当前位置:文档之家› 人教版九年级英语上册教案unit5(共6份)


Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.

第一课时:New words

Teaching and Learning Goals:

Learn the new words of Unit5 in one class. Memorize the words by reading and using them. Learn the use of them and try to spell the words in this unit. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and phrases , and how to learn individually and collectively.

Teaching and learning steps

Step 1Learn to read the words on P148-149

1.Students try to read the words using the phonetics by themselves.

2.Then read with their partners in groups.

3.Get some individual students to read and correct their pronunciations. Follow the teacher because they can hear the teacher pronounce the word clearly and https://www.doczj.com/doc/7512924485.html,

4.Read after the tape.

5.Read aloud and the teacher walk around to see if they have any question. Get some individual students to read again to see if everyone can read correctly. 2·1·c·n·j·y



Step 2 Learn to remember words on P148-149

一. Remember the words by looking at pictures.

He is the owner of the car.The car belongs to him.

Lu Xun is a famous author/writer.

She is interviewing the man.

Look! The alien is chasing the man.

The monkeys are very lovely.

It’s a finger. Everyone has ten fingers.

The smile face is made up of thousands of people .

It’s an ant. They are lifting the World Cup.

Look at the beautiful stones.

It’s a hill of garbage.

They are wearing beautiful fair bands.

The helicopter is flying in the sky.

The woman in white is an optometrist.

It’s windy. The wind is blowing strongly.

The dolphins are jumping above the ocean.

二. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning. author adj.烦恼的,焦虑的

writer adj.忧虑的,焦虑的,不安的

anxious n.作家,作者

worried n.作家,作者

unhappy 不愉快的,伤心的

sad adj.不快乐的,不愉快的

run out of v.试图,企图

attempt use up 用完,用光,耗尽

三.Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.

1. top stop shop drop v.落下,掉下21世纪教育网版权所有

2. my shy why sky n.天,天空

3. boy toy noy annoy v.使生气;使烦恼

4. match hatch catch v.赶上(特殊:watch)

5. dark mark shark bark v. (狗等)吠声,叫声

6. well fell cell smell n.气味

7. end send mend pretend v.假装

四.Remember the words by conversion(转换) 、complex words (合成)and derivative(派生)21教育网

1. smell v.闻,闻起来n.气味

2. lift n.电梯v.举起,抬起

3. foot + step -- footstep n.脚步声,足迹

4. be + long -- belong v.属于

5. appoint +ment -- appointment n.约会,约定

6. interview n.&v.采访,面试,会见interviewer n.采访者

7. own v.拥有adj.某人自己的-- owner n.所有者,物主

8. neighbor n.邻居neighborhood n.地区,社区;临近街坊

9. direct adj.直接的adv.直接地director n.主管,主任

10. noise n.噪音,喧闹声,吵杂声noisy adj.吵闹的

11. worry n.&v 着急,担忧worried adj. 烦恼的,忧虑的

12. mystery n. 神秘的事物,不可思议的事物,谜

mysterious adj.神秘的;保密的

13. possible adj.可能的possibly adv.可能的,也许

14. final adj.最后的,最终的finally adv.最后,终于

15. extreme adj.极端的,极度的extremely adv.极其,非常

16. happy adj.高兴的unhappy adj.不高兴的

17. honest adj.诚实的,真诚的dishonest adv.不诚实的

五. Remember the words by their Chinese.


2. 交响乐

3. 关键,至关重要



6. 逃跑,逃走https://www.doczj.com/doc/7512924485.html,

(picnic,symphony,crucial, creature,catch, escape) 21·cn·jy·com


Step 3 Consolidation of words

Give the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first .

1.Get the students to read the word by looking at the Chinese. Then

look at the Chinese and say English.2-1-c-n-j-y

2. Then get them to work in pairs to spell the words or write down the words with the Chinese given in guide books. Underline the words they haven’t grasped.21*cnjy*com

3. Get the students to have a short dictation about the important words and phrases. If they can’t , dictate after class in groups.


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