当前位置:文档之家› 2014年“世外”杯上海市初中英语竞赛初赛试卷Keys




I. Grammar and Vocabulary

1. B

2. D

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. C 10. B

11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. C

21. A 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. D II. Reading comprehension

31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. C

41. B 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. A

51. B 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. D 56. C 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. D

61. B 62. A 63. B 64. C 65. A 66. B 67. A 68. C 69. B 70. C 注意:1-40每小题1分;41-70每小题2分。

第 1 页共1 页


初一 Unit1 title corner own nearby college university accountant during keen ski table tennis badminton physics ambition enclose height dream probably tie signature idle architect would like to do sth own sth tell you something about myself at university one and a half metres tall during the holiday playing chess be keen on enjoy doing sth work out even if hear from native language live in a flat close to the mountains share sth with sb draw pictures of the mountains family party

attend school on weekdays all over the world 1.I’ve got a letter from my penfriend. 2.He is studying to be an accountant. 3.How many people are there in your family? 4.I can walk to school. 5.My best subject is Physics. 6.My ambition is to be an architect . /I want to be an architect . / I’d like to be an architect. 7.I enclosed a photo of myself. 8.I am in the middle. 9.Which do you want ,rice or noodle? 10.W e do this to express surprise,or other feelings such as happiness. 11.I t was great to hear from you. 12.I hope you’ll write again soon. 13.M y hobby is playing chess. Grammar:: How health/transport how big size How far distance how long duration How much money how old age How many number


七巧板比赛细则 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

附件1 第五届山东省青少年“七巧科技”系列活动规则 一、“智力七巧板”组合与分解竞赛规则 “智力七巧板”组合与分解竞赛是“七巧科技”系列活动中一项重要内容。其动手器材“智力七巧板”由七块不同形状的几何图板组成,曾被选为第四届“国际科学与和平周”、“全国中小学金钥匙科技竞赛”动手动脑器材,巧妙地应用排列组合和线形规划原理,能拼排出两千多种形象生动的图案,拼装过程奥妙无穷,创造天地无限广阔;还可用多副智力七巧板进行组合与分解训练,可以进行广告创意、天文遐想、头脑思维训练及以自然景观、生态环保、古诗情景、寓言故事、体育运动、生活场面等为主题的多副组合创作。 1.活动目的和要求 青少年通过参与智力七巧板组合与分解活动,锻炼他们动手动脑能力,激发他们的科学兴趣,启迪他们的创造意识,培养他们的空间想象力。 2.活动对象 在校初中生、小学生及学龄前儿童。 3.竞赛规则和评分标准 (1)竞赛分五组:幼儿园为幼儿组;小学一、二年级为低年级组;小学三、四年级为中年级组;小学五、六年级为高年级组;初中年级为初中组; (2)竞赛分预赛、复赛、决赛进行;

(3)竞赛以试卷形式进行; (4)复赛、决赛试卷由全国组委会统一命题,学生在规定时间(60-90分钟)内完成答卷,满分100分。 二、“智力美画板”简笔创作画竞赛规则 “智力美画板”简笔创作画竞赛是“七巧科技”系列活动中一项重要内容,其活动器材“智力美画板”由18个美术简笔画孔组成,可以勾画出数万种活波生动的简笔画谱,组合起来奥妙无穷,创造天地无限广阔,深受全国中小学生的喜爱。 1.活动目的 开展智力美画板竞赛活动,有益于开发中小学生的智力,激发科学兴趣,提高动手动脑能力,启迪创造意识和申美情趣,同时丰富和充实他们的课余生活。 2.参加对象 在校初中生、小学生。 3.组织实施 组委会办公室将及时配合各县(市、区)、学校开展工作,安排活动时间,培训指导老师,提供竞赛样卷等。 4.活动内容 (1)由组委会办公室向各参赛学校配发“智力美画板”活动器材,说明书和模拟试卷。 (2)学生在老师的指导下,参照说明书自由拼画,然后由班级或学校安排形式多样的竞赛活动,选拔优秀代表参加高一级竞赛。 5.竞赛规则及评分标准


全国中学生初三年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力测试(共30小题,计25分) (A)听对话,回答问题。本题共有五个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个小对活,然后你会听到一个问题,我们把对话和问题都念两遍。请你从试卷上的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出能回答这个问题的答案,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 1. A. Math. B. English. C. History. D. Physics. 2. A. Mary. B. Jane. C. Alice. D. Jenny. 3. A. A conductor. B. A teacher. C. A student. D. A farmer. 4. A. Friday. B. Thursday. C. Wednesday. D. Tuesday. 5. A. Close the window. B. Have more clothes on. C. Play outside. D. Move to another town. (B)单句理解。本题共有十个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个句子,我们把句子念两遍。请你从试卷上A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个句子,它与你所听到的那个句子意思最为接近,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 6. A. Please go on with it . B. Hold it in your hand . C. Don’t hang up the telephone. D. Please put up your hands. 7. A. We have a new co mputer and it’s in my room . B. We have a new computer but it’s not in my room . C. We want to put our new computer in my room . D. We must have a new computer in my room . 8. A. The exhibition started last Tuesday . B. The exhibition will end next Tuesday.


初一英语基础知识竞赛 班级姓名

单选 ( ) 1. This is ________ teacher ,Miss Li. A. I B. my C. me ( ) 2. -- What’s this _______ English ?-- It’s a chai r. A. on B. in C. with ( ) 3. -- What are these ?-- _______ are bananas. A. This B. They C. It ( ) 4. -- How many _________ are there ?--There are three. A. apple B. an apple C. apples ( ) 5. -- ________ is the coat ?-- It’s on the chair. A. What B. Where C. When ( ) 6. -- __________ is the cat ?-- It’s red. A. What colour B. Where C. When ( ) 7. -- Do you like ___________?-- Yes, I do. A. swiming B. swim C. swimming ( ) 8. --Can he ______ a bike ? -- Yes, he can. A. rides B. ride C. riding ( ) 9. -- Where ______ you from ?-- I’m from Beijing. A. do B. are C. am ( ) 10. I can _______ English but I can’t write it. A. speak B. say C. talk ( ) 11. This is ________ father, he is a worker. A. Tom B. Tom’s C. Toms ( ) 12. -- Are there ______ computers in your school ?-- Yes, there are. A. some B. any C. a ( ) 13. We can see some _______ on the desk. A. pen B. rulers C. pencil ( ) 14. There ______ one basketball and two footballs on the floor. A. is B. are C. have ( ) 15. Mary likes playing _____football, but he doesn’t like playing _____ piano. A. \ , the B. \ , \ C. the , \ ( ) 16.-- There is a picture on the wall. What’s in the picture ? -- _________. A. In the morning B. On the playground C. A big library ( ) 17. Mike’s ________name’s Harry Brown. A. brother’s B. brothers C. brother ( ) 18. ---- Which class are you in ? ---- We’re in _________. A. Class One , Grade One B. Grade One , Class One C. One Class, One Grade ( ) 19.-- Is your sister a factory worker or a doctor ?-- __________.


C. Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分) The rise of the Emoji(表情符号) Happy, angry, amazed-these are some of the emotions we like to express these days when we’re sending a message on our mobile phones. We’re also using them as a quick way of telling someone how we’re f____81____. Yes,emojis have become a very important tool for communication. Let’s clear one thing up first-there are emojis and emoticons. The latter are little images which are made using normal keys on a keyboard. For example, a colon(冒号), two dots, followed by a close bracket(右括号) is a “smiley face”. But as technology has improved, many images have been created and they can be simply a____82____ to your messages, which is great! The emoji was first invented in Japan in the late 1990s and the word “emoji” comes from the Japanese words for “picture” and “character”. The number of different images has greatly i____83____since then. Now we have a picture of every mood or situation. Another a____84____of emojis is that they are an international language-they don’t use word but tell a message in pictorial form so they can be e____85____ translated whatever your native language is. However, the emojis you send need some thought as they can sometimes be misunderstood. If a friend sends you an emoji of a hammer(锤), you may think he is angry when really he is s____86____ he has hurt! But as Linguist Neil Cohn says, “To many, emojis are an exciting development of the way we communicate; to others, they are linguistic decline(语言的衰退).” It shows there is a lot more to our communication than words a____87____, but does this mean the decline in traditional writing? C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分) Grades are important, but they are not the only measure. I have come to understand that exam grades are not the only purpose of schools, and grades


初中英语竞赛试题及答案(精编) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car? —No, I'm not. It's _________ for me.


Shanghai Junior High School English Contest Paper for Written English I. Vocabulary and Structure: 30% 1. Adams hadn’t a _________ what the speaker was talking about most of time because the class was in chaos. A. guess B. thought C. concept D. clue 2. Any one who followed _________ would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family. A. my set of rules B. my packet of rules C. my group of rules D. my pack of rules 3. _________, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, was crowned top-earning dead celebrity of the past 12 months. A. Elton John B. Elvis Presley C. Sting D. Michael Jackson 4. "To be or not to be, that is the question” is a quotation from Shakespeare’s play _________. A. Romeo and Juliet B. Macbeth C. Hamlet D. King Lear 5. My cousin Betty is the black _________ of the family A. cow B. pig C. horse D. sheep 6. I’v e got my driving test this afternoon so keep your _________ crossed. A. toes B. fingers C. arms D. legs 7. As Mr. Best was passing the bookshop, he thought he'd just _________ to see whether any interesting books were on sale. A. look in B. look up C. look round D. look for 8. Lenny advised me to have a _________ of brandy because it will make me less nervous. A. bite B. lick C. sip D. touch 9. My father's very quiet too. I _________ him. A. follow with B. take after C. look like D. turn up to be 10. The capital of Australia is _________ A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Liverpool D. Canberra 11. Germany has won the World Cup _________ A. twice B. three times C. four times D. five times 12. Tony Blair became _________ of Britain in 19971 A. president B. general secretary C. prime minister D. king 13. _________ was defeated at the battle of Waterloo. A. Hitler B. Napoleon C. Mussolini D. Richard Nixon 14. There are two main political parties in the USA, _________ and _________. A. the Democrats and the Republicans B. the Democrats and the Labors C. the Democrats and the Conservatives D. the Conservatives and the Republicans


UNIT ONE 1、alive 与living 的区别 通常情况下,alive做表语(be alive),而living一般放在名词前做定语。 For example:That great man is still alive.那个伟人依然活着。 all living things 一切活着的生物 2、thank sb for sth /doing sth因···而感谢某人 e.g.Lily thanked me for helping with her homework. thankful 高兴的,感激的thankfully ad. be thankful for sth 因···不甚感激 be thankful to do sth e.g.I am very thankful for your help.我非常感激你的帮忙。 I was thankful to hear that you got home safely .听到你平安到家的消息,我很高兴。 3、as well as(也,还)与not only···but also(不仅···而且) as well as 连接两个并列成分时,强调前者;而not only···but also强调后者。 e.g.The teacher ,as well as the students ,wish es for a holiday.(把as well as the students提到句子末端) Not only the students but also the teacher wish es for a holiday.(就近原则) 4、be good for 对···有好处 =do good to 反义词:do harm to \be harmful to对···有害 e.g.Taking exercise is good for your health. (=Taking exercise does good to your health .) Smoking is harmful to your health.(=Smoking does harm to your health.) 5、warn警告vt warning警告,提醒n. warn sb (not)to do sth警告(不要)某人做某事 warn sb about sth 警告某人某事 e.g.Mother often warns me not go out after dark.母亲经常警告我天黑后不要出门。 She warned me about the dangerous road.她提醒我马路很危险。 Because of her warning ,I was careful.由于她的提醒,我很小心。 6、communicate vi 沟通,通信communication n. communicate with sb 与某人交流,与···相通 communicate with each other 相互沟通 E.g.My net-pal and I communicate with each other on the Internet.我和我的网友通过网络保持联系。 This room communicates with the other room.这个房间与那个房间相通。 7、hardly ad. 几乎不 e.g.I could hardly understand the theory.我几乎不能理解这个理论。hard adj 坚固的,困难的adv 努力地,剧烈地 e.g.She found it hard to make up her mind .她发现很难下决定。 Study hard ,or you will fall behind.努力学习,否则你会落后的。 8、enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,享受做某事的乐趣 =have fun ( in)doing sth e.g.I enjoy reading books on weekends.在周末我喜欢阅读。


2013年汶城中学初一英语能力竞赛 I卷 Ⅰ.Multiple-cho ice(选择填空)(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)Beneath each of the following sentences. There are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.(从A、B、C、D四个选项 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。) 1. I can see many ________ on the hill,but I can't see________. A.sheep; any dogs B.horses; some cats C.chicken; any tigers D.ducks; a elephant 2. Jack is______at the______news. A. surprised, surprised B. surprised, surprising C. surprising, surprising D. surprising, surprised 3. In spring, it is good for you to sleep______your windows open. A. for B. and C. with D. But 4.-Will you come to the party next Sunday? -_______.I will visit my grandparents in my hometown. A. I think so B. I'd like to C. I'm afraid not D. I'm afraid so 5. You’d better not put______in the fridge. A. anything hot B. something hot C. anything cold D. something cold 6. I have to practice _______ English every day. A. speak B. to speak C. speaks D. Speaking 7. What are you busy _______? I'm busy ______ my homework. A. at, to do B. at, doing C. for, doing D. with, doing 8.-Do you have enough students to clean the classroom? -No, I think we need students. A. another B. two others C. two more B. more two 9. Which of the following signs means “You can’t take photos here.” A. B. C. D. 10.The boy black hair a blue coat. A. has, has B. with, in C. has, wears D. with, wears 11. His brother loves to ____ jokes. We all like him. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk 12. I can’t stand her. She is . A.friend B.friendly C.unfriendly D.Friends 13. There are young trees on the west hill.


初中英语竞赛试题(笔试)试题和答案 2005 Shanghai Junior High School English Contest Paper for Written English I. Vocabulary and Structure: 30% 1. Adams hadn’t a _________ what the speaker was talking about most of time because the class was in chaos. A. guess B. thought C. concept D. clue 2. Any one who followed _________ would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family. A. my set of rules B. my packet of rules C. my group of rules D. my pack of rules 3. _________, the King of Rock 'n' Roll, was crowned top-earning dead celebrity of the past 12 months. A. Elton John B. Elvis Presley C. Sting D. Michael Jackson 4. "To be or not to be, that is the question” is a quotation from Shakespeare’s play _________. A. Romeo and Juliet B. Macbeth C. Hamlet D. King Lear 5. My cousin Betty is the black _________ of the family A. cow B. pig C. horse D. sheep 6. I’ve got my driving test this afternoon so keep your _________ crossed. A. toes B. fingers C. arms D. legs 7. As Mr. Best was passing the bookshop, he thought he'd just _________ to see whether any interesting books were on sale. A. look in B. look up C. look round D. look for 8. Lenny advised me to have a _________ of brandy because it will make me less nervous. A. bite B. lick C. sip D. touch 9. My father's very quiet too. I _________ him. A. follow with B. take after C. look like D. turn up to be 10. The capital of Australia is _________ A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Liverpool D. Canberra 11. Germany has won the World Cup _________


Chapter1词类和词类转换 1.1词的分类 n. pron. adj. num. v. adv. art. prep. conj. interj. 1.2词类转换 1.派生词(词根+词缀) 2.兼类词(词形不变,多个词性) 3.合成词(一般由两个或两个以上的词合成) Chapter2名词 2.1名词的数 1.名词复数的构成(规则变化、不规则变化) 2.惯用单数或复数的名词 如sports meet,take notes等 2.2可数名词与不可数名词 1.可数名词量的表示 基数词+可数名词,如twenty cups; 可数名词可与(a)few,many,a large/small number of,some等连用表示不定数量。 2.以复数形式出现的名词量的表示 如a pair of shoes. 3.不可数名词量的表示 如a piece of news. 2.3能兼用作可数与不可数名词的物质名词

如sheep,ice cream等. 2.4同一名词用作可数与不可数名词时的意义差别 如change(零钱、变化). 2.5名词所有格 1.名词所有格的构成 2.- ’s所有格的主要用法 3.of结构表示的所有关系 Of+名词,如the end of the term. 4.双重所有格 Of+名词所有格,如a friend of Mr.White’s =one of Mr. White’s friends. Chapter3代词 3.1人称代词 1.人称代词主格与宾格形式 2.人称代词的用法 3.it的用法

(1)it作代词代替上文中提到的无生命的事物或幼儿、动物。(2)作“这、那”解,指心目中的人。 (3)作无人称动词的主语,表示时间、天气和距离。 (4)作先行词,引导非谓语动词如动词不定式。 3.2物主代词 1.物主代词形式 物主代词分为形容词性和名词性。 2.物主代词的用法 3.3反身代词 1.反身代词形式


九年级英语知识竞赛试题 姓名:______________班级:______________Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ()1. This is_______English car. _______ English car is nice. A. an, An B. a, A C. the, An D. an, The ()2. — Is this dictionary _______ ? —No, it’s_______ . A. your, his B. your, her C. yours, his D. mine, her ()3. — _______ books are there in the library() —_______ books. A. How many, Two thousands B. How much, Two thousands C. How many, Thousands of D. How much, Thousands of ()4. —Why do you like living in the countryside? —Because there’s_______ noise and _______ cars there. A. less, fewer B. fewer, less C. less, less D. fewer, fewer ()5. —Whose book is it? —Oh, it _______ be Tom’s. Look, there is the name of Tom on the cover. A. may B. can C. need D. must? ()6. Mr Tong asked us _______ be afraid of _______ the exam. A. not to, having B. not to, have C. to, having D. to, have? ()7. I _______ listen to music, but now I am fond of _______ stamps. A. am used to, collect B. used to, collect? C. am used to, collecting D. used to, collecting ()8. — Whose room is this? —It is _______ room. The twin sister like it very much. A. Ann’s and Jane’s B. Ann and Jane’s C. Ann’s and Jane D. Anns’ and Janes’ ()9. — _______ it is raining hard, _______ he still decides to leave. A. But, / B. Because, soC. Though, butD. Though, / ()10. —Do you know _______ going to stay in London? —No, I don’t know. Maybe a few days. A. when he is B. how long he is C. how soon he is D. how long is he ()11. He is _______ clever boy that he knows _______ English words. A. a such, so many B. so a, such many? C. a so, such many D. such a, so many ()12. — What do you think of Liu Huan? — He is a famous singer _______ songs are very popular with the young. A. who B. which C. whose D. that ()13. They both study hard though _______ of them is good health. A. either B. neither C. none D. both


II. Reading Comprehension: 15% (A) Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and apple pie. But ice cream was known long before America was discovered. The Roman emperor Nero may have made a kind of ice cream. He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains. He used it to make cold drinks. Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China. Hundreds of years later, ice cream reached England. It is said that King Charles enjoyed that treat very much. There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret. Today ice cream is known throughout the world. Americans alone eat more than two billion quarts a year. 31 .The passage says that most Americans _________ A. think that ice cream is very new B. think that ice cream was an American idea C. know that ice cream has a long history D. do not know what ice cream is 32. The Roman emperor Nero hired men to _________ A. make ice cream for him B. bring ice cream from China C. guard the secret of ice cream D. bring ice to cool his drinks 33. Charles I of England wanted to _________ A. make ice cream popular B. keep the secret of ice cream for himself C. develop new kinds of ice cream D. bring ice cream recipes from China (B) Ben Johnson is one of the few men ever buried standing up. As the story goes, King Charles I once made him a promise. The king told the great writer that he would be buried in England's famous Westminster Abbey. But that wasn't all. Johnson could choose any place he liked for his grave. Johnson died in 1637. Then it was found that the spot he had picked was already filled. The ground space left in it was just eighteen inches

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