当前位置:文档之家› 云南省昆明三中2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷










第Ⅰ卷(选择题, 共100分)





1. What does the man want to do?

A. Invite the woman to watch a movie.

B. Play tennis with Dave.

C. Learn how to fly.

2. What happened to the woman recently?

A. She had a vacation.

B. Her mother got sick.

C. She moved to a village.

3. When does the doctor’s office close?

A. At 4:45.

B. At 5:00.

C. At 6:00.

4. Why does the man visit the woman?

A. To help cook the meal.

B. To say sorry to her.

C. To borrow some milk.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A visit to the museum.

B. Clothes in the past.

C. Ancient books.




6.What is the woman interested in?

A. Going shopping.

B. Watching films.

C. Reading books.

7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Interviewer and interviewee.

B. Manager and secretary.

C. Father and daughter.


8.What made the man frightened?

A. A bus was hit by a falling tree.

B. A jewelry store was broken into.

C. Two large bears appeared in a yard.

9.What was the weather like yesterday?

A. Windy.

B. Foggy.

C. Rainy.


10.When will the speakers’ vacation be over?

A. In two days.

B. In five days.

C. In seven days.

11.How does the woman want to get to the countryside?

A. By car.

B. By bus.

C. On foot.

12.Why does the man think it’s good to share a room with other people?

A. They can save some money.

B. The big hotels are too crowded.

C. They can meet interesting people more easily.


13.What color bag does the boy want the girl to get?

A. Blue.

B. Black.

C. White.

14.Where is the boy’s sports bag?

A. In the changing room.

B. In the classroom.

C. On the sports field.

15.What is in the boy’s sports bag?

A. His watch.

B. His purse.

C. His school uniform.

16.When does the boy need the sports bag?

A. This afternoon.

B. This evening.

C. Tomorrow morning.


17.When does the speaker make the speech?

A. In February.

B. In March.

C. In April.

18.What follows the film?

A. The dolphin show.

B. A visit to the shop.

C. A talk about animals.

19.How much should you pay if you visit the Sea World with your child?

A. 11 pounds.

B. 9 pounds.

C. 7 pounds.

20.What is the main purpose of the speech?

A. To invite people to visit Sea World.

B. To tell people how to visit Sea World.

C. To provide information about Sea World.





People in the United States hono r their parents with 2 special days: Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May and Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. These days are to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care. These two days offer an opportunity to think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers. More mothers now work outside the home and more fathers must help with child-care.

These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother’s Day, people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honor parents. It’s also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery. On these days families get together at home as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Father's Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.

Another tradition is to give cards and gifts. Children make them in school. Many people make their own presents. These are more valued than those bought in stores. It’s not the value of the gift that is important, but “the thought that counts”. Greeting card stores, florists, candy makers, bakers, phone companies and other stores do lots of business during these holidays.

21. Which is NOT a reason for children to show love and respect for parents?

A. Parents bring up children.

B. Parents give love and care to children.

C. Parents educate children to be good persons.

D. Parents pass away before children grow up.

22. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Both festivals are in May.

B. Fewer women worked outside the home in the past.

C. Not all the children respect their parents.

D. Fathers are not as important as mothers at home.

23. What do y ou know about “carnation” in the paragraph 2? _________.

A. It has three kinds of color.

B. It refers to the special people on Mother’s Day.

C. It's a kind of flower showing love and best wishes.

D. People can wear them only on the second Sunday in May.

24. On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day ________.

A. people usually have family parties

B. everyone goes to the cemetery

C. children always go to parents’ home

D. hand-made cards are not the most valuable gifts


In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射)so that they won't carry disease. They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people’s houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they ar e very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a feeding place for birds in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.

People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be that their family ties(家庭关系) are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely, but pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.

25. The passage mainly talks about____.

A. how to keep disease from pets

B. pets in Canada

C. how to take good care of pets

D. life of the old in Canada

26. They give their pets injections before keeping them at their houses because ____.

A. the pets are sick

B. the pets are wild

C. they want to stop them from getting sick

D. they want them to sleep on the way home

27. In Canada, children leave their parents when they grow up because ____.

A. th ey don’ t love their parents any more

B. they can only find jobs far from their parents

C. their parents’ houses are too small

D. they wouldn’t depend on their parents any more

28. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. People buy animal food only at the animal food stores.

B. Pets eat better than people.

C. Almost every family has a birdcage in his house.

D. Any bird can come to the bird feeders (饲料槽) to eat.


The Airport Art Program is proud to have three Youth Art Galleries at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Georgia students, from kindergarten(幼儿园)to twelfth grade, are given the chances to have their artwork exhibited to an ever-changing audience(观众)in the millions. In return these talented youths provide new artwork every three months to enrich the


The first gallery opened in the summer of 1997. In December of 1998 a second gallery opened. Both of these galleries are organized by the Airport Art Program and Georgia Art Education Association(GAEA). The GAEA aims to improve the conditions of teaching art across Georgia. They organize meetings for art students to improve their skills and provide exhibition chances for them to show their artwork. They also hold meetings twice a year for teachers.

The third Youth Art Gallery is organized by the Airport Art Program and the Youth Art Connection(YAC)of Atlanta. Y AC is a part of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta. Y AC uses the arts as a way to connect with children and teens who don’t get enough help or services. They also work with the community to provide cultural enrichment programs for young people.

To join in or get information about the first and second Youth Art Galleries, please visit the Georgia Art Education Association’s website at or click here for a brochure(宣传册).

For information about the third Youth art Gallery and the Youth Art Connection, please visit . https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b272063.html,.

To buy artwork from any of the three Youth Art Galleries, please call(404) 382-2455.

29. What does GAEA do according to the text?

A. They organize meetings for teachers every two years.

B. They provide exhibition changes for teachers.

C. They help art students to improve their skills.

D. They help art students to sell their artwork.

30. Which of the following organizations helps students who don’t have enough services?

A. The Airport Art Program.

B. The Youth Art Connection.

C. Georgia Art Education Association

D. The Boys &Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta.

31. If you want to know more information about the third Youth Art Gallery, you can________.

A. visit . https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b272063.html,

B. visit

C. call (404) 382-2455

D. pick up a brochure


Singer and songwriter Corrinne May’s songs always try to express hope, joy and “a deepe r beauty and meaning to the everyday moments of life.”

Music seemed to play a part in May’s life from the very beginning. Her parents say she hummed (哼) songs from the time she was two or three. May began taking classical piano lessons when she was five and started writing songs when she was eight. She won her first songwriting contest at 15.

May didn’t always want to be a singer. In fact, at the National University of Singapore, May studied communications and English literature, planning to become a reporter. But upon graduation, her calling to do music was so strong that she decided to study in America at Berklee College of Music.

In 1999, after graduating from Berklee, May went to Los Angeles. She still lives there with her music producer husband, Kavin, and daughter, Claire.

In 2001 at the age of 28, May released(发行) her first album, “Corrinne May” and won an award. Since then, she has produced four more albums. May’s university education turned out to be excellent preparation for writing music. She may not have become a reporter, but she learned to find material for her songs about daily life. Her understanding of literature also added beauty to her lyrics.

One personal turning point for May came in 2007 when she had a small heart operation. After that, she “began to look deeper into things I had once ignored.”

May’s song “Beautiful Seed” grew out of this. The song encourages people to go after their dreams and compares every person to a seed with the ability to change the world and her experience s have changed her from a “beautiful seed” into the artist she is today.

32. What’s Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. May became famous when she was a child.

B. May studied music step by step at the very beginning.

C. May showed a talent for music ever since she was born.

D. May made music an important part of her life at an early age.

33. Which of the following is TRUE about May according to the text?

A. She lives in her hometown with her family now.

B. She graduated from Berklee at the age of 28.

C. She married a music producer.

D. She has released four albums.

34. How did May’s university education help her?

A. It helped her understand the meaning of life.

B. It helped her communicate better with other people.

C. It helped her find material and write beautiful lyrics.

D. It helped her look deeper into things she had once ignored.

35. According to the text, May’s song “Beautiful Seed”____________.

A. expresses that people are able to change the world.

B. encourages people to be an artist like her.

C. was written before her heart operation.

D. compares people’s dreams to seeds.



Change the world

I want the world to be a better one because I am in it. However, “changing the world” isn’t easy. Here are some great ways to change it for the better.

Smile At Everyone.

36.Smile at people—the folks on the bus, or the receptionist at the office, for instance.

Depending on your culture, you might feel a bit awkward or shy at first.37.people

would respond brilliantly to a smile.

Take it further: Give out free hugs.

Write a Letter to Someone You Love.

If a letter takes too long, write a card or postcard to your parents, or a relative who you don’t see often but who you care deeply about. 38.

Take it further: Write to a sick child, or a stranger in trouble. Your letter or card could make his or her day special.


Being creative is a good way. It’s not necessarily big things—but your poem, painting, special recipe, blog post, etc, may impress others.

Take it further. Offer your creative skills to a local youth group, school or retirement home. You could play a game, run a class, organize a concert...

Say “Thank you”.

Saying a heartfelt “thank you” means a huge amount to someone. If you’re a manager at work, take time to thank your men for what they do. 40.

Take it further: Write, phone or email someone in your community to thank them for the role they play.

A. Let’s them know how special they are to you.

B. Keeping writing will surely improve your social skills.

C. Give it a go anyway!

D. In your family, appreciate your partner, parents or kids.

E. It’s such a tiny thing, but it really does work.

F. Speak less and do more.

G. Create something unique.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C 、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was before Christmas. The spirit of the season had not caught up with me. Quickly , I filled my shopping cart with some things and went to the long checkout lines. I picked the 41 one, but it looked as if it would be 42 a 20-minute wait.

In front of me were 43 small children—a boy of about five and a younger girl .The girl 44 a beautiful pair of shiny, golden shoes and 45 them as though they were a treasure.

The clerk showed them the 46 . “That will be $6.09,” she said. The boy 47 some bills on the stand(收银台) while he 48 his pockets. He finally came up with $3.12. “I guess we’ll come back some 49 time, mayb e tomorrow.”50 the words, the little girl began to cry. “But Jesus would have loved these 51 .” she cried. “Well, we’ll go home and work some more. Don’t cry. We’ll come52 .” he told her.

Quickly I handed $3 to the 53 . These children had waited in line for a long time and, 54 all, it was Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and a small 55 said, “Thank you, lady.” the girl spoke. “My Sunday school teacher said that the streets in heaven were made of shiny 56 . Just like these shoes. Our mommy is sick and she’s going to 57 .

Daddy said that she might go before Christmas to be with Jesus. I think my mom will be beautiful 58 on those streets to 59 these shoes.”

My eyes filled with tears. Silently I thanked God for using these children to remind me of the 60 of giving.

41.A. shortest B. longest C. biggest D. smallest

42.A. at most B. at least C. more than D. less than

43.A. few B. five C. two D. some

44.A. gave B. carried C. brought D. caught

45.A. watched B. looked C. thought D. treated

46.A. price B. card C. money D. expense

47.A. picked B. left C. laid D. let

48.A. found B. searched C. searched for D. looked for

49.A. another B. more C. other D. others

50.A. Hearing B. Saying C. Seeing D. Feeling

51.A. goods B. gifts C. presents D. shoes

52.A. back B. home C. here D. over

53.A. children B. girl C. clerk D.boy

54.A. at B. after C. in D. of

55.A.boy B. girl C. voice D. sound

56.A. silver B. gold C. stones D. bricks

57.A. hospital B.sky C. heaven D. clinic

58.A. walking B. standing C. running D. staying

59.A. serve B. match C. suit D.fit

60.A. spirit B. love C. looking D. thinking

第II卷(非选择题, 共50分)




My hometown is close to 61 magnificent river. At present, a new theme park named “Water World” is being built. The park 62 (consist) of three parts. It is modeled after life in the ocean. Fish Life is in the east. You can have a look at 63 (vary) kinds of fish. You can get yourself 64 (dress) as a shrimp(虾) or a crab(螃蟹). 65 (surprise) by your funny dressing up, your friends will take a lot of 66 (photo) for you. Waving Life is in the west. You can experience exciting rides there, from giant swinging ships 67 terrifying free fall. With all these attractions finished, no wonder children, teenagers and even adults can enjoy 68 (they) here. Seafood Life is in the middle of the park. There are some restaurants 69 _ you can taste fresh seafood. I think the tourism in my hometown will become 70 (good) because of the theme park.

61. _________ 62. _________ 63. _________ 64. ________ 65. __________

66. _________ 67. _________ 68. _________ 69. ________ 70. __________







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear nephew,

You told me that a boy of senior high school attacks you and ordered you give him money. I am sorry to hear that, so I have to say violence in school sometimes happens. Now that you have met it, you should learn to deal with it wise. First, be brave. The strong you are, the weaker the bad guys are. You can ask your parents to go with you for several week, and then the bad boy may go away. Second, known he is a student in school, you can try to find out which class he is in. If necessary, you can tell her head teacher which he has done. Last but not least, never ask your friends to fight with him. If something worse happens, calling me or your parents at once.


Uncle Tom


假如你是李华,你的一个美国读书的笔友John给你写信,向你诉说他最近因身体不好而影响学习,并坦言自己平时学习忙,很少锻炼。请根据这一情况给他写一封建议信,告诉他锻炼能提高人的身体素质(physical condition),使人的头脑清晰,并提高学习效率。鼓励他积极锻炼身体,从而为更好地学习打下基础。

Dear John,

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua





1-5: ABBCA 6-10: BACAB 11-15: ACABC 16-20: CBCAC


A篇:21—24:DBCA B篇25-28 BCDD C篇29-31 CBA D篇32-35 DCCA


36-40 ECAGD


41---45 ABCBD 46 ---50 ACBCA 51---55 DACBC 56---60 BCABA


61. a 62. consists 63. various 64. dressed 65. Surprised 66. photos 67. to 68. themselves 69. where/ in which 70. better


1. attack 改成attacked

2. give和him中间加上to

3. so 改成but

4. wise改成wisely

5. strong改成stronger

6. week改成weeks


福建省福州市高二英语上学期期末考试试题 (完卷时间:120分钟,总分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What gift will the woman probably get for Mary? A. A schoolbag. B. A CD. C. A movie ticet. 2. What is the man doing? A. Watching TV. B. Enjoying a party. C. Looing for his clothes. 3. What does the man mainly do in his spare time? A. He plays sports. B. He plays the piano. C. He learns a language. 4. Which flavor is the most popular? A. Strawberry. B. Chocolate. C. Lemon. 5. What are the speaers taling about? A. A movie they just saw. B. A favorite actor. C. Weeend plans. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the relationship between the speaers? A. Former classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Old teammates. 7. What is the woman more interested in now? A. Playing tennis. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing basetball. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What caused the woman’s problem?


黑龙江省哈三中2018-2018学年高二上学期期末考试试卷 (化学) Ⅰ卷(共 54分) 一、选择题(本题包含18小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。每题3分,共54分)1.以下各条件的改变可确认发生了化学平衡移动的是() A.化学反应速率发生了改变 B.有气态物质参加的可逆反应达到平衡后,改变了压强 C.由于某一条件的改变,使平衡混合物中各组分的浓度发生了不同程度的改变D.可逆反应达到平衡后,加入了催化剂 2.25℃时,水的电离达到平衡:H2O H++OH-ΔH>0,下列叙述正确的是()A.向水中加入稀氨水,平衡逆向移动,c(OH-)降低 B.向水中加入少量固体硫酸氢钠,c(H+)增大,K W不变 C.向水中加入少量固体CH3COONa,平衡逆向移动,c(H+)降低 D.将水加热,K W增大,pH不变 3.以下各项的比值是2:1的是() A.CuCl2溶液中Cl-与Cu2+的物质的量浓度之比 B.pH均为2的盐酸和硫酸的物质的量 C.同温下0.2mol/L的醋酸和0.1mol/L的醋酸中c(H+) D.同浓度的NaOH与Ba(OH)2中和等物质的量的HCl所消耗的碱的体积 4.下列各组离子在指定的环境中能大量存在的是() A.pH=1的无色溶液中:SO42-、Cu2+、Na+、Cl- B.能使酚酞试液变红色的溶液中:Na+、K+、S2-、CO32- C.加入铝粉能产生H2的溶液中:NH4+、Na+、Fe2+、NO3- D.水电离出的c(H+)=1×10-12mol/L的溶液中:K+、Na+、Cl-、HCO3- 5.下列溶液中有关物质的量浓度关系正确的是() A.25℃时pH=2的HA溶液与pH=12的MOH溶液任意比混合: c(H+)+c(M+)=c(OH-)+c(A-) B.pH相等的CH3COONa、NaOH和Na2CO3三种溶液: c(NaOH)<c(CH3COONa)<c(Na2CO3) C.物质的量浓度相等的CH3COOH和CH3COONa溶液等体积混合: c(CH3COO-)+c(OH-)=c(H+)+c(CH3COOH)


高二上学期英语期初考试试卷 一、阅读理解 1. 阅读理解 What makes a building ugly? Everyone’s got their own opinion, so it’s hard to say. Now, let’s take a look at some of the world’s worst buildings. The Torre Velasca The Tone Velasca in Milan is in the centre of Milan . The tower, which went up in the 1950s, is about 100 metres tall. Its design is actually a modern representation of a traditional Lombard castle, where the lower parts were narrower was created by Dutch studio MVRDV and the Spanish architect Blanca Lleo. The building, which is a block of flats, opened in 2005. There is a large rectangular . It stands 216 metres high and looks a bit like a tall, thin space ship. Prague is famous for its architectural beauty,so when the tower was put up in 1985 by architect Vaclav Aulicky and engineer Jiri Kozak, many felt it didn’t fit in. The Longaberger Basket Company The Longaberger Basket Company building is in Newark, Ohio . The office block was opened in 1997 and looks like a very large basket. It,s got seven floors and two handles at the top. The handles weigh about 150 tons. It may not be the ugliest building in the world but it’s certainly one of the most unusual.


高二年级第一学期期末测试----英语 单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. The film _______ him _______ what he had seen in China. A. reminded; to B. remembered; of C. recalled; with D. reminded; of 2. I sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus and went directly there. A. lost B caught C. looked D. took 3. He asked us to him ______ carrying through their plan. A. assist; with B. help; to C. assist; in D. help; with 4. His report was so exciting that it was interrupted by applause(掌声). A. constantly B. constant C. seldom D. never 5. _______ in a friendly way, their quarrel came to an end. A. Being settled B. Settled C. Settling D. Having settled 6. A driver should __ the road when . A. concentrate on; drive B. concentrate in; driving C. concentrate to; drove D. concentrate on; driving 7. We must work hard to a good knowledge of English. A. take B. acquire C. catch D. hold 8. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 9. Not until the early years of the 19th century ________ what heat was. A. man did know B. did man knew C. didn't man know D. did man know 10. The stone bridge __ _ last year is very beautiful. A. built B. was built C. being built D .to be built 11.The poor man , ________,ran out of the dark cave. A. tiring and frightened B. tired and frightened C. tired and frightening D. tiring and frightening 12. Don’t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life. A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 13. These articles are written in simple language, _____ makes it easy to read. A. that B. this C. which D. it 14. After the war, a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre. A. that B. where C. which D. when 15. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn’t help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 16. Along with the letter was his promise _______ he would visit me this coming Christmas. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 17. Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan.


哈三中2016-2017学年度上学期 高二学年第一模块物理考试试卷 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,1~8小题只有一个选项正确,其余小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的不得分) 1. 1831年8月29日,发现了电磁感应现象的物理学家是: A .安培 B .牛顿 C. 法拉第 D .焦耳 2.某区域内的电场线分布如图,P 、Q 是电场中的两点,则: A .P 点的电场强度较大 B .P 点的电势较高 C .电荷在P 点受到电场力方向必定与场强方向一致 D .正电荷由P 点静止释放,仅在电场力作用下运动的轨迹与电场线一致 3.如图所示,通电矩形线框abcd 与长直通电导线MN 在同一平面内,ab 边与MN 平行.关于MN 的磁场对线框的作用力,下列说法正确的是: A .线框有两条边所受的安培力方向相同 B .线框有两条边所受的安培力相同 C .线框所受的安培力的合力方向向左 D .线框所受的安培力的合力方向向右 4.如图所示的电路中,L 1、L 2是两个不同的小灯泡,a 、b 间有恒定的电压,它们都正常发光,当滑动变阻器的滑片向右滑动时,发生的现象是: A .L 1变亮,L 2变亮 B .L 1变暗,L 2变亮 C .电路消耗的总功率变大 D .流过滑动变阻器的电流变大 5.如图,金属圆环A 用轻绳悬挂,与长直螺线管共轴,并位于其左侧.则电键S 接通的短暂时间内,金属环A 将: A .向左运动,并有收缩趋势 B .向右运动,并有收缩趋势 C .向左运动,并有扩张趋势 D .向右运动,并有扩张趋势 6. 质子p ()和α粒子()以相同的速率在同一匀强磁场中做匀速圆周运动,轨道半径分别为R p 和R α,周期分别为T p 和T α.则下列选项正确的是: A .R p ∶R α=1∶2 T p ∶T α=1∶2 B .R p ∶R α=1∶1 T p ∶T α=1∶1 P Q


高一年级英语试卷 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。 选择题部分(共90分) 听力部分(满分30分)

第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分60分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题; 每小题0.5分,满分10分) 1. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __first impression. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 2. Nowadays everyone is responsible for _____ a harmonious society in China. A. making up B. taking up C. opening up D. building up 3. As is known to us all, success usually______ diligence while laziness can failure. A.results from; lie in B.results in; lead to C.results in; lie in D.results from; lead to 4. —What do you think of the book? —Oh, excellent. It's worth______ a second time. A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read 5. ______to the station on time made everyone worried last week. A.Him not getting B.Not his getting C.His not getting D.Not getting 6. —Can you give some explanation about the accident caused by the sons of the rich yesterday? — . A.No comment B.No doubt C.No problem D.No wonder 7. I agree to his suggestion ______the condition that he drops all charges. A. by B. in C. on D. to 8. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _____the traditional customs. A.perform B.possess C.observe D.support 9. They asked me so many _____ questions that I got _______ at last. A. confusing, confusing B. confused, confusing C. confused, confused D. confusing, confused 10. Some equipment as well as a number of maps and books to the area since the earthquake occurred. A.has been offered B.have been offered C.is being offered D.is offered 11. for an hour every day is good for your health. A. Breaking out B. Working out C. Sorting out D. Watching out


第一学期期末考试 高二英语试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is the purpose of the woman’s coming to fitness club? A. To take part in the exercise here. B. To ask about the courses for her friend. C. To pick up her best friend who is exercising here 2. What does the woman mean? A. Basketball is interesting B. She doesn’t like any sport. C. Baseball is the dullest sport. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. The singers in the show. B. Their favorite songs. C. Their favorite stars. 4. What time is it now? A. 8:00. B. 8:10. C. 8:30. 5. Why does the man want to ask for leave? A. He is sick. B. He thinks Miss Li’s class is boring. C. He has to go to visit Miss Li. 第二节听下面5段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Why can’t Sara go with the speakers? A. She has to look after her brother. B. She dislikes going with them. C. She will go to her hometown. 7. What will the speakers do this weekend? A. Go to the beach. B. Go on a picnic. C. Have lunch at Sara’s. 8. What does the woman ask the man to do tonight? A. Tell Sara their plan. B. Complete his homework. C. Go to see Sara together. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11小题。 9. Why did Jane come to the coffee house to be a waitress? A. To earn money. B. To learn English. C. To learn how to make coffee. 10. Who usually does housework at home? A. The father. B. Jane. C. The mother. 11. How many people are there in the woman’s family?

黑龙江省哈三中高二数学上学期期末考试试题 理【会员独享】

黑龙江省哈三中2011-2012学年高二上学期期末考试试题(数学理) 考试说明:(1)本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分, 满分150分. 考试时间为120分钟; (2)第I 卷,第II 卷试题答案均答在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡. 第I 卷 (选择题, 共60分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的) 1. 在二项式()6 1x +的展开式中,含3x 的项的系数是 A.15 B.20 C.30 D. 40 2. 从2位男生和3位女生中选出2名代表,其中必须有女生,则不同的选法有( )种 A .6 B .8 C .9 D .10 3. 若n x x )1(+展开式的二项式系数之和为64,则展开式的常数项为( ) A.10 B.20 C.30 D.120 4.由1,2,3,4,5组成没有重复数字的3位数,各位数字之和为奇数的共有( )个 A .36 B .24 C .18 D .6 5. 盒中有10只螺丝钉,其中有3只是坏的,现从盒中随机地抽取4只,则恰有2只是 坏的螺丝钉的概率为( ) A .21 B.103 C.51 D.120 119 6. 将3个不同的小球随意地放入4个不同的盒子中,则3个小球恰在3个不同的盒子 内的概率为( ) A.43 B.54 C.83 D.10 7 7. 已知双曲线122 22=-b y a x )0,0(>>b a 的一条渐近线方程为x y 2=, 它的一个焦点在抛物线x y 122 =的准线上,则双曲线的方程为 ( ) A. 13622=-y x B. 16322=-y x C. 1122422=-y x D. 124 122 2=-y x


月考试卷 高二英语 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项: 1. 考生务必将答案答在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。 2. 答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3. 答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答, 将选中项涂满涂黑, 黑度以盖住框内字母为准, 修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答, 未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the conversation take place? A.In a restaurant. B. In a classroom. C. In a hospital. 2. When will the man be able to visit Mr. Black? A. On November 1st. B.On November 3rd. C. On November 2nd. 3. What do we know from the man's answer? A.He likes both the two shirts. B. Brown is his favorite color. C. He doesn't like either. 4. What does the man plan to do this afternoon? A. Go to buy a pair of glasses. B. Go to his classes. C.Go to a movie. 5. What can we learn about Tom? A.He has no idea where to see a doctor. B. He has been participating running for quite a long time. C. He has got a fever. (共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答6至8题. Why Frank and Peter want to cycle to work? A. It's convenient. B.It's environmental. C. It's cheap. How much is the Anderson bicycle? A.£80. B. £65. C. £145. Which bicycle does the man prefer probably? A. The Anderson one. B. The cheaper one. C. The Curzon one. 请听第7段材料,回答9至11题。 What is the man doing? A. Hanging out. B.Working in the office. C. Repairing his car. What is the woman going to do? A.Go shopping. B. Attend classes. C. Have lunch. 11. How long does the woman study at the college except lunch time everyday? A. 5 hours. B.7 hours. C. 6 hours. 请听第8段材料,回答12至14题。 12. Why did Polly get a bad sleep last night? A. Her neighbors made much noise. B. She had a bad stomachache. C.She had a bad headache. 13. Who practiced the piano last night? A. The teenager upstairs. B. The girl in Apartment 3. C. The man in Apartment 2 14. What will the woman probably do tonight? A. Take some medicine. B. Listen to some music. C. Talk with her neighbors. 请听第9段材料,回答15至17题。 15. Where does the conversation take place? A. On the phone. B.At an insurance company. C.At the woman's house. 16. Which window was broken? A.The window in the living room B.The window in the kitchen. C.The window in the bedroom. 17. Why does the man talk to the woman? A. To make a damage report. B. To help her rebuild the house. C. To show honesty in his business. 听第10段材料,回答18至20题。 18. What is the main topic of the talk? A.The structure of sea coral. B. How to maintain healthy bones C. Substances used in bone repair. 19. What's the disadvantage of transplanting bone from donors? A. The patient might reject the bone. B.It is too expensive. C. There are not enough donors. 20. Why coral works well as a replacement for bone? A.Because it has holes into which new bone material can grow. B.Because its composition(构成;合成物)is similar to that of bone. C.Because it is not as fragile(脆的;易碎的) as bone 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项. A On a Sunday morning, I was driving down a road and saw something I couldn't believe. A little girl, less than two, was pushing her stroller (婴儿车) across the road. It was Sunday morning and traffic was not heavy. I stopped my car at once and ran toward her. This little girl knew enough to run from a stranger. I tried to catch her in order that I could get her out of the road. Suddenly her father came running down a hill across the road from where I had parked my car. He ran right to her and caught her up, saying "bad girl "to her. I picked up the stroller and gave it to him. The father grabbed the stroller and walked toward where he came from without a word. I went back and sat in my car for a few minutes with my son. My hands were shaking and tears were about to run out of my eyes. "Do you feel cold, Mom? "asked my son. I just shook my head. After this happened, I thought about how thankful I am. Even though the father didn't say thank you, I feel that I did something good. Doing something for someone else is pleasing, even when it's only a matter of being


第一学期高二期末测试 英语试卷 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题);全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必把自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3. 答第Ⅰ卷时,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑、涂满;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。 4. 答第Ⅱ卷时,用黑色墨水钢笔在答题卡规定区域内作答;答在本试卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15. 答案是C。 1. who is probably the woman? A. A waitress. B. A customer. C. A cook. 2. Why did the woman feel embarrassed? A. Because the meal was unpleasant. B. Because they had no topic to talk about. C. Because she had no money to pay for the meal. 3. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man wants to rent the apartment alone. B. The man is not satisfied with the rent. C. The apartment is near the station. 4. How much did the white dress cost? A. 299 yuan. B. 399 yuan. C. 499 yuan. 5. What is their dream apartment like? A. It has three bedrooms. B. It has a study for their son. C. It is near the city center.


黑龙江省哈三中2020-2021学年高二英语上学期9月阶段性测试试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;毎小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。毎段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When did the girl last clean her room according to the man? A. Two days ago. B. Two months ago. C. Two weeks ago. 2. Who is the boy probably talking to? A. His boss. B. His fitness coach. C. His teacher. 3. What does the woman want the wealthier to be like? A. Sunny. B. Snowy. C. Windy, 4. What did the man lose? A. A bag. B. A book. C. A cell phone. 5. Where was the woman yesterday? A. In the hospital. B. At the man's house. C. At her sister's house. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的4B. C三个选项中选出散佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位听完每段对话或独白前后,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题將给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料.回答第6至7题。 6. What is the man going to do this afternoon? A. Go to the beach. B. Take care of a cat. C. Visit some school friends. 7. When will the man's mother come back? A. Today. B. Tomorrow C. In a couple of days. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Where did the woman expect the man to meet her? A. At the mall. B. At her house. C. At the theater. 9. What time is it now? A. 7:10. B. 7:00. C. 6:50. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How high was the Seine river in 1910? A. Around 26 feet high. B. Around 20 feet high. C. Around 5 feet high. 11. What had to get moved to higher floors? A. Artwork. B. Many residents. C. Power equipment.


2021年高二年级第一次阶段性考试试卷(英语) 孙姬荷任美玲 xx年10月 17日 本试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分.考试时间120分钟. 第I卷(选择题共95分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What change will take place in this gentleman according to the woman? A.He’ll bee an Englishman. B.He’ll know London well. C.He’ll speak English as well as a native speaker. 2.Where did the woman work before? A.In a bank. B. In a lawyer’s office. C. In a department store. 3.When will Mr. John probably meet with Mr. Jane. A. At 10:00 B. At 9:00 C. At 9:15 4. Why is the woman angry at Calvin? A. He doesn’t phone ahead before visiting.


2017—2018学年度第二学期期末检测试题 高二英语参考答案 听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 BACAB 6—10 BACCB 11—15 CAACC 16—20 BABCA 阅读理解(15×2=30):21—23 DCB 24—27 CDBA 28—31 DCBC 32—35 BDCA 七选五阅读填空(5×2=10):36—40 GBFEC 完形填空(20×1.5=30):41—45 CBDAC 46—50 ABCDC 51—55 BACDB 56—60 ADABC 语法填空(10×1.5=15): 61. smoothly 62. when 63. challenging 64. to achieve 65. a 66. attitudes 67. of 68. itself 69. better 70. are surrounded 短文改错(10×1=10): Last Sunday, sixty students from our school pay a visit to China Science and Technology Museum. paid The museum, which main task is to spread the knowledge of science and technology, covers ∧area of whose an 48, 000 square meters. The moment when we entered the museum, the exhibition caught their attention. our In the museum, we saw the latest progresses in science and technology. Moreover, we did an amazed progress amazing scientific experiment by ourselves. What appealed for us most was the 3D film that made us feel we were to in real events. Though the visiting time was slight short, we gained a lot. It is so an instructive activity that we hope slightly such more will be organized in the future. 书面表达(满分25分): 参考范文: Dear Chris, How is everything going? I’m Li Hua. I’m writing to inform you to change our travel plan. I’m glad that you enjoy traveling as much as I do. You can’t imagine how excited I was when you agreed to travel to Yunnan with me in July. However, something unexpected happened. I accidentally hurt my foot during a basketball match. As a result, I can’t go to Y unnan with you as planned. I’m terribly sorry about the change of the plan. In addition, can we put the travel off until August? My injury will by no means be a matter by then! I s incerely hope that the time is convenient for you. If you have made a decision, don’t hesitate to let me know. (119) I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 各档次的给分范围和要求 第五档(21-25分) 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 —覆盖所有内容要点。

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