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69年出生的比利时演唱家Helmut Lotti 以跨界演绎古典,民歌,流行歌曲响誉世界。古典唱腔与流行经典的完美结合,比Josh Groban更加娴熟婉转的唱功,他以95年专辑《Helmut Lotti Goes Classic》在比利时一举成名。而后更以专辑《Helmut Lotti Goes Classic II》《Helmut Lotti Goes Classic III》成为世界闻名的演唱家。2004年,赫尔穆特带来的一张俄国风情歌曲集From Russia With Love

Moscow Nights

M. Matusovskii and V. Solovyov-Sedoi

Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound

Softly shines the moon clear and bright.

Dear, if you could know how I treasure so

This most beautiful Moscow night.

Lazily the brook, like a silv’ry stream

Ripples gently in the moonlight,

In this night that we will under

there a song afar fades as in a dream,

In the spell o this summer hight.

And a song afar fades as in a dream,

In the spell o this summer hight.

Dearest, why so sad, why the downcast eyes,

And your lovely head bent so low

Oh,It’s hard to speak---and yet not to speak

Of the longing my heart does know.

Oh,It’s hard to speak---and yet not to speak

Of the longing my heart does know.

Promise me, my love, as the dawn appear

And the darkness turns into light,

That your’ll cherish, dear, thru the passing years This most beautiful Moscow night.

That your’ll cherish,dear,thru the passing years This most beautiful Moscow night.

stillness ['stlns]n. 静止;沉静

grove [gruv]n. 小树林;果园

rustling ['rsl]v. 发出沙沙声;

treasure ['tre]vt. 珍爱;珍藏

lazily ['leizili]adv. 懒洋洋地;懒散地

brook [bruk]n. 小溪;小河

stream [strim]n. 溪流;流动;

ripplesn. 涟漪;波纹(ripple的复数)

afar ['fɑ]adv. 遥远地;在远处

fadesv. 褪色;逝去;

downcast ['dankɑst]adj. 沮丧的;低垂的;

cherish ['ter]vt. 珍爱,怀有(感情等)

thru [θru]prep. 经过adv. 穿越

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