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Interpretation Lecture 1

Interpretation Lecture 1


by Jianna


? 1. course introduction

? 2. interpretation introduction

? 3. practice (E-C)

1. Course introduction

? 1. In-class performance:

? 1.1presentation (interpretation:1 min news with MP3 or your standard broadcasting pronunication)

? 1.2 in-class quiz

? 2. Final examination:

?1) English to Chinese, 5 sentences.

?2) English to Chinese, two paragraphs.

?3) Chinese to English, 5 sentences.

?4) Chinese to English, two paragraphs.

Introduce the coverage: see the textbook

?2-1 Greetings at the Airport

?2-2 Hotel Accommodation

?2-3 Banquet Service

?2-4 Getting Around

?3-1 Welcome

?3-2 A Wish to Invest

?3-3 Establishing a Joint Venture

?4-1 Travel in America

?4-2 The AIDS Epidemic

?4-3 Business Management

?5-1 Revisiting the Old Haunt

?5-2 A Pleasant Trip

?6-1 Celebrating the Spring Festival

?6-2 At the Christmas Party

2. Course introduction

? 2.1 The definition and classification P15

?Interpreting is an activity that consists of establishing, either simultaneously or consecutively, oral communication between two or more speakers who are not speaking the same language. (compared with translation)

The categorical classification of interpretation

?See textbook P15

?Three main kinds:

?Alternating interpretation

?Consecutive interpretation

?Simultaneous interpretation

? 2.2 Criteria


? 2.3 Requirements for a qualified interpreter:

? A good command of languages

?Note-taking skill

?Much practice

?Wide-ranging knowledge

?Good manners and a sense of responsibility


第一部分听力90分,分为三部分,均为30分。Part A是复合式听写,20个空,跟四六级考试有点类似,但区别在于全文只能听一遍,每个空要填2-4个单词,语速大约130词/分。Part B 是听力理解,包括单句理解,长对话和短文。单句理解就是从四个选项中找出和所听到的句子意思最接近的一个,长对话和短文与四六级差不多。Part C是听译,分为单句听译和篇章听译,都是英译汉,即听力放英语句子和文章,然后留出一段时间,考生写出汉语翻译。







Skills and strategies

? 1. 口译这个词的英语表达interpretation,就是“解释”的意思,所以口译说到底就是在做一件事“解释”,把意思解释明白就是口译员的职责

? E.g. 1.中国古代有种舞,就是驱鬼逐疫的祭祀仪式上跳的舞。


?In ancient China, there was a form of dance which was performed at sacrifice/ritual ceremonies to frighten off the ghosts and to relieve people of epidemics.


a blind eye to, turn a deaf ear to”,只要翻译成“overlook”. “neglect” 等词就可以了。?Some major events have taken place in recent months. None of us, from politicians to people in the street, can afford to overlook.

?我们在解释的同时其实还在做一件事,就是“简化”原文。这是必然的,要解释一个概念,我们往往都会选择较简单的文字。这也是listener-friendly的一种做法,在口译实战中,让听者明白译文是最重要的。由此,我们也总结出一条口译原则就是KISS (keep it simple but not stupid).


?“The sky is high and people feel good. The smell of Guihua is good.”

?the weather in autumn is fine. The scent of flower in the golden season of autumn can be smelled everywhere.

?(笔译)The heady fragrance of laurel blossoms (was) wafted through the fresh air.; A rich perfume of osmanthus blossoms was wafted to us by the breeze.


?译员:the matter is clear, like blending spring onion with bean curd. The white remains white, the green remains green.


?译员:do you have bean curd in your country?


? e.g. 刻苦勤奋---diligent


?多才多艺---talented, versatile


?更新、更高的要求---higher demand

?(2) 少些多划。少字多意。

? e.g. 中国(中)北京(北BJ)大连(DL)politics (pol) government (g) globalization (G) 世界国际(世g )金融(fs)forum (F) business (Bz) (I, we) might (mt) unpaid (Xp) unusual place (X pl)

?听到英文的now, currently, at the moment, at present 通用一个笔记,international, world 一个笔记,改革开放(改),社会主义(社)developed, developing (D,D, 发发,看一个就想起第二个了)


? e.g. we have invested in schools, colleges, universities, libraries, and our communities. ?学院大图社学





?使用第一人称。口译不存在人称,讲话人“我”,译员“我”讲话人无法重复公司名字,或中文里无主句时,e.g. 广东是中国大陆最南端的省份,”we are next to the South Sea…” “我们”

代替一个组织的名字,该组织代表或成员,英语中听到“there is, there are” 也可以用第一人称

? e.g. there are 500 staff in our company” “我们有500名员工”

3. Practice

?I imagine some of you here today are voters or might be in the future.


?This means that business has an electoral voice.


?The other difference in the city is that we all stand as independents and we are all unpaid.


?As the business of the city is financial services,


? a key role of the Lord Mayor is representing the financial and related business community. ?所以金融城市长是一个关键角色就是代表金融以及相关的社区。

3. Practice

?Aspiration: strong will 渴望

?on the spot: at the very place 在现场

?consecutive: one after another 连贯的

?simultaneous: at the same time 同时的

?cherish: to keep in one’s mind

?veteran: an experienced person 有经验得

?medium: An intervening substance through which something else is transmitted or carried on

?readily: quickly, easily

?prerequisite: Required or necessary as a prior condition 先决条件,必备条件?abbreviation: shorten form 缩写

?competent: Properly or sufficiently qualified; capable 胜任的

?motto: A brief statement used to express a principle, a goal, or an ideal.

?facet,: One of numerous aspects, as of a subject; 座右铭

?reproduce: 复制,再生

?diagram: 图表,图解

E-C practice

?To become a good interpreter is the aspiration cherished by every student of English. Then, what are the necessary qualities that make a good interpreter?


?In order to get the answer, we have to understand the nature of work of an interp reter. ?为了得到这个答案,我们需要理解口译员工作的本质。

?The work of an interpreter is to reproduce orally in another language what has just been said.


?To put in another way, it is oral translation on the spot.


?Interpretation can be consecutive, that is, reproduction after the speaker has stopped, or simultaneous, that is, at the same time as the speaker is speaking.


?Therefore, special requirements arise from the special nature of interpretation. Some

veteran interpreters have summarized the requirements of interpretation as “quick ,




Obviously, a correct understanding and reproduction of the speaker’s meaning comes first, because an interpreter is merely a medium among the speakers of different

languages in their communication.


?At the same time, an interpreter must be quick in his/her work. They must not delay. Their interpretation should be smooth so that it can be readily understood


?. To achieve accuracy in interpretation, an interpreter must comprehend correctly in the first place. Together with smooth reproduction, it is not difficult to see that a good

command of English (or other languages) and Chinese is the prerequisite condition. A clear pronunciation and intonation are crucial for an interpreter. However, the achievement of speed needs special training.


?One of the difficulties lies in memory. Many students complain that they cannot remember what has just been said. Here, note-taking may help. Note-taking serves as an aid to memory on the spot, so you do not have to take down every word being spoken which is both impossible and unnecessary.


?You only need to take down the key words which represent the main ideas and of co urse, numbers and figures. Your note must have a clear presentation or pattern which indicates the logical development of the speaker’s ideas. This is important because it will help your interpretation sensible and coherent. Besides, symbols, abbreviations and diagrams may also be used to make your note-taking faster.


?The head of the US federal public health agency says it's on its highest level of alert over the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. More than 930 people are thought to have died from the virus so far in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Nigeria. The CDC's director Dr

Thomas Frieden told Congress it was unprecedented crisis.



?At the current trend, within another few weeks, there will have been more cases in thisoutbreak than in all previous recognised outbreaks of Ebola put together. I have

activated the CDC emergency operation centre at level one for this outbreak. This is our highest level of response. It doesn't mean that there's an increased risk to Americans, but it does mean that we are taking an extensive effort to do everything we can to stop the outbreaks.



?The authorities in several countries have now introduced a number of measures aimed at preventing the spread of the virus.


?But first, the World Health Organization is holding an emergency meeting to discuss how to tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. It's the worst ever recorded, and so far has killed over 800 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The virus spreads mostly by contact with infected bodily fluids and up to 90% of the people who catch it die. But today we meet one of the 10% who survive. 41-year-old Saa Sabas from Guinea caught Ebola from his father in April this year. Through a translator, he told me what happened when his father became ill.


?Well, he had severe diarrhea. For five days he had diarrhea. Then he got a high fever and it finished with hiccups, violent hiccups. And then he died.

?当时他严重腹泻,持续了五天。接着他发高烧,最后打嗝,打得非常厉害。然后他就去世了。?And you were in close contact with him throughout his illness.


?Yes. I stayed at his side for the first four days. I washed him. I fed him. I held his hand.

When he was sweating I was wiping the sweat off. But we didn't know what kind of illness we were looking at.



?How long after his death was it diagnosed as having been caused by Ebola?


?Well, he died and we buried him. And after a couple of days, the authorities calle d me and said that I needed to be under supervision, observation for 21 days. And after about 11 days, I started feeling very hot. And I got a fever at the first symptoms.


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