当前位置:文档之家› 新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材写作教程第七单元语法和练习部分参考答案





Lack of Unity


1. A unified sentence expresses one complete idea.

2.For ideas to be unified, we must make sure that the ideas in the sentence are

logically related.

3.For the idea to be complete, we must be careful with the superlative degree or

other types of absolute expressions.

Faulty Parallelism

Suggested answers to the exercise

a. She hopes to spend this holiday either in Shanghai or in Suzhou.

b.Showing/To show sincerity and keeping/to keep promises are the basic requirements of a real friend.

c.I want to know how big this house is and when it was built.

d.In the past ten years,Mr.Weir has been a waiter,a tour guide,and a teacher of English.

Reference for the Classroom Activities


This is my favorite beer.

Or:The Egyptians started to drink beer almost 5,000 years ago.


My first English teacher stayed in Britain for five years

Or:My first English teacher is a bad cook


Taking a walk alone or chatting with a friend over the phone can greatly relax your tension


China has a large population

Or:Many people in the States like Chinese food


Learning to speak English and use computers is important for finding a good job in the future.

Practice like drawing eggs can lay a solid foundation for an artist.

Or:Da Vinci was also good at scientific invention.


If one wants to find a good job with fewer working hours and a good salary,he must work hard at university


I believe Dr.Schmidt is your best choice for this coming election.

i. (P)

For this paper, you must choose a topic that is both interesting and helpful.


1.a.or b. and c. and d.but e. but f.but g. and h.but i.

yet/but, so j.and

2.a.Many children spend a lot of time watching TV,and(they).1ike to talk about TV programs when they meet.

b.History repeats itself;historians repeat each other.

c.1 like beer,but I never drink beer in the morning or when the temperature drops below 5 degrees.

d.1 looked for the paper in my office,and(I)searched for it in my bedroom,but I couldn’t find it.

e.You cannot learn to write well unless you really want to write well,

(you)practice a lot,and(you)learn from your own mistakes.

f.A money lender serves you in the present tense,lends you in the conditional mood keeps you in the subjunctive mood.and ruins you in the future tense.

3. Paragraph l:(1)either (2)or (3) and (4)or (5)and (6)and

Paragraph 2:(7)and (8)and (9)and (10)but

4. Reference Version:

Two of my postdoc friends met trouble in Holland because they could not use English for daily communication.This leads me to consider two problems in English teaching in China.First,traditional philosophical beliefs in education make students regard teachers as the main source of input.When learning English,they prefer to follow teachers and books instead of working on their own initiative and among themselves. Besides,students prefer teachers who spoon—feed to those who adopt communicative activities.They cannot see the value of these teachers’ creativity,and even proceed to label them as lazy or irresponsible.The other problem lies with teachers themselves·Although more and more native speakers are coming to teach English,they are mainly engaged in training teachers or technical personnel.Most of the teaching activities are still carried out by teachers who have received traditional training and have almost never used English for real —life communication.Without proper training and experience,they can only teach English in the outdated ways in which they were taught.(169 words)


高中英语语法“虚拟语气”的教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是结合外研社版高中英语教材选修6中有关虚拟语气的语法内容,进行高三虚拟语气的复习,教学中将语法知识的传授和语言基本技能的学习结合到一起,注重复习语法与语言的运用。采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量。 二、学情分析: 在高一和高二英语学习基础上,高三学生已经掌握基本的语言结构和一定程度的听说读写能力。在高三语法复习的过程中,结合学生原有的知识掌握水平,巩固基础强化正确使用语法知识,提高学生运用语言的深度和难度.但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差,主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,渴求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师。只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 三、教学重点: 1.复习的重点---语法虚拟语气的句型结构. 2.语法虚拟语气的运用 四、教学难点: 1.结合复习的语法知识,以课堂教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,加强和提高运用英语的综合能力。 2.虚拟语气在真实的生活语境中的使用。 五、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 引导学生掌握情态动词在虚拟语气之中的使用。培养学生通读,分析,理解,综合的能力,教会学生体察语境,结合上下文,附和逻辑推理和合理的想象,结合语法和题干中的语境解决高考题。在运用语言过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。 2.能力目标: 利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,规范学生运用英语知识准确表达的能力,同时,发展学生综合语言运用的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生自主学习。 3.德育目标: 用情态动词和虚拟语气的句子结构表达思想感情和正确的世界观、人生观。 六、教学策略:


新编英语语法教程(第6版)第21讲练习参考答案Ex. 21A was sorry to learn… will be sad to hear… would be very surprised to receive… is happy to have found… was afraid to go… was pleased to hear… am very anxious to meet you. were delighted to receive your telegram. were sensible to stay indoors. clerk was prompt to answer the call. rule is easy to remember. are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood. house is difficult to heat. you ready to leave would be foolish to go out in this weather. is quick to see the point. is very keen to get on. are proud to have him as a friend. was rude not to answer your letter. are happy to have you with us this evening. Ex. 21B decision to resign surprised all of us. showed no inclination to leave.


人学英语语法专项练习题及答案 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three mon ths. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. rm awfully sorry, but I had no alter native. I simply what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D . had just had 4. Ever si nee the family moved to the suburbs last year, they better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjo yed C. have bee n enjoying D. are enjo ying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I my old house yet, so at the mome nt I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D . do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I A. finish what I did B. fin is hed what I did C. would finish what I was doi ng D. fini shed wha t I was doi ng 7. He whe n the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt h imself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurti n g himself 8. I suppose that when 1 come back in ten years' time all those o ld houses dow n. A. will have bee n pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulli ng D. will b e pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbi ng up B. while we were climb ing up


达法,而且能够广泛增加有关商务活动的知识,从而提高他们运用英语进行书面交际的能力。 2.本门课是专业教学计划中的普通教育必修课,与先前英语基础课的关系是其后续的专业英语课。 3.本课程的教学目的:旨在使学生掌握各类英语书信的语言特点及篇章结构;了解便条及卡片、社交信函、求职、求学申请信的起草方法和各类信件的写作方法;熟悉各类涉外证件、商务信函、对外经济贸易中的技术交流合同、保险、外贸业务相关的各类电传以及广告、产品使用说明及产品维护等信函的写作技巧等。 本课程的教学任务是:在教学过程中,培养学生的实际交际、应用和解决问题能力并适当加入案例学习和贸易操作指南及练习,让学生在一个仿真模拟实践中了解和掌握一些涉外活动的基本程序和主要操作技能。 本课程的教学要求:通过对本课程的学习,要求学生将涉外业务知识与英语写作相结合,在已具备的英语读写能力基础上,重点掌握外贸信函、外贸电传的写作技巧。经过严格训练后,应

能独立、熟练和准确地起草以上各类信函,在今后的工作岗位上能熟练处理各种涉外业务。采用课堂教学和自主学习相结合的方式,充分运用先进的多媒体网络等现代化教育技术手段,引入计算机多媒体教学和网络教学平台,采用全方位、立体化、个性化的多媒体教学手段,提高教学效率和教学质量。 三、课程内容、学时分配及教学基本要求 Chapter 1 Basic Requirements for Writing (共2学时) (一)教学内容: 第一节词及句子 知识要点:词的选择与句子的表达 第二节段落及篇章 知识要点:段落及篇章的写作 教学重点:词汇的正确应用及句子的贴切表达 教学难点:如何组织段落及篇章结构 (二)教学基本要求: 1.了解英语词汇、句子的类型,理解其构成方式,懂得词汇及句子在写作中常见的错误,


VII. 实用英语写作 一、课程基本情况 1.学分: 1 学时:16 (理论学时:16 实验学时:0 )2.课程类别:限选课 3.适用专业:非英语专业本科 4.适用对象:非英语专业本科三年级学生(第五学期) 5.先修课程:大学英语 6.教材与参考书目: 教材:教师讲义 参考书:《新世纪实用英语写作》,张玉娟,陈春田,外语教学与研究出版社,2003 《英语应用文写作大全》,《英语应用文写作大全》编写组,社会科学出文献出 版社 《英语应用文写作》,杨晓钰,重庆大学出版社 《英语写作系列-英汉应用文手册》,傅似逸,北京大学出版社 《英语常用应用文写作》,韩铁椿、陈汉华,上海财经大学出版社 《实用英语写作教程》,李予军编著,国防工业出版社,2008年 《研究生英语写译教程》,杨若东、袁锡兴,中国人民大学出版社,2004 《英语论文写作》,石坚、帅培天,四川人民出版社,2005 《高级英语写作教程》,马红军、毛卓亮,中国对外翻译出版公司,2006 二、课程介绍 1.实用英语写作作为一种国际商贸动作和国际事务交往过程中必不可少的交际工具, 对贸易的缔结和双边关系的保持起着举足轻重的作用。随着全球经济一体化的迅速发展,国际商务交往日益频繁,为了增强学生在国际商务活动中的交际能力,培养复合型人才,本课程向学生提供了一个选材广泛和能体现各种商务情景的优秀范文资料库,帮助学生了解涉外英语中最常见的和最常用的各种信函的用途,使学生在学习各种信函的同时,不仅能够熟悉各种信函的英文表达法,而且能够广泛增加有关商务活动的知识,从而提高他们运用英语进行书面交际的能力。 2.本门课是专业教学计划中的普通教育必修课,与先前英语基础课的关系是其后续的专业英语课。 3.本课程的教学目的:旨在使学生掌握各类英语书信的语言特点及篇章结构;了解便条及卡片、社交信函、求职、求学申请信的起草方法和各类信件的写作方法;熟悉各类涉外证件、商务信函、对外经济贸易中的技术交流合同、保险、外贸业务相关的各类电传以及广告、产品使用说明及产品维护等信函的写作技巧等。


新编英语语法教程(第六版)第02讲练习参考答案 Ex. 2A 1. SVC Within the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller. 2. SV The bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the ground. 3. SVO On August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Japanese town of Hiroshima. 4. SvoO Three days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow. 5. SVOC The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble. 6. SV A Within the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of expanding gas, millions of degrees hot. 7. SVOA A tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, concrete, metal, and wood over the ground.


实用英语应用能力写作相关句型(基于历年真题) 1.英文书信格式日期:2010-12-13 收件人:无具体收信人落款:王林职位:销售经理正文用横线表示 Dec. 13th 2010 Dear Sir or Madam: …… Yours sincerely, Wang Lin Sales Manager 2.感谢你日的来信 Thank you for your letter of 10th Dec. 3.我写信是要投诉…… I am writing this letter to complain about … 4.上个月在你们商店买的手机 the mobile phone which I bought in your shop last month 5.对此我感到很生气 I am very angry about it 6.我已经把手机邮寄回去 I have already sent the mobile phone back to you by post

7.强烈要求尽快给我退款 I strongly insist that you refund me as soon as possible. 8.写信了解有关价格以及售后服务的情况(能否发给我们一些信息,如最新的价目表和售后服务情况) Could you please send us some information, such as the latest price list and the after-sale services about them 9.希望尽快得到您的回信I’m looking forward to your early reply. / We’re looking forward to your prompt response. / I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 10.随信附上目录及价目表Enclosed, please find an illustrated catalogue and a price list 11.根据你们订购的数量,我们会提供相应的折扣 We also allow a discount according to the quantity ordered. 12.您最近过的怎么样生意如何 How are you doing these days and how about your business 13.这笔款项已经过期10天 the payment is already 10 days overdue 14.我写信提醒您…… I am writing to remind you that …15.请您…… would you please … 16.市场部经理 Marketing Manager 17.人事部经理 manager of personnel department 18.将要在12月14号到16号召开的会议 the meeting to be held


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


初中英语语法综合练习题 单项选择 1、The boy likes questions. A.ask B.answer C.to ask 2、We'll try there on time. % A.to get B.getting C.got 3、They hoped their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing 4、I'm glad you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet { 5、He often helps me my bike. A.mending B.to mend C.to mended 6、I heard Alice in the next door. ~ A.sings B.sang C.sing 7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.

A.do B.to do C.doing 8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. A.came B.coming C.come 、 9、Does Jack want a writer A.be B.is C.to be 10、The boss had them from morning to night. A.worked B.working C.work 【 11、It's time home. A.to go B.went C.going 12、Tom is kind. He would like you. A.to help B.help C.helped 【 13、Don't forget your books to school. A.bring B.to bring C.brought


《新编英语语法教程》主要章节语法术语Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (导论—语法层次) 2. Parts of speech (word class) 3. Phrases 词组 4. Clause 分句 5. Sentence 句子 1. Morpheme 词素 Free morpheme 自由词素 Bound morpheme 粘附词素 Allomorph 词素变体 Noun phrase Verb phrase Adjective phrase Adverb phrase Preposition phrase Conjunction

Lecture 1 Sentence Structure(L1)Sentence elements: S (subject) 主语V (predicate verb) 谓语动词 O (object) 宾语 C (complement) 补足语 A (Adverbial) 状语 1. Two ways of sentence analysis 1) SVO Sentence Clause NP VP NP Subject Predicate verb Object All the man have done their best. Sentence = Subject + Predicate (Predicate Verb + Object, Complement, Adverbial, etc.) ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为谓语动词、宾语、补语、状语等。 2) Subject + Predicate (= operator + predication) Sentence Clause Subject Predicate Operator Predication All the man have done their best. ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为操作词(operator)和述谓成分(predication)。 2. Basic clause types SVC, SV, SV A, SVO, SVOA, SVOC, SV oO Lecture 2 Subject-Verb Concord (L2-3) Guiding principles: Grammatical Concord Notional Concord Principle of Proximity 语法一致原则意义一致原则就近原则 Nominal clause Non-finite clause Relative clause Cleft sentence Existential clause 名词性分句非限定分句关系分句分裂句存在句Lecture 3 Noun and Noun Phrase(L4-5) 1. Classification of nouns


一、选择题 1.Hey, James,__________on the wall. A.doesn't draw B.didn't draw C.don't draw D.drew 2.Walk ______ the white building and ______ the street. You won’t miss it. A.pass; cross B.past; cross C.pass; across D.past; across 3.—_____________ dressed now! We have to go in ten minutes. —OK, Mom. A.Getting B.Get C.To get D.Gets 4.—When and where shall we meet tomorrow? —Let’s _______ it 3:00 p. m. at my home. A.do B.make C.meet D.plan 5.Tim,______noisy in the library. A.don’t B.doesn’t C.don’t be D.doesn’t be 6.Be quick, ______ you will be late for the school art festival . A.and B.or C.but D.so 7.Let’s ______ sports after school. Sports are good for health. A.have B.having C.to have D.has 8.Hurry up, you will be late for school. A.so B.or C.and D.but 9.— We need more office supplies. —Ok. Let’s ______ a list. A.making B.makes C.make D.made 10.Grandpa, you'd better not smoke any more. Follow the doctor's advice, ___________ you will be well very soon. A.and B.or C.so D.but 11.The window is . Mike, go and it. A.open; closed B.close; opens C.open; close D.closed; opens 12.Don’t _____your children_____other children . A.comparing; to B.compare;with C.compare;to D.comparing;with 13.Sam, ________ your teeth before going to bed. A.is brushing B.brushes C.brush D.has brushed 14.Your future is whatever you make it, so ________it a good one. A.to make B.making C.made D.make 15.Don’t _______ about his English .He is studying hard at it. A.be worried B.be worry C.be worrying D.to worry 16.Tom, laugh at(嘲笑)others. It’s not polite! A.don't B.doesn’t C.not D.don't be


Chapter one—Principles of Business Communication 4C原则:Conciseness(简洁), Clarity(明晰), Correctness(准确),Courtesy(礼貌) Effective written workplace communication needs to show: ● A style which is clear and concise(conciseness, clarity) ● A tone which is polite but not overly modest (courtesy) ● A presentation which contains no errors of format and language (correctness) Workplace writing types: ●Informative writing: inform the reader about a product or service The aim is to improve understanding. ●Persuasive writing: persuade the reader that this product or service is a good one and worth buying The aim is to stimulate emotions and develop enthusiasm. Levels of formality in business communication: ●Bottom-up communication: To a superior=more formal ●Top-down communication: From a superior=more formal ●Sideways communication: To and from people of same rank=less formal Chapter two—Writing Memos Memos writing guidelines: A memo (memorandum) is an administrative document. It ●Is used only for communication within a company. It is an intra-company document and is not used for inter-company communication ●May be distributed top-down ( from superiors to subordinates) or bottom-up ( from subordinates to superiors) ●Deal with a single topic ●Names its sender(s) and recipient(s) clearly ●Has short, easily readable paragraphs ●May have sub-headings and numbered sub-sections ●May be distributed electronically or in hard copy Using the right language is not only a question of selecting correct vocabulary and grammar. Speakers and writing also need to take into account: ●who they are addressing( the audience) ●why they are speaking or writing( the purpose) ●how they are communicating( the method) Using formal language increase the ‘social distance’between a sender and a recipient. Informal language reduces this distance. Chapter three—Writing Letters of Request


英语语法课程教学特色介绍 我院“英语语法”课教学一直坚持以学生为主体、教师为主导,实施个性化教学。语法课主要教学任务是传授英语语法知识,对学生进行辅助性的英语学习的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力,为进入高年级打下扎实的专业基础。而现在翻译系的建设,对英语语法的要求更加注重英语语法的应用,适用于翻译专业的特色人才培养方案,帮助学生从低年级向高年级顺利过渡,提高学生在英语写作和英语翻译等语言输出方面的能力。所以该课程的教学特色体现在以下三方面: 第一,在教学目标方面。英语语法课程教学以语言输出课程为导向,即以写作和翻译为主导向,服务于翻译系人才培养方案,同时以翻译为主要导向,写作为辅助导向。在实践教学中要特别强调学生英语实践能力的训练,要兼顾英语写、译能力的培养。同时教学中应该结合学生翻译专业特色进行素材分析以及语言实践,从而使语法课堂教学更加的具有特色化,专业化。构建以实训为主的教学体系。同时,英语语法课程以英语专业四级为量化目标。即课堂内讲解语法时用翻译为引入,学生通过翻译总结语法规则,再以翻译为输出导向进行语法应用。而课堂外用英语专四练习材料为辅助,理解和运用相结合,应试和实用相结合的教学模式。 第二,在教学内容方面。结合三本院校学生的特色和翻译系建设人才培养目标,教学中的语料,都来自于翻译系翻译教师辅助下的翻译材料,适用于我系学生的特色。教学素材的选取以语法点结合翻译策略的实施为导向。教学内容的实施以高年级写作课程和翻译课程语言要求为教学培养动向。通过语法课程中的翻译练习向高年级翻译教师反馈学生所暴露的问题,同时高年级教师在翻译和写作教学中发现学生所遗留的语法问题,两者相互结合,相互补充,进一步了解学生的知识盲点,进一步加强学生的弱项训练,既有利于学生的应试发挥,也有利于学生的学习成长。语言输入课程与语言输出课程相结合,更加有利于语言的学习与认知。 第三,在教学方式和师资配置方面。为了更加有效的结合语言输出课程的培养,英语语法课程的教学以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的能动性。在课堂教学中,学生不断的通过口译笔译等训练发现语法问题,教师适时的指出,学生自我修正的方式。让学生在练习中发现问题并解决问题,同时教师输入翻译的基本技巧,使学生能有更多的时间去熟悉翻译的基本技巧,为高年级的翻译课程做好基本的准备。同时也配备了配套的练习题库,无论是针对英语相关的专业二级四级考试的练习题库,还是有利于翻译专业学生未来发展的翻译练习题库,能够更加明确的规划学生的学习方向,帮助学生突破语法学习过程中的难点。当然教学模式


高考英语语法综合训练120题? 1. ——This green coat looks nice on you and it is only 200 Yuan. ——. A. I'll need it B . I'll take it C. It's much too expensive. D. I'd like to sell it.? 2. He left ______any of his friends _____ him _____. A. with; seeing; off B. without; seeing; off C. without; see; / D. with; see; out 3. ______ is _____ the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words. A. What a dictionary does; help B. What dictionary does; to help C. How a dictionary does; help D. All that a dictionary does; helps? 4. The landowners in India would not vote to lose their land and wealth, _____ it resulted ______ a fairer society. A. even if; in B. even though; of C. as if; in D. whether; of 5. Towards _____ evening, _____ heavy rain began to fall. A. the; a B. /; a C. /; the D. the; /? 6.——Do you have _____ more to get in the market——No, only some bread and butter. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything 7. The teacher as well as her students _____ to visit the Moter Company tomorrow. A. go B. are to go C. is to go D. is about to go.? 8. The building is _____. A. twenty-metre-high B. twenty metre high C. twenty-metres-high D. twenty metres high? 9. The book ____ three Yuan, but it only ____ me two Yuan. A. spends, take B. costs, spend C. costs, cost D. pays, cost? 10. They are____ the same size. You can take ______ half of the bread. A. in, either B. with, either C. in, both D. at, none? 11. ——Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang, please —— _______. A. Hold the line. please B. Wait for a minute C. Here it is D. Here he is? 12. You can choose _____ book you like among these. A. no matter what B. whatever C. whose D. whichever? 13. This kind of paper was as soft and light as silk but ______ expensive. A. much less B. much little C. many less D. much more than? 14. It had rained for several days. The clothes had _____ near the fire to dry. A. hang up B. to hung up C. to be hung up D. to be hanged up? 15. The line is engaged. I can't _____ now. A. get on B. get along C. get through D. get down? 16. We should prevent pollution ________ happily. A. to live B. for living C. from living D. living? 17. As we all know, ______ knowledge comes from _______ practice.


新编英语语法教程(第6版)第21讲练习参考答案 Ex. 21A 1.I was sorry to learn… 2.You will be sad to hear… 3.They would be very surprised to receive… 4.She is happy to have found… 5.I was afraid to go… 6.Bob was pleased to hear… 7.I am very anxious to meet you. 8.We were delighted to receive your telegram. 9.You were sensible to stay indoors. 10.The clerk was prompt to answer the call. 11.This rule is easy to remember. 12.We are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood. 13.Our house is difficult to heat. 14.Are you ready to leave? 15.You would be foolish to go out in this weather. 16.John is quick to see the point. 17.He is very keen to get on. 18.We are proud to have him as a friend. 19.I was rude not to answer your letter. 20.We are happy to have you with us this evening. Ex. 21B 1.His decision to resign surprised all of us. 2.He showed no inclination to leave. 3.Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love. 4.The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river. 5.Their readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world. 6.He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject. 7.The people of a country should have the freedom to choose their own social system. 8.There is no need for you to start so early. 9.I am not under the obligation to render him any financial support. 10.They have the ability to wage biological warfare. 11.He is not a man to be frightened by the threat of war. 12.There are plans to be made at once. 13.This is a day never to be forgotten. 14.Give me the names of the people to contact. 15.The next train to arrive is from Edinburgh. 16.The last problem to be considered at our next meeting is how to invest the money. 17.Was Cortes the first European ever to see the Pacific Ocean?


高中英语语法练习题 1 ? A modern city has been set up in ( A. what B. which C. that )quite a number of insects, birds and animals are dying out. 5. That is ( ) we agreed on at the meeting ? A. that B. when C. whether D. what 17. The government proposes that something ( )to get rid of air pollution. A.will be done B. is done C ? should do D. be done A.that B. as C. why D. when 3.1 think Father would like to know ( )T ve been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note ? A.which B. why C. what D. how 4. When and where we f 11 hold the meeting ( )not been decided yet. A. have B. has C. is D. are )was a wasteland ten years ago. D. where 2. We can* t figure out ( 6. T he reason why the car was stopped was ( A.that the road was slippery slippery 7. ( C. because the road was A.That. that &His suggestion A.that we go should go 9. Air is to us ( B. due to the slippery road D. because of the slippery road troubles me is ( ) lean' t learn all these English idioms by heart. B. What, what C. That, what D. What, that )to see the art exhibition interested every one of us. which we should go C. that we would go d ? when we B. water is to fish. A.what B. that 10.lt remains a question ( A.how B. that 11 ?一What's that building? — ( )the students do experiments. A .There is which B. It is in which 12.1 wish I ( ) yesterday J s exam ? B. had been able to pass C. which D. is that )we can get so much money in such a short time. D. what C. when C. That's where D. Tlie building that A.passed 13.The twins are so much alike that I never know ( A.who, that B. which, which C. could pass ) C. that, who D. were able to pass )? is ( D. which, that 14. Y ou caif t imagine ( A.how they were excited they were how excited 15. He always thinks of ( A.what B. how )when they received these nice Christmas gifts. B. how excited they were C. how excited they )he can do more for the people ? C. if D. whatever D. 16. We don* t doubt ( A.whether B. that )he can do a good job of it. C. what D. why

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