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Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets.

1:参考答案:A 试题内容:That definition leaves___for disagreement.

A:much roomB:a small roomC:many roomsD:a big room

2:参考答案:B 试题内容:My train is going to arrive at Shanghai at about eight o’clock tonight. The plane Id like to take from there___by then.

A:would leaveB:will have leftC:has leftD:had left

3:参考答案:B试题内容:The young man who has applied for the post___in the general managers office.

A:is interviewingB:is being interviewedC:to be interviewedD:had been Interviewed

4:参考答案:D试题内容:It is essential that all the exam papers ______ back before the end of the term.

A:must be sentB:are sentC:will be sentD:be sent

5:参考答案:C试题内容:___for my illness, I would have got the job in the Disneyland.

A:Not beingB:Without beingC:Had it not beenD:Not having been

6:参考答案:B试题内容:The car ahead of me suddenly stopped by the roadside. I think it___out of gas.

A:may runB:may have runC:must runD:should have run

7:参考答案:B 试题内容:The teacher won’t mind___the term paper.

A:us to delay handing inB:our delaying handing inC:our delaying to hand inD:us delay to hand in 8:参考答案:C试题内容:All the tasks___ahead of time, they decided to have a dinner party to celebrate.

A:have been finished B:had been finished C:having been finished D:were Finished

9:参考答案:A试题内容:What he has done is___what I have done.

A:superior to B:more superior toC:superior thanD:more superior than

10:参考答案:B试题内容:Mary earns___as Jane does, but she spends less money on cosmetics than Jane.

A:twice so muchB:twice as muchC:as much twiceD:so much twice

11:参考答案:C 试题内容:We’ll discuss a___issue before we move on to the problem of our major concern.


12:参考答案:A 试题内容:He was very disappointed___the salary the company offered him. A:withB:toC:forD:on

13:参考答案:A 试题内容:The course usually attracts 30 students each term,___about two thirds are girls.

A:among whomB:for whomC:among themD:for them

14:参考答案:A 试题内容:I have never seen a TV program___the man cannot find a parking space at the very first try.


15:参考答案:A 试题内容:Everyone believes that the day will come___people all over the world live a rich and happy life.


16:参考答案:D试题内容:The novelist and poet___best writer of the year.

A:have been awarded B:have awarded C:has awarded D:has been Awarded

17:参考答案:D 试题内容:Ten minutes___an hour when Im depressed.

A:seemsB:seemC:seemedD:is seeming

18:参考答案:B 试题内容:___Paul brings the money for our lunch, well go right to the cafeteria. A:As far asB:As soon asC:As good asD:As much as

19:参考答案:D试题内容:The captain, together with the crew,___determined not to abandon the ship until all the passengers were aboard the lifeboats.

A:is B:are C:were D:was

20:参考答案:C 试题内容:I saw___girls at the cinema.

A:the both B:many a C:both the D:a many


Section A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group. (共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)

1:参考答案:hasn’t been,is,

试题内容:isn’t, hasn’t been, haven’t been, is, are, was

The present government, which_____in power long,_____trying to control

inflation. It isn’t having much success.


试题内容:a, a, the, the, some, such

Getting_____unions and_____bosses to agree isn’t easy.

3:参考答案:is now believed,taught,

试题内容:is now believing, is now believed, has now believed, taught, teaching,

being taught

It_____that foreign languages are most easily_____to young children.

4:参考答案:am,should be

试题内容:am, were, has been, will be, shall be, should be

I_____anxious that nobody_____hurt.


试题内容:if, once, until, releases, releasing, released

_____ _____from prison, he is likely to engage himself in the same business

and commit the same crime.

6:参考答案:I’ve ever seen,which

试题内容:which, what, when, seen, I’ve ever seen, which I’ve ever seen

It’s the only building _____ _____is made entirely of glass.

7:参考答案:were believed,were

试题内容:believed, was believed, were believed, are, was, were

What_____to be aliens from outer space_____actually several sheep going



试题内容:both, either, neither, whatever, whichever, however

You can keep one of the photos,_____of them—_____you like.

9:参考答案:shall we

试题内容:Let’s talk to the manager,_____(we)?

10:参考答案:a speech

试题内容:How long_____(speech) you made this afternoon!


试题内容:There has been an increasing number of_____(man) teachers in primary schools in the last few years.

12:参考答案:the town

试题内容:All_____(town) were celebrating the victory that night.


试题内容:We’re having dinner at my_____(aunt) tonight.


试题内容:If only they_____(stop) this constant complaining.

15:参考答案:is sitting

试题内容:The vase_____(sit) dangerously over the edge of the balcony.

16:参考答案:were going to call

试题内容:We_____(call) on you yesterday, but we had visitors ourselves.

17:参考答案:should(would/might)not miss

试题内容:She took a taxi to the station so that she_____(not miss) the train.

18:参考答案:might(could)have cured

试题内容:This_____(cure) your cough if you had taken it.


试题内容:Several people reported_____(hear) her cry for help.


试题内容:When are you going to have the car_____(repair)?

21:参考答案:The more


试题内容:_____(dangerous) it is, the more I like it.

22:参考答案:more of a fool

试题内容:He is_____(of a fool) than his predecessor.

23:参考答案:out of sympathy

试题内容:A lot of people volunteered to donate their blood_____(of sympathy).

24:参考答案:count on

试题内容:With luck, you might cover your costs, but don’t_____(count) it.

25:参考答案:about whom

试题内容:The woman_____(whom) we talked has just given birth to quintuplets



试题内容:What he did and when he did it_____(be) the only things I want to know. 27:参考答案:bigger one

试题内容:My car is too small. Let’s rent a_____(big).

28:参考答案:imagine so

试题内容:—Will they change it?

—Yes. I_____(imagine).


Correct one error in each of the following sentences.

1:参考答案:The new reservoir is two-thirds the size of the old one in area.


试题内容:The new reservoir is the two-thirds size of the old one in area.

2:参考答案:A friend of mine will visit me tomorrow.

试题内容:The friend of mine will visit me tomorrow.

3:参考答案:I have seen the movie three times,and now I want to see it again.试题内容:I have been seeing the movie three times, and now I want to see it again.

4:参考答案:I propose that a woman member of the committee(should)be appointed for the chair.试题内容:I propose that a woman member of the committee appoint for the chair.

5:参考答案:The truth of course is that you have to pay a professional to do it for you.试题内容:The truth of course is that you must have to pay a professional to do it for you. 6:参考答案:Yesterday John went to see a house with a view to buying it.

试题内容:Yesterday John went to see a house in a view to buying it.

7:参考答案:Because the leader couldn’t attend the meeting,it was canceled./The leader couldn’t attend the meeting,so it was canceled.

试题内容:Because the leader couldn’t attend the meeting, so it was canceled.

8:参考答案:The old lady must feel the cold a great deal,for she doesn’t go out in the winter.试题内容:The old lady must feel the cold a great deal because she doesn’t go out in the winter.

9:参考答案:When used with care,transitional words can enhance writing.However,too many of them will soon weary your reader.

试题内容:When used with care, transitional words can enhance writing, however, too many of them will soon weary your reader.

10:参考答案:Young though he was,he

managed to make a living on his own.

试题内容:Young though he was, did he manage to make a living on his own.

11:参考答案:In order for the child to recover fully,an operation must be done.试题内容:In order that the child to recover fully, an operation must be done.

12:参考答案:The cup was broken by someone,but I don’t know by whom.试题内容:The cup was broken by someone, but I don’t know who.


Rewrite the following sentences as required.

1:参考答案:I have never known him tell a lie.

试题内容:Using an intensifier:

I have not known him tell a lie.

2:参考答案:Bob rarely got drunk,did he?

试题内容:Using a question tag:

Bob rarely got drunk.

3:参考答案:He may have been working for Simons.

试题内容:Using a proper modal auxiliary:

Perhaps he was working for Simons.

4:参考答案:I am sure it’ll do you good if you admit making the mistake.

试题内容:Using a non-finite form:

I am sure it’ll do you good if you admit that you made the mistake.

5:参考答案:He said that the men were thieves,which turned out to be true.

试题内容:Using a relative clause:

He said that the men were thieves. This turned out to be true.

6:参考答案:While my wife was using the vacuum cleaner,I was trying to listen to

a broadcast play.

试题内容:Using an adjunct:

My wife was using the vacuum cleaner. I was trying to listen to a broadcast play.

7:参考答案:His mother waited up until he came home.

试题内容:Using an adjunct:

His mother waited up. He came home.

8:参考答案:What the students are going to do is(to)write theses.

试题内容:Using a pseudo cleft sentence:

The students are going to write theses.

9:参考答案:This state of things must be put an end to as soon as possible.

试题内容:Using passive voice:

We must put an end to this state of things as soon as possible.

10:参考答案:It was pleasant meeting you in London that day.

试题内容:Using extraposition:

Meeting you in London that day was pleasant.

11:参考答案:Come and teach in our school.Nowhere else will you find such fine pupils.试题内容:Using inversion:

Come and teach in our school. You wo n’t find such fine pupils anywhere else.

12:参考答案:Check out the weather at your destination.If not,things can be very embarrassing.

试题内容:Using an appropriate cohesive device:

Check out the weather at your destination. If you do not check out the weather at your destination, things can be very embarrassing.


Answer the following questions.

1:参考答案:If tense is related to time and in terms of the verb form related to time,it is said that there are only two tenses because there are two verb forms found related to time—present time and past time.This two tense system excludes future tense because there is such verb forms like do/did denoting future time.

试题内容:Why do most modern English grammarians adopt a two tense system?

2:参考答案:Pronoun has referential meanings.When it is used,it must refer to a noun previously mentioned in the context.This noun is its antecedent from which the reader or the hearer knows the identity of the pronoun.In this case,a pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number,in gender,in person,otherwise the identity of the pronoun can be ambiguous.That is why pronoun co-reference often causes our hesitation in the use of English.

试题内容:Why does co-reference between pronouns often cause our hesitation in the course of speaking and writing?

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