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Preface Env. interrelationships

Answers To Review Questions of lecture 1(page17)

1.Describe why finding solutions to environmental problem is so difficult. Do you think it has always been as complicated?

Finding solutions is difficult because different groups have different political and economic views on what constitutes an environmental problem. Finding solutions has not always been complicated because in the past the economy was less complicated and few people understood the long-term environmental consequences of their actions.

4. define environment and ecosystem and provide examples of these terms from your region.

The environment is the surrounding conditions that affect people and organisms. More broadly, it means everything that affects an organism during its lifetime. For example, the environment of the grizzly bear includes the physical conditions, such as climate and habitat, as well as political and social decisions that affect its life. An ecosystem is a region in which organisms and their physical environment form an interacting unit. An example is the old-growth forest of the forested West.

5. describe how environmental conflicts are resolved.

Environmental conflicts arise when groups disagree on what constitutes an environmental problem. Some people may feel justified in their use of a natural resource while others may feel there is a diminished environment. Compromise between the groups is necessary. Government should assist in assuring that all points of view are recognized and that a fair decision is made. Economic and regional issues and long-term impact should be taken into consideration when reaching the final compromise.

Chap5 Interactions: Env.&Organisms

Answers To Review Questions(lecture 2)

1. define environment.

An organism's environment is everything affecting it during its lifetime. It includes both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) elements.

2. describe, in detail, the niche of a human.

A niche is the functional role of an organism in its environment. The role of humans is one of consumer, specifically omnivore. Humans modify their surroundings, harness energy, produce waste, and control their population.

3. how is natural selection related to the concept of niche?

Natural selection is the process whereby successful organisms pass on the characteristics which made them successful to their offspring. In this way, each organism is finely tuned to a particular habitat and niche, and unfit individuals are removed from the population.

4. list five predators and their prey organisms.

Predator/prey relationships include lion and zebras, eagles and mice, osprey and fish, robins and worms, frogs and insects, baleen whales and zooplankton.

5. how is an ecosystem different from a community?

A community is composed of interacting populations of organisms in a given area, and an ecosystem is composed of interacting groups of organisms and their physical environment.

6. human raising cattle for food is what kind of relationship?

Humans raising cattle for food is technically a form of predation. Humans are secondary consumers feeding on the cattle which are primary consumers feeding on the plants which are primary producers. It could be argued however, that it is a type of mutualistic relationship in which both populations benefit, because the cattle has been so changed that it cannot survive without human interaction.

7. give examples of herbivores,carnivores, and omnivores.

Examples of herbivores include seed-eating birds, deer, rabbits, and zooplankton. Examples of carnivores include wolves, falcons, and sharks. Examples of omnivores include humans, bears, and raccoons.

8. what are some different trophic levels in an ecosystem?

Trophic levels in an ecosystem include producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and decomposers.

9. describe the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and phosphorous cycle.

In the carbon cycle, plants incorporate carbon into organic molecules through the process of photosynthesis. The organic molecules in plants are consumed by herbivores and the molecules are further passed on to carnivores. Decomposing-organisms convert organic carbon waste and dead organisms into inorganic carbon during respiration.

In the nitrogen cycle, atmospheric nitrogen is converted by nitrogen-fixing bacteria into a form that plants use to make proteins and other compounds. These compounds are passed to consumers. Decomposers convert dead organisms and waste into ammonia which is reused by plants.

In the phosphorous cycle, phosphate found in rock dissolves and becomes available to plants which are then eaten by consumers. The phosphate is recycled by decomposers and leaching from waste into the soil.

10. analyze an aquarium as an ecosystem.identify the major abiotic and biotic factors.list members of different level.

The major biotic factors in an aquarium are light, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients. The biotic factors include all of the living organisms in the aquarium. Producers include aquatic plants, algae, and possibly photosynthetic bacteria. Primary consumers include snails, protozoans, small crustaceans, and plant-eating fish. Secondary consumers include larger fish. Decomposers include bacteria and fungi.

Chap6 Ecosystems&communities P104 (10th)

Answers To Review Questions

(See related pages)

1. Describe the process of succession. How does primary succession differ from secondary succession?

Succession is a series of regular, predictable changes in the structure of a community over time. Primary succession takes place on bare mineral soils and rocks or water. Secondary succession begins with the destruction or disturbance of an existing ecosystem.

2. How does a climax community differ from successional community?

A climax community is a relatively stable, long-lasting, complex and interrelated group of many different organisms. A successional community is a stage in the successional process. It is generally short-lived and unstable.

3. List three characteristics typical of each biomes.

Tropical rainforest: high diversity, high rainfall, and no frost

Desert: low rainfall, sparse vegetation, and high evaporation

Tundra: permafrost, low rainfall, and short growing season

Taiga: coniferous trees, soil freezes in winter, and bogs

Savanna: occasional or patches of trees, seasonally structured ecosystem, and mound-building termites

Grassland: low rainfall, few trees, and grazing animals

Temperate deciduous forest: deciduous trees, evenly distributed rainfall, and migrating birds

4.What two primary factors determine the kind of terrestrial biome that will develop in an area? The two primary factors in determining biomes are temperature and precipitation.

5. How does height above sea level affect the kind of biome present?

As elevation increases, the average temperature decreases. The change in biomes from sea level to mountaintop is similar to the change which occurs from equator to the North Pole.

6. What area of the ocean are the most productive?

The areas which are most productive are those where light and nutrients are most abundant. These include areas where currents bring nutrients up from the bottom of the ocean or where currents or rivers deposit sediment.

7. How does the nature of the substrate affect the kinds of organisms found at the shore?

Sand tends to shift making it difficult for plants and algae to become attached, although burrowing worms, clams, and crustaceans find it suitable. Mud is more suitable for some plants and algae and many burrowing organisms. Rocks are a good substrate for plants and large algae that in turn make a good habitat for a variety of motile and attached animals.

8. What is the role of each of the following organisms an a marine ecosystem: Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Algae, Coral organisms, Fish

Phytoplankton: free-floating photosynthetic primary producers in the euphotic zone.

Zooplankton: free-floating primary consumers found deeper than phytoplankton.

Algae: attached primary producers in shallow, coastal water.

Coral organisms: mutualistic relationship between coral and algae; form calcareous substrate for other organisms.

Fish: nektonic higher order consumers.

9. List three differences between freshwater marine ecosystems.

Freshwater ecosystems differ from marine by having much less salt, greater temperature variability, and different rganisms.

10. What is an estuary? Why are estuaries important?

An estuary consists of a shallow, partially enclosed area where freshwater enters the ocean. Estuaries are high in transported sediment from up-river and their salinity varies with the change in tides. They are important because they are nursery sites for fish and crustaceans like flounder and shrimp.

Chap7 population principles p131

Answer To Review Questions

(See related pages)p 150

1. How is the biotic potential related to the rate at which a population will grow?

Biotic potential is the ability of each species to produce offspring; it is directly dependent on the number of individuals, especially females, of reproductive age.

2. List three characteristics population might have.

Characteristics of a population include natality, mortality, sex ratio, age distribution, growth rate, density, and spatial distribution.

3. Why do some population grow? What factors help to determine the rate of this growth? Populations have an inherent tendency to increase in size. Population growth is determined by the combined effects of birthrate and death rate. Other factors include emigration, immigration, sex ratio, and age distribution.

4. Under what conditions might a death phase occur.

A death phase occurs when there is a decline in population size. This occurs as the result of disease, increased predation, low food supply, toxins entering the ecosystem, or any other limiting factor.

5. List four factors that could determine the carrying capacity of an animal species.

Four factors determining carrying capacity are availability of raw materials, availability of energy, accumulation of waste products, and interactions among organisms.

6. how do the concepts of birthrate and population growth differ?

Birthrate is defined as the number of individuals born into a population, whereas population

growth is the result of birthrate and immigration minus death rate and emigration, or the total net increase in the population size.

7. How does the population growth curve of humans compare with that of bacteria on a petri dish? Population growth of bacteria growing in a petri dish begins with a lag phase, continues through an exponential growth, and then levels off due to an accumulation of toxic waste. Human population growth has a long lag phase followed by a sharply rising exponential growth phase that is still rapidly increasing.

8. How do r-strategists and K-strategists differ?

K-strategists are typically large, long-lived organisms that reach a stable carrying capacity. R-strategists are generally small, short-lived organisms that reproduce very quickly.

9. As the human population continues to increase, what might happen to other species?

As the human population increases it expands its domain and displaces other species from their habitat. Eventually, habitat becomes less available and the organisms become more rare. In order to feed the increased human population, there is over-harvesting of many species which leads to decreases and possibly extinction of the food species.

10. All successful organisms overproduce. What advantage does this provide for the species? What disadvantage may occur?

Overproduction is advantageous to ensure population density, dispersal, and colonization of a habitat. The disadvantage is high mortality due to environmental resistance factors. In the case of human overproduction, the physical environment and food animals can be over utilized.

Chap8 Human Population Issues P148

Answers To Review Questions

(See related pages) p 170

1.What is demography?

Demography is the study of human populations, their characteristics, and changes.

2.What is demographic transition? What is it based on?

Demographic transition is the hypothesis that economies proceed through a series of stages, resulting in stable populations and high economic development. The model is based on the historical, social, and economic development of Europe and North America.

3. What is a baby boom?

A baby boom is a significant increase in birthrate over a specific period of time.

4. What does age distribution of a population mean?

The age distribution of a population is the comparative percentages of different age groups within a population.

5. List 10 differences in standrad of living between North America and that of someone in a

less-developed country.

Differences in North America include: higher gross national product, higher individual income, lower infant mortality rate, higher age expectancy, lower birth rate, greater availability of food, higher consumption of energy, greater access to education, greater availability of jobs, and greater waste.

6. Why do people who live in overpopulated countries use plants as their main source of food? People who live in overpopulated countries use plants as their main source of food because they cannot afford the 90-percent energy loss that occurs when plants are fed to animals. The same amount of grain can support ten times more people at the herbivore level than at the carnivore level.

7.Although predicting the future is difficult, describe what you think your life will be like in 10 years. Why?

Factors influencing life in the future are energy availability, food availability, size of the world and national populations, and availability of resources.

8. List five changes you might anticipate if world population were to double in the next fifty years. If the world population were to double in the next fifty years, we would expect to see an increase in total energy consumption, travel and mobility restricted, recreational activities change, less food in third-world nations, a decrease in the standard of living, and a redistribution of wealth.

9. Which three areas of the world have the highest population growth rate? Which three areasof the world have the lowest standard of living?

Africa, Asia, and South America have the highest population growth rates and the lowest standard of living.

10 How many children per woman would lead to a stable Chinese population?

The Chinese population growth rate would stabilize if each woman had less than 2.1 children.

11. What role does the status of women play in determining population growth rate?

Women in poor countries are usually poorly educated, do not have disposable income, and depend on their husband's income. They are more likely to have children they do not want because they cannot afford or understand birth control and because they view children as workers and caregivers.

12. Describe three reasons why women in the less-developed world might desire more than two children.

Children are valued as workers and provide an income. Children provide for parents in their old age, and some cultures and eligions encourage large families.

Chap12 Human Impact on Resources&Ecosystems

Biodiversity Issues P246

Answers To Review Questions

(See related pages)

1. Name three ways humans directerly alter ecosystem.

We change ecosystems by replacing them with agricultural ecosystems, we alter species mixtures by introducing plants and animals, and we reduce populations by harvesting trees and animals for our use.

2. Why is the impact of humans is greater today than at any time in the past

The impact of humans is greater today because the population is greater than it has ever been, and our technology is more harmful to the environment.

3. Define pollution.

Pollution - Anything released into th e environment that affects an organism’s survival and reproduction.

4.Why is recycling is generally more energy efficient than mining new raw materials?

Recycling is generally more energy efficient than mining new raw materials because there are no costs for mining or refining new material, such as in the case of aluminum.

5.List three problems associated with forest exploitation.

Problems associated with forest exploitation are exposure of soil to increased erosion, loss of animal habitat and biodiversity, stream-bank erosion, stream siltation, increased water temperature, and a loss of scenery.

6.What is deserfication? What cause it?

Desertification is the process of converting arid and semiarid land to desert because of improper use by humans. It is caused by overgrazing, unsuccessful farming practices, and removal of vegetation for fuelwood.

7.What id extinction, and why does it occur?

Extinction is the death of a species or the elimination of all the individuals of a particular kind. Natural extinction can occur in areas where there is a low population density, a small habitat area, a specialized niche, and low reproductive rates. Human-accelerated extinctions occur wherever humans become the dominant organism.

8.give examples of ecosystem services.

Production of food and raw materials

Soil formation


Nutrient cycling and waste treatment

Water services

Climate regulation

Refuges for biodiversity

Disturbance regulation and erosion control

Genetic resources

Atmospheric gas balance

Pollination and pest control

9. list three actions that can be taken to prevent extinctions

Actions that can be taken to prevent extinctions include legislation to protect species that are in danger of becoming extinct, the preservation of the habitat required by the endangered species, and education of the local population about the need to protect endangered species.

Chap14 Soil and its uses P305

Answers To Review Questions, chapter14: soil and its uses

(See related pages, page 325 )

1. How are soil and land different?

Land is the part of the world not covered by the oceans, while soil is a mixture of minerals, organic material, living organisms, air, and water. Soil is a thin covering over the land.

2. Name the five major componens of soil.

The five major components of soil are mineral, organic material, living organisms, air, and water.

3. Describe the process of soil formation.

Soil is formed by the physical fragmentation and chemical changes in the parent material through a process known as mechanical and chemical weathering.

4. Name five physical and chemical processes that break parent material into smaller pieces. Physical processes include freeze and thaw, glaciers, wind, and moving water. Chemical weathering includes oxidation, hydrolysis, and the chemicals released during growth of lichens and the decomposition of dead and decaying material.

5. In adition to fertility, what other characteristic s determine the suefulness of soil?

Other characteristics that determine a soil's usefulness include the size of the particles, or texture, the way the soil clumps together, or structure, its moisture content, biotic content, and chemical composition.

6. How does soil particle size affect texture and drainage?

Soil composed of various-sized particles has spaces for both air and water and allows excess water to drain out. Soil composed of uniformly small particles has less space for air and water will not drain out. Soil with only large particles has a tendency to lose all of the water it receives. Since roots require air, water, and good drainage, the soil with the various-sized particles would be better able to support crops.

7. Describe soil profile.

A soil profile is a series of horizontal layers of different chemical composition, particle size, and amount of organic material.

8. Define erosion.

Erosion is the wearing away and transportation of soil by water or wind.

9. Describe three soil conservation practices that help to reduce soil erosion.

Soil conservation practices include contour farming, in which tilling is performed at right angles to the slope of the land; strip farming, in which strips of closely sown crops like wheat are alternated with strips of row crops like corn; and terracing, in which level areas are constructed at right angles to the slope to retain water.

10. Beside cropland, what are the other possible uses of soil?

Other uses of soil include grazing, wood production, wildlife production, and recreational purposes.

chapter 15: ariculture and pestcide management P329 Answers To Review Questions

(See related pages p348)

1. What is monoculture?

Monoculture is the practice of planting large tracts of land with the same crop year after year. It is an efficient method of producing food but requires mechanized farming and the use of agricultural chemicals

2. List three reasons why fossil fuels are essential for mechanized agriculture.

Fossil fuels are necessary in mechanized farming for tilling, planting, harvesting, and pumping irrigation water. Energy is also needed to manufacture fertilizers and pesticides.

3. Describe why pestsides are commonly used in mechanized agriculture.

Pesticides are commonly used in mechanized agriculture because planting the same crop repeatedly encourages the growth of insect and fungus pest populations that develop in response to the huge food supply at their disposal.

4. Why are fertilizers used? What problems are caused by fertilizer use?

Fertilizers are used in mechanized farming because the lack of crop rotation depletes certain essential soil nutrients. A problem associated with fertilizer use is increased nutrients in waterways which leads to increased aquatic plant growth.

5. How do persistent and nonpersistent pesticides differ?

Persistent pesticides are stable chemical compounds which are long-lasting in the environment. They can be applied once and be effective for a long time, but tend to accumulate in the soil and in nontarget organisms. Nonpersistent pesticides decompose to harmless products in a few hours or

days and do not accumulate in the environment. They are disadvantageous because they require more applications.

6. What is biomagnification? What problems does it cause?

Biomagnification is the phenomenon of acquiring increasing levels of a substance in the bodies of higher trophic-level organisms.

7. How do organic farms differ from conventional farms?

Organic farms produce crops without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They are willing to accept lower yields because they do not have to pay for fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farms also receive higher prices for products that are organically grown.

8. Name three nonchemical methods for controlling pest populations.

Nonchemical methods for controlling pests include the use of natural predators or parasites, the development of resistant crops, the use of natural pesticides, the modification of farming practices, and the use of sex attractants.

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of integrated pest management.

The advantage of integrated pest management is the decrease in the amount of pesticides used. The disadvantage is that farmers must make modifications to their farming technique.

10. List three uses of food additives.

Three uses of food additives include prolonging the storage life of food, making the food more attractive, and modifying its nutritive value.

11. List three actions farmers could take to reduce the effect of pestcides on the environment. Actions that farmers can use to reduce the effect of pesticides on the environment include the use of genetically modified crops, organic farming, and integrated pest management.

Chapter11 Nuclear Energy P220

Answers To Review Questions

(See related pages)

A nuclear power plant generates electricity when the nuclei of radioactive atoms disintegrate and release energy into surrounding water. This heated water is converted to steam which turns a turbine that generates electricity.

The steps in the uranium fuel cycle include uranium mining, milling to concentrate the ore, enrichment to increase the percent of U-235, fabrication which converts it to powder, and use in the reactor. The spent fuel is either reprocessed or undergo waste storage.

A rem, or roentgen equivalent man, is a measure of the biological damage to tissue caused by certain amounts of radiation. The effects of large doses are easily seen and quantified, however, the effects of low doses are more difficult to quantify.

A nuclear chain reaction occurs when the neutrons released from a splitting nucleus strike the nuclei of other atoms causing those atoms to split. This results in more neutrons being released which causes other atoms to split; thus causing a chain reaction.

Each of these issues makes it increasingly difficult to justify new nuclear power plants. The cost of construction, decommissioning, and clean-up are greater than initially anticipated thereby making the cost of the electricity generation much greater. In addition, the health hazards of working with U-235, its transportation, and waste storage far outweigh any benefit.

The accident at Chernobyl was the result of a nuclear reactor explosion and core meltdown that occurred in association with a steam-measuring test and several safety violations and mistakes. The immediate consequences were 31 deaths, 500 persons hospitalized, and 116,000 people evacuated. Delayed effects include an increase in thyroid cancer in exposed children and fetuses.

A boiling-water reactor is a type of light-water reactor that produces steam to directly power the turbine and produce electricity. It uses the most common isotope of hydrogen and water is used as a moderator and as a reactor-core coolant.

Plutonium-239 is produced when a fast-moving neutron hits a nonradioactive uranium-238 nucleus and is absorbed. The result is a new substance, P-239.

Plutonium-239 is considered dangerous because it is extremely radioactive and hazardous to human health. Also, because it can be made into nuclear weapons, it must be transported, processed, and produced under very close security.

The energy released during the combination of two lightweight atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus is known as nuclear fusion. Fusion is currently not being used as a source of energy because several technical difficulties prevent its commercial use. The main technical problem is containment of the nuclei since their positive charges cause them to repel each other.

The major environmental problems associated with nuclear power is the disposal of high-level radioactive waste, exposure to radioactivity during mining, processing, and transportation, and the threat of accidents.

The construction and de-emphasis of nuclear weapons causes the contamination of production sites and the surrounding lands, the contamination of test sites, and the problem of storing both new material and waste.

C9 Energy P170

Answers To Review Questions

Enery and civilization: patterns of consumption

(See related pages)

1. Why was the sun was able to provide all energy requirements before the Industrial Revolution The sun was able to provide all energy requirements before the Industrial Revolution because animals furnished transportation, farming, and food and wood was a source of fuel for heating and cooking, and provided building materials. The ultimate source of the energy in wood and animals is the sun.

A civilization requires energy for heating, cooking, transportation, and industry.

Nations that did not have a source of fossil fuel, specifically coal, did not participate in the Industrial Revolution.

The shift from wood to coal was caused by a decline in the local supplies of wood, mainly in Europe and North America. Also, coal has more energy per unit weight and was more easily transported.

World War II greatly increased the energy demand for manufacturing and transportation, resulting in the construction of federally financed oil pipelines from refineries in the southwest to factories in the east. After the war, the pipelines were sold to private companies which converted them for the transport of natural gas.

The government encourages the consumption of gas and oil by subsidizing transportation and storage facilities and by regulating prices.

Initially, 90 percent of the natural gas produced from oil wells was burned off as waste because there was little demand for the product and a lack of transportation and storage facilities.

The initial use of oil was to make kerosene or lamp oil. The automobile dramatically increased the demand.

Civilization uses energy for residential and commercial uses, transportation, and industry.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) controls over 75% of the world's oil reserves. They have the power to fix production and prices according to their economic and political needs. As the demand for foreign oil has decreased, OPEC nations have been unable to repay loans to western banks, thereby causing financial loss to the lending institutions which in turn "trickles down" through the economy.

The taxes paid on gasoline are low in the United States compared to other countries. Therefore, gasoline usage is higher in the United States. OPEC countries control much of the world’s oil and therefore, have the ability to determine oil prices. Political pressures have been brought to bear on OPEC to increase production when oil prices rise.

Economic downturns result in less energy use and prices fall.

C10 Energy Source P186

Answers To Review Questions Energy Source

(See related pages)

The energy sources most commonly used by industrialized nations are fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Energy for manufacturing, transportation, household and commercial electricity all use non-renewable fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources have remained less developed and only reflect 3% of the world’s commercially traded energy.

Reserves are known deposits from which materials can be extracted profitably with existing technology under present economic conditions. Resources are naturally-occurring substances of use to humans that can be extracted using current technology.

Surface mining can be more efficient than underground mining because it removes most of the coal in a vein and can be used profitably for a seam of coal as thin as half a meter. The disadvantage of surface mining is that it disrupts the landscape, and reclamation is expensive and often not successful.

Mining coal is more disruptive to the environment than drilling and extracting oil. Coal mining generates a great deal of dust causing local air pollution. Burning coal releases millions of metric tons of material, carbon dioxide, and acid deposition into the atmosphere. Environmental impacts of oil extraction and use include oil spills and air pollution.

Limiting factors in the development of hydroelectric sites include displacement of people and plant and animal species from the site, loss of farmland, destruction of the natural ecosystem, and a reduction of nutrient-rich silt deposition.

The cost, low energy output, and disruption of the normal estuary limit the development of tidal power. Power plant sites are limited to those sites with the greatest tidal change, such as narrow bays and estuaries which are near the poles.

Geothermal energy is available in areas where molten material from the Earth's core is near enough to the surface to heat underground water and form steam. The United States has about half of the world’s geothermal electrical generating capacity.

The sun heats the Earth's atmosphere and creates air currents that cause wind.

A passive solar system is a design that allows for the entrapment and transfer of heat from the sun to a building without the use of moving parts or machinery. An active system is one that traps sunlight energy as heat energy and uses mechanical means to move it to another location.

Problems with using solid waste include the need for sorting burnables from non-burnables, the need for a large and dependable supply, and the air pollution produced when it is burned.

Energy conservation techniques include the use of fluorescent bulbs, energy-efficient appliances, and low-emissive glass.

Answers to Review Questions

Chapter 403 water management


1. Describe the hydrologic cycle.

In the hydrologic cycle, the sun causes water to evaporate from surfaces and to transpire from plants. The water is then condensed in the upper atmosphere where it turns to precipitation that falls back to the surface. The precipitation either infiltrates in the soil, stored in underground reservoirs, or it runs-off to enter a river system.

2. Distinguish between withdraw and consumption of water.

Water withdrawal is the amount of water taken from a source. Water that is incorporated into a product or lost to the atmosphere is said to be consumed.

3. What are the similarities between domestic and industrial water use? How are they different from in-stream use?

Industry and municipalities use water to transport waste materials, and both need to maint--ain an adequate and suitable supply of water at all times. In-stream use does not consume water, nor does it add waste products to it.

4. How is land use related to water quality and quantity? Can you provide local examples?

Land use is directly related to water quality and quantity because some uses can withdrawal water, disrupt flow, and contribute to siltation, pollution, and salinization. Examples include the location of industry near a waterbody or the construction of a dam.

5. What is biochemical oxygen demand? How is it related to water quality?

Biological oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen required to decay a certain amount of organic matter. It is one way to determine how polluted a body of water is. If too much organic matter is added to the water, all of the available oxygen will be used up. Anaerobic bacteria begin to break down wastes that, in turn, produce chemicals that have a foul odor and taste.

6. How can the additional nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates result in reduction of the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water?

Additional nutrients act as fertilizer and increase the rate of growth of aquatic plants. As the organic matter decays, oxygen levels decrease through the process of decomposition.

7. Differentiate between point and non-point sources of water pollution.

Pollution that comes from a single effluent pipe or series of pipes is called point source pollution. Diffuse pollutants, such as agricultural runoff, road salt, and acid rain, are collectively called

non-point source pollution.

8. How are most industrial waste disposed of? How has this changed over the past 25 years? Most industries dispose of their waste through municipal sewage treatment systems. Nowadays, industries are no longer allowed to use water and return it to its source in poor condition. The water must be cleaned before it is returned to its source.

9. What is thermal pollution? How can it controlled?

Thermal pollution occurs when an industry removes water from a source, uses it for cooling purposes, and then returns the heated water to its source. Methods of controlling it include cooling ponds, cooling towers, and dry towers.

10. Describe primary, secondary, and tertiary sewage treatment.

Primary sewage treatment removes larger particles by filtering water through large screens, then settling it in ponds or lagoons. Secondary treatment follows primary treatment and involves holding the wastewater until bacteria have degraded the organic material. Tertiary treatment involves a variety of techniques to remove dissolved pollutants left after primary and secondary treatments.

11. What are the types of wastes associated with agriculture?

Agricultural waste includes animal manure, excess feed, and fertilizer and pesticide spillage.

12. Why is storm-water management more of a problem in an urban area than an rural area? Storm-water runoff from streets and buildings is often added directly to the sewer system and sent to the municipal wastewater treatment facility. In rural areas, storm-water runoff either infiltrates the soil or runs into river systems.

13. Define groundwater mining.

Groundwater mining means that water is removed from an aquifer faster than it is replaced.

14. How does irrigation increase salinity?

When irrigated plants extract the water they need, salts are left behind and cause the natural water to become more concentrated.

15. What are the three major water services provided by metropolitan area?

Metropolitan areas must provide a water supply for human and industrial needs, wastewater collection and treatment, and storm-water collection and management.

Answers to Review Questions

Chapter 17 air polltion


1. List the five primary air pollutants commonly released into the atmosphere and their sources. Primary air pollutants include carbon monoxide from the burning of organic materials, hydrocarbons from automobile exhaust, particulates from industrial plants, sulfur dioxide from electric generation facilities using high sulfur fuels, and oxides of nitrogen from internal combustion engine exhaust.

2. List the 6 criteria air pollutants and their primary sources.

The 6 criteria air pollutants and their primary sources are:

carbon monoxide—burning of fossil fuels (Automobiles are the primary source.);

nitrogen dioxide—secondary air pollutant formed from nitrogen monoxide released from automobiles;

sulfur dioxide—burning of sulfur-containing fossil fuels, primarily coal in power plants;

volatile organic compounds (hydrocarbons)—evaporation or incomplete burning of hydrocarbons, primarily automobiles;

ozone—a secondary air pollutant formed by the interaction of volatile organic carbons and nitrogen oxides released from cars;

lead—primary sources today are industrial processes (Formerly, leaded gasoline was a primary source.).

3. Define secondary air pollutants and give an example.

Secondary air pollutants are compounds that result from the interaction of various primary air pollutants. Photochemical smog forms when hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen are trapped by thermal inversion and react with ultraviolet light.

4. List health effects of air pollution.

Health effects of air pollution include bronchial inflammation, allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, and asthmatic problems.

5. Why is air pollution such a large problem in urban areas?

Increased pollution in industrialized urban areas is due to the large number of industrial plants, the large concentration of automobile traffic in these areas, and temperature inversions that cause large amounts of pollution to accumulate.

6. What is photochemical smog? What causes it?

Photochemical smog is a secondary pollutant caused by the interaction of nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and hydrocarbons with ultraviolet light. It is caused by exhaust from internal combustion engines and is intensified in valleys that produce temperature inversions.

7. Describe three actions that can be taken to control air pollution.

Air pollution can be controlled by building taller smokestacks, installing emission control devises in automobiles, and legislating to control or eliminate open burning.

8. What causes acid rain? List three probable detrimental consequences of acid rain.

Acid rain is the deposition of wet acidic solutions or dry acidic particles from air. Detrimental consequences include abnormal bone development in fish, damage to limestone structures and monuments, damage to metal surfaces, and death of many kinds of trees and other vegetation.

9. Why is carbon dioxide called a "greenhouse gas".

Although carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring substance, much larger quantities are put into the atmosphere as a waste product of energy production. This increased amount allows light and heat to pass through the atmosphere to the earth’s surface but hinders its radiation back into space.

10. What would the consequences be if the ozone layer surrounding the Earth were destroyed?

If the ozone layer was destroyed, more ultraviolet light w ould reach the earth’s surface, causing increased skin cancers and cataracts in humans and increased mutations in all organisms.

11. How does energy conservation influence air quality?

Since most air pollution results from the burning of fossil fuels, energy conservation would decrease the amount of fossil fuels burned and reduce the amounts of carbon monoxide, HC, sulfur dioxide, and other pollutants in the atmosphere.

Answers to Review Questions

Chapter 405 solid waste management and disposal


1. How is lifestyle related to our growing municipal solid waste problem?

The solid waste problems of today began with the post-World War II economic boom in which consumers were encouraged to buy and toss away products. Four decades of throwaway living has led to increased amounts of solid waste for which there are no methods of healthful disposal.

2. What four methods are incorporated under integrated waste management?

Integrated waste management includes landfill, incineration, source reduction, and recycling.

3. Describe some of the problems associated with modern landfills.

Modern landfills require very specific sites, massive construction, complex technology, constant monitoring, and a large investment of capital.

4. What are four concerns associated with incineration?

Concerns associated with incineration include foul odors, noxious gases, gritty smoke, and ash disposal.

5. Describe examples of source reduction.

Examples of source reduction include reduced amount of packaging, reduced packaging weight, product concentration, and municipal composting.

6. Describe the importance of recycling household solid wastes.

Every recycling or reduction effort from each of us could have the cumulative result of a significant reduction in municipal solid waste.

7. Name several strategies that would help to encourage the growth of recycling.

Recycling could be encouraged by legislating container laws, tax incentives, and the development of products manufactured from recycled materials.

8. Describe the various types of composting and the role of composting in solid waste management.

There are three common methods of large scale composting:

-Windrow systems involve placing compostable materials in long rows and periodically mechanically mixing the material.

-Aerated piles are large piles of compostable materials that have air pumped into them.

-Enclosed vessels involve controlled environments and mechanical methods of mixing the materials.

Composting is an important ingredient in solid waste management because it converts a waste into a useable product and prevents these wastes from taking up space in landfills.

9. Explain the problems associated with hazardous waste dump sites and how such sites developed.

Many hazardous waste sites are located in environmentally sensitive areas, such as floodplains or wetlands. When the sites became full or were abandoned, they frequently were left uncovered. The locations for these sites were selected more for convenience and expedience than environmental concern.

10. Distinguish between acute and chronic toxicity.

Acute toxicity is a serious effect, such as a burn, illness, or death, which occurs shortly after exposure to a hazardous substance. Chronic toxicity is a serious effect, such as an illness of death, which occurs after prolonged exposure to small doses of a toxic substance.

11. Give two reasons why regulating hazardous wastes is difficult.

Regulating hazardous substances is difficult because they affect the air, water, and soil and some can be hazardous in extremely low concentrations. In addition, definitions of hazardous and toxic wastes differ among countries, as do the concentrations of those wastes that are considered hazardous to human health.

12. In what ways do hazardous wastes contaminate the environment?

Hazardous wastes pollute the air, water, or soil simply by the way they are stored or contained.

13. Describe how hazardous wastes contaminate groundwater?

Industrial landfills, surface impoundments, and special facilities are all used to dispose of hazardous wastes. The toxins in such sites can leach into the soil and cause groundwater contamination.

14. Why is it often a problem to linking a particular chemical or other hazardous waste to a particular human health concerns?

The problem of linking a particular chemical or other hazardous waste to specific injuries or diseases is complicated by the lack of toxicity data on most hazardous substances. There is disagreement on how much of a hazardous substance may be harmful.

15. Describe five technologies for managing hazardous wastes.

Five technologies for managing hazardous wastes are thermal treatment, or incineration; neutralization, which mixes the toxins with a neutral element; immobilization, which converts it to

a solid form; waste separation, which separates components of the waste; and air stripping, which removes volatile chemicals from the waste.

16. What is meant by pollution prevention and waste minimization?

Pollution prevention is the process of preventing, entirely or partially, the pollution that would otherwise result from some production or consumption activity. Waste minimization is a process that reduces the amount of waste produced.

17. Describe the pollution prevention hierarchy.

The first step in the pollution prevention hierarchy is to reduce the amount of pollution at the source. Second is to recycle wastes wherever possible. Third is to treat wastes to reduce their hazard or volume. Fourth is to dispose of the waste on land or incinerate the waste as a last resort.


环境污染小结 现在人们日益关注的话题就是环保问题,越来越多极端天气的出现,向人类敲起警钟。而现在人们最关注的莫过于PM2.5。 PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物,也称为可入肺颗粒物。它的直径还不到人的头发丝粗细的1/20。虽然PM2.5只是地球大气成分中含量很少的组分,但它对空气质量和能见度等有重要的影响。与较粗的大气颗粒物相比,PM2.5粒径小,富含大量的有毒、有害物质且在大气中的停留时间长、输送距离远,因而对人体健康和大气环境质量的影响更大。对于环境科学来说,悬浮粒子特指空气中那些微细污染物,它们是空气污染的一个主要来源。当中小于10微米直径的悬浮粒子,被定义为可吸入悬浮粒子,它们能够聚积在肺部,危害人类健康。直径小于2.5微米的颗粒,对人体危害最大,因为它可以直接进入肺泡。科学家用PM2.5表示每立方米空气中这种颗粒的含量,这个值越高,就代表空气污染越严重。 发表于《美国医学会杂志》的一项研究表明,PM2.5会导致动脉斑块沉积,引发血管炎症和动脉粥样硬化,最终导致心脏病或其他心血管问题[3]。这项始于1982年的研究证实,当空气中PM2.5的浓度长期高于10 μg/m3,就会带来死亡风险的上升。浓度每增加10 μg/m3,总的死亡风险会上升4%,心肺疾病带来的死亡风险上升6%,肺癌带来的死亡风险上升8%。 气象专家和医学专家认为,由细颗粒物造成的灰霾天气对人体健康的危害甚至要比沙尘暴更大。粒径10微米以上的颗粒物,会被挡在人的鼻子外面;粒径在2.5微米至10微米之间的颗粒物,能够进入上呼吸道,但部分可通过痰液等排出体外,另外也会被鼻腔内部的绒毛阻挡,对人体健康危害相对较小;而粒径在2.5微米以下的细颗粒物,直径相当于人类头发的1/10大小,不易被阻挡。被吸入人体后会直接进入支气管,干扰肺部的气体交换,引发包括哮喘、支气管炎和心血管病等方面的疾病。这些颗粒还可以通过支气管和肺泡进入血液,其中的有害气体、重金属等溶解在血液中,对人体健康的伤害更大。一般而言,粒径2.5微米至10微米的粗颗粒物主要来自道路扬尘等;2.5微米以下的细颗粒物则主要来自化石燃料的燃烧(如机动车尾气、燃煤)、挥发性有机物等。 我国的环境问题主要表现在:污染物排放量还相当大,远远高于环境的自净力;工业污染治理任务仍相当繁重,有些经过治理的地方又出现反复,城镇生活污染比重明显增强;不少地区农业水质,土质污染问题日渐突出,有些地方的农副产品,出现有害残留物超标现象,影响人体健康和产品出口;部分地区水土流失,荒漠化仍在加剧,等等。从总体上看,我国生态环境恶化的趋势已初步得到遏制,部分地区有所改善,但目前我国环境形势仍然相当严峻,不容乐观。严峻的环境形势迫使我们必须做出选择:是持续发展还是自我毁灭?毫无疑问,我们应当刻不容缓地采取有效措施,防治环境污染与破坏。否则,日益恶化的环境将使我们在其他领域中所取得的一切成就黯然失色。因此,在推进现代化建设中,我们在保持国民经济持续较快增长的同时,必须把环境保护放在突出的位置。予以重视,我们应该认识到:保护和改善环境也是保护和发展生产力。 我们要即刻行动起来,保护环境刻不容缓。多种一棵树,不让荒漠化再加剧。少浪费一滴水,多节约一度电,举手之劳,保护环境,从我做起。 商日一班 史伟


第二章 1.大气的结构组成? 对流层,平流层,中间层,热成层,逸散层。 2.什么是大气污染,大气污染的来源有哪些? 大气污染是指大气中一些物质的含量达到有害程度,一致破坏人和生态系统的正常生存和发展,对人体,生态和材料造成危害的现象。 大气污染来源: 天然污染物:1.火山喷发2.森林火灾3.自然尘4.森林植物释放5.海浪飞沫 人为污染物:1.燃料燃烧2.工业生产过程排放3.交通运输过程排放4.农业活动排放 3.什么是大气污染物,主要的大气污染物有哪些? 大气污染物系指由于人类活动或自然过程排入大气的并对环境或人产生有害影响的那些物质。 主要的大气污染物:1.气溶胶状态污染物(总悬浮颗粒物(TSP),飘尘,降尘,可吸入粒子(IP) )2.硫氧化合物 3.氮的氧化物 4.碳的氧化物5.碳氢化合物6.有机化合物7.卤素化合物8.其它放射性物质和臭氧。 4.什么是光化学烟雾? 含有氮氧化合物和烃类的大气在阳光中紫外线的照射下发生反应的产物及反应物的混合物被称为光化学烟雾。 5.主要大气污染物的控制技术? 1.烟尘控制技术 2.二氧化硫净化技术 3.汽车尾气的催化净化 第三章 思考题: 1.什么叫水循环,其成因是什么?水循环包括哪几个阶段? 地球上的水,在太阳辐射能和地心引力的相互作用下,不断地从水面、陆面和植物表面蒸发,化为水汽升到高空,然后被气流带到其他地区,在适当的条件下凝结,又以降水的形式降落到地表形成径流。水的这种不断蒸发、输送、凝结、降落的往复循环过程,就叫做水循环。 水循环的成因:内因水的三态(气态、液态、固态)在常温常压条件下的相互转化 外因太阳辐射和地心引力 水循环包括阶段:蒸发,输送,凝结,降落,渗流,径流。 2.请用文字和公式的形式表达水量平衡的概念? 通过水的循环包括蒸发,降水,渗流,及径流,地球上的水不断循环往复在全球范围内蒸发与降水总量是平衡的。 +△w= 收入-支出 3.天然水的化学组成主要包括哪几类?天然水中的主要离子有哪些?什么叫溶解氧? 天然水的化学组成:1.溶解气体天然水中的溶解气体主要有氧、氮、二氧化碳、硫化氢、甲烷等。 2.主要离子:Cl-、SO42-、HCO3-、CO32-、Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、K+。 3.生物生成物质生源物质在水中以离子或胶体的形式存在,NH4+、NO3-、NO2- 、PO43-、HPO42-、H2PO4-。 4.胶体无机胶体物质主要是铁、铝和硅的化合物,有机胶体物质主要是植物或动物腐烂和分解而生成的腐殖物。5.微量元素 6.固体悬浮物质。 溶解氧:溶解在水中的氧称为溶解氧(DO) 4.试分析影响河水,湖水,地下水化学成分的因素。 河水:1.受河流集水面积内被侵蚀的岩石性质影响,2.受河流的流动过程中补给水源成分影响。3.受流域面积地区的气候条件的影响。4.受生物活动影响。 5.什么叫水体污染?什么叫水体的自净化能力,其自净化机制是什么? 水体污染:当污染物进入河流、湖泊、海洋或地下水等水体后,其含量超过了水体的自然净化能力,使水体水质和水体底质的物理、化学性质或生物群落组成发生变化,从而降低了水体的使用价值和使用功能的现象,被称作为水体污染。 水体的自净化能力:广义定义指受污染的水体经物理、化学与生物作用,使污染的浓度降低,并恢复到污染前的水平;狭义定义是指水体中的氧化物分解有机污染物而使水体得以净化的过程。 净化机制:物理净化(物理过程)是指污染物质由于稀释、扩散、沉淀和混合等作用,而使污染物质在水体中浓度降低的过程。


名词解释 1. 环境问题の概念 广义:由自然力或人力引起生态平衡破坏,最后直接或间接影响人类の生存和发展の一切客观存在の问题。 狭义:由于人类の生产和生活活动,使自然生态系统失去平衡,反过来影响人类生存和发展の一切问题。2. 大气恒定组分:在地球表面上任何地方(约90 km以下の低层大气)其组成几乎是可以看成不变の成分。主要由氮(78.09%)、氧(20.94%)、氩(0.93%)组成,这三者共占大气总体积の99.96%。此外,还有氖、氦、氪、氙、氡等少量の稀有气体。 3.大气污染:大气中一些物质の含量超过正常本底含量,以至破坏人和生态系统の正常生存和发展,对人、生态和材料造成危害の现象。 4.TSP:总悬浮颗粒物,悬浮于空中,粒径为0.02~100μmの颗粒物。 5.PM2.5:可入肺颗粒物,悬浮于空中,粒径小于等于2.5μmの颗粒物。6.干洁空气:自然大气(不包括不定组分)中除去水汽、液体和固体杂质外の整个混合气体,即大气组成中の恒定组分和可变组分中の二氧化碳和臭氧,简称干空气 7.光化学反应:一个原子、分子、自由基或离子吸收一个光子引起の反应。 8. 水体:地表水圈の重要组成部分,指の是以相对稳定の陆地为边界の天然水域,包括有一定流速の沟渠、江河和相对静止の塘堰、水库、湖泊、沼泽,以及受潮汐影响の三角洲与海洋。 9.水体污染:污染物进入水体中,其含量超过水体の自然净化能力,使水质变坏,水の用途受到影响。

10.水体富营养化:通常是指湖泊、水库和海湾等封闭性或半封闭性水体,由于生物营养元素の增加,促进藻类等浮游生物の异常增殖,使水质恶化の现象,是一种生态异常现象。这种现象在江河、湖泊中称为“水华”,在海洋上称为“赤潮”。 11.生物化学需氧量(BOD) 定义:在好氧条件下,水中有机物由好氧微生物进行生物氧化,一定时间内单位体积水中有机污染物所消耗の氧量,测定结果以氧含量表示,单位为mg/L。 12.化学需氧量(COD) 定义:在一定条件下,由强氧化剂(重铬酸钾)对水中有机物进行氧化,1升水样中还原性物质所消耗の氧化剂量换算成氧气量即为化学需氧量,测定结果以氧含量表示,单位为mg/L。 13.氧垂曲线:水体受到污染后,水体中の溶解氧逐渐被消耗,到临界点后又逐步回升の变化过程。 14.环境背景值:环境中诸要素,如大气、水体、土壤以及植物、动物和人体组织等在正常情况下,化学元素の含量及其赋存形态。 15.土壤净化:土壤本身通过吸附、分解、迁移、转化,而使土壤中污染物の浓度降低或消失の过程。 16.潜性酸度:指土壤中交换性氢离子、铝离子、羟基铝离子被交换进入溶液后引起の酸度,以100g烘干土中H+の摩尔数表示,包括交换酸和水解酸。 17.土壤污染:污染物进入土壤并在土壤中不断累积,当其达到一定数量


评审中心个人工作总结 回顾全年,认真总结,自己收获很多,下面为我这一年来的工作总结,具体总结如下: 一、做好政府投资项目的施工图预算、严把工程预算关。 我始终以公平、公正、合理为审核原则; 保持虚心谨慎,认真务实的工作态度,并且在工作中强化自己的财政资金安全意识,强化评审工作安全意识,强化责任意识,规避评审风险,以确保审核结果的合理、客观、公正,同时保证财政资金不遭受到不必要的损失。 2020年本人配合其它专业完成招标控制价、工程结算审核工作23项。项目涵盖负责建筑安装(给排水、暖通、燃气、电气、通讯等)等项目预、(结)决算的评审及管理工作。本人配合其它专业送审项目总金额约10784.9万元,审定金额约9394.57万元,审减金额约1390.33万元,总审减率约12.89%。通过认真努力的工作有效的节约了财政资金。 在项目评审过程中也遇到的许多疑难问题,我积极向经验丰富的老同志、专家请教,并得到他们的热心支持和帮助。在这里我要向他们表示衷心的感谢。 二、强化业务学习,不断提高自身综合素质 工程评审工作是学无止境,无论施工工艺还是千变万化的工程材料,或是工作中出现的这样或那样的问题,对于我来说都是磨砺机会,但在领导和同事的帮助下我也得到了不少的解决方法,这些机会对我来说都是实际而有效的。

投资评审工作对专业技术要求比较高,涵盖的范围广,经常涉及的专业包括建筑、安装、市政、园林绿化等工程领域。这就要求评审人员不断学习各种专业知识。在专家和前辈的帮助下,我对专业知识有了更深入的了解,更加丰富和加强了业务能力水平。由于工作的需要,我对市政定额和奔腾软件、永进软件等进行了自学并掌握了其基本使用方法,这也使我的工作面得到了扩展。而且单位领导给予我们良好的学习环境,多次安排广联达公司培训,大大强化了我的业务知识,有利于更好地完成领导交办的各项工作任务。 三、坚持评审原则,廉洁自律 在工作中,我时刻牢记自己的职责,坚持实事求是的原则,努力做好本职工作。在思想上,始终本着以科学发展观为主导; 以创先争优为目标; 以“科学理财,事争一流”为工作理念; 以打造发展财政、公共财政、动态平衡财政为目标; 以廉洁自律为原则; 以不让领导布置的工作在自己这里延误,不让财政局形象在自己这里受到影响,不让各种纰漏和差错在自己这里发生为标准,为强化财政能力和提高财政资金使用率贡献自己微薄的力量。 四、下一年对自己的要求和期望 人不学习即退步,展望2021,工作即将面临更大的挑战,任重道远,我必将加强理论学习,进一步提高自身素质,努力提高工作质量和效率,积极配合领导同事们,做好本职工作,不辜负领导对我的信任,更好的做好评审工作。


环境艺术设计教研室工作总结 2011—2014学年第2学期 本学期,环境艺术设计教研室根据自己的专业特点,以提高教师的教学教研水平为宗旨,以提高课堂教学的实效性为目的,制定了教研室工作计划。在系领导的带领下,教研室各成员统力协作,笃实勤勉,形成浓郁的探究研讨求知氛围,开展了许多卓有成效的工作,完成了人才培养模式改革与创新、核心课程改革与建设、实践教学、专业教学团队、教育思想转变与教学管理、人才培养质量、专业特色与创新、教材更新等多项重点工作,详情如下: 一、深化有效教学,大力推行教学行动研究。 本学期学校教研室引导教师着眼于改进教学行动、提高课堂教学有效性,继续大力推行行动研究,引导教师以研究学生发展为中心,努力改进教学实践手段。 (1)组织教师认真学习教育教学理论。 为了能够胜任新形势下专业改革及教学工作,认真参与学习副院长主持召开的教学系统期初、期中、期末工作会议,会议围绕国家高等职业教育发展规划(2010-2015)及教育部关于推进高等职业教育改革与发展的整体思路,部署了新学年工作重点、教学运行中存在问题及整改措施,以及2013年学院迎评工作重点准备工作。在实际工

作中认真贯彻执行。 (2)提倡教师自主学习。结合自己教育教学实践,提倡教师自主学习。通过借阅学院图书馆专业书籍等方式,让教师边学习、边实践、边反思、边总结,把教育科研知识的普及、应用贯穿于整个教育教学过程的始终。 (3)开展有效课堂交流研究,倡导教师相互听课,积极进行教学反思。为了进一步推动有效课堂交流的开展,通过课堂交流改变教师的教学理念与行为,促进有效课堂的形成。教科室组织开展“听说课、自说课、评说课”、相互听课等活动。在提高教学思想水平和教学实效手段等方面都取得了较好的效果,更主要的是老师们通过课堂观察,加强了自我反思,反思自己的课堂,不断改进自己的教学行为,努力提高自己的课堂效益。 二、积极参加社会实践,优化课程体系,加强师资队伍建设,推进校企合作。 总体思路:积极参加社会实践,整合课程结构,调整教材,提升素质,推进校企合作 1. 积极参加社会实践,推进校企合作 系部下乡期间在**县开展了一系列的社会服务,受到了当地各界的欢迎和好评。目前系部正在主持设计村居民公园项目。该村交通便


环境科学导论重点整理 第一章绪论 1、环境的基本概念 环境科学中,环境(,)是指以人类为主体的外部世界,主要是地球表面与人类发生相互作用的自然要素及其总体,包括自然环境和社会环境。 2、环境问题及其与社会经济发展的关系 3、八大公害事件及其主要污染物 ①马斯河谷烟雾事件:硫氧化物—2和3烟雾的混合物,空气中的金属氧化颗粒 2、3金属元素即硫酸盐类气溶胶 ③伦敦烟雾事件:2在金属颗粒物催化作用下生成3及硫酸和硫酸盐气溶胶 ④洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件:及碳氢化合物在紫外线作用下的二次污染

⑤水俣事件:甲基汞 ⑥富山事件(骨痛病):镉 ⑦四日哮喘事件:2、煤尘重金属粉尘 ⑧米糠油事件:多氯联苯 4、全球性三大污染问题:全球变暖、酸雨沉降、臭氧层空洞 第三章大气环境 1、大气的结构:对流层、平流层、中间层、热成层(暖层、电离层)、逸散层 2、大气的组成:大气是一个由多种气体组成的混合物,由干洁空气、水汽和杂质三部分组成。根据组成的稳定性可以分为恒定的、可变的和不定的三种组分。 恒定组分:氮78.09%、氧20.95%、氩0.93%; 可变的组分:二氧化碳含量为0.02~0.04%,水蒸气含量为

0-4%以下 不定组分:尘埃、硫、硫化氢、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、盐类及恶臭气体 3、大气各成分的作用 4、环境本底值——环境要素在未受污染情况下化学元素的正常含量,以及环境中能量分布的正常值。 大气环境本底值——未受人类影响下的大气中各组成成分的含量。 5、大气污染——指由于人类活动或自然过程使大气中一些物质的含量达到有害的程度(一般指有害物质,如2、、、O3、飘尘等超过国家质量标准),以至破坏人和生态系统的正常生存和发展,对人体、生态和材料造成危害的现象。 6、大气污染源:向大气环境排放有害物质或对大气环境产生有害影响的场所、设备和装置。包括天然污染源和人为污染源。


《环境科学导论》试题(50%) 一、填空(每空格1分,共20分) 1、环境科学的主体是人,客体是与之相对的是围绕着人的生存环境,包括自然界的大气圈、水圈、土壤----岩石圈和生物圈。 2、典型的大气污染类型有煤烟型污染、石油型污染、混合型污染。 3、物理污染的主要类型有噪音、振动、热、光辐射、放射性。 4、人类面临的五大环境问题有人口剧增、环境污染、生物多样性减少、能源短缺、自然灾害。 5、1972年,联合国人类环境会议在斯德哥尔摩举行,通过了《人类环境宣言》及《行动计划》,此外通过了将世界环境日定为6月5号的建议。 6、大约90%以上的酸雨是由于人类排放的 H2SO4 和 HNO3 生成的,中国的酸雨以 H2SO4 占优势。 7、环境学中的景观概念是指:景观是一个由不同土地单元镶嵌组成,具有明显视觉特征的地理实体,它处于之上,之下的中间尺度。 8、土壤污染的类型主要有石油污染、__重金属污染______ 、放射性物质污染和持久性有机污染物污染等。 9、环境科学研究的环境,分为和,既包括了自然因素,也包括了和因素。 10、生物安全问题主要包括和问题。 三、名词解释(每题3分,共21分) 1、土壤环境容量在一定区域一定期限内不使环境污染,保证植物正常生长时土壤可能容纳污染物的最大负荷量 2、COD 化学需氧量COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand)是以化学方法测量水样中需要被氧化的还原性物质的量 4、TOC 总有机碳 5、TOD 总需氧量

11、光化学烟雾人们把参与光化学反应的一次污染物和二次污染物的混合物(气体和颗粒物)所形成的烟雾污染现象称为光化学烟雾 12、酸沉降 四、问答题(共35分) 1、大气中人为来源的污染物有哪些?请简要论述这些污染物的来源、产生的环境问题及其治理和控制手段(12分) 2、土壤环境问题有哪些?其中主要污染物有哪些?试举例说明(6分)。 3、大气中某气体的浓度单位ppm为何意?CO2的含量一般为325ppm,请将该浓度换算成标准状况下的mg/m3。已知标况下T为0℃,压强为101325Pa(5分)。 4、监测水质好坏的指标有哪三大类?举例说明并简要说明各类中包含的具体内容(6分)。 5、水体污染物主要有哪三大类?各类分别包含哪些污染物?举例说明(6分)。 2、天然水体中的主要成分有哪几类?举例说明(6分)。 3、大气中某气体的浓度单位ppm为何意?CH4的含量一般为2ppm,请将该浓度换算成标准状况下的mg/m3。已知标况下T为0℃,压强为101325Pa(5分)。 二、选择题(每小题选出一个最合适的答案,每题1.5分,共15分) 1、下列选项中属于不可再生能源的是 ( D ) A、太阳能 B、风 能 C、地热 能 D、核能 2、以下何种气体不属于温室气体( D )


财政投资评审中心工作总结评审工作经验交换发言提纲 1、机构建设情况: 我区财政投资评审中心于2007年5月正式成立,为财政局下属全额拨款事业单位,核定事业编制3人。现有人员2名,其中主任1名,工作人员1名。 2、评审的内容及范围: 目前评审中心根据青府发[2007]9号文《关于加强政府投资工程预算审查的通知》展开了招标控制价(含工程量清单)的评审工作,凡是投资额在1万元以上的项目均纳入了评审范围;根据青府发[2007]49号文《关于加强政府投资项目工程预算审查工作的补充规定的通知》展开了设计变更的评审工作,评审的范围为工程单次或单项变更造价占合中标同价5%以上或金额30万元以上的变更。 3、评审流程: 1、招标控制价评审工作流程:①评审中心根据立项报告或政府领导指示(<20万元项目)接件审查送审资料;②组织中介机构查看工程现场;③中介机构独立对工程量价费进行独立评审;④召开审查见面会,审查中介与预算编制中介单位进行核对;⑤初审结果提交评审中心进行复核;⑥复核无误后由审查中介出据审查报告和工程量清单;⑦评审中心根据审查报告下达招标控制价通知,建设单位根据招标控制价和工程量清单组织招标。 2、设计变更评审工作流程:①建设单位提出变更项目,发改、财政、审计、监察现场会签确认;②建设单位将变更方案报区政府审批;③政府同意后建设单位将变更增加预算报评审中心审查;④评审中心组织中介查看现场;⑤中介机构独立展开评审工作;

⑥交换设计变更评审意见;⑦评审中心下达增加预算审查通知。 4、介绍1下我区评审几点具体做法,供大家鉴戒和参考 1、向建设单位提供了由财政局下达的招标控制价通知两份、招标控制价审查报告两份、工程量清单1份。为避免建设单位篡改工程量清单,我们出据的工程量清单除有资质审查中介在预算控制价处鉴章外,还对工程量清单加盖了骑缝章,同时将每一个项目的工程量清单提供给审计局,竣工审计时可检查招标工程量清单是不是有改动,从而保证招标控制价与工程量清单的1致性。 2、为分摊材料价格风险,我们在工程量清单编制中1是根据项目的具体情况将影响投资较大的、价格波动较大、有信息价的几项主要材料设置为可调材料,调差的风险幅度值为5%,具体调差办法按成建价发[2008]2号文履行。2是将1些造价信息上找不到的大宗安装、装潢材料设置为暂估价,在施工材料采购前由建设、施工、监理3方进行认质认价。 3、加强评审工作底稿、规范评审档案。中心建立了工程造价资料库系统,对每一个评审项目实行连续编号,实行纸质文档和电子文档同时存档,并要求事务所将将项目的工作计算底稿电子文档归集评审中心存档,实现了项目的有序化管理;同时对1些有代表性的工程项目的工程结构特点、主要材料消耗指标和具体经济指标等进行了分析、整理,从而在项目评审时迅速找到评审的重点 5、通报1下2007年、2008年项目评审的情况 1、2007全年共审结项目373个,送审金额13.6亿元,审定金额12.4亿元,审减金额1.2亿元,平均审减率为8.88%。 2、2008全年共审结项目405个,送审金额26.5亿元,审


政府生态环境建设工作总结优秀范文 政府生态环境建设工作总结优秀范文 今年,在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在相关市直部门的大力支持下,我区深入贯彻落实科学发展观,把生态文明建设放在突出位置,以产业转型升级为中心,以产业、活力、生态、幸福“四城”一体为目标,全力推进生态区建设工作,一年来,我区转型升级全面推进、环境治理成效凸显,城市功能不断提升、社会民生持续改善,城市面貌大力改善,我区获得多项生态环保荣誉,生态区建设工作得到充分肯定,宜居、宜业、低碳的生态龙岗初具规模。 一、工作回顾 (一)推动产业转型升级 今年,我区坚持“高端集聚、高端引领,创新驱动、创新发展”的方针,以构建现代产业体系为目标,全面统筹一二三产业转型发展,较好的完成了各项工作任务。加快清理淘汰低端加工、安全隐患严重、重污染等低端企业。新能源产业、新材料产业规模进一步扩大。企业自主创新能力进一步提升。企业科技竞争力不断增强,获市级以上科技进步奖12项,其中国家科技进步奖3项(含一等奖1项、二等奖2项)。产业载体建设全面提速。新能源产业基地建设顺利推进,深圳新能源产业基地已编制《总体建设方案》,并实施三年行动纲要,进驻项目建设进展良好。浩宁达、康拓普等4个拟入驻新能源项目已通过考察,积极推动国家超材料产业基地和光启尖端技术产业园落户阿波罗工业区。国际低碳城加快航天员训练中心、中美

低碳建筑与社区创新实验中心等重大项目落地;借助市投资推广署平台,签署了《深圳国际低碳城招商引资工作框架性合作协议》,以创新的“3+1+n”招商引资模式来共同推进低碳城的招商引资工作。成功举办首届国际低碳城论坛,大力推动国际低碳城建设。牵头与市发改委共同构建起政府主导、市场运作、多元参与的市区共建格局和项目建设机制;以目标倒逼责任,以时间倒逼进度,按时保质完成了低碳城会展中心、丁山河生态整治等7个低碳城论坛项目建设,创造了令人惊叹的“低碳城”速度,确保首届深圳国际低碳城论坛取得圆满成功。 (二)抓生态创建,促生态龙岗建设 一是积极创建国家生态区。区委区政府高度重视,全面启动国家生态区创建工作,制定《XX区创建国家生态建设示范区工作方案》,提出改善生态环境薄弱环节、提升生态环境质量、打造龙岗特色生态品牌3类50项创建任务,通过加强督办推进落实;主动加强龙岗、坪山、大鹏3区同步创建工作的协调;聘请中国工程院院士、全国人大环境与资源保护委员会副主任委员孟伟为我区生态文明建设顾问。与中国环境科学院合作开展的《XX市XX区生态区建设规划》修编和评估,已通过省环保厅委托市人居环境委组织的专家评审。加快编制申报资料,完成580余项申报资料的收集。 二是加强生态文明制度建设。制定《XX区生态文明建设考核制度(试行)》和生态文明建设考核实施方案,从保护生态环境、促进资源节约、优化生态空间等方面入手开展多项工作。成立环保实绩考核(后调整为生态文明建设考核)督查办,就高污染企业淘汰、治污保洁、污染减排、黄标


《环境科学概论》题库 一、名词解释 (1)生物多样性:生物多样性是指地球上所有生物(包括植物、动物、微生物、真菌、病毒等)及其所构成的综合体。包括了三个层次:物种多样性,遗传多样性和生态系统多样性。 (2)生态破坏:外界的压力和冲力超过生态系统的阀值(自我调节能力的极一次污染物限值)导致生态系统的结构和功能失调,从而威胁到人类的生存和发展。 (3)人口容量:是在不损害生物圈或者不耗尽可合理利用的不可更新的资源条件下,世界资源在长期稳定状态基础上能供应的人口数量的多少。 (4)自然保护区:是指对有代表性的自然系统、珍惜濒危野生动植物物种的天然集中分布区、有特殊意义的自然遗迹保护对象所在的陆地、陆地水体或海域,依法划出一定面积予以特殊保护和管理的区域。 (5)环境污染:是指有害物质或因子进入环境,使环境系统的结构和功能发生变化,以及由此衍生的各种环境效应(如温室效应、酸雨和臭氧层破坏等),从而对人类和生物的生存与发展产生不利影响的现象。 (6)大气污染:是指大气污染物达到了一定的浓度,并持续足够长的时间,以致对公众健康、动植物、大气特性以及环境美学因素等产生可以测量的影响。 (7)PM10:是指粒径小于十微米的大气悬浮物的总称。 (8)光化学烟雾;大气中的碳氢化合物和NOX等一次污染物,在阳光作用下发生光化学反应,生成臭氧、醛类、酮类、过氧乙酰硝酸酯(PAN)等二次污染物。这类光化学反应的反应物(一次污染物)和生成物(二次污染物)形成的特殊混合物,即称为光化学烟雾。 (9)水体污染:污染物进入河流、海洋、湖泊或地下水等水体后,使其水质和沉积物的物理、化学性质或生物群落组成发生变化,从而降低了水体的使用价值和使用功能,并达到了影响人类的正常生产、生活以及影响生态系统平衡的现象。 (10)生物化学需氧量(BOD):在人工控制条件下,使水样中的有机物在微生物作用下进行生物氧化,在一定时间内所消耗的溶解氧的数量,可以间接的反应出有机物的含量,以每升水消耗氧的毫升数表示(mg/L) (11)化学需氧量(COD):指化学氧化剂氧化水中有机污染物时所需的氧量,以每升水消耗的氧的毫克数表示(mg/L),常用的氧化剂有高锰酸钾(KMnO4)和重铬酸钾(K2Cr2O7). (12)生物富集/生物浓缩/生物放大:生物有机体从周围环境中吸收某种元素或稳定不易分解的化合物,在体内积累,使生物体内该元素(或化合物)的浓度超过了环境中


职称评审工作总结(一) 本人自20**年12月任中学二级教师以来,一直从事语文教学及班主任工作,同时担任语文组长及校刊主编。几年来,我尽职尽责完成本职工作,成绩虽小,感慨良多。下面我就对自己这几年来的工作作一番简单的回顾与总结。 一、职业道德方面 我积极参加政治学习,遵纪守法,全面贯彻党的教育方针,忠诚人民的教育事业,有良好的师德风范和教师素养。深知教书育人,为人师表,要有强烈的敬业和奉献精神。我认真履行岗位职责,在工作中,具有高度的责任心和严谨的工作作风,热爱、关心全体学生,对学生的教育能够动之以情,晓之以理,帮助学生树立正确的人生观、科学的世界观。工作积极主动,勇挑重担,顾全大局,始终坚持战斗在教学第一线。任现职以来,一直坚持出全勤。每天坚持早到晚归,严格按照学校的要求做好各项工作,甘于奉献,从不计较个人得失,绝对做到个人利益服从集体利益。在学生和教师心目中,具有较好的教师形象。在镇第一届“感受教育魅力教师”演讲比赛活动中,荣获教师组二等奖。 二,教育教学能力及成绩 1、任职以来,我要求自己不断增强业务素养,深入钻研教材,认真进行教学研究,坚持趣味性、启发性、探究性的教学方法。教学中,我坚决贯彻因材施教的原则,始终把学生的“学”放在教学的核心位置上。始终以一丝不苟的工作态度,切实落实教学工作中的各个环节,特别是备、辅、考三个环节,花了不少功夫,进行了深入研究与探讨;备——备教材、备学生、备重点、备难点、备课堂教学中的各种突发因素;辅——辅优生、辅差生、重点辅“边缘”学生;考——不超纲、

不离本、考题灵活、开发思维、迅速反馈、及时补漏。在教学内容和目标的实施上,严格按照教学大纲的要求和新课改的精神,对学生不强求“齐头并进”,而是正视事实,追求“个性差异发展”。 在教学方法的设计上,我针对初中学生的特点,突出落实激发学生的主体意识,激发学生的求知欲望,培养学生自主学习能力。每一节课都要设计学生参与的问题,来引导和训练学生学习。在激发学生兴趣方面,我能够利用电脑网络及现代教学手段开展形式多样课堂活动,将教学内容融于活动中,寓教于乐。在轻松之中锻炼了学生运用语文的能力,营造良好的语文学习氛围,起了很好的导向作用。在20**年市少年读书系列活动中,荣获“奥运畅想”主题征文初中组指导教师二等奖。 在长期的初中语文教学中,我积累了丰富的教学经验,形成了自己的特色,在20**年获市镇中学语文优质课评比赛三等奖。20**年在镇初中语文科说、作、评评优活动中获说、作课二等奖。 2、积极进行教学研究,作为语文教研组长,我不仅带领本组教师积极开展教研活动,我自己还不断对教育教学进行总结提高,并写成论文。任现职以来,我的论文《关于如何上好初中语文活动课的探索》在20**年市教育教学论文被评为二等奖,《如何使用电教手段优化语文课堂教学》在“市中小学信息技术与学科整合优秀论文”评选活动中荣获二等奖。 3、作为学校教研组长,我坚持在教学的第一线,亲身接触教师、教材、学生,充分对我校的教学情况进行调研,并主持进行了全校的教研活动,如:“牵手交流活动”“助教活动”“教研月活动”等教研活动,广泛的发动了我校的教师教学研究的热情,促进了我校的教育教学质量的提高。


世界环保日活动总结 20xx年x月x日是第43个世界环境日,为了配合市环境宣传周 活动,进一步落实科学发展观,大力普及生态文明理念,引导公众 关注污染防治,提升公众环境保护意识和共同参与意识,汊河镇中 心学校结合本校实际情况,认真开展一系列活动,让宣传周活动落 到实处。具体工作总结如下: 一、领导重视,分工到人。 在接到上级文件时,学校首先召开领导班子会议,研究部署此项活动的具体措施。确定王道文校长为此项活动的负责人,王国泉副 校长为活动的具体实施者,各班主任为活动的落实人。对此项活动 的开展,学校不仅在全体教师会上做教师的动员报告,还在周一的 升旗仪式上,由王国泉副校长做《天天都是环境日》的国旗下讲话,在全校掀起一个人人讲环保,个个做表率的热潮,为活动的开展开 了个好头。 二、重视宣传,营造气氛。 为了让环保理念深入人心,汊河镇中心学校在宣传工作上下大力气。学校在宣传周活动过程中,不仅用显示屏上把“向污染宣战, 让滁州的天更蓝”、“人人参与,创造绿色家园”、“环境你我他,环保靠大家”等标语用滚动的字幕展现出来,还在橱窗,班级黑板 报上进行环境方面的宣传。在环境宣传周活动过程中,走进校园,“环保”的意识无处不在。 三、开展多种形式的活动,做到让学生人人参与。 为了把活动落实到位,为此学校开展了一系列的活动。各班利用班队会的机会开展了一次以“六·五”世界环境日为主题的班队会。会上,教师不仅讲解有关环保的一些知识,还组织学生进行激烈地 讨论。学校分批组织学生收看一次有关“环保”的影片,让每一位

学生认识到环保的重要性。进行了一次环保的知识竞赛,评选出一 批“汊河镇环保小卫士”等等。 四、家校结合,让环保意识深入人心。 学校通过《致家长的一封信》形式,向学生及家长宣传环保的重要性,提升他们的环保意识。《致家长的一封信》不仅向学生家长 宣传焚烧秸秆有违国家法律,还给环境造成了巨大的污染,影响了 人们群众是生活。要求家长积极响应政府号召,自觉保护环境。在 这项活动中,学生家长纷纷在《致家长的一封信》上签字,认为这 项活动利国利民,都自觉遵守有关规定,努力做一个环保的积极分子。也希望国家大力宣传环保的重要性,让百姓共同拥有一片蓝天! 以上是我校在这次活动中的一点所作所为,尽管我们认真对待,做出了许多事情,但“环保”工作任重道远。也许我们做得还不够,但我们将继续努力,把今后的工作做得更好,把家乡打造成一个山 清水秀、空气清晰的美丽家园! 六月x日是第39个世界环境日,今年我国纪念宣传活动的主题 为“低碳减排、绿色生活”,我校根据市教育局的活动要求,以传 播低碳绿色理念、倡导低碳生活,动员全民参与低碳减排。把环境 教育融入到学生的人格教育之中,对学生进行“绿色教育”。为了 增强师生的环境意识,促进爱护环境的自觉行为,营造人人讲环境 保护的良好氛围,我校开展了主题为“低碳减排、绿色生活”环保 宣传系列教育活动。现将活动总结如下: 一、加强组织管理,增强环保意识。 学校领导十分重视环境教育工作,把环境教育作为学校可持续发展的重要组成部分,作为学校精神文明建设的重要内容,为保证教 育的实效,我校成立了由校长任组长的环境教育领导小组,统筹安 排学校环境教育工作。重视资料建设,对平时重大的活动都能拍照 录像,积累文字资料。重视阵地建设,学校有宣传橱窗,各班有宣 传板报,结合活动宣传内容,营造了浓郁的宣传气氛。 二、开展环境保护活动,注重教育效果。


第一章绪论 第一节环境及其组成 一、环境 是指与中心事物有关的周围客观事物的总和。 环境科学所研究的环境: 是以人类为主体,与人类密切相关的外部世界,即是人类生存、繁衍所必需的、相适应的环境。 环境问题:环境问题是指由于自然界或人类的活动,使环境质量下降或 生态系统失调,对人类的社会经济发展、健康和生命产生有害影响的现象。

环境问题分类: 环境污染、生态破坏、环境干扰 (1)环境污染是由于人类活动所引起的环境质量下降而有害于人类(8大公害中有几个对人体健康产生了有害影响?)及其他生物的生存和发展(如水体污染导致农作物死亡)的现象。 (2)生态破坏是由于人类对自然资源的不合理开发利用而引起的生态系统破坏,造成了生态系统功能失调,生物的多样性和生产量下降。 (3)环境干扰是人类活动所排出的能量进入环境,达到一定的程度,产生对人类不良影响的现象。 环境本底值 是指在不受污染的情况下,处于原有状态时,环境中的水、大气、土壤、生物等环境要素在自然界存在和发展过程中,其本身具有的基本化学组成和能量分布状况 环境容量 是指人群健康和自然生态不致受危害的前提下,自然环境或其中的某一要素对污染物的最大容纳量。 环境自净能力 是指已被污染的环境,在物理、化学和生物的作用下,能消除污染物,达到自然净化的自我调节机制。 污染源 污染源:凡是产生物理的(声、光、热、振动、辐射、噪声等)、化学的(有机物、无机物)、生物的(霉菌、病菌、病毒、寄生虫卵等)有毒有害物质或因素的设备、装置、场所等,都称为污染源。 第二章全球环境问题 全球环境问题:是指对全球产生直接影响或具有普遍性,并对全球造成危害 的环境问题,也是引起全球范围内生态环境退化的问题 1)是地球上不同国家和地区普遍存在的 2)虽然是某些国家和地区的环境问题,但其影响和危害具有跨国、跨地区的结果 全球环境问题的共同特点: 人为性 隐蔽性 危害性 移动性 加速性 可变性 全球环境问题的分布特点:区域差异性、区域集中性、全球集中分布、国家内部集中分布、生态环境集中分布、工业污染问题的集中分布、多灾区与国家


( 工作总结) 单位:____________________ 姓名:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-004402 2020年银行授信评审部工作总Summary of the work of bank credit evaluation department in 2020

2020年银行授信评审部工作总结 2017年银行授信评审部工作总结 2017年,总行授信评审部认真贯彻总行工作会议精神,以科学发展观为指导,以我行改革和发展的现状为基点,积极推动我行经营体制和增长方式的转变。我部根据总行领导的安排,在深入研究本行实际情况、本地经济特点的基础上,借鉴他行先进的授信管理经验,尝试建立适应我行发展实际和管理体制的授信业务评审体系。同时,深刻领会总行的工作意图,落实总行制订的工作思路和方针,重塑授信管理体制,提高授信评审的专业技术水平,主动、认真地履行好部门职能,强化授信工作的尽职监督和合规建设。 第一、构建适应我行实际、有利我行发展的授信评审体系。 改革与发展,对授信评审部的工作提出了一个迫切的命题,那就是建立一套什么样的授信评审体系,如何建?要解决这些问题,首先要解决的就是授信评审部的定位问题、授信评审部每一位员工的个人素质和授信评审部的整体素质问题。 首先,我部加强与改革领导层的沟通,深刻研究和领会改革的整体思路和精神,切实明析我部在全行授信管理工作中的定位和职能,明确内部分工,保证整个授信管理体系的严密和协调有序,为我部授信评审与管理模型和操作架构的建

立打好依据基础。 其次,研究我行体制运行的整体情况和授信管理的现实情况,考察学习他行的先进管理理念和先进的管理方法,结合我行实际情况,对照授信工作尽职指引、集团客户授信尽职指引、关联交易管理办法等关于授信管理的规定和风险指引,建立授信评审模型与操作架构;二是与有关部门协调沟通,对授信评审模型与操作架构进行论证,一方面完善授信评审模型与操作架构;另一方面使有关部门了解本部在授信评审模型与操作架构中的角色和作用,为进一步细化操作流程打好基础。三是进行穿行测试,调整完善授信评审模型与操作架构,并做好与下线部门和上线部门的衔接。 再次,根据授信评审模型与操作架构,以及我行授信管理工作的审慎性要求,细化授信评审部内部岗位分工。一是要完善内部岗位的设置,做到分工明确;二是要明确各岗位的职责,做到权责明确;三是要建立问责制和责任追究制。 同时,针对不同的信贷产品,建立相应的管理制度和操作流程,明确授信评审的重点、难点,要细化评审工作的操作流程,建立科学严谨、可操作性强、有利于业务发展,并符合审慎性要求的评审流水线,并明确各个环节的责任和责任人,同时建立严格的责任追究机制。 第二、制订科学严谨、合理有效的企业信用等级评价办法和操作流程。 企业信用等级评定是统一授信的前提条件,根据总行领导安排,我部的负责安排企业信用等级评定工作,由专门人员负责。一是要加强学习,针对性的培养企业等级评定方面的人才,切实提高我行人员企业信用等级评定的知识水平;二是认真研究长治市各类型经济实体,研究长治市经济发展的现状和实际,针对本地区内各类型企业的特点,细分企业类型,拿出适应本地区实际和我行信贷政策

公司环保工作总结 (500字)

环保工作总结2010年公司在上级环保部门和集团公司的关心指导下,认真贯彻落实各项法律、法规,坚持以科学发展观为指导,强化环保目标责任制,企业环境管理能力进一步提高,各项工作取得长足进步,未发生一起环境污染事件,公司形象得到进一步提升,较好地完成了全年的工作任务,总结如下:一、完善环保管理网络,加强责任制建设年初,根据上级环保部门和集团公司的要求,结合公司实际,制定了2010年度环境保护工作目标任务。设立了专门的环境管理机构,配备了专职环保负责人,充实了各级兼职环管理人员,进一步明确了各级领导、各个部门以及员工的环境保护责任。二、建立、健全管理制度公司建立了环境管理体系,完善各项环境卫生管理制度,认真强化从采购、储运、生产、销售各个环节的事故防范和应急措施,完成环境事故应急预案的编制并报市局备案。qhse体系建立过程中,公司依据相关标准的要求,建立了《环境管理程序》、《废弃物管理制度》等一系列环境保护的相关制度,并对公司范围内的环境影响因素进行识别,共识别出环境影响因素296项,重大环境因素24项,同时逐项制定了控制措施。三、依法执行新、改、扩建项目“三同时”公司项目按国家环保有关法律法规要求,进行了环境影响评价,工程相应的环保设施与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产和使用,中试装置在今年11月份顺利通过环保竣工验收。四、加强宣传、培训工作,强化员工环保意识2010年公司以“4·22”地球日、“6·5”世界环境日、节能减排宣传周为契机,广泛开展了环保宣传工作,制作了环保宣传站牌、橱窗2处,利用网络向全体员工发放家庭环保小常识以及环保宣传手册,强化员工的环境保护意识。五、强化监管,认真组织各类专项行动1、公司设生产废水、生活污水两个废水排放口,排放口已按要求规范化设置,并已按太仓市环保局的要求安装了废水流量计和cod自动监测仪。污水处理站外排口在线toc检测仪、流量计,因投用时间早,在今年检查中,环保监察部门指出,数据采集系统需要与太仓环保局同步升级,目前已完成数据采集系统的升级,公司现有环保处理设施运行正常,并有专人负责、专人操作,定期进行检修。2、按照上级环保部门及集团公司环保工作要求,结合公司《环境管理程序》规定,不断强化环保检查力度,巩固以岗位班组、部门、公司三级环保排查治理网络,对已发现的不符合项坚决进行治理,做到了早发现、早解决。持续做好生产现场的环境保护工作,2010年的问题整改率为100%。 3、为积极应对可能发生的突发性环境污染事件,提高环境应急响应能力。进行了雨排口隔断系统改造,在6处雨排口,逐个安装隔断阀,应急状态下雨排管网实现与公司外部隔绝,杜绝发生污染责任事故。同时对各生产装置的雨污分流设施进行改造,严格管控生产污水和清净下水的排放,实现源头治理。6月组织了罐区储罐泄漏的突发性环境污染事件的应急演练。公司参演人员等共60人,演习共持续30分钟左右,演习效果良好,高质量完成设想目的,锻炼了员工应急救援能力,同时也检验了公司环保应急机制的有效性。六、“三废”处置根据上级环保部门的要求、以及qhse体系建设的需要,按国家有关法律、法规、标准的要求,妥善处置各类危险废弃物以及一般工业废弃物。重组份残液、精馏残液、废树脂催化剂及废吸附剂等危险废弃物全部交******废物处置有限公司焚烧或安全填埋处置,并已到***市环保局、***市环保局办理专项审批手续,严格执行了转移联单制度;公司危险废物的收集和贮存按照国家《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》要求实施,防治流失产生污染。废水均达标排放,2010年未发生违规现象。七、积极开展本企业污染源普查工作为积极响应政府部门号召,做好配合工作,同时也全面掌握公司各类污染源的数量、排放量、排放去向、污染治理设施运行状况、污染治理水平等情况。根据市局统一部署,公司污染源普查统计小组,对公司生产及相关部门各项数据进行统计、审核、登记并上报,为公司的环境质量改善提供依据,按时、保质完成市局要求的污染源普查数据上报工作。八、高度重视,切实做好污染减排公司按照政府、集团对污染减排工作的总体部署和要求,重组减排领导小组,加强领导,及时传达上级要求,精心部署、细化目标,大力宣传,注重监管,增强实效,定期召开污染减排专项工作会议,全面部署落实各项污染物减排工作,公司减排工作取得了一定的成效,吨产品废水排

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