关锁的技能如果精通,美国中央情报局正想要你呢。“中央情报局正在物色锁匠,他们将与美国精英一道执行对国家至关重要的任务,”中央情报局最近在其网站上贴的一则招聘通知上如是说道。 锁匠,用间谍机构的行话来说是技术性操作人员,需要他们做的是诸如“用他们的技能去教会外行人;做需要动手操作的工作;到世界各地去出差。” 拥有造锁技能是候选的中情局锁匠的资本。“熟悉电子及手动保险柜的维修、电路和警报系统的人是理想人选。熟悉如何操作机器来制造锁件和工具将有利于得到这份工作。”CIA 招聘通知写道。 汉译英 圣经在英语的发展过程中对英语的影响可谓深远。她不仅对英语的词汇的补充和习惯用语的形成功不可没,人们在日常交往中对其的引用更是无处不见。美国有位词汇学教授曾经说过,难以想象一个没有读过圣经的人能够学好英语。我们无意去讨论这位教授的话对错与否,但我们对圣经对于英语学习的作用却是肯定的。 参考答案: The Bible has played a very important role during the development of English. It has significant impact on the formation of the English vocabulary and English idioms. People quote the Bible almost everywhere during their daily work and life. An American lexicologist once said that it is hard to imagine one can learn English well without reading the Bible. We are not discussing whether what he said was true or not. However we are on the YES side about the Bible's contribution to the language. 综合练习(二) 一、英译汉 If people mean anything at all by the expression "untimely death", they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called untimely---a long life is thought to be a full one. But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken. History denies this, of course. Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Deans, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26, and only half playfully judge their own lives


析2017年考研英语考试已经结束!出国留学考研网在考后第一时间为大家提供2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析,更多考研资讯请关注我们网站的更新! 2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析 英语1文章明显偏学术,今年考察英语语言发展情况,文章选的英国文化教育协会,是雅思出题组织者。它的主席叫大卫格兰多的一本书,叫《英语下一步》,他讲到整本书意思是英语将走向何处。 很有意思的是主席曾经这本书里说到了中文将以后成为世界语言。 英语1考题作为序言部分作为考题。 今年英语1总体难度和去年相比,刚刚过去2016年考研题稳中有一点点上升,没有任何难句出现,只是长句。我认为稳中上升。 第一句话有一个单词难一点,(英文),英语全球性主导地位。翻译里没有考过。(英文)主导地位考过,但是是阅读里经常出现,翻译都是可以的。这句话基本意思说到了,说英语的人进一步扩大,这是一个(英文)状语从句。后面跟着有迹象表明,是主句,表明的迹象是什么呢?从句,英语全球性主导地位在可预见地位将减弱。 fade(英文)略微有难度。我对考研阅读没有那么熟,但是2000年出现过。 如果按照新东方老师关注的精读方法来学习有很好的效果。 第二句话讲到了大卫这个人分析,会终结一些人的(英文),他们或许会认为英语全球性地位是如此稳定。他们有一次词,是(英语)如此稳定,英国年轻一代不需要额外学习其他的语言能力。但是会终结年轻一代的能力。 但是组织的时候要注意一下,有些人认为英语语言地位如此稳定,英国年轻人没有必要学习什么,但是大卫的观点会终结这些人的想法。语序颠倒一下会更好。48题,正在引入英语,引入小学课程,有一个单词,(英语),这个单


1995年英语专业八级考试 简.奥斯丁的小说都是三五户人家居家度日,婚恋嫁娶的小事。因此不少中国读者不理解她何以在西方享有那么高的声誉。但一部小说开掘得深不深,艺术和思想是否有过人之处,的确不在题材大小。有人把奥斯丁的作品比作越咀嚼越有味道的橄榄。这不仅因为她的语言精彩,并曾对小说艺术的发展有创造性的贡献,也因为她的轻快活泼的叙述实际上并不那么浅白,那么透明。史密斯夫人说过,女作家常常试图修正现存的价值秩序,改变人们对“重要”和“不重要”的看法。也许奥斯丁的小说能教我们学会转换眼光和角度,明察到“小事”的叙述所涉及的那些不小的问题。 参考译文:颜林海 Jane Austin’s novels tell about such things unimportant as life, love and marriage in a few families that many Chinese readers do not understand why she has enjoyed such a high reputation in the western countries. But subject matter is indeed not the decisive factor by which we can judge whether or not a novel has its depth, or whether or not it has something superior to others in its artistic appeal and ideological content. Some people compare Austin’s works to olives: the more you chew them, the tastier you feel them. It is not only because of her wonderful language as well as her creative contribution to the development of novel writing as an art, but also because of something that her light and lively narrative hides——something implicit and opaque. Mrs Smith once said, women writers often tried to rectify the existing value orders, and to change people’s opinions on “what’s important or not”. Maybe Austin’s novels can teach us how to change our perspective and vision, really to dig those things important through the narrative of the ones unimportant. E-C原文 I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do es the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life? For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense of self? I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as “part of us.”Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are, sadly, more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us. 比较而言,我住在在收费不菲的城市公寓里,步行去工作还得经过恶臭的街头圾袋,向我一向讨厌的地方政府和州政府缴纳高利贷式税收,竟然还被认定为中产阶级。这让我感到怀疑,这种衡量标准是否意义?难道我们就仅仅衡量那些容易衡量的东西——经济图标上数字——而忽视了对幸福生活更为重要的价值观吗?当然,对我的几个儿子来说,富饶的农村有新鲜的蔬菜,有钓上来的鱼儿,还可以分享邻居果园菜园丰收的果实。还有义务照看孩子的邻居,作为回报我的儿媳也照看他们的孩子,而邻里之间相互交换技能和劳动。但更为重要的是,你如何来衡量那里的宁静安详?如何衡量自我(感)呢? 我无意美化小地方的生活。有时外面世界的侵扰冷酷无情,比如汽油价格上涨,开发商盯着尚未开发的农田;那里充斥着凶残,充满着偏狭,大城市拥有的种种卑劣行径,小地方也都一应俱全。非但如此,一旦人们在心里无法将这些丑陋现象视为小地方才独有的,或将其解释为异乡人为所欲为的借口,而只能承认是“我们的一部分”时,人们也就更难忽视它们了。我也不想贬低城市中一有机会就让人难为情的习俗—

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