当前位置:文档之家› 申请出国留学个人信息表





填表说明 1.本表用于居民首次建立健康档案时填写。如果居民的个人信息有所变动,可在原条目处修改,并注明修改时间。 2.性别:按照国标分为未知的性别、男、女及未说明的性别。 3.出生日期:根据居民身份证的出生日期,按照年(4位)、月(2位)、日(2位)顺序填写,如。 4.工作单位:应填写目前所在工作单位的全称。离退休者填写最后工作单位的全称;下岗待业或无工作经历者须具体注明。 5.联系人姓名:填写与建档对象关系紧密的亲友姓名。 6.民族:少数民族应填写全称,如彝族、回族等。 7.血型:在前一个“□”内填写与ABO血型对应编号的数字;在后一个“□”内填写是否为“RH阴性”对应编号的数字。 8.文化程度:指截至建档时间,本人接受国内外教育所取得的最高学历或现有水平所相当的学历。 9.药物过敏史:表中药物过敏主要列出青霉素、磺胺或者链霉素过敏,如有其他药物过敏,请在其他栏中写明名称,可以多选。 10.既往史:包括疾病史、手术史、外伤史和输血史。 (1)疾病填写现在和过去曾经患过的某种疾病,包括建档时还未治愈的慢性病或某些反复发作的疾病,并写明确诊时间,如有恶性肿瘤,请写明具体的部位或疾病名称。对于经医疗单位明确诊断的疾病都应以一级及以上医院的正式诊断为依据,有病史卡的以卡上的疾病名称为准,没有病史卡的应有证据证明是经过医院明确诊断的。可以多选。 (2)手术填写曾经接受过的手术治疗。如有,应填写具体手

术名称和手术时间。 (3)外伤填写曾经发生的后果比较严重的外伤经历。如有,应填写具体外伤名称和发生时间。 (4)输血填写曾经接受过的输血。如有,应填写具体输血原因和发生时间。 11.家族史:指直系亲属(父亲、母亲、兄弟姐妹、子女)中是否患过所列出的具有遗传性或遗传倾向的疾病或症状。有则选择具体疾病名称对应编号的数字,没有列出的请在“”上写明。可以多选。


申请推荐信范文 很多学校都要求申请人提交推荐信,由国内教授推荐书写,那么留学申请推荐信要怎么写呢?有什么是需要注意的地方,我带大家来看看留学推荐信范文。仅供大家参考。 推荐信的份量直接关系到能否,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和专业方向等情况。在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中,有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一,其份量仅次于成绩单和标准化考试(GRE、GMAT、TOEFL)成绩。 写推荐信注意事项: 1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。 2. 必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。 3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。 4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。 范文: From: Fan Pu Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS University of Science and Technology Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China July 1, 1998 Dear Sir or Madam:

I take great pleasure in recommending Wang Yong, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program. Mr. Wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school. He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Wang scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his


https://www.doczj.com/doc/8c9016321.html, 如何填写出国留学申请表 如何填写出国留学申请表呢?大家有出国打算之前必须填写出国留学申请表,这里就会出现一个如何填写出国留学申请表的问题,为了帮助大家更好的掌握这个内容,下面百利天下留学为大家介绍如何填写出国留学申请表。 出国留学申请表的基本信息:在填写过程中,所谓“基本信息”并不那么简单,除自己的姓名、昵称、性别、年龄、地址、电话、E-mail等等常规信息之外,还有各类考试分数、学术兴趣、职业取向、种族等信息,甚至还要填写自己的父母分别于何时就读于何大学或研究生院,取得何种学位,是否结婚、分居或离异,现居住何处,从事何职业,有何职位。 出国留学申请表的综合信息:申请表的重头戏还在第二部分的综合信息。第一项往往是学术荣誉。紧接后面的课外活动、志愿活动、家庭活动、兴趣爱好一栏十分广阔。你要明白美国大学的用意:学习是首当其冲的基本条件,而各种社会活动和兴趣爱好更能体现申请人的个性、特长、精力和合理安排时间的能力。 出国留学申请表的工作经历:接下的工作经历一项,有几行表格,分为工作性质、雇主、工作日期、每周工作时间等项,最后还有数行空白用来描述以上的工作中哪一个对你有着最大的意义,要说明为什么。 出国留学申请表的附加材料:另外要注意可否加寄补充材料。几乎所有学校都允许申请人提交申请表以外的附加材料。很多学校的相关专业接受各类艺术作品的复印件、照片和录音带,也接受学术论文和其他申请人希望提交的附加材料。比如,由于申请表的空间有限,无法将全面情况反映出来,于是要精心准备附加材料。 一般来说,美国大学申请表的附加材料由学术荣誉、工作经历和实验报告三方面组成。如果你在全国和市、区的各种竞赛中多次获奖,可将数学、化学、英语、作文、书法竞赛中获得的几十项荣誉,以学科为序分门别类制作成精美的表格,表格中注明竞赛日期、名称、获奖等级、颁奖单位,并附上各种荣誉证书的复印件。 以上是百利天下留学为大家介绍的如何填写出国留学申请表,希望对读者有所帮助。想了解更多美国本科留学相关知识,可拨打百利天下留学免费咨询电话:400-890-6000,或者登陆百利天下留学美国本科站官网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/8c9016321.html,/进行了解咨询。


出国留学导师推荐信范文 1 To whom it may Concern, I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him. I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in variousprofessional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He puts people at their ease with his language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate. I would highly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert Moore Mentor 出国留学导师推荐信范文 2 Dear Colleagues: MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request. I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youthradiating with intelligence and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general GPA 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry. During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and


I.个人信息 II.教育背景 、 2.本科/硕士成绩信息(请按照您在读学校GPA计算标准填写) 说明:请将成绩单电子版或扫描件随信一同发给我们做预评估,并按照要求提供官方成绩单。 3.与所申请专业相关的课程信息 说明:请按照要求填写,信息要求与最终成绩单体现一致;如有自学或者通过其他方式学习

的课程请标注清楚。 III .语言考试和标准入学考试信息 说明:请提供准确的考试成绩及信息,并随信一同附上成绩单的扫描件或截图,并按要求在 规定时间向学校寄送官方成绩单; 请尽量提供考试账号信息,方便我们查阅其他信息,同时我们也会为您的信息保密。 IV .家庭背景 说明:以下信息方便我们了解您的需求,为您提前制定完整的申请和签证计划,同时也方便 您提前做好资金准备。

V.选校需求信息 1. 意向学校及专业(请按照意向的重要度排列学校次序) 说明:请列出所有您意向的学校,方便我们为您定校;如有更多,请额外另附表格说明。 2. 择校特殊要求 说明:请详尽列出所有您对择校的要求,方便我们为您选择符合您要求的满意学校,同时避免我们在为您择校定校的过程中出现偏差。 VI.研究生文书写作信息 一、专业背景 说明:以下表格,如有更多信息内容提供,请额外另附表格说明,不要遗漏信息。

1. 研究背景 项目A 项目B 项目C

2. 学科竞赛及奖励 3. 职业、考级证书 (可提供获奖证书)

| 5. 学术组织 6. 本科/硕士毕业论文 ) 说明:如有需要,请将论文电子版或扫描件随信一同发给我们。 7. 《 8. 发表文章 说明:如有需要,请将论文电子版或扫描件随信一同发给我们。

Reference letter 出国留学 英文推荐信 范文4

Reference letter 05/5/20XX To Whom It May Concern, It’s my pleasure to recommend XXX for admission to XXX University. I am XXXX, an associate professor at University of XXXX. I came to know XXXX when she was my student of Chemistry. The course comprised some basic and advanced knowledge of organic chemistry. XXX distinguished herself by working really hard and her huge curiosity on the mistery behind the experimental phenomenon. I would rank her as one of my most favorite students due to her endless thinking and curiosity. Overall, XXX is highly intelligent and has good analytical skills. She is now working in a project on some Anti-tumor traditional Chinese medicine. She did a lot of preparatory work and read a lot of papers to support her study. She made a really good cooperation with her teammate, who is another student of mine. XXX has excellent communication skills. Everytime when there is any teamwork, even when being in troubles, she can always organize things well and have the tasks done perfectly. She is a lady with great chariness


推荐信样本-计算机 Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 People's Republic of China Dear Sir: I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr.Wang as an exceptional candidate for admission to your Ph. D program. I have known Mr. Wang since his enrollment in Tsinghua University in 1991. To my knowledge, he studied diligently and got excellent records in most courses he took, especially those of mathematics and computer theories. He was also enrolled in a graduate course of mine in Theory and Application of Problem Solving, in which he showed a clear and quick grasp of the concepts involved and a strong capacity of analytical thinking. Since the third year of his undergraduate study, Mr. Wang has taken part in a lot of research work on analysis of algorithms and cryptography along with other faculty. His good work has fully manifested his ability to analyze and solve problems, his incorporation of fundamental knowledge with good skills, and his cooperative manner with others. Due to his internal drive to excel and his industrious study, he was constant among the top three of 160 students in undergraduate and 56 students in graduate of his grade. Moreover, he has been awarded several prizes and honors for his outstanding work, such as “Lin Jiaqiao Applied Mathematics Scholarship 1988”, which awarded only 10 students from 15,000 students of Tsinghua University, and “National Computer World Magazine Scholarship 1990”, which awarded only 60 students of all college student s majoring in Computer Science in P.R. China. These honors clearly demonstrate his achievement in Tsinghua University. In addition, his proficiency in English language in listening, speaking as well as reading and writing will certainly enable him to be competent at the task as teaching and researching assistant. Therefore, I recommend Mr. Wang most enthusiastically. Any assistance you could render to his application for admission and assistantship would be highly appreciated. Sincerely yours,


申根签证申请表填写样本 在线申根签证申请表从本馆网站“赴德须知—签证规定—签证申请表格—在线申根签证申请表”或直接从hp://visdiplde网站下载 选择语言(目前可选语言仅为德语和英语),点击“k”确认 仔细阅读在线填表信息并点击“eie”继续 仔细阅读领区划分信息并点击“eie”继续 点击“Neung”图标打开新申请,如曾将申请表存入电脑,则从硬盘下载申请表 填表说明(按项目编号排列) 1 申请者姓(如“Wng”) 曾用姓(没有则不填,勿填“-”或“NO”) 3 申请者名(与护照一致) 4 申请者出生日期(日/月/年) 5 不填 6 出生地点(与护照一致);出生国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 目前国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 8 最初国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 9 性别(选择) 1婚姻状况(选择) 11父亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 1母亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 13护照类型(选择;因公护照选“ndees Reisedkuen”,填写PASSPORT FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS)14护照号码(仔细填写。勿将数字1误写为字母l) 15签发国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 16签发日期(日/月/年) 1有效期至(日/月/年,护照须至少还有六个月有效) 18不填 19目前职业 工作单位或学生就读学校地址、电话; 1主要目的地(通常为德国即“Deushlnd”) 签证类型(通常为短期居留即“Kuzufenhl”) 3签证(为个人签证即“Einzelvisu”) 4入境次数(通常为一次入境即“einlige Eineise”) 5居留时间(填入计划居留天数,至多“9”)(以市外办批件天数为准) 6曾获签证及年份(国名用缩写,如BNL 、USA 、D 4、UK 3) 不填 8曾在申根国家居留(用缩写,同上) 9旅行目的(选择) 3到达日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 31离开日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 3首次入境地(法兰克福“Fnkfu”、慕尼黑“Münhen”或其他申根国家机场) 33交通工具(通常为飞机即“Flugzeug”) 34邀请人姓名/单位名称、电话和传真号码、详细地址(包括邮编和城市如8519 Münhen)、


出国留学推荐信中文模板 导读:本文是关于出国留学推荐信中文模板,希望能帮助到您! 推荐信在留学申请过程中起到的作用: 一是从第三者角度对申请者自述信及成绩的确认和重新解释;二是对申请者的陈述和成绩进行补充;三是以同行的身份向申请学校的教授提供自己的看法。 澳洲留学推荐信写作模板: 尊敬的先生/女士: 我非常荣幸的为某某某同学出具这份正式的推荐信。我是XX交通大学土木建筑学院的副教授,毕业于上海同济大学并获得博士学位,目前在XX 交通大学土木建筑学院教授道路工程专业课程。某某某同学参加我教授的道路工程专业的学习已经将近两年了,所以我对该同学还是相当了解的。最近得知,某某某同学准备出国留学深造,并希望我能为他写一封推荐信,我感到非常高兴和欣慰。作为一名我最优秀的学生之一,某某某应该受到更好的教育和更专业的指导。因此,我很荣幸的向贵校推荐该同学。 某某某同学是我校土木建筑学院2019级道路工程专业的一名学生,在其读大三后,我一直教授某某某同学道路工程专业知识。在我教授专业知识期间,他以他的刻苦好学以及强大的求知欲给我留下了深刻的印象。每次上课他都会有很多问题提出,而且不全部释疑决不罢休。他勤于预习复习,并且对于一些较难的知识点,他总是认真记录笔记并和我一起讨论。在学业后期的课程设计中,他总是对自己设计的方案进行反思,并积极向我请教,然后回去进行调整,然后在反思。总之,某某某同学在做设计时

追求每一个细节的尽善尽美。在我看来,他是一名十分有上进心的同学。所以我很希望某某某同学能够继续他的学业,受到更高学术成就老师的指导。 鉴于某某某的同学、我的同事以及我本人对某某某都有很高的评价,我真诚的向贵校推荐他,希望他能够入选贵校的学习项目。如果您对于某某某本人的情况以及这封推荐信有任何译文,欢迎您按照下方所提供的联系方式联系我。 谢谢! XX交通大学土木建筑学院:XXX 推荐人签名: 联络方式:TL: Memil: 日期:XXXX-XX-XX 以上就是IDp教育集团为广大的澳洲留学生整理的澳大利亚留学推荐信写作模板,希望能为大家提供一定的帮助。


学生个人信息表(留学申请) 为了保证学校申请的顺利进行,请提供以下信息并确保以下信息的真实性和准确性。我们保 证在未经过您同意的情况下,不会向任何无关的第三方透露该信息。请务必填写详尽,感谢您的 配合。 个人基本情况: 姓名(请与护照一致):性别: 出生日期:婚否: 出生地:国籍: 家庭住址:(不要填写机构地址,如工商银行*** 收,而是私人家庭住址;不要填写学校宿舍地址)(非常重要!) 邮政编码: 邮寄地址:(非常重要!) E-mail: 电话: 护照号码:申请人是否有出国经验: 是否有被任何国家拒签的记录:申请人是否有病史: 教育背景 注:如有多段教育背景,请以同样格式填写 年月 ~ 年月学校名称(提供学校的官方英文翻译名称)及学校地址 系别 /学院(如有官方英文译 名,请填写) 学习形式( fulltime 或 parttime, 是否自考,成人教育) 专业(如有官方英文译名,请 填写) 平均分 /GPA 研究经历(若有,注明日期及研 究单位,简述研究内容) 奖学金(注明日期,提供证书): 荣誉证书(荣誉名称,获得时间, 提供证书) 与自己所学专业或拟申请专业相 关的校内外活动及工作(注明日 期): 与自己所学专业或拟申请专业相 关的社会实践活动或实习经历 (注明日期及实习单位,简述实 习部门及工作内容): 有全职工作经验的申请人填写: 注:如有多段工作经历,请以同样格式分开写清楚 年月 ~ 年月公司或单位名称(提供英文翻译名称)公司简介,知名度等(如有网 学位或文凭 :(硕士 /本科 /大专,有无学位) 何时或将于何时获得:

站请填写网址) 职位(如担任过不同职位, 请注明各个职位的时间段) 主要职责:(不同职位请分1 开简述,罗列要点,可以辅之2 重要实例,大型项目等,如有3 具体数据支持则更具说服力) 业绩,荣誉证书等: (名称及获得时间) 其他: 英语成绩(所有申请人必填): 注:请根据自己参加考试种类填写,若有多次考试,请提供历次考试成绩,如未考试,请标 出计划考试时间 Verbal Percentile Quantitative Percentile Total Percentile AWA考试时间/ 百分位百分位Score百分位计划考试 时间(年 / 月/日) GRE GMAT Listening Reading Writing Speaking Total考试时间/计划考试 时间 (年 /月 /日) TOEFL IELTS 留学意向: 申请项目申请学位申请专业 学校要求排序(将下列选项按重要程度排序: A 综合排名 B 专业排名 C 口碑 D 费用 E 地理位置)您的排序



赴日签证申请表 姓(请按护照填写)(英文)(中文) 名(请按护照填写)(英文)(中文) 曾用名(如有)(英文)(中文) 出生日期出生地点 (年)/(月)/(日)(省)(市) 性别:男□女□婚姻状况:单身□已婚□丧偶□离婚□ 国籍 曾有国籍(如有) 身份证号码 护照:外交□公务□普通□其他□ 护照号码 签发地点签发日期 (年)/(月)/(日)签发机关有效日期 (年)/(月)/(日) 赴日目的 预计在日停留时间 ~ 到达日本日期

入境口岸船舶或航空公司名称 申请人在日拟入住的酒店名称或友人姓名及住址 酒店名称或友人姓名电话 地址 上次赴日日期及停留时间 家庭地址(如有多处居住地,请全部都写上) 地址 电话手机 工作单位名称及地址 名称电话 地址 目前职位 *配偶所从事的职业(如果申请人是未成年人,请填写父母的职业)在日担保人(请填写担保人的详细内容) 姓名电话 地址 出生日期性别:男□女□(年)/(月)/(日) 与申请人的关系 职业和职务

国籍及签证种类 在日邀请人(如保证人和邀请人是同一个人,请写“同上”) 姓名电话 地址 出生日期性别:男□女□ (年)/(月)/(日) 与申请人的关系 职业和职务 国籍及签证种类 *备注/其他需特殊声明的事项(如有) 是否: ●在任何国家曾被判决有罪是□否□ ●在任何国家曾被判处一年或一年以上徒刑** 是□否□ ●在任何国家曾因非法滞留或违反该国法律法规而被驱逐出境是□否□●因违反任何国家关于取缔毒品、大麻、鸦片、兴奋剂或精神药物的法律法规被 判刑** 是□否□ ●从事卖淫活动或曾为卖淫中介、拉客,或曾为卖淫或其他与卖淫有直接联系的 活动提供场所是□否□ ●有过贩卖人口的经历或教唆或协助他人从事贩卖人口的活动是□否□**若您曾被判刑,即使该刑罚为缓期执行,请选择“是”。 若以上问题的回答中有“是”的,请说明具体情况。


出國留學導師推薦信範文 1 To whom it may Concern, I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him. I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have come to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in various professional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He puts people at their ease with his language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate. I would highly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable. Robert Moore Mentor 出國留學導師推薦信範文 2 Dear Colleagues: MS. XXX requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request. I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general GPA 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry. During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materia ls project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and


留学申请表 美国留学背景信息表I.个人信息姓名出生日期移动电话其他联系方式邮寄地址永久地址身份证号码护照签发地(城市/省) E-mail 护照号码护照有效期获签时间是否有过赴美记录是□ 否□ 签证类型拒签时间拒签原因出境记录是否去过别的国家是□ 否□ 国家亲属关系是否有亲属在美国是□ 否□ 身份状态居住城市其他信息签发日期有效期至曾用名出生城市住宅电话QQ 微信邮编邮编性别II.教育背景 1. 教育背景概况课程阶段高中本科研究生学校\\学院名称(中英文) 入读时间毕业时间专业学位婚姻状况其他补充说明2. 本科/硕士成绩信息说明:请将

成绩单电子版或扫描件随信一同发给我们做预评估,并按照要求提供官方成绩单。成绩学历本科硕士GPA (/或XX/100) Ranking (XX% 或X/XX) 赴美记录3. 与所申请专业相关的课程信息说明:请按照要求填写,信息要求与最终成绩单体现一致;如有自学或者通过其他方式学习的课程请标注清楚。课程名称课程名称修读学期学分亲属情况第 1 页–共12 页美国留学背景信息表III.语言考试和标准入学考试信息说明:请提供准确的考试成绩及信息,并随信一同附上成绩单的扫描件或截图,并按要求在规定时间向学校寄送官方成绩单;请尽量提供考试账号信息,方便我们查阅其他信息,同时我们也会为您的信息保密。信息考试Reading TOEFL Listening Speaking Writing Reading IELTS Listening Speaking Writing Verbal /%

GMAT 分数Score 分项总分考试时间Test Date Taken To be take 账号信息(账号/密码) IV.家庭背景说明:以下信息方便我们了解您的需求,为您提前制定完整的申请和签证计划,同时也方便您提前做好资金准备。父母信息姓名出生日期就职单位职务办公电话年收入移动电话E-mail 特殊情况联络人家庭资产情况能够提供现金金额奖学金情况父亲主联络人□母亲主联络人□Quantitative /% AWA /% Verbal /%其他财产(股票/基金/房产) 其他情况说明GRE Quantitative /% AWA /%GRE Sub LSAT Test Name Score /% 奖学金是否为必须是□ 否□ 奖学金需求说明第 2 页–共12 页美国留学背景信息表V.选校需求信息 1. 意向学校及专业说明:请列出所有您意向的学校,方便我


推荐信样本—化学(综合能力推荐) Department of Chemistry Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084 P. R. China Oct. 20, 1997 Dear Sir: It is a great pleasure to recommend Ms. Liu as an outstanding student in our department. I have known Ms. Liu for a long time, and was her counselor during her undergraduate period. Ms. Liu has been one of the most excellent students I have ever taught. She has always proved to be industrious and conscientious in her study and work. In most courses of her undergraduate study she got good marks in academic records. During the fifth year of her undergraduate period, she studied under my advice. I was deeply impressed by her independence and creativity. She began her Diploma Thesis from the very beginning----designing the experimental devices herself. The questions she submitted were often original and she was always persistent and successful to find an answer. Due to her spontaneous intellectual capacity and incessant efforts, she did an excellent work in her diploma thesis, and got the highest score in her class. Mr. Liu has always been a lovely and lively girl with easy—going personality, which has won her many friends among her associates. After graduation, she worked in Analysis Center of our department. As Ms. Liu’s former teacher and her colleague, I am pleased to have witnessed her progress and I can recommend her without reservation for your favorable consideration for her application to your institute. I believe she has the requisite qualification to pursue a Ph. D degree in your department as well as a teaching or research assistantship. Yours honestly

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