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典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋

典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋
典范英语8-03 顶级跑鞋


The Ultimate Trainers




2.非语言目标:引导学生用平常心看待输赢和得失;启发学生思考比赛的真正意义(如重在参与,全力以赴),勇于挑战自我,展现体育精神(Swifter, Higher, Stronger)。









1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考


Have you ever taken part in a running race? Does it matter what kind of trainers you wear?

If you found a pair of magic trainers, what would you do?


In this story, who would take part in a running race? What did he find before the race? Did he win at last? Why? Let's find the answers from the story.

2. 情节分析及复述(Plot Analysis and Retelling ):启发学生思考;关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力

教师在黑板上板书每章的标题,然后请学生将各章纳入“introduction — build-up — climax — resolution ”的结构中去,可参考以下: Chapter 1 The perfect trainers (P3) Introduction

Chapter 2 Kevin Beadle (P9)


Chapter 3 Jake tries them out (P12)

Chapter 4 Anna works it out (P17)

Chapter 5 ‘It won’t prove anything’ (P24)

Chapter 6 Jake makes up his mind (P27)

Climax Chapter 7 Where are the trainers? (P33)

Chapter 8 The big race (P37)

Chapter 9 The trainers get their own back (P46)

Resolution Chapter 10 Back to whenever (P52) 然后教师针对每个部分进行提问,请学生回答:


Where did Jake find the trainers?

What was Anna’s suggestion?

What was Jake’s decision?


What did Beadle do to Jake when he was waiting for Anna?

When Jake tried the trainers out, what happened?

What was Anna’s explanation for the magic trainers? Why did she think so?

What was Anna’s advice? Did Jake follow it?

Which part of Chapter 5 foreshadows the bad thing that was going to happen to Jake? Can you guess what would happen then?


Why did Jake change his mind?

Who took the trainers away?

Whom did Jake and Anna meet in the school?

Who won the race at last? How about Jake?


Why did the trainers get angry? What did they do to Beadle?

How did Beadle make things right in the end? Why did he give the trainers back?

How did everyone end according to the story? What about the trainers?

教师根据学生的回答,将各个部分的要点板书在黑板上。然后请学生根据板书总结出整个故事的大意,形成一篇summary 。提醒学生在总结过程中注意使用first/at the beginning, after that, then, however, in the end…等连接性表达。答案可参考以下:

Chapter 1:Jake found a pair of new trainers next to the dustbin two weeks before the Area Cross-Country Championships. Although Anna told him to leave the trainers alone, Jake decided to wear them in the race.

Chapter 2:He met Beadle, the best runner in the school. Beadle laughed at him and his new

trainers. Jake was annoyed.

Chapter 3:Jake tried the trainers on. He reached top speed in the first lap and ran faster and faster than ever. After four laps, he still felt completely fresh.

Chapter 4&5:Anna tried to figure out an explanation. When she saw Jake soaring high over the dog unconsciously, she thought the trainers had a life of their own. So she advised Jake to take off the trainers but Jake refused and enjoyed the relaxing running every day.

Chapter 6、7 & 8:Jake slept badly and realized it would mean nothing by using the trainers. He decided to hand the trainers in with Anna but they found the trainers were gone. Mariah and Luther who were from the future told them the trainers thought for themselves too much and ran away from them. Anna brought them to the race. With hard work, Jake got tenth while Beadle won the first easily for wearing the trainers.

Chapter 9&10:However, Beadle boasted to everyone about his winning and irritated the trainers. The trainers punished him by taking him to run without any stop. He felt exhausted and scared. So he handed in the trainers to Mariah and Luther. In the end, the trainers and their owners

3. 朗读(Reading aloud):朗读与思考相结合

教师请一组学生分角色朗读第4章(P17-P23),学生可自由挑选角色(Anna,Jake,the narrator)。要求学生读出Jake和Anna对待顶级跑鞋的各自情感。朗读前,教师提出问题请学生在朗读过程中思考,如:Jake felt excited about his powerful trainers. How did Anna feel? How do you know it? 读完后,教师给出反馈。

4. 表演(Role-play):(可选)锻炼学生的表达能力

承接以上朗读环节,教师进一步提问:So Anna didn’t agree with Jake. She said “It won’t prove anything”. Do you agree with her? Why? What would happen if Jake didn’t follow her suggestion? Can you make up another ending ?


讨论后,请一组学生上台表演想象的结局。表演后请学生代表从pronunciation & intonation, fluency, acting 和teamwork等几方面进行评价和总结。

5. 讨论(Discussion):培养学生的批判性思维能力


MAKE ASSUMPTIONS What would happen if anyone could easily win a game?(The game would lose its meaning.)

MAKE INFERRENCES On page 42, it says “whatever happened, it was up to him, not the trainers”. So as for Jake, what’s the real meaning of the race?

EV ALUATE In your opinion, what’s the real meaning of a sports game?(To participate; to see how good I am; to challenge myself…)

CLARIFY Do you remember the Olympic motto? What does it tell us? (Swifter, higher, stronger. This is what we should pursue in a sports game rather than the scores.)EV ALUATE How do you view winning and losing?(In a game, whenever someone wins, others become losers. This is true according to the rules. However, a game is not just about winning and losing. If you have tried your capacity, it is equally something to be proud of even if you are the last one.)


6. 人物分析(Character Analysis):培养学生的归纳论证能力


As for the three characters (Jake, Anna, Beadle), whom do you like most? Why?


Jake:crazy about running, weak-minded but brave to correct his mistake…

Anna:crazy about wizard and alien stories, honest, clever, helpful…

Beadle:boastful, self-centered, ill-mannered…

7. 词汇学习(V ocabulary Development):有意义的词汇学习


8. 作业(Homework)





Teaching Notes)

















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