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全新版大学英语(二)unit 5语法

全新版大学英语(二)unit 5语法
全新版大学英语(二)unit 5语法

Unit 5 True Height

Global Reading

Ⅰ. Questions about the Text

1.What does the text title True Height mean?

(=It has more than one meaning. They are:

1) the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another.

2) the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.) 2.As the text consists of the main story and a flashback, can you figure out the


(=The flashback is from line 11 to line 35)

Ⅱ. Scanning

1. Scan the text again to find out all the instances where “work” is used as a verb and explain in English the different meaning of “ work”.

(=work: v. 1) (cause to) be active or use effort or power

* “… want something, work for it.” (LL. 24~25) (L. 35) (L. 84)

2) be active in the proper way, without failing

* “It wasn’t working.” (L. 5)

3) exercise

* “He worked out every other day…” (L. 27) )

2. Scan the whole text to find out all the words and phrases that are related to sports or stadium. And think about their Chinese equivalents.

National Junior Olympics 全国少年奥林匹克运动会

personal best 个人最高记录

stand(s) 看台

final race 赛跑决赛

pole vault event 撑竿跳高项目

track and field competition 田径比赛

gymnast 体操运动员

body builder 健美运动员

weightlifting 举重

bar 横杆

inflated landing mat 充气垫

vaulter 撑竿跳高运动员

finger-tipped push-up 俯卧撑

runway 跑道

National record 全国记录

pole 撑竿

take-off 起跳

set a new world record 刷新一项世界纪录

Ⅳ. Further Understanding

For Part 1


https://www.doczj.com/doc/898401695.html,e your own words to draw a picture of the stadium on that day, including the

weather, Michael’s appearance and inner feeling, the audience’s response, etc.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/898401695.html,e your own words to describe what kind of event the pole vault is.

For Part 2

Questions and Answers

1.From the descript ion of Michael’ parents, what can you learn about his parents?

(=Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.)

2.Brainstorm the various obstacles Michael might face during the hard training. (Open-ended.)

3. Wha t personality traits are attributed to Michael’s success?

(=He is diligent, perseverant, optimistic, ambitious, etc.)

For Part 3

Chart Completion

For Part 4


1.Why does the author keep the s ecret about Michael’s blindness until the last


2.Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael


Ⅴ. Writing Skills

As the text consists of the main story and a flashback, the narration has to switch from the ongoing competition to earlier events and then return to the ongoing competition. How does the author manage to make these parts in the text flow smoothly?

1.One way is to repeat a key word in the last sentence of a paragraph in the first

sentence of the next paragraph, e.g.

It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.

As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.

2.Another way is to pick up a key idea from a previous paragraph and repeat it

in the sentence introducing the next paragraph, e.g.

All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.

Detailed Reading

Ⅰ. Difficult Sentences

1.(LL. 8~9) It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.

Translate the sentence into Chinese.


2.(LL. 16~20) He would be running sown a country road. As he raced between golden

wheat fields, he would…

Why is Michael’s dream of flying described in details?

(=Because Michael has a very deep impression about the dream. There are two evidence for that: 1) His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up. 2) He always dreamed of flying.)

3.(L. 21) Where he flew would always coincide with his mother’s stories.

Paraphrase the sentence.

(=In his dreams, he would always fly over those places described in his mother’s stories.)

4.(L. 23) His dad, on the other hand, was not a dreamer.

1. What is function of the phrase “on the other hand”?

(=The phrase is used for comparing different things or ideas.)

2. What can you infer from the phrase?

(=Michael’ s parents are totally different types of people and they play the different roles in Michael’s success.)

5.(LL. 47~48) Nothing to be ashamed of, but Michael would not allow himself the

thought of not winning first place.

1. Paraphrase the first part of the sentence.

(=He would not be ashamed of getting himself the second place, but…)

2. What can you learn from the sentence?

(=Michael holds a very attitude toward the competition. On the one hand, he wouldn’t think it is a shame of winning the second place, on the other hand, he would try his best to win the first place.)

6.(LL. 54) Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay.

1. Paraphrase the sentence.

(=If something strikes you like a wet bale of hay, it comes as a sudden, forceful and unpleasant surprise.)

2. Use some adjectives to describe how Michael felt at that time.

(=He felt anxious, tense, nervous, etc.)

7.(LL. 68~69) The silence was deafening.

Is this sentence contradictory with “silence” and “deafening”?

(=No. “Deafening” here is used to modify “the silence”. It is not an ordinary silence, but a deafening one. This shows both Michael and the crowd are very tense at that moment.)

8.(L. 76) Only this time he knew he wasn’t dreaming.

What does “only” mean here?

(=“Only” here means “but”.)

Ⅱ. Words and Expressions

1.(L. 1) sweat:

1.v. produce sweat

*The white shirts were sweated through.

*He was sweating after working so hard.

2. n. liquid which comes out from the body through the skin to cool it

(=I was covered in sweat after running to catch the bus.)

2.(L. 8) grace: n.

1) quality of being smooth and elegant, esp. in movement or structure

*We admired the grace with which the fashion models walked across the room.

*She danced with a grace that surprised us.

2) kindness; willingness to do what is right

*She had the grace to say that he was right.


(=He agreed that he was wrong with bad grace.)

3.(L. 10) mere: adj. nothing more than

(=She lost the election by a mere 20 votes.)


(=Mere words won’t help.)

4.(L. 10) fantasy: n. (creation of ) imagination

*The story is a fantasy.

*He lives in a world of fantasy.

CF: fantasy, fancy & imagination

fantasy 通常指无限制的,不受意志支配的,完全脱离现实的空想。例如:

*An amusement park full of figures from fairy tales may be called Fantasy Land. 一个游乐园,如果充满了神话故事中的人物塑雕,则堪称虚幻境界。

fancy 强调凭空想象客观世界不存在之事物,这种凭空想象并非完全脱离现实,只是离现实较远。例如:

*Her mind went where fancy took it. 他总是不着边际地胡思乱想。imagination 是个常用词,最少有贬义,它所表示的想象或想象力可以指对过去的事物的重新构想;也可以指对不存在或不能存在之事物的构想。例如:

*Does she have the imagination to figure out what happened? 她真的富有想象力,能够推想出发生的事情吗?

*These plans reveal a complete failure of imagination. 这些计划显得毫无


5.(L.13) numerous: adj. very many

*He has a numerous acquaintance among politicians.

*During the Depression, numerous people wandered from town to town looking for work.

6.(L. 15) passion: n. strong feeling, esp. of love

(=The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.)


(=He has a passion for ice cream.)

7.(L. 15) detail: n. small, particular fact or item

*Everything in her story is correct down to the smallest detail.


(=Don’t omit a single detail.)


go/enter into details 详细说明

in detail 详细地

8.(L. 16) recur: vi.

1) come or happen again

*If the pain recurs, take this medicine.


(=Do you know the recurring decimals?)

2) (of ideas, events etc.)come back

*My first meeting with her often recurs to my memory.

*Thoughts of home and family recurred to the lonely traveler.

3) go back (to sth.) in words or thought

*Let us recur to what you said yesterday.

*Do you mind if I may recur to your idea

9.(L. 21) coincide: v.

1) (of ideas, opinions, etc.) to be in agreement

*His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.

*The judges did not coincide in opinion.

2) happen at the same time of during the same period of time

*They could not go to the theatre together because his free time never coincided with hers.

(=The art exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death.)

10.(L. 24) core: n.

1) most important or central part of anything

*The core of the problem is their objection to educational reform.


(=Let’s get to the core of the matter.)

2) hard central part containing the seeds of certain fruits, such as the apple

*An apple core is the part of an apple left after the flesh has been eaten. Collocation:

to the core: 彻底地; 完全地

*She is French to the core. 她是个地道的法国人。

11.(L. 28) alternate:

1.adj. 1) every other or second

*He works on alternate days.

*The show was sponsored by different clients on alternate weeks.

2) (or two things) happening by turns


(=This is a week of alternate rain and sunshine.)

*She wears a shirt with alternate stripes of blue and white.

2.v. (cause to ) follow by turns

*We alternated periods of work and rest.


(=Tom alternated between anger and fright.)


alternate between 时而…时而…

*They alternate between supporting us and opposing us.

alternate in 轮流

*We alternate in doing the household chores.

alternate with (使)与…交替

*Sunny weather alternates with rain.

12.(L. 32) relax: v.

1) make or become less tense, worried or nervous

*Sit down and relax!


(=The music will help to relax you.)

2) make or become less stiff or tight

(=His muscles relaxed.)

3) make (effort or control) less severe

*You must not relax your control for a moment.

13.(L. 37) vain: adj.

1) too pleased with one’s own abilities or looks

*She’s vain of her beauty.


(=He’s as vain as a peacock.)

2) without result; useless

*After a number of vain attempts to climb the mountain, we were forced to return to camp.

*It is vain to resist.

NB: vain的常用词组是in vain,意为“徒劳地,白白地”

CF: vain, empty, hollow & bare


vain 意思是“空洞的”、“空洞的”。

empty 主要表示某空间没有人或物,无任何内容。

hollow 表示物体内部是空的,如数、气球等。

bare 主要指某物的表面上是空的,无装饰的。

(Directions:) Fill in the blank with the above words and change the form where necessary.

1.The cinema was half ______.

2.We’ve made a ______ attempt to make him change his mind.

3.Don’t sleep on ______ boards.

4.The poor girl went on for another ten miles on an ______ stomach.

5.The walls look solid, but in fact they’re ____

14.(L. 44) emotion: n.

1) any of the strong of feelings of the human spirit

*Love, hatred, fear and grief are emotions

*Jack is a man of great emotion, easily given to tears.

2) strength of feeling; excited state of the feelings

*He described the accident in a voice shaking with emotion.

*He thought of his dead child with deep emotion.

CF: emotion, feeling and sensitivity


emotion 表示人的精神、身体全部反映的一种状态,表现为人的任何强烈的感情。例如:*The speaker appealed to our emotions rather than to our minds. 演讲者激


feeling 是常用词,意思是“感觉”、“感触”、“心情”,部分体现为精神,部分体现为身体,但并不是具有情感反应特征的基本的感觉、反射或心境。除非有上下文的提


*Her feeling was that right would win. 她感觉公理会取得胜利。

*He had lost all of feeling in the left leg. 他的左腿完全失去了知觉。sensitivity 意思是“感受性”、“敏感性”。例如:

*The dentist gave me an injection which reduced the sensitivity of the nerve.


15.(L. 48) be ashamed of: feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of (sth.)

*You should be ashamed of your behavior!


(=He was ashamed of asking such a simple question.)

16.(L. 53) startle: vt. Give a sudden shock or surprise to

*You startled me! I didn’t hear you come in.

*She was startled to see him looking so ill.

CF: startle, frighten & terrify


startle指短时间内叫人震惊的恐惧,可能造成突然的不由自主的身体不能动弹。例如:*The clap of thunder startled us. 雷鸣般的掌声惊呆了我。


*Not wanting to frighten the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs. 理查夫人不想吓唬这可怜的人,所以她很快地藏


terrify 含义是“使恐怖”,受到这种惊怕的人是不能自制的

*Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed. 布鲁斯接通了低


17.(L. 56) intensity: n. state of being intense

*The mayor didn’t realize the intensity of people’s feelings on the housing issue.

*The poem shows great intensity of feeling.

18.(L. 56) anxiety: n.

1) feeling of worry of fear

*They felt strong anxiety for her safety.

*After hearing their advice he had no more anxieties.

2) strong wish to do something; eagerness

*The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.

*He always shows his anxiety to please his employers.


anxiety about 对…的焦虑

anxiety for 为…的担忧

CF: anxiety, worry & concern


anxiety 主要指对不幸或失败的痛苦的恐惧和不确定。例如:

*At the most, he will experience feelings of anxiety, shame, insecurity, and helplessness? 他至多能体验到忧虑、耻辱、不安和无助感。


*I think rich people have about as many worries as poor ones. 我认为富人和穷人的烦恼一样多。

concern强调介入了思想不安的因素;它将严肃的思想和情绪结合起来。例如:*Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors? 对人类自身及其命运的关注,必将成为所有技术事业的


19.(L. 57) tension: n.

1) worry or nervousness

*I am suffering from nervous tension.


(=Can you adapt yourself to the tensions of life in a big city?)

2) degree of tightness of a wire, rope, etc.

*If you increase the tension of that violin string it will break.

20.(L. 63) tense: adj.

1) feeling worried or nervous; making people worried or nervous

*The two countries began to discuss their tense relations.

(=There is a tense moment before we heard the news.)

2) stretched tight; stiff

*With his body so tense, it seemed as though he were listening for something. *Is the rope tense?

21.(L. 65) along with: together with

*He went on the journey along with his two friends.


(=She placed the bank notes, along with the change and receipts, back in the drawer.)


all along 始终, 一直

come along进展; 跟着来

get along 进展; 与…和睦相处

go along 进展; 前进; 同行

22.(L. 66) stretch out: spread out; straighten to full length

*He stretched himself out in front of the fire.

*The sea stretched out as far as I could see.

23.(L. 80) bring (sb.) back to earth: cause (sb.) to stop daydreaming; cause (sb.)

to return to reality

*Emily’s voice brought him back to earth.

*You had better bring yourself back to earth for an hour and cook us some dinner.


come back/down to earth (从幻想中)回到现实

on earth 人世间;究竟

24.(L. 81) in one’s mind’s eye: in one’s imagination

*In my mind’s eye I saw the cliffs rising sheer.


(=She wa s writing her next piece in her mind’s eye.)

25.(L. 87) congratulate: vt. Speak to (a person) with praise and admiration for

a happy event or something successfully done

*We congratulate her on having passed the exams.

(=Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.)

26.(L. 91) media: n. means of mass communication, e.g. TV, radio, newspaper

*The media controls/control the news.

*Much of what children learn comes directly from the mass media.

After Reading

Ⅰ. Useful Expressions

1. 田径比赛 track and field competition

2. 俯瞰 a bird’s eye view

3. 深呼吸 take a deep breath

4. 像雄鹰一样翱翔 soar like an eagle

5. 如出一辙; 不谋而合 coincide with

6. 每隔一天 every other day/on alternate days

7. 农场杂活 farm chores

8. 有一次 on one occasion

9. 站着on one’s feet

10. 没有意识到 unaware of

11. 仰面躺着lie on one’s back

12. 对…惭愧 be ashamed of

13. 感到…fill one’s mind with…

14. 摆脱紧张情绪 shake the tension

15. 在内心的最深处from the deepest depths of one’s soul

16. 在这种时候 at a time like this

17. 舒展;伸展 stretch out

18. 缓缓移动 in slow motion

19. 使…回到现实中 bring sb. back to earth

20. 想象see in one’s mind’s eye

Ⅱ. Talk about the Pictures


Ⅲ. Discussion

1. Work in pairs and find out those details about Michael Stone that shows him to be his mother’s boy or his father’s son.

2. Discussion in groups: Dreaming and hard work, which is more important to a person’s success? Why?

Ⅳ. Dictation

(Directions:) Dictate the following proverbs and translate them into Chinese

1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。

2. Rome wasn’t built in a day. 伟业非一日之功/罗马非朝夕建成。

3. God helps those who help themselves. 皇天不负有心人/自助者天助。

4. You shall reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆/一分耕耘,一分收获。

5. Constant dripping wears away the stone. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。

6. Much outcry, little outcome. 乱糟糟,没成效/嘈杂多,没成果。

Ⅴ. Sentence Translation

1.The pole vault is truly the highlight of any track and field competition. It

combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.



2. Her excitement and passion for details made Michael's dreams full of color and beauty.


3.He found his pole, stood and stepped on the runway that led to the most challenging

event of his 17-year-old life.


4. Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his



5. 迈克尔一下子被围住了,人们拥抱他,祝贺他所取得的一生中最辉煌的成就。

(=Michael was immediately surrounded by people hugging and congratulating him on the greatest accomplishment of his life.)

6. 我认为在这整个世界里,就我一个人被选中去受苦受难。

(=I believed that in this whole world I alone had been chosen to suffer. )

7. 刹那间,时间凝固了,我感到万分的羞愧和震惊。我从来没有这么难受过。

(=In the next few frozen seconds, the shame and horror of that moment penetrated, and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before. )

8. 我意识到我的自艾自怜、自私,以及对他人需求的冷漠,已到了无可复加的地步。

(=I realized that I was filled to overflowing with self-pity, selfishness, and indifference to the needs of others. )

Ⅵ. Writing

How to Write a Personal Description

1.An example

Directions: Write a paragraph of 80~100 words about two or three aspects of a person you know. Cite example to illustrate his/her personality traits.

He ‘s the sort of chap who loves to make entrances and exits. He’ll arrive ten minutes before everybody else and h e’ll leave ten minutes before everybody else. He’ll come dashing in with a bunch of flowers, screaming hellos. He’s a well-informed chap and keeps up to date with all the current affaire. He likes to talk and give his view on life. He’s very successful. Wh en he sets himself a goal, he works hard to attain that and to achieve it. He knows what he wants and he’ll set out to get it. As a result, he’s successful.

2.Some useful expression in the description of an individual

A. Hair: dark (grey, greying, blond, brown, carrot-red, red) hair

curly (wavy, straight) hair

thick (thin) hair

long (short, shoulder-length) hair

have a large bald patch

wear one’s hair braided (辫成麻花状的) in long pigtails

tie one’s hair back in a pony tail

wear one’s hair in a tight bun (发髻)

hair hangs loose

B. Build: skinny

be of average build


plump (肥胖的), heavy, obese (肥胖的)

dwarfish (比较矮小的)

be of average height

have hunched shoulders (驼背)

straight back

C. Appearance: a high (narrow) forehead

bushy eyebrows

round (narrow, small, beady) eyes

double-fold eyelid

a flat (pointed) nose

thick (thin) lips

rosy cheeks

square jaw

a fair (dark) complexion

wear heavy (light) make-up

freckles (a mole, a scar) on the face

grow a beard (a moustache, sideburns)

D. Character:

(Directions:) Choose the right adjectives from the list and complete the following sentences.

1.She has never bought me a drink. She is______.

2. My sister is always making people angry or upset, because she just doesn’t

consider their feelings. She is______.

3. They are always on time. They are______.

4. He is lawyers aware of what other people think or feel. He is______.

5. Tom lawless shares his toys with his friends. He is______.

6. They work all the time. They are______.

7. He never makes his bed or tidies his room. he is very______.

8. He often promises to do things but then he forgets. He is______.

9. She likes to smile and be happy. She is______.

10. My best friend always gets the best grades at school. He is very________.

11. He would like to became a doctor. He is very_______

12. He could work in any of the departments. He is______.

13. Betty hasn't got a boyfriend because she is too______

3. Homework

1. Select a person, either whom you know or don't know, whom you greatly admire. Brainstorm what you know about them, which may include qualities that you find admirable in this person, along with specific stories, examples and facts about the person. Brainstorm the most important five to eight questions that you feel you should ask in order to learn more about him/her.

2. After class, If you know that person, you should arrange an interview based on the questions developed in class. If you have chosen someone who you do not know, such as a celebrity, then you should use your research skills to find the answers to these questions. (The Internet will be the most useful way to locate this information.)

1. After you complete your interview or research, write a paragraph not less than

120 words, cite supporting facts to illustrate the admirable qualities of that person.

The name of Albert Einstein is a household word across the civilized world. He helped mankind to understand the mysteries of the universe. But Einstein himself was a simple person without any pretension. For example, he did not use shaving cream. Instead he used only a razor and water to shave. When he worked, the only thing he needed was a pencil and some paper. When he corresponded with other people, he always used most inexpensive stationery. It is also noteworthy that Einstein was only interested in theory. He did not care about the practical application of his ideas or the material wealth his ideas might create. Even though it was he who worked out the most famous equation in the world, E=MC2, he never visited one atomic reactor site to see how his theory was put into practice.

Ⅶ. Quotations

1. If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency.

— Joshuas Reynolds American female essayist



2. It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant tree.

— G. Eliot British novelist



3. Genius only means hard-working all one’s life.

— Mendeleyev Russian chemist 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。


4. Few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that man fails to succeed.

— La Rocheforcauld French writer 事情很少有根本做不成的;其之所以做不成,与其说是条件不够,不如说是决心不够。


Supplementary Reading

Ⅰ. Culture Notes

ⅰ. Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of books, usually featuring a collection of short, inspirational stories and motivational essays. There have been numerous volumes of Chicken Soup issued. As of January 2006, there were over 105 titles. Many of the books are directed at specific groups of people, e.g. Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Grandparent's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul, etc. The name "Chicken Soup" was chosen for this series because of the use of chicken soup as a home remedy for the sick.

ⅱ. Proverb: A cat has nine lives.

1. Origin of the proverb

The belief that a cat has nine lives is probably based on the fact that a cat is more tenacious of life than most other animals. Cats can survive harsh conditions. They can fall from a few stories up and not die. This is because cats are built differently from other animals.

Attempts have been made to trace the origin of the common expression back to ancient Egypt. It is often said that the cat-headed goddess of Egypt had nine lives and that this circumstance gave rise to the old saying about a cat having nine lives. Another theory on the origin of this expression is that in ancient times nine was a lucky number. As cats seem able to escape injury time and time again, this lucky number seemed suited to the cat.

2. Does a cat really have nine lives?

1. The cat's earliest ancestors probably hunted both on the ground and in the trees. (T)

2. To survive, they needed not only claws, but remarkable balance. (T)

3. Because of having nine lives, the cat is very safe and free in today’s modern cities. (F)

(=The cat faces particular dangers in today's modern cities. )

4. High-rise syndrome means cats can jump high in the sky. (F)

(=High-rise syndrome means cats falling out of windows. )

Ⅱ. Language Study

1. (para. 1) incline: v. (make sb.) tend to feel sth. or want to do sth.

* I incline to the view that peace can be achieved.

* The Prime Minister is believed to be inclining towards an April election.

* 尽管不是很确定,我还是倾向于相信他说的话。

(=Although not very convincing, I'm still inclined to believe what he said.) * She inclines to leanness.


2. (para. 2) in good/excellent/poor health: 健康状况良好/很好/差)

* Living together with her sons, the old woman was very happy and in excellent health.

* 因为抽烟抽得很厉害,他的健康状况较差。

(=The man was in poor health due to his heavy smoking. )

3. (para. 4) horrible: adj. causing a feeling of extreme fear or dislike

* That fish smells horrible. // a horrible crime/nightmare

* 昨晚我做了一个可怕的恶梦。

(=I had a horrible nightmare last night. )

4. (para. 4) suffer from: experience physical or mental pain

* She's been suffering from (= been ill with) cancer for two years.

* 他妻子去世时他遭受了很大的痛苦。

(=He suffered quite a lot when his wife left him. )

5. (para. 4) progressive: adj. happening or advancing gradually by stages over

a period of time

* Cancer is a disease caused by progressive growth of abnormal cells.

* 过去几年来,生活水平逐渐下降。

(=There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over the past few years. )

6. (para. 6) in spite of: (used before one fact that makes another fact surprising)

taking no notice of; not being affected by

* In spite of the fact that she was too ill to see anyone, he insisted on visiting her.

* 尽管有伤在身,比尔还是会参加周六的比赛。

(=In spite of his injury, Bill will play in Saturday's match. )

7. (para. 6) aid: n. help

* A woman in the street saw that he was in trouble and came to his aid.

* 她帮助了一个被困在车内的男人。

(=She went to the aid of a man trapped in his car. )

8. (para. 6) install: vt. place, fix (a piece of equipment) in position for use;

add new software to the computer

* The plumber is coming tomorrow to install the new washing machine.

* 你能帮我装一下这个软件吗?

(=Can you help me install this software? )

9. (para. 6) optimistic: adj. believing that good things will happen in the future * The doctor said he was optimistic that the little boy would make a full recovery. * 她有信心赢得金牌。

(=She is optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal. )

10. (para. 6) to a degree: to a certain extent, partly

* To some degree I think that's right, but there are other factors which may affect the situation.

* 那部电影有点枯燥。

(=The film was boring to a degree. )

11. (para. 8) Our home was a split-level affair with 14 steps leading up from the

garage to the kitchen door.

What is “a split-level affair” ?

(= A room or building that has floors at different heights in different parts. ) Translate the sentence into Chinese.


12. (para. 8) I felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up

one step and then drag the other painfully after it — repeating the process 14 times until, utterly spent, I would be through —I could then admit defeat and lie down and die.

Translate the sentence into Chinese.


13. (para. 10) hold on to: not give up; not let go of

* I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.

* 他依然努力想保住在政府部门的职位。

(=He was still managing to hold on to his position in the government. )

14. (para. 10) miserable: adj. causing great unhappiness, discomfort, etc.;

extremely unhappy

* What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such dreadful conditions! * 过去,农民的生活很痛苦。

(=In the old days the peasants lived a miserable life. )

15. (para. 13) dismiss: vt. put (thoughts, etc.) out of one's mind; remove (sb.)

from a position

* The committee dismissed the idea as rubbish.

* 凡是违反公司规定的人都将被解雇。

(=Anyone who breaks company rules will be dismissed. )

16. (para. 15) bundle: vt. wrap; dress warmly because it is cold

* We're supposed to bundle newspapers before throwing them away.

* 你最好穿暖和一点,外面很冷。

(=You'd better bundle up because it's very cold outdoors. )

17. (para. 17) interval: n. a period of time between events, activities, etc. * After an interval of three days the peace talks resumed.

* There's often a long interval between an author completing a book and it appearing in the bookshops.

* 我们每隔一段时间见个面,一般大约一月一次。

(=We see each other at regular intervals — usually about once a month. )

18. (para. 24) penetrate: v. force a way (into or through sth.); be fully


* Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.

* In a normal winter, the frost penetrates deeply enough to kill off insect eggs in the soil.

* 西方观念逐渐传入东方。

(=Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East. )

19. (para. 24) In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment

penetrated, and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before. Translate the sentence into Chinese.


20. (para. 25) trait: n. a particular quality, esp. of a person’s character * His sense of humour is one of his better traits.

* Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character trait.

* 那个老师上课很有幽默感。

(=The teacher teaches with a trait of humor. )

21. (para. 27) pray: v. speak to God to give thanks or ask for sth.; wish or hope very strongly that sth. will happen or is true

* Let us pray for the victims of this terrible earthquake.

* We pray you that the prisoner may be set free.

* 我们祈祷明天出远门有个好天气。

(=We're praying for good weather for tomorrow's trip. )


朋友、好朋友、知心朋友 1 我过去曾想这样说:女人一旦成了朋友,她们就会喜欢、支持和信任对方;向对方袒露自己心中的秘密; 二话不说就赶去帮忙;只要是非说不可的事,就坦诚相告、直言不讳(例如,不行,你不能穿那件衣服,除非你减去十磅)。 2 我过去曾想这样说:一旦女人都喜欢英格玛·伯格曼,喜欢乘火车、喜欢猫、喜欢天暖和时下雨,而且都非常讨厌纽瓦克、讨厌球芽甘蓝、讨厌宿营,她们就是朋友。 3 换句话说,我过去曾想说朋友就是朋友,始终如一、亲密无间,但是现在我认为这是一种狭隘的观点。因为我自己经历的和看到的友谊就表现出不同的亲密程度,起着不同的作用,满足不同的需要,从前面提到的亲如姐妹、毫无保留的友谊到最随意的玩伴关系。 4 来看看这些不同层次的友谊: 5 近便之交要不是我们的生活道路总是相互交叉,我们没有特别的理由和这些女人成为朋友:隔壁邻居、合伙使用汽车的伙伴、孩子好朋友的妈妈或者每周和我们一起在格兰伍德合作幼儿园分果汁和甜饼的某位妈妈。 6 近便之交确实方便。有聚会时,她们会借给我们杯子和银餐具生病时,她们会开车带我们的孩子去看足球赛。需要去修车厂取车时,她们会开车送我们过去。度假时,她们会照顾我们的猫。同样,她们需要时,我们也这样做。 7 但是,我们不会与近便之友走得太近或者说得太多;我们会保持感情上的距离以及在公开场合下的那份尊严。“也就是说,”伊莱恩说道,“我会说自己超重了,但不会聊自己沮丧的心情。我会坦陈自己生气了,但我不会说自己愤怒极了。我也许会说这个月缺钱,但绝不会说自己为缺钱愁得要死。” 8 但这并不意味着这种互相帮助的友谊、这种近便之交就没有价值了。 9 同好之交这种友情并不亲密无间,也不必涉及到孩子、银餐具或猫。这种友情的价值在于我们有某种共同的兴趣。所以我们可能有办公室的朋友、一起练瑜珈的朋友、打网球的球友以及女士俱乐部的朋友。 10 “我有一位女友,”乔伊斯说,“她和我一样喜欢修心理学课。这对我以及对她来说都很好。跟自己认识的人一起去上课,下课后一起开车回家,路上讨论学过的内容,非常有意思。”乔伊斯还说,讨论的大部分内容都与课程有关。 11 苏珊谈起每星期二一起练双打的朋友时这样说:“应该说我们所做的就是在一起打球,而不是呆在一起。”“我们主要是由于一起打网球而建立的关系,但我们打球配合得很好。我想我们需要的只不过是一两个球伴而已。” 12 我同意她的观点。 13 总角之交我们都有这样的朋友,他们很久以前就认识我们,可能当我们还在梅尔策小姐任教的班读二年级时,当我们住在布鲁克林一套三居室的公寓时,当我们的父亲七个月没有工作时,当我们的兄弟艾利卷入一场斗殴而不得不叫警察时,或者当我们的姐姐嫁给扬克斯来的牙医时,我们就已经认识了。 14 多年过去了,我们已各奔东西,几乎再也没什么共同之处了,但我们依然是彼此的过往中不可割舍的一部分。因此,不管何时去底特律,我们都会去看看自己少女时代的朋友。她知道我们在牙齿没矫正之前的模样。她知道我们在改掉布鲁克林口音之前说话的腔调。她知道我们从前吃什么,当时连洋蓟都不知道。她的出现把我们带回到从前,那是一段重要而且永远不能忘记的个人历史。 15 萍水之交萍水之交像总角之交一样,其重要性在于过去生活中某个重要阶段我们曾建立起友谊。也许是大学时同居一室;也许一起在纽约工作过,当时年轻气盛、单身一人;也许像伊丽莎白和我一样,一同经历了怀孕、生孩子、头一年做妈妈的可怕时期。


Module 1 Grammar I. be going to 的用法 be going to结构表示按计划、打算去做某事,表示人的主管意图,有时还可表示预测有迹象要发生某事。如: . How long is your aunt going to stay in China for a visit? (计划、打算) . Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain. (有迹象要发生) . George is putting on weight. He is going to be quite fat. (预测) II. be going to与will的区别 . will表示说话人认为、相信要发生的事, 不含具体时间, 可以指遥远的将来; be going to 表示按计划、打算即将发生的事。 . 二者都可以表示“意图”。但是表示事先考虑的事情用be going to, 否则用will。如: I am not going to / won’t tell him about it. --This is a very heavy box. --I’ll help you to carry it. . be going to 可以用在条件句中表示将来, will则不行。如: If you are going to attend the party, you’d better leave now. Module 2 Grammar 不定式作状语 不定式作目的状语 He broke into the house to steal something. Many drug addicts are now in treatment centers to stop taking drugs. He’s saving up to buy a new car. He uses a computer to send emails. 2)有时候在不定式前面加上in order to或 so as to, 否定式为 in order not to 和so as not to: Let’s hurry so as to go to school in time. Let’s hurry so as not to be late for school. She studied very hard in order to catch up with others. She studied very hard in order not to lag behind. 3) 不定式表示目的时,通常它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,但如果不是的话,就要用for…结构表示逻辑主语,如:

必修二 unit 5知识点归纳

Unit 5 Music language points Ⅰ 1.Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert…?你曾经梦想过在音乐会上为成千上万人弹奏吗? dream ⑴ vt. vi. 做梦;梦想;梦见。后接名词、代词或宾语从句,且常与not, little, never等否定词连用,意为“想不到” ⑵ n.梦;梦想;理想 have a good / bad dream 做好/ 噩梦dream of / about (doing) sth.梦到某物/ 梦想做…… dream one’s life away 虚度光阴dream a … dream 做……梦 ⑴She dreamt her life away, never really achieved anything. 她虚度一生,一事无成 ⑵我常常梦想自己成为一个深受欢迎的歌星。I often dream of becoming a very popular singer. ⑶我真没想到能在这见到你。I never dreamed of meeting you here. 2. Do you sing Karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? 你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就像宋祖英或刘欢一样著名的歌星吗? pretend ⑴vt.“假装;装扮;伪称(某事物);声称做某事;自称为某事物”。 ⑵vi.“假装;自封;自称”。 观察下列句子,试总结相关结构: ①She pretended illness so that she wouldn’t have to go. Pretend + n. ②He pretended that he had known the result. pretend that… ③We mustn’t pretend to know what we don’t know. Pretend to do ④The students pretended to be reading their books when the teacher came back. Pretend to be doing 【即学即练】 ⑴她假装喜欢他们,借以获得他们的帮助。 She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help. ⑵他假装对我友善。 He pretended to be friendly with me. 3.To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.说实在的,许多人把名和利看得重要。 1)honest adv. honestly “诚实地;的确”n. honesty “诚实;坦率;正直” to be honest“说实在地;实话说”,用以强调所言出自真心。=to tell the truth=honestly honest前可以加quite, absolutely. perfectly等副词。


课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4) Unit 1 享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀? 1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。这一现象或许同语言本身一样悠久。那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢? 2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。这些学生文化差异很大,有来自拉丁美洲的,也有来自中国的。我还认真地思考过一些滑稽有趣的故事。这么做完全是出于自己的喜好。 3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。而且,我们也发现有的人很善于讲笑话,而有的人要想说一点有趣的事却要费好大的劲。我们都听人说过这样的话:“我喜欢笑话,但我讲不好,也总是记不住。”有些人比别人更有幽默感,就像有些人更具有音乐、数学之类的才能一样。一个真正风趣的人在任何场合都有笑话可讲,而且讲了一个笑话,就会从他记忆里引出一连串的笑话。一个缺乏幽默感的人不可能成为一群人中最受欢迎的人。一个真正有幽默感的人不仅受人喜爱,而且在任何聚会上也往往是人们注意的焦点。这么说是有道理的。 4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。我岳母从前经常来我们家,并能住上很长一段时间。通常她不喜欢狗,但却很喜欢布利茨恩—我们养过的一条拉布拉多母猎犬。而且,她们的这种喜欢是相互的。布利茨恩在很小的时候就常常戏弄外祖母,当外祖母坐在起居室里她最喜欢的那张舒适的椅子上时,布利茨恩就故意把她卧室里的一只拖鞋叼到起居室,并在外祖母刚好够不到的地方蹦来跳去,一直逗到外祖母忍不住站起来去拿那只拖鞋。外祖母从椅子上一起来,布利茨恩就迅速跳上那椅子,从它那闪亮的棕色眼睛里掠过一丝拉布拉多式的微笑,无疑是在说:“啊哈,你又上了我的当。” 5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。第一部分是铺垫(即背景),接下来是主干部分(即故事情节),随后便是妙语(即一个出人意料或令人惊讶的结尾)。如果这个妙语含有一定的幽默成分,这个笑话便会很有趣。通常笑话都包含这三部分,而且每部分都必须交代清楚。如果讲故事或说笑话的人使用听众都熟悉的手势和语言,则有助于增强效果。 6 我们可以对幽默这种娱乐形式,进行分析,从而发现究竟是什么使一个有趣的故事或笑话令人发笑。举例来说,最常见的幽默有以下几种,包括了从最显而易见的幽默到比较微妙含蓄的幽默。 7 “滑稽剧”是最明显的幽默。它语言简单、直截了当,常常以取笑他人为乐。说笑打闹这种形式过去是、现在仍然是滑稽说笑演员和小丑的惯用技巧。它为不同年龄、不同文化背景的人们所喜爱。几乎本世纪的每个讲英语的滑稽说笑演员都曾以这样或那样的方式说过下面这则笑话。一位男士问另一位男士:“昨晚我看到的那位和你在一起的贵妇是谁?”那位男士回答道:“那可不是什么贵妇,那是我老婆。”这个笑话的幽默之处在于第二位男士说他的妻子不是一位贵妇,也就是说她不是一个高雅的女人。这个笑话并没有因为经常讲而变得不再那么好笑。由于这是一个经典笑话,观众都知道要说什么,而且因为大家对这个笑话很熟悉而更加珍爱它。 8 中国的相声是一种特殊的滑稽剧。相声中两名中国喜剧演员幽默地谈论诸如官僚主义者、家庭问题或其他一些有关个人的话题。相声随处都能听到,无论是在乡村的小舞台上,还是在北京最大的剧院里,抑或在广播、电视上。它显然是中国人家喻户晓的一种传统的幽默形式。 9 “俏皮话”不像滑稽剧那样浅显,它是因语言的误用或误解而引人发笑。我特别喜欢


Unit5Music SectionⅠWarmingUp,Pre-reading, Reading&Comprehending 课后篇巩固探究 一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 1.When I was a little boy,I always becoming a famous writer in the future. 答案:dreamed of 2.People too much importance examination results. 答案:attach;to 3.The customer asked whether there was a discount if he paid . 答案:in cash 4.We dare not our teacher,because she is serious. 答案:play jokes on 5.Most people in this city by working in the car factory. 答案:earn their living 6.As is announced,the famous singer will come here to . 答案:put on performances 7.He suggests that we ask someone who is this kind of machine to repair it.

答案:familiar with 8.In order to fish,Jim started to the ice on the frozen lake. 答案:break up 9.,I don’t think I was helpful in your work. 答案:To be honest 10.The widow (寡妇) a little money that her husband left for a living.答案:relies on 二、单句语法填空 1.Mary and John were good friends,but then they had a quarrel and broke. 答案:up 2.He stayed in Shanghai for ten days or . 答案:so 3.Don’t rely going abroad for our holiday—we may not be able to afford it. 答案:on 4.If they would not like to accept the check,we must pay cash. 答案:in 5.He stood there and saw a lot of (passer-by). 答案:passers-by 6.We attach importance education and encourage constant learning and thinking.答案:to 7.He is always (dream) of becoming an actor. 答案:dreaming 8.After the earthquake,a lot of large stones (roll) down from the mountain.

新编大学英语book 5口语话题和句子翻译

T opics Unit 1 1.What do you think makes up a successful story? 2.Do you like watching horror movies or listening to horror stories? Why? Unit 2 3.In a crowded world, are manners of vital importance and why? 4. Talk about the differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette. Unit 3 5. What business lessons can be drawn from the rain forest? And what are the implications for Chinese corporations? 6. What effects do national stereotypes have on business strategy? Give examples to further your explanations. Unit 6 7.Why do people show off? Give examples to illustrate the different cases in which people show off and make your comments. 8.Is silence golden? Unit 7 9. What kind of person do you admire most? Why? 10. Do you want to be a hero? Why? Unit 8 11. How do you feel after listening to a ghost story ? 12. Discuss the story of “ The Last leaf”. Unit 9 13.What do you think makes a good speech? 14.Talk about your own experience of public speaking. Sentence translation Unit 1 1. 在他的正对面有一模一样的两扇门,紧紧地挨着。 2 其中的不确定因素给这种场合增添了趣味性。 3. 她是他的掌上明珠,他爱她胜过任何人。 4. 以前从未有任何臣民胆敢爱上国王的女儿。 5. 他高大英俊,人群中发出了一片赞叹声。 6. 对这个问题我们考虑得越多,就越难给出答案。


人教版高中英语必修二 知识点梳理 )巩固练习 重点题型( 常考知识点 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 概念引入: He is a person who never gives up.他是个永远不服输的人。 I found him in the woods,where has a well-known tree. (我是在树林里找到他的,那里有一棵很有名的树。) Our guide,(who was a Frenchman,)was an excellent cook. 我们的导游是个很优秀的厨师,他是个法国人 She was not on the train which arrived just now。 她没在刚刚到达的那辆车上 语法点拨 什么是定语从句? 修饰主语、宾语、表语的句子就叫做定语从句。引导定语从句的关系词有: 关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that 关系副词:when,where,why 我们把下面两个句子组合成一个复合句: 1.This is our school.It is beautiful. →This is our school which is beautiful. 2.This is our school.W e study in our school. →This is our school which we study in. →This is our school in which we study. →This is our school where we study. 3.Do you know the r oom?It is made of amber. →Do you know the room which is made of amber? 4.I have read the newspaper.It carries the important news. →I have r ead the newsp aper which carries the important news. 从上述定语从句的组合我们可以看出: 先行词和关系词的关系:关系代词实际上是先行词的复指;关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格。 1.A plane is a machine t hat can fly. the machine=that 2.The boy who brok e the window is called Wangkai. the boy=who 3.The boy whose p arents are working outside was b r oug ht up by his grandfather. the boy’s=whose 【高一英语语法(二)定语从句(二)356521限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句】

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿 各位老师:大家好! 作为一名新课标下的英语老师,让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。多年来,我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,希望各位老师指导我的说课,是我更加自信的完成老师的使命。 一、说教材内容和学情 我说课的内容选自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修二第五单元。本单元的话题是Music,它是中学生日常生活中比较感兴趣的话题之一。它中心话题是“音乐”和“音乐类型”,单元的各项活动的设计都是围绕着以音乐类型和不同音乐对人的影响展开的。而对于音乐和音乐家,这种学生感兴趣的话题、与切身相关的情节,很容易就会引起学生们的极大兴趣,因此他们学习的参与性和积极性也会较高。在引导学生阅读前,让学生对不同种类的音乐的英文说法加以熟悉和理解,开阔的学生的视野。而在阅读后,结合现在学生中普遍存在的“选秀热”这一热点问题,引发学生的反思。 我的教学对象是高一学生。高中生思想逐渐成熟,对美的追求和对成功的渴望也越来越强烈,因此课堂中除了关注语言知识学习和语言技能训练外,更应该注重其内心的理解和个人对事物的看法。 二、三维教学目标 根据《新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际,我把教学目标设定为以下几个方面: (一)知识目标和能力目标 学习一些相关的单词、短语和句式,特别是关于音乐种类的词汇和表达对音乐感受的词。比如:动词prefer,feel,enjoy,appreciate,find.calm,形容词 relaxed,sleepy,cheerful,energetic,lively。能用英语表达建议、偏好和爱好。 学生熟悉掌握不同的音乐类型。学会灵活运用课文中的句式,自如的表达自己对音乐的理解和感受,并且从更深一层上去把握不同音乐所表达的不同意义。 (二)情感态度 1.熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的重要性,提高音乐修养 2.从谈论“音乐人的成功”入手使学生了解到做什么事都需要付出艰辛的努力。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,深化学生的德育教育,进一步激发学生学习的动力。 3.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。(三)学习策略 学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,利用所教句型和所学知识积极与同学进行真实交流,提高交际策略,培养学生的英语思维表达能力。 三、说教学目标和教学重难点 这一课的重点有两点: 1.新课标要求在语言教学的同时必须能够深化学生的德育教育。因此,如何调动学生的积极性,使学生理解成功来之不易本课的重点之一。在教学过程中教师利用多媒体视频介绍音乐人经过多年的准备和磨练终于取的成功的例子启发学生思考自己的人生:要想拥有美好的人


Unit 1 美女还是老虎? 很久以前,有一个国王,非常野蛮,想像力却非常丰富。他出了很多点子,其中一个就是建一个大竞技场来执行裁决。在那里,罪恶受到惩治,美德得以回报。当臣民被指控犯罪,而且其罪行足以令国王关注时,就会发布公告,告知在某一指定的日期,被指控者的命运将在国王的竞技场上决定。 所有人都已聚集在观众席上,而在竞技场的一边,国王高高地坐在他的御座上,周围簇拥着他的皇室成员及侍臣。当所有人就座后,国王就会发出信号,接着他下面的一扇门就会打开,受到指控的臣民从这儿出来,走入竞技场。在竞技场的另一边,国王的正对面有一模一样的两扇门,紧紧地挨着。受审者直接走向这两扇门,打开其中的一扇,这是他必须做的事,也是他的特殊待遇。他愿意打开哪扇门,就打开哪扇门。他不会得到任何提示,只有凭运气。他可能打开一扇门,里面会出来一只凶残饥饿的老虎。老虎立即立即扑向他,将他撕得四分五裂。这就是对他所犯罪行的惩罚。但是,如果受审者打开另一扇门,里面会走出一位小姐,她是国王从国内众多美女中挑选出来的,是与他的年龄和身份最般配的;他必须立即与这位小姐结婚,这是对他清白无罪的回报。也许他已有妻小,也许他已心有所属,但这一切都不重要。婚礼会立即在竞技场上举行。那时,钟声敲响,观众欢呼,这位无辜的人则领着他的新娘回家。 这就是国王进行裁决的方式。其公正性是显而易见的。如果被告有罪,他将立即受到惩治;如果清白,则当场得到回报。这种制度非常受欢迎。其中的不确定因素给这种场合增添了趣味性。 国王有一个漂亮任性的女儿,是国王的掌上明珠。他爱她胜过爱任何人。在他的侍臣中,有一位职位较低的年轻人,由于他英俊、勇武,公主爱上了他。他们幸福地恋爱了好几个月之后,有一天被国王碰巧发现了。国王立即将年轻人监禁起来,并定下日期要在竞技场审判他。这样的案子以前从未发生过;以前也从未有任何臣民胆敢爱上国王的女儿。 为了寻找最凶猛的老虎带到竞技场上去,搜遍了整个王国所有关老虎的笼子。同时对年轻漂亮的少女也进行了甄选,以便为他挑选一位最合适的新娘,以备此人命不该绝。当然,众人皆知,他确实做了他被指控的事。他爱公主,并对此供认不讳,然而国王却以此为乐,想看看这年轻人斗胆爱上公主究竟有没有错。 审判的日子到了。人们从四面八方赶来,挤满了竞技场的观众席。国王和他的侍臣们也来到了竞技场,正对着那两扇一模一样的门坐了下来。一切准备就绪,信号发出,国王一行人下面的一扇门打开了,公主的情人走进了竞技场。他高大英俊,人群中发出了一片赞叹声。有半数的观众不知道竟然有这么一位气度不凡的青年生活在他们中间。难怪公主会爱上他!让他出现在这样的场合真是太可怕了! 当这位青年走进竞技场时,按照惯例,他转身向国王鞠躬,然而他脑子里却根本没有这位王室人物的存在。他的眼睛只是死死地盯着坐在她父亲右边的公主。自从要在竞技场上决定她情人命运的命令发出的那一刻起,公主的心里就再也没想过别的事。由于她比以往任何一位与案件有关的人都具有更大的权利和更强的决心,她发现了这两扇门的秘密。她知道哪扇门后面是敞开着的老虎笼,哪扇门后面有一位小姐等在那儿。她凭借黄金和决心发现了这个秘密。 公主也知道那位小姐是谁。她是宫廷中所有小姐中最漂亮的一位,公主嫉恨她。公主经常看见,或者想像中看见,这位美人儿向她的情人暗送秋波,公主有时候也想到她的情人会回敬这位小姐的目光,她时不时地还看到他们在一起说话。 当公主的情人朝她看、两人四目相对时,他知道她清楚哪扇门后蹲着老虎,哪扇门后站着小姐。他早就预料到她会知道的,因为他非常了解她的秉性和决心。此时此刻他那迅速而焦急的一瞥就是在问这样一个问题:“哪扇门?”这个(用目光表示的)问题对她来说是再明白不过了,就像他从他站着的地方向她大声提问一样明白无误。时间一刻都不能耽误。问题是在一刹那间提出的,答案也必须在刹那间给出。她抬起手,朝右边作了一个不起眼而且很快的手势。除了她的情人以外,没有人看到她的这一动作。每个人的眼睛都盯着竞技场上的这个人。所有人都屏声息气,所有的眼睛依然盯着他。他毫不犹豫地朝右边那扇门走去,并将它打开。 现在,故事的关键是:从这扇门出来的是老虎还是美女?对这个问题我们考虑得越多,就越难给出答案。它涉及到对人们内心世界的研究,这种研究必然要经历一个个迂回曲折的激情迷宫,从中我们很难找到出路。绝望和嫉妒交织在一起,像火一样煎熬着公主的心。她已失去了他,但是谁应该得到他呢?多少次在醒着的时候,多少次在梦中,她


必修二Unit1 限定性和非限定性定语从句 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Tom won the first prize, _______ everybody knows. 2.Yesterday I met Ling Ping, _______ seemed to be very busy. 3.Our teacher, ________ wife is a nurse, is very strict with us. 4._______ is known to us all, Taiwan is part of China. 5.He lost my bike, ______ made me unhappy. 6.I don’t know the reason ______ he was late for the class. 7.The house ______ I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 8.The reason, ______ he looks unhappy today, is unknown to us. 9.He left his hometown in 1992, _____ he was only 12 years old. 10.Is this factory the one _______ a lot of students visited yesterday? 11.W atch out! Don’t get close to the building _____ walls are being painted. 12.T he famous actor became successful, _______ began to appear on the stage to make a living at the age of 8. 13.I s this the magazine _______ she often writes articles? ---- Yes, it is. 14.U ntil now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, _______ is quite unexpected. 15.H e was educated at a famous university, after _______ he went abroad and settled there. 16.______is known to us all, April 14, 2010 was the day _____ Yushu earthquake happened. 17.S oon children in the camp had many friends, _______ they shared food, stories and projects. 高考真题: 1.(2017北京)The little problems ______ we meet in our daily lives may be



课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4) Unit 1 享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀? 1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。这一现象或许同语言本身一样悠久。那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢? 2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。这些学生文化差异很大,有来自拉丁美洲的,也有来自中国的。我还认真地思考过一些滑稽有趣的故事。这么做完全是出于自己的喜好。 3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。而且,我们也发现有的人很善于讲笑话,而有的人要想说一点有趣的事却要费好大的劲。我们都听人说过这样的话:“我喜欢笑话,但我讲不好,也总是记不住。”有些人比别人更有幽默感,就像有些人更具有音乐、数学之类的才能一样。一个真正风趣的人在任何场合都有笑

话可讲,而且讲了一个笑话,就会从他记忆里引出一连串的笑话。一个缺乏幽默感的人不可能成为一群人中最受欢迎的人。一个真正有幽默感的人不仅受人喜爱,而且在任何聚会上也往往是人们注意的焦点。这么说是有道理的。 4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。我岳母从前经常来我们家,并能住上很长一段时间。通常她不喜欢狗,但却很喜欢布利茨恩—我们养过的一条拉布拉多母猎犬。而且,她们的这种喜欢是相互的。布利茨恩在很小的时候就常常戏弄外祖母,当外祖母坐在起居室里她最喜欢的那张舒适的椅子上时,布利茨恩就故意把她卧室里的一只拖鞋叼到起居室,并在外祖母刚好够不到的地方蹦来跳去,一直逗到外祖母忍不住站起来去拿那只拖鞋。外祖母从椅子上一起来,布利茨恩就迅速跳上那椅子,从它那闪亮的棕色眼睛里掠过一丝拉布拉多式的微笑,无疑是在说:“啊哈,你又上了我的当。” 5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。第一部分是铺垫(即背景),接下来是主干部分(即故事情节),随后便是妙语(即一个出人意料或令人惊讶的结尾)。如果这个妙语含有


教学过程 一、课堂导入 QUESTION1: Do you know the past participle form of the following words? 1、build 2、break 3、Bring 4、Buy 5、Choose 6、Come 7、Drink 8、Drive 9、Forbid 10、Give 11、Hold 12、Learn 13、Make 14、Read 15、Smell 16、Teach QUESTION2: What can you find? 1.Your children will be taken good care of by us when you are out. 2.Many new cars will be made in this factory next year. 3.His house will be painted next week. 4.The meeting will be held next month.

5.He will not be punished for it. 6.Those books will be published next month. [自我总结] 以上句子都用了________时,且谓语动词与其主语之间皆为_______关系。 二、复习预习 1、语态分为几种?分别是什么? 答:两种。主动语态以及被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的_______。被动语态表示主语是动作的_______。 2、被动语态使用条件有哪些? 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 强调动作的承受者, 而不强调动作的执行者。 3、都学过哪些形式的被动语态?是什么? 答:一般时态:am/is/are +过去分词 过去时态:was/were +过去分词 练习:1、The Chinese food _____ (consider)to be the healthiest in the world. 2、John ___ (punish), for he went swimming yesterday without permission. 三、知识讲解 Step1、 1. He will give a talk soon . A talk ________________ (by him) soon. 2.They will have a show tomorrow. A show _______________(by them) tomorrow. 3.They will invite us to the party next week. We ____________________ to the party next week. 总结:一般将来时被动语态的结构为:will/shall + be +动词的过去分词

英语必修二unit5 课文原文+单词+音标

Unit 5 Music The band that wasn’t Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan To be honest, a lot of people a ttach great importance to becoming rich and famous. But just how do people form a band Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themse lves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are pa id in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires! However, there was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monke es and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other a s well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organi zers had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of the band. As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other music ians to help them. So during the broadcasts they just pretended to their perfor mances were humourous enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Each week on TV, the Monkeeswould play and sing songs written by other ,after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing the ir own songs like a real band. Then they produced their own records and started tou ring and playing their own music. In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more records. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mi d-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their form er time as a real band. Book 2 Unit 5 △classical /'kl?sikl/adj. 古典的;古典文艺的 roll /r?ul/ vt. & vi. 滚动;(使)摇摆n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 △rock’n’roll(rock-and-roll) 摇滚乐 △orchestra /'?:kistr?/ n. 管弦乐队 △rap /r?p/n. 说唱乐 folk /f?uk/ adj. 民间的 jazz /d??z/n. 爵士音乐 △choral /'k?:r?l/ adj. 唱诗班的;合唱队的 △the Monkees /m??ki:z/ 门基乐队 musician /mju:'zi?n/ n. 音乐家 dream of 梦见;梦想;设想

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