当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省盐城市建湖县2017_2018学年七年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案)牛津译林版





A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每


( ) 4. How does the girl go to school every day?

( ) 5. How often does the girl go swimming?

A. Every day.

B. Twice a week.

C. Every week.

( ) 6. What does Li Hua do?

A. A doctor.

B. A teacher.

C. A football player. ( ) 7. What would John like to do after school?

A. To watch TV.

B. To listen to music.

C. To play music.

( ) 8. How long does the parents’ meeting last(持续)?

A. 3 hours.

B. 2 hours.

C. 5 hours.

( ) 9. What does Daniel do this evening?

A. To do much work.

B. To see a film.

C. To wat ch games.

( ) 10. How do they celebrate thei r grandpa’s birthday?

A. To buy some presents.

B. To have a birthday party.

C. To go out for a big


B) 听对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



( ) 11. What’s the weather like tomorrow?

A. Warm and sunny.

B. Cold and rainy.

C. Hot and sunny.

( ) 12. What’s Peter’s mother doing?

A. Watching TV.

B. Shopping.

C. Doing some housework.


playing 15 at

( ) 13. A. Friend B. Brother C. Classmate

( ) 14. A. No. 3 B. No. 7 C. No. 13

( ) 15. A. football B. basketball C. table tennis


( ) 16. What time does Jane have breakfast?

A. At 6:30 a.m..

B. At 7:00 a.m..

C. At 8:00 a.m..

( ) 17. How does Jane go to school every day?

A. By bike.

B. By car.

C. By bus.

( ) 18. How many classes does Jane have every day?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Seven.

( ) 19. Where does Jane like to go after school?

A. To the school.

B. To the playground.

C. To

the sport center(运动中心).

( ) 20. What does Jane do at 9:00 p.m.?

A. She goes to bed.

B. She watches TV.

C. She does her homework.



( )21. A. watch B. teacher C. school D. child

( )22. A. boys B. pens C. desks D. girls

( )23. A. flower B. know C. bowl D. show

( )24. A. near B. dear C. wear D. clear

( )25. A. make B. have C. skate D. ladies


( )26.— Can you see __________ 11-year-old boy playing football on the playground?

— Is it __________ one with a pair of glasses?

A. a; the

B. the; the

C. an; the

D. the; an

( ) 27. — Sam, who teaches _______ Chinese?

— Mrs. White. She lives in China for years. _________ Chinese is very good.

A. you; Her

B. your; Hers

C. you; Him

D. your; She

( ) 28. Mrs Brown_________ takes exercise, so he is getting fatter and fatter.

A. often

B. seldom

C. usually

D. nearly

( ) 29. These books are Miss Li’s. Please give _________

A. her them

B. them to her

C. it to her

D. her it.

( ) 30. I like Chinese tea_________ anything in it.

A. there isn’t

B. has

C. without

D. haven’t

( ) 31. He seems___________because he passes the test.





( ) 32. — _____ do you go to see a film? — Sometimes.

A. How much

B. How long

C. How soon

D. How often

( ) 33. I hope you _________________.

A. to go swimming with me

B. can go swimming with me

C. to go swim with me

D. can go swim with me

( ) 34. It is important _____________a healthy lifestyle.

A. of us to have

B. of us having

C. for us to have

D. for us having ( ) 35. —You are the first in the100-metre race. Congratulations! — ________.

A. That’s right

B. How do you say that

C. Don’t say so

D. Thanks a lot


Today, we find many kinds of low-fat foods(低脂食品) in the supermarket. Some people think that low-fat foods 36 healthier than full-fat ones(全脂食品).But they may be hurting, not helping, our health.

Let’s 37 out why.

Firstly, a “low-fat”label(标签) may make people eat more. Some people overlook(忽视) the calories(卡路里) 38 low-fat foods and think these foods will help them lose weight(减肥), 39 they eat as much as they want. These wrong ideas may make us take in(摄入) 40 calories than we need.

Worse still, low-fat foods aren’t as healthy 41 we think. When fat is removed(去除)from foods, such as milk and salad dressing(调料),producers(生产商)will add more 42 or salt to make up for(弥补)the loss of taste. This can 43 harm to our hearts.

Last but not least, there are many nutrients(营养物) in fats. Some kinds of fat are important for our 44 .These fats can’t be produced by our body; we can only 45 them from the food we eat.

( )36.A.is B. are C.am D. be

( )37.A.look B.looking C.find D.finding

( )38.A.in B.on C.into D. onto

( )39.A.but B.because C.so D.if

( )40.A.many B.more C.little D.much

( )41.A. as B. less than C.than D. more than

( )42.A.water B.cola C.sugar D.tea

( )43.A.doing B.do C.did D.does

( )44.A.healthy B.health C.fit D.fine

( )45. A.wish B.get C.order D. need



Time: From Monday to Wednesday; At 6:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm

30] Stars: Anthony Gonzalez, Benjamin Bratt, Gael Garcia Bernal

( )46. How many Chinese films are there in Dadi Movie Theater this week?

A. Zero.

B. One.

C. Two.

D. Three.

( )47.Who stars in the two films this week?

A. Chen Kaige

B. Feng Xiaogang

C. Huang Xuan

D. Liu Haoran

( )48. Lily leaves school at 5:30 p.m. and she must get home before 8:00 p.m. Which film can she watch?

A. Legend Of The Demon Cat


C. Coco

D. All the films ( )49. Mr Brown wants to take his two little sons to watch Coco on Tuesday. How much should he pay?

A. 60 yuan.

B. 75 yuan.

C. 90 yuan.

D. 120 yuan.


My Homesickness (《乡愁》)

Yu Guangzhong (1928.10 - 2017.12)

When I was young, my homesickness was a small stamp(邮票),

I was here, my mother was there.

After growing up, my homesickness was a narrow ticket,

I was here, my bride(新娘) was there.

Later, my homesickness was a little to mb(坟墓),

I was outside,my mother was ______________.

And now,my homesickness is a shallow strait(海峡),

I am here,the mainland(大陆) is there.

( )50.How old was the writer when he passed away(去世)?





( )51.We can put the word _________ onto the line of the poem(诗).

A. outside





In China, there’re many different kinds of food. Some of them are very popular. The real Chinese food is dumplings. Now let’s talk about them, OK?

Everyone in China likes dumplings very much, and there are many different kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and vegetables in them, others have sugar, eggs and so on. I like dumplings with vegetables and pork better than any other kind.

Usually people make dumplings at home. If you have no time to make them, you can buy them from any supermarket. Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar.

The Spring Festival is very important in China. When it comes, we make dumplings, usually we put a coin(硬币) in a dumpling. If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he or she will be lucky in the year.

In the old days, peop le couldn’t often eat dumplings, because they were very poor. Now our country is becoming stronger and stronger, and our people are richer and richer. We can eat them very often.

Now tell me, do you like dumplings?

Welcome to China, and we’ll invite you to eat the real Chinese food —dumplings. ( )52. —What does the writer like dumplings with best?—

A. Vegetables.

B. Seafood.

C. Vegetables and pork.

D. Meat.

( )53. You can buy dumplings from the supermarket when .

A. you have time

B. you are busy

C. you are tired

D. you are happy

( )54. The word “vinegar” i n the passage means .


B. 盐

C. 醋

D. 酒

( )55. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. The Chinese like dumplings very much.

B. If someone eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he or she will be lucky in the year.

C. In the old days, people could only eat dumplings because they were poor.

D. Now people are rich and they often eat dumplings.


A) 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(每词1分,计10分)

Three Classic Science Fiction Novels


People always want to know what our future may look like, and some of them write down their ideas about the future in the form of science fiction stories. Here are three classic stories o f this kind are enjoyed by people around the world.

Frankenstein (《弗兰肯斯坦》)

Frankenstein is widely considered the first true science fictio

n story. It is a

novel written by the English writer Mary Shelley (玛丽·雪

莱). It tells the story of Victor Frankenstein (维克多·弗兰肯斯

坦). He is a young scientist who makes a giant and frightening monster(怪物) in a scientific experiment. The name “Frankenstein ” has often been used to refer to(指代)the monster itself since the publication (出版)of the novel.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (《海底两万里》)

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is regarded as one of the

best novels by French writer Jules Verne (儒勒·凡尔纳). The story is

about the underwater adventures of Captain Nemo(尼摩船长).In the novel,

Verne takes his readers on a trip to the oceans and shows them how wonderful

the underwater world is. He also makes a submarine(潜水艇)—the Nautilus (鹦鹉螺号). His description of the ship is considered ahead of his time.

The Three-Body Problem (《三体》)

It is said that The Three-Body Problem , written by Chinese w

riter Liu Cixin,has helped bridge the Gap between Eastern and

Western science fiction.The novel is about the communication and fights

between human beings(人类) and aliens. It is the first science fiction novel

written by an Asian writer that has won the Hugo Award (雨果奖), the best known award for science fiction writing.






_ 4.___________ 5.___






9.__________ 10.___________

B) 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,答案不超过5个词 (每题2分,计10分)

Do you have freestyle? This catchphrase (流行语)of the year 2017 comes from “The Rap of China (《中国有嘻哈》).” It ’s China ’s first TV show to introduce hip hop music to Chinese people.

As one of the four judges(评委), Kris Wu (吴亦凡) quickly becomes another hot topic. Each time Wu has to choose(选择) the winner, he has only one question for the contestants (选手): “Do you have freestyle?” The pop star ’s humorous (滑稽的) catchphrase is quickly

adopted (采用) by Chinese people. Many begin to follow(效仿) him and use

“freestyle ” everywhere.

Do you know where “frees tyle ” comes from? In the early 1990s, People began

to use the word “freestyle ” for rap music in America. This way of

improvised (即兴表演的) rap is made popular by the best groups and artists.

In fact, the essence (本质) of the catchphrase is to be yourself. As a WeChat(微信) user says, “I am my own person and enjoy my own freest yle.” So do you have your freestyle?

1. Which TV show does the catchphrase Do you have freestyle? come from?


2. Who is one of the four judges?


3.When did people begin to use the word freestyle for rap music?


4.Where did people begin to use the word freestyle for rap music?


5.What is the essence of the catchphrase Do you have freestyle?


六、词汇运用 (共25小题,每题1分,计25分)

A)根据句意和所给中英文提示, 用适当形式完成句子中所缺的单词,每空一词

1. Who knows the answer to the _______?(问题)

2. It is a ______ present for Jackson to attend the 60th Grammy Awards on Jan.1,2018. (特别的)

3. How many ________ are there in the mouth for children? (牙齿)

4. What ________ would you like to say,Tom? (其他)

5.We go to the cinema ___________ a month.(二次)

6.There are two old Panda _____________ in the museum in our town.(radio)

7.I love ___________.(swim)

8.I’m fine.What about __________?(she)

9.Look! Their books are ________ than ours.(few)

10.Please remember the __________ names in your book.(hero)


11. Please ________ the time by your watch now.(tell)

12. The beef __________ very nice. (taste)

13. Jim never eats sweets and __________ coffee every day.(drink)

14. Millie, _________ in the reading room!(not shout)

15. Daniel plans __________ Kitty with his English this evening.(help)


A boy has a pot (罐)of chocolates.It’s the Christmas present f 16 his mother.

One day, he w 17 to have some chocolates.He puts his hand into the pot.He grasps(抓住) a full handful(一把) of chocolates.When he wants to pull out h 18 hand,he meets a problem .The neck of the pot is so s 19 that he can’t take his hand out. The boy wants to eat the chocolates,but he can’t take o 20 his hand. If he wants to take his hand out,he must drop the chocolates.He wants the chocolates very much b 21 he has no way to get t 22 . He begins to cry.At the time,his mother c 23 to him.She says to her son,“Boy,if you just take h 24 handful of the chocolates,you will be able to take out your hand.” Do not try to get t 25 much at a time.

16._________ 17.________18._________ 19.___________ 20.___________

21._________ 22._________23._________ 24.__________ 25.___________



My Best Friend






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