当前位置:文档之家› 大连市初中2015年一模英语答案





I. 1-4 ABCB 5-8 CDDC 9-12 DABB

II. 13-16 CBDA 17-20DBCB 21-24 CDAC

III. 25-28 CBDC 29-32 DBAA 33-37 DABCB 38-41BCAF

IV. 42—46 FEADB

V. 47—51 first, more expensive, to stay, Salad, ourselves

52—56 was trained/trained, so that, soldiers’, national, nurses

57—62 it, study, isn’t, difficult/hard, excuse, with


63. Because it could help him find the answers on the Internet./Because he wanted to open a special app and searched for the answers./Because he wanted to find the answers with the help of the Internet.

64. Yes, it was.

65. It improves students’ abilities.

66. They become lazy.

67. Yes. Because it’s important to think independently./ Because no one can make progress if they don’t know the reasons behind the answers./ Because it is important to have self-control.



68. It’s wasteful to throw so much food away.

69. Have you ever wanted/dreamed to travel around the world?/ Have you ever thought of travelling around the world?

70. We’d better have a picnic on the top of the hill/It’s better to have a picnic on the top of the hill

71. Try not to drink too much coffee or tea/Try to avoid drinking too much coffee or tea

72. Though I wanted/planned to go back home earlier, I still went back late./I wanted to go back home earlier, but I was still late.


73. Possible version:

Hi Tina,

It’s great to hear you are coming to China. I know you are really interested in Chinese history and culture, so I suggest that you visit Xi’an, an ancient capital with thousands of years of history. About 12 Chinese dynasties ever built their capitals there. As a result, there are a lot of places of interest in Xi’an. The most famous one is the Terracotta Army. It was built nearly 2,200 years ago in the Qin Dynasty. I went there last year and enjoyed the trip a lot. I would like to be your guide if you decide to go there.

I am looking forward to your coming to China.


Li Ming


2019年辽宁省大连市中考英语试卷 副标题 一、单选题(本大题共12小题,共12.0分) 1.The Silk Road has been a bridge between the East and the West___ over 2,000 years. A. at B. for C. in D. from 2.There?s no empty table.Would you please share___ with me? A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself 3.Mum,may I wear this new___ to the party tonight? A. skirt B. balloon C. fan D. flag 4.My father is very busy. He ______ has spare time. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. sometimes 5.—Must we take the underground to the airport? —Yes, we ____. The traffic is very heavy now. A. must B. can C. may D. would 6.Jim____to hospital at once after he got hurt. A. sent B. is sent C. will be sent D. was sent 7.The presenter____an interview with our monitor at this time yesterday. A. did B. was doing C. does D. has done 8.﹣___is your family going to BeijingExpo(北京世园会),Lucy? ﹣In August.() A. How B. When C. Where D. Why 9.It's better to ____ your rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber before throwing it away. A. move B. put C. change D. divide 10.Peter won?t be surprised because I___him the news already. A. told B. will tell C. have told D. am telling 11.It is getting dark. Why not ____ the lights? A. turn on B. take away C. pick up D. put away 12.—I missed the beginning of the movie,David. —_____ It was so exciting! A. Never mind. B. Hurry up! C. What a pity! D. You?re welcome. 二、阅读理解(本大题共13小题,共26.0分) A SIGHTSEEING


2009年辽宁省大连市中考英语试题 第I卷选择题(共80分) I .单项填空本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. My father is a musician! often listen to him play violin. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2. My sister isn't able to ride the bike,so I'm going to help with it. A.me B.her C.myself D.herself 3. Dalian is a beautiful city the north of China. A.of B.on C.with D.in 4. ―Are you going to th e USA,Betty? —We're not sure.We go to Australia. A.must Bean C.might D need 5. ——You're wearing a lovely sweater,Lingling. ―Yes,it very soft and comfortable. A. tastes B. feels C.sounds D.smells 6. The traffic in the city is than that in the village. A.busier B wider C.quieter D.cleaner 7.I the film.I don't want to see it again. A.have seen B.saw C.will see D.see 8.Tony doesn't visit his uncle.but he sends emails. A.hardly B. never C.often D .nearly 9.I've brought some photos you can see what Australia looks like. A.as soon as B.ever since C.as tar as D.so that 10. ―Betty.would you like to go to the cin- ema on Sunday? A.See you soon. B.Thank you. C.Yes,I think so. D.That's a good idea. 11. There is more today so life is more dangerous and less healthy. A. knowledge B. freedom C. pollution D .population 12. ―Can you tell me the programme is on? ―Yes,it's on Wednesday. at five o'clock. A. why B. when C. where D. what 13.If you want to keep the picture, it on the computer. A. take B.put C.save D.show 14.The soup was so that it burned my mouth.


2016年辽宁省大连市中考英语试卷 一、.单项填空(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) 1. Disney opened a park in Shanghai________ 16th June,2016.() A in B on C at D of 2. Cambridge is famous for its________.Many famous people studied there.() A university B hospital C bank D museum 3. It is Sunday.Let's just relax and enjoy________.() A myself B yourself C ourselves D Himself 4. I like the silence in the countryside.The city is too________ for me.() A boring B large C crowded D noisy 5. Lucy is very young,________ she can live on her own.() A and B or C so D but 6. Tom and Jerry are very funny.I can't help________ when I watch them.() A singing B laughing C sleeping D talking 7. Don't ride too fast,David.________ the risk of an accident.() A Take away B Write about C Think about D Try out 8. It might be cool in the evening.You\d better take a(n)________.() A umbrella B sweater C wallet D camera 9. ________ will the match between HAS and BIG be held?﹣In our school stadium.() A When B Where C Why D How 10. We need clean air and water,so we________ protect the environment.() A can B may C must D might 11. Look!Sandy is running more________ and looks tired.What's wrong?() A slowly B easily C quickly D Carefully 12. I'm sorry I am late.Mr.Jackson. ﹣﹣________ Come in,please.() A I'm not sure. B It's a pleasure. C I'm afraid not. D That's OK. 二、.完形填空(一)(本题共1小题,每小题12分,共12分) 13. Leo was a small and thin boy who lived in a small village.Some boys in the village often made fun of(嘲弄)(1)_______ and Leo was afraid. One day, an old wizard(术士)went by the village and saw Leo being made fun of.So when the bad boys left, he gave Leo a lion's tail."It's a(2)_______ tail, "the wizard said."When someone wears it and acts bravely, he or she will turn into a strong (3) _______."Leo hung the lion's tail behind his body and decided to teach the bad boys a lesson. But when the boys came, Leo was afraid and tried to(4)_______.However, they caught him.Suddenly, Leo(5)_______the tail and remembered what the wizard had said.He became brave.He looked them in the eyes and said he would make them(6)_______doing that.Leo felt the goose bumps(鸡皮疙瘩)all over his body."This must be the (7) _______that I am turning into a lion."he thought.The boy ran away in fear.Leo wanted to catch them, but he found his legs were short(8)_______ When the wizard saw it, he came to Leo.Leo was very happy, although a little


一、单选 1. Li Na won the tennis match in France ____ June 4th, 2011. A. in B. on C. at D. for 2. It‘s too _______ here. Can we open the window? A. warm B. cold C. cool D. hot 3. British people usually shake hands the first time _______ meet. A. they B. you C. we D. I 4. My room is small, __________ it is comfortable. A. and B. or C. but D. so 5. – What‘s the weather like? - Oh, it ________ outside Take an umbrella with you. A. rains B. is raining C. was raining D. rained 6. – Did you enjoy the _________? - Yes, it was delicious. A. party B. trip C. meal D. movie 7. – I‘ve ______ using plastic bags when shopping. - You‘re right. It‘s good for our environment. A. stopped B. finished C. started D. enjoyed 8. People live longer and stay _____ today than they did 50 years ago. A. health B. healthier C. healthiest D. the healthiest 9. – Mr. Jackson _______ we go rock climbing? - Yes, but you must use ropes. A. must B. should C. need D. can 10. – Could you tell me ______ the school leavers‘ party is? - In the school hall. A. where B. when C. what D. how 11. There are plenty of books in our library. You can ________ four at a time. A. own B. borrow C. lend D. carry 12. In America when you‘re given a present, you can open it _____. You do n‘t have to wait. A. immediately B. properly C. carefully D. quietly 13. _______ we are young, we can still do something to help protect the environment. A. If B. Since C. Because D. Though 14. The cartoon ________, Snoopy, is very popular in China. A. writer B. actor C. character D. designer 15. They tried several times to _______ the problem, and in the end they succeeded. A. give up B. work out C. look through D. think of 16. - I‘m going to Sanya for the summer holiday. - _________! A. Have a good time B. Well done C. Best wishes to you D. Thanks a lot


大连市2016年初中毕业升学考试试测(一) 物理与化学 注意事项: 1.请在答题卡上作答,在试卷上作答无效。 2.物理试卷共五大题(1~32小题),满分90分。化学试卷共四大题(33~58小题),满分70分。物理与化学合计满分160分。考试时间150分钟。 第一卷物理 一、选择题(本题共14小题,每小题2分,共28分) 注意:第1~11题中,每题只有一个选项正确。 1.小明骑自行车上学,他看到路边的小树向后运动,则他选择的参照物是 A.地面 B.路边的房屋 C.所骑的自行车 D.远处的高山 2.家庭电路中,空气开关的主要作用是 A.保证用电器功率不变 B.节省电能 C.保证电路两端的电压不变 D.当电路中电流过大时自动切断电路 3.一盒草莓放在冰箱的冷藏室里,冷藏室里就有草莓的清香,这表明 A.分子间存在引力 B.分子在不停地运动 C.分子间有间隙 D.温度越低,分子运动越剧烈 4.用毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒靠近一个轻质小球,小球被吸引,则小球 A.可能不带电 B.一定带负电 C.一定带正电 D.一定不带电 5.下列电器设备中,将机械能转化为电能的是 A.发电机 B.电动机 C.电磁继电器 D.电热水器 6.电视机、电烙铁和电风扇上都标有“220 V 6O W”的字样,它们都在额定电压下工作相同的时间,则 A.电视机消耗的电能最多 B.电流通过电风扇做的功最多 C.电风扇消耗的电能全部转化为机械能 D.电流通过电烙铁产生的热量最多 7.一艘轮船从长江驶入大海,下列说法正确的是 A.浮力变小,船体下沉一些 B.浮力不变,船体上浮一些 C.浮力不变,船体下沉一些 D.浮力变大,船体上浮一些 8.汽车的安全带指示灯,会提醒驾驶员系好安全带。当安全带系好时,相当于闭合开关 S,指示灯 L 不亮;安全带未系好时,相当于断开开关 S,指示灯 L 亮。下列符合要求的电路图是 9.做“凸透镜成像”实验时,把蜡烛放在二倍焦距之外,移动光屏找到像。若将蜡烛向凸透镜移动s1的距离(此时物距仍大于二倍焦距),移动光屏重新找到像,光屏移动的距


2003年大连市中考英语试题 本试卷分A卷(毕业考试)和B卷(升学考试)两部分。共200分。考试时间100分钟。 A 卷(100分) I.语言基础知识运用(本题分A、B、C三部分,共35小题;每小题2分,共70分) A.单项填空(30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.She sent her friend a postcard a birthday present. A. on B. as C. for D. of 2. If you set your mind to do it, everything is . A. possible B. hard C. difficult D. impossible 3. --How are you going to improve this term? --Work harder than last term. A. ourselves B. myself C. himself D. yourself 4. We were very excited to see many places of interest_________ in Beijing. A. boring B. same C. different D. bright 5. --Would you please carry the big box for me? -- . A. No problem. B. What a pity ! C. Not at all. D. 'Drank you. 6. She__________ the factory on the ct)met and told me she worked there. A. thought of B. looked for C. pointed to D. got off 7. --Do you know . --At 8:00 a.m. A. who to talk with B. when to have a meeting C. what to do next D. where to go swimming 8. Eating and doing more sport are good ways to keep SARS away from us. A. early B. quickly C. healthily D. hardly 9.-_______,sir? - Size 41, I think. A. What size do you need B. What can I do for you C. How do you like this shirt D. What's the matter with you 10. We want to play basketball after school. Would you like to us? A. invite B. play C. get D. join 11.The_______of an air ticket from Dalian to Guangzhou is about 1,800 yuan. A. price B. money C. pay D. use 13. -Hello! Is that Mr John speaking? --_______ . He isn't here at the moment. A. I'm sorry B. Excuse me C. Bad luck D. Hold on, please 14. More and more foreigners want to________ their companies in Dalian.


大连市初中毕业升学考试 英语 第I卷选择题(共68分) I. 单项选择(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) (2016辽宁大连)1. Disney opened a park in Shanghai _____ 16th June, 2016. A. in B.o n C. at D. of 1. B (2016辽宁大连)2. Cambridge is famous for its ______. Many famous people studied there. A. university B. hospital C. bank D. museum 2. A (2016辽宁大连)3. It is Sunday. Let’s just relax and enjoy _______. A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. himself 3. C (2016辽宁大连)4. I like the silence in the countryside. The city is too ______ for me. A. long B. sound C. voice D. noise 4. D (2016辽宁大连)5. Lucy is very young, ______ she can live on her own. A. and B. or C. so D. but 5. D (2016辽宁大连)6. Tom and Jerry are very funny. I can’t help ______

when I watch them. A. singing B. laughing C. sleeping D. talking 6. B (2016辽宁大连)7. Don’t ride to fast, David. ______ the risk of an accident. A. Take away B. Write down C. Think about D. Try out 7. C (2016辽宁大连)8. It might be cool in the evening. You’d better take a(n) _______. A. umbrella B. sweater C. wallet D. camera 8. B (2016辽宁大连)9. —_______ will the match between HAS and BIG be held? —In our school stadium. A. When B. Where C. Why D. How 9. B (2016辽宁大连)10. We need clear air and water, so we _____ protect the environment. A. can B. may C. must D. might 10. C (2016辽宁大连)11. Look! Sandy is running more _____ and looks tired. What’s wrong? A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. carefully


大连市2017年初中毕业升学考试 英语 第I卷选择题(共68分) I. 单项填空(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) 从各题所给的四个选填中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Let's promise to be friends of the earth and not to pollute . A.it B.you https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e16621923.html, D.them 2.Shall we stop and wait for others? They will catch up a few minutes. A. at B. on C.in D.for 3.My bike is . It will be fixed tomorrow. A. new B.light C.dirty D.broken 4.Tony is an honest boy and he never tells a lie. We all him. A.see B. miss C. hate D.trust 5.Stop! Don't cross that rope! Can't you see the sign,kid? “” A.No photos. B.No entry. C.No parking. D.No littering. 6.In North America,you cannot stand too close to people. Give them more personal . A.fun B.space C. time https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e16621923.html,rmation 7. Summer camping is a great experience for students. It is good to help them . A.wake up B.get up C.hurry up D.grow up 8.-Have you decided where to spend your holiday? -Not yet. We go to Beijing. A.may B.must C.should D.need 9.He didn't use to be active in school,but now he gets lots of . A.choices B. money C. attention D. problems 10.The fans cheer us on and I feel more confident to win the game. A.politely B.carefully C. slowly D. loudly 11.Shopping bags shouldn't be thrown away.We should them. A.buy B.borrow C.reuse D.repair 12.---Hi, Lingling! How was your school trip? ---We took a tour to Dalian Forest Z00. A.Take care. Bye! B.It was great fun! C. Have a good trip! D.It looks really great. Ⅱ.完形填空(一)(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee. While I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were many people in the place, __13__ I sensed loneliness. I saw their bodies, but I couldn’t feel their souls(灵魂) because their souls belonged (属于)to the ___14___ .


大连市2009年初中毕业升学考试试测(一) 物理 注意事项: 1.请将答案写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。 2.本试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题2分。共24分) 注意:第1~9题中,每题只有一个选项正确。 1.在太阳光下物体会形成影子,这类现象可以说明 A.光的直线传播 B.光的反射 C.光的折射 D.光的色散 2.下列说法正确的是 A.尘土飞扬,说明分子在不停地运动 B.弹簧能够被压缩,说明分子间有空隙 C.吸盘能牢牢吸在玻璃上,说明分子间存在引力 D.用温度计测水温时,温度计示数越大,说明水分子的热运动越剧烈 3.从飞机上跳下的跳伞员在空中匀速直线下降的过程中,不计空气的摩擦 A.动能越来越大 B.重力势能越来越小 C.机械能保持不变 D.内能越来越大 据右表提供的数据可知,听觉上可能有反应的动物是 A.大象 B.海豚 C.猫 D.蝙蝠 5.某同学用水平方向、大小不变的力推静止在水平地面上的木箱,木箱仍然静止。则 下列说法正确的是 A.虽然木箱未被推动,但推力等于木箱的重力 B.虽然木箱未被推动,但推力等于木箱所受的摩擦力 C.因为推力小于木箱的重力,所以木箱未被推动 D.因为推力小于木箱所受的摩擦力,所以木箱未被推动 6.下列现象不能 ..用惯性解释的是 A.短跑运动员跑到终点后不能立即停下来 B.跳远运动员起跳后能在空中继续向前运动 c.跳水运动员从高台上下落时速度越来越大 D.急刹车时,车上的乘客身体会向前倾

7.关于对欧姆定律数学表达式,I=U/R的理解,下列说法正确的是 A.通过导体的电流越大,这段导体的电阻就越小 B.导体两端的电压越高,这段导体的电阻就越大 C.导体的电阻与电压成正比,与电流成反比 D.导体两端的电压越高,这段导体中的电流就越大 8.甲金属球的质量为2 kg、密度为ρ1,乙金属球的质量为4 kg、密度为ρ2,如果把这两个金属球制成质量为6 kg的合金球,则这个合金球的密度为 A.(ρ1+2ρ2)/3 B.3ρ1ρ2/2(ρ1+ρ2) C.3ρ1ρ2/(ρ2+2ρ1) D.2(ρ1+ρ2)/3 9.投影仪的光源灯泡功率很大,发光时必须用风扇降温。为了保证灯泡不被烧坏,要求带动风扇的电动机先启动,灯泡后发光;风扇不转时,灯泡不要发光。则能满足这一要求的电路是 A B C D 注意:第10~12题中,每题至少有两个选项正确。 10.下列说法正确的是 A.“电生磁”的实验依据是著名的“法拉第电磁感应实验” B.电动机是根据“通电导线在磁场中受力”的原理制成的 C.通电导线在磁场中的受力方向跟磁感线的方向有关 D.通电导线在磁场中所受的力就是磁极之间的作用力 11.某宾馆大厅的水平地面和墙壁都贴上了材料、厚度和颜色郁相同的大理石,但地面较光滑,墙壁是粗糙的。小明用激光笔斜对着地面照射,如图1所示。他看到 对面墙壁上出现一个较亮的光斑,而地面上的光斑不太亮。则 下列说法正确的是 A.墙壁对光发生镜面反射 B.墙壁对光发生漫反射 C.地面对光的漫反射较弱 D.地面对光既有镜面反射也有漫反射 12.一个装满某种液体的长圆筒直立在水平桌面上,在圆筒上开一 个很小的孔a,液体将从小孔中射出,如图2所示。则下列说 法正确的是 A.如果筒中液体的密度越大,小孔处液体产生的压强就越大 B.开的孔越低,液体射出的速度越大 C.开的孔越低,液体射出的水平距离越大 D.小孔处液体产生的压强大于大气压强


大连市2019年初中毕业升学考试英语 第I卷选择题(共74分) I.单项填空(本题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分) 从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (2012, 辽宁大连) 1. My mother is ____ English teacher in a university in Beijing. A. a B. an C. the D./ 答案:B (2012, 辽宁大连) 2.Project Hope has built many schools ____ big classrooms and libraries. A.in B. of C. for D. with 答案:D (2012, 辽宁大连) 3.I ____ to the cinema. Would you like to come with me? A. go B. am going C have gone D. went 答案:B (2012, 辽连) 4.Lingling and Betty are great. ____ of them have been chosen to enter the maths competition. A. None B. Neither C. All D. Both 答案:D (2012, 辽宁大连) 5.Do not use so much water. It's ____. A. healthy B. useful C. wasteful D. rude 答案:C (2012, 辽宁大连) 6.Liu Xiang won the first Olympic gold ____ in the 110m hurdles for China. A. medal B. prize C. symbol D. record 答案:A (2012, 辽宁大连) 7.Mum, can I have something to ____ now? I'm really hungry! A. do B. use C. eat D. see 答案:C (2012, 辽宁大连) https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e16621923.html,ptops are smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very ____. A. clearly B. regularly C. easily D. carefully 答案:C (2012, 辽宁大连) 9.In Britain, you ____ be 18 if you want to drive a car. A. can B. must C. may D might 答案:B (2012, 辽宁大连) 10.The ____ of the great book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is Mark Twain.. A. theme B. price C. owner D. writer 答案:D (2012, 辽宁大连) 11.Mark isn't coming to the concert ____ he has got too much work to do. A. so B. until C. although D. because 答案:D (2012, 辽宁大连) 12. Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was ____ in the past. A. common B. more common C. less common D. the most common 答案:C (2012, 辽宁大连) 13.David wrote a story about teenage life, and it ____ as a book in 2003. A. went out B. came up C. grew up D. came out


精选历年各地中考真题 英语试卷 (时间:120分钟总分:120分)学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 座号________ 第I卷选择题 单项填空从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 1.The Silk Road has been a bridge between the East and the West over 2,000 years. A. at B. for C. in D. from 2.There's no empty table.Would you please share with me? A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself 3.Mum,may I wear this new to the party tonight? A. skirt B. balloon C. fan D. flag 4.My father is very busy.He has spare time. A. always B. usually C. seldom D. sometimes 5.﹣Must we take the underground to the airport? ﹣Yes,we .The traffic is very heavy now. A. must B. can C. may D. would 6.Jim to hospital at once after he got hurt. A. sent B. is sent C. will be sent D. was sent 7.The presenter an interview with our monitor at this time yesterday. A. did B. was doing C. does D. has done 8.﹣is your family going to BeijingExpo(北京世园会),Lucy? ﹣In August. A. How B. When C. Where D. Why 9.It's better to your rubbish into plastic,glass,paper and rubber before throwing it away. A. move B. put C. change D. divide 10.Peter won't be surprised because I him the news already. A. told B. will tell C. have told D. am telling 11.It is getting dark.Why not the lights?


2013辽宁省大连市中考英语试题 第I卷选择题(共74分) I.单项填空(本题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分) 从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Jim is______ good basketball player. He plays in our school team. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.In America,people start celebrating the New Year______ 31st Decemb er. A.in B.at C.on D.for 3.Many Asian elephants live in India but you can find in other countries______ as well. A.him B.them C.her D.it 4.Look at the nice ______!I've decided to wear it to the party. A.doll B.cup C.poster D.dress 5.In a green school,everyone agrees to be ______about the environment. A.nervous B.careful C.honest D.rude 6.May I ______your bike,please? I'll give it back to you soon. A.touch B.bring C.borrow D.buy 7.The British Museum is very serious.Visitors ______keep quiet. A.may B.might C.can D.must 8.-Who plays the violin ______,Sally or Kylie? -Sally.But she gave the chance to Kylie. A.well B.better C.best D.the best 9.Your handwriting will certainly improve______ you practise it every day. A.though B.before C.if D.until 10.-What's the book on your table,Lingling? -Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.Betty ______it to me from England. A.is sending B.will send C.sends D.sent 11.We want to set off______ so that we can avoid the heavy traffic. A.early B.recently C.happily D.quietly 12.Most Australians love going to the ______to swim and surf. A.beach B.forest C.grassland D.desert 13.- ______is the boy with a pair of glasses? -My brother,John. A.How B.Who C.Where D.What 14.I______ know a lot about my pen friend although we've met before. A.often B.always C.never https://www.doczj.com/doc/8e16621923.html,ually 15.Many students write to Language Doctor to ______advice about learning English. A.look through B.ask for C.give up D.worry about 16.-Congratulations!You have won the first prize in the photo competition. - ______ . A.Thank you! B.Good idea! C.Of course D.Enjoy yourself! II.完形填空(一)(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选择。

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