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Lesson One
What’s Wrong with Our Press?
课文要义(Main idea of the text)
As a printed - word woman, the author tries to point out the disadvantages and problems
remain in the press by making a contrast with television based on the date out of a survey.
Having sharply criticized the partisan bit and the abuse of the sacred right entrusted to the
press: to inform a free people. Marya Mamies has reached a conclusion that the press will
be hopeless and useless unless it has to make some dramatic changes even though change
means trouble, work and cost.
词汇 (Vocabulary)
1. conflict (v): (of opinions, desires, etc.) be in opposition or disagreement; be incompatible 不一致;冲突
Their account of events conflicts with ours. 他们对事件的说法与我们截然不同。
Do British laws conflict with any international laws? 英国法与国际法是否有相违背之处?
2. allot (v): give (time, money, duties, etc.) as a share of what is available; apportion sth. 分配;分给
The principal allotted each grade a part in the Christmas program. 校长分给每个年级一部分圣诞礼物。
3. available (a): (of things) that can be used or obtained ; (of people) free 可用的;可得到的;有空的
This ticket is available until the end of the month. 本票到月底前有效。
4. color (v): give a special effect or feeling to (a person, event, etc.) 影响
Don’t allow personal loyalty to color your judgment. 不要因讲义气而影响了你的判断。
One' s point of view is necessarily colored by past 'experience. 一个人的观点肯定受其经历影响。
5. predominant (a): prevailing; most noticeable; having more power or influence than others 盛行的;占优势的
Bright red is the predominant color in the room. 鲜红是屋子里的主色调。.
English is one of the world's predominant languages. 英语是世界主要语言之一。
6. virtue (n): advantage; moral goodness or excellence; (of medicine) effect 优点;美德
This seat has the virtue of being adjustable. 这种座位好在可以调节。
One of his virtues is that he never gets angry. 他的优点之一是从不生气。
7. coverage (n): reporting of events; extent to which sth. is covered 新闻报道;覆盖范围
There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper. 报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。
8. document (v): prove or support (sth. ) with documents 用文件证实或证明
The lawyer gathered evidence to document the charges. 律师收集材料为控告提供证据。
9. bolster (y): strengthen or reinforce sth. ; give support to 加强;支持
The government borrowed money to bolster up the economy. 政府贷款以促进经济发展。
10. stuff
(1) (v): fill sth. tightly; cram sth. 塞满
Don't stuff anything else in, or the bag will burst. 不能再塞任何东西了,否则包会撑破的。
(2) (n): material of which sth. is made; unnamed su

bject matter 材料;题材
Real life is the stuff of all good novels. 现实生活是所有优秀小说的题材。
11. justify (v): show that sb. / sth. is right , reasonable or just 表明是正当的,有理的,公正的
They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job. 他们难以理解儿子竟放弃收入颇丰的稳定工作。Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way. 你不能以疲劳为由就这样对待职工
12. feature (n): special program; distinctive characteristic; aspect; 特别节目;特征
All news and features deal with local people and happenings. 所有新闻及特别节目都是有关当地人物事件。The capacity to think is the feature of our species. 思维能力是人类所特有的。
13. elevate (v): make better or more educated; raise to a higher place or rank 使更好;提高
The vice president was elevated to president of the company. 副经理被提升为公司经理。
His inspiring speech elevated the audience. 他那赋有激情的演讲鼓舞了听众
14. prevail (v): be widespread; exist or happen generally; fight successfully 盛行;战胜
The use of horses for plough still prevails among the poorer farmers. 用马耕作在贫苦农民中仍十分普遍。
Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished. 正义得到了伸张;罪人受到了惩罚。15. degrade (v): cause to be less deserving of respect 贬低;使……丢脸
He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies. 他因欺骗说谎而降低了自己的身份。
I felt degraded by having to ask for money. 我出于无奈向别人要钱,觉得有失尊严。
16. cheapen (v): make oneself / sth. less worthy of respect; degrade 贬低
It's only cheapening yourself to behave like that. 那样做只能使你自贬身价。
Constant cursing cheapens oneself. 经常骂人遭人轻看。
17. entrust (v): give (someone) the charge of (sth) with complete trust 委托某人负责
Can I entrust you with the secret plans? 我能把这些秘密计划委托给你吗?
He’s entrusted his children to my care for the day. 他委托我照看一天孩子。
短语 (Expressions)
1. …it is the other way around. : the opposite of what is expected or supposed. 正好相反
I was accused of stealing money from her but in fact it was the other way round. 说我偷了她的钱,其实正好相反,是她偷了我的钱。
2. speak of: indicate sth. ; be mentioned 表明
Her behavior speaks of suffering bravely borne. 她的表现显示出她承受痛苦的勇气。
I didn' t think his performance was anything to speak of. 我想他的表现没什么值得一提的。
3. pass for: be accepted as 被认为;被当作
He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman. 他法语流利得让人以为他是法国人。
In this small village he passes for a wise man. 在这个小村里,人们把他看成一位智者。
4. get over with; complete sth. unpleas

ant but necessary 结束必须做的讨厌事
She'll be glad to get the exam over with. 等考试结束她就高兴了。
He looked upon the wedding ceremony as a mere formality --- something to be got over with as quickly as possible. 他只把婚礼看成一种形式,一件应尽快了结的事。
5. confine … to …: restrict or keep within certain limits 限定在一定范围
I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject.我希望演讲者不要离题。
Confine your criticism to matters you understand. 发表评论不要超出自己所了解的范围。
6. get into sth.: become involved in sth. ; be familiar with; develop a taste or liking for or an interest in sth. 参与;熟悉
Though they are good friends, they often get into an argument. 尽管是好朋友,但他们经常发生争论。
I haven't really got into my new job yet. 我还未完全熟悉新工作。
7. take precedence over: have greater importance 优于;高于
Control of prices takes precedence over other consideration. 控制物价应给以优先考虑。
The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirement. 公众的利益高于个人的利益。

8. by and large: taking everything into consideration 大体上
By and large, the company's been pretty good to me. 总的来说,公司对我一直很好。
By and large, the British working class is better off today than it was a generation ago.总的来说,英国劳动阶层现在比他们的前辈富裕多了。
9. have one's say: express one's view 表达意见;把话说完
We were all tired of speeches, but the old woman was determined to have her say. 我们都厌倦了演讲,但那老太太决意要把话说完。
Don't interrupt her, let her have her say. 别打断她,让她把意见说出来。
10. knock sb. down: strike sb. to the ground or the floor; demolish sth. ; (force sb. to ) reduce ( a price or charge) 击到;拆除
The child was knocked down by a lorry as he ran across the road. 孩子穿马路时被一辆货车撞到了。
The machine will be knocked down before being packed for shipment. 打包运输前得把机器拆卸下来。
11. cater to sth.: try to satisfy a particular need or demand fit 满足;迎合
We're going to cater to your every desire. 对于你,我们会有求必应。
The radio and television have to cater to many different types of interest and taste among the public. 收音机和电视机必须满足兴趣各异的大众。
12. in the light of: in view of; considering 鉴于;由于
In the light of these changes we must revise our plan. 由于这些变化,我们必须修改计划。
He reviewed his decision in the light of recent development. 他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的决定。
13. at random: without conscious choice 任意地
His clothes were scattered about the room at random. 他的衣服扔得满屋子都是。
Don't answer at random, think first. 别乱回答,先

14. appeal to: be attractive or interesting to sb.; make an earnest request; ask for help 有吸引力;恳求
Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously. 她的幽默感深深吸引了他。
The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. 警方呼吁群众不要惊慌。
15. derive … from…: obtain … from; trace … from 得到;追溯
We can derive English "chauffeur" from French. 英语中’chauffeur’一词来源于法语。
He derives much pleasure from his books. 他从书本中获得了很多乐趣。
词语辨析 (Word analysis)
1. advantage: sht. Helpful, sth likely to bring success 益处;优势
Living in a big town has many advantages, such as good schools, libraries and theaters. 住在大都市里有许多好处,例如好学校、图书馆及剧院。
strength: quality of being strong 强度;力量
She hasn’t the strength to walk upstairs. 她没有力气走上楼。
2. meet: come face to face with sb. or sth. 遇见;碰见
We met each other quite by chance. 我们相遇十分偶然。
He can meet misfortune with a smile. 他能面对不幸遭遇一笑置之。
encounter: find oneself faced by difficulty, meet enemies 遭遇(困难等);遭逢(敌人等)
They encountered every kind of difficulty. 他们遇到了各种困难。
3. on the whole: taking everything into consideration 总的看来;大体上
I think, on the whole, we had better stay at home. 我认为,总的看来,我们还是呆在家里为好。
as a whole: considered all together, not separately 全部地;作为一个整体
The temperature for the country as a whole is relatively high. 这个国家的气温总的来说较高。
4. confine to: keep or hold within limits 限制;限于范围内
I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject. 我希望演讲者不要离题。
limit to: put a limit to sth. 限制;限定
We must limit the expense to what we can afford. 我们必须限制开销不超出我们经济能力范围。
5. coverage: covering of events 采访新闻;新闻报道
He wrote an excellent coverage about African situation. 他写了一篇关于非洲的出色报道。
reporting: giving an account of events 报道;报告
The newspaper was asked to be less selective in its reporting. 这家报纸被要求在报道中应少一些主观的选择性。
6. justifiable: that can be justified 有道理的;有理由的
If it is justifiable, then we’ll take these steps. 如果有道理,那么我们将采取这些步骤。
justified: reasonable, proper 有理由的;正当的
The editors are justified in refusing your work. 编辑们有理由拒绝你的作品。
7. attract: (vt.) get the attention of sb. 引起某人的注意
Bright colors attract babies. 鲜艳的色彩可引起婴儿的注意。
appeal: (vi.) attract 有吸引力
Bright colors appeal to small children. 鲜艳的色彩能吸引小孩。

function: (vi.) operate, act 起作用;有效用
Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语有些副词有形容词的作用。
work: have the desired result 获得预期结果
It’s a good idea, but it just won’t work. 这是个好主意,但是就是行不通。
难句理解(Sentence comprehension)
1. It is still the only effective screen against the morning features of the loved one, and as such, performs a unique human service.:
Men can hold up a piece of newspaper to read to prevent them from seeing their wives' faces before they make up. Newspapers can serve human in such an unparalleled way.
2. When Mr. Roper asked his guinea pigs …, the newspapers topped the list.:
When Mr. Roper asked those people he inquired, the newspapers was the choice for most people. 罗伯先生问及调查对象时,报纸成了多数人的首选。
3.…. which serve the world as models of responsible public information, :
which serve the world as examples of providing trustworthy information to the public.
4. 1 am speaking of the local press which in hundreds of American communities is the only news available, aside from those recitals of ticker tape that pass for radio news. :
I am referring to the local press. It's the only news source that can be got in hundreds of American communities, in addition to those recitals of ticker tape which are accepted as radio news.
5. Well, let's get the partisan bit over with. :
Well, let's make clear the partisanship of the newspaper.
6. …, confines himself to only one pungent footnote on this subject.
He only mentions this serious subject in a footnote.
7. "I have deliberately avoided," he writes, "getting into the predominantly one - party nature of newspaper ownership. It is a fact of life." :
"I have intentionally avoided talking about the nature of newspaper ownership that is one party owns and controls one newspaper. And this is quite common in real life.
8. That balanced and independent opinion is our only security as a nation. :
A nation functions well only when its people can form a balanced and unbiased idea.
9. Now, very often, television coverage of news is superficial and inadequate. Very often the picture takes precedence over the point. :
Now, the news report on television is usually incomplete. It's usual that the picture on the screen is more important than the viewp

10. Television also provides a wide range of opinion by setting up four or five experts and letting them knock each other down.:
Television also conveys different opinions by arranging four or five experts to be actively involved in debating. They try to defeat each other by expressing their reasons.
11. But it has an equally sacred right to explain that position in the light of the opposing one, to document that position, and to bolster it, not with emotion but with fact.:
But it has an equally important right to explain that position in view of the opposing position, to prove that position with documents and to strengthen it, not with emotion but with proof.
12. It can only stuff. :
It can only be inserted between the TV programs.
13. What features are provided for these people?:
What special programs are provided for these highly intelligent people?
14. They have held their franchise so long that change has become inadmissible. :
They have held their special right so long that it's impossible to make any change to them.
15. It is easier to let the ads dictate the format than develop a format that elevates news above dog-food. :
It's easier to design the arrangement of newspapers according to the format of ads rather than to make the news more nutritious.
16. No picture can ever be an adequate substitute. :
There isn't any TV that can take full place of newspapers.
17. The word will prevail; that is, if you, who are its guardians, treat it with the respect it deserves. :
If those people working for newspaper could complete their work with responsibility, the
newspapers will be successful.
B. Translate the following into Chinese.

G. Write a short passage of 150 - 200 words in English on the topic "A Comparison between Newspapers and Television".
A Comparison between Newspapers and Television
Nowadays there exists a great competition between newspapers and television in trying to attract most of the public. Both newspapers and television has some advantages and disadvantages over each other.
Unlike the television, the newspapers can give a more profound and adequate coverage and analyses of the news to the public.
Newspapers can be more conveniently picked up and got informed of what is going on in the world anytime and anywhere.
In contrast with the newspapers, television can provide more background information from different point of views which allows the public to form a balanced and independent opinion of their own.
The visual information from television can be more easily digested by both the young and the old, and by both the literate and illiterate.
As a tragedy to the newspaper, now more and more people are beginning to turn to the television. And this tragedy will go on, if the newspapers refuse to change and give it the respect it deserves.
Lesson Four
The Tragedy of Old Age in America
课文要义(Main idea of the text)
Old age is neither necessarily miserable nor great by nature. Like every other stage of life, it has problems, fears and potentials. But the genuine tragedy of the old age in America lies in the fact that a society has been shaped which is extremely harsh to live in when one is old.
They are not welcome to the job training programs which provide opportunities to learn new skills. Instead, they are arbitrarily fired, forced to retire or resign. The old people are frequently cheated and attacked both in the streets and in their houses due to their hearing and visual difficulties. They are yelled at by bus drivers for their slowness in getting on and off the buses. They are not well received or adequately treated by medical professionals.
Old women lead a more miserable life than old men. And at the bottom of the harsh society remain the old people of American Indians, African and Asian Americans.

词汇 (Vocabulary)
1. propel (v): move, drive or push forward 推进;驱动
His addiction to drugs propelled him towards a life of crime. 吸毒上瘾使他走上犯罪道路。The change is being propelled by the hew economic upsurge. 新的经济高涨正促进变革。

2. confrontation (n): angry opposition 对抗;对抗的事物
United Nations is about to hold a discussion to reduce the danger of a military
confrontation between the two nations. 联合国将就减少那两国间军事对抗的危险举行一次讨论。
The confrontation between the police and the demonstrators was unexpected. 没想到警察与游

3. lull (v): calm (sb. , sb.'s fears etc.), esp by deception; make quiet 通过欺骗手段让人安静
We were lulled into a false sense of security. 我们被哄骗,以为很安全。
The doctor lulled the patients fears. 医生消除了病人的恐惧。

4. eradicate (v): put an end to; destroy completely 结束;根除
The newly elected mayor attempts to eradicate corruption. 新当选的市长力图根除腐败。
Small pox has almost been eradicated. 天花几乎完全灭迹。

5. discrepant (a): different 有差异的
discrepancy (n): difference; failure to agree 差异
They reached widely discrepant conclusions. 他们的结论大相径庭。
There were many discrepancies between the two versions of the affair. 这件事的两种说法有很大出入。
6. stereotype (n):a fixed pattern which is believed to represent a type of person or event 陈规;老套
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of city businessman with a dark suit. 他不像典型的城市商人那样穿一身深色的西装。
She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children. 她认为自己不是一位好母亲,因为她不像一般妇女把所有的时间都花在孩子身上。

7. sublime (a): of the great, most admirable kind; causing awe and reverence 伟大的;极端的
Jiuzaigou is famous for its sublime scenery. 九寨沟以令人叹为观止的景色而闻名。
She approached the angry crowd with a sublime lack of concern for her own safety. 她完全不顾自己的安危走近愤怒的人群。

8. imminence (n): approach 逼近
imminent (a): (esp. of unpleasant events) about to happen; likely to happen very soon 即将发生的
The black clouds and the lightning show the imminence of a storm. 乌云闪电预示着一场暴风雨的来临。
An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent. 最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告。
9. clarify (v): become clearer and more easily understood 澄清;阐明
I hope that what I say will clarify the situation. 我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况。
When will the government clarify its position on equal pay for women? 政府什么时候才阐明对妇女同酬这一问题的立场。

10. adapt (v): change so as to be or make suitable for new needs, different conditions; act or modify for television, the stage, etc 使适应;改编
Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style? 你能使自己的思想适应新的生活吗?
This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成广播剧。
11. conserve (v): prevent sth from being changed, lost or destroyed 保护;保存
The local government has passed new laws to conserve wildlife in the area. 当地政府已通过保护该地区野生动物的新法令。
He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve

paper. 他在纸的两面写字以节省用纸。
12. sustain (v): undergo; suffer; hold up (the weight of); keep alive or in existence 经受;遭受
He sustained a severe blow on the head. 她的头部受到重击。
The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house. 地基不够牢固,承受不住房子的重量。

13. fulfill (v): perform sth or bring to completion; satisfy 实现;满足
I'll fulfill my promise to the best of my ability. 我会尽力兑现自己的诺言。
Jane was the only one who fulfilled all the conditions. 珍妮是唯一符合所有条件的人。

14. debilitate (v): make (a person or his body) very weak 使……虚弱
He was greatly debilitated by lack of food. 他因吃不饱变得非常虚弱。
Huge debts are debilitating their economy. 沉着的债务大大削弱了他的经济。
15. adversity (n): unfavorable conditions; unfortunate event 逆境;不幸事件
He is no stranger to adversity. 他并不是第一次深陷逆境。
He had drifted through life with the advantage of wealth, never tested by adversity. 他一生生活富裕,从未经受过贫穷的考验。
16. arbitrary (a): based on personal opinion or impulse, not on reason 任意的;主观的
I didn't know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite arbitrary. 对这些书我一点也不了解,随意选的。
The arbitrary decisions of the factory owners caused anger among the workers. 工厂老板专横的决定引起工人的愤怒。
17. impair (v): weaken or damage 削弱;损害
Loud noise can impair your hearing. 巨大的噪音有损听觉。
Today' s attack has seriously impaired attempts to achieve peace in the area. 今天发动的攻击严重损害了在该地区谋取和平的努力。

18. eligible (a): having the right or proper qualifications 有资格的
Anyone who can speak French is eligible to join the club. 任何会讲法语的人都有资格参加这个俱乐部。
Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency. 只有生于美国的公民才有资格当选美国总统。
短语 (Expressions)
1. in (all) truth: truly; really 的确;事实上
In (all) truth he deserved something better than this. 的确,他应该得到比这更好的待遇。
She did in truth lose her head. 她的确昏了头。
2. come to terms with: reconcile oneself to; learn to accept 顺从;设法忍受
She could come to terms with her handicap. 她能安于自己的困境。
You’11 just have to come to terms with the fact that you can't play football any more. 你不得不接受再也不能踢球的事实。
3. sum up: form an opinion of; give a brief summary of 形成对某人的看法
I summed her up as a competent manager. 我认为她是个很能干的经理。
He summed up the situation at a glance. 他一眼就看清了当时的情况。
4. base … on …: use sth. as grounds, evidence, etc for sth. else 以……为依据
I ba

se my hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 昨天的好消息让我满怀希望。
I see now that the theory is based on a delusion. 现在我明白了这条理论的基础是妄想。
5. contingent on / upon: dependent on sth, that may or may not happen 依……而定
Our success is contingent upon your continued help. 我们的成功靠你不断的帮助。
Whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather. 我们能否准时到达依天气而定。
6. adjust to: become or make suitable to new conditions; adapt 使适应;适应
My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet. 我的眼睛还未适应黑暗。
The desks and. seats can be adjusted to the height of any child. 桌子和椅子可调至适合每个孩子的高度。
7. pay off: (of a risky policy, cause of action, etc) bring good results; be successful; work 带来好结果;成功
The effort pays off in the long run. 这种努力最终会有好结果。
The anti-heroin campaign is paying off. 抵制海洛因的运动正在奏效。
8. end up: reach a final situation; come to an end 达到某种状态;结束
At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing. 最初他拒不承认有任何责任,到头来还是道了歉。
The politician finally ended up his speech. 那位政治家终于结束了讲话。
词语辨析 (Word analysis)
1. inherent: existing as a natural and permanent part or quality of 固有的;天生的
Weight is an inherent quality of matter. 重量是物质固有的特性。
natural: of concerned with nature 自然的
Animals should live in their natural state. 动物应该生活在自然环境里。
2. interrelate: be connected with something else in a way that makes one depend on the other 相互关连
Wages and prices interrelate / are interrelated. 工资与物价相互关连。
interconnect: join together 互相连接
These underground cables are interconnected. 这些地下电缆互相连接。
3. one-time: former 从前的
The one-time politician has now become a teacher. 昔日的政客现在成了一名教师。
once: formerly, at some indefinite time in the past 从前;曾经
This novel was once very popular but nobody reads it today. 这本小说曾一度很受欢迎,但现在没有人读它了。
4. base: build or use as a basis for 建于……之上;以……为根据
Direct taxation is usually based on income. 直接税通常以收入为依据。
establish: set up, put on a firm foundation 建立;设立
They seemed to have established some kind of one-party parliament. 他们似乎建立了某种一党制的议会。
5. difficulty: the state or quality of being difficult 困难;费力
Do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken English? 你听英语口语有困难吗?
adversity: condition of unfavorable fortune, trouble 逆境;艰难
A brave man smiles in the face of adversity. 一个勇敢的人临危不惧。
6. fal

se: not right or real 错误的;不真实的
At present you have quite a false impression of her. 目前你对她的印象是错误的。
fraudulent: deceitful, cheating 欺诈的
She got the post of science teacher by fraudulent means; she pretended she’d studied at a university. 她通过欺骗手段得到这个理科教师的位置,她伪称在大学学习过。
7. untreatable: that cannot be treated 不能治疗的
Psychological problems are not totally untreatable. 心理问题不是完全不能治疗的。
incurable: that cannot be cured 不能治愈的;不可救药的
Cancer was once an incurable disease. 癌症曾是不治之症。
8. conserve: keep from change or destruction 保存;保全
We must conserve our forests if we are to make sure of a future supply of wood. 如果我们要保证将来的木材供应,我们必须保护森林。
preserve: keep safe from harm or danger 防护;防止
These social activities can preserve old people from the loneliness of old age.
难句理解(Sentence comprehensi
1.Americans find it difficult to think about old age until they are propelled into the midst of it by their own aging … :
Americans find it difficult to take old age into consideration until they reach old age.
2. Death is a dramatic one-time crisis while old age is a day-by-day and year-by-year
confrontation' with powerful external and internal forces, a bittersweet coming to terms with
one's own personality and one's life. :
One's life comes to an end within a very short time. But an old person lives a life facing great
pressures from society and his own psychology day after day and year after year,
3. Those of us who are not old barricade ourselves from discussions of old age by declaring the subject morbid, boring or in poor state. :
Those of us who are not old prevent ourselves from discussing about old age by claiming this subject to be unpleasant, dull or unsuitable and offensive.
4. This is the American ideal of the "golden years" toward which millions of citizens are expectantly toiling through their workdays. :
This is the American ideal of the "golden years . Millions of people are expecting it by working hard all days.
5. But this is not the full story. A second theme runs through the popular view of old age. :
But what is said above is only part of the situation. The popular view of old age reveals

another main idea.
6. Our popular attitudes could be summed up as a combination of wishful thinking and terror. :
Our popular attitudes could be viewed as a combination of belief based on wishes and terrible reality.
7. All of these are crucial and interconnected elements which together determine the quality of late life. :
All of these are .essential and correlated factors that together determine the quality of late life.
8. The process of aging and eventual death must ultimately be accepted as the natural progress of the life cycle, the old completing their prescribed life spans and making way for the young. :
The process of aging and eventual death must finally be taken as the natural process of the life cycle, the old completing their limited life span and making way for the young.
9. Much that is unique in old age in fact derives from the reality of aging and the imminence of death.:
What is unique in old age in fact results from the reality of aging and approach of death.
10. There is a lifetime accumulation of personality and experience which is available to be used and enjoyed.:
There has been a collection of personality and experience for a lifetime, which can now be made use of and provide great enjoyment.
11. There are inevitable personal and physical losses to be sustained, some of which can become overwhelming and unbearable. :
They are bound to suffer some personal and physical losses, some of which can become too much to bear.
12. The potential for satisfactions and even triumphs in late life are real and vastly underexplored. :
In truth, it's possible for old people to enjoy a happy life. And people fail to explore this potential to a greater extent.
13. Private pension plans often do not pay off, and pension payments that do cams in are not tied to inflationary decreases in buying power.:
Private pension plans often do not bring good results, and if the pension-payments indeed come in, but they can not meet the decrease in buying power due to inflation.
14. Old women fare worse than old men.
Old women get along worse than old men.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.

G. Write a short passage of 150 - 200 words in English on the topic, "Problems American Old People Face Today"
Problems American Old People Face Today
As an old person in the United States, you have to face a lot of problems both socially and economically.
There is a popularly accepted opinion that social security and pensions provide a comfortable and reliable flow of funds to prevent the elderly from having any financial worries. The old people are publicly pictured as relaxed, happy, well - dressed and delighted people enjoying recreation, travel and grandchildren, living in the retirement communities with lots of grass, clean air and fun.
However, there is another story about the old people in the States. One hears children saying they are afraid of getting old. The middle-aged people declaring they want to die after they have passed their prime, and numerous old people wishing they were dead.
Like every stage of life, old age has its own problems, joys, fears and potentials. But the real tragedy for the old people is that they have to live in a harsh society which has made the process of aging unnecessarily painful, humiliating, debilitating and isolating through insensitivity, ignorance and poverty of society. So for most part, the elderly people struggle to exist in an inhospitable world.
Life is even more tragic for an old woman than for an old man. With a longer life expectancy, they tend to many men older than themselves; as a result, so many of them become widows who don't have the social privilege, as elder men do to date and marry those who are younger. Furthermore, elder women can not enjoy the same rights as far as social security and retirement benefits are concerned.
Lesson Five
Science Has Spoiled My Supper
课文要义(Main idea of the text)
The author prefers traditional American food and cooking. He takes cheese, vegetables and frozen food as examples to show that the present American food, although well - packed, easily preserved and looks attractive, tastes bad. This is the error caused by so — called "science" and economics. He

further argues that because the food has lost its original taste, the Americans eat a lot to satisfy their need of taste, which caused the national disaster of obesity. Because the Americans eat standardization food, they are becoming faceless mob of mediocrity, they have lost the great American idea of colorful liberty and dignified individualism.

词汇 (Vocabulary)
1. contribute: (v.)
1) write (articles, etc. ) for a publication 撰稿;投稿
She has contributed several poems to literary magazine. 她给文学刊物投了几首诗稿。
She regularly contributes to the college magazine. 她定期给校刊撰稿。
2) give one's share of (money, help, advice, etc. ) to help a joint cause 捐助;贡献
Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford. 人人都应该尽自己的努力作贡献。
The chairman encourages everyone to contribute to the discussion. 主席鼓励大家参与讨论。
3) help to cause sth. 促成
This advertising campaign has contributed significantly to the success of the new car. 这次广告宣传对这种新型汽车的成功起了重大作用。
Various factors contributed to his downfall. 多种因素的作用导致了他的倒台。
2. appeal: (v.)
1) be attractive or interesting to sb 有吸引力;感兴趣
The idea of camping has never appealed to me. 对露营这种想法我从来就不感兴趣。
Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously. 她的幽默把他强烈吸引住了。
2) make an earnest request 恳求;呼吁
I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims. 我代表饥民恳求援助。
They are appealing for funds to build a new hospital. 他们呼吁筹集资金以修建一家新医院。
3) take a question to a higher court where it can be heard again and a new decision given 上诉
She appealed to the high court against her sentence. 他不服判决向高等法院上诉。
3. index: (n.)
1) figure showing the relative level of prices or wages compared with that of a previous date 指数
We must carefully watch economic indices. 我们必须密切注视经济指数。
2) list of names or topics referred to in a book, etc. 索引
The poems are listed by the author in the index. 这些诗歌被作者列入索引。
4. allege: (v.) (only passive) state (sth.) as a fact but without proof; give as an argument or excuse 陈述;声称
The prisoner alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中。
We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally. 我们被指控非法携带货物入境。
5. specialize: (v.)
1) give particular attention to (a subject, product, etc. ); be well-known for 专注于
This shop specializes in chocolate. 这家商店专营巧克力。
This company specializes in producing home computers. 这家公司专门生产家用电脑。
2) be or become a specialist 专门从事
He specializes in oriental history. 他专门研究东方史。
6. supplant: (v.) take th

e place of (sb. / sth.); replace 取代;代替
Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export. 我们的主要出口已有原来的咖啡改为石油了。The party leader has been supplanted by his rival. 那位党的领导已被其对手取而代之。
7. duplication: imitation; duplicating or being duplicated 复制
We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort. 我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。
His answers were a duplication of her sister's. 他的回答和他姐姐的如出一辙。
8. puree: (v.) make (fruit or vegetable) into a puree. 将水果蔬菜做成泥
She fed the baby on pureed carrots. 他用胡萝卜泥喂养婴儿。
This machine can puree vegetables 这机器可以制作胡萝卜泥。
短语 (Expressions)
1. take effect :
1) produce the result intended or required 产生预期的效果
The aspirins soon took effect. 服下阿司匹林很快见效了。
2) come into force or use, become active 实施;实行
The new law takes effect from tomorrow. 新法令明日起实行。
2. stand for:
1) be in favor of sth; support sth. 赞同;主张
We always stand for what is right. 我们一贯支持正确的事情。
2) (no passive) represent (sth) 代表
We condemn fascism and all it stands for. 我们谴责法西斯主义及其代表的一切。
3) tolerate 容忍
The teacher wouldn't stand for such behavior. 教师决不容忍这样的行为。

3. shut off: keep sb/sth ; exclude sb/sth; block sb/sth 关在外面;排除
The government wants to shut the refugees out. 政府不愿接受难民。
He tried to shut all thoughts of her out of his mind. 他尽力不再想与她相关的一切。
4. figure out :
1) come to understand sb/sth by thinking 理解
I've never been able to figure him out. 我一直不能理解他。
I can't figure out why he quit his job. 我不理解他为什么要辞掉工作。

5. dedicate to : (v) give or devote (oneself time .effort, etc) to (a noble cause or purpose) 奉献给
She dedicated her life to helping the poor. 她毕生致力于帮助穷人。
She dedicated her first book to her husband. 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。
6. ring down: mark the end of sth 以示结束
They were still applauding when the curtain rang down for the final time. 最后一次鸣铃落幕时,他们的掌声依然不息。
They rang down on recriminations. 他们结束了互相指责。
7. measure up : reach the standard required or expected 达到标准
The discussion didn't measure up to my expectations. 这些讨论有负我的期望。
The state of repair failed to measure up to their exacting standards. 维修状态不符合他们的严格标准。
8. on the increase: (informal) increasing 正在增长
The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase. 这一地区入室盗窃案件似有增无减。
The movement of people from the cities to the suburbs is on the increase. 由市区迁入郊区的人数在增加。

(Word analysis)
1. put down: snub, treat with contempt 轻待;贬低
Don’t put yourself down. You are just a bit older. 不要小看自己,你只不过年纪稍大了一点。
put off: make excuses and try to avoid 敷衍;推诿
He tried to put me off with vague promises. 他企图以含糊的允诺来敷衍我。
2. intact: undamaged, complete 未损伤的;完整的
He lived on the interest and kept his capital intact. 他靠利息生活,本金不动。
innate: in one’s nature, possessed from birth 天生的;先天的
His stubbornness is not innate but acquired. 他的固执并非天生而是后天养成的。
3. contribute: join with others in giving help, money, etc. 贡献
How much should I contribute to the relief fund? 为筹集这笔救济金我该捐多少?
attribute: consider as being the result of, as a quality of 认为是……结果,属性
He attributes his success to hard work. 他认为自己的成功是努力的结果。
4. preserve: keep unchanged 保持;维持
In times of danger he always preserves his calmness. 危险的时候他能保持镇静。
reserve: store, keep back for a later occasion 贮备;保留
Reserve your strength for the climb. 留点力气爬山吧。
5. desert: what sb deserves 某人应得的赏罚 (常用复数)
He’ll get his just deserts one day. 他总要一天会得到应有的惩罚。
dessert: any sweet dish served at the end of a meal 餐后甜点
Dose the price of the meal include dessert? 这一餐的价格包不包括甜点?
6. demand: ask for as if ordering, or as if one has a right to 要求
The policeman demanded his name and address. 警察要求他说出姓名和地址。
command: order 命令
The officer commanded his men to fire. 军官命令部下开火。
7. theory: general principles of an art or science 原理;理论
Your plan is excellent in theory, but would it succeed in practice? 你的计划在理论上很好,但实践起来会成功吗
hypothesis: idea or suggestion put forward as a starting-point for reasoning or explanation 假设;前提
His theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are created equal. 他的理论基于人人平等的前提。
8. resemblance: likeness 相似(主要指人)
There is very little resemblance between them. 他们之间的相似处很少。
similarity: likeness 相似(可指人或物)
We are going to explore some of the similarities and differences between British and American
English. 我们要探讨一下英国英语与美国英语的某些异同之处。
难句理解(Sentence comprehension)
1. I have, in one field, contributed a monograph to a scientific journal.
I have written a monograph in one field for a scientific journal.
2. The old fashioned cheeses didn't ship well enough. :
The old fashioned cheese could not be well transport

ed, for their quality was likely to decline in transit.
3. …but nobody is very violently put off .
But nobody dislikes it so much as not to buy it.
4. Chain groceries shut out the independent stores.
Chain groceries put the independent stores out of the market.
5. There are American duplications of most the celebrated European cheeses, mass-produced and cheaper by far than the imports :
Imitation of most of the famous European cheeses are made in large quantities. They are much cheaper than the imported European cheeses.
6. …if you pureed them blindfolded. :
If you have your eyes covered and taste the thick soup made of boiled and sieved vegetable pulp
7. It is, however," deep freezing" that has really rung down the curtain on American cookery.
It is, however, "deep freezing" that has completely spoiled or has marked the end of American cookery.

8. I have get to taste a deep-frozen victual that measure up, in flavor, to the fresh, unfrosted original.
I haven't tasted a kind of deep frozen food that reaches the standard, in flavor, of the fresh, unfrozen food.

B. Translate the following into Chinese.

G. Write a short passage of 150 - 200 words in English on the topic "Do You think the Author Expresses the Opinion of a Conservative Food-snob?"

I think the author expresses the opinion of a conservative food-snob. You know, we Chinese cook meal very well. Our diet is always delicious and well prepared. But sometimes, we may be angry about our food. Some bad restaurant will provide you the inferior food, it is

bland, so we have to ask the owner to give us more food until we can t eat. This is a familiar thing according to the author's view.
In some respects, the author is a conservative food-snob. His view is original. What is more, much of the view is right. He criticizes the American food shows that he is just a conservative food-snob.

Lesson Nine
I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto
课文要义(Main idea of the text)
This is an autobiography written by Stanley Sanders, which tells us a story about a Negro who decided to contribute all his life to all the Negroes both in Watts and in all the America.
It happened in the 1960s when so many civil rights movements of the blacks occurred in, the United States. Riots against racial discrimination and segregation arose in many parts of the United States such as in Harlem and in Watts. While many black men in Watts left the ghetto in droves for a new life, without any hesitation the author intended to come back to the ghetto for a new career after the graduation from the famous university. While many black youths were afraid of being identified as coming from the ghetto Watts, he felt deeply proud of being from the ghetto. He believed that his individual success would never imply the end of the ghetto problem in the United States. The ghetto problem would be likely solved only by the black men themselves especially by the well - educated black leaders who devoted themselves to it.

词汇 (Vocabulary)
1. qualify (v.): to (cause to) gain a certain level of knowledge, ability, or performance 使合格
Being the son of a member of parliament doesn't qualify him to talk about politics. 议员的儿子不能保证他有资格谈论政治。
Tom qualified as a doctor this year. 汤姆今年拿到了行医证。

2. retract (v.): to take back, withdraw 缩回;撤回
He retracted his confession and pleaded not guilty. 他翻供,并申辩无罪。
You can't retract what you have said. 你不能收回已说过的话。
3. underscore (v. ): stress 强调
Please underscore the word three times for emphasis. 为了强调起见,请在该词下面划三条线。
He underscored the man' s diplomatic abilities when introducing him to us. 介绍时,他强调这人的外交能力。
4. intrigue (v.): to interest greatly 激起好奇心;迷住
The book's unusual title intrigued me into reading it. 这本书奇特的书名吸引着我去读。
You once wrote something that has always intrigued me. 你曾写过一些一直让我感兴趣的东西。
5. influx (n.): the arrival, or movement inside, of large numbers / quantities 大量涌入
There was a sudden influx of goods onto the market. 市场上有大量货物上市。
The work force is growing with the influx of youngsters. 随着年轻人的投入,劳动大军正在发展壮大。
6. parallel (v.) (Br. E) to equal; match 相等;相匹配
My feelings in this matter are parallel to yours. 这事我和你有同感。
Your experien

ce parallels my own. 我们有共同的经历。
7. comport (v.): to behave (oneself) 举动;举止
That little girl comported herself very well at the party last night. 那女孩昨晚在晚会上言谈举止很得体。
He comported himself well in the emergency. 他在紧急情况下表现镇定沉着。
8. enroll (v.) (as, in): to make oneself or another person officially a member of a group 吸收成员;招收
He enrolled as a member of the cricket club. 他报名参加了板球俱乐部。
9. spout (v.): to throw or come out in a forceful stream; to pour out in a stream of words 喷出;脱口而出
The water was spouting out from the pipe. 水从水管中流出。
He's always spouting Shakespeare. 莎士比亚的话他总是脱口而出。
10. vulnerable (adj.): easily harmed, hurt, or wounded; weak, easily attacked 易受伤害;易受攻击
She looked so young and vulnerable that he felt a great desire to protect her.
We're in a vulnerable position here, with the enemy on the hill above us. 敌人就在前面的上,我们很容易受到攻击。
短语 (Expressions)
1. in drove: a crowd of people moving or acting together. In the text, it also refers to a large group of things of the same sort. 成群,成批
On a hot, muggy day people head for the beaches in droves. 在闷热的日子,人们成群结队涌向海滩。
2. identical to / with: exactly the same to 一样
Your voice is identical to hers. 你的声音和她的一样。
Your pen is identical with mine. 你的笔和我的一样。
3. in the throes of : severe pains, esp. caused by dying ; struggling with (some difficulty) 剧痛
Many people had to leave their country in the throes of war. 由于战争的残酷,许多人不得不背井离乡。
I saw the old man in the death throes. 我看到那个处于临死前痛苦中的老人。
4. reflect on / upon: think of 思考;考虑
The old man is reflecting upon a new problem. 老人正在考虑一个新问题。
Please reflect on what to next. 请考虑一下下一步怎么办。
5. never the: 毫不(后接比较级)
For all your advice I am never the wiser. 尽管你多次劝告,我还是我。
He was never the wiser for his experience. 他虽经一事,但并不张一智。

词语辨析 (Word analysis)
1. drove: a large number of animals being driven together, crowd of people moving together 被驱赶的一群动物;行动中的一群人
On a hot muggy day people head for the beaches in droves. 在闷热天人们成群地去海滩。
group: number of persons or things gather or placed together 群;组
People stood in front of the building in small groups. 人们三五成群地站在大楼前。
2. warlike: ready for or liking war 准备作战的;好战的
The Scots in the past were a warlike nation. 苏格兰人以前是个好战的民族。
militant: ready for fighting, supporting the use of force 好斗的;尚武的
A few militant membe

rs of the crowd started throwing stones at the police. 人群中一些好斗分子开始向警察扔石块。
3. customary: in agreement of custom 合于风俗习惯的
Is it customary for guests at hotels in your country to tip the waiters? 在贵国住旅馆的客人依惯例是否给侍者小费。
habitual: regular, having a regular habit 惯常的;习惯的
The chairmen took his habitual place at the table. 主席坐在桌子边他惯常坐的座位上。
4. prove: supply proof of, show beyond doubt to be true 证明;证实
I shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable. 我将向你证明证人十分不可靠。
qualify: be equipped, equip by training 使有资格;给予资格
His training qualifies him as a teacher of English. 他受的训练使他有资格做一个英语教师。
5. demonstrate: show clearly by giving proof or example 证明;演示
How would you demonstrate that the earth is round? 你如何证明地球是圆的?
manifest: show clearly 明白显示;清楚表示
There is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested. 没有什么不能公开而要隐瞒的。
6. follow: take or accept as a guide 接受;遵循
You don’t follow your own principles. 你没有遵循自己的原则。
obey: do what one is told to do, carry out 服从;执行
I never promised to obey her commands. 我从来未保证服从她的命令。
7. think of: consider, take into account 考虑;思索
We have a hundred and one things to think of before we can decide. 在做决定前,我们有许许多多的事情要考虑。
reflect on: consider carefully 深思;思考
I must reflect on how to answer that question. 我必须思考一下如何答复那个问题。
8. regrettable: to be regretted 令人遗憾的;可悲的
It is regrettable that he behaved like that. 他竟做出那样的行为,令人遗憾。
regretful: sad, sorry 悔恨的;遗憾的
I felt regretful about what happened. 对于发生的事我深感遗憾。

难句理解(Sentence comprehension)

1. By ordinary standards these are credentials enough to qualify one as coming from Watts. : Normally these facts (what I mentioned above) are much enough to prove that I'm from Watts.

2. There are no retractions or future deliverances. :
There is no way of retreat at present or rescue in future.

3. The Watts-as-a-way-station mentality has a firm hold on both those who remain and those who leave. :
The mentality that they regard Watts as a station in the way is already firmly held by both those who stay and those who leave.

4. Negroes, inside it or out, and whites too, behave toward the notion. :
Negroes, whether they are inside the ghetto or have been out, and the whites, seem to be trave

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