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Three elements that influence English and American literature:
The Bible、Greek and Roman Mythology、Arthurian Legend

【Old English and Beowulf】(Mid 5th centry ~1066)
1 Two poetic figures in old English poetry:kenning(隐喻) and litotes(曲言法)
2 英国文学仅二史诗:Beowulf 、 Paradise Lost

【Middle English and Chaucer】(14th centry)
1 Three main categories of Middle English literature:religous、courtly love、arthurian
2 The father of English literature : Chaucer 《The Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事)》
3 影响Chaucer的一部意大利作品《The Decameran(十日谈)》

【Renaissance Drama and Shakespeare】 (16th centry)文艺复兴

1 The 45-year reign of ElizabethⅠ= the English Renaissance = the age of Shakespeare
2 The most widely known poet and playwright :Shakespeare
3 Shakespeare's tragedies: (《Hamlet》 (greatest tragedy)丹麦王子、《Macbeth》、《King Lear》、《Othello》)四大悲剧、《Antony and Cleopatra》、《Romeo and Juliet》
4 Shakespeare's comedies:《A Midsummer Night's Dream(仲夏夜之梦)》、《The Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人)》
5 Shakespeare's tragicomedy: 《The Tempest(暴风雨)》
6 Shakespeare's 154 sonnets:诗体ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
7 SONET XVⅢ(18) is one of the most popular

【Biblical Epic and John Milton】 (17th centry)古典主义

1 Lady of Christ's : John Milton 《Paradise Lost(失乐园)》《Paradise Regained(复乐园)》《Samson Agonistes(力士参孙)》

【Prose Fiction and Jonathan Swift】 (17-18th centry)启蒙运动Enlightenment

1 An Irish foremost prose satirist in the English language:Jonathan Swift《Gulliver's Travels(格列佛游记)》

【Romanticism and Robert Burns】 (18th末19th初)浪漫主义

1 p84倒数第二段
2 the national poet of Scotland and "People's poet" of Rassia :Robert Burns 《Auld Lang Syne(友谊地久天长)》《A Red,Red Rose》
3 pioneers of the Romantic movement浪漫主义先驱: Robert Burns、William Blake
4 浪漫主义代表:第一批消极浪漫(湖畔派):Coleridge、Wordsworth、罗伯特掻赛
第二批积极浪漫:Lord Byron、Percy Bysshe Shelley、Mary Shelley(科幻小说之母) 、Keats
5 作品

Blake--"To see a World in a Grain of Sand,And a Heaven in a Wild Flower(一沙一世界,一花一天堂)"
Coleridge --《The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(古舟子咏)》
Byron--《Don Juan(唐璜)》
Shelley--《Ode to the West Wind(西风颂)》"冬天已经来了,春天还会远吗?"
Keats--《Ode on a Grecian Urn(希腊古瓮颂)》"美即是真,真即是美"、《On the Grasshopper and the Cricket(蝈蝈和蛐蛐)》

【Victorian Novel and Dickens】 (19th)现实主义
1 Poetry:
Tennyson 、the Brownings
2 Novel:
the Bronte sisters: Charlotte--《Jane Eyre(简爱)》、Emily--《Wu

thering Heights(呼啸山庄)》
Wilkie Collins--《The Moon Stone(月亮宝石)》(侦探小说)
George Eliot--《The Mill on the Floss(弗洛斯河上的磨坊)》
Thomas Hardy--《Under the Greenwood Tree(绿荫下)》、《Far from the madding Crowd(远离尘嚣)》、《The Return of the Native(还乡)》、《The Mayor of Casterbridge(卡斯特桥市长)》、《Tess of the D'Urbervilles(德伯家的苔丝)》、《Jude the Obscure(无名的裘德)》 p99
Oscar Wilde--《The Picture of Dorian Gray(道林格雷的画像)》、《The Happy Prince(快乐王子)》
Lewis Carrol--《Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(爱丽丝漫游仙境)》
Dickens--《The posthumous Papers of the Pickwick club(匹克威尔外传)》、《Dombey and son(董贝父子)》、《Hard Times(艰难时世)》、《Great Expectations(远大前程)》、《David Copperfied(大卫科波菲尔)》、《Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿)》、《A Tale of Two City(双城记)》

3 drama:

Bernard Shaw--《Man and Superman(人与超人)》、《Pygmalion(卖花女)》、《Saint Joan(圣女贞德)》

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