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高级英语课后句子解释和翻译 1-10

高级英语课后句子解释和翻译 1-10
高级英语课后句子解释和翻译 1-10


1. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.

It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.

2. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.

If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.

3. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.

The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.

4. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.

Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.

5. At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s ability and talents.

At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was).

6. …the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber.

A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong.

7. It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity.

This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.

8. …when the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated.

…when the unfair practice of judhing human calue by the amount of money a person has irs done away with.

9. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality.

Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.

10. Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of

creeds and an anemia of deeds.

Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination. Lesson2

1. I pictured this prodigy part of me as many different images, trying each one on for size.

I imagined myself as different types of prodigy, trying to find out which one suited me the best.

2. I had new thoughts , willful thoughts, or rather thoughts filled with lots of won’ts.

I had new thoughts, which were filled with a strong spirit of disobedience and rebellion.

3. The girl had the sauciness of a Shirley Temple.

The girl was Shirley Temple—like, slightly rude but in an amusing way.

4. It felt like worms and toads and slimy things crawling out of my chest, but it also felt good, as if this awful side of me had surfaced, at last.

When I said those words, I felt that some very nasty thoughts had got out of my chest, and so T felt scared. But at the same time I felt good, relieved, because those nasty things had been suppressed in my heart for some time and they had got out at last. 5. And T could sense her anger rising to its breaking point. I wanted to see it spill over.

I could feel that her anger had reached the point where her self—control would collapse, and I wanted to see what my mother would do when she lost complete control of herself.

6. The lid to the piano was closed, shutting out the dust, my misery, and her dreams.

When the lid to the piano was closed, it shut out the dust and also put an end to my misery.

Lesson 3

1. Yet globali zation… ―is a reality, not a choice‖.

Yet globalization is not something that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.

2. Popular factions sprout to exploit nationalist anxieties.

Political groups with broad support have come into being to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign ―cultural assault‖. 3. …where xenophobia and economic ambition have often struggled for the upper hand…

…in China, the two trends of closed—door and open—door policies have long been struggling for dominance.

4. Those people out there should continue to live in a museum while we will have showers that work.

The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.

5. Westernization… is a phenomenon shot with inconsistencies and populated by very

strange bedfellows.

…westernization is a concept full of self—contradiction and held by people of very different backgrounds or views.

6. You don’t have to be cool to do it; you just have to have the eye.

In trying to find out what will be the future trend, you do not need to be fashionable yourself. All you need is awareness, that is to say, you need to be on the alert, to be observant.

7. He… was up in the cybersphere far above the level of time zones.

He was moving around, playing a game through the Internet with people living in different time zones, thus their activity on the computer broke down time zone limit.

8. In the first two weeks of business the Gucci Store took in a surprising $100,000. The Gucci store did not expect that in the first two weeks of its opening in Shanghai business could be so good.

9. Early on I realized that I was going to need some type of compass to guide me through the wilds of global culture.

From the very beginning I know I need some theory as guideline to help me in my study of global cultures as globalization, to guide me through such a variety of cultural phenomena.

10. The penitence may have been Jewish, but the aspiration was universal.

The way of showing repentance might be peculiar to the Jews, but the strong desire of gaining forgiveness from God is common, shared by all.

Lesson 4

1. Pianos and models, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, masters and mistresses, are not needed by a writer.

If you want to be musician or painter, you must own a piano or hire models, and you have to visit or even live in culture centers like Paris, Vienna and Berlin. And also you have to be taught by masters and mistresses. However, if you want to be a writer, you don’t ne ed all this.

2. She would have plucked the heart out of my writing.

Those conventional attitudes would have taken away the most important part of my writing, the essence of my writing.

3. Thus, whenever I felt the shadow of her wing or the radiance of her halo upon my page, I took up the inkpot and flung it at her.

Thus, whenever I felt the influence of the Victorian attitudes on my writing, I fought back with all my power.

4. For though men sensibly allow themselves great freedom in theses respects, I doubt that they realize or can control the extreme severity with which they condemn such freedom in women. It was a sensible thing for men to given themselves great freedom to talk about the body and their passions. But if women want to have the same freedom, men condemn such freedom in women. And I do not believe that they realize how severely they condemn such freedom in women, nor do I believe that they can control their extremely sever condemnation of such freedom in women.

5. Indeed it will be a long time still, I think, before a woman can sit down to write a

book without finding a phantom to be slain, a rock to be dasher against.

It will take a long time for women to rid themselves of false values and attitudes and to overcome the obstacle to telling the truth about their body and passions.

6. Even when the path is nominally open—when there is nothing to prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant—there are many phantoms and obstacles, as I believe looming in her way.

Even when the path is open to women in name only, when outwardly there is nothing to prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant, inwardly there are still false ideas and obstacles impeding a woman’s progress.

7. You have won rooms of your own in the house hitherto exclusively owned by men. (Through fighting against the Angel in the House, through great labor and effort,) you have gained a position or certain freedom in a society that has been up to now dominate by men.

Lesson 6

1. (Absence of evidence) The fact that we do not have evidence showing that there is life beyond Earth does not mean that we can come to the conclusion that there is actually no life beyond Earth.

2. (…examining them for the) …examing these planets to see if the surroun ding atmosphere can be identified as fitting for life.

3. (The optimists figure) Those who are optimistic think that as time goes on, they will someday get the signal sent out by an alien civilization.

4. (That’s what we need) Originally, we regard our w orld as the only one in the universe which is inhabited by intelligent humans, but we need to change our view and regard this world as one of many in the universe.

5. (True believers and skeptics) Neither those who genuinely believe that space aliens are lurking in our midst nor those who firmly reject such an idea are likely to change their views and join the other side.

6. (The alien is a Hollywood) The alien is a character used too much in Hollywood films so it has become hackneyed but the idea of extraterrestrial life was not first brought up by Hollywood.

7. (…the absence of detectable) …the fact that no life had been detected on Mars was a terrible blow to exobiology which did not recover from the blow in the following twenty years.

8. (Everyone realized the historical) Everyone knew that if what appeared to be microfossils were confirmed to be such, then the discovery would be of historic significance; but if they proved to be something else, the adverse effect that followed would be equally dramatic.

9. (…if you rewound the tape) …if the evolution on Earth were to take place a second time, a human being who is genetically similar to us would be the result of such evolution.

10. (So before we worry about) Since there is no much work we need to do here in this world, let us first concentrate on doing some solid research and drop discussions about drafting messages to another civilization out there.

Lesson 1

1. A white lie is better than a black lie.


2. To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. 为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。

3. …with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the Negro must throw off the manacles of self-abnegation…黑人必须一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。

4. What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.


5. It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes the major crisis of our times.

正是这种邪恶的权利和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。6. Now early in this century this proposal would have been greeted with ridicule and denunciation, as destructive of initiative and responsibility.


7. The fact is that the work which improves the condition of mankind, the work which extends knowledge and increases power and enriched literature and elevates thought, is not done to secure a living. 事实上,人们从事改善人类出镜的工作,从事传播知识、增强实力、丰富文学财富以及升华思想的工作并不是为了谋生。

8. …it can spend billions of dollars to put God’s children on their own two feet right here on earth. 它能够花费几十亿美元帮助上帝的孩子自立于这个世界。

9. Furthermore, few if any violent revolutions have been successful unless the violent minority had the sympathy and support of the nonresistant majority.


10. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but is bends towards justice.


Lesson 2

1. Instead of getting big fat curls, I emerged with an uneven mass of crinkly black fuzz.


2. She checked to see if that was possibly one way to pronounce ―Helsinki‖ before showing me the answer.

在她告诉我答案前,她对了对手中的杂志,看看赫尔辛基是否能这样发音。3. She seemed entranced by the music, a little frenzied piano piece with this

mesmerizing quality, sort of quick passages and then teasing lilting ones before it returned to the quick playful parts.


4. If she had as much talent as she has temper, she could be famous now.


5. The part I like to practice best was the fancy curtsy: right food out, touch the rose on the carpet with a pointed foot, sweep to the side, left leg bends, look up and smile. 我最喜欢练习的部分是花哨的谢幕行礼的动作:先出右脚,脚尖点在地毯的玫瑰图案上,身子侧摆,左腿弯曲,抬头,微笑。

6. A chill started at the top of my head and began to trickle down. Yet I couldn’t stop playing, as though my heads were bewitched. I kept thinking my fingers would adjust themselves back, like a train switching to the right track. 一股凉气从头顶开始,然后一点点传到全身。但我却不能停止演奏,双手好像着了魔似的。我不停地想,我的手指会调整好,就像火车会被扳倒正确的轨道上。

7. …and her face went blank, her mouth closed, her arms went slack, and she backed out of the room, stunned, as if she were blowing away like a small brown leaf, thin, brittle, lifeless. 她的脸部失去了表情,嘴巴紧闭,双臂无力地垂下。她退出了房间,神色惊异,好像一小片枯黄的树叶被风吹走了,那样的单薄、脆弱、毫无生气。

8. And for the first time, or so it seemed, I noticed the piece on the right-hand side. It was called ―Perfectly Con tended‖. I tried to play this one as well. It had a lighter melody but the same flowing rhythm and turned out to be quite easy. ―Pleading Child‖ was shorter but slower; ―Perfectly Contented‖ was longer, but faster. And after I played them both a few times, I realized they were two haves of the same song.


Lesson 3

1. Today we are in the throes of a worldwide reformation of cultures, a tectonic shift of habits and dreams called, in the curious vocabulary of social scientists, ―globalization‖.


2. Whatever their backgrounds or agendas, these critics are convinced that Western —often equated with American —influences will flatten every cultural crease, producing, as one observer terms it, one big ―McWorld‖.


3. But I also discovered that cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.


4. Its really hard to be original these days, so the easiest way to come up with new stuff is to mix things that already exist.


5. The Cosmopolitan, plunging necklines and all, is read by 260,000 Chinese women every month.


6. The lights went out, and for a moment the only sound in the darkness was the whirring of an expensive camera on auto-rewind.


7. They received a lot from local cultures, but they also kept their own identity. 他们从当地文化吸收了不少东西,但仍然保持了自己的本色。

8. Linking humanity’s natural impulse, its common destiny。


9. They are the powerful cords of the heart.


Lesson 4

1. Regulating my steps 指导我向前走

2. The family purse 家庭财力/经济

3. Caught her by the throat 扼住她的喉咙

4. In the depths of our unconscious being 在无意识的最深层

5. To speak without the figure 不用修辞手段、直截了当地说

6. The extreme conventionality of the other sex 男性极端的因循守旧

7. Upon what terms 以什么为条件/在什么样的条件下

1. It was she who used to come between me and my paper when I was writing reviews.就是她,在我写评论时,总是在我和我的写作之间制造麻烦。

2. I now record the one act ---on charm for my living.下面我要说说多少是我自己决定做的一件事情,当然做此事的功劳主要还应归功于我的了不起的祖先,是他们给我留下了一笔财产——比如说每年五百英镑吧——这样我就不必完全靠女人的魅力去谋生了。

3. I do not believe that anybody ---to human skill.我相信,只有妇女在人类知识所设计的全部艺术和专业领域中用创造形式表达自己的情感后,她们才能知道什么是妇女。

4. He wants to see the same faces…---illusive spirit, the imagination.他希望在他写作时,他每天见的人,读的书,做的事都是相同的,这样任何事物都不会打破他生活的幻想,也不会搅乱他的四处探求以及对那令人难以捉摸的东西——想象力的突然发现。

5. Be that as it may, I want you to imagine me writing a novel in a state of trance.尽管如此,我请你想象我在迷睡的状态中写小说。

6. The consciousness of what---- unconsciousness.她意识到男人们会如何议论一个敢讲有关激情真话的女人,这使她从艺术家的无意识状态中惊醒了。

7. Inwardly, I think,--- prejudices to overcome.从内心精神方面看,情况颇为不同。


8. To discuss and define ---difficulties be solved.议论和界定这些障碍是十分重要的,因为只有如此我们才能共同努力克服困难。

9. Those aims cannot be ---questioned and examined.那些目的是什么,对这个问题我们不能想当然,而要不断地提出疑问和进行审视。

Lesson 6

l. There has arisen thing called life-a form of matter; qualitatively different from rocks, gas, and dust, yet made of the same stuff, the same elements lying around everywhere. (Para. 1) 出现了一种叫做生命的东西——物质的一种形态:它与岩石、气体以及尘埃有本质的不同,但却由同样的东西,到处存在的同样的元素构成。

2. Extraterrestrial life represents an enormous gap in our knowledge of nature. (Para.


3. We don’t know if it’s built on a foundation of carbon atoms. We don’t know if it requires a liquid-water medium, if it swims or flies or burrows. (Para. 7) 我们不知道这种生命是否建立在碳原子基础上,是否需要液体形态的水作为中介,是游呢、飞呢,还是生活在地下。

4. But neither are people who believe in the UFO narratives irrational, much less crazy, as they are sometimes depicted.(Para. 19)对外星人乘坐飞碟光临地球这种说法深信不疑的人,并不像人们有时候所说的那样,是逻辑混乱,更不是丧失理智

5. …. who said that on a scale of one to ten of increasing probability of biological origin, he could only grant the alleged Martian fossils a two. (Para. .31)


6. There was a time when plate tectonics –the movement and collision and subduction of vast slabs of the Earth’s crust -- was deemed a very strange idea. (Para.35)


7. Mars has no such mechanism, and this seemingly minor deficiency may be the reason Mars lost most of its atmosphere. (Para.37)


8. … who argue that high intelligence has occurred only once on Earth, among something like a billion species. Hence it is a billion-to-one long shot. (Para.40)


9. That on the only planet we know of that has life, intelligence appeared.

That’s a one-for-one proposition. (Para.40)



1、The market leader is frequently able to lead other firms in the introduction of new products, in price changes, in the level or intensity of promotions, and so on. 市场领导者在引进新产品、调整价格、促销活动等方面能够领导其它企业。 2、Contrary to a common belief, wholly dominating a market, or having a monopoly, is seldom an advantage: competitors expand markets and find new uses and users for products, which enriches everyone in the field, but the market leader more than its competitors. 和普遍看法相反,完全控制市场,或者垄断,很难有优势:竞争者扩大市场,寻找产品的新用途和客户,从而使这个领域的人富有,但是市场领导者比竞争者得到更多。 3、In the car hire business, the challenger actually advertises this fact: for many years Avis used the slogan ‘We’re number two. We try harder.’ 在汽车市场,竞争者登广告的真相是:阿维斯多年来一直用这个标语“我们是第二,我们一直很努力。” 4、Although small companies are generally flexible, and can quickly respond to market conditions, their narrow range of customers causes problematic fluctuations in turnover and profit. 尽管一些小公司很灵活,能够迅速对市场情况做出反应,他们有限的范围内的客户们导致翻覆波动和利润的不确定。5、Although the market could understand data concerning companies’earnings, it was highly inefficient in valuing assets, including land, buildings and pension funds. 尽管市场能够获悉企业收入的资料,对价值资产的利用效率非常低,包括土地,建筑和养老基金。 6、The ideal targets for such buyouts were companies with huge cash reserves that enabled the buyer to pay the interest on the debt, or companies with successful subsidiaries that could be sold to repay the principal, or companies in fields that are not sensitive to a recession such as food and tobacco.


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


精读翻译 1. 经理先生,明天我可以不来上班吗?我母亲要来看我 Mr. Manager, may I take a day off tomorrow? My mother is coming to see me. 2. 警察悬赏捉拿抢劫银行罪犯的线索 The police offered a reward for clues about the bank robbers. 3. 上周我生病时,她主动提出来帮助我照顾孩子。 When I was ill last week, she offered to look after my child. 4. 除了厨房以外,这套公寓应该说是非常令人满意的了 Except for the kitchen, the flat is very satisfactory. 5. 她去年被提升为部门经理。 She was promoted to branch manager last year. 6. 人人都累极了,只有约翰没事。 Everyone was exhausted except John. 7. 谁在经营这家公司? Who's running this company? 8. 他伸手到口袋里去拿钱包。 He reached into his pocket for the wallet 1.我想在镇上买幢房子,但现在买不起 I want to buy a house in town, but can't afford it now. 2.今年生意很好,我们可以买一辆新汽车了。 We can afford a new car this year because of good business/thanks to good business. 3.他把房子照料得很好,每两年粉刷一次 He took good care of the house and painted it every second year/every other year/once in two years 4.她每隔三天回家一次,帮母亲打扫房间。 She went home to help mother to clean the rooms every fourth day/every four days/once in four days. 5.他把家具搬进了另一个房间。 He moved the furniture into another room. 6.他们不喜欢住在这个地区,所以想搬到别处去。 They don't like this place, and have decided to move house to another residential area. 7.李明和其他四位同学合住一个房间。 Li Ming shares the dormitory with four other students. 8.他们俩合买了一台电视机。 They shared the payment for a TV. 1.对不起,我们不招聘学生。 I'm afraid that the position is not open to students. 2.前两天我突然看到一封法国的来信。 I came across a letter from France the other day. 3.他把手放在胸口,显得十分诚恳。 He put his hand on his chest as if to show sincerity. 4.我已经填好了申请表 I've filled in the application form. 5.她身上穿了件外套。


1、我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。 We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. 2、我们愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。 We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade. 3、我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。 This corporation specializes in importing and exporting electronic products and wishes to enter into business relations with you. 4、根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附寄目录一份。 As requested in your letter of Jan.20, we enclose a copy of our catalogue. 5、对你努力为我公司开拓市场,深表感谢 We very much appreciate your efforts to explore the market for our products. 6、我们相信,我们双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come. 7、我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重视。 We assure you of our best attention to any inquiries from you. 8、殷切地盼望早日来函。We anticipate a prompt reply from you. 9、如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。 We shall be very glad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitive and delivery date acceptable. 10、一旦收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。 As soon as we receive your specific inquiry, we will cable our quotation. 11、如果你方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。 If you are interested, please cable us, indicating the quantity you require. 12、此发价为实盘,以你方在本月底前复到有效。 This offer is firm, subject to your reply which should reach us not later than the end of this month. 13、我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,几日内将给予明确答复。 We find your offer very interesting and shall give you a definite reply in a few days. 14、鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特报此盘。 It is in view of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer. 15、这是我方最新价格单,您会发现我们价格是具有竞争性的。 This is our latest price list. You will find our price is very competitive. 16、如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。 We can reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 17、若你方愿降低价格,比方说百分之五,我们愿向你方试订此货。 Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say 5%, we should place trial order with you. 18、鉴于我们已按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降价了。 In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at this price, we cannot reduce our price any further. 19、我们建议你方再次考虑发价,使之与国际市场价格一致起来。 We suggest that you reconsider your price, and bring it into line with the international market price. 20、我方决定再作百分之二的让步,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。 We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sales of our

高考英语书面表达单句翻译 高考写作高级表达方法

巧用高考真题写作素材提高高考英语书面表达之单句翻译练习 针对部分同学表达能力差的问题,本翻译练习有助于基础差的学 生提高词汇和地道的英文表达能力。请同学们认真翻译句子,不要直译,并标出各个句子的谓语动词,减少中式表达!认真体会高级用法!有易到难,可以先练习完成句子,积累到一定程度再练习单句翻译, 学会仿写。 完成句子 1.如果你能找到一些方法来经常表扬你的孩子,你就会发现他们会向你敞开心扉。 Find ways to praise your children often,and you’ll find they will open their hearts to you. 2.直到跟两个学生交谈之后我才发现,有强烈的动机是达到目标的最重要的因 素之一。(2015·湖南) Only after talking to two students did I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals. 3.生长在格拉斯哥最贫困的地区,他成为一名足球明星的道路漫长而艰难。(2015·重庆) Raised in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star. 4.发现这门课程很难,她决定转向难度更低的课程。 Finding the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level. 5.在高峰时刻开车很累。 Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.


大学英语 2 1) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。 Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance. 2) 他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手。 They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 3) 我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话。 I’ve heard from your references that the employer had called them. 4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。 Would you please inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements. 5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数相差了一大截。 Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile. 6) 只要不成为阅读负担,你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。 Your report can include enough details without being a burden to read. Page21: 6 .Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1. ▲Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. (虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。) ▲Although he has only studied English for two years, he can speak it quite well now. (虽然他学习英语仅2年,但是他现在英语讲得相当好。) ▲虽然生态环境有所改善,但生态安全状况仍然严重。 (Although the ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious.) ▲尽管天色已晚,我还是有点想出去 (Although it is late, I’d quite like to go out.) 2. ▲For most formal occasions, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance. (大多数正式场合,最好提前三到四个星期发出邀请。) ▲It’s best to slice into a rich cake from the middle. (最好从中间切油腻蛋糕。) ▲在中午太阳光线很强的时候,你最好避免外出。 (It’s best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun.) ▲如果你应邀去参加正式的聚会,你最好穿上西装,打上领带。 (If you are invited to a formal party, it’s best to wear a suit and a tie.) 3. ▲A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s image. (公司可以选择使用自己想要的任何颜色的纸张,只要它有利于维护和提升企业的形象。) ▲Your college or university will provide a report about your education as long as you continue to study there. (你的学院或大学将为你提供成绩报告单,只要你继续在哪里学习。) ▲只要我还有钱维持, 我就在墨西哥待下去。 (I’ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.) ▲只要我还活着,我就不会忘记那件 (I’ll never forget that as long as I am alive.) 4.


1 1.这一监控体系最终将取代美国政府对古巴雪茄进口的上限。. ’s . 2.墨西哥和美国之间的争执不会有任何作用,并可能导致北美自由贸易协定中关税解除的中断。. . 3.在召开部长级会议之前,将举行一次经济合作商业论坛,重点探讨如何减小全球经济失衡的纠正对中国的冲击。, , . 4.只有少数美国人将此问题归咎于这些明显的因素,即美元贬值或经济周期。 a . 5.最新的科学研究揭示了这样的事实,即为减少温室气体排放所采取的必要措施会带来沉重的经济和政治成本。. 6.有传言称上个月政府和这家公司的总裁秘密达成一笔交易。 a 's . 7.反对派对美国政府施加压力,让他们改变对纺织品进口的政策。. . 8.自从签署双边自由贸易协定以来,这个新兴经济体一直处于科技的前沿。, . 9.一般来说,浮动汇率应该使国家免受与贸易伙伴在通货膨胀上的持续差异的影响。, . 10.据保守预测,到2010 年中国与北美和欧盟的进出口贸易堂将分別超过4000 亿美元,与10个东盟国家的进出口贸易堂将超过2000 亿美元。, 2010, 's $400 , $200 . 2 1)政府出资1亿美元用于农村地区再生能源的开发和利用。$ 0.1 . 。 2) 开发西部不能以破坏环境为代价,因此政府一直走经济开发建设和生态环境保护并进的可持续发展之路。. a . 3) 作为一个负责任的大国,中国将严格遵守世贸组织的规则,履行我们所做的承诺。 a , . 4) 中国粮食生产的快速增长主要是由于中国政府在农村实施的一系列改革措施,如较大幅度提高粮食收购价格等. ’s a , . 5) 在全球化中,不是所有的国家都在平等竞争,一些发展中国家有时不得不遵守一些市场规则,甚至答应一些政府的不公平要求。, . , . 6)在过去的一年里,全球投资需求下滑,国际主要货币汇率大幅度动荡,一些新兴市场出现金融危机。, ; . 7) 不论时间和距离的限制,网络彻底改变了竞争的性质,还使得竞争更为公平,特别是对于一些小企业。, . 8) 通过“小额信贷项目”,农民们在需要时得到所需资金,并要在预定期限内还清本息。, , . 9) 中国经济的蓬勃发展表明中国已成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。’s . 10) 随着国有独资商业银行的体制改革,一些符合条件的商业银行开始上市,越来越多的银行也将加入这个行列。, , 。 3 1) 专家们认为导致这家公司表现不佳的主要原因是人力资源,尤其是高层管理人员任命不


U1 1. 飞机乘务员应对所有旅客的安全负责。be responsible for The crew of an airliner should be responsible for the safety of all the passengers. 2. 请尽快把这些英文报纸和杂志分送给每位订阅者。distribute to Please distribute these English newspapers and magazines to every subscriber as soon as possible. 3. 学院决定举办系列讲座,商务英语专业的学生必须出席。decide on The college has decided on a lecture series and Business English majors must be present. 4. 若需进一步的补充解释,请参阅教师参考书第58页。refer to For additional explanation, please refer to page 58 of the teacher’s reference book. 5. 大多数人都会关注与自己有关的事。relate to Most people will be interested in what relates to themselves. 6. 最近,下海经商的人越来越多。go into business Recently, more and more people have gone into business. 一个大批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。in bulk 7. A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler. 8. 据报道,目前工资水平在某种程度上仍稍稍领先于物价水平。to a certain extent, ahead of It’s reported that nowadays wages are, to a certain extent, still one step ahead U2 1. 总经理将重要文件分发给部门经理。hand out The general manager handed out the important documents to the department managers. 2. 欺骗顾客和逃税构成了他们那个时期的商业政策。make up Cheating customers and evading taxes made up their business policy in those days. 3. 在英语中,数学可以简称作maths或math。for short Mathematics can be called maths or math for short in English. 4. 这座城市被认为是此经济合作区的龙头。be known as This city is known as leading the economic cooperative zone. 5. 虽然这对夫妇对所要买的家具的价格没有异议,但对式样意见不一。agree on Although the couple agreed on the price of the furniture they wanted to buy, they disagreed about the style. 6. 我上个月买了台笔记本电脑,不过花了大价钱。at a price I bought a laptop last month but only at a price. 7. 一个大a批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。pay for The parents work hard to pay for their children’s tuition. 8. 你的不诚实是我最终与你断绝往来的原因。in the end Your dishonesty was the reason why I had to break off our relationship in the end. 9. 他叔父决意在乡下定居, 而不住在城里。choose to


1.这种方法的问题在于无法大规模地实践。不幸的是,在我们的地球上高尚的野蛮人和未被破坏的风景已越来越少;除了两极地区以外,已经没有开发的土地了。少数富有的乡绅还可以逃避现实去过田园生活——但总的来说迁徙的潮流是反向流动的。The trouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical on a large scale. Our planet,unfortunately , is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes ; except for the polar regions, the frontiers are gone. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life--but in general the steam of migration is flowing the other way. 2.在接下来的争斗中,他们越来越可怜、毫无办法和精疲力竭,而他却因对我的害怕而反抗疯狂到了惊人的程度。In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject , crushed , exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me . 3.在荷兰,安乐死已经被其医疗机构所接受,而且每年公开实行几千例。In Holland , mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practised a few thousand times each year . 4.如果我说做个黑人比做个妇女更糟糕,也许没有人对我的话提出质疑。为什么呢?因为众所周知,在美国存在着对黑人的歧视。而在美国存在着对妇女的歧视这一看法对于几乎所有的男人————恐怕还有大多数女人来说——仍然是不可思议的。If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman , probably no one would question me . Why ? Because "we all know" there is a prejudice against black people in America. That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men--and, I am afraid, most women--as bizarre. 5.得知自己是那么令人讨厌的,他怀着一颗破碎的心匆匆赶回家里。When she got to know that she was despised, she hurried home heartbroken. 6.我从来没有问过为什么她单单关注我,也从没有想过或许是妈妈请她开导我一下。我只关心她曾为我做点心吃,为我朗读过她心爱的书。I didn't question why she had singled me out for attention, nor did it occur to me that Mama might have asked her to give me a little talking to . All I cared about was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her favorite book. 7.如果能够集中精力做事情,即使最笨的人也能取得让人称羡的成绩。If the least gifted person will concentrate on things,he or she can make achievements that seem miraculous to people. 8.她告诉我对无知绝不能宽容,但应理解未受过教育的人。She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding illiteracy. 9.她觉得自己能够十分在行地不动声色地听别人的谈话,十分在行地利用别人在她周围谈话的时机短暂地介入别人的生活。She had become really quite expert, she thought, at listening as though she didn't listen, at sitting in other people's lives just for a minute while they talked round her. 10.当这个富有的国家里没有孩子饿着肚子上床睡觉时,我也许会回去教书。When there are no children going to bed hungry in this rich nation, I may be ready to go back to teaching. 11.这个孩子脸上没有任何表情,用冷默的目光死死盯着我,像要把我吃掉似的。The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression on her face whatever.


大学英语2 1) 美国人一般早早就安排好他们的退休生活。 Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance. 2) 他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手。 They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers. 3) 我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话。 I' ve heard from your references that the employer had called them. 4) 请告诉我们具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备。 Would you please inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements. 5) 我们对出席派对人数的估计与实际来的人数相差了一大截。 Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile. 6) 只要不成为阅读负担,你的报告可以包括足够多的细节。 Your report can include enough details without being a burden to read. Page21: 6 .Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1. ▲ Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. (虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。) ▲ Although he has only studied English for two years, he can speak it quite well now. (虽然他学习英语仅 2 年,但是他现在英语讲得相当好。 ) ▲虽然生态环境有所改善,但生态安全状况仍然严重。 ( Although the ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious. )▲ 尽管天色已晚,我还是有点想出去 (Although it is late, I ' d quite like to go out. ) 2. ▲ For most formal occasions, it 's best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance. (大多数正式场合,最好提前三到四个星期发出邀请。 ) ▲ It ' s best to slice into a rich cake from the middle. (最好从中间切油腻蛋糕。 ) ▲在中午太阳光线很强的时候,你最好避免外出。 ( It ' s best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun. ) ▲如果你应邀去参加正式的聚会,你最好穿上西装,打上领带。 ( If you are invited to a formal party, it 's best to wear a suit and a tie. ) 3. ▲ A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company ' s image. (公司可以选择使用自己想要的任何颜色的纸张,只要它有利于维护和提升企业的形象。 ) ▲ Your college or university will provide a report about your education as long as you continue to study there. ( 你的学院或大学将为你提供成绩报告单,只要你继续在哪里学习。) ▲只要我还有钱维持, 我就在墨西哥待下去。 ( I' ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on. )


Unit 1 翻译: 1、这位网络销售主管调查研究后开始实行自己的计划。(put ... into practice) The network sales executive began to put his plans into practice after research and investigation. 2、由于母亲没有养老金,姐妹俩每人每月出资500 美元赡养她。(contribute ... to) Because their mother didn't have her pension, the two sisters each contributed $500 a month to support her. 3、杰姆大叔认为市价上涨,他就可以赚到一笔钱。(cash in) Uncle Jim thought that a rise in the market would enable him to cash in. 4、罗宾逊奋斗多年,先后当过会计、代理商和项目经理。(in turn) For years Robinson struggled hard, working in turn as an accountant, an agent, and a project manager. 5、昨天,博物馆中一幅价值50万美元的绘画被盗窃。(worth of) Yesterday, a $500,000 worth of painting was stolen from the museum. 6、参加华交会的客商从全国各地纷至沓来。(roll in) The businessmen who came to take part in the East China Fair rolled in from all parts of the country. 7、他们很自然地把这件事与促销计划联系在一起。(associate ... with) They naturally associated the matter with the promotional plan. 8、这本书着重具体分析该规划的可行性(feasibility)。(focus on) The book focuses on concrete analysis of the feasibility of the program. 9、引进先进的技术以后,我们现在每月可生产20台机器。(put out) After introducing advanced technology, we can put out 20 machines every month now. 10、获得奖学金的学生占我校学生总数将近五分之三。(account for) Scholarship students account for nearly three fifths of the whole enrollment in our college. Unit 2 1、近来他们生意很糟糕,不久就得歇业。(close down) They will have to close down soon because business has been bad recently. 2、我们打字纸快用完了,让秘书尽快去买一些。(run out of) We are running out of typing paper, so let the secretary buy some as soon as possible. 3、该文化发展委员会是由来自全国8所大学的10位著名专家组成的。(consist of) The committee for cultural development consists of 10 famous experts from 8 universities of the country. 4、如果邮包未经保险(insure),邮局对其受损不负责任。(be liable for) The Post Office is not liable for damage to a parcel by mail if it is not insured. 5、这家超市由于经营不善而陷入债务。(go into debt) The supermarket goes into debt due to bad management.

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