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第五单元 段落翻译

第五单元  段落翻译
第五单元  段落翻译



?About thirty years ago, Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park, in the country of Northampton, with all the comforts and consequences of a handsome house and large income. All Huntingdon exclaimed on the greatness of the match, and her uncle, the lawyer, himself allowed her be at least three thousand pounds short of any equitable claim to it.

?在翻译中,如果把―seven thousand pounds‖、―three thousand pounds‖所处的两个句子分别按字面译出来,读者就会不知所云。秭佩先生从把握该段落的整体意义出发,推理出这两个短语都指的是―Miss Maria Ward‖为了实现和―Sir Thomas Bertram‖之间的―the match‖而须准备的嫁妆,因此,便把―seven thousand pounds‖译为成了―七千镑的陪嫁‖,从而实现了译文的连贯和畅达。



5.1 英汉段落比较





5.2 逻辑关联



[译文] Immediately your nose is filled with the aroma of hot tea and roast sweet potatoes. When you look around you see friendly faces smiling at you; there is no hint of anything like blame for what elsewhere might be considered as brusqueness. Scarcely have you begun to tell them where you come from when a cup of hot and strong tea is handed over to you. Grandma will tell her granddaughter to make the fire bigger and feed it with more wood because the guest needs more heat to warm up. When you are recovered from coldness and fatigue, you may play with children, stroking them on the chin, giving them gentle pinches on the cheek or making a face to provoke them to gurgle.


[分析] 在这一段话中,―火拨大些‖和―多添点子柴‖在动作上有先后之分,―说是客人要烘暖他的身子‖对为什么要―拨火‖和―添柴‖起到解释作用,所以不妨加上连词because,显示其内在的逻辑关系。最后一句中由于动词较多,可以留一个动词作谓语动词,其余作表示伴随状况的分词,使句子结构更紧凑,更具粘着性。全段运用Immediately,When,Scarcely等词将各句衔接起来,译文段落的组织环环相扣,紧密和谐,反映了原文的脉络和意境.


?例2:Phoebe Anna was thin and black,a very umbrella of a woman.

[原译] 安娜是一个又黑又瘦的女人,上身粗大,下身细长,简直像一把雨伞。


[改译] 安娜是一个又黑又瘦的女人,活像一把细长的雨伞。(马红军译)

?例3:The newspaper quoted the study as saying abortion may be responsible for as much as half the over-all reduction in the U.S. crime rate that occurred from 1991 to 1997.




[分析] 译文A似乎把―堕胎‖当作―犯罪‖了,而译文B却理解为美国的犯罪计划竟然有―半数‖胎死腹中。仅此两点,就让我们感到译者的逻辑推理出现了问题。

[改译] 报纸引述这项研究说道,堕胎也许对于从1991年到1997年间美国的犯罪率的全面下降起到了一半的作用。(毛荣贵译)

?例4:Some parents simply cannot stand letting their baby cry until he or she learns to fall asleep on their own, or when the baby awakens in the middle of the night. Most expert advice suggests this is shortsighted.

[原译] 有些父母亲,一刻也不愿意看到婴儿哭哭啼啼,除非婴儿自己睡着了或半夜里醒来。大多数专家的意见表明这是一种目光短浅的做法。

[分析] 英语是一种―形合语言‖(a Language of Hypotaxis),所以英语句子非常欣赏逻辑性。一般说来,英语句子逻辑标志(logic markers)非常明显,就表层结构而言,英语喜欢将句子内涵的逻辑―外化‖,即用形形色色的连接词来明示其逻辑关系。比如该原文中until he or she learns to fall asleep on their own, or when the baby awakens in the middle of the night一句时间概念清晰,逻辑层次分明。译者当条分缕析,梳理得当,而不能只是简单的文字堆砌,译成―除非婴儿自己睡着了或半夜里醒来‖,逻辑上似有前言不搭后语之嫌。

[改译] 有些家长根本无法忍受婴儿自己学会入睡之前的啼哭,或是半夜里婴儿醒来时的啼哭。大多数专家的意见表明这是一种短见。

?例5:Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a stern challenge. Consider these factors:a 1.5 million action movie that was to be a poignant, tragic romance. Fight choreographer,

Yuen Wo-ping (of international acclaim for The Matrix), was bound to tangle with soft-spoken, but stubborn, Lee. A top-flight pan-Asian cast featuring Chow Yun Fat (Hong Kong), Michelle Yeoh (Malaysia), Zhang Ziyi (Beijing) and Chang Chen (Taiwan), with only 19-year-old ingénue, Zhang, speaking the classical mainland Mandarin that Lee demanded.




?例6:Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Every prize has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no.

[原译] 纪律就是说它有选择性,每当你肯定一个目标或对象的时候,你同时也否定了更多的目标。每种奖励都有它的代价,肯定的是奖励,否定的是代价。

[分析] 原文的逻辑是按照choice-yes-no的主线展开的。而译文由于选词欠斟酌,炼句工夫下得不够深,缺乏清楚的逻辑推进层次,造成意义上的模糊。

[改译] 自律意味着有取有舍。每当你选取了一个目标,也就同时舍弃了其他许多目标。每项收获都要付出代价,所选取的就是收获,所舍弃的就是代价。

?例7:Where there is willingness and intelligence, there is a place within the company to try and to succeed. In Japan, a person‘s capabilities are not forced into an inflexible specialty. And we feel the company owes a worker something for loyalty and commitment.

Japanese Style in Decision-Making Yoshio Terasawa

[原译] 只要有抱负和才智,在公司内部就有施展抱负和取得成功的地方。在日本,并不应把一个人的能力限制在一个固定的专业上。我们只感到公司对他的忠诚和献身欠了恩情。

[改译] 在日本,公司不会把一个人的能力限制在一个固定的专业上,只要有抱


?例8:Human beings are capable of acting from purely unselfish motives: we can be genuinely sorry for others and try to share in their troubles in an effort to offer comfort. It is unlike that a chimpanzee acts from feelings quite like these; I doubt whether even members of one family, united as they are by strong mutual affection, are ever motivated by pure altruism in their dealing with one another.

In the Shadow of Man Jane van Lawick-Goodall

[原译] 人类的安抚行为可能毫无私心,我们可能真正为某人难过,而想努力给予安慰并与他分忧。而黑猩猩的安抚行为不可能处于这种感情。虽然他们有强烈的相互感情联系,但我怀疑,他们同一个家庭的成员们,在他们相处时,是否总是受到利他主义的激发。

[分析] 这里的逻辑是一种对比的关系:黑猩猩的行为不可能处于利他主义的动机,人类则可以,原译没有清楚地表现出这一对比关系。

[改译] 在发出安慰行为时,人类的动机可以是毫不利己的:我们努力地安慰别人,是因为我们真心地为他们感到难过,希望与他们分忧。而黑猩猩的安慰行为不可能处于这种感受。我认为,即使是在感情联系十分强烈的家庭成员之间,纯粹利他的行为动机也是不存在的。

?例9:Many people in industry and the Services, who have practical experience of noise, regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time; they are not prepared even to admit the possibility that noise affects people. On the other hand, those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence to support their pleas for a quieter society.

[原译] 在工业部门和部队服役的许多人对噪音都有实际的体会,他们认为对于噪音问题进行任何研究均是浪费时间,他们甚至不愿意承认噪音对人体有影响。另一方面,那些不喜欢噪音的人有时会用很不适当的证据来支持他们希望有一个较为安静的社会环境的要求。

[分析] 这个段落反映的是噪音研究中的尴尬:真正生活在噪音中的人已经对噪音习以为常,因而不支持噪音危害人体的说法;支持这一说法的人又无法提供合理的证据。总之,两种人都没有对噪音危害提供证据。从逻辑关系上看,这里讲的是同一个问题的两个方面,这一点在原译中没有得到清楚的体现。

[改译] 在工业部门和部队服役的许多人对噪音都有切身的体会,然而这些人认为对于噪音问题的研究纯属浪费时间,他们甚至不愿意承认噪音对人体有任何影响。另一方面,那些不喜欢噪音的人在要求安静的社会环境时,使用的证据却极不恰当。



1. Self-esteem is feeling worthy and able to meet life’s challenges. It is as essential as the air we breathe, and just as intangible. It comes from the depths of our core,yet it is reflected in every outward action we take, grand or small. It is the essence from which we measure our worth and the most important building block in the foundation of our intangible.

[提示] meet life‘s challenges可译为―接受人生/生活的挑战‖;from the depths of our core可译为―来源于我们的心灵深处‖;in every outward action we take, grand or small更需要意译,可考虑译为―一举一动‖。

2. We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life. Edison, Ford, Einstein, Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship. The accusation is made that workaholics bear guilt by not being good parents or spouses. But guilt can exist in balanced life also. Consider how many ―normal‖ people find, at middle-age, that they have never done anything well – they are going to settle for less than what they could have become.

[提示] very little excellence is achieved by living a well-balanced life可译为―取得卓越的成就很少是通过四平八稳的生活实现的‖。settle for less than what they could have become必须加以引申进行意译,如译为―他们原本可以有所作为,但现在却只能就此罢休。‖

3. One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless,

a dissatisfied, a searching people. We bridle and buck under failure, and we go mad with dissatisfaction in the face of success. We spend our time searching for security, and hate it when we get it. For the most part we are an intemperate people: we eat too much when we can, drink too much, indulge our senses too much.Even in our so-called virtues we are intemperate: a teetotaler is not content not to drink – he must stop all the drinking in the world; a vegetarian among us would outlaw the eating of meat. We work too hard, and many die under the strain; and then to make up for that we play with a violence as suicidal.

[提示] a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people 可译为―生性好动、从不满足、乐于探索‖;go mad with dissatisfaction in the face of success 可译为―面对成功,我们却不满足,表现出烦躁不安‖;hate it when we get it 可译为―一旦获得却对此感到厌倦‖;indulge our senses too much 可译为―纵情声色‖。

4. A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.

[提示] for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing 这句话应根据上下文变通翻译,不应受原文外形的限制,


5. We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a person‘s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It really is extraordinary that after all these years, educationists have still failed to devise anything more efficient and reliable than examination. For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person‘s true ability and aptitude.

[提示] 翻译第一句时应侧重于语篇考虑,基本意思是:别的学科都有惊人的进展,唯有考试方式没有什么改变。they more often do the exact opposite可译为―实际情况常常与之相反‖。

5.3 顺序调整


?例1:In Dubai, it is unusual to find a family that keeps animals, whereas back home we never thought twice before adopting a cat or dog. It‘s not just that laws are strict here, but people in general appear to have little time and inclination towards pets-keeping. I cannot imagine how a child can grow without knowing the joy of having a dog to cuddle.

[分析] 我们通过调整语序,将现象和引起这种现象的原因放在一起,从中文的角度来讲,这种语序安排使逻辑更加紧凑。

[译文] 我的国家,人们总是毫不犹豫地收养无家可归的猫狗们。可是在迪拜,你却很难发现养宠物的家庭。原因不仅仅是相关法律较为严格,更重要的是,这里的人对养宠物既没有时间也没有兴趣。我很难想象在孩子的成长过程中,怎么能缺少和小狗一起嬉戏的乐趣。

?例2:Before long, plastic may transform its image from eco-villain to environment hero, thanks to ―smart‖ plastics now in development. These could allow vehicles to eliminate ozone-depending emissions and help windows s tore and make use of the sun‘s heat. Perhaps by then, the name itself will morph from a pejorative jab into a genuine complement.

The Molding of the World Time

[分析] 从语篇的角度来看,这个段落构成的逻辑是一种逻辑关系:因为―智能‖塑料的开发,塑料的形象将从反面转向正面。按照汉语先因后果的思维习惯,在翻译时可以对语序进行适当的调整,使这种因果关系更加清晰。



?例3:When Sharon Stone won the Golden Globe award for best actress for her role in Casino, she may have silenced the critics who derided her for her panty-less scene in Basic Instinct. The public validation that she‘s received lately helps her get past shaky private moments, such as when she realized she was approaching 40 – a dangerous age for female Hollywood stars. Is she worried?

―If I have to diet, I‘ll diet,‖ Stone says, ―If I have to work out, I‘ll work out. If I have to sleep upside down like a bat so I don‘t look like a basset hound, that‘s what I‘m going to do. Because I‘m not leaving.‖

Reader’s Digest

[译文] 由于在影片《赌场》中的出色表演,莎朗·斯通获得了金球奖最佳女演员的殊荣。过去几年以来,因为影片《本能》中一个没穿内裤的镜头,莎朗一直备受评论界的嘲笑。现在她终于可以让这些评论家无话可说了。最近她的表演也赢得了观众的认可,这些成绩无疑有助于她度过私底下一些忐忑不安的时刻。比如说,有时她会想到自己已年近40——对好莱坞的女演员来说,40岁显然是一个危险的年龄。她对此是否感到担心呢?



萧红《永久的憧憬和追求》[译文] In the year of 1911, I was born into a petty landlord family in a small county town in Heilongjiang –China‘s northeast most province where there was snow for at least four months of the year. (刘士聪译)

[分析] 原文两句,译文并译为一句,段内和句内结构均有调整。并且通过从句的应用使全文一气呵成,增强了语段的粘着性。



[译文] In the face of a complex and volatile international situation, the unexpected

outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and frequent natural disasters, governments at all levels and the people of all our ethnic groups put into practice the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of the CPC and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents. We braved difficulties and hardships in an indomitable and innovative spirit and made important advances in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. (中央编译局英文处译)



(冰心: 《小桔灯》) [译文] On the afternoon before Chinese New Year‘s Day I went to visit a friend in the suburbs of Chongqing. She lived on the top floor of the village building. A flight of dark, narrow stairs led to a room where a table and several bamboo stools stood and a telephone hung on the wall. Beyond this room, separated by a mere cloth curtain, was the room where my friend lived. She had gone out, leaving a note on the desk by the window saying that she had been called away unexpectedly and wanted me to wait for her to come back.

(Translated by Gong Shifen )

[分析] 原文按动作先后顺序排列,译文亦然。译文中第四句用了倒装,使where my friend lived与下句She had gone out…相连,这样调整句子结构之后译文上下文更紧凑,衔接更加自然。


[译文] One of Sichuan‘s finest spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon), which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountain. Its lush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty.

[分析] 原文为风景胜地黄龙简介的第一段,该段文字中国人典型的思维方式——归纳法,即先描述或先叙述理由,后做结论。英美人的思维方式正好相反,他们往往采用演绎法,即开门见山摆出结论,然后再推演,段落中的首位主题句便是






1. Recently psychologists have found only about two percent of adults use their creativity, compared with ten percent of seven-year-old children. When five-year-olds were tested, the result soared to ninety percent! The findings set off many people thinking. Curiosity and originality are daily occurrences for the small child, but somehow most of us lose the freedom and flexibility of the child as we grow older. The need to follow ―directions‖ and ―do-it-right‖, plus the many societal constraints we put on ourselves, prevent us from using our creative potential.

[提示] set off…thinking可译为―引起……思考,发人深省‖;daily occurrences宜译为动词词组;prevent us from using our creative potential需要引申翻译,如译为―使我们无法发挥自己的创造潜力。‖

2. One of the basic questions facing our society today is: What promise or threat does new technology hold for our global future? Since the decisions our society makes about technological development will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in the years to come, it is urgently necessary to explore this question, especially by examining science and technology in their relationship to development of humanity.

[提示] ―hold for…‖在这里可译为―为……带来‖;―have tremendous consequences‖可译为―产生巨大的影响‖。

3. Traditionally, young adults are preoccupied with business careers, financial success, the accumulation of possessions and comfortable living. But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. According to the 1994 census, many counter-culture ideas have entered mainstream culture. More people are defining success in terms of intangibles –creativity, autonomy, pleasure, participation, adventure, stimulation, and love. Many are questioning the kinds of work society offers and the payoffs it provides. And many are dissatisfied with the traditional social identities of wife and husband.

[提示] ―are preoccupied with‖译为―对……关心;关心的是……‖;―th e pendulum seems to be swinging the other way‖可根据上下文直译或意译。

4. The proposition which I mean to maintain as the basis of the liberty of the press, and without which it is an empty sound, is this: that every man, not intending to mislead, but seeking to enlighten others with what his own reason and conscience, however erroneously, have dictated to him as truth, may address himself to the universal reason of a whole nation either upon the subject of government in general, or upon that of our own particular country: that he may analyze the principles of its constitution, point out its errors and defects, examine and publish its corruptions, warn his fellow-citizens against their ruinous consequences, and exert his whole faculties in pointing out the most advantageous changes in establishments which he considers to be radically defective, or sliding from their object by abuse. All this every subject of this country has right to do, if he contemplates only what he thinks would be for its advantage, but seeks to change the public mind by the conviction which flows from reasonings dictated by conscience.

[提示] 这是一个长句,必须采用拆译法,以表意明晰为依归。如―is this‖之前的主语部分可以译为:―我主张新闻出版自由必须具备以下的基础(如果失去了这个基础,新闻出版自由只能是一句空话),即……‖;―all this every subject of this country has right to do‖可译为―上述这一切,每一个公司都有权去做‖。

5. It is simpler to say than to do, but there are ways. The most common is to ban all cigarette advertising on television and films. Another method is to raise cigarette prices with higher tobacco taxes – and use the money for anti-smoking campaigns. But the most important is to make the smoker increasingly self-conscious and uncomfortable about his habit by publicizing public awareness of the decline in social acceptability of smoking and its harmful effect.

[提示] ―It is simpler to say than to do‖虽然简单,但并不好译。宜译得通俗一点,如―说起来容易,做起来难‖、―说说容易,真要做起来就不那么简单了。‖―with higher tobacco taxes‖宜发挥汉语的动态优势来翻译,如―对烟草课以重税‖,―增加对烟草的税收‖。


Gone With the Wind

By Margaret Mitchell

(An excerpt from Chapter 15)

The army, driven back in Virginia, went into winter quarters on the Rapidan –a tired, depleted army since the defeat at Gattysburg –and as the Christmas season approached, Ashley came home on furlough. Scarlett, seeing him for the first time in more than two years, was frightened by the violence of her feelings. When she had stood in the parlour at Twelve Oaks and seen him married to Melanie, she had thought she could never love him with a more heartbreaking intensity than she did at that moment. But now she knew her feelings of that long-past night were those of a spoiled child

thwarted of a toy. Now, her emotions were sharpened by her long (1) dreams of him, (2) heightened by the repression she had been forced to put on her (3) tongue .

This Ashley Wilkes in his faded, patched uniform, his blond hair bleached tow by summer suns, was a different man from the (4) easy-going, drowsy-eyed boy she had loved to desperation before the war. (5) And he was a thousand times more thrilling. He was bronzed and lean now, where he had once fair and slender, and the long golden moustache drooping about his mouth, cavalry style, was the last touch needed to make him the perfect picture of a (6) soldier.

He stood with military straightness in his old uniform, his pistol in its worn holster, his battered scabbard smartly slapping his high boots, his tarnished spurs dully gleaming –Major Ashley Wilkes, U.S.A. The habit of command sat upon him now, a quiet air of self-reliance and authority, and (7) grim lines were beginning to emerge about his mouth. There was something new and strange about the (8) square set of his shoulders and the cool bright gleam of his eyes. Where he had once been lounging and indolent, he was now as alert as a prowling (9) cat, with the tense alertness of one whose nerves are perpetually drawn as tight as the strings of a violin. In his eyes, there was a fagged, haunted look, and the sunburned skin was tight across the (10) fine bones of his face –- her same handsome Ashley, yet so very different.








In the case of a resistor, the voltage-current relationship is given by Ohm’s law, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance. 就电阻来说, 电压—电流的关系由欧姆定律决定。欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的 电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。 2]It may be that the inductor voltage rather than the current is the variable of interest in the circuit. 或许在电路中,人们感兴趣的变量是电感电压而不是电感电流。 Viewed in this light, it will be found that the analysis of three-phase circuits is little more difficult than that of single-phase circuits. 这样看来,三相电路的分析比单相电路的分析难不了多少。 At unity power factor, the power in a single-phase circuit is zero twice each cycle. 在功率因数为 1时,单相电路里的功率值每个周波有两次为零。 It should be noted that if the polarity of point Awith respect to N ( is assumed for the positive half-cycle, then when used in the same phasor diagram should be drawn opposite to, or 180? out of phase with, . 应该注意,如果把 A 点相对于 N 的极性(定为正半周,那么在用于同一相量图中时就应该画得同相反,即相位差为 180? One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the gains, AU or AI, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system. 对应于像广义放大器这样的电子装置,一个问题就是增益 AU 或者 AI ,它们取决于两输入端系统的内部特性。


大学英语3段落翻译 大学英语3段落翻译1 UNIT 1 十年之前,南希做了许许多多美国人梦寐以求的事。她辞去了经理职位,在邻近地区开了一家家用器材商店。像南希这样的人作出这种决定主要是出于改善生活质量的愿望。 然而,经营小本生意绝非易事。在失去稳定的收入后,南希不得不削减日常开支。有时候她甚至没有钱支付她所需要的种种保险的费用。有一次她连电话费也付不起,只得向她的父母亲借钱。幸运的是,通过自己的努力,她已经度过了最困难的时期。她决心继续追求她所向往的更加美好的生活。 A decade ago,Nancy did what so many Americans dream about.She quit an executive position and open/set up a household equipment store in her neighbourhood.People like Nancy made the decision primarily because of their desire to improve the quality of their lives. But,to run a small business is by on means an easy job.Without her steady income,Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses.Sometimes she did not have the money to pay the premiums for various kinds of insurance she needed.Once she could not even pick up the phone bill and had to ask her parents to loan her some money. Fortunately,through her own hard work,she had now got through the most difficult time.She is determined to continue pursing her vision of a better life. UNIT 2 痛苦的奴隶生活坚定了亨森为自由而战的决心。他获得自由后不久就成了一个帮助逃跑奴隶的组织中的一员。他几次偷偷地从加拿大回到美国帮助其他奴隶通过地下铁路获得自由。有一次在逃跑时亨森和几个逃跑的奴隶被捕捉奴隶的人包围。他将逃跑的奴隶乔装打扮一番,成功地躲避了追捕。另外,他后来在加拿大的得累斯顿为逃跑的奴隶建造了一个居住小区,并建了教堂和学校,逃跑的奴隶们在这里能够学到有用的谋生之道。他坚信奴隶制将被废除,所有奴隶终将获得解放,种族歧视消失的那一天一定会到来。 Henson s painful life as a slave strengthened his determination to struggle for freedom.Shortly after he achieved freedom he became a member of an organization that assisted fugitive slaves.He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run.He disguised them and successfully avoided capture.In addition,later he built a small settlement in


英语段落摘抄 本文是关于好词好句的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 英语段落摘抄 1、Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time,a particular location,Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain,Step by step ,the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever,No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So,only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness,when will come? 人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱,在一个特定的时间,特定的地点,做脑海中安排了千万遍的事,一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开? 2、Dark light,just light each other.The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together,the such as one dust covers up.Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness 暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜。数不尽的孤单。


Unit 1 1) 背离传统需要极大的勇气。( departure, enormous) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2) 汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。( performanee, bold) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold eno ugh to give a performance in front of a large audie nee. 3) 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。( creative, desirable) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4) 假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作( masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗? ( worthwhile) Assuming (that) this painti ng really is a masterpiece, do you think it worthwhile to'buy/purchase it? 5) 如果这些数据统计是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。( throw light on, investigate, valid) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. 要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读,多写,多听,多说。此外,尽可能多背熟一些好文章也十分重要。如果你脑子里没有储存大量好的英语文章,你就不能用英语自由地表达自己的思想。一边学一边总结经验也很有帮助,因为这样做,我们就能搞明白哪种学习方法是更有效的,能够产生最理想的效果。只要我们坚持努力学习,到时候我们就会完成掌握英语的任务。 To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in En glish. It is also helpful to summarize our experie nee as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of lear ning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep work ing hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of masteri ng En glish. Unit2 1) 该公司否认其捐款有商业目的。( deny, commercial) The company denied that its donation had a commercial purpose. 2) 每当他生气的时候,他说话就有一点结巴。( stammer) Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly. 3) 教育是我们家庭最看重的传统,这就是为什么我父母从不带我到昂贵的饭店吃饭,却送我到最好的私立学 校上课。(cherish) Education is the most cherished tradit ion in our family. That ' s way my parents never took me to dinner at expensive restaura nts, but sent me to the best private school. 4) 手术康复后不久,他失业了,因此经历了人生的又一个困难阶段。( shortly after, go through) Shortly after he recovered from the surgery, he lost his job and thus had to go through ano ther difficult phase of his life. 5) 与我们的富裕邻居相比,我们的父母就相当穷了,但是他们总是努力满足我们最起码的需求。(afflue nt, mi ni mal) In contrast to our affluent neighbors, my parents are rather poor, but they have always tried hard to meet our minimal n eeds. 随着捐款源源不断地进来,我校明年的财务状况会好多了。这样我们就能集中应对我们作为教育工作者必须 承担的最重要的任务:鼓励学生实现他们的学业目标,培养他们成为有责任感、靠得住的人,使他们对将来 的生活有所准备,并在他们追求物质及精神满足的过程中给予引导。 With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be

英语专业 综合英语翻译句子答案

1.Our big old house was closely related with the joys and sorrows of four generations. 2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was born. 3.Many sons left home to fight against the Fascist Nazi. 4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart. 1.He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to confront during the interview. 2.His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.The two of them are walking hand in hand along the river bank, chatting, laughing, and looking happy. 4.When he heart the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.Although we have parted from eah other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we did in the past. 10.At that critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.A gracious manner adds the greatest splendour to your image. 2.I firmly believed the note my guest sent me didn’t take long to write. 3.The simple phrase “Excuse me.” made most of your irritation disappear. 4.Being on time is a virtue which belongs not only to the past but also to the present. 5.Y ou shouldn’t accept the other person’s presence without thinking of its importance. 6.Good manners produce the same feelings or actions in others. 1.I am sorry I am late; I was at a meeting and couldn’t get away. 2.At the concert whnever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audience would burst into loud cheers to show their appreciation. 3.As a stylish dresser, she is always wearing stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats or drinks. 4.The nurse tells me that the doctors have done wonders for your heart disease. 5.When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind. 6.This problem has bothered the experts for many years. 7.The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived. 8.Since punctuality is a good habit, we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to cultivate this good habit. 9.The old man cherishes that girl, as if she were his own daughter. 10.It is just a routine physical checkup, nothing to get worried about.


Unit 1 Cloze ▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given. ▆Answers: 1) reliable 2) syndrome 3) adopted 4) got done with 5) gloomy 6) or something 7) chance 8) come through 9) barely 10) in good shape 11) booth 12) mess 13) scrawled 14) peeking 15) in Translation 1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets. ▆Answers for reference: 1) What I didn’t count o n was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker. 2) Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!” 3) At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances? 4) In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping. 5) When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation. 6) Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside. 2. Translate the following paragraph into English using the words and expressions in the box below. ▆Answer for reference: That was a time when life was difficult for everyone. My family could barely get by on my small income from driving a cab. One late night I responded to a call for a


优美英语经典段落及翻译 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《优美英语经典段落及翻译》的内容,具体内容:我们平时可以多看看有关于英语的优美段落和句子,才会更快的提升作文成绩,所以我今天就给大家带来了英语的优美段落,欢迎大家阅读英语优美段落一You deserve pu... 我们平时可以多看看有关于英语的优美段落和句子,才会更快的提升作文成绩,所以我今天就给大家带来了英语的优美段落,欢迎大家阅读 英语优美段落一 You deserve pursuing your passion 你有追逐梦想的权利 Your passion is the integral part of you, the minute you lose it you will start losing yourself. Did you ever feel that you hardly even remember the girl you were when you were 16? What gave you that enthusiastic drive to pursue your goals and dreams? 梦想使你完整。一旦失去它你便将失去自己。是不是偶尔会觉得,你已经不记得自己16岁时的模样了?那时候的自己,为什么总可以这么开心?是什么东西给了你热情,让你有动力去追逐自己的梦想和人生? No matter how many years passed since you were 16, that girl still lives inside of you. Even though today you have responsibilities, chores and THE schedule you still need to make room for your passion.无论你距离16岁有多遥远,那个小女孩其实仍然存活在你心中。虽然现在的你可能背负着各种责任和义务,但你仍旧该为梦想留存着位置。


Unit 1 1. 他相当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了。 His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by. 2. 一架波音747 飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。 A Boeing 747 aircraft didn 't gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived the accident. 3. 学生们可以很容易地获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该充分地利用好图书馆。Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best of it. 4. 当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。 Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time , hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck. 5. 每天夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。 Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing. 6. 他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于哪里的新奇事物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已经成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道赶快躲开。 The have been to St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches. Unit 2 1. 有些网络专家认为因特网可以防止战争、减少污染,还能克服种种形式的不平等。Some cyber gurus claim that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. 2. 不可否认,因特网可以增进交流,但他却无法消除战争,因为战争的爆发并不仅仅是由于不同种族间缺乏充分理解而引起的。 Although the Internet undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to war, since wars are by no means caused simply by the failure of different peoples to understand each other adequately. 3. 只有当网上的活动能够真正取代现实世界中的行为时,因特网才能帮助节约能源,减少污染。 The Internet can help reduce energy consumption and pollution only if doing things online genuinely displaces real-world activities. 4. 穷人不用因特网并不是因为他们买不起,而是因为他们缺乏必要的技能来有效地利用它,所以提高老百姓的文化水平要比给他们提供上网机会更有意义。 The poor are not shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it. The problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively. Therefore, it makes more sense to aim for universal literacy than universal Internet access.


大学英语段落翻译技巧(1) 2013年7月,全国大学英语四六级考试委员会对大学英语四六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型做了局部调整,调整后的四六级翻译项目从原来的单句翻译变成了现在的段落翻译2013年12月,这一新的题型首次应用在四六级考试中。评分方式也由原来的语法点给分变成现在的总体评分(Global Scoring),也就是阅卷员根据翻译的总体印象,即文章的总体表达给出分数档。具体标准见下表: 表一四六级评分标准-考委会版(用于总体评分) 由于是第一次考查这样的题型,阅卷组也进行了细致的分析,深入的讨论和谨慎的评判。因此,在确定分数档之后,阅卷员需要通过对考生翻译中的语法、用词以及拼写错误进行量化,然后扣分,最终决定考生的翻译分数。而语法的量化考核也有一定的标准,具体见下表:

表二四六级翻译评分标准-阅卷版(用于量化语法错误) 这两步之后,一份翻译的整体分数就确定了。总的来说,改革后的大学英语四六级翻译项目采取总体评分为主,量化考核为辅的评分方式:阅卷员首先通读整篇译文,根据"总体评分"的原则,确定其所属档位;其次详细阅读译文,寻找译文中的扣分点,在统计扣分点之后,根据"量化考核"的原则,确定译文最终的分数。以下将以2013年12月四级考试翻译中的"中餐篇"为例,给出各个分数档的参考译文以及阅卷员评语。 翻译原文 许多人喜欢中餐。在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。精心准备的中餐既可口又好看。烹饪技艺和配料在中国各地的差别很大。但好的烹饪都有一个共同点,总是要考虑到颜色、味道、口感和营养(nutrition)。由于食物对健康至关重要,好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡,所以中餐既美味又健康。 14分参考译文 Many people enjoy Chinese food. In China, cooking is not only viewed as a skill but also regarded as a form of art. A carefully-prepared Chinese dinner can be both tasty and


经典英语优美段落: 1、I don't know what I do now is right, those are wrong, and when I finally die then I know these. So what I can do now is to try to do everything well, and then wait to die .Sometimes I can be very happy to talk to everyone, can be very presumptuous, but no one knows, it is but very deliberatelycamouflage, camouflage; I can make him very happy very happy, but couldn't find the source of happiness, just giggle. 优美段落翻译: 【我不知道我现在做的哪些是对的,那些是错的,而当我终于老死的时候我才知道这些.所以我现在所能做的就是尽力做好每一件事,然后等待着老死.有时候我可以很开心的和每个人说话,可以很放肆的,可是却没有人知道,那不外是伪装,很刻意的伪装;我可以让自己很快乐很快乐,可是却找不到快乐的源头,只是傻笑.】 2、If not to the sun for smiling, warm is still in the sun there, but wewill laugh more confident calm; if turned to found his own shadow, appropriate escape, the sun will be through the heart,warm each place behind the corner; if an outstretched palm cannot fall butterfly, then clenched waving arms, given power; if I can't have bright smile, it will face to the sunshine, and sunshine smile together, in full bloom. 优美段落翻译: 【如果不向太阳索取微笑,温暖仍在太阳那里,但我们会笑得更加自信从容;如果转过身去发现了自己的影子,适当的躲让,阳光便可穿越心灵,温暖每一处身后的角落;如果摊开的掌心不能点落蝴蝶,那就紧握成拳挥动臂膀,给予力量;如果我不能够微笑得灿烂,那就将脸投向灿烂的阳光,与阳光一起微笑,烂漫.】


U n i t 1 1) 背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure, enormous) It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 2) 汤姆过去很腼腆,但这次却非常勇敢能在大庭广众面前上台表演了。(performance, bold) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience. 3)很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。(creative, desirable) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 4)假设(assume)那幅画确实是名作(masterpiece),你觉得值得购买吗?(worthwhile) Assuming (that) this painti ng really is a masterpiece, do you think it’s worthwhile to buy/purchase it 5)如果这些数据统计是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。(throw light on, investigate, valid) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating. 要提高我们的英语水平,关键是多读,多写,多听,多说。此外,尽可能多背


1.意大利著名旅行家马可。波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,它使人觉得自己社在天堂。”在中国,也流传着这样的话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”杭州的名气主要在于风景如画的西湖。西湖一年四季都美不胜收,宋代著名诗人苏东坡用“淡妆浓抹总相宜”的诗句来赞誉西湖。在杭州,您可以饱览西湖的秀色,也不妨漫步街头闹市,品尝一下杭州的名菜名点,还可购上几样名特土产。 The famous Italian traveler Marco Pole was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as “the mist fascinating city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise.” In China, there has been a century-old popular saying praising the city: In Heaven there is Paradise; on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangz hou.” Hangzhou’s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake. As it is beautiful all the year round, the West Lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of the Song Dynasty, to a beauty “who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup.” In Hangzhou, you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets, taste famous Hangzhou dishes and buy some special local products. 2.在设备制造期间,雇主的代表有权对根据合同提供的全部工程设备的材料和工艺进行检查、研究和检验,同时检查其制造进度。这一切应在工作时间内于承包商的工厂里进行。如果工程设备正在其它第三方工厂制造,承包商应为卖方代表获得他能在该工厂进行此类检查、研究和检验的许可。此类检查、研究或检验不应解除承包商在合同中的任何义务。 The Employer’s representative shall be entitled during manufacture to inspect, examine and test the materials and workmanship and check the progress of manufacture of all Plants to be supplied under the Contract. This shall take place on the Contractor’s promises during working hours. If the plant is being manufactured on other premises, the Contractor shall obtain permission for the Employer’s representative to carry out such inspection, examination and testing on those premises. 3. 雇主或项目经理提交给承包商的雇主的图纸,技术规格以及其它资料仍应为雇主的财产。除非是为了合同的需要,未经雇主同意,承包商不得使用、复制这些材料或将之传递给第三方。 承包商应对承包商的图纸中的任何错误或遗漏负责,除非他们可归因与雇主或项目经理提供的不正确的雇主图纸或其它书面资料。项目经理对承包商的图纸的批准不应解除本款规定的承包商的任何责任。 The Employe r’s drawings, specification and other information submitted by the Employer or the Project Manager to the Contractor shall remain the property of the Employer. They shall not, without the consent of the Employer, be used, copied or communicated to a third party by the Contractor unless necessary for the purposes of the Contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Contractor’s Drawings unless they are due to incorrect Employer’s Drawings or other written information supplied by the Employer or the Project Manager. Approval by the Project Manager of the Contractor’s drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility under this Sub-Clause.

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