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1. 感觉纤维从脊髓向脑的其他部分传导冲动,而运动纤维则把冲动从脑向下传导给脊髓。

Sensory fibers conduct impulses up from the cord to other parts of the brain, and motor fibers conduct impulses down from the brain to the cord.


The general functions of the cerebellum are to produce smooth coordinated movements, maintain equilibrium, and sustain normal postures.


The diencephalon is a small but important part of the brain located between the midbrain below and the cerebrum above.


The longitudinal fissure divides the cerebrum into right and left halves or hemispheres.


Blood, the substance that flows through the vessels of the cardiovascular system, is composed of cells or cell-like structures and extracellular fluid called plasma.


Blood has two functions: transportation and the maintenance of homeostasis.


Hormones secreted by three different cell zones or layers of the adrenal cortex are called corticoids.


All organs of the endocrine system are glands, but not all glands are organs of the endocrine system.


Low dietary intake of iodine causes a painless enlargement of the thyroid gland.


Tumors or other abnormalities frequently cause a gland to secrete too much or too little hormone.


The breakdown of food into simple forms is known as the process of digestion.


We call the main part of the digestive system the alimentary canal.


Under the X-ray examination, the food you eat can be seen passing through the esophagus, stomach and intestine.


The nephron is a functional unit of the kidney; and two kidneys contain approximately 1700000~2400000 nephrons.

15.入球小动脉收缩时,进入肾小球的血流量减少,肾小球血压也降低。相反,入球小动脉扩张时就会使肾小球血压升高。Afferent arteriolar constriction decreases the rate of blood flow into the glomerulus and also decreases the glomerrulus pressure. Conversely, dilatation of the afferent arteriole increases the glomerular pressure.


The heart is a hollow, muscular organ that weighs about 342 grams and beats over 100000 times a day to pump 3784 liters of blood per day through over 60000 miles of blood vessels.



The interior of the heart is divided into four cavities called chambers that receive circulating blood. The two superior chambers are called the right and left atria. Each atrium has an appendage called an auricle, so named because its shape resembles a dog’s ear.


1. The framework of bones and cartilage that protects our organs and allows us to move is called the skeletal system.


2. Bones undergoing either intramembranous or endochondral ossification are continually remodeled from the time that initial calcification occurs until the final structure appears.


3. The blood continually trades off calcium with the bines, removing calcium when it and other tissues are not receiving enough of this element and resupplying the bones with dietary calcium to keep them from losing too much bone mass.

血液不停地与骨组织交换钙,在血液与其他组织钙不足时移走骨钙,同时从饮食中补充骨钙以避免丧失过多的骨组织。4. The second principal effect of aging on the skeletal system is a decrease in the rate of protein formation that results in a decreased ability to produce the organic portion of bone matrix.


5. The brain is protected in the cranial cavity of the skull and also covered by protective membranes called meninges.


6. The lowest part of the brain stem is the medulla oblongata. Immediately above the medulla lies the pons and above that the midbrain. T ogether these three structures are called the brain stem.


7. Most of our knowledge about cerebellar functions has come from observing patients who have some sort of disease of the cerebellum and from animals who have had the cerebellum removed.


8. If you were to look at the outer surface of the cerebrum, the first features you would notice might be its many ridges and grooves. The ridges are called convolutions, and the grooves are called fissures.


9. These terms then, sum up cerebral functions: consciousness, thinking, memory, sensations, emotions, and willed movements.


10. Pus is a mixture of pathogenic organisms, the white blood cells, dead bacteria and white blood cells, and their by-products.


11. The blood helps to maintain homeostasis by regulating pH (blood pH is 7.4), tissue water content (through osmosis, absorption), body temperature and by protecting the body through phagocytosis, coagulation, and production of antibodies. 血液通过调节PH值(血液PH值为7.4)、组织中的水含量(通过渗透和吸收)和体温来维持内环境稳定,并通过细胞的吞噬作用、凝集和产生抗体来保护身体。

12. Leukocytes live for only a few days; lymphocytes, however, can live for much longer, sometimes as much as 300 days. The number of white blood cells in the blood varies from 5000 to 10000 per cubic centimeter of blood.

白细胞只能生存几天,而淋巴细胞则可存活很久,有时可达300天。每立方厘米血液中白血球的数目为5千到1万个。13. A person having the Rh protein is called Rh positive, whereas an individual lacking it is called Rh negative. The mixing of Rh positive and Rh negative blood will cause agglutination and hemolysis.

人的血液中有Rh蛋白质称作Rh阳性;无Rh蛋白质则称作Rh阴性。Rh阳性和Rh阴性血液混合会引起凝集或溶血。14. Blood can be grouped into four types according to the presence or absence of certain antigens producing antibodies that cause agglutination (cause harmful microorganism to clump together, thus destroying them). The blood types are: A (Antigen A is present), B (Antigen B is present), AB (Both antigens are present) and O (neither antigen is present).


15. The endocrine system performs the same general functions as the nervous system: communication and control.


16. Most endocrine glands do not store their hormones but secrete them directly into the blood as they are produced.


18.The colloid material is stored in the follicles of the gland, and when the thyroid hormones are needed, they are released

from the colloid and secreted into the blood.


19.Although no larger than a pea, pituitary gland is really two endocrine glands.


20.Surgery, hemorrhage, infections, severe burns, and intense emotions are examples of extreme stimuli that bring on



21.Two main function are performed by the digestive system: food is broken down both physically and chemically in the

process called digestion and through the process of absorption the digested foods leave the digestive tract and are distributed to the cells throughout the body way of the circulatory system. The utilization of these digested substances by the body cells is called metabolism.


22.The structures of the digestive system, also called the alimentary tract, are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach,

small intestines, large intestines, rectum, and anus. Several other structures, called accessory structures, contribute to digestion; they are the salivary glands, the liver, and the pancreas.


23.The lesser curvature and the greater curvature constitute the right and left borders of the stomach.


24.Although the duodenum is mere 12 inches in comparison with the 8 feet of the jejunum and 12 feet of the ileum (the

other two portions of the small intestine), an amazing number of processes occur here. Waves of preparation for the next process.


25.The liver, the largest organ in the body, performs two important digestive functions: the secretion of bile and the

absorption of glucose from the blood carrying the newly absorbed nutrients.


26.The hepatic function most directly related to digestion is the secretion of bile, a greenish fluid that emulsifies the lipids or

fat globules by further reducing them.


27.The pressure inside the glomerular capillaries causes filtration of liquid through the capillary membrane into Bowman’s

capsule. On the other hand, the colloid osmotic pressure in the blood and pressure in Bowman’s capsule oppose the filtration.


28.Constriction of efferent arteriole increases the resistance to outflow from the glomeruli. This obviously increases the

glomerular filtration as well. However, the blood flow decreases at the same time.


29.The exact mechanism by which both renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate are autoregulated is a mystery.

However, these is much reason that this effect result from a feedback effect that occurs at the juxtaglomerular apparatus.


30.Obviously, at the same time that the glomerular filtrate is being autregulated, blood flow is also autoregulated because

the feedback mechanism operates by controlling blood flow, which in turn determines glomerular filtration.


31.As calculated above, normal plasma clearance of urea is approximately 60ml. Per minute; the plasma clearance in the

damaged kidney is depressed below a normal value, and the value can indicate the degree of the kidney damage.


32.The base of the heart projects superiorly, posteriorly, and to the right. It is formed by the atria, mostly the left atrium. It

lies opposite the fifth to ninth thoracic vertebrae. Anteriorly, it lies just inferior to the second rib.

心脏底部向上、向后、突向右侧,由心房主要是左心房形成,与第五至第九胸椎相对,在前面正好位于第二肋下方。33.Its pointed end, the apex, is formed by the tip of the left ventricle, projects interiorly, anteriorly, and to the left, and lies

superior to the central tendon of the diaphragm. Anteriorly, the apex is in the fifth intercostal space.


34.Two phenomena control the movement of blood through the heart as part of its cardiac cycle: the opening and closing of

the valves and the contraction and relaxation of the myocardium. Both these activities occur without direct stimulation from the nervous system.


35.The cardiac muscles become stretched when extra amount of blood enters the heart chambers. The stretched muscles

contract with a greatly increase force, thereby automatically pumping the extra blood into the arteries.


36.Starling’s law is important in maintaining the balance between right and left ventricular output and thus preventing

accumulation of blood in the pulmonary circuit, in addition to its central role in maintaining relationships between vascular filling and cardiac output in the systemic circuit.



1.what functions does skeletal system perform?

①Support: The skeleton provides a framework for the body and, as such, it supports soft tissues and provides a point of attachment for many muscles ②Protection: Many internal organs are protected from injury by the skeleton ③Movement: Bones serve as levers to which muscles are attached. When the muscles contract, the bones acting are levers produce movement ④Mineral storage: Bones store several minerals that can be distributed to other parts of the body on demand ⑤Blood cell production: Red marrow in certain bones is capable of producing blood cells, a process called hematopoiesis.

2.what functions does hypothalamus perform?

①The hypothalamus exerts a major control over virtually all internal organs ②The hypothalamus plays an essential role in maintaining the body’s water balance ③The hypothalamus helps control the functioning of every cell in the body ④The hypothalamus is a crucial part of the mechanism for maintaining body temperature.

3.how to control a hemorrage?

The most common are ligation or tying them, clamping them with hemostats, applying tourniquets, and applying direct pressure over the wound. By applying pressure to arteries near the surface or to those arteries lying over a bone, hemorrhage can be controlled.

4.what are the three main endocrine glands and their respective secretions?

①Pituitary Gland: thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH); adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH); follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH); luteinize hormone(LH); melanocyte-stimulating hormone(MSH); antidiuretic hormone(ADH); oxytocin ②Thyroid Gland: thyroxine; triiodothyronine; calcitonin ③Adrenal Gland: corticoid; mineralocorticoid; glucocorticoid; sex hormone

5.what are the main structures of the stomach?

The portion of the stomach that protrudes above the gastroeaophageal junction is called the fundus; the cardiac region is the point where the esophagus and stomach join; the distal end of the stomach is called the pylorus; the lesser curvature and the greater curvature constitute the right and left borders of the stomach.

6.Please name the 9 nephron components.

1 = glomerular capsule,

2 = glomerulus,

3 = afferent arteriole,

4 = efferent arteriole,

5 = proximal

convoluted tubule, 6 = distal convoluted tubule, 7 = collecting duct, 8 = loop of Henle, & 9 =

peritubular capillaries (or vasa recta).

7. Describe the blood flow through the heart.

The deoxygenated blood from the right atrium passes through the tricuspid valve to the right

ventricle. The right ventricle pumps oxygen-poor blood into the pulmonary trunk which routes the

blood via the pulmonary arteries to the lungs where gas exchange occurs. The pulmonary semilunar

valve prevents the back flow of blood into the right ventricle. The pulmonary veins then carry the oxygenated blood back to the heart and enter at the left atrium. Form the left atrium, the blood passes through the mitral valve, also called the bicuspid valve, to the left ventricle. From the left ventricle the oxygenated blood passes into the aorta.

医学英语教学目的 英文版

English teaching for medical purpose which plays an extremely important role in the education of medical .To set undergraduate medical English teaching closer to the national demand scientifically, target needs and social needs questionnaires on medical English proficiency were carried out towards medical undergraduates and medical professionals. To explore the causes of these phenomena, we propose to set Undergraduate Medical English course program considering the needs of the learner objectives and social needs, and to arrange speaking and writing modules hours and teaching content. This course is designed and delivered to help students to: to understand the importance of medical terms in their medical practice; to know origins of medical language; to get familiar with most commonly seen medical terms in current medical literature and medical practice; to develop ability to decode and interpreter new medical terms; to develop ability to communicate confidently, accurately, and efficiently with health care professionals, patients, and others.


2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.


Suffix Meaning Example -ac pertaining to 属于,关于 cardiac: pertaining to the heart 心脏(病)的 -al pertaining to medical: pertaining to medicine -ar pertaining to molecular: pertaining to a molecule 分子的 -ary pertaining to belonging to ciliary: pertaining to the cilia 睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的 -ase enzyme 酶 amylase: any enzyme that converts starch to sugar 淀粉酶 -cle smallness 小,少,贫乏,小气 follicle: a small bodily cavity or sac 小囊,(头发的)毛囊 -e an instrument 仪器 auriscope: an instrument for examining the ear (检查耳朵用的)耳镜 -eal pertaining to laryngeal: pertaining to the larynx 喉的, 喉音的 -ia condition; quality phobia: abnormal fear 恐惧,害怕 -ic pertaining to toxic: pertaining to toxin 有毒的;因中毒引起的 -ics study of; name of a science paediatrics: study of children, their development and diseases 儿科学 -ine/in substance 物质 insulin :substance (hormone) produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas 胰岛素 -ism process or condition alcoholism: excessive drinking of alcohol which becomes addictive 酒精中毒 -ist one who specializes in 精通于……的人 pharmacologist: a doctor who specializes in the study of drugs 药理专家 -itis inflammation refers to a part i n ……部位的炎症 rhinitis: inflammation of the nasal passages 鼻炎,鼻粘膜炎 -(i)um relation to a whole; related to 与……相关 endometrium: inner lining of the uter 子宫内膜




第二单元 骨质疏松与骨骼的危险因素 骨质疏松可能几十年也没有任何症状。因为除非骨折,它不会引起任何症状。有些骨质疏松性骨折数年后才能诊断出来。因此,只有发生带来痛苦的骨折时,患者才能意识到自己的骨质疏松。而骨质疏松症状和骨折部位有关。 脊椎骨折可引起严重的带状疼痛,疼痛从后背扩散到身体的两侧。几年时间,反复的脊椎骨折可引起身高变矮,脊椎弯曲和后背下端长期疼痛。脊椎弯曲使得患者出现驼背现象,通常称为“罗锅”。 日常生活中发生的骨折叫做压迫性骨折。例如:有些骨质疏松患者走路或下台阶时,脚部会出现压迫性骨折。 跌倒时通常发生髋部骨折。如果患有骨质疏松,非常轻微的磕碰都能造成髋部骨折。由于骨骼的质量较差,即使行外科手术治疗,髋部骨折也很难治愈。 根据国际骨质疏松基金会今天在世界骨质疏松日公布的报告披露,如果吸烟,每天饮酒两杯以上,不锻炼身体或饮食不佳,晚年就会患骨质疏松。 国际骨质疏松基金会主席Daniel Navid在迪拜召开的记者招待会上说:“预计到2050年,因骨质疏松造成的髋部骨折发生率,男性将增至310%,女性将增至240%。骨质疏松导致的骨折通常意味着疼痛,功能丧失,严重病例会导致死亡。” “战胜骨折”报告作者及国际骨质疏松基金会成员Cyrus Cooper教授说:“世界范围内,骨质疏松发病率正以流行病的发病增长——50岁以上,有1/3的女性和1/5的男性患骨质疏松性骨折。但是,如果人们年轻时就认识到骨质疏松的危害并采取适当措施,将对晚年时期的骨骼健康有着巨大的积极影响。” 国际骨质疏松基金会敦促人们接受国际骨质疏松基金会一分钟骨质疏松危险因素检查。此外,采取对骨骼有益的生活方式,如营养饮食,定期锻炼,不吸烟,不酗酒,这些都会有助于形成健壮的骨骼,防止骨折。 危险因素主要分为两大类:可修正的和不可修正的危险因素。尽管我们无法控制危险因素,如年龄,性别,家族史,但还是有些能减轻其影响的办法。 可修正的危险因素 可修正的危险因素主要源于不健康的饮食或生活方式的选择,包括营养不良,身高体重比偏低,饮食失调,喝酒,吸烟和缺乏锻炼。这些危险因素大部分直接影响骨骼健康,导致骨密度降低。(BMD) 喝酒 欧洲,北美洲及澳大利亚的研究表明,无论男性还是女性,每天饮酒量超过两杯会就加大骨质疏松和髋关节骨折的危险。 吸烟 吸烟同样增加人的骨折危险。国际研究已经表明,吸烟使髋关节骨折的危险增加1.5倍。在瑞典进行的研究表明,18到20岁的男性吸烟者,其骨密度降低。这项研究结果尤其令人担忧。因为它表明,年轻人吸烟可以降低骨质峰值——而骨质在20岁到25岁形成——因此增加他得晚年患骨质疏松的危险。 身高体重比偏低 身高体重比(BMI)偏低是检测人瘦的尺度,也可以用来提示患骨质疏松的危险度。医生认为,BMI在20到25之间是理想值。19以下表明BMI太低,有患骨质疏松的危险。 营养不良、饮食钙摄取量低 营养不良与BMI低紧密相连,它能影响骨骼健康。当饮食中钙的摄取量不足时尤其如此。钙是骨矿物质的基本成分,对肌肉,神经和人体的其它细胞也是十分重要的。 维生素D缺乏 主要通过皮肤暴露在阳光下获得的维生素D十分重要,因为它帮助从肠中吸收的钙进入到血液中。通常,儿童和成人每天把面部、手和胳膊暴露在阳光下10到15分钟就足够了。 饮食失调 饮食失调,如神经性厌食、贪食,也能引起骨质疏松。这些情况都能大大降低钙摄取量,加速骨矿物质流失。 运动量不足 久坐的人比经常运动的人更容易发生髋关节骨折。例如:每天坐9个小时以上的女性,其髋关节骨折的机率比坐6个小时以下的女性高50%。 经常跌跤 90%的髋关节骨折都源于跌跤。视力障碍、丧失平衡、肌肉神经紊乱,痴呆、卧床及老年人中常见的服用安眠药


医学英语教学目的英文 版 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

English teaching for medical purpose which plays an extremely important role in the education of medical .To set undergraduate medical English teaching closer to the national demand scientifically, target needs and social needs questionnaires on medical English proficiency were carried out towards medical undergraduates and medical professionals. To explore the causes of these phenomena, we propose to set Undergraduate Medical English course program considering the needs of the learner objectives and social needs, and to arrange speaking and writing modules hours and teaching content. This course is designed and delivered to help students to: to understand the importance of medical terms in their medical practice; to know origins of medical language; to get familiar with most commonly seen medical terms in current medical literature and medical practice; to develop ability to decode and interpreter new medical terms; to develop ability to communicate confidently, accurately, and efficiently with health care professionals, patients, and others.


老师给的医学英语词根,对不起老师了~~ 2010-07-22 21:54:44来自: spect(士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远!) 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao- cardial cardium/carditis/cardiology 脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum/encephalitis/encephalology 肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis/pulmonectomy/pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis/hepatobiliary/hepatology 胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis/gastrointestinal/gastrology 胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis/cholinergic/cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis/enterectomy/enterology 脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis/splenectomy/splenology 胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis/pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis/nephropathy/nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional


2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends. D. She and her daughter don’t always understand each other.


常用医学英语词根词缀 1.人体主要器官前缀 名称通用名前(后)缀常用形容词示例 心heart cardiao- cardial cardium / carditis / cardiology 脑brain encepholo- cerebral cerebrum / encephalitis / encephalology 肺lung pulmo- pulmonary pulmontiis / pulmonectomy / pulmonology 肝liver hepato- hepatic hepatitis / hepatobiliary / hepatology 胃stomach gastro- gastric gastritis / gastrointestinal / gastrology 胆gallbladder chole- biliary holecystitis / cholinergic / cholecystectomy 肠intestine entero- intestinal enteritis / enterectomy / enterology 脾spleen splen- splenic splenitis / splenectomy / splenology 胰pancreas pancreato- pancreatic pancreatitis / pancreatectomy 肾kidney nephro- renal/nephric nephritis / nephropathy / nephrology 2.与人体系统、器官有关的前(后)缀 名称通用名前(后)缀示例 血blood hemo-/hemato hematology/hemoglobin/hematoma 血管vessel vaso- vasopressor/cardiovasology/verebrovascular 静脉vein veno- venography/intravenous/venoconstriction 动脉artery arterio- arteriology/arteriole/arteriosclerosis 肌muscle myo- mycology/myositis/myocarditis 髓marrow myel-/myelo- myelocyte/myelitis/myeloma 神经nerve neur-/neyro- neurology/neuritis/neuron 细胞cell cyto-/-cyte cytology/cytoma/leukocyte 尿urine uro-/ur- urology/urosurgery/urogenital 体body somato-/some somatology/somatopsychic/chromosome 3.与数字有关的前缀 数字前缀示例 一(单)mono-/uni- monomer/monoclone/carbon monoxide/unidirectional 二bi-/di- bilateral/biphasiccarbon dioxide/dipeptide 三tri- trilateral/triphasic/trigeminal nerve 四tetra- tetramer/tetracycline/tetraplegia 五penta- pentagon/pentachromic/pentachloride 六hexa- hexachromic/benzene hexachloride(666)/hexacycliccompiund 七hepta- heptachromic/heptaploid/heptavalent 八octa- octahedral/octal system 九nona- nonapeptide/nonagon 十deca- decade/decagram/decaliter 注:十位数的表示一般为:个位数前缀+deca,如:hexadecanol(十六烷醇),tetradecapeptide gastrin(十四肽胃泌素),octadecanoic acid(十八烷酸)


医学英语课文知识总结 1.Seasonal Influenza (P18) Definition: Seasonal influenza is an acute infection caused by the influenza virus. Type: Type A: A1(H1N1) and A3(H3N2) are circulating among human Type B: Only influenza A and B viruses are included in seasonal influenza vaccines Type C: much less frequently than A and B Cause: 1. High risk: People with certain medical conditions, such as chronic heart, lung, kidney, liver, blood or metabolic diseases (such as diabetes), or weakened immune systems 2. Transmission: Spread by breathing in infected droplets Signs and symptoms: high fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, severe malaise, sore throat and runny nose Treatment: antiviral drugs such as adamantanes and inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase Prevention: vaccinate timely(most effective);covering mouth and nose with tissue when coughing, washing hands regularly 2.Diabetes (P25) Definition:Diabetes is a chornic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin,or alternatively,when thw body cannot effevtively use the insulin it produces. Type: Type 1 diabetes(previously know as insulin-dependent or childhood-onset)is characterized by a lack of insulin production. Type 2 diabetes(fromly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset)results from the body's ineffective use of insulin. Gestational diabetes is hyperglycaemia which is first recognized during pregnancy. Common consequences: Diabetes can damage the heart,blood vessels,eyes,kindneys,and nerves. Such as:retinopathy,neuropathy;tingling;pain;numbness,or weakness in the feet and hands;fool ulcers,even amputation;kidney failure;heart disease;stroke;cardiovascular disease. Prevent: achieve and maintain healthy body weigh;be physically active;blood testing;tabacco cessation; blood pressure control;foot care;morderate blood control, people with type 1 diabetes require insulin,people with type 2 diabetes can be treated with oral medication,but may also require insulin.screening for retinopathy;blood lipid control; screening for early signs of diabetes-related kindney disease. 5.Obesity And Overweight(P70) Defintion:Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.WHO defines “overweight” as a BMI equal to or more than 25 and “obesity” as a BMI equal to or more than 30. Reason: Energy imbalance ,unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Consequence:Cardiovascular disease,diabetes,musculoskeletal disorders,some cancer Prevention: Achieve energy balance and a healthy weight,limit energy intake, fruit,vegetables,legumes,whole grains and nuts.increase physical activity and limit sugar intake


Unit 1 动脉旁路 1.neuron overload 神经过载 2.a typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊 3.DEXA scan DEXA扫描 4.medical practicing 行医 5.blood pressure control 血压控制 6.health maintenance 健康保持 7.Mammogram report 乳房X线检查报告 8.physical examination 体检 9.side effect of a medication 药物的副作用 10.perpetual panic 永久的恐慌 11.practicing physicians 职业医生 12.transplant field 移植领域 13.medical budget 医疗预算 14.paracetamol tablet 扑热息痛药片 15.childproof cap 防孩子打开的盖子 16.randomized clinical trial 随机临床试验 17.Random allocation 随机分配 18.patient prognosis 病人的预后 19.control group 对照组 20.a 10-year follow-up study 10年的跟踪研究 21.a medical ward 内科病房

22.infectious hepatitis 传染性肝炎 23.Severe malaise 身体严重不适 24.bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢 25.permanent liver damage 永久的肝损伤 26.exacerbate pathophysiology 加重病理生理状况 27.Medical literature 医学文献 28.clinical investigation 临床调查 29.incedence of relapse 复发率 30.clinical epidemiology 临床流行病学 31.strict bed rest 严格的卧床休息 32.hospital stay 住院 33.recurrent jaundice 反复发作的黄疸 34.clinical course 临床病程 35.intravenous morphine 静脉注射吗啡 36.diastolic blood pressure 舒张压 37.brain perfusion 大脑血灌输 38.primary care初级保健 39.aorto-coronary arterial bypass主动脉冠状助工作 https://www.doczj.com/doc/787864747.html,rmed treatment decision 知情治疗决 41.an international humanitarian group一个国际人道组织 42.the Red Cross 红十字会 43.The first major relief effort 第一次重大援


试论医学英语教学创新思路 摘要:对于医学专业的学生来说。掌握医学英语是一项必须具备的技能,在很多的医学职业院校当中,都把英语的教学当做学习的重中之重,然而过去的英语教学枯燥乏味,调动不起学生学习英语的积极性,本文就医学英语教学的新思路做了有关论述。 关键词:医学英语教学新思路 一、引言 医疗企业的快速发展,英语已经成为一个重要的交流和学习的工具,国内医疗与世界的交流越来越广泛,越来越多的医学人才的要求也很高。英语成为许多国际会议的通用语言。医学院校学生除了要有基本的英语知识,还应该有一个坚实的专业英语水平。掌握的数量和英语使用能力的掌握是非常迫切的要求。 二、医学英语教学新思路 1.课堂上精心设计。不仅要教英语专业知识,培养和提供更多的学生使用知识交流的能力。教学活动的实施,应该放弃传统死板的教学模式,尽可能地模拟各种情况下,应用到课堂提问、课堂实践中,教师和学生之间的相互对话或学生可以给学生实践的灵活多样的教学方法,促进学生的积极参与交流,提高积极性,确保更好的教学效果。建立演讲

技能培训项目,加强审讯,医患对话,案例讨论,医学报告,医学英语阅读训练、医学英语写作项目。选择原始病例分析,医学文献参考,如医学应用论文写作是一个模型,通过分析理解医学英语术语和语法特征文章,比如多用名词结构、被动语态、定语从句等写作训练引导学生熟悉医学英语写作模式,分为介绍、材料和方法、结果、结论四部分,每个部分时态使用现在时态,表达也是固定的。在此基础上,应用写作,并组织学生学习比较,首先改变以来,然后提高老师的讨论。通过这种方式,学生有更多的时间更有效地学习英语。 2.内容上合理选择和处理。语言交际活动可以激发学生学习和学习内容和需要学习的内容链接,激发学生的学习动机。针对大型类的情况,组织团队活动,设计适合集团或双对话沟通或语言游戏。灵活多样的教学方法,精心设计教学过程中的每个环节,再教给学生能力。为了避免纯粹的语言点的细节,把握全文,思考文章的内容和结构是一个更有效的学习。泛读教学,要求学生快速阅读全文两次,作者在第一次阅读时要求学生找出话语连贯的句子,第二遍时用自己的语言找出关键词。组织全班讨论学生们用不同的关键词回答,每个人都同意被认为能够更好地总结段落这个词的含义,一起回顾这些内容。最后布置学生课后根据关键词复述文章内容。通过这种方式,学生达到整体把握全文。 3.多媒体的有效利用。多媒体的使用,可以提高学生


实用文档 a 前缀无 ab 前缀从 ...离开acantho 词根棘,刺acetabulo 词根髋臼acouo 词根听觉acro 词根顶,肢acromio 词根肩峰 ad 前缀向 ...靠近,到 ...上adeno 词根腺 adipo 词根脂肪的adreno 词根肾上腺aero 词根气agglutino 词根凝集agra 后缀严重的疼痛albo 前缀白 algesi 词根痛觉的感受algia 后缀痛alveolo 词根肺泡alveolo 词根牙槽 amnio词根羊膜

amphi 前缀两侧ampullo 词根壶腹amylo 词根淀粉an 前缀无 ana 前缀向上,重回到andro 词根雄aneurysmo 词根异常扩大angino 词根阻塞ankylo 词根弯曲ano 词根肛门ante 前缀在前anti 前缀抗 aorto 词根主动脉apico 词根顶 apo 前缀离去,从appendico 词根阑尾appendo 词根阑尾aquo 词根水arterio 词根动脉arteriolo 词根小动脉arthro 词根关节

articulo 词根关节 ase 后缀酶 astro 词根星 atelo 词根不完全的,有缺陷的athero 词根脂肪堆积atrio 词根腔 audio 词根听觉 auro 词根耳 auro 词根金 auto 前缀自 axio 词根轴 balano 词根龟头 bary 前缀重、压 baso 词根碱 bi 前缀双,倍 bili 词根胆汁 blast 后缀母细胞 blenno 词根粘液blepharo 词根睑 brachy 词根短 bronchio词根支气管


Unit One Text A:Hippocratic Oath, The Medical Ideal 或许在医学史上最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”希波克拉底誓言”.这个以古希腊著名医师希波克拉底命名的誓言,被作为医师道德伦理的指导纲领.虽然随着时代的变迁,准确的文字已不可考,但誓言的主旨却始终如一——尊敬那些将毕生知识奉献于医学科学的人,尊重病人,尊重医师尽己所能治愈病人的承诺。 作为被大家公认的”医学之父”,我们对希波克拉底知之甚少.他生活于约公元前460-380年,作为一名职业医师,与苏格拉底是同代人.在他的时代,他被推举为当时最著名的医师和医学教育者.收录了超过60篇论文的专著——希波克拉底文集,被归于他的名下;但是其中有些论文的内容主旨相冲突,并成文于公元前510-300年,所以不可能都是出自他之手. 这个宣言是以希波克拉底命名的,虽然它的作者依然存在疑问。根据医学历史权威的看法,这个宣言的内容是在公元前四世纪起草的,这使希波克拉底自己起草这个宣言成为可能。无论如何,不管是否是希波克拉底自己起草的(希波克拉底宣言),这个宣言的内容都反映了他在医学伦理上的看法。 作为代表当时希腊观点的唯一一小部分,希波克拉底誓言首次被写时并没有受到很好的欢迎。然而,在那远古时代结束时,医生们开始遵循誓言的条款。当科学医学在罗马帝国衰亡后遭受一显而易见的衰退时,这个誓言,连同希波克拉底医学的指示命令,在西方都几乎被遗忘是有可能的。正是通过东方坚持不懈的探索精神,使得希波克拉底医学信念和希波克拉底宣言得以在这一恶化的时期幸存下来,尤其是通过阿拉伯当局在医学上的著作。希腊医学知识而后在西方基督教复活是通过了阿拉伯文论著和原始希腊文的拉丁文翻译。 到17世纪后期,专业行为标准已经在西方世界建立。被专业组织通过的第一部医学伦理学的法典是由英国内科医生托马斯·珀西瓦尔(1740 - 1804)1794年编写的, 并在1846年被改编和通过了美国医学协会(AMA)。Thomas Percival提出的道德规范为职业医师提供了金标准,主宰着医生们服务他人时的道德权威和独立性以及医生对病人的责任,还有医生的个人荣誉。 6.The seeds had been sown by Hippocrates - or one of his ghost writers. 种子已经被希波克拉底或者他的代笔者们所播种。 7.二战之后,由于在罪犯身上进行骇人听闻的医学实验而违反了医学伦理准则,23位来自行德国纳粹集中营的医生被判有罪。这一事件导致了纽伦堡宣言的诞生(1947),这意味着关于人类受试者的道德治疗的讨论的开启,概述了在医学研究中关于这些受试者权益的道德问题。这反过来导致1948年世界医学协会通过了维也纳宣言的宣誓。 Contemporary dilemmas in the Modern World


一般来说博士的英语作文一般都是给阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型: 一、正面陈述问题 “吃早餐有利于身体健康”就是只从正面陈述问题; 二、负面陈述问题 如“吸烟有害健康”这样的文章,就是一般只说明吸烟是有害的,只说负面影响。 三、客观的陈述问题(正负面都有的) 如“医疗体制的现状”等问题,因为这样的文章有好也有坏的方面,也就是有正面也有负面的问题。又如04年的博士论文,就是对医院问题的陈述,文章分别从洋医院、民营医院和公立医院几个方面来阐述,分别说明这几种医院各自的优点和缺点,所以这样的文章就是典型的客观陈述事实的文章。 首先看看是什么样的文章,再确定用什么模版来套用。(各个类型我都做一套模版) 但是不管是哪个类型的文章都不外乎这几个步骤,切记,不要觉得无所谓啊!!!! 一般这个题目可以和中文标题的翻译一样,应该是陈述性的词组,用“of”、“and”或“N 词组加介词短语” (1) 如文章是陈述的一个事情或问题,那就用什么的什么(sth1of sth2) 如中国医疗体系的现状:The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革:Reform of Chinese Medical Care System (2) 讲到一个负面的问题,一般都是和健康有关系的,就可以说sth1and Health 如吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等 (3)如果本文只讲到了一件事情,那么可以用介词短语 如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, (小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等 注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an)等虚词小写 2、最好要是陈述性的词组,除非原文的标题本来是疑问句 既然是写文章的总结(summary),那么首先需要浏览全文,我感觉这些文章都已经把条理给整理清楚了,那么基本可以确定大概的几条,在试卷上把重要的部分用笔划出来;还可以把序号打上,说明一共有几点。注意:1、不用划记细节描写的语句,而用文章中陈述性的语句。一般来说主题句都是陈述性的语句。如讲到公费医疗体系的问题,你不要去划记那些中国的公立医院有多少,增长了多少的句子,而应该着重看陈述性的主题句是怎么说的,如果说有了大幅度的增长你就要知道这句话是最重要的句子。(切记:除非本文就是讲数据,而且目的在于测试考生们数据增长、减少等句型的话,那么就要用数据说明问题了) 这个问题是最重要的,也就是文章讲了什么 文章的框架: 文章字数是200,那么大约是11-13句左右的样子。

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