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PARTⅢ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Many men and women have long bought into the idea that there are“male”and“female”brains,believing that explains just about every difference between the new study 26 that belief, questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender.

In the study, Tel Aviv University researchers 27 for sex differences throughout the entire human brain

And what did they find? Not much. Rather than offer evidence for 28 brains as “male” or“female”,research shows that brains fall into a wide range , with most people falling right in the middle.

Daphna Joel ,who led the study, said her research found that while there are some gender‐based 29 ,many different types of brain can’t always be distinguished by gender.

While the “average”male and“average”female brains were 30different, you couldn’t tell it by looking at individual brain scans. Only a small 31of people had “all-male”or“all-female”characteristics.

Larry Cahill, an American neuroscientist(神经科学家),said the study is an important addition to a growing body of research questioning 32 beliefs about gender and brain function. But he cautioned against concluding from this study that all brains are the same, 33 of gender.

“There’s a mountain of evidence 34 the importance of sex influences at all levels of brain function ,”he told The Seattle Times.

If anything, he said, the study 35that gender plays a very important role in the brain—“even when we are not clear exactly how.”

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read th e passage through carefully before making your choices. Each ch oice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the cor responding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in t he bank more than once.

It’s our guilty pleasure: Watching TV is the most common ev eryday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of the wor ld. Americans view five hours of TV each day, and while we know that spending so much time sitting (36)can lead to obesity (肥

胖症) and other diseases, researchers have now quantified just how(37) being a couch potato can be.

In an analysis of data from eight large (38) published stu dies, a Harvard-led group reported in the Journal of the Americ an Medical Association that for every two hours per day spent c hannel (39), the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病) ro se 20% over years, the risk of heart disease increased 15% ove r a (40), and the odds of dying prematurely (41) 13% during a seven-year follow-up. All of these (42) are linked to a lack of physical exercise. But compared with other sedentary(久坐的) activities, like knitting, viewing TV may be especially (43)at promoting unhealthy habits. For one, the sheer number of hou rs we pass watching TV dwarfs the time we spend on anything els e. And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to (44)them.

Even s o, the authors admit that they didn’t compare differe nt sedentary activities to (45) whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease or early death co mpared with, say, reading.

A) climbed B) consume C) decade D) determine E) effective F) h armful G) outcomes

H) passively I) previously J) resume K) suffered L) surfing M) term N) terminals O) twisting


36. passively????

解析:sitting passively 被动坐着



37. harmful

解析:quantified just how harmful being a couch potato 量化长时


通过分析how (??? ) being a couch potato can be 这句话的句子成分,得出how 这个副词之后应该接一个形容词,符合词性条件的备选项,一个是effective 有效的,一个是harmful有害的。根据语义逻辑,长时间看电视是有害的,故选harmful。

38. previously

解析: previously published studies 之前公布的研究


39. surfing

解析:spent channel surfing ,直接翻译为在频道冲浪,意译为看电视。这里的channel频道指代television电视;而“surfing冲浪”指代“w atching看”,我们经常看到上网常用surfing一词,这里运用了仿词,将“上网冲浪”的surfing借过来用来指“看电视“。以上可以理解为英语中的委婉表达。

40. decade

解析:increased 15% over a decade? 10年增加了15% 。40题后面出现了一个词并列连词and,说明本句存在并列关系。通读此句,40题在ove r之后应该填一个表示时间的名词,这样才能和前文over 与后文durin

g a seven-year follow up 形成并列,备选项中只有decade符合条件。

41. climbed

解析:the odds …climbed 13% 几率增加了13% 。解析同40题,根据a nd所指向的并列关系,前文说某一种风险增加了20%,某一种风险的增加了15%,此处空格也应该填一个表示上升的动词,备选项只有climbed,爬升。

42. outcomes

解析:all of these outcomes 所有这些后果。此题填outcomes,是对前文各种疾病风险的概括。

43. effective

解析:be especially effective at promoting unhealthy habits 更容易形成不健康的习惯。be effective at doing 有效做某事。这里是讽刺用法,用来强调看电视更容易形成不健康的习惯。

44. consume

解析:make you more likely to consume them? 使你更有可能吃他们,这里注意them指前文出现的beer啤酒和popcorn爆米花,又能表示喝啤酒,又能表示吃爆米花的词只有consume。consume消费,也只吃喝(东西)。

45. determine

解析:通过句法分析,本句应该填写动词原形,放在to 不定式符号之后。备选项中有3个动词原形,其中consume已经填在了44题,在剩下的re sume恢复和determine决定之间,根据语义,应选择determine。Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts __1__ questions, and so on.

For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times, however, we become __2__ of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between __3__ and meaning. When successful matching is being experienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level.

Different people __4__ with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page, others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is __5__ in the text. The latter represents __6__ levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers.

There is another conversation which from our point of view is __7__ important, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as __8__ to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the __9__ we employ in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a process conversation with a text is usually pretty well __10__. Not so our ability to hold a content conversation.

[A] opposed[B] converse[C] equallyD] written

[E] developed[F] strategies[G] compared[H] awake

[I] higher[J] expectations[K] deal[L] absolutely[M] aware

[N] better[O]further


1. O

2. M

3. J

4. B

5. D

6. I

7. C

8. A


Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

The method for making beer has changed over time. Hops (啤酒花), for example, which give many a modern beer its bitter flavor, are a 26 recent addition to the beverage. This was mentioned in reference to brewing in the ninth century. Now, researchers have found a 27 ingredient in residue (残留物) from 5000-year-old beer brewing equipment. While excavating two pits at a site in the central plains of China, scientists discovered fragments from pots and ve__ .

The different shapes of the containers 28they were used to brew, filter, and store beer. They may be ancient “beer-making tools,” and the earliest 29evidence of beer brewing in China, the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. To 30that hypothesis, the team examined the yellowish, dried 31 inside the vessels. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were from cereal crops like barley (大麦), and about 10% were bits of roots, 32 lily, would have made the beer sweeter, the scientists say. Barley was an unexpected find: the crop was domesticated in Western Eurasia and didn’t become a 33food in central China until about 2000 years ago, according to the researchers. Based on that timing, they indicate barley may have 34in the region not as food, but as35material for beer brewing.


第一篇 Climate change has claimed its latest victim:Limacina helicina,a planktonic,predatory(捕食的)sea snail that's a member of the taxonomic group more(36)__________ known as sea butterflies.(The name is(37)__________ from the wing-like lobes(叶瓣)the tiny creatures use to get around.)In a study(38)__________ published in joumal Proceedings of the Royal Society B,a group of scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)and Oregon State University have found that the Pacific Ocean's decreasing pH—its acidifying(酸化),in other words-is dissolving L.helicina's thin shells. The researchers collected sea butterfly(39)__________ from 13 sites along the Pacific coast(between Washington and southern California,going over each with a scanning electron microscope.More than half of the shells(53%)from onshore individuals(40)__________ signs of “severe dissolution damage,”while 24%of(41) __________ individuals suffered dissolution damage.The study's(42)__________ investigator, Dr. Nina Bednarsek of NOAA,described the affected L.helicina shells as having a texture not unlike “cauliflower” or “sandpaper.” According to the paper,there was a “strong positive(43)__________ ”between the proportion of sea butterflies with severe shell dissolution damage and “the percentage of undersaturated(未达到饱和的)water ” near the ocean's surface.The researchers conclude “shell dissolution owing to(human.caused ocean(44)_________has doubled in near shore habitats since pre.industrial conditions across this region and is on track to triple by 2050,”a truly(45)__________ prediction.Moreover, the broader implications for ecosystem are unclear, as damaged shells make it harder for L.helicina to fight infections,stay buoyant,and protect themselves from predators. I. noticed A. showed J. correlation B. recently K. encouraging? C. protected L. seaward D. commonly M. acidification E. derived N. grim F. samples O. pollution G. offshore H. principal 词性归类 答案解析


选词填空特点: 1. 近义词辨析不多, 2. 固定搭配不多 3. 词性辨析比较容易 选词填空难点: 1. 词性可能会变。 2. 错一题,可能会错两题。 选词填空与完型填空的异同: 相同点:都要上下文做题 不同点:选词填空要先判断词性,而完型填空不用判断词性,4个待选项词性基本一致。 解题步骤 1)阅读选项,词性分类 仍然要“先题后文在定位”,但这里“先题”不是要找关键词,而是要先对15个选项“辨性” 仔细阅读选项,根据词性把每个单词进行分类归纳。如名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词各有几个选项。动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing形式要自己根据语法判断。 2)细读首句,抓住中心 首先要抓住文章首句,迅速找到文章的主题词或主题。和完型填空一样,一般文章第一句不设空格,以便让读者知道本文的相关主题词或主题。 3)瞻前顾后,谨慎选择 根据文章前后的语法关系判断应填入的词性,大大缩小选择范围。当一个空可以填入好几个相同词性的词时,则根据上下文逻辑意义;如果均能说得通时,要注意近义辨析。或留到最

后,等范围缩小到最小时再轻松收尾。即传统阅读所说的,首遍不行无所谓,文章看完再收尾。 解题技巧 1)首先要辨性(辨别词性) a. 不认识的单词看词缀(见后面附表) b. 认识的单词要注意词性的单一性和多样性 比如:must,most均可做名词do the most you can c. 动词归类要细分为v,ved, ving。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是ing 形式要自己根据语法判断。甚至动词分词形式还可以做定语。 2)一个单词有多个词性时,要在不同分类中都标出。 3)如果选项中出现一组近义词或反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项,它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解,要求考生分析清楚其细微的区别。 4)如何判断原文空缺处所需单词的词性: ①动词: a)前后都是名词短语,中间一般为动词(时态看前后文)。 b) 一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词 c)一个完整的句子之后再跟逗号,后面一般是非谓语动词短语。 ②名词: a. 名词主要做主语、宾语。


XX大学英语四级阅读选词填空测试题 xx大学英语四级阅读选词填空测试题 The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children, but numerous other dependents as well—grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousions. Such "extended" families were suited for survival in slow paced __1__ societies. But such families are hard to __2__. They are immobile. Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family __3__ shed its excess weight and the so-called "nuclear" family emerged—a stripped-down, portable family unit __4__ only of parents and a small set of children. This new style family, far more __5__ than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial counties. Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, __6__ even higher mobility. Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the streamlinling process, a step further by remaining


2016年12月英语四级选词填空真题及答案 第一套 PARTⅢ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Many men and women have long bought into the idea that there are “male”and“female”brains,believing that explains just about every difference between the sexes.A new study 26 that belief, questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender. In the study, Tel Aviv University researchers 27 for sex differences throughout the entire human brain


2012年6月英语四级考试作文及答案 Part I Writing (30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minu tes to write a short essay entitled Excessive Packaging following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more tha n 180 words. 1.目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象 2.出现这一现象的原因 3.我对这一现象的看法和建议 On Excessive Packagi ng In con temporary society, it has become a trend for many products or items to be excessively packaged. In the mean while, an in creas ing nu mber of customers find it more expensive to purchase these goods. Taking a look around, we can find a great many examples in supermarkets: excessive packages of food, clothes and gifts. It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, some customers' psychological need is the root cause. These packages bring the sense of beauty, arouse people's enthusiasm to buy, and help manufacturers to promote sale. In the second place, it is these packages that enable shops to build up a foundation for advertising. As a matter of fact, industries in mounting numbers have come to realize the n ecessity of packagi ng for sale. However, as a customer, I am convinced that quality of goods is of great importanee. Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acqua intan ces to buy goods without excessive packages. (170 words) 2011.06 Part I Writi ng (30 minu tes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minu tes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 words following the outl ine give n below: 1.现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 2.网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3.我的建议 On li ne Shopp ing 答案解析 Part I Writi ng 标准版 Doing Shopp ing On li ne With the developme nt of the Intern et, shopp ing is no Ion ger a tiri ng thi ng. Just click your mouse to choose the articles you like, and the purchase is done. You don't even have to step out of the room. It seems all easy and quick. However, people's opinions vary on this trend. Somebelieve that on line shopping is time and money sav ing. With ple ntiful select ion optio ns, they can buy whatever they like at any time convenient. Still others insist that mis-purchasing alone is annoying eno ugh, not to men ti on the credibility of the sellers and the safety of their acco un ts.


Reading comprehension Section A(2019.6 .1) The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2,000 miles away. It has 26____ from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming to life. In a 27_________ to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced 28___________ that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road. “Michigan's 29__________ in auto research an d development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to 30_______ our leadership in transportation. We can't let that happen,” says Senator Mike Kowall, the lead 31__________ of four bills recently introduced. If all four bills pass as written, they would 32__________ a substantial update of Michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions. Manufacturers would have nearly total freedom to test their self-driving technology on public roads. They would be allowed to send groups of self-driving cars on cross-state road trips, and even set up on-demand 33__________ of self-driving cars, like the one General Motors and Lyft are building. Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology. In 34____________, California, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more 35 rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel, and ban commercial use of self-driving technology. Section B(2019.6.2) Just because they can't sing opera or ride a bicycle doesn't mean that animals don't have culture. There's no better example of this than killer whales. As one of the most 26___________ predators (食肉动物), killer whales may not fit the 27_________ of a cultured creature. However, these beasts of the sea do display a vast range of highly 28________ behaviors that appear to be driving their genetic development. The word “culture” comes from the Latin “colere,” which 29___________ means “to cultivate.” In other words, it refers to anything that is 30__________ or learnt, rather than instinctive or natural. Among human populations, culture not only affects the way we live, but also writes itself into our genes, affecting who we are. For instance, having spent many generations hunting the fat marine mammals of the Arctic, the Eskimos of Greenland have developed certain genetic 31________ that help them digest and utilize this fat-rich diet, thereby allowing them to 32_________ in their cold climate.


最新英语四级选词填空练习题和答案 Americans are proud of their variety and individualty, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so __1__ in the United States? Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more __2__ than civilian(百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to __3__ superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to __4__ more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the __5__ of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to __6__ professional identity(身份) than to step out of uniform? Uniforms also have many __7__ benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of __8__ experienced by


2017 年英语四级阅读理解选词填空训练题Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage. A pioneering study into the effects of a mother’s fat intake during pregnancy on her child’s health when he or she grows up is being launched at the University of Southampton. The research will investigate whether the type and amount of fat a mother eats during pregnancy 11 the risk of heart disease, 12 high blood pressure, in her child when he or she reaches adulthood. Although the link between high fat diets and high blood pressure is well known, there has been 13 research into the connection between a woman’s diet and her child’s risk of hypertension (高血压). The study, which is 14 by the British Heart Foundation, is led by Dr Graham Burdge, British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Science. The award of this 15 grant is part of a £3.5 million boost for heart research in the UK by the British Heart Foundation. The charity’s special grants are made to fund research into the causes, prevention, 16 and treatment of heart disease, the UK’s biggest killer. Dr Burdge says, “The type and amount of fat in our diet has 17 during the past 50 years. Pregnant women 18 the same diet as the rest of us, but we know very little about the 19 of these changes in dietary (饮食的) fat on the development and future health of their children. We hope that the 20 of this study will help to develop recommendations for pregnant women about how much fat they should eat and what types of fat they should avoid.” A) funded I) consume B) diagnosis J) covering

大学英语四级选词填空练习 附详细答案

There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested inspelling .No school I have taught in has ever _____ spelling or considered it unimportantas a basic skill. There are, however , vastly different ideas about how to teach it , or howmuch _____ it must be given over general language development and writing ability. Theproblem is , how to encourage a child to express himself freely and _____ in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling?If spelling become th e only focal point of his teacher’s interest, clearly a __4__child will be likely to “play safe”. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid __5__ language. That’s why teachers often __6__ the early use ofdictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing abouta personal experience :“ This work is __7__ !There are far too many spelling errors andyour writing is illegible( 难以辨认的).” It may have been a sharP__8__ of the pupil’stechnical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omittedto read the ess ay, which __9__ some beautiful expressions of the child’s deePfeelings.The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centredon the child’s ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would havegiven the pupil more __10__ to seek improvement. A)priority B)criticism C)contained D)clearlyE)adventurous F )discourage G)motivation H)terribleI)ignored J)difficult K)encourage L)expressedM)confidently N)bright O)motive L)expressed Answers: 1. 选I )。由该句中的has 可知,此处应填动词过去式,且表达的含义应和后面的consider…unimportant 相近,故应排除contained 和expressed而选择ignored 。 2. 选A )。此处应填名词,但能与后面over 构成固定搭配的名词只有priority ,故排除了criticism 和motivation 。 3. 选M). 由空格前面的and 可知,此处应填副词和freely 并列。从句意来理解,在没有拼写困难的情况下,怎样鼓励学生自由且…… 地表达自己,选项中只有confidently “自信地“符合题意。 4. 选N )。很明显这里应填形容词,选项中terrible ,difficult 后接事物名词something ,只有adventurous 和bright 可用来形容somebody (child ),再由后面的play safe“不冒险”,可排除adventurous而选择bright。 5. 选E )。由前一句中的be likely to “ play safe ”和空格前的avoid可以推知,此处所填词的意思应与play safe表达的意思相反,故选项中只有adventurous符合题意。 6. 选K )。很明显此处应填动词的一般现在时,可选项有encourage和persuade 。由That’s why 知本句与前一句构成因果关系,而前一句说的是学生往往会用他们拼写范围内的词写文章,从而选择避免用那些不会的词,故由此可推知此句应理解为老师鼓励学生用字典,因此排除persuade 而选encourage。 7. 选H )。此处应填形容词。由空格后面的too many spelling errors和illegible可知,这篇文章是写的很糟,而不是很难理解。故排除difficult而选terrible。 8. 选B )。此处应填名词。由后半句中 a sad reflection on the teacher可知,前半句是在指责学生,故选项中只有criticism符合题意。 9. 选C )。此处填动词过去式,本句中由which 引导的从句是对essay的解释,剩余选项中contained 和expressed ,根据句意,文章…… 儿童内心感受的一些好的表达,


2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __47__ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) __48__ effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research. Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping __49__ straight through the night. More sleep in old age, however, is __50__ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more __51__ if they slept for longer periods, he said. ―The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to __52__ well does not change,‖ Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego. ―It's __53__ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were __54__. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from __55__ to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's __56__ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.‖ 答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) 47 N tend 48 L negative 49 H efficiently 50 B associated 51 A alert 52 J function/ 53 F definitely 54 O younger 55 E continuing56 G different 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间? 2010年12月英语四级考试真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology


2012—2014年英语四级真题及答案 1. 选词填空 2014年12月 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A For decades, Americans have taken for granted the XXXX development of new technologies. The innovations(创新)XXXX opment during World War II and afterwards were(36)_____ to the prosperity of the nation in the second half of the 20th century. Those innovations, upon which virtually all aspects of(37)_____ society now depend, were possible because the United States then(38)_____ the world in mathematics and science education. Today, however, despite increasing demand for workers with strong skills in mathematics and science, the(39)_____ of degrees awarded in science, math, and engineering are decreasing. The deeling in degree production in what are called the STEM disciplines(science, technology, engineering, and math.)seems to be(40)_____related to the comparatively weak performance by U.S. schoolchildren on international assessments of math and science. Many students entering college have weak skills in mathematics. According to the 2005 report of the Business Higher Education Forum, 22 percent of college freshmen must take remediat(补习的)math(41)_____, and less than half of the students who plan to major in science or engineering(42)_____complete a major in those fields.

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