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高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测49 试题解析

高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测49 试题解析
高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检测49 试题解析

课时跟踪检测49(B8Unit 1)


1.Some students find it hard to ________ the new teacher's dialect.

A.take in B.take up

C.take over D.take on

答案与解析:A句意:许多学生发现很难接受这位新老师的方言。take in“理解;接受;吸收”,符合句意。take up“开始从事;占据”;take over“接管,接收”;take on“呈现;承担”。

2.It suddenly ________ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.

A.took place B.happened

C.came about D.occurred

答案与解析:D It occurred/ occurs to sb. that...为固定句式,意为“某人突然想起……”。其他三项不能用于此结构。

3.I don't think all this bad language on TV should be allowed; there are certain standards that should be ________.

A.kept up B.kept down

C.kept out D.kept off

答案与解析:A句意:我认为电视节目中不应当允许使用粗俗的语言,应当维持某些标准。keep up“保持;(使)不停止”。keep down“控制,抑制”;keep out“(使)不进入”;keep off“(使)不接近,挡开”,均不符合句意。

4.Our classmates who prefer to hold a party for him are ________ the majority.

A.at B.in

C.on D.to

答案与解析:B in the majority“占多数”,为固定搭配。

5.The digging will seem easier if you divide up the garden by marking ________ small sections with your spade (铲子).

A.down B.up

C.out D.with

答案与解析:C句意:如果你用铲子把每一小部分划分出来,花园里的挖掘工作会容易很多。mark out“画线;标出……的界限”。

6.The agreement indicates that the two companies will ________ with each other again.

A.team up B.turn up

C.look up D.pick up

答案与解析:A句意:这个协议表明两家公司将会重新合作。team up with“与……合作或一起工作”,为固定搭配。turn up“出现;露面”;look up“向上看;查阅”;pick up“捡起”。

7.—Did you catch the early bus this morning?

—No. It had left the stop ________ I arrived there.

A.as soon as B.as the time

C.by the time D.during the time

答案与解析:C by the time, each time, every time, immediately, the moment等词或短语常用做连词,引导时间状语从句,因主句用过去完成时,故用by the time。

8.We express our thoughts ________ words and body language.

A.in terms of B.in spite of

C.by means of D.in case

答案与解析:C by means of“通过……手段;借助……”,本题指语言和身势语是我们表达思想的手段。in terms of“在……方面;就……而言”;in spite of“不管”;in case“以防”。

9.A red sky at night ________ that the following day will be fine.

A.directs B.indicates

C.influences D.guides


10.In my opinion, it is not so helpful to give someone some bread as it is to teach him how to ________.

A.make sense B.make progress

C.make a life D.make his way

答案与解析:C考查动词短语辨析。句意:以我的观点,给人面包不如教他如何适应新生活。make sense“有意义”;make progress“取得进步”;make a life“适应新生活”;make one's way“前进”。

11.I'm told that you are going to Canada to have a three-month further study. Don't let such a good chance to improve your English ________ through your fingers.

A.ski B.spread

C.slip D.skip

答案与解析:C let sth. slip through your fingers是一习惯用语,意思是“错过(机会)”。

12.________ the students in our school go to college in their teens.

A.A good many B.A great many of

C.A great deal of D.A lot of

答案与解析:B a great deal of后接不可数名词,故可排除C项;由于students前有定冠词the,所以应排除A、D两项。

13.It is said that the headmistress ________ three months ago will soon ________.

A.hired; fired B.dismissed; be fired

C.hired; be fired D.hiring; be dismissed


14.As is known to all, the president is ________ every four years.

A.boomed B.hired

C.elected D.grasped


15.The ________ cause of his illness was excessive drinking, but the real cause was his deep grief at his wife's death.

A.apparent B.obvious

C.clear D.distinct



On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in my marketing class. My teacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I __16__ a national marketing club called DECA attracting many students with talent and interest in __17__. So I did.

The first __18__ was to raise money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the __19__ would go into my personal account.

At the beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could __20__ confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my __21__ with a firm handshake. Then I introduced all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and __22__ her that our candles were the best choices for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three candles.

Greatly __23__ I decided to sell my candles around the neighborhood. On Saturday morning, with great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential __24__.

“I'm a student at Skyline High School and we are __25__ money for DECA. I'm trying to sell...”

“Not today, sorry,” the man interrupted me and __26__ the door.

Embarrassed, I walked away and said to myself the __27__ thing that might happen was being refused like that again. I couldn't even count how many times I was __28__ with reasons like “Not today”,“I don't have any __29__ money right now”or “I just bought some”. __30__,I had to continue with the day. __31__,a woman kindly bought nearly $ 60 worth of candles. I couldn't even hide my __32__ and said “Thank you very much” to her with a bow.

After a __33__ hard work, I turned in my $408 worth of sales of candles, which gave me $163 in my own account. I was __34__ to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes.

It was the first time that I had worked as a sales person. This experience let me know that __35__ difficulties was only wasting time and a barrier in my way to success.

16. A. hold B. join

C. build

D. set

17. A. business B. English

C. math

D. sports

18. A. chance B. way

C. challenge

D. choice

19. A. income B. candles

C. business

D. expense

20. A. express B. show

C. make

D. expect

21. A. presentation B. business

C. club

D. interest

22. A. told B. convinced

C. explained

D. requested

23. A. puzzled B. surprised

C. shocked

D. encouraged

24. A. buyer B. seller

C. business man

D. shop keeper

25. A. lending B. raising

C. returning

D. borrowing

26. A. opened B. knocked

C. burst into

D. shut

27. A. worst B. uneasy

C. best

D. unhappiest

28. A. allowed B. permitted

C. refused

D. demanded

29. A. more B. extra

C. little

D. left

30. A. However B. So

C. Therefore

D. For

31. A. So B. Secondly

C. Firstly

D. Finally

32. A. anger B. embarrassment

C. happiness

D. sad

33. A. week's B. hour's

C. year's

D. month's

34. A. puzzled B. surprised

C. calm

D. lucky

35. A. overcoming B. dealing with

C. accepting

D. worrying about




16.B从下文的“a national marketing club”来看,应该是加入俱乐部。故答案为B 项。

17.A从上文的“a great interest in my marketing class”来看,此处应该是与市场销售有关,所以选business。


19.A从文章倒数第二段中的“... I turned in my $ 408 worth of sales of candles, which gave me $ 163 in my own account.”可以看出这里指40%的收入进入作者的个人账户。


21.A从前面的“She said that if I could __20__ confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation.”可看出答案为A项。




25.B从第二段中的“The first __18__ was to raise money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling candles.”可知答案。

26.D从前半句“‘Not today, sorry,’ the man interrupted me...”来看此处应该是指关上门。

27.A从下半句的信息“... that might happen was being refused like that again.”可看出作者鼓励自己“最坏的事情也无非就是像这次一样被拒绝”。






33.A从第二段中的“Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week.”可看出是一周的时间。

34.B从下半句的“to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes”可看出作者非常吃惊。

35.D从下半句的“... was only wasting time and a barrier in my way to success”可看出,应该是指为困难而烦恼。


Nowadays,being a teacher is a difficult yet rewarding job. Not everyone is suited for teaching. Aside from having love for working with children,teaching is a career like no other.

An effective teacher is not only the master of his/her subject area, but also an educator with the strong emotional backbone. Daily, the teacher communicates with students from different backgrounds, with different learning skills,and with different emotions.

The teacher will set high expectations of all students and never give up the underachievers. The teacher will always be available to students whether it's before classes begin or after school. He/She will also have additional work for students need extra assistance in learning the subject.

An effective teacher will contrast his/her lesson with the material so that students will look at the material in various ways. This will ensure that students remain on task during the entire class session. Being asked open-ended questions, students will remain interested and not be bored. Difficult as this may sound, it can be achieved.

The teacher will always be an enthusiastic, organized, and caring individual, and will make learning fun. He/She will not simply write the assignment on the board,and tell students “There's your assignment. Get to work!” and proceed to sit at his/her desk for the

remainder of the period. Instead, the teacher will add games or use media in the learning process; in this way, students will crave (渴望) learning.

Our children need support, guidance and proper instruction so that they will succeed in life, not only in the career they choose, but also as the person they become.

36. If you want to be a good teacher you should ________.

A. be only good at teaching your lessons

B. form the habit of working with children

C. enjoy communicating with different students

D. try your best to follow school rules

37. As a teacher you should do all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. expect everyone to make progress

B. help students who do badly in their lessons

C. help students before or after class

D. do some of the homework for students

38. A teacher can ask some open-ended questions in order to ________.

A. keep students busy

B. make the class interesting

C. help students achieve more

D. force students to learn more knowledge

39. Which of the following shows that a teacher is well organized?

A. Writing homework on the blackboard.

B. Asking students to work hard.

C. Reminding students to finish homework in time.

D. Making learning interesting by playing games.



36.C细节推断题。由第二段中的“Daily, the teacher communicates with students from different backgrounds, with different learning skills, and with different emotions.”可推知答案为C项。


38.B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Being asked open-ended questions, students will remain interested and not be bored.”可以选出正确答案。

39.D细节推断题。根据第五段的首句和该段最后的“the teacher will add games or use media in the learning process.”可推知,游戏使学习过程变得有趣,从而使学生们渴望学习,这说明老师的教学组织得好。

新人教版必修一 Unit5 Period 1课时跟踪检测

Unit 5 Languages Around the World Period One 1.Chinese c__________ are made out of simple basic strokes. 2. C is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush. 3. Like China, the USA is a large country in which many different d are spoken. 4. The rose is regarded as a s of love in both China and some Western countries. 5. Carbon dioxide(CO?) is one of the main (因素) in global warming which is negatively affecting everyone. II.Blank filling.(在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。) 1.Diligence is the means which one makes up for one's dullness(迟钝). 2. Health problems _________ (connect) with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. 3. There are various reasons people choose to learn a foreign language 4. In the last few years the city of Bozhou has spread out rapidly in all (direction). 5. the growing heat these workers are still all in top hats and heavy uniforms. 6. They enjoy participating in a wide ________(various) of activities, both locally and further afield. 7. To meet the needs of _________ unified country, the First Qin Emperor took a series of measures. 8. We think that peace is not only a distant goal we seek, it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. 9. Today, Spanish is the world’s fourth most commonly(speak) language, after Chinese, English and Hindi. 10. Changing the attitude _____ learning foreign languages may be a hard task but the government decides to try! 1. I live in the place which the medicine capital city Bozhou. 2. students are registering for extra-curricular activities. 3. Every means has been tried, but we find only _______________ can we learn English well. 4. Chinese is an old language, and its earliest characters nearly four thousand years ago. 5. Because of his broken English, he couldn’t make himself understood, which the embarrassment. 6. The designer, with whom I have been working since 1999, shaping my views of the work. 7. There are extra-curricular activities including sports, painting, dancing and playing music as well. 8. It is what parents say and do in family life, which may have a life-long effect on their children. 9. In southern China,bats the door, because they are symbols of luck, health, wealth and happiness. 10. The school year two semesters, the first of which is September through December, the second January through May. IV. Cloze. (在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。) Nobody wants to be aged, but____1____it comes to visiting cities, most of us want to visit the world's oldest cities. Luoyang is one of the oldest and most ____2____(attract) cities in the world that I'd like to recommend to you. Luoyang stands out ____3____the oldest continually inhabited (持续居住的) city in Asia. The city is considered to be ____4____birthplace of Chinese culture and history as well as being one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. There ____5____ (be) no other city in China that has seen so many____6____(dynasty) like Luoyang. With such a long and exciting history, Luoyang has really a lot ____7____ (offer). The longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟), which ____8____(include) in the world Heritage List (世界遗产名录)since 2000, and many historic Buddhist temples constantly attract tourists from all over the world. Luoyang is also famous 9 the White Horse Temple, the earliest Buddhist temple ____10____(build) in China. Are you anxious to visit the city? V. Reading Comprehension

人教语文必修四课时跟踪检测(十二) 苏武传+Word版含答案

课时跟踪检测(十二) 苏武传 (时间:40分钟 满分:50分) 一、基础巩固(18分,每小题3分) 1.下列各句中加点词语的解释不正确的一项是( ) A .单于使使晓武,会论. 虞常 论:判罪 B .汉使张胜谋杀单于近臣, 当. 死 当:应当 C .扶辇下除. ,触柱折辕 除:殿阶 D .律前负. 汉归匈奴 负:背叛 解析:选B B 项,“当”,判处。 2.下列句子中,没有通假字的一句是( ) A .与旃毛并咽之 B .掘野鼠去草实而食之 C .大臣亡罪夷灭者数十家 D .武与副中郎将张胜及假吏常惠等募士斥候百余人俱 解析:选D A 项,“旃”同“毡”;B 项,“去”同“弆”;C 项,“亡”同“无”。 3.下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法完全相同的一组是( ) A.????? ①少以.父任,兄弟并为郎②恐前语发,以. 状语武 B.????? ①乃.徙武北海上无人处②使牧羝,羝乳乃.得归 C.????? ①久之.,单于使陵至海上②宜皆降之. D.????? ①虽.生,何面目以归汉②虽.蒙斧钺汤镬,诚甘乐之 解析:选D D 项,均为连词,即使。A 项,第一个“以”,介词,意为“因为”;第二个“以”,介词,意为“把”。B 项,第一个“乃”,连词,意为“于是”;第二个“乃”,副词,意为“才”。C 项,第一个“之”为音节助词,无实义;第二个“之”,代词,“他们”。 4.下列各句中,加点词语的意义与现代汉语相同的一项是( ) A .汉天子我丈人.. 行也 B .会缑王与长水虞常等谋反.. 匈奴中 C .武使匈奴,明年.. ,陵降,不敢求武 D .武父子亡功德,皆为陛下所成就..

课时跟踪检测(一) 钱

课时跟踪检测(一)钱 (时间:40分钟满分:40分) 一、语言表达专练(31分) 1.下面语句中加点的成语,使用不恰当的两项是(4分)() A.伴随人类基因组计划的进展,生物芯片技术应运而生 ....,并以完整的技术身份促进了基因组学的发展,带动了生物芯片技术的产业化。 B.近年来,龙口市各行政村村民以南山岗精神为动力,在新农村建设中励精图治 ....、辛勤耕作,描绘着家园美好的远景。 C.金钱的作用毋庸置疑 ....,但过分追求金钱就会迷失人的本性,从而丧失人生的价值。 D.显然,打造“信用政府”和发展“民营经济”这两大热点,在民众的关注下不期而 ...遇.了。 E.参加“为了孩子的明天”教育论坛的学者专家都阐释了自己对未来教育的新理念, 一位德高望重的老专家也表达了自己的一得之愚 ....。 解析:选DE A项,应运而生:旧指应天命而产生,现指适应时机而产生。使用正确。B项,励精图治:振奋精神,想办法治理好国家。使用正确。C项,毋庸置疑:事实明显或理由充分,不必怀疑,根本就没有怀疑的余地。使用正确。D项,不期而遇:没有约定而意外地相遇。适用对象是人,此处使用错误。E项,一得之愚:谦辞,称自己对于某一问题的见解。用在此处谦敬失当。 2.下列语句中,有语病的一句是(3分)() A.预言东亚金融危机的美国经济学家克鲁格曼在《萧条经济学的回归》中说,实质经济本来不错,金融仍然可能出问题。 B.迄今为止,没有哪个国家的国内市场容量能够比得上美国,这是美国在经济发展方面能够长期独领风骚的重要原因。 C.黑豆基本不含胆固醇,只含植物固醇,而植物固醇不会被人体吸收利用,又能抑制人体吸收胆固醇,降低胆固醇在血液中含量的作用。 D.发达国家的投机资本大肆购买某国的货币,然后急剧抛出,足以使经济规模较小的国家爆发金融危机。 解析:选C成分残缺,“作用”没有谓语,在“降低”前加上“具有”。 3.填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,最恰当的一句是(3分)() 中国人民银行发行的2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币对原有的一些防伪技术和印制质量进行了改进和提升。如,人像水印清晰度明显提升,层次更加丰富。采用了横竖双号码,并改变了原有的冠字号码字形,______________。 A.有利于冠字号码的识别与记录,也有利于防范变造货币,更符合公众识别习惯和机器读取要求


课时跟踪检测(二十八)交通运输方式和布局 一、选择题 甲、乙两城市间的直线距离为590 km,连接甲、乙两城有三条交通线路。图a为甲、乙两城三条交通线沿线海拔随距离变化图,图b为影响交通运价的因素及关联图。据此完成1~3 题。 1.线路M、N、P对应的交通运输方式最可能的是( ) A.公路、高铁、高速公路 B.公路、航空、河运 C.高铁、高速公路、省道 D.航空、高铁、村村通 2.线路M沿线海拔变化最小,距离最短,下列关于线路M所对应的运输方式的说法最恰当的是( ) A.运价最低B.沿线多桥梁和隧道 C.沿线停靠站点最多 D.终点在乙城外32 km 3.结合图b中的四图,下列说法符合Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ特点的是( ) A.看Ⅰ图,运距、重量和运输方式相同,棉花的运价大于铁锭 B.看Ⅱ图,线路P上的运价大于线路M C.看Ⅲ图,重量相同的活鱼和杏仁运价相等 D.看Ⅳ图,其他条件相同,黄金单位重量运费小于铁锭 解析:1.C 2.B 3.A 第1题,读图可知,线路M长度距离最短,为622 km,但大于两地的直线距离,且海拔基本没有变化;线路N长度为651 km,海拔变化很小;即线路M、N具有距离近、线路平直的特点,说明级别较高,而且沿线海拔较低不可能是航空,有可能是高铁、高速公路。线路P长度为899 km,距离较长且沿线海拔变化大,有可能是省道。第2题,首先,依据上题确定,线路M为高铁。高铁的运费高;沿线站点最少;速度较快,

为了保证安全性,高铁线路一般较为平直,桥梁、隧道较多;终点距乙城距离从图中读不出来,高铁线路长度不可能等于两城市站点之间的直线距离。第3题,据Ⅰ图,在其他条件相同的条件下,棉花的密度小于铁锭,故运费贵;据Ⅱ图,运距越长,运价越高,但P为省道,运费低,M为高铁,运费高;据Ⅲ图,活鱼在水中才可以存活,需要运输的重量更大,故运费更贵;据Ⅳ图,其他条件相同,黄金价格高,运费高于铁锭。 被誉为“天路”的青藏铁路已成功运营十多年。现今它如同一棵参天大树,正将更多的“枝叶”伸向广袤的雪域大地。其中,川藏铁路于2014年动工修建,计划在2025年全线建成通车,预估算投资超过2 000亿元。下图是青藏铁路旅客和货物周转量图。据此完成4~6题。 4.上图可以反映出( ) A.旅客和货物周转量均保持逐年增长 B.旅客周转量2014年增长最快 C.货物周转增长幅度超过旅客周转增长幅度 D.旅客周转总量超过货物周转总量 5.修建川藏铁路的意义为( ) ①重构了我国中西部区域发展格局 ②打造了西藏连接长三角、珠三角的便捷通道 ③使西藏成为连接东亚和南亚的“枢纽” ④与青藏铁路相比成本更高 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④ 6.川藏铁路被称为“最难建设的铁路”,目前川藏铁路建设的最大制约因素是( ) A.高寒 B.冻土 C.成本 D.缺氧 解析:4.C 5.A 6.C 第4题,结合图示可明显看出,旅客和货物周转并非逐年增长;旅客周转量2007年增长最快。货物周转增长幅度超过旅客周转增长幅度。旅客周转总量与货物周转总量不具有可比性。第5题,成本不属于交通运输的意义。第6题,因为“青藏铁路已成功运营十多年”,意味着其当年所面临的高寒、缺氧、冻土等问题均已得到成功解决。由题中“预估算投资超过2 000亿元”可知,目前川藏铁路建设的最大制约因素是成本。

新人教版必修一 Unit1 Period 2课时跟踪检测

高中校本教材新高考·新理念·新教材课时跟踪检测(必修一) Unit 1 Teenage Life Period Two 命题人: 班级:姓名: 1.The school is responsible for the ___________(安全) of all the students. 2. Choosing a suitable _______ (标题)for your passage is of great importance. 3. I hope I can join your company when I g_________ from Peking University. 4. The volunteer work experience is a great way to give back to the ___________(社区). 5. Getting a notebook to help you keep a _________(计划;安排) of the things will stop you putting things off. II.Blank filling.(在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。) 1. It’s _________ big challenge for you to complete any personal goal in time. 2. All the students are brave enough to face up to __________ comes up in the future. 3. Whenever I'm facing a __________(difficult), I always tell myself, "Don't ever quit!" 4. The first week was all a bit confusing, _________soon I got used to the new school life. 5. We can try a course for two weeks after we register for it. After that, we cannot change _______. 6. Nowadays, parents take more _________(responsible) for the education of their children than before. 7. Girls used to take fewer _________(advance) math courses than boys but now they are taking just as many. 8. I find it really _______(annoy) when some students say I got good marks in the exams because of being lucky. 9. We _______(high) recommended that students read some materials from the English-speaking countries. 10. I find that looking after children is a __________(challenge) job where you need to be patient and careful. 1.The runner failed to __________________ the others though he tried his best. 2.There was nobody else at hand, so we had to do all this ___________________. 3.We have to ______________________ whatever the future may have in store. 4.We are going to set up a food bank _______________ food to hungry people. 5.We are told to ______________ keeping the room tidy and cleaning the chalkboard. 6. I am going to start my first job, but I what to wear for work. 7. —I have the Oral English Competition. —What a ridiculous idea. You even don’t know how to introduce yourself in English. 8. He used to live in the countryside but now he living in the noisy area. 9. Before we leave here, we need to what to take and what to leave behind. 10.These workers had been in the United States for twenty or more years and therefore English. III. Cloze. (在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。) “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain S taying active in more ways than one. First of all, don’t be a bystander. Don’t let things pass you by 1 you are there to experience them. Try a new fitness schedule, join a club, find new ways 2 (meet) people, play basketball o r team sports. The second piece of “staying active” has to do 3 taking action—there is a difference between saying you are going to do something 4 actually carrying it out. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Seize 5 (opportunity) when you can. “Am I something? And the answer comes, already am, always was, and I still have time to be.” — Anis Mojgai You live your life in a small community at a small school and you only see a small piece of the world. Then, Suddenly you 6 (throw) into a large community at a large school, where there are thousands of young, insecure, definitely 7 (confuse) freshmen. They are all trying to fit in, 8 if everybody is trying to be someone they are not, no one can see them for who they really are. Don’t feel the need to obey anyone else’s idea of 9 you should be as a freshman. This goes along with being true to yourself, but there is a large amount of freedom that 10 (come) from being confident in who you are. Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. - 1 -

高中英语Unit3 课时跟踪检测一牛津译林版必修4

课时跟踪检测(一) Welcome to the unit & Reading — Language points Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.There are 30 people injured in the traffic accident but the injured were rescued at once.(injure) 2.She was confident of her becoming popular with the students. 3.I didn't want to add to my mother's worry, so I hurried home. 4.It is reported in the newspaper that talks between the two countries are making progress. 5.He appears careless, but in reality, he is a very careful person. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.如果你认为这样方便的话,我们把时间定在下午六点。 If you think that it_is_convenient_to_you,_we will fix the time at 6:00 pm. 2.我们都赞成他在会上提出的计划。 We all agreed to the plan he_had_put_forward at the meeting. 3.球队和球迷确信能够赢得即将到来的比赛。 The team and the fans are_confident_of_winning the coming match. 4.她吃了一惊,他居然还记得她的名字。 It_amazed_her that he still remembered her name. 5.需要采取措施使农田免遭洪水的侵袭。 Some measures are needed to_secure_the_farmland_against/from floods. 6.一看到这张聚会照片,她就陷入了对过去的美好回忆中。 No_sooner_had_she_seen the get-together photo than she got lost in the old sweet memories. 7.已经证明你的计划是实用的。 It_has_been_proved_that your plan is practical. Ⅲ.完形填空 Throughout history, many great leaders and explorers have tried hard to find objects or other ways to live forever. While it might sound __1__ to live forever, I believe that what makes life so __2__ is that it doesn't last forever. So, I don't __3__ that living forever is a good idea. For one thing, I think living forever would be very __4__. We always have to find ways to __5__ ourselves in a normal lifetime. __6__ you lived forever, you would still

课时跟踪检测(五十六) 物质的检验

课时跟踪检测(五十六)物质的检验 1.下列实验可实现鉴别目的的是() A.用KOH溶液鉴别SO3(g)和SO2 B.用湿润KI-淀粉试纸鉴别Br2(g)和NO2 C.用CO2鉴别NaAlO2溶液和CH3COONa溶液 D.用BaCl2溶液鉴别AgNO3溶液和K2SO4溶液 解析:选C SO2、SO3(g)均能与KOH溶液反应,都没有明显现象,A项错误。Br2(g)、NO2都是红棕色气体且有强氧化性,都能氧化KI而生成I2,使淀粉显蓝色,B项错误。 偏铝酸的酸性弱于碳酸,CO2通入NaAlO2溶液中生成Al(OH)3沉淀,醋酸酸性强于碳酸,CO2通入CH3COONa溶液无现象,C项正确。BaCl2溶液和AgNO3溶液反应生成AgCl 沉淀,BaCl2溶液和K2SO4溶液反应生成BaSO4沉淀,现象相同不能鉴别,D项错误。2.下列有关叙述正确的是() A.将木炭和浓硫酸在加热条件下反应生成的气体通入澄清石灰水中,有白色沉淀生成,该气体一定是CO2 B.能使品红溶液褪色的气体一定是SO2 C.某红棕色气体溶于水形成溶液,该气体一定是NO2 D.某物质燃烧后的产物既能使白色硫酸铜粉末变蓝,又能使澄清石灰水变浑浊,该物质可能是碳氢化合物 解析:选D木炭和浓硫酸在加热条件下反应可生成CO2和SO2,而SO2和CO2均可以使澄清石灰水变浑浊,A项错误;能使品红溶液褪色的气体可能是SO2,还可能为具有漂白性的其他气体,如Cl2等,B项错误;NO2、溴蒸气均为红棕色气体且溶于水均能形成溶液,C项错误;D项中的现象只能说明该物质一定含有碳、氢元素,则该物质既可能为碳氢化合物,也可能为含有碳、氢、氧元素的化合物,正确。 3.(2020·奉新模拟)已知:SO2-3+I2+H2O===SO2-4+2I-+2H+。某溶液中可能含有Na+、NH+4、K+、I-、SO2-3、SO2-4,且所有离子物质的量浓度相等。向该无色溶液中滴加少量溴水,溶液仍呈无色。下列关于该溶液的判断正确的是() A.肯定不含I-B.肯定含有SO2-4 C.肯定含有SO2-3D.肯定含有NH+4 解析:选C溶液中加入少量溴水,溶液仍呈无色,原溶液中一定有SO2-3;由方程式可知SO2-3的还原性比I-强,可能是SO2-3过量,溴水全部和SO2-3反应,说明溶液中可能

高中生物:课时跟踪检测(二十八) 种群的特征与数量的变化

课时跟踪检测(二十八)种群的特征与数量的变化 一、选择题 1.下列关于种群数量变化的叙述中,不.正确的是() A.在理想条件下,种群数量增长可用一定的数学模型表示 B.一个物种引入新的地区后,一定呈“J”型增长 C.对家鼠等有害动物的控制,要尽量降低其K值 D.研究一个呈“S”型增长的种群的增长速率可预测其K值 2.利用人工合成的性引诱剂诱杀害虫的雄性个体,该害虫的种群密度将明显减小,其原因是() A.雄性个体数量减小使雌虫生殖能力下降 B.成虫个体数量大量迁出使幼虫个体数量减少 C.受人工合成的性引诱剂的影响,雌性个体也减少 D.种群的性别比例失调使种群的出生率下降 3.下列有关种群增长的“S”型曲线的叙述,错误的是() A.通常自然界中的种群增长曲线最终呈“S”型 B.达到K值后种群的增长速率也可能为负值 C.种群增长的开始阶段不受自身密度的影响 D.相同的种群K值也可能不同 4.社鼠是主要生活在山地环境中的植食性鼠类。下列有关叙述正确的是() A.社鼠与其天敌黄鼬的种群数量波动是不同步的 B.社鼠的种群数量总是处在环境容纳量之下 C.生活一段时间后,社鼠种群就会从增长型转变为衰退型 D.在食物十分充足的条件下,社鼠的种群数量一定呈“J”型增长 5.(2014·青岛模拟)自然条件下,种群增长曲线呈“S”型。假设种群的K值为200,N表示种群数量,据表分析不.正确的是() A.环境阻力对种群增长的明显影响出现在S4点之后 B.防治蝗虫应在蝗虫数量达到S3点之前进行 C.渔业捕捞后需控制剩余量在S3点 D.(K-N)/K值为0.50 时,种群增长速率最大

6.下列对探究酵母菌种群数量变化规律实验的叙述,正确的是() A.用血球计数板计数酵母菌个数时,取适量培养液直接滴加到计数室内 B.对于压在一个方格界限上的酵母菌的处理方法是计数四条边及其顶角的酵母菌数C.已知血球计数板的方格为2 mm×2 mm,若盖玻片下经稀释10倍的培养液厚度为0.1 mm,计数时观察值为M,则10 mL培养液中酵母菌的总数约为2.5 M×105个 D.与一般的生物实验一样,该探究实验也需要单独设置对照组 7.右图中曲线Ⅰ表示某种群的出生率,曲线Ⅱ表示其死亡 率。则() A.种群在c点之前呈“J”型曲线增长,c点之后呈“S”型曲 线增长 B.种群数量增长最快的时期是a点对应的时期 C.c点时此种群的个体总数达到环境容纳量 D.曲线表明种群数量变化受食物的影响 8.生态学家对某地区两个生物种群(Ⅰ和Ⅱ)的存活 率进行了调查,结果如右图所示。下列关于对种群Ⅰ和 Ⅱ实施重点保护时期的叙述正确的是() A.种群Ⅰ和Ⅱ都为7~10岁 B.种群Ⅰ和Ⅱ都为1~10岁 C.种群Ⅰ为0~1岁,种群Ⅱ为6~7岁 D.种群Ⅰ为1岁以后各年龄期,种群Ⅱ为7岁以后各年龄期 9.(2012·海南高考)某小组用样方法调查草地中某种双子叶植物的种群密度。下列做法错误的是() A.随机取样 B.选择植物生长茂盛处取样 C.根据调查数据估算该种群密度 D.根据地段的形状确定取样方法 10.(2014·深圳模拟)某小组进行“探究培养液中酵母菌种群数量的动态变化”实验时,同样实验条件下分别在4个试管中进行培养(如下图),均获得了“S”型增长曲线。下列有关该实验的说法错误的是()


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 课时跟踪检测(一) Warming Up & Reading — Language Points Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.It was in prison that he set down the story. 2.After going through the woods, you’ll find a hospital. 3.The house fell down before she was able to save her little daughter. 4.She joined an English club in order to improve her English. 5.The couple told us it was the fourth time that they had_visited (visit) the West Lake. 6.Before eating, please add some salt to the dish. 7.As far as I’m concerned (concern), it is not a good idea to go camping tonight. 8.While swimming (swim) in the river, we saw a fish jump out of the river. 9.It is no good staying up too late every day. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.He was_very_upset_about_the_fact (为此事很难过) that they couldn’t go to the beach. 2.The teacher made every effort to calm_his_student_down (使他的学生冷静下来) after the exam. 3.I got up early in_order/so_as_not_to_be_late_for_school (为了上学不迟到). 4.The police went_through_our_luggage (检查了我们的行李) before we got on the plane. 5.A_series_of_wet_days (一连串的雨天) drove me crazy. 6.The time I spend on reading every day adds_up_to_two_hours (合计两个小时).7.I won’t go there unless_(I_am)_invited (除非受到邀请). 8.He treated me so badly that I couldn’t_stand_it_any_longer (不能再忍受了). Ⅲ.阅读理解 A Dear Mr Black, I used to have a really good group of friends. Now they’re all getting into smoking and drinking. I want to find a new group of friends, but I’m shy. How can I know who are the types of people I should make friends with, and who will accept me? Yours, Mike


课时跟踪检测(十二)师说 (时间:40分钟满分:60分) 一、文言基础专练(28分) 1.下列各句中加点的词语,解释不正确的一项是(3分)( ) A.吾从而师.之师:以……为师 B.吾未见其明.也明:明智 C.君子不齿.齿:并列 D.圣人无常.师常:经常 解析:选D D项,常:固定的。 2.下列加点词语的含义与现在的用法分析正确的一组是(3分)( ) ①古之学者 ..受业解惑也③今之众人 ..,其下圣人也亦远矣④小...必有师②师者,所以传道 学.而大遗,吾未见其明也⑤弟子不必 .. ..不如师,师不必贤于弟子⑥年十七,好古文A.全不相同 B.②③⑤和现在的用法相同 C.全都相同 D.①③⑥和现在的用法相同 解析:选A ①学者,古义:求学之人;今义:在学术上有一定成就的人。②传道,古义:传播道理,文中指传播儒家思想;今义:通常指传播宗教思想。③众人,古义:普通人;今义:大家。④小学,古义:在文中指对小的方面学习;今义:对儿童、少年实施初等教育的学校。⑤不必,古义:不一定;今义:用不着,不需要。⑥古文,古义:先秦两汉的文字;今义:相对于白话文的文言文。 3.从句式特征看,与“师者,所以传道受业解惑也”一句相同的一项是(3分)( ) A.道之所存,师之所存也B.句读之不知,惑之不解 C.不拘于时,学于余D.圣人无常师 解析:选A A项与例句同为判断句。B项是宾语前置;C项是被动句;D项是一般句式。 4.下列句子中,“师”字的用法不同于其他三项的一项是(3分)( ) A.于其身也,则耻师.焉 B.或师.焉,或不焉 C.爱其子,择师.而教之 D.师.道之不复,可知矣 解析:选C C项为名词,译为“老师”,其他三项为动词,意为“从师”。 5.下列加点词语含义相同的一组是(3分)( )

课时跟踪检测(十) 意识的作用

课时跟踪检测(十)意识的作用 一、选择题 1.有人训练黑猩猩学会了从水龙头中取水灭火。此后做了一次试验:在河的一侧点火,水龙头在河的对岸,黑猩猩提着小桶趟过小河到对面,从水龙头中灌满水赶回去灭火,却不知道河水也可以灭火。这说明() A.人们训练黑猩猩的方法不科学 B.意识能动性是人区别于动物的特点 C.动物的意识级别低于人的意识级别 D.动物思考问题的方法与人不同 解析:选B题意强调的是意识活动是人类特有的,具有能动性,黑猩猩没有意识,所以不能发挥意识的能动作用,而不是在讲训练黑猩猩的方法科学不科学,A项不符合题意;黑猩猩的活动是动物本能的活动,意识能动性是人区别于动物的特点,B项符合题意;意识是人类特有的,意识没有高低级别之分,动物没有意识,C项观点错误;意识活动、思维活动是人类特有的,动物的活动只是本能的活动,所以不存在动物思考问题的方法与人有差异,D项观点错误。 2.近几十年来,人们在做了大量的工作之后,对人类能否征服癌症这个问题的回答越来越肯定了。哈佛大学公共卫生学院癌症生物系主任马克思·艾塞克斯预测:大约再过五十年到一百年,人类将摆脱癌症这个恶魔。这表明() A.意识活动依赖于人体的生理过程 B.人们的意识活动欠缺计划性和目的性 C.世界上只有尚未认识之物,而没有不可认识之物 D.人类的认识能力过于有限 解析:选C A项说法正确但在材料中没有体现;B、D两项说法有误。 3.北京同仁堂店内有一副对联:“品味虽贵,必不减物力;炮制虽烦,必不省人工。”正是靠这份承诺,同仁堂从一家庭药铺发展成为国药第一品牌。这表明() A.物质对意识具有决定作用 B.精神不是万能的 C.正确的思想意识是做工作取得成功的决定因素 D.正确的思想意识能促进客观事物的发展 解析:选D A、B两项没体现;正确的思想意识是做工作取得成功的重要因素,不是决定因素,C项错误;材料直接体现D项。


课时跟踪检测(二十八)原子的核式结构模型 一、单项选择题 1.对α粒子散射实验装置的描述,你认为正确的有( ) A.实验器材有放射源、金箔、带有荧光屏的放大镜 B.金箔的厚度对实验无影响 C.如果不用金箔改用铝箔,就不会发生散射现象 D.实验装置放在空气中和真空中都可以 解析:选A 若金箔的厚度过大,α粒子穿过金箔时必然受较大的阻碍而影响实验效果,B错;若改用铝箔,铝核的质量仍远大于α粒子的质量,散射现象仍能发生,C错;若放置在空气中,空气中的尘埃对α粒子的运动会产生影响,故D错。只有A对。 2.卢瑟福利用α粒子轰击金箔的实验研究原子结构,正确反映实验结果的示意图是( ) 解析:选D 卢瑟福利用α粒子轰击金箔的实验研究原子结构,即α粒子散射实验,实验结果显示:绝大多数α粒子穿过金箔后基本上仍沿原来的方向前进,但是有少数α粒子发生了较大角度的偏转,极少数α粒子的偏转角超过90°,有的几乎达到180°,也就是说它们几乎被“撞了回来”。能正确反映该实验结果的是选项D。 3.在卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验中,某一α粒子经过某一原子核附近时的轨迹如图中 实线所示。图中P、Q为轨迹上的点,虚线是过P、Q两点并与轨 迹相切的直线,两虚线和轨迹将平面分为四个区域。不考虑其他 原子核对该α粒子的作用,那么关于该原子核的位置,下列说法 中正确的是( ) A.可能在①区域 B.可能在②区域 C.可能在③区域 D.可能在④区域 解析:选A α粒子带正电,原子核也带正电,对靠近它的α粒子产生斥力,故原子核不会在④区域;若原子核在②、③区域,α粒子会向①区域偏;若原子核在①区域,可能会出现题图所示的轨迹,故应选A。 4.(福建高考)在卢瑟福α粒子散射实验中,金箔中的原子核可以看作静止不动,下列各图画出的是其中两个α粒子经历金箔散射过程的径迹,其中正确的是( )


课时跟踪检测(八) (时间:40分钟满分:50分) 一、基础巩固(15分) 1.下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一组是(3分)() A.贫血.(xuè)血.淋淋(xiě) 叱.骂(chì) 拈.轻怕重(zhān) B.狗爪.(zhuǎ) 爪.牙(zhǎo) 解剖.(pāo) 舐.犊情深(shì) C.篱笆 ..(lí ba) 拍摄.(niè) 罢黜.(chù) 罄.竹难书(qìng) D.镌.刻(juān) 譬.如(pì) 濒.危(bīn) 掷.地有声(zhì) 解析:选D A项,“拈”应读niān。B项,“剖”应读pōu。C项,“摄”应读shè。 2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是(3分)() A.租赁驾驭呻唤坛坛罐罐 B.熬煎寂寞歉意绿草如荫 C.羞耻责备款待坠落腐败 D.虫蛀内涵做揖逆来顺受 解析:选A B项,荫—茵。C项,坠—堕。D项,做—作。 3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一项是(3分)() ①又有一次日本作家由起女士访问上海,来我家______,对日本产的包弟非常喜欢,她说她在东京家中也养了狗。 ②为了什么理由,好多平方英里的没有人迹的森林,遭人类______而为我所私有了吗? ③如果雨下得太久,就会使地里的种子,低地的土豆烂掉,但它对高地草还是有好处的。______它对高地草很好,对我是______很幸运的了。 A.作客遗弃即使/也 B.作客丢弃既然/也 C.做客丢弃即使/也 D.做客遗弃既然/也 解析:选D“作客”,指寄居在别处。“做客”,访问别人,自己当客人。“遗弃”,抛弃,扔掉不要。“丢弃”,丢掉(原有的权利、主张、意见等)。“即使”,表示让步假设。“既然”,用于上句,指出已经成为现实的或已肯定的前提,下半句根据这个前提推出结论,常用“就”“也”“还”呼应。 4.下列各句中,没有语病、句意明确的一句是(3分)()

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