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销售观念:消费者通常表现出一种购买惰性或抗拒心理,如果顺其自然,消费者一般不会足量购买某一企业的产品,因此,企业必须主动推销和积极促销 .



















































免疫(immunity):是指机体识别“自我”与“非我”抗原,对自身抗原形成天然免疫耐受同时排除非己抗原的,维持机体内环境生理平衡的功能。正常情况下,对机体有利;免疫功能失调时,会产生对机体有害的反应。 固有免疫应答(innate immune response):也称非特异性或获得性免疫应答,是生物体在长期种系发育和进化过程中逐渐形成的一系列防御机制。此免疫在个体出生时就具备,可对外来病原体迅速应答,产生非特异性抗感染免疫作用,同时在特异性免疫应答过程中也起作用。 适应性免疫应答(adaptive immune response):也称特异性免疫应答,是在非特异性免疫基础上建立的,该种免疫是个体在生命过程中接受抗原性异物刺激后,主动产生或接受免疫球蛋白分子后被动获得的。 免疫防御(immunologic defence):是机体排斥外来抗原性异物的一种免疫保护功能。该功能正常时,机体可抵御病原微生物及其毒性产物的感染和损害,即抗感染免疫;异常情况下,反应过高会引起超敏反应,反应过低或缺失可发生免疫缺陷。 免疫自稳(immunologic homeostasis):是机体免疫系统维持内环境稳定的一种生理功能。该功能正常时,机体可及时清除体内损伤、衰老、变性的细胞和免疫复合物等异物,而对自身成分保持免疫耐受;该功能失调时,可发生生理功能紊乱或自身免疫性疾病。 免疫监视(immunologic surveillance):是机体免疫系统及时识别、清除体内突变、畸变细胞和病毒感染细胞的一种生理功能。该功能失调时,有可能导致肿瘤发生,或因病毒不能清除而出现持续感染。 MALT(mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue):即黏膜伴随的淋巴组织。是指分布在呼吸道、肠道及泌尿生殖道的粘膜上皮细胞下的无包膜的淋巴组织。除执行固有免疫外,还可执行局部特异性免疫。 抗原(antigen,缩写Ag,不是银!):能诱导(活化/抑制)免疫系统产生免疫应答,并与相应的反应产物(抗原/致敏淋巴细胞)进行特异性结合(体内/体外)的物质。 半抗原(hapten):又称不完全抗原,是指仅具有与抗体结合的能力(抗原性),而单独不能诱导抗体产生(无免疫原性)的物质。当半抗原与蛋白质载体结合后即可成为完全抗原。 抗原决定簇(antigen determinant,AD):指抗原分子中决定抗原特异性的特殊化学基团。抗原表位(epitope):是与TCR、BCR或抗体特异性结合的基本单位,也称抗原决定基。又称抗原决定簇。 胸腺依赖性抗原(thymus dependent antigen,TD-Ag):是一类必须依赖Th细胞辅助才能诱导机体产生抗体的抗原。该抗原由T表位和B表位组成,绝大多数蛋白质类抗原为TD-Ag,可刺激机体产生体液免疫应答和细胞免疫应答。


1. Transcendentalism The origin of it is a philosophical and literary movement centered in Concord and Boston, which marks the summit of American Transcendentalism. 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of man, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. The major features of American Transcendentalism are:It emphasis on spirit, or the Oversoul, as the most important thing in the universe. It stressed the importance of the individual. To them the individual was the most important element of society. It offered a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. 2.Romanticism The Romanticism period stretches from the end of the 18th century through the outbreak of the Civil War. It is a term associate with imagination boundlessness, and in critical usage is contrasted with classicism which is commonly associated with reason and restriction. The features of Romanticism are: American Romanticism was in a way derivative: American romantic writing was some of them modeled on English and European works. American romanticism was in essence the expression of "a real new experience "and contained"an alien quality".Representatives:William Cullen Bryant; Henry Longfellow and James Cooper, Washington Irving. 3.Realism: In American literature, the Civil War brought the Romantic Period to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence. It came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism. Realism turned from an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of the ordinary, a slice of life as it is really lived. It expresses the concern for commonplace and the low, and it offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human experience.The representatives are Howells, James, and Mark Twain. 4. Naturalism American naturalism was a new and harsher realism, it had come from Europe. Naturalism was an outgrowth of realism that responded to theories in science, psychology, human behavior and social thought current in the late nineteenth century. The background of naturalism are: In the last decade of the nineteenth century, with the development of industry and modern science, intelligent minds began to see that man was no longer a free ethical being in a cold, indifferent and essentially Godless universe. In this chance world he was both helpless and hopeless.Major Features of it are:Humans are controlled by laws of heredity and environment.The universe is cold, godless, indifferent and hostile to human desires.Representatives of it such as Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Theodore Dreiser. 5.New Criticism The New Criticism as a school of poetry and criticism established itself in the 1940s as an academic orthodoxy in the United States. The school has its beginning in the 1920s. It focus on the analysis of the text rather paying attention to external elements such as its social background, its author's intention and political attitude, and its impact on society. Then it explores the artistic structure of the work rather than its author's frame of mind or its reader's responses. It also see a literary work as an organic entity, the unity of content and form, and places emphasis on the close reading of the text. These New Critics included T.S. Eliot,I.A.Richards,John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate and some other critics. The New Criticism has tended to divorce criticism from social and moral concerns, which was to become one salient feature of the movement. 6.Imagism: Between 1912 and 1922 there came a great poetry boom in which about 1000 poets published over 1000 volumes of poetry. Indeed ,to express the modern spirit, the sense of fragmentization and dislocation, was in large measure the aim of quite a few modern literary movements, of which Imagism was one.The first Imagist theorist, the English writer T.E.Hulme. Hulme suggests that modern art deals with expression and communication of momentary phases in the poet's mind. The most effective means to express these momentary impressions is through the use of dominant image.It is a literary movement launched American poets early in the 20th century that advocated the use of free verse, common speech patterns, and clear concrete images as a reaction to Victorian sentimentalism. The representatives are Ezra pound, William Carlos Williams and some other poets.


公共事业管理概论 一、填空题 1.公共产品的两大特性:非排他性、非竞争性。 2.公共产品分类:纯公共产品和准公共产品。 3.公共事业管理的模式:保护模式、干预模式和市场模式。 4.公共事业管理模式的决定因素:公共需求、主体意识、政府能力、社会发育程度。 5.“3E”指:效率(efficiency)、效果(effectiveness)、经济(economic)。 6.沃尔夫认为非营利组织的五个特征:(1)有服务大众的宗旨;(2)不以营利为目的的组织结构;(3)有一个不致使任何个人利己营私的管理制度;(4)本身具有合法免税地位;(5)具有可以提供捐助人减(免)税的合法地位。 7.萨拉蒙认为非政府组织的特征:(1)组织性; (2)非政府性;(3)非营利性;(4)自治性;(5)志愿性。 8.公共事业管理的职能:计划职能、组织职能、协调职能和控制职能。 公共事业管理问题成立的4个条件:客观存在、被决策者所认知、具有公共性、紧迫性。 9.公众对政府的期待,5个方面:法治(依据正当的法律程序行为并负责)、胜任能力、弹性、回应和廉洁。 10.企业资金进入公共事业产品的生产和提供的主要方式(3种): BOT方式,即建设--经营--转让。BOOT方式,即建设--拥有--经营--转让。BOO 方式,即建设--拥有--经营 二、名词解释: 1.纯公共产品 指完全具有非竞争性和非排他性特点的产品。 2.准公共产品: 准公共产品理论总体上属于公共产品理论范畴,而所谓准公共产品,指具备非排他性和非竞争性两个特点中的一个,另一个不具备或不完全具备,或者虽然两个特点都不完全具备但却具有较大的外部收益的产品。


免疫学名词解释完整版 免疫学名词解释 第一章:免疫学概论 1.免疫防御:防止外界病原体的入侵及清除已入侵病原体及其他有害物质。 2.免疫监视:是机体免疫系统及时识别并清除体内出现的非己成分的一种生理功能。该功能失调会导致肿瘤发生或持续性病毒感染。 3.免疫自身稳定:通过自身免疫耐受或免疫调节两种主要机制来达到免疫系统内环境的稳定。 4.适应性免疫应答的特点:特异性、耐受性、记忆性第二章:免疫器官和组织 1.免疫系统:是机体执行免疫功能的物质基础,由免疫器官和组织、免疫细胞及免疫分子组成。 2.淋巴细胞归巢:血液中的淋巴细胞选择性趋向迁移并定居于外周免疫器官的特定区域或特定组织的过程。包括淋巴细胞再循环和淋巴细胞向炎症部位迁移。 3.淋巴细胞再循环:是指定居在外周免疫器官的淋巴细胞,由输出淋巴管经淋巴干、胸导管或右淋巴导管进入血液循环;经血液循环到达外周免疫器官后,穿越HEV 重新分布于全身淋巴器官和组织的反复循环过程。 第三章:抗原 1.抗原(Ag):是指能与T细胞、B淋巴细胞的TCR或BCR识别并结合,激活T、B 细胞,促使其增殖、分化,产生抗体或致敏淋巴细胞,并与免疫应答效应产物特异性结合,进而发挥适应性免疫效应应答的物质。 2.半抗原:又称不完全抗原,是指仅具有免疫反应性而无免疫原性的小分子物质,当半抗原与应答效应产物结合后即可成为完全抗原,刺激机体产生针对半抗原的特异性抗体。 3.抗原表位:存在于抗原分子中决定抗原特异性的特殊化学基团,又称抗原决 定簇,是与TCR BCF或抗体特异性结合的最小结构和功能单位。 4.异嗜性抗原:一类与种属无关,存在于人、动物及微生物之间的共同抗原。 6.独特型抗原:TCR CER或Ig的V区所具有的独特的氨基酸顺序和空间构型,可诱导自体产生相应的特异性抗体。


Allegory is a narrative that serves as an extended metaphor. Allegories are written in the form of fables, parables, poems, stories, and almost any other style or genre. The main purpose of an allegory is to tell a story that has characters, a setting, as well as other types of symbols, that have both literal and figurative meanings. One well-known example of an allegory is Dante’s The Divine Comedy.In Inferno, Dante is on a pilgrimage to try to understand his own life, but his character also represents every man who is in search of his purpose in the world. Alliteration is a pattern of sound that includes the repetition of consonant sounds. The repetition can be located at the beginning of successive words or inside the words. Poets often use alliteration to audibly represent the action that is taking place. Aside is an actor’s speech, directed to the audience, that is not supposed to be heard by other actors on stage. An aside is usually used to let the audience know what a character is about to do or what he or she is thinking. Asides are important because they increase an audience's involvement in a play by giving them vital information pertaining what is happening, both inside of a character's mind and in the plot of the play. Gothic is a literary style popular during the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th. This style usually portrayed fantastic tales dealing with horror, despair, the grotesque and other “dark” subjects. Gothic literature was named for the apparent influence of the dark gothic architecture of the period on the genre. Also, many of these Gothic tales took places in such “gothic” surroundings. Other times, this story of darkness may occur in a more everyday setting, such as the quaint house where the man goes mad fro m the "beating" of his guilt in Edgar Allan Poe's “The Tell-Tale Heart.”In essence, these stories were romances, largely due to their love of the imaginary over the logical, and were told from many different points of view. CATHARSIS is an emotional discharge that brings about a moral or spiritual renewal or welcome relief from tension and anxiety. According to Aristotle, catharsis is the marking feature and ultimate end of any tragic artistic work. IMAGERY: A common term of variable meaning, imagery includes the "mental pictures" that readers experience with a passage of literature. It signifies all the sensory perceptions referred to in a poem, whether by literal description, allusion, simile, or metaphor. Surrealism is an artistic movement doing away with the restrictions of realism and verisimilitude that might be imposed on an artist. In this movement, the artist sought to do away with conscious control and instead respond to the irrational urges of the subconscious mind. From this results the hallucinatory, bizarre, often nightmarish quality of surrealistic paintings and writings. Sample surrealist writers include Frank O'Hara, John Ashberry, and Franz Kafka.


公共事业管理概论第一套试卷 姓名学号成绩 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)在每 小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将正确的 选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1、公共事务的特征是()A A、公共性、政治性、劳务性、非营利性 B 、公共性、劳务性、阶级性、非营利性 C、公共性、劳务性、发展性、非营利性 D 、公共性、阶级性、劳务性、非营利性 2、下列事业产品都属于准公共产品的是()A A、社会科学研究、教育、卫生、出版 B、广播、教育、卫生、气象 C、基础设施、医疗、体育、动植物检疫 D、大型水利设施、社会科学研究、广播、出版 3、公共事业管理的研究方法有()C A、问卷调查法、实践抽象法、实体分析法、案例分析法、比较分析法 B、问卷调查法、实践抽象法、实验法、比较分析法、案例分析法 C、实践抽象法、实验法、比较分析法、案例分析法、实体分析法 D、田野调查法,实验法,比较分析法、案例分析法、实体分析法 4、下列不属于公共事业管理外部环境的是()。D A、政治B、经济 C、地理D、政府人员编制 5、生产力发展水平公共事业管理的影响不包括()。D A、公共事业管理的范围 B、公共事业管理的能力

C、公共事业管理的水平和效率 D、公共事业管理的性质 6、下列不属于公共事业管理文化的是()。D A、公共管理的实践经验 B、公共管理的价值观 C、公共事务观 D、政治思潮 7、公共事业管理最本质的特点是()。C A、政治性 B、阶级性 C、公共性 D、经济性 8、下列对公共事业管理环境和公共事业管理的基本关系的最佳概括是()A A、前者决定和制约后者,后者利用和改造前者。 B、相互制约 C、前者利用和改造后者,后者决定和制约前者。 D、相互影响 9、公共事业产品的提供方式本质是:()B A、生产方式 B、消费方式 C、分配方式 D、整合方式 10、公共产品的生产和提供的可能的组合当中,所谓公共生产,市场提供指的是:()C A、由政府依靠公共财政支出,直接投资并组织公共产品生产,然后无偿向社会提供; B、由政府组织公共产品生产,并通过收费的方式向社会公共提供; C、由公共企业生产,按照营利原则定价,并向使用人收费的提供方式; D、即由非政府组织乃至私人部门生产,通过政府采购方式由政府获得产品的所有权,并无偿地向社会提供的公共产品; 11、公共事业管理费用的资金可以分为公共支出和非公共支出两大类别,其中公共支出的主要来源:()A A、税收 B、企业投资 C、社会捐赠 D、溢余 12、公共转移性支出直接表现为:()B A、政府资金有偿的单方面的转移; B、政府资金无偿的单方面的转移; C、企业资金有偿的单方面的转移; D、企业资金无偿的单方面的转移; 13、()是指一些涉及公众整体利益,难以分割的技术研究和运用,如关系到气象服务、灾害研究等方面的技术和研究等。A A、公益性研究 B、应用技术研究 C、人文社会科学研究 D、基础科学研究 14、科技事业产品属()B A、纯公共产品 B、准公共产品 C、私人产品 D、企业产品 15、在以下的教育类型中,其中外部性最强的是()A


第一章抗原 一名词解释 抗原:能够刺激机体产生免疫应答,并且能与免疫应答产物(抗体或免疫效应细胞)特异性结合的物质抗原决定簇(表位):存在于抗原性物质表面的能够决定抗原特异性的特殊化学基团 (免疫应答的特异性基础) 半抗原:本身只有反应原性而无免疫原性的简单小分子抗原物质,当予蛋白载体结合形成半抗原—载体复合物时,获得免疫原性 胸腺依赖性抗原(TD-Ag):指需要在T细胞辅助及巨噬细胞参与下才能激活B细胞产生抗体的抗原性物质。可引起体液、细胞免疫应答,产生免疫记忆 胸腺非依赖性抗原(TI-Ag):指无需T细胞辅助,就能直接刺激B细胞增生、分化产生抗体的抗原性物质。只引起体液免疫应答,无免疫记忆 类毒素:外毒素经0.3%-0.4%甲醛溶液处理后,丧失毒性作用而保留原有抗原性质 嗜异性抗原:指某些不同种属(动物、植物或微生物)之间存在的共同抗原 自身抗原:机体对正常的自身组织和体液成分处于免疫耐受状态,当自身耐受被打破,即可引起自身免疫应答。包括改变的自身抗原和隐蔽的自身抗原 功能性决定簇:存在于抗原分子表面,能被淋巴细胞识别,启动免疫应答,同时能与抗体和/或致敏淋巴细胞特异性结合而发生免疫反应的抗原决定簇 隐蔽的决定簇:存在于抗原内部,不能被淋巴细胞识别,无法触发免疫应答的抗原决定簇 共同抗原:存在于两种不同抗原分子之间的相同或相似的抗原决定簇 隐蔽的自身抗原:正常情况下与血流和免疫系统相对隔绝的自身物质 肿瘤特异性抗原:只存在于某种肿瘤细胞表面而不存在于相应正常细胞或其他肿瘤细胞表面的抗原肿瘤相关抗原(TAA):不为肿瘤细胞所特有的,在正常细胞上也可微量表达的抗原 超抗原:是一类有细菌外毒素和逆转录病毒蛋白构成的不同于促有丝分裂原的抗原性物质 交叉反应:抗原或抗体除与相应抗体或抗原发生特异性反应外,还能与含某种(些)相同抗体的它种抗血清或含某种(些)相同抗原决定簇的它种抗原结合的反应 白细胞分化抗原(CD):白细胞、血小板和血管内皮细胞等在分化成熟为不同谱系和分化不同阶段以及活化过程中出现或消失的细胞表面的抗原性标志 甲胎蛋白(AFP):是一种糖蛋白,在胚胎期由卵黄囊和肝细胞合成,是胎儿血清中的正常成分。当发生原发性肝癌是,血清中AFP含量显著增高 免疫佐剂:与抗原一起活先于抗原注入机体后可增强机体对该抗原的免疫应答能力或改变免疫应答类型的物质 弗氏佐剂:弗氏不完全佐剂是有液体石蜡或植物油和乳化剂羊毛脂或吐温80混合而成,使用时与水溶性抗原充分混合,使抗原分散在佐剂中形成油包水乳剂。在不完全佐剂中加入死的分枝杆菌(结核杆菌或卡介苗)就成为弗氏佐剂 二问答 1.简述TD-Ag和TI-Ag的概念,两者引起免疫应答有何区别 胸腺依赖性抗原(TD-Ag):指需要在T细胞辅助及巨噬细胞参与下才能激活B细胞产生抗体的抗原性物质。1.引起体液、细胞免疫应答2.产生抗体以IgG为主 3.产生免疫记忆 胸腺非依赖性抗原(TI-Ag):指无需T细胞辅助,就能直接刺激B细胞增生、分化产生抗体的抗原性物质。1.只引起体液免疫应答2.只刺激B细胞产生IgM 3.无免疫记忆 2.何谓嗜异性抗原?举例说明其意义 嗜异性抗原:指某些不同种属(动物、植物或微生物)之间存在的共同抗原 大肠杆菌O86含人血型B物质,肺炎球菌14型含人血型A物质 3.何谓隐蔽的自身抗原?举例说明隐蔽的自身抗原释放后,可引起哪些相应的临床疾病 自身抗原:机体对正常的自身组织和体液成分处于免疫耐受状态,当自身耐受被打破,即可引起自


American Dream: American dream means the belief that everyone can succeed as long as he/she works hard enough. It usually implies a successful and satisfying life. It usually framed in terms of American capitalism(资本主义), its associated purported meritocracy,(知识界精华)and the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Bill of Rights. American Puritanism清教主义: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a division of the protestant church who wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They accepted the doctrines of predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. American literature in the 17th century mostly consisted of Puritan literature. Puritanism had an enduring influence on American literature. It had become, to some extent, so much a state of mind, so much a part of national cultural atmosphere, rather than a set of tenets. Transcendentalism 超验主义: Transcendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. Transcendentalists spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. It placed emphasis on spirit, or the Over soul, as the most important thing in the world. It stressed the importance of individual and offered a fresh perception nature ad symbolic of the spirit of God. Prominent transcendentalists included Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thorough. American Naturalism自然主义: American naturalism was a new and harsher realism. The naturalists attempt to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were determined by environment and heredity. It emphasized that the world was amoral, the men and women had no free will, that lives were controlled by heredity and environment, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death. The pessimism and deterministic ideas naturalism pervaded the works of such American writers as Stephen Crane and Theodore Dreiser. American Naturalism(美国自然主义文学):The American naturalists accepted the more negative interpretation of Darwin’s evolutionary theory and used it to account for t he behavior of those characters in literary works who were regarded as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.2) naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. It is no more than a gloomy philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.3>Dreiser is a leading figure of his school. The Gilded Age镀金时代:the Gilded Age refers to the era of rapid economic and population growth in the United States during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction eras of the late 19th century. The term "Gilded Age" was coined by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner in their 1873 book, The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today.The Gilded Age is most famous for the creation of a modern industrial economy. The end of the Gilded Age coincided with the Panic of 1893, a deep depression. The depression lasted until 1897 and marked a major political realignment in the election of 1896. After that came the Progressive Era. The Lost Generation: The Lost Generation is a group of expatriate American writers residing primarily in Paris during the 1920s and 1930s. The group was given its name by the American writer Gertrude Stein, who used “a lost generation” to refer to expatriate Americans bitter about their World War I experiences and disillusioned with American


1.Imagism(意象派): It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S. flourished from 1909 to 1917.The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra P ound and Amy Lowell. 2.Local colorism: as a trend became dominant in American literature in the 1860s and early 1870s,it is defined by Hamlin Garland as having such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by anyone else than a native stories of local colorism have a quality of circumstantial(详细的) authenticity(确实性), as local colorists tried to immortalize(使不朽) the distinctive natural, social and linguistic features. It is characteristic of vernacular(本国语) language and satirical(讽刺的) humor 3.Psychological Realism: James’s realism is characterized by his psychological a pproach to his subject matter. His fictional world is concerned more with the inner l ife of human beings than with overt human actions. His best and most mature wor ks will render the drama of individual consciousness and convey the moment-to-mo ment sense of human experience as bewilderment and discovery. And we observe people and events filtering through the individual consciousness and participate in h is experience. This emphasis on psychology and on the human consciousness prov es to be a big breakthrough in novel writing and has great influence on the comin g generations. James is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th century " stream-of-consciousness" novels and the founder of psychological realism. 4.International theme:Henry James’s fame generally rests on his novels and stories with the international theme. These novels are always set against a large international background, usually between Europe and America, and centered on the confrontation of the two different cultures with two different groups of people representing two different value systems.The treatment of the international theme is characterized by the richness of syntax and characterization and the originality in point of view, symbolism, metaphoric texture, and organizing rhyme. James is now more mature as an artist, more at home in the craft of fiction. 5. Modernism:It was a complex and diverse (复杂多样的)international movement in all the creative arts (创造性艺术),originating about the end of the 19th century. It provided (出现)the greatest creative renaissance of the 20th century. It was made up of many facets (方面),such as symbolism,surrealism (超现实主义),cubism (立体主义),expressionism,futurism (未来主义),ect

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