当前位置:文档之家› 深圳中考英语模拟试题(2)







()1.Mrs. Green gave us some advice on how to make a speech.




()2.If you apologize to your teacher, I’m sure she can understand you.

A.say thanks

B.say hello

C.say sorry

()3.---How often do you hear from your friend Mary?

---Two or three times a month.

A.hear of

B.get a letter from

C.stay away from

()4.--I am prepared to study abroad in the future.

--So you should study hard to achieve your dream.

A.would like


C.am attracted

()5.--You look blue. What’s the matter with you, Peter?

--I was so nervous about the speech next week that I couldn’t sleep well these days.




()6.We shouldn’t play computer games for a long time. It is bad for our eyes.

A.harmful to

B.dangerous to

C.connected to

()7.A good diet is necessary for keeping us healthy.




()8.--Look! There are mountains of balloons flying in the sky.

--It was beautiful!

A.a large number of


C.a large amount of


()9.If you come across a new word, you can look it up in a .




()10.--Excuse me, where is the Shenzhen Bookcity?

--It’s opposite Shenzhen Library.

A.on the other side of

B.on the right side of

C.on the left side of ()11.--Why is WeChat popular among people of all ages nowadays?

--Maybe because it’s fun and free.

A.faithful to

B.unknown to

C.liked by

()12.If you your mistakes in time, you can get better grades next time.




()13.My mother often takes a to dry her sweat(汗) after running.




()14.--How do you usually your birthday?

--We usually hold a birthday party.




()15.Please tell me your so that I can send the goods to you by express(快递).






Once upon a time, there lived an old man. He makes a living by cutting firewood. One day, he took his axe and went up the hills to find some 16 . It was getting dark. He was about to leave 17 , two glowing green eyes stared at him. It took him a moment to realize it was a 18 , looking like it was going to jump at him and claw him open any second. He felt 19 . Then he could do nothing but run. When he ran faster, the wolf ran faster. When he slowed down, the wolf slowed down, looking at him. When he stopped, the wolf kept 20 . An idea flashed in his mind. Then the old man said to he wolf, “Mr. Wolf, I’m too 21 to be eaten. If you promise not to eat me. I’ll let you have two little goats in my house.” The wolf agreed and followed him to his house. When they arrived, the man pointed at a large box and said, “I hid them here,” The wolf hurried to the box with his 22 watering. The man continued, “Wait, Mr. Wolf. I forget to tell you my goats have wings 23 they can fly. If you keep the box wide open, they will 24 away.”“What should I do then?” asked the wolf.”“You can open the box just a little, and jump into it 25 so that you can enjoy your meal inside,” said the man. Then the wolf did as the man told him. Just then, the man quickly locked the box.

()16.A.firework B.firewood C.wolf

()17.A.Suddenly B.Luckily C.Finally

()18.A.cat B.goat C.wolf

()19.A.excited B.sorry C.scared

()20.A.still B.noisy C.moving

()21.A.young B.old C.bad

()22.A.mouth B.eyes C.nose

()23.A.but B.so C.if

()24.A.run B.climb C.fly

()25.A.slowly B.quickly C.quietly




CHINA’S National Teeth-loving Day is coming. It’s on September 20. Teeth are important to people. Good teeth help you eat things like apples. Also, they help you speak clearly. And moreover, they also help you look your best. But do you know enough about how to take care of your teeth? Here are some ways to keep your teeth healthy.

● Pick a good toothbrush. Be sure your toothbrush has soft bristles. Because the toothbrush with hard bristles can hurt your gums.

● Brush your gum line at a 45-degree angle.

● Brush your teeth at least twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after eating sweet snacks.

● Brush for at least two to three minutes every time.

● Get a new toothbrush every three months.

● Go to a dentist every six months for a check-up.

● Food like cheese, milk and yogurt makes your teeth strong. Vegetables and fruit also help clean

your teeth. Don’t eat too much sugar.

()26.Good teeth can’t help us .

A.eat things

B.speak clearly

C.look your best

D.clean the mouth

()27.How many ways did the writer offer us to keep our teeth healthy?





()28.How often should we get a new toothbrush?

A.Every three months.

B.Every six months.

C.Two to three minutes.

D.Twice a day.

()29.Which of the following food is bad for our teeth?




D.Vegetables. ()30.What’s the best title of his passage?

A.The man with the most teeth.

B.Keep our teeth fresh and clean.

B.Happy Teeth=loving Day. D.Why people hace teeth.

()31.Which of the following hands is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Girls’ Generation.




()32.How many people are there in EXO?





()33.What can we learn about the Girls’ Generation from the passage?

A.They are very young and handsome.

B.They are very beautiful and talkative.

C.They are good at singing, dancing, acting and hosting.

D.They have sweet looks and cute voices.

()34.Who is the oldest member among TFBOYS?


B.Wang junkai.

C.Wang Yuan.

D.Yi Yanqianxi. ()35.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The songs sung by TFBOYS are full of negative energy.

B.EXO is also referred to as SoShi or SNSD.

C.TFBOYS means The Frightening Boys.

D.EXO is a Chinese-South Korean boy band.


The Mona Lisa Smile is a famous and very valuable painting around the world. But do you know what China’s Mona Lisa is?

Some say it’s Along the River During the Qingming Festival(清明上河图). It is the best-known scroll painting in Chinese art history. It is being shown at the Palace Museum to mark the museum’s 90th anniversary. Waiting six hours for anything requires patience(耐心). But thousands of people are willing to wait that long to see one painting. The Song Dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan made it. It is 24.8 centimeters wide and 5.29 meters long (as much as your classroom’s width.) The painting shows the beautiful landscape(风景) in Bianjing (today’s Kaifeng in Henan). It was the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127).

The scroll shows teahouses, arch bridges(拱桥) and many other buildings. It also shows the lifestyles of many different people. There are more than 800 characters(人物) on it. The scroll shows them doing all kinds of activities like selling and drinking tea. Most importantly, everyone wears different clothes. Everything looks differently but it flows together perfectly.

This painting is not only a great artwork but also a living “textbook” for us to learn about history. ()36.How long should people wait to see the scroll painting?

A.Six hours.

B.90 hours.

C.Sixty hours.

D.24 hours. ()37.What can’t we see on the scroll?


B.Arch bridges.


D.Textbooks. ()38.How many characters are there on the scroll?





()39.Which of the following is TRUE about the painting?

A.It was made in Qing Dynasty.

B.It is the most famous scroll painting in Chinese art history.

C.It is 24.8 centimeter’s long and 5.29 meters wide.

D.The painting shows the beautiful landscape in Hainan.

()40.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.It will be in the textbook some day.

B.The long painting is as thick as a textbook.

C.We can learn a lot about history from the painting.

D.Children like textbooks with paintings on it.


Christmas was coming and we had only $25 (161 yuan) left. Mom said she would use the money to pay back rent(房租). She also told us here would be nothing for Christmas. My 9-year-old younger sister Millie felt sad.

My mother didn’t know I had been selling Christmas trees and candies and shoveling(铲) snow to earn enough money to buy myself the best Christmas present-a new pair of boots. I knew exactly which boots I wanted. They were ten-inch(25.4cm) ones and they cost $23.

On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, I felt excited as I hurried to catch a bus to buy mu boots. On the way, I noticed many houses with Christmas lights and decorations. They reminded me of my own house with no lights or decorations. I was 11 years old, and I was feeling a strange sense of guilt. I was going to buy a new pair of boots while Mon was home in tears. She would have to try to explain to us why there were no presents.

With my $26, I could buy a turkey, ham, oranges and all the Christmas treats. Excited, I went into the store and spent all my hard-earned money. When I got home and Mom opened the door, all the Christmas things fell inside onto the floor, and she just stood there. Holding back the tears, I should, “Merry Christmas, Mother! There really is a Santa Claus!”

I explained as we put all the food away. That day I got enough hugs and kisses from Mom to last two lifetimes. Seeing Mother’s prayers(祈祷) answered more than made up for the boots I never got. It was a Merry Christmas for us after all!

()41.The writer wanted to buy at first.

A.a new pair of boots

B.the Christmas treats

C.a new house

D.Christmas presents

()42.How much money did the writer earn?





()43.The writer earned money by .

A.selling Christmas trees

B.selling Christmas candies

C.shoveling snow

D.all the above

()44.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The writer was 11 years old.

B.The writer had enough to buy both the boots and the Christmas things.

C.The writer had a very rich mother.

D.The writer had a terrible Christmas with her family.

()45.What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?








One day, I was chatting online when a dialog box(对话框) appeared with the words “Happy Birthday” on it. It was from my old friend Teng. (46) (sudden), I realized that it was (47) (nine) time she had sent me birthday wishes since we became friends. When I was six, we (48) (meet) for the first time. She had long hair. She was strong and

boyish (49) I was shy and indecisive. Our differences didn’t stop us from being friends. We exchanged books, (50) (diary) and even secrets. One day, Teng told me she had to move to anther city (51) her parents had new jobs. Since then, we have kept in touch (52) each other through letters over the past few years. Every holiday season, we get together in the library, doing homework on the same desk and (53)

(use) the same book. Now, in junior 3, we have come to (54) (important) year in our school lives. Teng encouraged me (55) (study) hard in order to go to my ideal senior high school. Every time I want to give up, I read her letters again and again. They have helped me through my hardest times.



上周五,我校组织了一个主题为“Help-passing Day”的活动。旨在让大家在生活中学会关爱他人,和谐共处,请你根据以下表格进行描述。写一篇不少于80词的文章。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Last Friday, our school held an activity called Help-passing Day. Many students offered help to the people in need.

To make others happy is to make ourselves happy. For a happy and meaningful life, everyone should pass help along.


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____


2013中考英语模拟试题及答案二 一.单项选择(15分) 指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 ()⒈It is ___ difficult work that we can't finish it in a short time. A. so B. such C. so a D. such a ()⒉I ___ you ___ left for Shanghai. A. thought, had B. think, have C. think, had D. thought, have ()⒊I've decided ___ it myself. A. do B. doing C. did D. to do ()⒋You can't solve the problem ___ this way. A. by B. in C. on D. to ()⒌I was just leaving the classroom ___ it rained. A. while B. when C. at D. during ( )⒍___ a big smile on his face, Mr Liu told a piece of good news to his students. A. In B. Have C. With D. For ()⒎I won't go away ___ I see you. A. as soon as B. because C. until D. and ()⒏___ Put / put on your coat, ___ you'll catch a cold. A. If; or B. You; and C. /; or D. /; and ()⒐Last night I went to bed early but couldn't ___ . A. get to sleep B. get sleep C. fall sleep D. fall to sleep ()⒑Mrs Li was very angry ___ her son ___ her words.


2017年涟水县中考英语模拟试卷(二) (满分:120分考试时间:120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共55分) Ⅰ、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. —Is London ______ European city? —Yes. It is one of the most beautiful cities in ______ Britain. A. a; the B. a; / C. an; the D. an; / 2. People in Huai An ______ walk or ride bikes, but now they ______ taking the bus or riding cars. A. used to; used to B. were used to; used to C. were used to; are used to D. used to; are used to 3. His arm ______ the chair by the bad man. The only way to escape(逃脱) was to break the rope ______. A. was tied to; as faster as he could B. was tied to; as fast as he could C. was tying to; as fast as possible D. was tying to; as faster as possible 4. ---______ did your uncle leave his hometown? ---He ______ for nearly twenty years. A. When; has left B. When; has been away C. How long; has left D. How long; has been away 5. Jim has many hobbies, ________ swimming, hiking and playing badminton. A. for example B. such for C. such as D. as a result of 6. ---Do you know how long ________? ---I‘m sorry I don‘t know. A. he has come here B. has he been married C. Tom has bought the car D. his uncle has been abroad 7. ---Do you mind my sitting here? ---___________. The woman sitting here has just left. A. You‘d better no. B. Of course not C. Yes, please D. No, you can‘t 8. Can you tell us who ______ and where to get help when we have problems? A. to talk B. will talk C. to talk to D. will talk to 9. ---We can use QQ to communicate with each other on the Internet. ---Really? Will you please show me ________ it? A. what to use B. how to use C. how can I use D. where can I use 10. He likes playing tricks on others, but ______, he is a good boy because he is willing to help others. A. on the way B. in the way C. in some ways D. by the way 11. ---What did you buy a radio for? --- ______ English. A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning 12. ---Would you like me to give you a hand? ---______________ . But I can complete it myself. A. It doesn‘t matter B. The same to you C. It‘s very kind of you. D. Take it easy 13. I ______ go to bed______ my mother came back home. A. won‘t, until B. didn‘t, until C. will, until D./, when 九年级英语试题第1页共8页


新目标版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(一)B卷 一、请听下面8段对话。每段对话后面有一小题。从题中所给的A、B、 (共8题;共8分) 1. (1分)What does the sign say? A . No Feeding. B . No Smoking. C . No Photos. 2. (1分)听对话,选出最佳选项() Why does the woman look pale? A . She is seriously ill. B . She had an accident. C . She saw an accident. 3. (1分)How does Jack improve his spoken English? A . By watching English movies. B . By listening to tapes. C . By reading English books. 4. (1分)What does Jim have to do? A . Do he dishes. B . Do his homework. C . Do some cleaning. 5. (1分)对话和问题根据选出正确答案 A . Some pears. B . Some oranges. C . Some orange. 6. (1分)What is the boy going to do? A . To see a movie. B . To help with the housework. C . To do some sports. 7. (1分)Where are they going on Saturday? A . Shanghai.


2019年中考英语模拟试题及答案 一、选择填空。(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —Have you seen wolf warriors II (《战狼II》)? —Yes. This is _______ educational film and it has become one of _______ most popular films in the world. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the 2. —Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room just now. ―No, it ______ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago. A. must B. may C. can’t D. needn’t 3. —Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? —Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _______ as that in the day with th e light. A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly 4. —What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? —I prefer _______ a bike to _______ there. A. ride; walk B. riding; walk C. ride; walking D. riding; walking 5. China’s first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _______ the morning of April 26, 2017. A. in B. on C. at D. to 6. When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _______. A. pick it out B. point at it C. pick it up D. kick it out said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. 7. —It’s —Yes. _______ my parents _______ my little sister likes watching it very much. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8. —Do you know China’s famous scientist Pan Jianwei? —You mean “the father of quantum”( 量子之父)? Yes, he is the _______ of our coun try. A. pride B. prize C. proud D. heart 9. —We’ll study in different schools next term. I hope you’ll enjoy your time in the new school! —_______ . B. The same to you. A. I’ll take your advice C. Congratulations! D. Me, too.


2020年中考英语模拟试题(二)初中英语 一.听力〔20分〕 I ?下面是一组交通标志,从你所听到的五个句子中找出能代表其含义的选项。 1.________ 2. __________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ II ?依照所听内容,选择正确的应答语。 ()6. A. Sun Xiaoyan ran 800 metres. B. It was difficult to run the race. C. Sun Xiaoya n did. ()7. A. Oh dear! What's wrong? B. That's all right. C. It does n't matter. ()8. A. Yes, I want. B. Yes, please. C. No, I don't like. ( )9. A. Yes. Welcome back to school again. B. Certainly, we are. C. No, I don't mind. ()10. A. Yes, but my pencil is lost. B. I want to write a letter. C. Sorry, I left my pen at home. III ?依照所听对话和咨询题,选择最正确答案。 ()11. A. She does n't want to play table tennis. B. She wants to play table tennis. C. She wants to see the doctor. ( )12. A. Joy is an sweri ng some on e's questi on. B. Joy is work ing in her study. C. Joy is speak ing to some one else on the pho ne. ()13. A. She does n't like the woolle n one. B. She likes both of them. C. She likes the cotton one. ()U A. 24. B. 28. C. 29. ()15. A. He helped the old woman with it.


II. Choose the best answer.(20%) 26.They will build a new bridge across the river soon. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part? A./bju:ld/ B./bi:ld/ C./bild/ D./beld/ 27.Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others? A. David made a gesture, sprea ding out his hands and said, “Welcome to my home!” B. People’s standard of living has gr eatly improved these years. C. Mr. Li had milk and bread for breakfast at home. D. The boy drove his expensive car to show off his wealth. 28.The boy asked his mother whether France is ______ European country. A.an B./ C.a D.the 29.The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games were held ______ August in Nanjing. A.in B.on C.by D.at 30.The Century Park is far from here, indeed it’s about ______ walk. A.two hours B.a two hour’s C.a two-hours D.a two-hour 31.A: Which of the two T-shirts would you like, Johnson? B: ______. I don’t like their styles. A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither 32.A: The two young firefighters fell from the twelfth floor and died. B: It ______ be a big loss to their families. A.may B.must C.need D.should 33.Tom, could you please tell me ______ you father has gone to Sydney? A.when B.how often C.how long D.if 34.The way of improving our spoken English is ______ it as often as we can/ A.speak B.spoken C.to speak D.to speaking 35.______ important news is to everybody in modern society! A. What B. How an C. How D. What an 36.This morning I got up early ______ be late for the English Exam. A.in order to B.in order to not C.so as to D.so as not to 37.You will be out of date ______ you keep on studying from time to time. A.until B.although C.or D.unless 38.Sending emails is much ______ than sending ordinary letters. A.fast and convenient B.faster and more convenient C.fast and more convenient D.faster and convenient 39.If people keep ______ the river, not fish will survive in the future. A.polluting B.pollute C.polluted D.to pollute 40.The Harry Potter books ______ pretty popular since they were published. A.became B.will become C.have become D.are becoming 41.A: My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer. B: Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband and I ______ my car in the garden. A.have washed B.had washed C.were washing D.washed 42.A Disneyland Park ______ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A.has built B.will be built C.will build D.is built 43.A: Could you tell me ______?


2020年中考模拟试题 英语试卷 考生注意:本试卷含听力,满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。所有试题均在答题卡上作答,否则无效。 I. 听力理解(分五小节,共30小题,每小题1分,满分30分。) 第一节,听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的信息。每个句子读两遍。 ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( ) 3.A. Take a walk. B. Read a book. C. Give a talk. ( ) 4.A. He loves math B. He hates math. C. He teaches math. ( ) 5.A. Amy didn't reach the top of the mountain. B. Amy arrived at the top of the mountain. C. Amy climbed the mountain. 第二节,听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 ( )6. A. I'm fine. B. I'm reading. C. I'm nineteen. ( )7. A. Sure. B. Good idea. C. Many thanks. ( )8. A. That's great. B. Never mind. C. You re welcome. ( )9. A. It's clean. B. It's getting dark. C. It's very hot. ( )10. A. Sorry, I don't know. B. Yes, I think so. C. It's hard to say. 第三节,听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 11. Where is Mary going tomorrow? A. To a hospital. B. To a cinema. C. To a supermarket. ( )12. How old is the boy now? A.five. B. Eleven. C. Fifteen. ( )13. If Lucy wants to enter the library, what should she take? A. Her ID card. B. Her student ID card. C. Her cellphone. ( )14. What time will the party start? A. At 2: 00 p. m. B. At 5: 00 p.m. C. At 7: 00 p.m. ( )15. How often does the woman go to see a movie? A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week. 第四节,听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。( )16. How many students are there in the boy's class? A.14 B. 26 C. 40 ( )17. What do 15 students want to be in the future? A. Engineers B. Teachers C. Doctors ( )18. Who wants to be a doctor? A. Mike B. The boy. C. Both Mike and the boy ( )19. How old is the boy? A. Thirteen B. Fourteen C. Fifteen ( )20. Where are the boy and his friends going? A.To the library. B. To the cinema C. To the classroom 第五节听短文,根据其内容选出下列问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 ( )21. Who did the boy probably write to? A. His friend B. His teacher. C. His father. ( )22. How many years has the boy been at the school? A. Two B. Three C. Four ( )23. What did the boy spend a lot of time doing when he was in Grade Two? A. Playing basketball B. Studying hard C. Playing computer games ( )24.What did Mr. Chen always do when the boy did something wrong? A. He always said,“ It doesn't matter.” B. He always got angry with the boy. C. He always asked the boy's parents to come. ( )25. When did the boy probably write the letter? A. In June B. In May C. In April Christmas is 26______________soon Presents for children John: a 27. _______________instead of a bike. Jane: an MP3 28.__________can help her learn Chinese. Jack: a 29.___________car is best for him. When to buy 30.____________Afternoon. 笔试部分




英语模拟测试题二 一、单项选择(15分) ()1. Look at the sign on the wall. We don’t allow ______ in the library. A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. smoked ( )2.--This computer doesn’t work. --Really? I will have it __________ tomorrow. A. repair B. repaired C. to repair D. be repaired ( )3. Look, my driving license. I have ______ my driving license test. A. failed B. taken C. passed D. gotten ( ) 4. --Who is that man swimming in the lake. Is it Tom? --It ________ be Tom. She is sleeping in the bedroom. A. may B. must C. can’t D. should ( ) 5. I think the toy car ______ Tony. He is the only kid at the picnic. A. belongs B. belongs to C. is belonging D. belonging to ( )6.Teens think they should be allowed to make ______ own decision. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs ( )7. There ________ a mouse in my house. Look, our food is destroyed. A.must have B. could have C. can have D. must be ( )8.I don’t like people ______ talk much but do little. A. who B. which C. when D. where ( )9. The story is very beautiful. It reminds me _______my childhood. A. with B. of C. to D. on ( )10. I prefer ______ outside to _______ TV at home. A. walk; watch B. to walk; watch C. walking; watching D .to walk; watching ( )11. We will have a ________holiday. I want to go to Sanya for a visit. A. two weeks B. two weeks’ C. two-week D. two-weeks ( )12. Did you have fun ___________ movies with your friend at the cinema? A. watching B. watch C. watched D. to watch ( )13.--What kind of music do you like? --I prefer music that I can ________. A.dance B. dance to C. dance with D. dance along to ( )14. You were supposed _______ at 7 o’clock. But you arrived a little late. A. come B. to come C. coming D. be coming ( )15.The old man happened _________ the accident yesterday. So he called the police at once. A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw 二、完形填空(10分) Dogs are people's friends. They will do anything their masters(主人)ask them to do and they do their duty very well. Curly is my black dog. He is big and strong. He is strong enough to carry me on his 1 . He likes running and playing with me. He likes to 2 .my father around in the fields, too. One day my father took off his coat. put it on the ground 3 a big tree and said to Curly. “ 4 my coat.” Curly sat down on the coat. Then my father remembered he had to 5 dinner for the Family. 6 he went home and forgot all about his coat and dog Late in the evening I 7 my dog and looked for him everywhere in the yard. I called, "Curly, Curly!" But Curly did not answer. Soon my father wanted something in his coat pocket(口袋). Suddenly he remembered 8 he had done.


人教版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(八)B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)完形填空 When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time that taught a man everything. I didn't understand and wondered why1had such a big influence2a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult. But now,3I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel4to express my own opinion on this saying. I know that I am just a high school student with very few experiences. There're are still many things waiting for me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice. I once read this sentence, "To make this world a happy place in which to live, you had better5yourself and your heart, instead of the whole world."I was shocked. It made me think about6itself. There are so many things around us that7our will. We can't force life to follow our wishes. The earth won't stop turning no matter whether we8it or not. What we can do is just to make9suit the world. I think we should learn to accept10life gives us, no matter whether it's the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy. The pop song Grandmother by Jay Chou is my favorite. I'm deeply moved by this beautiful song. I always try to11every pleasant thing in my life, but now 1 see that I don't catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more likely that they slip by(流逝) and leave you12regretful. I realize that I'm not just living for myself and that there are others I should13such as my parents, friends, and so on. They all pay attention to my growing up,14it's just a little progress. Everyone has his or her. Own15towards life, positive or negative. It doesn't matter, I think there is one rule that should be obeyed and that's to make this world better. (1) A . man B . time C . thing D . parent (2) A . about B . with C . on D . in (3)

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